
This is history.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 *    You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 *    as specified in the README file that comes with the CVS 1.0 kit.
 * **************** History of Users and Module ****************
 * On For each Tag, Add, Checkout, Commit, Update or Release command,
 * one line of text is written to a History log.
 *	X date | user | CurDir | special | rev(s) | argument '\n'
 * where: [The spaces in the example line above are not in the history file.]
 *  X		is a single character showing the type of event:
 *		T	"Tag" cmd.
 *		O	"Checkout" cmd.
 *		F	"Release" cmd.
 *		W	"Update" cmd - No User file, Remove from Entries file.
 *		U	"Update" cmd - File was checked out over User file.
 *		G	"Update" cmd - File was merged successfully.
 *		C	"Update" cmd - File was merged and shows overlaps.
 *		M	"Commit" cmd - "Modified" file.
 *		A	"Commit" cmd - "Added" file.
 *		R	"Commit" cmd - "Removed" file.
 *  date	is a fixed length 8-char hex representation of a Unix time_t.
 *		[Starting here, variable fields are delimited by '|' chars.]
 *  user	is the username of the person who typed the command.
 *  CurDir	The directory where the action occurred.  This should be the
 *		absolute path of the directory which is at the same level as
 *		the "Repository" field (for W,U,G,C & M,A,R).
 *  Repository	For record types [W,U,G,C,M,A,R] this field holds the
 *		repository read from the administrative data where the
 *		command was typed.
 *		T	"A" --> New Tag, "D" --> Delete Tag
 *			Otherwise it is the Tag or Date to modify.
 *		O,F	A "" (null field)
 *  rev(s)	Revision number or tag.
 *		T	The Tag to apply.
 *		O	The Tag or Date, if specified, else "" (null field).
 *		F	"" (null field)
 *		W	The Tag or Date, if specified, else "" (null field).
 *		U	The Revision checked out over the User file.
 *		G,C	The Revision(s) involved in merge.
 *		M,A,R	RCS Revision affected.
 *  argument	The module (for [TOUF]) or file (for [WUGCMAR]) affected.
 *** Report categories: "User" and "Since" modifiers apply to all reports.
 *			[For "sort" ordering see the "sort_order" routine.]
 *   Extract list of record types
 *	-e, -x [TOFWUGCMAR]
 *		Extracted records are simply printed, No analysis is performed.
 *		All "field" modifiers apply.  -e chooses all types.
 *   Checked 'O'ut modules
 *	-o, -w
 *		Checked out modules.  'F' and 'O' records are examined and if
 *		the last record for a repository/file is an 'O', a line is
 *		printed.  "-w" forces the "working dir" to be used in the
 *		comparison instead of the repository.
 *   Committed (Modified) files
 *	-c, -l, -w
 *		All 'M'odified, 'A'dded and 'R'emoved records are examined.
 *		"Field" modifiers apply.  -l forces a sort by file within user
 *		and shows only the last modifier.  -w works as in Checkout.
 *		Warning: Be careful with what you infer from the output of
 *			 "cvs hi -c -l".  It means the last time *you*
 *			 changed the file, not the list of files for which
 *			 you were the last changer!!!
 *   Module history for named modules.
 *	-m module, -l
 *		This is special.  If one or more modules are specified, the
 *		module names are remembered and the files making up the
 *		modules are remembered.  Only records matching exactly those
 *		files and repositories are shown.  Sorting by "module", then
 *		filename, is implied.  If -l ("last modified") is specified,
 *		then "update" records (types WUCG), tag and release records
 *		are ignored and the last (by date) "modified" record.
 *   TAG history
 *	-T	All Tag records are displayed.
 *** Modifiers.
 *   Since ...		[All records contain a timestamp, so any report
 *			 category can be limited by date.]
 *	-D date		- The "date" is parsed into a Unix "time_t" and
 *			  records with an earlier time stamp are ignored.
 *	-r rev/tag	- A "rev" begins with a digit.  A "tag" does not.  If
 *			  you use this option, every file is searched for the
 *			  indicated rev/tag.
 *	-t tag		- The "tag" is searched for in the history file and no
 *			  record is displayed before the tag is found.  An
 *			  error is printed if the tag is never found.
 *	-b string	- Records are printed only back to the last reference
 *			  to the string in the "module", "file" or
 *			  "repository" fields.
 *   Field Selections	[Simple comparisons on existing fields.  All field
 *			 selections are repeatable.]
 *	-a		- All users.
 *	-u user		- If no user is given and '-a' is not given, only
 *			  records for the user typing the command are shown.
 *			  ==> If -a or -u is not specified, just use "self".
 *	-f filematch	- Only records in which the "file" field contains the
 *			  string "filematch" are considered.
 *	-p repository	- Only records in which the "repository" string is a
 *			  prefix of the "repos" field are considered.
 *	-m modulename	- Only records which contain "modulename" in the
 *			  "module" field are considered.
 * EXAMPLES: ("cvs history", "cvs his" or "cvs hi")
 *** Checked out files for username.  (default self, e.g. "dgg")
 *	cvs hi			[equivalent to: "cvs hi -o -u dgg"]
 *	cvs hi -u user		[equivalent to: "cvs hi -o -u user"]
 *	cvs hi -o		[equivalent to: "cvs hi -o -u dgg"]
 *** Committed (modified) files from the beginning of the file.
 *	cvs hi -c [-u user]
 *** Committed (modified) files since Midnight, January 1, 1990:
 *	cvs hi -c -D 'Jan 1 1990' [-u user]
 *** Committed (modified) files since tag "TAG" was stored in the history file:
 *	cvs hi -c -t TAG [-u user]
 *** Committed (modified) files since tag "TAG" was placed on the files:
 *	cvs hi -c -r TAG [-u user]
 *** Who last committed file/repository X?
 *	cvs hi -c -l -[fp] X
 *** Modified files since tag/date/file/repos?
 *	cvs hi -c {-r TAG | -D Date | -b string}
 *** Tag history
 *	cvs hi -T
 *** History of file/repository/module X.
 *	cvs hi -[fpn] X
 *** History of user "user".
 *	cvs hi -e -u user
 *** Dump (eXtract) specified record types
 *	cvs hi -x [TOFWUGCMAR]
 * FUTURE:		J[Join], I[Import]  (Not currently implemented.)

