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From: Constantin Szallies <szallies@energotec.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Unscharfer Turbo Color Station Monitor Date: 1 Oct 1996 08:16:57 GMT Organization: Tech Net GmbH Message-ID: <52qk1p$sb8@ddfservb.technet.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo innovative NeXT Gemeinde, Ich hab hier einen Rentner stehen, der schon ganz unscharf geworden ist (Monitor einer Turbo Color Station). Weiß jemand ob man so einen Monitor wieder scharf bekommen kann (Lechz!)? Wenn ja, wer einem das macht? MfG -- Constantin Szallies, Energotec GmbH szallies@energotec.de 49211-9144018
From: landstry@toppoint.de (Michael Schack) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 1 Oct 1996 14:55:22 +0100 Organization: Toppoint Mailbox e.V. Distribution: inet Message-ID: <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> >Eine SB 16 Plug'n'Pray tut unter OS4.0/mach/Intel bei mir nicht richtig. >(Ich glaube die ohne Plug'nPlay auch nicht.) Unter NS-Intel geht bei mir nun endlich nach einigen Tips und Tueftelei eine SB16 VIbra. 1. neuesten EISA-Treiber besorgen (mit PnP) 2. neuesten SB16-Treiber besorgen 3. Installieren 4. 8-bit DMA waehlen! 5. In /private/Drivers/SoundBlaster16*.config/Soundblaster16*.table statt autoprobe=CTL0028 autoprobe=CTL0051 eintragen (die PnP-ID der SB16V wird sonst nciht gefunden) 6. reboot 7. funktioniert (bei mir...) Danke fuer die Tips aus dieser Runde! tschuess, micha... -- Michael Schack EMail: landstry@toppoint.de 24118 Kiel (Germany) NEU!!! ->> EMail: michael@ifg.dk
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: Tue, 1 Oct 1996 16:54:44 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> On 1 Oct 1996, Michael Schack wrote: > Unter NS-Intel geht bei mir nun endlich nach einigen Tips und Tueftelei eine > SB16 VIbra. > > 4. 8-bit DMA waehlen! Ist der Zensus also, dass man keine 16Bit DMA waehlen darf? Damit ist es also nicht moeglich PnP Karten mit 44.1kHz zu betreiben? God save my SB16 non-PnP. Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: dirk@kalium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE (Dirk Schwarzhans) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 1 Oct 1996 16:16:25 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> In-Reply-To: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> On 10/01/96, Bernhard Scholz wrote: >Ist der Zensus also, dass man keine 16Bit DMA waehlen darf? Damit >ist es also nicht moeglich PnP Karten mit 44.1kHz zu betreiben? > >God save my SB16 non-PnP. Bei mir war es noch schlimmer. Nicht nur, dass man 8-Bit waehlen musste, man konnte dann auch nur noch 8-bittige Sounds abspielen! Ich habe jetzt wieder Beep.config laufen und warte so lange bis NeXT endlich was tut. :-( Dirk Schwarzhans
From: (Wilfried Beeck) wbeeck@dart.de Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Openstep 4.1/Mach und OS4.1/NT Date: 1 Oct 1996 19:54:50 GMT Organization: NetConsult Communications Message-ID: <52rsua$a0l@linux1.netconx.de> References: <52p9f7$q0e@news.rhrz.uni-bonn.de> moellney@michi.bota.uni-bonn.de (Michael Moellney) wrote: > Weis einer was ueber Release-Zeiten? OPENSTEP 4.1 wird erstmals auf der ObjectWorld in Frankfurt am 10./11. Oktober vorgestellt, zusammen mit WebObjects 3.0 und EOF 2.0. Der endgueltige Releasetermin und eventuelle Upgradekosten standen bis heute nicht fest. Wilfried Beeck DART Software GmbH NeXT Distribution
From: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: PPP & sendmail...??? Date: 1 Oct 1996 15:33:00 GMT Organization: J. W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Message-ID: <52rdjc$20a@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> References: <324816E5.3A78@physik.uni-ulm.de> <52cok8$h50@rrzs3.uni-regensburg.de> markus.kirschner@rz.uni-regensburg.de (Markus Kirschner) wrote: > Ich hab mir sendmail 8.7.5a draufgeknallt. Das schickt dir nach ner > Zeit ne Mail wenns ne Mail nicht abschicken konnte und stampft dir > Mail dann nach n paar Tagen ein (dir Timeouts kann man einstellen). Tut das alte sendmail aber genauso... Tschau Uli -- ______________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine ______________________________________________________________________
From: next@lithium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE (next-bereich) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: NS Treiber f. 3-COM 3C590 COMOBO PCI ? Date: 2 Oct 1996 06:47:42 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <52t36e$dt1@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Hallo, gibt es einen NS Treiber fuer die Netzwerkkarte '3-COM 3C590 COMBO PCI' ? Ruediger Schmidt E-Mail: schmidt@kalium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE
From: phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 2 Oct 1996 10:53:08 GMT Organization: Universitaet Essen GH, Germany Message-ID: <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Dirk Schwarzhans (dirk@kalium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE) wrote: : On 10/01/96, Bernhard Scholz wrote: : >Ist der Zensus also, dass man keine 16Bit DMA waehlen darf? Damit : >ist es also nicht moeglich PnP Karten mit 44.1kHz zu betreiben? : > : >God save my SB16 non-PnP. : Bei mir war es noch schlimmer. Nicht nur, dass man 8-Bit waehlen : musste, man konnte dann auch nur noch 8-bittige Sounds abspielen! Gelogen, gelogen, gelogen :-) ! Es scheint so zu sein, dass der Mensch, der bei NeXT die SB PnP- Anbindung vorgesehen/-nommen hat nicht der fitteste war/ist. Man sieht das schon an den unmoeglichen Parametereinstellungen der Defaults fuer PnP und an der ID. Die Erkennung mit dem CTL...