
This is dtime.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* dtime.c - routines to do ``ARPA-style'' time structures */
#ifndef	lint
static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id: dtime.c,v 1991/04/28 03:57:58 karl Exp $";
#endif	lint


#include "tws.h"
#ifndef	INETONLY
#include "../h/strings.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if	!defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO)
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#endif	/* !defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO) */
#ifdef	BSD42
#include <sys/time.h>
#else	BSD42
#include <time.h>
#endif	BSD42

#ifdef	SYS5
extern int  daylight;
extern long timezone;
extern char *tzname[];
#endif	SYS5

/*  */

#define	abs(a)	(a >= 0 ? a : -a)

#define	dysize(y)	\
	(((y) % 4) ? 365 : (((y) % 100) ? 366 : (((y) % 400) ? 365 : 366)))

/*  */

char *tw_moty[] = {
    "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL

char *tw_dotw[] = {
    "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", NULL

char *tw_ldotw[] = {
    "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
    "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", NULL

/*  */

static struct zone {
    char   *std,
    int     shift;
}                   zones[] = {
			"GMT", "BST", 0,
                        "EST", "EDT", -5,
                        "CST", "CDT", -6,
                        "MST", "MDT", -7,
                        "PST", "PDT", -8,
#ifdef	notdef	/* RFC1123 specifies do not use military TZs */
                        "A", NULL, -1,
                        "B", NULL, -2,
                        "C", NULL, -3,
                        "D", NULL, -4,
                        "E", NULL, -5,
                        "F", NULL, -6,
                        "G", NULL, -7,
                        "H", NULL, -8,
                        "I", NULL, -9,
                        "K", NULL, -10,
                        "L", NULL, -11,
                        "M", NULL, -12,
                        "N", NULL, 1,
#ifndef	HUJI
                        "O", NULL, 2,
#else	HUJI
			"JST", "JDT", 2,
#endif	HUJI
                        "P", NULL, 3,
                        "Q", NULL, 4,
                        "R", NULL, 5,
                        "S", NULL, 6,
                        "T", NULL, 7,
                        "U", NULL, 8,
                        "V", NULL, 9,
                        "W", NULL, 10,
                        "X", NULL, 11,
                        "Y", NULL, 12,
#endif	notdef


#define CENTURY 19

long    time ();
struct tm *localtime ();

/*  */

char *dtimenow () {
    long    clock;

    (void) time (&clock);
    return dtime (&clock);

char   *dctime (tw)
register struct tws *tw;
    static char buffer[25];

    if (!tw)
	return NULL;

    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%.3s %.3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %.4d\n",
	    tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday], tw_moty[tw -> tw_mon], tw -> tw_mday,
	    tw -> tw_hour, tw -> tw_min, tw -> tw_sec,
	    tw -> tw_year >= 100 ? tw -> tw_year : 1900 + tw -> tw_year);

    return buffer;

/*  */

struct tws *dtwstime () {
    long    clock;

    (void) time (&clock);
    return dlocaltime (&clock);

struct tws *dlocaltime (clock)
register long   *clock;
    register struct tm *tm;
#if	!defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO)
    struct timeb    tb;
#endif	/* !defined(SYS5) && !defined(ZONEINFO) */
    static struct tws   tw;

    if (!clock)
	return NULL;
    tw.tw_flags = TW_NULL;

    tm = localtime (clock);
    tw.tw_sec = tm -> tm_sec;
    tw.tw_min = tm -> tm_min;
    tw.tw_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
    tw.tw_mday = tm -> tm_mday;
    tw.tw_mon = tm -> tm_mon;
    tw.tw_year = tm -> tm_year;
    tw.tw_wday = tm -> tm_wday;
    tw.tw_yday = tm -> tm_yday;
    if (tm -> tm_isdst)
	tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST;
#if	defined(SYS5)
    tzset ();
    tw.tw_zone = -(timezone / 60);
#else	/* defined(SYS5) */
#if	defined(ZONEINFO)
    tw.tw_zone = tm->tm_gmtoff / 60;
#else	/* defined(ZONEINFO) */
    ftime (&tb);
    tw.tw_zone = -tb.timezone;
#endif	/* defined(ZONEINFO) */
#endif	/* defined(SYS5) */
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SZONE, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SZEXP;
    tw.tw_clock = *clock;

    return (&tw);

struct tws *dgmtime (clock)
register long   *clock;
    register struct tm *tm;
    static struct tws   tw;

    if (!clock)
	return NULL;
    tw.tw_flags = TW_NULL;

    tm = gmtime (clock);
    tw.tw_sec = tm -> tm_sec;
    tw.tw_min = tm -> tm_min;
    tw.tw_hour = tm -> tm_hour;
    tw.tw_mday = tm -> tm_mday;
    tw.tw_mon = tm -> tm_mon;
    tw.tw_year = tm -> tm_year;
    tw.tw_wday = tm -> tm_wday;
    tw.tw_yday = tm -> tm_yday;
    if (tm -> tm_isdst)
	tw.tw_flags |= TW_DST;
    tw.tw_zone = 0;
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SEXP;
    tw.tw_flags &= ~TW_SZONE, tw.tw_flags |= TW_SZEXP;
    tw.tw_clock = *clock;

    return (&tw);