#include "cvs.h"
/* rcvs: header */
#include "rcvs.h"

#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#)history.c 1.31 92/04/10";

static struct hrec
    char *type;		/* Type of record (In history record) */
    char *user;		/* Username (In history record) */
    char *dir;		/* "Compressed" Working dir (In history record) */
    char *repos;	/* (Tag is special.) Repository (In history record) */
    char *rev;		/* Revision affected (In history record) */
    char *file;		/* Filename (In history record) */
    char *end;		/* Ptr into repository to copy at end of workdir */
    char *mod;		/* The module within which the file is contained */
    time_t date;	/* Calculated from date stored in record */
    int idx;		/* Index of record, for "stable" sort. */
} *hrec_head;

#if __STDC__
static char *fill_hrec (char *line, struct hrec * hr);
static int accept_hrec (struct hrec * hr, struct hrec * lr);
static int select_hrec (struct hrec * hr);
static int sort_order (CONST PTR l, CONST PTR r);
static int within (char *find, char *string);
static time_t date_and_time (char *date_str);
static void expand_modules (void);
static void read_hrecs (char *fname);
static void report_hrecs (void);
static void save_file (char *dir, char *name, char *module);
static void save_module (char *module);
static void save_user (char *name);
static int sort_order ();
static time_t date_and_time ();
static void save_user ();
static void save_file ();
static void save_module ();
static void expand_modules ();
static char *fill_hrec ();
static void read_hrecs ();
static int within ();
static int select_hrec ();
static void report_hrecs ();
static int accept_hrec ();
#endif				/* __STDC__ */

#define FILE_INCREMENT	128
#define HREC_INCREMENT	128

static short report_count;

static short extract;
static short v_checkout;
static short modified;
static short tag_report;
static short module_report;
static short working;
static short last_entry;
static short all_users;

static short user_sort;
static short repos_sort;
static short file_sort;
static short module_sort;

static time_t since_date;
static char since_rev[20];	/* Maxrev ~= */
static char since_tag[64];
static struct hrec *last_since_tag;
static char backto[128];
static struct hrec *last_backto;
static char rec_types[20];

static int hrec_count;
static int hrec_max;

static char **user_list;	/* Ptr to array of ptrs to user names */
static int user_max;		/* Number of elements allocated */
static int user_count;		/* Number of elements used */

static struct file_list_str
    char *l_file;
    char *l_module;
} *file_list;			/* Ptr to array file name structs */
static int file_max;		/* Number of elements allocated */
static int file_count;		/* Number of elements used */

static char **mod_list;		/* Ptr to array of ptrs to module names */
static int mod_max;		/* Number of elements allocated */
static int mod_count;		/* Number of elements used */

static int histsize;
static char *histdata;
static char *histfile;		/* Ptr to the history file name */

static char *history_usg[] =
    "Usage: %s %s [-report] [-flags] [-options args] [files...]\n\n",
    "   Reports:\n",
    "        -T              Produce report on all TAGs\n",
    "        -c              Committed (Modified) files\n",
    "        -o              Checked out modules\n",
    "        -m <module>     Look for specified module (repeatable)\n",
    "        -x [TOFWUCGMAR] Extract by record type\n",
    "   Flags:\n",
    "        -a              All users (Default is self)\n",
    "        -e              Everything (same as -x, but all record types)\n",
    "        -l              Last modified (committed or modified report)\n",
    "        -w              Working directory must match\n",
    "   Options:\n",
    "        -D <date>       Since date (Many formats)\n",
    "        -b <str>        Back to record with str in module/file/repos field\n",
    "        -f <file>       Specified file (same as command line) (repeatable)\n",
    "        -n <modulename> In module (repeatable)\n",
    "        -p <repos>      In repository (repeatable)\n",
    "        -r <rev/tag>    Since rev or tag (looks inside RCS files!)\n",
    "        -t <tag>        Since tag record placed in history file (by anyone).\n",
    "        -u <user>       For user name (repeatable)\n",