-String ist murks (, obwohl sie (leidlich) funktioniert) - ich rede (noch) von/fuer NS 3.3! Die sedezimale (hex) PnP-ID der Karte ist besser und man sollte nicht nur eine, sondern alle(/viele) SB PnP IDs dort auffuehren, jedenfalls alle die man betreiben will. 16Bit DMA kann sehr wohl auch unter PnP-Karten funktionieren, wenn man den 16Bit Treiber im .config-Wrapper richtig anpasst - so wie NeXT es mit dem 8Bit Treiber (nicht richtig) getan hat. Dies kann ich an ausgewaehlten Beispielen (SB 16 PnP und AWE 32 PnP) beweisen. Es scheint allerdings so zu sein, dass bei eingeschaltetem PnP Erkennungsmodus die Karte nicht bei jedem Aufruf einer 'Akkustik-App' (sofort) anlaeuft, dann aber beim zweiten oder (evtl.) dritten Mal; jedenfalls habe ich das bisher nicht 100%ig hinbekommen. Meine Erfolgsquote ist allerdings von anfaenglich ca. 50:50 auf besser als 90:10 (dafuer :-)!) gestiegen. Aus irgendwelchen Gruenden (Ressourcen-Reservierung unter PnP?) sieht(!) NeXT es nur nicht so gern, wenn ein 16Bit Modus gewaehlt wird. Darum bieten sie ihn wohl erst gar nicht an. Wer einem nach meiner Kenntnis und Erfahrung den 16Bit-Modus verhageln kann ist NEXTIME, das Quicktime-Movies mit 16Bit erst gar nicht richtig abspielt (unabhaengig von PnP)! Oder habe ich da etwas falsch gemacht??? Jedenfalls sollte NEXTIME dringend an die neueren Formate angepasst werden und sich nicht nur die .avi Endung 'schnappen', sondern dann auch wirklich etwas damit anfangen - am besten (ab)spielen :-). Gruss, Ruediger Oberhage -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
From: jnstibor@cip.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de (Joern Stiborsky) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: OPENSTEP fuer Solaris --- einfach genial! Date: 2 Oct 1996 11:49:06 GMT Organization: EE Students Computer Pool, University of Erlangen, Germany Message-ID: <52tkri$6f1@rznews.rrze.uni-erlangen.de> Hi! Also ich muss es einfach mal loswerden: Openstep fuer solaris ist sehr gut gelungen! Auf einer Sparc10 mit 64MB lauft es momentan an der UNI-Erlangen, und ich hoffe, es wird auf weiteren rechnern installiert! ciao joern
From: Joerg Link <J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 UW oder nur U??? Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 17:20:24 -0700 Organization: Alcatel SEL AG Message-ID: <325306C8.976@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> References: <52p7j7$i4d@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ivo Killer wrote: > Laeuft der Adaptec 2940 UW nun oder nicht? Angeblich gaebe es einen > Treiber von NeXT der behauptet das Teil zu unterstuetzen, es aber dann > doch nicht tut. Also bei mir tutet er. Aber ich habe nur 4.0 laufen; da funktioniert er direkt mit dem mitgelieferten Treiber auf der Driver-Disk 1. Gruss, Joerg -- ================================ Joerg Link, Alcatel SEL AG Abt.: DP/SM, Mannheimerstr.22b 75179 Pforzheim Tel.: 07231-300-288, Fax 300-298 email: J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de ================================
From: kris@koehntopp.de (Kristian =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hntopp?=) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP fuer Solaris --- einfach genial! Date: 2 Oct 1996 16:04:55 GMT Organization: "Generation @", Autorenkollektiv zur Fabrikation von Gedankenfertigteilen. Message-ID: <52u3r7$ebl@white.koehntopp.de> References: <52tkri$6f1@rznews.rrze.uni-erlangen.de> jnstibor@cip.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de (Joern Stiborsky) writes: >Openstep fuer solaris ist sehr gut gelungen! Wenn man es als Alternative zu X sieht, ist es sicherlich sehr erloesend. Als Nextstepler finde ich es allerdings ein wenig duenn. Ich kenne nur die Beta, die Sun verteilt hat und da besteht das Ding aus ganzen 5 Clients (WM, Preferences, Nextmail, Edit und Preview). Developer-verwoehnt, Kristian PS: Will Netscape gegen Openstep gelinkt haben! -- Kristian Koehntopp, Wassilystrasse 30, 24113 Kiel, +49 431 688897 "Linux - Come to where the code is." -- Idee von Michael Ohlhus *** ==> New: kris@koehntopp.de <== *** ==> Update your killfile/auto-select <==
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 17:57:24 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: "H.-R. Oberhage" <phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de> In-Reply-To: <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> On 2 Oct 1996, H.-R. Oberhage wrote: > Dirk Schwarzhans (dirk@kalium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE) wrote: > : Bei mir war es noch schlimmer. Nicht nur, dass man 8-Bit waehlen > : musste, man konnte dann auch nur noch 8-bittige Sounds abspielen! > > Gelogen, gelogen, gelogen :-) ! > > 16Bit DMA kann sehr wohl auch unter PnP-Karten funktionieren, wenn > man den 16Bit Treiber im .config-Wrapper richtig anpasst - so wie > NeXT es mit dem 8Bit Treiber (nicht richtig) getan hat. Dies kann > ich an ausgewaehlten Beispielen (SB 16 PnP und AWE 32 PnP) beweisen. > Es scheint allerdings so zu sein, dass bei eingeschaltetem PnP > Erkennungsmodus die Karte nicht bei jedem Aufruf einer 'Akkustik-App' > (sofort) anlaeuft, dann aber beim zweiten oder (evtl.) dritten Mal; > jedenfalls habe ich das bisher nicht 100%ig hinbekommen. Meine > Erfolgsquote ist allerdings von anfaenglich ca. 50:50 auf besser als > 90:10 (dafuer :-)!) gestiegen. > Aehm, dann erklaer doch mal bitte wie? Das wuerde hier sicherlich jede Menge Leute freuen, und war schlieslich auch die urspruengliche Frage in diesem thread. Wie also krieg ich eine SB16 PnP zum laufen, am Besten noch mit 16Bit :-) > Wer einem nach meiner Kenntnis und Erfahrung den 16Bit-Modus verhageln > kann ist NEXTIME, das Quicktime-Movies mit 16Bit erst gar nicht richtig > abspielt (unabhaengig von PnP)! Oder habe ich da etwas falsch gemacht??? Also ich hatte noch keine Probleme (ohne PnP) aber ich wohl auch keinen 16Bit HiFi Quicktime. Auf Peanuts liegen ja jede Menge Quicktimes aber m.W. auch keine 44.1kHz. Wenn Du also einen hast, koenntest Du den nach Peanuts ins submissions/ stellen? (wobei natuerlich z.B. alle NeXT Sounds 16Bit sind, aber das sound device die on-the-fly auf 8Bit/22kHz runterrechnen kann (8Bit DMA), zumindest hab ich das so verstanden bisher. 