
Automatic Documentation Program


Autodoc is a utility that generates NEXTSTEP-style Rich Text Formatted documentation for Objective-C objects by extracting comments imbedded in the object source code files. Autodoc will produce documentation for objective C classes, categories, protocols, functions, definitions, macros, typedef's and global variables.


Autodoc is available for free, thanks to ITSolutions. The latest release of Autodoc, Release 1.8.4 (Revision 1.5), is available at For information about changes to Autodoc, see the change log


Autodoc is a perl script developed by Adam Swift orginally developed at Information Technology Solutions, with contributions from Bill Bumgarner, Todd Nathan, Kim Shrier and Craig Kelley. Autodoc has been donated free of charge to the Public Domain.

There is currently a mailing list (very, very low bandwidth) for Autodoc:, to subscribe, send a message with "subscribe" as the subject line to Please send any bugs or suggestions to this mailing list, all contributions are gladly accepted!

System Requirements

In order to run Autodoc, you need to have perl v5.001 installed on your system. Perl is freely available from a number of places, but the most up to date version (precompiled quad-fat) is available from thanks to Bill Bumgarner.

Options and History

The invocation options and a summary of changes are listed on the Options and History page.

Please send comments and questions to
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