
Automatic Documentation Program

Invocation Options

-project projectdirectory
Used to specify a project directory for reading in object source files. If no object source files are specified, then all files in projectdirectory (and its subdirectories) which form a pair, "FileName.h" and "FileName.m", as well as all files ending in ".h" (unless the -nosingles switch is specified,) are used to produce documentation. The documentation produced will be saved under the root name for each of the file pairs, and will be stored in the source files' directory (unless the -destination option is used.)

-destination destinationdirectory
Used to specify a destination directory for the documentation files produced. If the -tree option is also used, any source files which are prepended with a file path, will be placed in a subdirectory of the destination directory with the same file path.

-copyright copyrightowner
Used to specify an copyright owner for the copyright line on top of the documentation file. This will override the copyright owner specified by the environment variable AD_COPYRIGHT if both are used.

Displays the version number and copyright information for Autodoc.

Displays the command line options available in Autodoc, with synopses of their purpose.

Includes the current time and date in the copyright line of the documentation files created.

Excludes unpaired source files from the files used to produce documentation (i.e. if the file "FileName.h" is in a directory which does not contain "FileName.m", no documentation will be generated from it.)

When combined with the -project and -destination options and no object files are specified, this will copy all files found with an 'rtf' or 'rtfd' extension found in the project directory or its subdirectories to the destination directory.

Force Autodoc to generate documentation files, even if the documentation files already exist and are newer than the source files. By defualt, Autodoc will not overwrite documentation files which are newer than their source files.

Specifies that the documentation should be generated into a directory tree based on the directories traversed in locating the source files. This can be combined with the -project and -destination options to produce subprojects source file documentation in subdirectories of the destination directory.

Makes Autodoc operate in silent mode, the only messages printed are error messages logged to stderr. Normally Autodoc alerts the user whenever a file or directory is created.

-Debug level
Makes Autodoc operate in DEBUG mode, verbose debugging messages are logged to stderr. The debugging levels for Autodoc range fall in the the following categories:

  1. Objects being processed and general Autodoc configuration information
  2. Object source files as they are accessed
  3. Object data that is located, and a summary of what was found
  4. Detailed information about all object data that is extracted
  5. Complete logging of every line of text read in from the source files.


Change Log For Autodoc

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.5 (1995/10/20 22:10:41 aswift) RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.4 (1995/10/20 16:45:28 aswift) RELEASE 1.8.4 RELEASE 1.8.3 RELEASE 1.8.2 RELEASE 1.8.1 - MiscKit Release 1.6.1 RELEASE 1.8 RELEASE 1.7 - contributions by b.bum RELEASE 1.6 RELEASE 1.5.1 RELEASE 1.5 - MiscKit Release RELEASE 1.4 RELEASE 1.3 RELEASE 1.2

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.2 (1995/10/20 22:16:28 aswift)

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.3 (1995/10/20 22:16:25 aswift)

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.2 (1995/10/20 22:16:29 aswift)

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.2 (1995/10/20 22:16:27 aswift)

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.3 (1995/10/20 22:16:26 aswift)

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.2 (1995/10/20 22:16:28 aswift)

Change Log For

RELEASE 1.8.4 - REVISION 1.3 (1995/10/20 22:16:26 aswift)

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Copyright © 1995, Friday Software and Consulting, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.