16Bit DMA brauch ich doch nur fuer hoeherwertige stereo sounds, oder?) Viele Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: juergen@eskimo.bb.bawue.de (Juergen Grieb) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Pentium Boards ? Date: 2 Oct 1996 07:58:42 GMT Organization: "private site" Message-ID: <52t7bi$3ha@eskimo.eskimo.bb.bawue.de> Hi, ich spiele mit dem Gedanken meine Next-Intel Kiste auf Pentium Niveau zu bringen. Momentan habe ich ein ASUS SP3G Board und einen 486 am werkeln. Das Asus hat ja einen NCR SCSI-Controller on board. Gibt es sowas auch fuer Pentium von Asus? Welche Pentium Boards von Asus sind empfehlenswert und billig? Oder sollte ich lieber von Asus abstand nehmen und ein anderes benutzen? Falls es kein Board mit on board SCSI-Controller gibt, welcher Controller ist dann empfehlenswert um beim Umstieg keine Probleme zu verursachen? -- Juergen _______________________________________________________________________ Juergen Grieb ** 72119 Ammerbuch/Germany ** Tel. +7073 - 5118 e-mail: juergen@eskimo.bb.bawue.de ** NeXTMail and Mime welcome PGP-Key is available (please request it, so mail exchange will be safe)
From: roffel@biw-ag.de (Lee Roffel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: WAR: Re: hat schon jemand die IX gelesen ...? Date: 2 Oct 1996 16:43:35 GMT Organization: BIW Systemhaus Message-ID: <52u63n$e1a@next01.biw-ag.de> References: <1996Sep7.145317.9707@gamelan.shnet.org> <5144sb$9ku@ns.dart.de> <51au33$fm@marsu.navigator.de> <51hqrl$2hq@zoodle.robin.de> <51oaer$ek@marsu.navigator.de> Cc: mow@navigator.de In <51oaer$ek@marsu.navigator.de> Markus Wenzel wrote: > Solaris x86 ist bisher das einzige Unix, das sich von mir nicht installieren > lassen wollte. > > -- > Navigator Markus Wenzel info@navigator.de > IT Consulting & System Administration http://www.navigator.de/ > ... me too... ;-) -- Lee Roffel NeXTMail: roffel@biw-ag.de The gates in my computer are AND, OR and NOT; they are not Bill.
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: hhoff@schwaben.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Subject: Einladung zum naechsten NeKSt-Treffen in Stuttgart Message-ID: <Dyo0Ar.Ax@flop.schwaben.de> Sender: news@flop.schwaben.de Organization: home Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 20:16:03 GMT Michael kann im Moment nicht posten.. --snip-- >From: michael@ifr.Luftfahrt.Uni-Stuttgart.DE>Date: Wed, 2 Oct 96 15:41:10 +0100 Hallo NeXT-Fans, Nach der langen Sommerpause gibt es sicherlich viele Neuigkeiten zu berichten. Ich habe daher fuer den kommenden Montag den 7.10.1996 um 20.00h wieder einen Tisch im Sherlock reserviert. Dort koennen wir dann ueber unsere weiteren Aktivitaeten an den kommenden langen Herbst und Winterabenden beraten. Alle die an einem Kloenschnack mit der Stuttgarter NeXT User Gruppe Interesse haben sollten also mal vorbeikommen. (Fuer alle die immer noch nicht wissen wo das Sherlock ist: Stuttgart Vaihingen, Pfaffenwaldring 62, Tel. 0711/6874909) Ich hoffe auf zahlreiches Erscheinen Michael Paus --snip-- Gruß, Holger
From: mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Gibt es nur den Emacs??? Date: 2 Oct 1996 06:57:29 GMT Organization: Navigator Message-ID: <52t3op$69e@marsu.navigator.de> References: <51te16$feo@marsu.navigator.de> <DyEsD1.t9@rocher> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: holger@tciyf.kiss.de In <DyEsD1.t9@rocher> Holger Graudejus wrote: > mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) wrote: > MW> * Cc: Bernd.Laessig@net002.kiel.netsurf.de > [..] > MW> > MW>> 2. Wie ist es denn moeglich, in der Shell bzw. dem vi die Cursor-Tasten zu > MW>> belegen? > MW>Mit der zsh und dem vi tut das automatisch. > > Aha? Auch im Insert-Modus? > > Erzaehl mal, welcher Knopf bei der zsh dafuer zu druecken ist. Auszug aus 'man zsh': Bindings Command bindings may be set using the bindkey builtin. There are two keymaps-the main keymap and the alternate key- map. The alternate keymap is bound to vi command mode. The main keymap is bound to emacs mode by default. To bind the main keymap to vi insert mode, use bindkey -v. However, if one of the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables contain the string vi when the shell starts up the main keymap will be bound to vi insert mode by default. In meinem /etc/zshrc steht daher 'bindkey -e', ist angenehmer als der vi-Mode. -- Navigator Markus Wenzel info@navigator.de IT Consulting & System Administration http://www.navigator.de/
From: schnurps@nextop.in-berlin.de (Steffen Schnurpel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: CD recording Software gesucht Date: 3 Oct 1996 13:02:42 GMT Organization: uTATA club International Message-ID: <530dhi$6tl@utata.in-berlin.de> Ich suche eine Software, mit der ich unter NS CDs brennen kann.Der Brenner ist ein HP 4020i also hnlich dem Philips dcc 2000. Gibts da irgendwelche freien Programme?
