m2rtf README: m2rtf is a little converter I wrote a year ago to prettify my *.[cm] files using Rich Text Format. At this time Charles C. Lloyd provided the NeXT community with his RTF-transparent preprocessor which made the whole thing possible (thanks Charles!). As a RTF-transparent preprocessor is included with NEXTSTEP 3.2 and some need seems to arise from the net, I would like to offer m2rtf to the NeXT community and everyone who likes it. I'm interested in changes but will not spend much time on it any more. The best way to integrate m2rtf with NEXTSTEP seems to be using a Terminal service or better using TickleService by Scott Hess. For command-line junkies, two zsh-scripts are also included. I, personally, include the following lines into Makefile.postamble of my projects (like TeXmenu version 5.0 e.g. ;-) ) rtf: 2rtf $(CLASSES) $(MFILES) $(CFILES) ascii: 2ascii $(CLASSES) $(MFILES) $(CFILES) I provide this software ``AS IS'' and in no event will be liable to you for any damage that may (hopefully not) arise out of the use of these progs/scripts. Use it on your own risk! Last, you are not allowed to remove my name from the sources :-) Hope this will be of some use... Best - Harald Schlangmann (schlangm@informatik.uni-muenchen.de) INSTALLATION: Included binary is for Motorola only. To build you own version, remove m2rtf and type ``make'' afterwards...
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.