/* Sort routine for qsort:
   - If a user is selected at all, sort it first. User-within-file is useless.
   - If a module was selected explicitly, sort next on module.
   - Then sort by file.  "File" is "repository/file" unless "working" is set,
     then it is "workdir/file".  (Revision order should always track date.)
   - Always sort timestamp last.
static int
sort_order (l, r)
    CONST PTR l;
    CONST PTR r;
    int i;
    CONST struct hrec *left = (CONST struct hrec *) l;
    CONST struct hrec *right = (CONST struct hrec *) r;

    if (user_sort)	/* If Sort by username, compare users */
	if ((i = strcmp (left->user, right->user)) != 0)
	    return (i);
    if (module_sort)	/* If sort by modules, compare module names */
	if (left->mod && right->mod)
	    if ((i = strcmp (left->mod, right->mod)) != 0)
		return (i);
    if (repos_sort)	/* If sort by repository, compare them. */
	if ((i = strcmp (left->repos, right->repos)) != 0)
	    return (i);
    if (file_sort)	/* If sort by filename, compare files, NOT dirs. */
	if ((i = strcmp (left->file, right->file)) != 0)
	    return (i);

	if (working)
	    if ((i = strcmp (left->dir, right->dir)) != 0)
		return (i);

	    if ((i = strcmp (left->end, right->end)) != 0)
		return (i);

     * By default, sort by date, time
     * XXX: This fails after 2030 when date slides into sign bit
    if ((i = ((long) (left->date) - (long) (right->date))) != 0)
	return (i);

    /* For matching dates, keep the sort stable by using record index */
    return (left->idx - right->idx);

static time_t
date_and_time (date_str)
    char *date_str;
    time_t t;

    t = get_date (date_str, (struct timeb *) NULL);
    if (t == (time_t) - 1)
	error (1, 0, "Can't parse date/time: %s", date_str);
    return (t);

history (argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    int i, c;
    char fname[PATH_MAX];

    if (argc == -1)
	usage (history_usg);

    optind = 1;
    while ((c = gnu_getopt (argc, argv, "Tacelow?D:b:f:m:n:p:r:t:u:x:X:")) != -1)
        /* rcvs: quietly go through all options */
        if (rcvs_parse_opt)

	switch (c)
	    case 'T':			/* Tag list */
	    case 'a':			/* For all usernames */
	    case 'c':
		modified = 1;
	    case 'e':
		(void) strcpy (rec_types, ALL_REC_TYPES);
	    case 'l':			/* Find Last file record */
		last_entry = 1;
	    case 'o':
		v_checkout = 1;
	    case 'w':			/* Match Working Dir (CurDir) fields */
		working = 1;
	    case 'X':			/* Undocumented debugging flag */
		histfile = optarg;
	    case 'D':			/* Since specified date */
		if (*since_rev || *since_tag || *backto)
		    error (0, 0, "date overriding rev/tag/backto");
		    *since_rev = *since_tag = *backto = '\0';
		since_date = date_and_time (optarg);
	    case 'b':			/* Since specified file/Repos */
		if (since_date || *since_rev || *since_tag)
		    error (0, 0, "backto overriding date/rev/tag");
		    *since_rev = *since_tag = '\0';
		    since_date = 0;
		if (strlen (optarg) >= sizeof (backto))
		    error (0, 0, "backto truncated to %d bytes",
			   sizeof (backto) - 1);
		    optarg[sizeof (backto) - 1] = '\0';
		(void) strcpy (backto, optarg);
	    case 'f':			/* For specified file */
		save_file ("", optarg, (char *) NULL);
	    case 'm':			/* Full module report */
	    case 'n':			/* Look for specified module */
		save_module (optarg);
	    case 'p':			/* For specified directory */
		save_file (optarg, "", (char *) NULL);
	    case 'r':			/* Since specified Tag/Rev */
		if (since_date || *since_tag || *backto)
		    error (0, 0, "rev overriding date/tag/backto");
		    *since_tag = *backto = '\0';
		    since_date = 0;
		(void) strcpy (since_rev, optarg);
	    case 't':			/* Since specified Tag/Rev */
		if (since_date || *since_rev || *backto)
		    error (0, 0, "tag overriding date/marker/file/repos");
		    *since_rev = *backto = '\0';
		    since_date = 0;
		(void) strcpy (since_tag, optarg);	/* tag */
	    case 'u':			/* For specified username */
		save_user (optarg);
	    case 'x':
		    char *cp;

		    for (cp = optarg; *cp; cp++)
			if (!index (ALL_REC_TYPES, *cp))
			    error (1, 0, "%c is not a valid report type", cp);
		(void) strcpy (rec_types, optarg);
	    case '?':
		usage (history_usg);
    c = optind;				/* Save the handled option count */