From: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: NEXTTOYOU Herbst 96 erscheint verspaetet Date: 3 Oct 1996 17:24:26 GMT Organization: J. W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Message-ID: <530ssa$vf@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo an alle, aufgrund einiger ungluecklicher Terminprobleme wird die NEXTTOYOU diesmal erst Mitte Oktober erscheinen. Aber dannŽ ;­) Tschau Uli -- ______________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine ______________________________________________________________________
From: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: slurp Date: 3 Oct 1996 17:47:17 GMT Organization: J. W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Message-ID: <530u75$vf@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> References: <528vnn$fr9@ilex.FernUni-Hagen.de> lars@vergil.ping.de (Lars-Ulrich Kahl) wrote: > Hat jemand schon slurp fuer den NeXt compiliert, > wenn ja wo liegt es ??? Ist (4fat) Bestandteil von PersonalINN, das Du auf ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.2 findest Tschau Uli -- ______________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine ______________________________________________________________________
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 UW oder nur U??? Message-ID: <DynDBH.GB@manki.toppoint.de> Sender: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany References: <52p7j7$i4d@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 11:59:41 GMT In article <52p7j7$i4d@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> killeri@sun23.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Ivo Killer) writes: > Hallo zusammen, > > Laeuft der Adaptec 2940 UW nun oder nicht? Angeblich gaebe es einen > Treiber von NeXT der behauptet das Teil zu unterstuetzen, es aber dann > doch nicht tut. > Nun habe ich aber von jemand erfahren dass er doch funktioniert!! > Ich bin voellig Konfus! Hat das Ding jemand unter Wide-SCSI laufen? > Ich stelle mir gerade eine Intel-Box zusammen und wuerde mir gerne den > UW reinhaengen. > > Danke schon mal... > > -ivo > -- > Ivo Killer, <killeri@ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Der 2940 UW laeuft bei mir tadellos, kannst ihn also getrost nehmen. Habe eine W-Platte von IBM dran, 2.1G DFRS Gru Manfred
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: lars@vergil.ping.de (Lars-Ulrich Kahl) Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940 UW oder nur U??? Message-ID: <Dyp4nI.AE@vergil.ping.de> Sender: lars@vergil.ping.de (Lars-Ulrich Kahl) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany References: <52p7j7$i4d@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 10:47:42 GMT In article <52p7j7$i4d@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> killeri@sun23.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Ivo Killer) writes: > Hallo zusammen, > > Laeuft der Adaptec 2940 UW nun oder nicht? Angeblich gaebe es einen > Treiber von NeXT der behauptet das Teil zu unterstuetzen, es aber dann > doch nicht tut. > Nun habe ich aber von jemand erfahren dass er doch funktioniert!! > Ich bin voellig Konfus! Hat das Ding jemand unter Wide-SCSI laufen? > Ich stelle mir gerade eine Intel-Box zusammen und wuerde mir gerne den > UW reinhaengen. > > Danke schon mal... > > -ivo > -- > Ivo Killer, <killeri@ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Er laeuft mit der Treiberversion 3.37 von NeXT answers, einziges Problem - er hat mit manchen Platten Probleme mit dem fdisk - sprich wenn dos und NeXT auf die Platte soll, der normale disk-Befehl geht aber, ansonsten laeuft er mit meiner IBM Ulrawideplatte echt gut! # Ciao Lars -- ------------------------------------------------------------ * Lars-Ulrich Kahl NeXT-Mail please! lars@vergil.ping.de * * Lars-Ulrich.Kahl@FernUni-Hagen.de * * B L A C K B O X - NeXT Club Schwerte * * The Interpersonal Computer Club * * next-club-schwerte@vergil.ping.de *
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: lars@vergil.ping.de (Lars-Ulrich Kahl) Subject: Re: Unscharfer Turbo Color Station Monitor Message-ID: <Dyp4pK.B5@vergil.ping.de> Sender: lars@vergil.ping.de (Lars-Ulrich Kahl) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany References: <52qk1p$sb8@ddfservb.technet.net> Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 10:48:56 GMT In article <52qk1p$sb8@ddfservb.technet.net> Constantin Szallies <szallies@energotec.de> writes: > Hallo innovative NeXT Gemeinde, > > Ich hab hier einen Rentner stehen, der schon ganz unscharf geworden ist > (Monitor einer Turbo Color Station). > > Wei jemand ob man so einen Monitor wieder scharf bekommen kann (Lechz!)? > Wenn ja, wer einem das macht? > > MfG > -- > Constantin Szallies, Energotec GmbH > szallies@energotec.de > 49211-9144018 Aufmachen, hinten sind zwei kleine Schrauben fuer die horizontale und vertikale, ansonsten jeder Fernsehhaendler!! Ciao Lars -- ------------------------------------------------------------ * Lars-Ulrich Kahl NeXT-Mail please! lars@vergil.ping.de * * Lars-Ulrich.Kahl@FernUni-Hagen.de * * B L A C K B O X - NeXT Club Schwerte * * The Interpersonal Computer Club * * next-club-schwerte@vergil.ping.de *
