
.dir.tiff → MiscTB.tiff
[View MiscTBPalette.h] 
[View MiscTBPalette.m] 


This object was palettized and MiscKit-ized by Don Yacktman,
with permission from Tim Bissell.

Tim's original release notes:

Alpha release 3

The TreeBrowser has been renamed to MiscTreeBrowser and is now part of
the MiscKit; to build it, build the MiscKit, OR "make install"
Palette/MiscTreeBrowser then "make" Examples/MiscTreeBrowserTest to
try it out.

Written for NS 3.3, doesn't use FoundationKit.

The MiscTreeBrowser View consists of three classes;

	MiscTreeBrowser         : subclass of ScrollView
	MiscTreeBrowserMatrix   : subclass of Matrix
	MiscTreeBrowserCell     : subclass of ActionCell

A MiscTreeBrowser view displays the contents of one or more 'trees' of
objects.  These objects must conform to the MiscTreeBrowserNodes protocol
(MiscTreeBrowserProtocols.h) which contains methods to add and remove child
nodes etc.  A basic object conforming to this protocol is provided in
the test code, in MiscTreeBrowserObject.h.

It is envisaged that users of the view will add a category to the
object class(es) they wish to display, and which conforms to the
protocol to enable the view to display and manipulate their object
trees.  Example methods can be copied from _MiscTreeBrowserObject.[hm]

The user can edit the displayed text of any node (setStringValue:) by
double-clicking on the cell text and retyping it.

Selected cells (and nodes) can be deleted (if the parent node returns
YES to -canRemoveChild:) by hitting the delete key.

Sibling nodes can be added by selecting a cell and hitting return.

The user can move through the tree hierarchy using the cursor keys;
try the left and right arrow keys to open and close nodes -- do you
find this useful and intuitive?

Nodes can now be dragged around in the hierarchy.

The code has not been tested outside the framework of the project, so
bug reports will be most welcome.  In addition, please pound me with
specific questions about how to use it, and how it works -- I plan to
document the classes and protocols in Autodoc format, and this is the
easiest way (for me) to find out which areas need to be clarified.

In addition, some file and method names may change, but only to make
things more consistent, not less!

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the code, nomenclature
and interface, and especially tips on make it fit better into the
framework of the MiscKit I'd like to hear them.  A particular area of
concern is the API, especially the method names in MiscTreeBrowserNodes
protocol; are they too general, and likely to have type clashes with
methods already implemented?


Escape does not quit and restore old text when editing a node title.

Node dragging image is clipped at the bottom of the matrix.


Persistent open/closed state for nodes (not just those visible in cells)

Allow a node to determine what happens if a user hits "Return" on it; e.g
create new node; add as child or as sibling.

Support for alternative node icons supplied by nodes.

Support for dimming/disabling nodes outside of a node tree (like
the class browser in InterfaceBuilder).

--------------------- IMPORTANT --------------------------

This code is copyright by Tim Bissell, but you do what you want with
it, within the terms of the MiscKit license.  Please give it to others
who ask for it, but don't delete this message, so people know who to
come back to with questions.

Tim Bissell          tim@ursidae.demon.co.uk          DoD # 174
+44 1480 451022         NeXT Developer             Ducati 900SS
<a href="http://www.ursidae.demon.co.uk/"> Tim's home page </a>

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.