
[View add.c] 
[View admin.c] 
[View checkout.c] 
[View commit.c] 
[View create_adm.c] 
[View diff.c] 
[View history.c] 
[View import.c] 
[View lock.c] 
[View log.c] 
[View logmsg.c] 
[View main.c] 
[View modules.c] 
[View patch.c] 
[View rcvs.h] 
[View rcvs_folder.c] 
[View rcvs_lock.c] 
[View rcvs_main.c] 
[View rcvs_subr.c] 
[View rcvs_sync.c] 
[View recurse.c] 
[View release.c] 
[View remove.c] 
[View repos.c] 
[View rtag.c] 
[View status.c] 
[View tag.c] 
[View update.c] 
[View version.c] 


   This is the source for RCVS (Remote CVS) in anonnymous site 
ftp.slac.stanford.edu, directory pub/sources, file rcvs*.Z. 
Note: it is based on CVS-1.3, which is available from ftp site 
      prep.ai.mit.edu, directory pub/gnu. 

   cd to the directory that contains CVS-1.3 source, then type 
'zcat rcvs-VERSION.tar.Z | tar xfv -' which will replace and add
some files in sub-directory 'src'. Edit src/config.h to define the
'DIFF'to 'diff' or 'diff -a' or 'gdiff -a', then type './configure' 
followed by 'make'. (configure is needed if Makefile.in has been changed). 
Try to use /usr/bin/make instead of /bin/make for RS6000 machine. The 
resulting executable 'cvs' will have the remote extension.

File listing:
|  src/rcvs_folder.c		# identify legitimate folders
|  src/rcvs_lock.c		# locking mechanism
|  src/rcvs_main.c		# runs on clients
|  src/rcvs_subr.c		# accessory subroutines
|  src/rcvs_sync.c		# runs on server

|  src/README-RCVS		# installation guide
|  src/rcvs.1			# man page for rcvs
|  src/rcvs.h			# rcvs header file

man page
   Please see rcvs.1 in this directory for usage. Install the man 
   page rcvs.1 into /usr/local/man/man1 or its equivalence. NOTE:
   'make install' from man directory does not install this man page.

   Install the executable 'cvs' on BOTH side of the connection, install to
/usr/local/bin or anywhere in the search path. The cvs executable
will support both CVS and RCVS commands. It's normally good idea to keep
similar version of rcvs on both side of the connection.

Environment Variables
   CVSROOT   default repository for local folder.
   CVSROOTr  optional. Default repository for remote folder.
   CVSMODE   optional. Set its value to "remote" or "local".
   CVSDOMAIN optional. Network domain of the local host, not including host 
	     name. This is the last resort for those who cannot get correct
   CVSUSER   optional. Set its value to the output of 'whoami'. This
	     is the last resort for those who cannot get correct username.
   CVSREC    optional. Specify an account to receive rdist data from server.
	     If CVSREC is set on server account, it will be used to receive
	     rdist for all client. If CVSREC is set on client account, it 
	     will be used to receive rdist. If both are set, the client's 
	     CVSREC will override the server's CVSREC. This variable can be
	     used to emulate server-client model.	

Checking RCS: 

    You may get error message "missing access list" if you're using older 
version of RCS. CVS uses RCS (Revision Control System) to deal with version 
files. Starting from version 5.6, RCS uses GMT to resolve time zone 
differences. Thus it's needed for RCVS to work across time zone. If you 
already have a RCS version, try 'strings /usr/local/bin/ci | grep ci.c,v', you
should get something like '5:$Id: ci.c,v 5.21 1991/11/20 17:58:07 eggert 
Exp $'. If your RCS is older, you need to port RCS-5.6 from annonymous site: 
prep.ai.mit.edu, directory pub/gnu. 


    Most of the users can skip this section. Read it only if your rsh
does not work properly like it doesn't execute .cshrc.

    rcvs uses rsh command to run rcvs counterpart on server. On SGI there are 
two rsh commands /bin/rsh and /usr/bsd/rsh. The former is a restricted Bourne 
shell and the later is a remote shell. /bin/rsh is picked up first in the 
default PATH. On HP rsh is also a restricted Bourne shell. The remote shell 
command is remsh. rcvs should be able to pick up the correct rsh for SGI and 
HP (you can see the last few lines of rcvs.h to see how rsh is selected, and
turn on '-t' option to confirm that remsh is used for HP and /usr/bsd/rsh
is used for SGI.

