
This is IIOmodule.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// IIOmodule is an abstract super class for IO modules for accessing a database.
// The items in a database is organized heirarchly into a directory tree.  A
// directory is permitted to have both subdirectories and items.  A IO module
// supports a standard interface to a browser.  This permits the same browser
// to be used with different types of databases provided that the database can 
// be organized into a directory tree.  This standard interface is specified
// by having the IIOmodule support the following methods:
//    (IOrderedListD *)subDirectoryOf:directoryNode
//        This method should return a list of nodes that corresponds to the
//        subdirectories of the directory that corresponds to the node 
//        directoryNode.  The ownership of the list of nodes passes to the
//        caller.  A nil directoryNode indicates the root node.
//    (IOrderedListD *)itemHeadersOf:directoryNode
//        This method should return a list of nodes that corresponds to the
//        items of the directory that corresponds to the node of directoryNode.
//        The ownership of the list of nodes passes to the caller.
//    (IOrderedListD *)itemOf:itemNode
//        This method should return the item that corresponds to itemNode.
//        This method should send a message to the the editor to display this
//        item.  The ownership of the item passes to the caller.
// A node is a private object that corresponds to a directory or an item.
// It should implement the following methods:
//    (const char *)titleForCell;
//        This method should return the name of the directory or item that
//        corresponds to this node.  This is used for the title of the
//        corresponding browser cell.
//    (BOOL)isLeaf;
//        This method indicates for a node that corresponds to a directory
//        whether it has subdirectories or not.  TRUE if it has no
//        subdirectories.
// A node should save in its private instance variables the links to its
// corresponding directory object or item object.  This allows a uniform
// interface to the browser module using the above methods but a custom
// interface to the IO module using  private instance variables and methods.

#import "IIOmodule.h"
#import <string.h>

@implementation IIOmodule

- setRootName:(char *)rootName
    strncpy (iRootName, rootName, sizeof(iRootName)-1);
    return self;

- (char *)rootName
    return (iRootName);

- (BOOL)toggleActive:node
    // this routine should be overriden
    return YES;

- subDirectoryOf:node
    // this routine should be overriden
    return self;

- itemHeadersOf:node
    // this routine should be overriden
    return self;

- itemOf:node
    // this routine should be overriden
    return self;


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