    /* rcvs: return to rcvs_main after parsing options */
    if (rcvs_parse_opt)
        rcvs_cmd_optind = c;
        return (0);

    /* ================ Now analyze the arguments a bit */
    if (!report_count)
    else if (report_count > 1)
	error (1, 0, "Only one report type allowed from: \"-Tcomx\".");

    if (all_users)
	save_user ("");

    if (mod_list)
	expand_modules ();

    if (tag_report)
	if (!index (rec_types, 'T'))
	    (void) strcat (rec_types, "T");
    else if (extract)
	if (user_list)
    else if (modified)
	(void) strcpy (rec_types, "MAR");
	 * If the user has not specified a date oriented flag ("Since"), sort
	 * by Repository/file before date.  Default is "just" date.
	if (!since_date && !*since_rev && !*since_tag && !*backto)
	     * If we are not looking for last_modified and the user specified
	     * one or more users to look at, sort by user before filename.
	    if (!last_entry && user_list)
    else if (module_report)
	(void) strcpy (rec_types, last_entry ? "OMAR" : ALL_REC_TYPES);
	working = 0;			/* User's workdir doesn't count here */
	/* Must be "checkout" or default */
	(void) strcpy (rec_types, "OF");
	/* See comments in "modified" above */
	if (!last_entry && user_list)
	if (!since_date && !*since_rev && !*since_tag && !*backto)

    /* If no users were specified, use self (-a saves a universal ("") user) */
    if (!user_list)
	save_user (getcaller ());

    /* If we're looking back to a Tag value, must consider "Tag" records */
    if (*since_tag && !index (rec_types, 'T'))
	(void) strcat (rec_types, "T");

    argc -= c;
    argv += c;
    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
	save_file ("", argv[i], (char *) NULL);

    if (histfile)
	(void) strcpy (fname, histfile);
	(void) sprintf (fname, "%s/%s/%s", CVSroot,

    read_hrecs (fname);
    qsort ((PTR) hrec_head, hrec_count, sizeof (struct hrec), sort_order);
    report_hrecs ();

    return (0);

history_write (type, update_dir, revs, name, repository)
    int type;
    char *update_dir;
    char *revs;
    char *name;
    char *repository;
    char fname[PATH_MAX], workdir[PATH_MAX], homedir[PATH_MAX];
    static char username[20];		/* !!! Should be global */
    FILE *fp;
    char *slash = "", *cp, *cp2, *repos;
    int i;
    static char *tilde = "";
    static char *PrCurDir = NULL;

    if (logoff)			/* History is turned off by cmd line switch */
    (void) sprintf (fname, "%s/%s/%s", CVSroot, CVSROOTADM, CVSROOTADM_HISTORY);

    /* turn off history logging if the history file does not exist */
    if (!isfile (fname))
	logoff = 1;

    if (!(fp = Fopen (fname, "a")))	/* Some directory not there! */

    repos = Short_Repository (repository);

    if (!PrCurDir)
	struct passwd *pw;

	(void) strcpy (username, getcaller ());
	PrCurDir = CurDir;
	if (!(pw = (struct passwd *) getpwnam (username)))
	    error (0, 0, "cannot find own username");
	    /* Assumes neither CurDir nor pw->pw_dir ends in '/' */
	    i = strlen (pw->pw_dir);
	    if (!strncmp (CurDir, pw->pw_dir, i))
		PrCurDir += i;		/* Point to '/' separator */
		tilde = "~";
		/* Try harder to find a "homedir" */
		if (!getwd (workdir))
		    error (1, errno, "can't getwd in history");
		if (chdir (pw->pw_dir) < 0)
		    error (1, errno, "can't chdir(%s)", pw->pw_dir);
		if (!getwd (homedir))
		    error (1, errno, "can't getwd in:", pw->pw_dir);
		(void) chdir (workdir);

		i = strlen (homedir);
		if (!strncmp (CurDir, homedir, i))
		    PrCurDir += i;	/* Point to '/' separator */
		    tilde = "~";

    if (type == 'T')
	repos = update_dir;
	update_dir = "";
    else if (update_dir && *update_dir)
	slash = "/";
	update_dir = "";

    (void) sprintf (workdir, "%s%s%s%s", tilde, PrCurDir, slash, update_dir);