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org (Thomas Funke) Subject: Re: Pentium Boards ? Message-ID: <1996Oct3.164127.984@gamelan.shnet.org> Sender: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org (thomas) Organization: Disorganization References: <52t7bi$3ha@eskimo.eskimo.bb.bawue.de> Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 16:41:27 GMT In article <52t7bi$3ha@eskimo.eskimo.bb.bawue.de> juergen@eskimo.bb.bawue.de (Juergen Grieb) writes: > > Momentan habe ich ein ASUS SP3G Board und einen 486 am werkeln. > Das Asus hat ja einen NCR SCSI-Controller on board. Gibt es sowas > auch fuer Pentium von Asus? > > Welche Pentium Boards von Asus sind empfehlenswert und billig? > > Oder sollte ich lieber von Asus abstand nehmen und ein anderes > benutzen? Die neuen ASUS-Boards haben keinen SCSI-Controller on board. Das beste Pentium-Board von ASUS ist das T2P4 , kostet rund 300 Mark ohne Prozessor. Recht gut und etwas billiger ist wohl auch das HX-Board von Gigabyte, ~ 250 Mark. Taiwan-No-Names sind auch nicht viel billiger, machen aber u.U. viel Aerger. Hier sollte also nicht am falschen Ende gespart werden. -- ----- Thomas Funke ----------------------- thomas@gamelan.shnet.org ----- C++ is to C as Lung Cancer is to Lung
Date: Sat, 05 Oct 1996 15:24:17 +0200 From: holger@tciyf.kiss.de (Holger Graudejus) Subject: Re: Gibt es nur den Emacs??? Message-ID: <MSGID_2=3A245=2F6666.17_00000087@fidonet.org> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Organization: TCIYF! mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) wrote: MW> * Cc: holger@tciyf.kiss.de MW> MW>In <DyEsD1.t9@rocher> Holger Graudejus wrote: MW>> mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) wrote: MW>> MW> * Cc: Bernd.Laessig@net002.kiel.netsurf.de MW>> [..] MW>> MW> MW>> MW>> 2. Wie ist es denn moeglich, in der Shell bzw. dem vi die Cursor-Tasten zu MW>> MW>> belegen? MW>> MW>Mit der zsh und dem vi tut das automatisch. MW>> MW>> Aha? Auch im Insert-Modus? MW>> MW>> Erzaehl mal, welcher Knopf bei der zsh dafuer zu druecken ist. MW> MW>Auszug aus 'man zsh': MW> MW> Bindings MW> Command bindings may be set using the bindkey builtin. MW> There are two keymaps-the main keymap and the alternate key- MW> map. The alternate keymap is bound to vi command mode. The MW> main keymap is bound to emacs mode by default. To bind the MW> main keymap to vi insert mode, use bindkey -v. However, if MW> one of the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variables contain MW> the string vi when the shell starts up the main keymap will MW> be bound to vi insert mode by default. MW> MW>In meinem /etc/zshrc steht daher 'bindkey -e', ist angenehmer als der MW> vi-Mode. Aha. Auch nicht schlecht. Nur ist das nach erstem Ausprobieren und man-Page-Lesen doch nicht das gewuenschte. Und zwar wird dadurch ja nur das Verhalten der Shell verandert, wie sie auf verschiedene Tasten zu reagieren hat. Das, was mich dabei interessiert, ist die Moeglichkeit, im vi, wenn ich im Insert-Modus bin, auch die Cursor-Tasten benutzen zu koennen. Mit .exrc und "map" bzw. "!map" kann ich das bekommen, aber nach dem, was Du zuerst geschrieben hattest, hoerte sich das so an, als ob das ueber die Shell mit einem Fingerschnipp regelbar waere. Ciao, Holger.
From: rainer@wmax60.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de (Rainer Frohnhöfer) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: OPENSTEP 4.1 ???? Wie bitte? Date: 6 Oct 1996 22:29:39 GMT Organization: University of Wuerzburg, Germany Message-ID: <539bsj$86j@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Um mit der Tür ins Haus zu fallen: Wahrscheinlich ist es dem Ein oder Anderen schon aufgefallen, auf ftp.peanuts... liegen unter NeXTanswers die Dokumente 2469 und 2470. Das sind Releasenote zu OPENSTEP 4.1; dabei wird OPENSTEP 4.1 for MACH ausdrücklich erwähnt! Ähem, nichts gegen schnelle Bugfixes, aber wie ich das sehe, muß man wohl für 4.1 wieder den vollen Kaufpreis löhnen. Also nichts mit Patchdisk wie bei 3.3? Ich hoffe doch, mit dieser Vermutung liege ich falsch. Wenn nicht, habe ich dann als Student für ein zu drei Vierteln fertiges Produkt 650+ DM hingeblättert? Unter www.dart.de kann man noch nix dazu finden, gleiches gilt für www.next.com. Vielleicht war ich heute Nacht auch einfach schon zu früh dran .... Und ich kann mir nicht helfen, irgendwie macht mir sowas Angst: "Note that if your application uses API which was added between 4.0 and 4.1, your application might not run under 4.0. (If you do not want to deploy your application on 4.0, then this is not an issue.) You can catch some of the potential problems by defining the macro STRICT_40 at compile time. This #define is ....." "A number of performance improvements were also made to Foundation between 4.0 and 4.1. Customers developing on 4.1 may find performance to be significantly worse in some cases when a project is deployed on 4.0." -- ------------------------------------- "Um Energie zu sparen, wird das Licht am Ende des Tunnels vorlaeufig abgeschaltet." rainer@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de (finger cip@mathematik for public key ...)