/*  */

char   *dasctime (tw, flags)
register struct tws *tw;
int	flags;
    char buffer[80];
    static char result[80];

    if (!tw)
	return NULL;

    /* Display timezone if known */
    if ((tw->tw_flags & TW_SZONE) == TW_SZNIL)
	    result[0] = '\0';
	    (void) sprintf(result, " %s",
		dtimezone(tw -> tw_zone, tw->tw_flags | flags));
    (void) sprintf(buffer, "%02d %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d%s",
	    tw->tw_mday, tw_moty[tw->tw_mon], tw->tw_year,
	    tw->tw_hour, tw->tw_min, tw->tw_sec, result);

    if ((tw -> tw_flags & TW_SDAY) == TW_SEXP)
	(void) sprintf (result, "%s, %s", tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday], buffer);
	if ((tw -> tw_flags & TW_SDAY) == TW_SNIL)
	    (void) strcpy (result, buffer);
	    (void) sprintf (result, "%s (%s)", buffer, tw_dotw[tw -> tw_wday]);

    return result;

/*  */

char   *dtimezone (offset, flags)
register int     offset,
    register int    hours,
    register struct zone *z;
    static char buffer[10];

    if (offset < 0) {
	mins = -((-offset) % 60);
	hours = -((-offset) / 60);
    else {
	mins = offset % 60;
	hours = offset / 60;

    if (!(flags & TW_ZONE) && mins == 0)
#if	defined(SYS5) && defined(TZNAME)
	return ((flags & TW_DST) ? tzname[1] : tzname[0]);
	for (z = zones; z -> std; z++)
	    if (z -> shift == hours)
		return (z -> dst && (flags & TW_DST) ? z -> dst : z -> std);

#if	defined(DSTXXX) && !defined(ZONEINFO)
    if (flags & TW_DST)
	hours += 1;
#endif	defined(DSTXXX) && !defined(ZONEINFO)
    (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s%02d%02d",
	    offset < 0 ? "-" : "+", abs (hours), abs (mins));
    return buffer;

/*  */

void twscopy (tb, tw)
register struct tws *tb,
#ifdef	notdef
    tb -> tw_sec = tw -> tw_sec;
    tb -> tw_min = tw -> tw_min;
    tb -> tw_hour = tw -> tw_hour;
    tb -> tw_mday = tw -> tw_mday;
    tb -> tw_mon = tw -> tw_mon;
    tb -> tw_year = tw -> tw_year;
    tb -> tw_wday = tw -> tw_wday;
    tb -> tw_yday = tw -> tw_yday;
    tb -> tw_zone = tw -> tw_zone;
    tb -> tw_clock = tw -> tw_clock;
    tb -> tw_flags = tw -> tw_flags;
#else	not notdef
    *tb = *tw;
#endif	not notdef

int     twsort (tw1, tw2)
register struct tws *tw1,
    register long   c1,

    if (tw1 -> tw_clock == 0L)
	(void) twclock (tw1);
    if (tw2 -> tw_clock == 0L)
	(void) twclock (tw2);

    return ((c1 = tw1 -> tw_clock) > (c2 = tw2 -> tw_clock) ? 1
	    : c1 == c2 ? 0 : -1);

/*  */

/* This routine is based on the gtime() routine written by Steven Shafer
   (sas) at CMU.  It was forwarded to MTR by Jay Lepreau at Utah-CS.

static int  dmsize[] = {
    31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31

long	twclock (tw)
register struct	tws *tw;
    register int    i,
    register long   result;

    if (tw -> tw_clock != 0L)
	return tw -> tw_clock;

    if ((sec = tw -> tw_sec) < 0 || sec > 59
	    || (min = tw -> tw_min) < 0 || min > 59
	    || (hour = tw -> tw_hour) < 0 || hour > 23
	    || (mday = tw -> tw_mday) < 1 || mday > 31
	    || (mon = tw -> tw_mon + 1) < 1 || mon > 12)
	return (tw -> tw_clock = -1L);
    year = tw -> tw_year;

    result = 0L;
    year += 1900;
    for (i = 1970; i < year; i++)
	result += dysize (i);
    if (dysize (year) == 366 && mon >= 3)
    while (--mon)
	result += dmsize[mon - 1];
    result += mday - 1;
    result = 24 * result + hour;
    result = 60 * result + min;
    result = 60 * result + sec;
    result -= 60 * tw -> tw_zone;
    if (tw -> tw_flags & TW_DST)
	result -= 60 * 60;

    return (tw -> tw_clock = result);

/*  */

 *    Simple calculation of day of the week.  Algorithm used is Zeller's
 *    congruence.  Currently, we assume if tw -> tw_year < 100
 *    then the century is CENTURY.

set_dotw (tw)
register struct tws *tw;
    register int    month,

    month = tw -> tw_mon - 1;
    day = tw -> tw_mday;
    year = tw -> tw_year % 100;
    century = tw -> tw_year >= 100 ? tw -> tw_year / 100 : CENTURY;

    if (month <= 0) {
	month += 12;
	if (--year < 0) {
	    year += 100;

    tw -> tw_wday =
	((26 * month - 2) / 10 + day + year + year / 4
	    - 3 * century / 4 + 1) % 7;

    tw -> tw_flags &= ~TW_SDAY, tw -> tw_flags |= TW_SIMP;

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