     * "workdir" is the directory where the file "name" is. ("^~" == $HOME)
     * "repos"	is the Repository, relative to $CVSROOT where the RCS file is.
     * "$workdir/$name" is the working file name.
     * "$CVSROOT/$repos/$name,v" is the RCS file in the Repository.
     * First, note that the history format was intended to save space, not
     * to be human readable.
     * The working file directory ("workdir") and the Repository ("repos")
     * usually end with the same one or more directory elements.  To avoid
     * duplication (and save space), the "workdir" field ends with
     * an integer offset into the "repos" field.  This offset indicates the
     * beginning of the "tail" of "repos", after which all characters are
     * duplicates.
     * In other words, if the "workdir" field has a '*' (a very stupid thing
     * to put in a filename) in it, then every thing following the last '*'
     * is a hex offset into "repos" of the first character from "repos" to
     * append to "workdir" to finish the pathname.
     * It might be easier to look at an example:
     *  M273b3463|dgg|~/work*9|usr/local/cvs/examples|1.2|loginfo
     * Indicates that the workdir is really "~/work/cvs/examples", saving
     * 10 characters, where "~/work*d" would save 6 characters and mean that
     * the workdir is really "~/work/examples".  It will mean more on
     * directories like: usr/local/gnu/emacs/dist-19.17/lisp/term
     * "workdir" is always an absolute pathname (~/xxx is an absolute path)
     * "repos" is always a relative pathname.  So we can assume that we will
     * never run into the top of "workdir" -- there will always be a '/' or
     * a '~' at the head of "workdir" that is not matched by anything in
     * "repos".  On the other hand, we *can* run off the top of "repos".
     * Only "compress" if we save characters.

    if (!repos)
	repos = "";

    cp = workdir + strlen (workdir) - 1;
    cp2 = repos + strlen (repos) - 1;
    for (i = 0; cp2 >= repos && cp > workdir && *cp == *cp2--; cp--)

    if (i > 2)
	i = strlen (repos) - i;
	(void) sprintf ((cp + 1), "*%x", i);

    if (fprintf (fp, "%c%08x|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s\n", type, time ((time_t *) NULL),
		 username, workdir, repos, revs ? revs : "", name) == EOF)
	error (1, errno, "cannot write to history file: %s", fname);
    (void) fclose (fp);

 * save_user() adds a user name to the user list to select.  Zero-length
 *		username ("") matches any user.
static void
save_user (name)
    char *name;
    if (user_count == user_max)
	user_max += USER_INCREMENT;
	user_list = (char **) xrealloc ((char *) user_list,
					(int) user_max * sizeof (char *));
    user_list[user_count++] = xstrdup (name);

 * save_file() adds file name and associated module to the file list to select.
 * If "dir" is null, store a file name as is.
 * If "name" is null, store a directory name with a '*' on the front.
 * Else, store concatenated "dir/name".
 * Later, in the "select" stage:
 *	- if it starts with '*', it is prefix-matched against the repository.
 *	- if it has a '/' in it, it is matched against the repository/file.
 *	- else it is matched against the file name.
static void
save_file (dir, name, module)
    char *dir;
    char *name;
    char *module;
    char *cp;
    struct file_list_str *fl;

    if (file_count == file_max)
	file_max += FILE_INCREMENT;
	file_list = (struct file_list_str *) xrealloc ((char *) file_list,
						   file_max * sizeof (*fl));
    fl = &file_list[file_count++];
    fl->l_file = cp = xmalloc (strlen (dir) + strlen (name) + 2);
    fl->l_module = module;

    if (dir && *dir)
	if (name && *name)
	    (void) strcpy (cp, dir);
	    (void) strcat (cp, "/");
	    (void) strcat (cp, name);
	    *cp++ = '*';
	    (void) strcpy (cp, dir);
	if (name && *name)
	    (void) strcpy (cp, name);
	    error (0, 0, "save_file: null dir and file name");

static void
save_module (module)
    char *module;
    if (mod_count == mod_max)
	mod_list = (char **) xrealloc ((char *) mod_list,
				       mod_max * sizeof (char *));
    mod_list[mod_count++] = xstrdup (module);

static void
expand_modules ()

/* fill_hrec
 * Take a ptr to 7-part history line, ending with a newline, for example:
 *	M273b3463|dgg|~/work*9|usr/local/cvs/examples|1.2|loginfo
 * Split it into 7 parts and drop the parts into a "struct hrec".
 * Return a pointer to the character following the newline.