Build BSD's rdist

    Test your rdist first. Type 
'rdist -c $HOME/.cshrc username@same-machine:/tmp/junk' and
'rdist -c $HOME/.cshrc username@server-machine:/tmp/junk' from your
machine and  'rdist -c $HOME/.cshrc username@your-machine:/tmp/junk'
from server machine to make sure rdist works between 2 machines. If you 
have both rdist and rdistd, you have USC's version, BSD's version does not 
have rdistd. The difference between these two versions will be discussed 

    'rdist' is needed by rcvs to copy files over network. It should be
available on most of the platforms. If you do not have rdist on your machine
or your rdist does not work properly, the BSD version of rdist can be found
in ftp site ftp.slac.stanford.edu, directory is pub/sources. You must have
root-privilege to install rdist. Build rdist by following these steps:

     cd rdist
   Once rdist* is created, logon as root and install it to /usr/ucb for
full compatibility with older BSD' rdist or anywhere in user's search path 
if it is installed on both side of the connection (due to the fact that
/usr/ucb is normally considered system library, most of us probably want
to install rdist to /usr/local/bin to avoid disturbing the system library).
Then do 'chmod u+s rdist' to set the set-UID bit so that it can run as root.

   This BSD rdist is strongly recommended if you do not have BSD's rdist
in /usr/ucb already. It is fully compatible with older version of BSD rdist
installed in /usr/ucb on many platforms if you install it onto /usr/ucb
on your machine too. It does not allow user write files to non-accessible
directory, thus avoid a potential security hole.

Port USC's rdist
   If you do not have rdist, and failed to build BSD's rdist in the last
section. Consider porting rdist from usc.edu, directory pub/rdist on 'both'
side of the connection, and add '-DUSCrdist' to 'DEFS=' in the top level 
Makefile. (This switch may not be necessary, since old rdist options are 
recognizable by USC's rdist);

   USC's rdist can not handle disk full condition, and it allows user
write to non-accessible directories, thus presents a security hole.   

Note: Conversion of rcvs-0.3.9 folders!!
|  If you are using rcvs-0.3.9 or earlier, please beware of the changes: 

|  (1) RCVSxxx variables are merged into CVSROOTr (or CVSROOT if one prefer
|      to use single CVSROOT).

|  (2) rcvs is merged into cvs. One does a remote checkout by setting up
|      the CVSROOTr. 

|  (3) A new CVS/Remote file needs to be added to remote folders. 

|  The best way to go is backing up any local patches, committing  all 
|  remote folders with old rcvs, port new rCVS and check out the folders 
|  from scratch.

|  Alternatively, one can simply port new RCVS over, then convert all the
|  remote folders with the old rcvs script, the old rcvs script issues
|  'cvs -Z' which will cause CVS/Remote to be added.

|  setenv CVSROOTr terryh@unixhub:/usr/cvs:/usr/clone
|  rcvs update lib
|  (or cvs -Z update lib)

|  This conversion is not perfect if you define modules with CVSROOT/modules
|  since the name of the module was not memorized previously. The relative path
|  of a module instead of its name is memorized during the conversion, which is
|  not good enough. Once you have commited all the remote folders, check them 
|  out from scratch!

   Once all folders have been converted, one can change '-Z' to '-R' in
rcvs and it will be pretty handy.

   - Rdist:	
   Rdist will give you error message: "version numbers don't match" if the
login shell (.cshrc or .profile) generates message to the screen.

   If the 's' bit of rdist is not set (-r-xr-xr-x instead of -r-sr-xr-x), 
one gets this message: "rcmd: socket: The file access permissions do not 
allow the specified action". Fix this with "chmod u+s /usr/ucb/rdist" to 
set the 's' bit.

   If you are using older version of BSD's rdist, it requires that rdist
must reside in /usr/ucb, else one gets the following message from rdist: 
"rdist: connection failed: version numbers don't match". Fix this with 
"ln -s /usr/bsd/rdist /usr/ucb/rdist" or its equivalence so that local 
rdist can find /usr/ucb/rdist on the remote host.

   Please send bug report and suggestion to terryh@unixhub.slac.stanford.edu
or pfkeb@ebnextk.slac.stanford.edu for the time being. Turn on the '-t' 
switch to get debugging messages.

   This version of RCVS has been compiled on the following architectures, but
it may or may not work on your machine.

   ultrix-mips (decstation)

   For HP/UX, one may need to comment out the definition of 'gethostname' in
cvs.h if it's already defined in unistd.h.

