This is igsglue.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#include "comment.header" /* $Id: igsglue.m,v 1.3 1997/07/06 19:37:59 ergo Exp $ */ /* * $Log: igsglue.m,v $ * Revision 1.3 1997/07/06 19:37:59 ergo * actual version * * Revision 1.3 1997/05/04 18:56:56 ergo * added time control for moves * */ #include "igs.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "shared.h" #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import "GoApp.h" #import "Board.h" typedef piece boardtype[19][19]; message mesg; char prefix[20]; int boardon = 0; int boardmode = 0; int beepcount = 1; int ingame = -1; extern int MAXX, MAXY; char local[1000], *loc; int observing = 0; void showboard(boardtype b) { extern unsigned char p[19][19]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 19; i++) for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) p[i][j] = b[i][j]; [[NXApp getGoView] refreshIO]; } void igsbeep(void) { id beepSound = [Sound findSoundFor:"Bonk"]; [beepSound play]; } int startgame(int n) { char str[100]; int ret; sprintf(str, "games %d\n", n); sendstr(str); do { do { ret = getmessage(&mesg, 0); if (ret < 0) exit(1); } while (!ret); if ( == MOVE) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%Premature move. Restart game.\n"]; } while ( != GAMES); if (mesg.gamecount != 1) return -1; if (mesg.gamelist[0].bsize > 19) { [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%Boardsize too large\n"]; return -1; } if (observing) { [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"Removing observe\n"]; sprintf(str, "unobserve\n"); sendstr(str); do { do { ret = getmessage(&mesg, 0); if (ret < 0) exit(1); } while (!ret); } while ( != PROMPT); observing = 0; } ingame = n; MAXX = MAXY = mesg.gamelist[0].bsize; [[NXApp getGoView] startNewGame]; [[NXApp getGoView] refreshIO]; [[NXApp getGoView] display]; [[NXApp getGoView] setGameNumber:ingame]; sprintf(str, "%s (%s)", mesg.gamelist[0].white, mesg.gamelist[0].wrank); [[NXApp getGoView] setWhiteName:str]; sprintf(str, "%s (%s)", mesg.gamelist[0].black, mesg.gamelist[0].brank); [[NXApp getGoView] setBlackName:str]; [[NXApp getGoView] setIGSHandicap:mesg.gamelist[0].hcap]; sprintf(str, "%3.1f", mesg.gamelist[0].komi); [[NXApp getGoView] setIGSKomi:str]; [[NXApp getGoView] setByoTime:mesg.byo]; boardon = 1; return 0; } void makemove(int x, int y, int movenum, int color, int btime, int bbyo, int wtime, int wbyo) { extern void sethand(int); if ((x < MAXX) && (y < MAXY)) { [[NXApp getGoView] makeMove: color: x: y]; [[NXApp getGoView] setTimeAndByo: btime: bbyo: wtime: wbyo]; [[NXApp getGoView] dispTime]; } else if (x > 100) { sethand(x-100); [[NXApp getGoView] display]; } } void makemovesilent(int x, int y, int movenum, int color, int btime, int bbyo, int wtime, int wbyo) { extern void sethand(int); if ((x < MAXX) && (y < MAXY)) { [[NXApp getGoView] makeMoveSilent: color: x: y]; } else if (x > 100) { sethand(x-100); } } void removeGroup(int x, int y) { extern unsigned char p[19][19], patternmat[19][19]; extern int blackCaptured, whiteCaptured, currentStone; extern void find_pattern_in_board(int,int); int i, j; currentStone = p[x][y]; find_pattern_in_board(x,y); for (i = 0; i < MAXX; i++) for (j = 0; j < MAXY; j++) if (patternmat[i][j]) { p[i][j] = EMPTY; if (currentStone==BLACK) blackCaptured++; else whiteCaptured++; } [[NXApp getGoView] setblacksPrisoners:blackCaptured]; [[NXApp getGoView] setwhitesPrisoners:whiteCaptured]; [[NXApp getGoView] refreshIO]; } void getmoves(int n) { int ret; char str[100]; sprintf(str, "moves %d\n", n); sendstr(str); do { do { ret = getmessage(&mesg, 0); if (ret < 0) exit(1); } while (!ret); if ( == MOVE) makemovesilent(mesg.x, mesg.y, mesg.movenum, mesg.color, mesg.btime, mesg.bbyo, mesg.wtime, mesg.wbyo); else if ( && != PROMPT) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:mesg.text]; } while ( != PROMPT); /* MOVE || == 0); */ lastMove--; makemove(mesg.x, mesg.y, mesg.movenum, mesg.color, mesg.btime, mesg.bbyo, mesg.wtime, mesg.wbyo); [[NXApp getGoView] refreshIO]; [[NXApp getGoView] display]; } void getgames(message *mess) { int ret; sendstr("games\n"); do { do { ret = getmessage(mess, 0); if (ret < 0) exit(1); } while (!ret); if (mess->id == MOVE) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%Premature move. Restart game.