#define NEXT_BAR(here) do { while (isspace(*line)) line++; hr->here = line; while ((c = *line++) && c != '|') ; if (!c) return(rtn); *(line - 1) = '\0'; } while (0)

static char *
fill_hrec (line, hr)
    char *line;
    struct hrec *hr;
    char *cp, *rtn;
    int c;
    int off;
    static int idx = 0;

    bzero ((char *) hr, sizeof (*hr));
    while (isspace (*line))
    if (!(rtn = index (line, '\n')))
	return ("");
    *rtn++ = '\0';

    hr->type = line++;
    (void) sscanf (line, "%x", &hr->date);
    while (*line && index ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", *line))
    if (*line == '\0')
	return (rtn);

    NEXT_BAR (user);
    NEXT_BAR (dir);
    if ((cp = rindex (hr->dir, '*')) != NULL)
	*cp++ = '\0';
	(void) sscanf (cp, "%x", &off);
	hr->end = line + off;
	hr->end = line - 1;		/* A handy pointer to '\0' */
    NEXT_BAR (repos);
    NEXT_BAR (rev);
    hr->idx = idx++;
    if (index ("FOT", *(hr->type)))
	hr->mod = line;

    NEXT_BAR (file);	/* This returns ptr to next line or final '\0' */
    return (rtn);	/* If it falls through, go on to next record */

/* read_hrecs's job is to read the history file and fill in all the "hrec"
 * (history record) array elements with the ones we need to print.
 * Logic:
 * - Read the whole history file into a single buffer.
 * - Walk through the buffer, parsing lines out of the buffer.
 *   1. Split line into pointer and integer fields in the "next" hrec.
 *   2. Apply tests to the hrec to see if it is wanted.
 *   3. If it *is* wanted, bump the hrec pointer down by one.
static void
read_hrecs (fname)
    char *fname;
    char *cp, *cp2;
    int i, fd;
    struct hrec *hr;
    struct stat st_buf;

    if ((fd = open (fname, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
	error (1, errno, "cannot open history file: %s", fname);

    if (fstat (fd, &st_buf) < 0)
	error (1, errno, "can't stat history file");

    /* Exactly enough space for lines data */
    if (!(i = st_buf.st_size))
	error (1, 0, "history file is empty");
    histdata = cp = xmalloc (i + 2);
    histsize = i;

    if (read (fd, cp, i) != i)
	error (1, errno, "cannot read log file");
    (void) close (fd);

    if (*(cp + i - 1) != '\n')
	*(cp + i) = '\n';		/* Make sure last line ends in '\n' */
    *(cp + i) = '\0';
    for (cp2 = cp; cp2 - cp < i; cp2++)
	if (*cp2 != '\n' && !isprint (*cp2))
	    *cp2 = ' ';

    hrec_max = HREC_INCREMENT;
    hrec_head = (struct hrec *) xmalloc (hrec_max * sizeof (struct hrec));

    while (*cp)
	if (hrec_count == hrec_max)
	    struct hrec *old_head = hrec_head;

	    hrec_max += HREC_INCREMENT;
	    hrec_head = (struct hrec *) xrealloc ((char *) hrec_head,
					   hrec_max * sizeof (struct hrec));
	    if (hrec_head != old_head)
		if (last_since_tag)
		    last_since_tag = hrec_head + (last_since_tag - old_head);
		if (last_backto)
		    last_backto = hrec_head + (last_backto - old_head);

	hr = hrec_head + hrec_count;
	cp = fill_hrec (cp, hr); /* cp == next line or '\0' at end of buffer */

	if (select_hrec (hr))

    /* Special selection problem: If "since_tag" is set, we have saved every
     * record from the 1st occurrence of "since_tag", when we want to save
     * records since the *last* occurrence of "since_tag".  So what we have
     * to do is bump hrec_head forward and reduce hrec_count accordingly.
    if (last_since_tag)
	hrec_count -= (last_since_tag - hrec_head);
	hrec_head = last_since_tag;

    /* Much the same thing is necessary for the "backto" option. */
    if (last_backto)
	hrec_count -= (last_backto - hrec_head);
	hrec_head = last_backto;

/* Utility program for determining whether "find" is inside "string" */
static int
within (find, string)
    char *find, *string;
    int c, len;

    if (!find || !string)
	return (0);

    c = *find++;
    len = strlen (find);

    while (*string)
	if (!(string = index (string, c)))
	    return (0);
	if (!strncmp (find, string, len))
	    return (1);
    return (0);

/* The purpose of "select_hrec" is to apply the selection criteria based on
 * the command arguments and defaults and return a flag indicating whether
 * this record should be remembered for printing.
static int
select_hrec (hr)
    struct hrec *hr;
    char **cpp, *cp, *cp2;
    struct file_list_str *fl;
    int count;

    /* "Since" checking:  The argument parser guarantees that only one of the
     *			  following four choices is set:
     * 1. If "since_date" is set, it contains a Unix time_t specified on the
     *    command line. hr->date fields earlier than "since_date" are ignored.
     * 2. If "since_rev" is set, it contains either an RCS "dotted" revision
     *    number (which is of limited use) or a symbolic TAG.  Each RCS file
     *    is examined and the date on the specified revision (or the revision
     *    corresponding to the TAG) in the RCS file (CVSROOT/repos/file) is
     *    compared against hr->date as in 1. above.
     * 3. If "since_tag" is set, matching tag records are saved.  The field
     *    "last_since_tag" is set to the last one of these.  Since we don't
     *    know where the last one will be, all records are saved from the
     *    first occurrence of the TAG.  Later, at the end of "select_hrec"
     *    records before the last occurrence of "since_tag" are skipped.
     * 4. If "backto" is set, all records with a module name or file name
     *    matching "backto" are saved.  In addition, all records with a
     *    repository field with a *prefix* matching "backto" are saved.
     *    The field "last_backto" is set to the last one of these.  As in
     *    3. above, "select_hrec" adjusts to include the last one later on.
    if (since_date)
	if (hr->date < since_date)
	    return (0);
    else if (*since_rev)
	Vers_TS *vers;
	time_t t;