From: martin@cognition.iig.uni-freiburg.de (Martin Oettle) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: S. Reperaturanleitung Next 400 Printer Date: 7 Oct 1996 07:25:30 GMT Organization: Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Freiburg, Germany Message-ID: <53ab9a$k93@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Hi, ich habe einen schwarzen NeXT-Drucker, bei dem sich eine nicht hitzebestaendige Folie um die Walzen geschmolzen hat. Ohne die Walzen auszubauen kriege ich das Zeugs nicht mehr raus. Weis jemand, wo ich ein Manual oder Aehnliches her- kriege, um den Drucker zu zerlegen? Ciao Martin -- _________________________________________________________________ /_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ / http://www.iig.uni-freiburg.de/cognition/members/martin _/ /__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/_/
From: schmidt@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de (Harry Schmidt) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: WTB: 2.88mb station floppy drive Date: 7 Oct 1996 08:43:27 GMT Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany Message-ID: <53afrf$ptq@nz12.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de> References: <52oiva$el7@rznews.rrze.uni-erlangen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit jnstibor@cip.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de (Joern Stiborsky) wrote: >Hi! > >Hat jemand noch so ein teil??? > >bitte per mail antworten! Ich suchte auch so ein Laufwerk. Alternativ darf es auch ein 1.44mb Teil sein. Kann man die in M*c*nt*sh eingesetzten HD-Laufwerke auch in einem Cube verwenden? harry -- InterNet: schmidt@arb-phys.uni-dortmund.de MausNet: Harry Schmidt @ DO
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.1 ???? Wie bitte? Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 12:55:26 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961007125017.15813A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <539bsj$86j@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE In-Reply-To: <539bsj$86j@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> On 6 Oct 1996, Rainer Frohnh=F6fer wrote: >=20 > Um mit der T=FCr ins Haus zu fallen:=20 >=20 > =C4hem, nichts gegen schnelle Bugfixes, aber wie ich das sehe, mu=DF ma= n=20 > wohl f=FCr 4.1 wieder den vollen Kaufpreis l=F6hnen. Also nichts mit Patc= hdisk=20 > wie bei 3.3? Ich hoffe doch, mit dieser Vermutung liege ich falsch. Wenn= =20 Wir werden sehen. Bis jetzt sind das alles nur wilde Vermutungen. > Und ich kann mir nicht helfen, irgendwie macht mir sowas Angst: >=20 > "Note that if your application uses API which was added between 4.0 and= =20 > 4.1, your application might not run under 4.0. (If you do not want to=20 > deploy your application on 4.0, then this is not an issue.) You can catch= =20 > some of the potential problems by defining the macro STRICT_40 at compile= =20 > time. This #define is ....." > Naja, ist wohl auch nicht weiter schlimm. Bei den Unmengen 4.0 Applikationen die es bisher gibt :) =20 > "A number of performance improvements were also made to Foundation betwee= n=20 > 4.0 and 4.1. Customers developing on 4.1 may find performance to be=20 > significantly worse in some cases when a project is deployed on 4.0." >=20 S.o. und wurde auch Zeit. Wenn ich mir nur die online Hilfe anschaue. Da kann man ja dabei zuschauen, wenn die auf dem Schirm gezeichnet wird. Hauptsache 4.1 ist 'significantly' besser als 4.0 --- und das wird es wohl sein :-) Viele Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: Stefan Gallas <stefan.gallas@physik.uni-ulm.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Problem beim Installieren von OPENSTEP... Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 10:31:49 -0700 Organization: Institute for Dynamic Material Testing (IDM) Message-ID: <32593E85.1504@physik.uni-ulm.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo! Ich habe ein Problem beim Installieren von Openstep unter folgender Konfiguration: Adaptec 2940UW Scsi-Adapter mit 2 GB-Platte auf ID 1 JAZ-Drive auf ID 2 Nec 3xi CD-ROM auf ID 3 Beim Booten von der Installationsdisk stoppt der Computer mit System-Panic: can't find CD-ROM-Drive... Ist das CD-Laufwerk nicht geeignet um OS zu installieren? Oder gibt es eine andere Ursache (evtl. den Adaptec-Controller)? Falls jemand ein ähnliches Problem hatte bzw. dieses gelöst hat wäre ich für eine hilfe-mail sehr dankbar! Ciao Stefan -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stefan Gallas Institute for Dynamic Robert-Koch-Str. 16 Material Testing (IDM) 89129 Langenau University of Ulm 07345/22331 *** stefan.gallas@physik.uni-ulm.de *** 0731/502-3996 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Problem beim Installieren von OPENSTEP... Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 15:29:27 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961007152747.20488A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <32593E85.1504@physik.uni-ulm.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <32593E85.1504@physik.uni-ulm.de> On Mon, 7 Oct 1996, Stefan Gallas wrote: > 2 GB-Platte auf ID 1 > JAZ-Drive auf ID 2 > Nec 3xi CD-ROM auf ID 3 > > Beim Booten von der Installationsdisk stoppt der Computer mit > System-Panic: can't find CD-ROM-Drive... > Geeignet sicherlich, nur die Installationssoftware ist IMHO etwas doof. Probier mal das CD ROM auf 2 und das JAZ auf 3 zu jumpern. M.W. nach muss beim Installieren das CD-ROM immer das zweite Geraet beim Erkennen sein, also sd1a. Greetings, Bernhard.
