
This is StringStorage.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

** StringStorage.m,v 1.5 1992/09/24 03:34:31 nwc Exp
** Copyright (c) 1991 Ronin Consulting, Inc.

#import "StringStorage.h"
#import <limits.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <stdlib.h>

static char EOS = (char)0;

@implementation StringStorage

- init
   [super init];
   [self initCount: 0 elementSize: sizeof(char) description: "c"];
   [self setStringValue: ""];   
   return self;

- init: (const char *) str
   [super init];
   [self initCount: 0 elementSize: sizeof(char) description: "c"];
   [self setStringValue: str];
   return self;

- setStringValue: (const char *) str;
   int len;

       str = "";			     /* avoid nil strings */

   len = strlen(str);			     /* get length - no reason to do it twice */
   [self setNumSlots: len + 1];		     /* use setNumSlots vs setAvailCapacity since it sets count */

					     /* bcopy is far faster than strcpy if the length is known */
   bcopy(str, (char *)dataPtr, len); 
   [self replaceElementAt: len with: (char *)&EOS];
   return self;

- setFStringValue: (const char *)format,...
   NXStream *stream;
   long len;
   va_list params;

   stream = NXOpenMemory(NULL, 0, NX_READWRITE);
   NXVPrintf(stream, format, params);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMEND);
   len = NXTell(stream);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMSTART);

   [self setNumSlots: len + 1];
   NXRead(stream, (char *)dataPtr, len);
   [self replaceElementAt: len with: (char *)&EOS];
   NXCloseMemory(stream, NX_FREEBUFFER);
   return self;

- setVStringValue: (const char *)format valist: (va_list) params
   NXStream *stream;
   long len;

   stream = NXOpenMemory(NULL, 0, NX_READWRITE);
   NXVPrintf(stream, format, params);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMEND);
   len = NXTell(stream);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMSTART);

   [self setNumSlots: len + 1];
   NXRead(stream, (char *)dataPtr, len);
   [self replaceElementAt: len with: (char *)&EOS];
   NXCloseMemory(stream, NX_FREEBUFFER);
   return self;

- (const char *) stringValue
   return dataPtr;

- appendStringValue: (const char *)str
   int oldCount = [self count];
   int len;

   if(!str || !*str)			     /* nothing to append */
       return self;
   len = strlen(str);			     
   [self setNumSlots: oldCount + len];
   bcopy(str, (char *)[self elementAt: oldCount - 1], len);
   [self replaceElementAt: oldCount + len - 1 with: (char *)&EOS ];
   return self;

- appendFStringValue: (const char *)format,...
   int oldCount = [self count];
   NXStream *stream;
   long len;
   va_list params;

   stream = NXOpenMemory(NULL, 0, NX_READWRITE);
   NXVPrintf(stream, format, params);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMEND);
   len = NXTell(stream);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMSTART);

   [self setNumSlots: oldCount + len];
   NXRead(stream, ((char *)dataPtr) + (oldCount - 1), len);
   [self replaceElementAt: oldCount + len - 1 with: (char *)&EOS ];
   NXCloseMemory(stream, NX_FREEBUFFER);
   return self;

- appendVStringValue: (const char *)format valist: (va_list) params
   int oldCount = [self count];
   NXStream *stream;
   long len;

   stream = NXOpenMemory(NULL, 0, NX_READWRITE);
   NXVPrintf(stream, format, params);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMEND);
   len = NXTell(stream);
   NXSeek(stream, 0, NX_FROMSTART);

   [self setNumSlots: oldCount + len];
   NXRead(stream, ((char *)dataPtr) + (oldCount - 1), len);
   [self replaceElementAt: oldCount + len - 1 with: (char *)&EOS ];
   NXCloseMemory(stream, NX_FREEBUFFER);
   return self;

- appendCharValue: (char) c
   char buf[2];
   buf[0] = c;
   buf[1] = (char)0;

   [self appendStringValue: buf];

   return self;

- empty					     /* override to ensure null termination */
   [super empty];
   [self setStringValue: ""];
   return self;

- (int) strlen				     /* just (count - 1)...but nicer */
   return [self count] - 1;

- (int) matchSubstring: (const char *)str
   int x, cnt;

       return -1;

   for (x = 0, cnt = [self strlen]; x <  cnt; x++)
       if(((char *)dataPtr)[x] == *str && !strncmp(str,(char *)dataPtr + x, strlen(str)))
	   return x;

   return -1;

- (char *) getSubstring: (const char *)str
   int offset;

   offset = [self matchSubstring: str];
   if(offset != -1)
       return dataPtr + offset;
       return (char*)0;

- replaceSubstring: (const char *)str with: (const char *)str2
   int offset, len1, len2;
   char *buf;

   if(!(str && str2))
       return nil;

   offset = [self matchSubstring: str];
   if(offset == -1)
       return nil;

   len1 = strlen(str);
   len2 = strlen(str2);

   NX_MALLOC(buf,char,([self count] + len2));
   buf[[self count] + len2 - len1 - 1] = (char)0;

   bcopy((char *)dataPtr, buf, offset);
   bcopy(str2, buf + offset, len2);
   bcopy(((char *)dataPtr) + offset + len1, buf + offset + len2, [self count] - offset - len1 - 1);
   [self setStringValue: buf];

   return self;

- (unsigned int)hash
   unsigned int x = 0;
   int y, cnt;

   for(y = 0, cnt = [self strlen]; y < cnt; y++)
       x += ((char *)(dataPtr))[y];

   return x;


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