	vers = Version_TS (hr->repos, (char *) NULL, since_rev, (char *) NULL,
			   hr->file, 1, 0, (List *) NULL, (List *) NULL);
	if (vers->vn_rcs)
	    if ((t = RCS_getrevtime (vers->srcfile, vers->vn_rcs, (char *) 0, 0))
		!= (time_t) 0)
		if (hr->date < t)
		    freevers_ts (&vers);
		    return (0);
	freevers_ts (&vers);
    else if (*since_tag)
	if (*(hr->type) == 'T')
	     * A 'T'ag record, the "rev" field holds the tag to be set,
	     * while the "repos" field holds "D"elete, "A"dd or a rev.
	    if (within (since_tag, hr->rev))
		last_since_tag = hr;
		return (1);
		return (0);
	if (!last_since_tag)
	    return (0);
    else if (*backto)
	if (within (backto, hr->file) || within (backto, hr->mod) ||
	    within (backto, hr->repos))
	    last_backto = hr;
	    return (0);

    /* User checking:
     * Run down "user_list", match username ("" matches anything)
     * If "" is not there and actual username is not there, return failure.
    if (user_list && hr->user)
	for (cpp = user_list, count = user_count; count; cpp++, count--)
	    if (!**cpp)
		break;			/* null user == accept */
	    if (!strcmp (hr->user, *cpp))	/* found listed user */
	if (!count)
	    return (0);			/* Not this user */

    /* Record type checking:
     * 1. If Record type is not in rec_types field, skip it.
     * 2. If mod_list is null, keep everything.  Otherwise keep only modules
     *    on mod_list.
     * 3. If neither a 'T', 'F' nor 'O' record, run through "file_list".  If
     *    file_list is null, keep everything.  Otherwise, keep only files on
     *    file_list, matched appropriately.
    if (!index (rec_types, *(hr->type)))
	return (0);
    if (!index ("TFO", *(hr->type)))	/* Don't bother with "file" if "TFO" */
	if (file_list)			/* If file_list is null, accept all */
	    for (fl = file_list, count = file_count; count; fl++, count--)
		/* 1. If file_list entry starts with '*', skip the '*' and
		 *    compare it against the repository in the hrec.
		 * 2. If file_list entry has a '/' in it, compare it against
		 *    the concatenation of the repository and file from hrec.
		 * 3. Else compare the file_list entry against the hrec file.
		char cmpfile[PATH_MAX];

		if (*(cp = fl->l_file) == '*')
		    /* if argument to -p is a prefix of repository */
		    if (!strncmp (cp, hr->repos, strlen (cp)))
			hr->mod = fl->l_module;
		    if (index (cp, '/'))
			(void) sprintf (cp2 = cmpfile, "%s/%s",
					hr->repos, hr->file);
			cp2 = hr->file;

		    /* if requested file is found within {repos}/file fields */
		    if (within (cp, cp2))
			hr->mod = fl->l_module;
	    if (!count)
		return (0);		/* String specified and no match */
    if (mod_list)
	for (cpp = mod_list, count = mod_count; count; cpp++, count--)
	    if (hr->mod && !strcmp (hr->mod, *cpp))	/* found module */
	if (!count)
	    return (0);	/* Module specified & this record is not one of them. */

    return (1);		/* Select this record unless rejected above. */

/* The "sort_order" routine (when handed to qsort) has arranged for the
 * hrecs files to be in the right order for the report.
 * Most of the "selections" are done in the select_hrec routine, but some
 * selections are more easily done after the qsort by "accept_hrec".
static void
report_hrecs ()
    struct hrec *hr, *lr;
    struct tm *tm;
    int i, count, ty;
    char *cp;
    int user_len, file_len, rev_len, mod_len, repos_len;

    if (*since_tag && !last_since_tag)
	(void) printf ("No tag found: %s\n", since_tag);
    else if (*backto && !last_backto)
	(void) printf ("No module, file or repository with: %s\n", backto);
    else if (hrec_count < 1)
	(void) printf ("No records selected.\n");

    user_len = file_len = rev_len = mod_len = repos_len = 0;