From: kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de (Axel Habermann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: S. Reperaturanleitung Next 400 Printer Date: 7 Oct 1996 13:05:17 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <53av6d$b7r@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <53ab9a$k93@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Martin Oettle <martin@cognition.iig.uni-freiburg.de> wrote: : Hi, : ich habe einen schwarzen NeXT-Drucker, bei dem sich eine : nicht hitzebestaendige Folie um die Walzen geschmolzen hat. : Ohne die Walzen auszubauen kriege ich das Zeugs nicht mehr : raus. Weis jemand, wo ich ein Manual oder Aehnliches her- : kriege, um den Drucker zu zerlegen? Vielleicht hilft folgendes: Das hier habe ich mal geschrieben fuer jemandem, dem das NeXTLaser- Netzteil abgeraucht war. Den netzteilspezifischen Teil habe ich weggelassen. ------------ schnipp Erstmal, wie man den verdammten Printer zerlegt: 1) Unter dem Deckel sind drei Schrauben zu loesen (nicht die mit Lack verklebten). Dann kannst Du den schwarzen Plastik- deckel anheben und nach hinten schieben. Dann abnehmen. Danach die Klappe (Metallrahmen) senkrecht stellen. 2) Jetzt kommst Du an die Gehauseschrauben gut ran. (Oben auf dem Gehaeuse bzw. links unten). Loese vorne zwei und an beiden Seiten je zwei Schrauben. Fuer die hinteren beiden Schrauben musst Du erst die hintere Klappe abschrauben (aufklappen, dann die Schraube, die die Klappe mit der auch aufklappenden Mechanik ueber eine Lasche verbindet loesen. Jetzt kannst Du die Klappe oeffnen und die Mechanik einklappen). Nun kannst Du links die kleine schwarze (irgendwie ist hier alles schwarz) Plastikabdeckung abschrauben und kommst gut an die dahinterliegende Gehaeuseschraube. Rechts ist einfach. 3) Nun die grosse Abdeckung nach oben abziehen (Achtung, die klemmt ein wenig. Wackeln!). ---------------- schnupp Wie das dann mit den Walzen weitergeht, weiss ich leider auch nicht, aber so hast Du das Ding wenigstens schonmal offen... -- Axel Habermann kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de Fon:+49 30 45478986 Fax:4542296 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".c", -- Kristian Koehntopp
From: Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Plattenproblem Date: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 12:53:42 +0100 Organization: TU Hamburg-Harburg Message-ID: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit CC: ti6ls Symptom: ------- Fuer das System und "df" sieht es so aus, als haette die Platte nur 1020 M. fdisk erkennt jedoch, dass die Platte tatsaechlich 2064 M Kapazitaet bietet. Andererseits enthaelt der Partition Table, den fdisk anzeigt, nichts als Nullen. Konfiguration: ------------- System: NeXT Step 3.3 Adapter und Treiber: Adaptec 2940 mit Treiberversion 3.7 Disk: IBM DORS 32160 WA0A5U2F Vielen Dank fuer Eure Hilfe! Gruss, Ludger. -- ------------ Ludger Solbach, AB Technische Informatik VI ------------- | Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany | | e-mail: Solbach@TU-Harburg.d400.De, Tel.: +49-40-7718-3357 | ---------------- http://www.ti6.tu-harburg.de/~ti6ls -----------------
From: jkra@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de (Jens Kraiczi) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Date: 7 Oct 1996 17:11:54 GMT Organization: University of Technology Chemnitz, FRG Message-ID: <53bdkq$4ul@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> wrote: >Symptom: >------- >Fuer das System und "df" sieht es so aus, als haette die Platte nur 1020 M. >fdisk erkennt jedoch, dass die Platte tatsaechlich 2064 M Kapazitaet bietet. >Andererseits enthaelt der Partition Table, den fdisk anzeigt, nichts als >Nullen. > NextStep kann, soweit ich weiss, nur mit Patitionen bis 2 GB groesse umgehen - bei einer 2,1 GB Platte werden per default 2 Partitionen mit je 1,... GB angelegt, wobei er mir die 2. Partition als Swapdisk deklariert hatte ;( Gruss -Jens -- ...may the force be with you... ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒ « Jens Kraiczi » « Jens.Kraiczi@E-Technik.TU-Chemnitz.DE » « PGP : via finger » ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ
From: moetteli@amiga.icu.net.ch (Philip Moetteli) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: HELP: OpenStep auf AST-Computer Date: 7 Oct 1996 14:33:28 GMT Organization: ICU - Informatik Club der Uni Zuerich Message-ID: <53b4bo$oc6@news.eunet.ch> Hallo zusammen Ich muesste hier dringend einen AST Bravo MS P/100 mit OpenStep installieren. Leider hat dieses Ding eine - ATI Mach64 Grafikkarte mit _nur_ 1MB drauf und dafuer hat's natuerlich keinen Treiber. Was koennte man da machen? Ausserdem hat's eine - 3COM EtherLink III-Karte mit PCI drauf. Und NeXT hat bei den mitgelieferten Treibern nur (E)ISA unterstuetzt. Was kann ich da machen? Ich habe ungluecklicherweise sehr wenig Erfahrung mit Intelge- raeten und waere deshalb wirklich auf Hilfe von aussen ange- wiesen. Bitte, falls jemand was weiss, waere ich wirklich um jede Antwort froh. Herzlichen Dank Philip auf der
From: martin@cognition.iig.uni-freiburg.de (Martin Oettle) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Hilfe - pty's fehlen Date: 8 Oct 1996 06:47:53 GMT Organization: Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Freiburg, Germany Message-ID: <53ctep$21s@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Hi, seit dem letzten Systemcrash fehlen jede Menge Pseudoterminals (pty) im dev-directory. Entsprechend viele Fehlermeldungen erhalte ich waehrend dem Arbeiten. Wie um alles in der Welt kriege ich wieder mehr als drei pty's ins dev-directory? danke, Martin -- _________________________________________________________________ /_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ / http://www.iig.uni-freiburg.de/cognition/members/martin _/ /__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/_/
From: Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 08:23:50 +0100 Organization: TU Hamburg-Harburg Message-ID: <325A0186.F5EA605@tu-harburg.d400.de> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> <53bdkq$4ul@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jens Kraiczi wrote: > Hallo! [Jens schrieb:] > NextStep kann, soweit ich weiss, nur mit Patitionen bis 2 GB groesse umgehen > - bei einer 2,1 GB Platte werden per default 2 Partitionen mit je 1,... GB > angelegt, wobei er mir die 2. Partition als Swapdisk deklariert hatte ;( Das mit dem 2G Problem hatte ich auch gelesen, aber bei mir ist von einer zweiten Partition nichts zu sehen. Hier wurde die Platte einfach um 1G am- putiert. :( Gruss, Ludger.