\n"]; } while (mess->id != GAMES); } void unobserve(void) { char str[100]; sprintf(str, "unobserve %d\n", ingame); sendstr(str); observing=0; ingame= -1; setgame(-1); } int observegame(int n) { int ret; char str[20]; if (!observing && ingame != -1) { [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"Can't observe while playing.\n"]; return 1; } if (startgame(n)) return 1; getmoves(n); sprintf(str, "observe %d\n", n); sendstr(str); observing = 1; do { do { ret = getmessage(&mesg, 0); if (ret < 0) exit(1); } while (!ret); if (( == INFO) && !strncmp(mesg.text, "Removing", 8)) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%fatal sync error. Restart igs.\n"]; } while ( != MOVE && != UNDO); return 0; } /* commented out because currently not used * * int peekgame(int n) * { * if (!observing && ingame != -1) { * [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"Can't peek while playing.\n"]; * return 1; * } * if (startgame(n)) * return 1; * getmoves(n); * setgame(-1); * return 0; * } */ void setgame(int newgame) { if (newgame != ingame) { ingame = newgame; /* [[NXApp getGoView] setGameNumber:ingame]; */ } } void loadgame(char *name) { char str[100]; int ret; sprintf(str, "load %s\n", name); sendstr(str); do { ret = getmessage(&mesg, 0); if (ret < 0) exit(1); sprintf(str, "&&%d&&\n",; [NXApp SetIGSStatus:str]; } while ( != MOVE && != ERROR); if ( == ERROR) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:mesg.text]; else { if (!startgame(mesg.gamenum)) getmoves(mesg.gamenum); } } void doserver(void) { int ret; NXEvent peek_ev, *get_ev; loc = local; idle = 0; ret = getmessage(&mesg, 1); if (ret < 0 && ret != KEY) { [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"Connection closed\n"]; } if (ret > 0) switch ( { case QUITMESG: [NXApp SetIGSStatus:mesg.text]; break; case ONSERVER: [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"Connection established\n"]; break; case BEEP: break; case MOVE: if (!boardon) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%Error: isolated move received\n"]; else { makemove(mesg.x, mesg.y, mesg.movenum, mesg.color, mesg.btime, mesg.bbyo, mesg.wtime, mesg.wbyo); setgame(mesg.gamenum); } break; case UNDO: if (!boardon) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%Error: isolated undo received"]; else { setgame(mesg.gamenum); [[NXApp getGoView] undo]; [[NXApp getGoView] display]; } break; case SCOREUNDO: /* endgame(); */ [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"Scoring undone."]; break; case LOAD: if (!startgame(mesg.gamenum)) getmoves(mesg.gamenum); break; case MATCH: startgame(mesg.gamenum); break; case REMOVE: removeGroup(mesg.x, mesg.y); break; case SCORE: { char str[50]; showboard(mesg.board); sprintf(str, "Black: %g\nWhite: %g\n", mesg.bscore, mesg.wscore); [NXApp SetIGSStatus:str]; } break; case LOOK_M: { int pris[2]; if (mesg.boardsize > 19) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"%Boardsize of saved game too big.\n"]; else { MAXX = MAXY = mesg.boardsize; [[NXApp getGoView] startNewGame]; [[NXApp getGoView] display]; boardon = 1; pris[0] = mesg.bcap; pris[1] = mesg.wcap; [[NXApp getGoView] setblacksPrisoners:pris[0]]; [[NXApp getGoView] setwhitesPrisoners:pris[1]]; [[NXApp getGoView] refreshIO]; showboard(mesg.board); } } break; case KIBITZ:{ char s[300]; sprintf(s, "%s: %s\n", mesg.kibitzer, mesg.kibitz); [NXApp SetIGSStatus:s]; } break; case STORED: if (!strlen(mesg.text)) [NXApp SetIGSStatus:"No stored games\n"]; else [NXApp SetIGSStatus:mesg.text]; break; case INFO: if (strstr(mesg.text, "Removing")) { observing = 0; setgame(-1); } if (strstr(mesg.text, "game completed")) { [NXApp gameCompleted]; } [NXApp SetIGSStatus:mesg.text]; break; case PROMPT: if (ingame != -1 && mesg.prompttype == 5) { setgame(-1); observing = 0; [NXApp gameCompleted]; } case 0: break; default: [NXApp SetIGSStatus:mesg.text]; break; } idle = 1; if( [NXApp peekNextEvent: NX_MOUSEDOWNMASK into: &peek_ev] ) { get_ev = [NXApp getNextEvent: NX_MOUSEDOWNMASK]; [NXApp sendEvent: get_ev]; } }
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