    /* Run through lists and find maximum field widths */
    hr = lr = hrec_head;
    for (count = hrec_count; count--; lr = hr, hr++)
	char repos[PATH_MAX];

	if (!count)
	    hr = NULL;
	if (!accept_hrec (lr, hr))

	ty = *(lr->type);
	(void) strcpy (repos, lr->repos);
	if ((cp = rindex (repos, '/')) != NULL)
	    if (lr->mod && !strcmp (++cp, lr->mod))
		(void) strcpy (cp, "*");
	if ((i = strlen (lr->user)) > user_len)
	    user_len = i;
	if ((i = strlen (lr->file)) > file_len)
	    file_len = i;
	if (ty != 'T' && (i = strlen (repos)) > repos_len)
	    repos_len = i;
	if (ty != 'T' && (i = strlen (lr->rev)) > rev_len)
	    rev_len = i;
	if (lr->mod && (i = strlen (lr->mod)) > mod_len)
	    mod_len = i;

    /* Walk through hrec array setting "lr" (Last Record) to each element.
     * "hr" points to the record following "lr" -- It is NULL in the last
     * pass.
     * There are two sections in the loop below:
     * 1. Based on the report type (e.g. extract, checkout, tag, etc.),
     *    decide whether the record should be printed.
     * 2. Based on the record type, format and print the data.
    for (lr = hrec_head, hr = (lr + 1); hrec_count--; lr = hr, hr++)
	char workdir[PATH_MAX], repos[PATH_MAX];

	if (!hrec_count)
	    hr = NULL;
	if (!accept_hrec (lr, hr))

	ty = *(lr->type);
	tm = localtime (&(lr->date));
	(void) printf ("%c %02d/%02d %02d:%02d %-*s", ty, tm->tm_mon + 1,
		  tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, user_len, lr->user);

	(void) sprintf (workdir, "%s%s", lr->dir, lr->end);
	if ((cp = rindex (workdir, '/')) != NULL)
	    if (lr->mod && !strcmp (++cp, lr->mod))
		(void) strcpy (cp, "*");
	(void) strcpy (repos, lr->repos);
	if ((cp = rindex (repos, '/')) != NULL)
	    if (lr->mod && !strcmp (++cp, lr->mod))
		(void) strcpy (cp, "*");

	switch (ty)
	    case 'T':
		/* 'T'ag records: repository is a "tag type", rev is the tag */
		(void) printf (" %-*s [%s:%s]", mod_len, lr->mod, lr->rev,
		if (working)
		    (void) printf (" {%s}", workdir);
	    case 'F':
	    case 'O':
		if (lr->rev && *(lr->rev))
		    (void) printf (" [%s]", lr->rev);
		(void) printf (" %-*s =%s%-*s %s", repos_len, repos, lr->mod,
			       mod_len + 1 - strlen (lr->mod), "=", workdir);
	    case 'W':
	    case 'U':
	    case 'C':
	    case 'G':
	    case 'M':
	    case 'A':
	    case 'R':
		(void) printf (" %-*s %-*s %-*s =%s= %s", rev_len, lr->rev,
			       file_len, lr->file, repos_len, repos,
			       lr->mod ? lr->mod : "", workdir);
		(void) printf ("Hey! What is this junk? RecType[0x%2.2x]", ty);
	(void) putchar ('\n');

static int
accept_hrec (lr, hr)
    struct hrec *hr, *lr;
    int ty;

    ty = *(lr->type);

    if (last_since_tag && ty == 'T')
	return (1);

    if (v_checkout)
	if (ty != 'O')
	    return (0);			/* Only interested in 'O' records */

	/* We want to identify all the states that cause the next record
	 * ("hr") to be different from the current one ("lr") and only
	 * print a line at the allowed boundaries.

	if (!hr ||			/* The last record */
	    strcmp (hr->user, lr->user) ||	/* User has changed */
	    strcmp (hr->mod, lr->mod) ||/* Module has changed */
	    (working &&			/* If must match "workdir" */
	     (strcmp (hr->dir, lr->dir) ||	/*    and the 1st parts or */
	      strcmp (hr->end, lr->end))))	/*    the 2nd parts differ */

	    return (1);
    else if (modified)
	if (!last_entry ||		/* Don't want only last rec */
	    !hr ||			/* Last entry is a "last entry" */
	    strcmp (hr->repos, lr->repos) ||	/* Repository has changed */
	    strcmp (hr->file, lr->file))/* File has changed */
	    return (1);

	if (working)
	{				/* If must match "workdir" */
	    if (strcmp (hr->dir, lr->dir) ||	/*    and the 1st parts or */
		strcmp (hr->end, lr->end))	/*    the 2nd parts differ */
		return (1);
    else if (module_report)
	if (!last_entry ||		/* Don't want only last rec */
	    !hr ||			/* Last entry is a "last entry" */
	    strcmp (hr->mod, lr->mod) ||/* Module has changed */
	    strcmp (hr->repos, lr->repos) ||	/* Repository has changed */
	    strcmp (hr->file, lr->file))/* File has changed */
	    return (1);
	/* "extract" and "tag_report" always print selected records. */
	return (1);

    return (0);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.