
[View deltime.c] 
[View deltime.man] 
[View dtime.c] 
[View lexstring.c] 
[View libtws.man] 
[View parsetime.c] 
[View phoon.c] 
[View phoon.man] 
[View tws.h] 


First distribution of phoon, deltime, and libtws - 15nov86.

This package contains two programs and a library:

    phoon - program to display the PHase of the mOON.  Unlike other
    such programs, which just tell you how long since first quarter
    or something like that, phoon *shows* you the phase with a little
    picture.  I've put an example at the end of this file.

    deltime - program to subtract date/times.  Tells you the difference
    between two date/times, or between now and a specified date/time.
    I once used this to help a friend quit smoking - every time she
    logged in, the computer told her how many days since her last
    cigarette.  I also use it in my .login, to tell me how old I am.

    libtws - date/time library.  Unlike the standard Unix(R)
    date/time routines, libtws lets you parse a date/time string
    into internal form.  Most of this library came from version
    6.5 of the MH message handling system, courtesy of Marshall Rose.

Files in this distribution:

    README		this
    Makefile		guess
    deltime.c		source for time subtraction tool
    deltime.man		manual for time subtraction tool
    dtime.c		source for most of the time routines
    dtimep.lex		source for time-parsing routine
    lexedit.sed		script to modify output of lex
    lexstring.c		front end for time-parsing routine
    libtws.man		manual for time library
    parsetime.c		source for test program
    phoon.c		source for phase of moon program
    phoon.man		manual for phase of moon program
    tws.h		include file for time library

Unpack the files, edit Makefile and change the options to suit,
make, and enjoy!  I've tested this stuff under 4.2 BSD, 4.3 BSD,
and System V rel 2.  Nevertheless, I'm sure bugs remain.  Feedback
is welcome - send bug reports, enhancements, checks, money orders,
etc. to the addresses below.

     Jef Poskanzer, UniSoft Systems, Berkeley

             .--'  o     . .   `--.
          .-'   .    O   .       . `-.
        -'@   @@@@@@@   .  @@@@@      `-.
       @@@  @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@   .    \
     /    o @@@@@@@@@@@   @@@@@@@       . \.
    @@  o   @@@@@@@@@@@.   @@@@@@@   O      \
   @@@@   .   @@@@@@@o    @@@@@@@@@@     @@@ \
   @@@@@               . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@|
  @@@@@  O  `.-./  .      @@@@@@@@@@@@    @@  \		First Quarter +
   @@@@    --`-'       o     @@@@@@@@ @@@@    |		5 22:33:24
  @ @@@        `    o      .  @@   . @@@@@@@  |		Full Moon -    
         @@            .-.     @@@   @@@@@@@  |		1 10:37:39
    . o        @@@     `-'   . @@@@   @@@@  o /
         @@   @@@@@ .           @@   .       |
        @@@@  @\@@    /  .  O    .     o   . /
      o  @@     \ \  /         .    .       /
     \     .    .\.-.___   .      .   .-. /'
                  `-'                `-' /
        -.   o   / |     o    O   .   .-'
          `-.   /     .       .    .-'
             `--.       .      .--'

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.