   Thanks to the following users who involved extensively in the testing of
the software and/or provided patches: Bernard Desruisseaux, Marc Evans, 
Vijay K. Gurbani, George M Irwin, Angelika Leich, Leif Lonnblad, 
Robert Lupton, Ian Mathieson, Torben N. Rasmussen, Irwin Sheer, Doug Wright.

rcvs-0.3.5: fix bus error problem caused by invalid Group ID
rcvs-0.3.6: unlock upon CTR-C, surround commit with '"'
rcvs-0.3.7: fix minor compiler error for sun4
rcvs-0.3.8: use csh instead of sh for rsh. Chgrp only if group write access.
rcvs-0.3.9: Uses user's default shell for rsh. Catch rdist error
rcvs- fix gethostdomain() in main().
rcvs-0.4.0: (Major release). Support most of CVS commands. Change of format.
rcvs-0.4.1: suppress RCVS messages if '-q'. Removed gethostbyname prototype.
rcvs-0.4.2: fix add & remove. fix -q for rdist. remove rcvs from Makefile.in
rcvs-0.4.3: require user@ in CVSROOT. fix -d for add & remove.
rcvs-0.4.4: add sgi/hp support. Remove auto-commit for add & remove.
rcvs-0.4.5: add checking of rsh/rdist error messages
rcvs-0.4.6: allow omitting user@ in CVSROOT &CVS/Remote. Cleanup username.
rcvs-0.4.7: fix bus error problem in rcvs_do_cvsroot
rcvs-0.4.8: remove need_commit from rcvs.h ('remove' problem).
rcvs-0.4.9: fix tmp in rcvs_gethostdomain. Cleanup ruser in rcvs_main.
rcvs-0.5.0: check arg of 'index'. Allow null CVSROOT if CVSROOTr is set.
rcvs-0.5.1: do rtag and rdiff on server. Fix '-d' option.
rcvs-0.5.2: fix -H. Check CVSROOT. Labelling clone. Reverse stderr & stdout.
rcvs-0.5.3: fix rcvs_do_cvsroot, local co problem.
rcvs-0.5.4: fix rcvs_lock, initialize array
rcvs-0.5.5: keep lock if error in phase3. Better -P and rdist err handling.
rcvs-0.5.6: fix locking mechanism. Set variable rcvs_native_CVS. 
rcvs-0.5.7: fix error checking in rcvs_do_host_phase1, use popen() in rdist
rcvs-0.5.8: merge all cvs output in stdout, merge all rdist output in stderr
rcvs-0.5.9: remove leading "/" in module's relative path
rcvs-0.6.0: keep cvs stdout/stderr intact, avoid problem on NeXT
rcvs-0.6.1: back to rcvs-0.5.8 style, plus writing rcvs keywords into stderr
rcvs-0.6.2: streamline everything into stdout. Add rcvs_check_rsh_output.
rcvs-0.6.3: create man page rcvs.1
rcvs-0.6.4: (Major release) create rdist/ for BSD's rdist source
rcvs-0.6.5: "chmod" for 'add'. Add "Unknown host" to rmsg[].  
rcvs-0.6.6: revise locking mechanism
rcvs-0.6.7: put commitlog into exception list of rdist to save time; use -e ver
rcvs-0.6.8: do not run checkout-script in phase-1
rcvs-0.6.9: enhance rdist error & history/commitlog handling
rcvs-0.7.0: fix cvs history. Line-buffered stderr/stdout. Fix cvs -n upd fn.
rcvs-0.7.1: fix '-n update file' by skipping phase 3.
rcvs-0.7.2: change printf("CVSROOT=...) to fprint(stderr,"CVSROOT=...)
rcvs-0.7.3: add $CVSREC. Run loginfo.sh on server. Cleanup /tmp/RCVS
rcvs-0.7.4: add rcvs_put_options to rcvs_add_onedir to fix 'rcvs history'.
rcvs-0.7.5: rewrite subroutine 'rcvs_history'
rcvs-0.7.6: add setlinebuf() for HP/UX
rcvs-0.7.7: add timeout message to rdist message table in rcvs_sync.c
rcvs-0.7.8: expand 'except_pat' in rcvs_sync.c for Solaris 2. copy distfile.
rcvs-0.7.9: change disktfile.old to distfile.$username

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.