This is NGameView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Generated by Interface Builder */ #import <appkit/View.h> #import "NCommon.h" #define NP_GAME_ROWS 10 #define NP_GAME_COLUMNS 10 #define MAX_OBSTACLES 25 #define TIMEINTERVAL 0.20 #define FASTINTERVAL 0.05 @interface NGameView:View { id queue; id gameMatrix; id theScore; id theBonus; id theLevel; id theRest; id continuePanel; id endGamePanel; id flowCell; DPSTimedEntry flowTimer; int gameScore; int gameLevel; int gameBonus; int levelBonus; int levelPiecesRemaining; int unusedPieces; GameStatus_t gameStatus; } - initializeGame; - newLevel; - endLevel; - newGame; - pauseGame; - continueGame:sender; - endGame; - (int) newCellPosition: (int *) newRow : (int *) newColumn; - singleClick:sender; - step; - free; - speedUpFlow; @end
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