From: phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 8 Oct 1996 08:49:01 GMT Organization: Universitaet Essen GH, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Hallo, jeder der Probleme mit PnP hat(te), insbesondere auch bei den Creative SoundBlaster Karten, sollte sich den neuen EISABus Treiber zu Gemuete fuehren. Der loest viele Probleme (jedenfalls habe ich seit gestern keine(!) Startprobleme mit Sound mehr) und hat einen 'PnP-Debugger' mit dem man die eingestellte Konfiguration betrachten und von dem man dann 'viel lernen' kann. (Da hab' ich erst einmal gelernt, dass die AWE32 ueber vier PnP Untersysteme verfuegt, die ja wohl eigentlich alle konfiguriert sein muessten/sollten, was man mit den bisherigen Methoden und Treibern aber vergessen kann. Mit Tricks kann ich jetzt sogar die 'EIDE'-Ressource der AWE32PnP konfigurieren - noch mit einem kleinen Problem, der EIDE-Treiber mag keine zwei(!) Portangaben, die die PnP-Reservierung aber benoetigt. Ich fuerchte, man muss da erst die (neue) Syntax fuer PnP lernen (Ressourcenreservierung), aber evtl. macht der neue Treiber (s.u.) solche Tricks ja sogar unnoetigt) Aber Achtung: Es gibt zwei 'Packages' in NeXTanswers: Eins fuer 3.3 und eins (wohl) ab 4.x! Fuer die (weitgehende) Loesung im Prinzip der PnP-Systeme ein Hoch den Programmierern von (ich sage immer noch) NEXTSTEP. Es scheinen ja doch noch wenigstens ein paar Leute bei NeXT von WebObjects ab-/freigestellt zu sein. Ein neuer SB16-Treiber (fuer PnP) ist auch angekuendigt, aber wohl noch nicht verfuegbar. Jungs, wir sind wieder (fast) up-to-date :-). Gruss, Ruediger Oberhage -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
From: heller@attila.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de (Helmut Heller) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.misc,de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: can no longer mount DOS CDs! Please help! Date: 8 Oct 1996 14:27:25 GMT Organization: Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <53docd$2ob@sparcserver.lrz-muenchen.de> Keywords: CD CDROM DOS SCSI Thanks for the responses so far, but none helped.... Ayis Theseas Pyrros <ayis@esg.com> suggested: > Try replacing the software which is responsible for mounting DOS > filesystems, it could be corrupt. Filesystem support is under > /usr/filesystems/DOS.fs/ A small program called DOS.util does the > work for mounting DOS systems. Check to make sure you can run it > and make sure the directory is there. > I diff-ed it to the CDROM: no differences. I copied it over from the CDROM and tried again: does not work :-( Furthermore, I can mount DOS floppies fine (which is supposedly handled by the same program). Besides, I looked in the man page for fstab and it says that DOS-CDROMs can't be mounted: dos mnt_fsname Must be a raw device. mnt_opts Ignored. NOTE: This file system does not support SCSI hard disks, CD-ROMs, or 2.88 MB floppies; it supports only 720KB and 1.4 MB floppies. To mount a dos volume, the appropriate loadable kernel server must already be loaded into the system. ..or at least this is how I interpret it. However, I remember that I DEFINATELY HAD DOS cdroms mounted before! "Timothy J. Luoma" <luomat@nerc.com> had suggested to > edit /etc/mtab to have something like this in it (in addition to what was > already there): > /dev/rsd3h /DosCD dos ro,removable,filesystem=CDROM 1 2 > I tried this, but nothing happened. I tried to mount the CDROM with various forms of mount commands, but all I got was just error messages. "Timothy J. Luoma" <luomat@nerc.com> had also suggested to > If that didn't work, I'd logout, halt, get to the ROM monitor, put a > DOS CD into the CD-ROM and boot in verbose mode, and watch what it > says when it gets to the CD-ROM. > during verbose startup the cd-player identyfies itself but I did not get any hints out of these messages. "Timothy J. Luoma" <luomat@nerc.com> had also suggested to > Then I might wonder about the permissions, and I'd look at 'ls': > crw-r----- 1 root operator 14, 31 May 4 13:08 /dev/rsd3h > which works fine for me. > Permissions are fine, no problem there. However, I am not alone, as Christian Vollmert <chris%homer@annexr1-6.slip.Uni-Koeln.DE> has the very same problem. What could have happened? Can some kind soul out there, with a working SCSI CDROM (preferrably on a black NeXTStation) that can read and mount DOS CDs **PLEASE** help me by: automounting a DOS CDROM (just by inserting a DOS CDROM into the SCSI drive) and mailing me their /etc/mtab ????????????????????? That would probably help me a lot! By and thanks in advance Helmut -- Servus, Helmut (DH0MAD) ______________NeXT-mail welcome_________________ FAX: +49-89-2394-4607 "Knowledge must be gathered and cannot be given" heller@attila.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de ZEN, one of BLAKES7 Phone: +49-89-2394-4565 ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Helmut Heller, Ludwig Maximilians University | G i b D O S | Institute for Medical Optics, Theoretical Biophysics Group | k e i n e |
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.1 ???? Wie bitte? Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:29:13 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008152338.25978A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <539bsj$86j@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961007125017.15813A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d455$3au@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <53d455$3au@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> On 8 Oct 1996, Eberhard Wolff wrote: > f"ur Software (auch wenn das von NeXT sicher ein sehr faires Angebot ist) > nicht gerade wenig. Und wenn man sich dann tats"achlich kurz darauf f"ur > dasselbe Geld ein Update kaufen soll, das dann endlich die Features > hat, die man eigentlich in 4.0 erwartet h"atte, dann ist das schon ein starkes > St"uck. Vor allem, weil niemand bei NeXT irgendwelche Infos dar"uber > rasuger"uckt hat (es gab ja noch nicht Mal ein Announcement f"ur 4.0 in > comp.sys.next.announce, wenn ich das richtig sehe). Aber vielleicht hat NeXT > ja ein Einsehen und gibt ein kostenloses Update raus. Sonst werde ich wohl > auf das tolle OS verzichten m"ussen und mich mit Linux und GNUstep begn"ugen. > Immer mit der Ruhe. Das alles hier sind doch nur wilde Spekulationen. Tatsache ist, dass NeXT noch nicht mal 4.1 angekuendigt hat! Jetzt also darueber zu spekulieren, wieviel es kostet ist mehr als gewagt! Aus den Sourcen die bisher bekannt sind, kann man aber folgendes ableiten: - OS4.1 kommt Mitte November (bei uns wohl etwas spaeter) - Fuer 4.0 Besitzer gibt es sehr wahrscheinlich Sonderregelungen (wohl in Form von Patches, die man sich per FTP saugen kann (ich seh da schon einen neue Peanuts Update am Horizont :) )) - Fuer 3.3 Besitzer kostet es latuerlich den 'normalen' Preis. Es scheint sich sowieseo einiges in dem Bereich OS zu tun, und nicht mehr 'nur' WO. Viele Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: dave@turbocat.de (David Wetzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Deutsches Woerterbuch? Date: 8 Oct 1996 11:42:22 GMT Organization: Turbocat's Development, Germany Message-ID: <53demu$ht@turbocat.turbocat.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo! Gibt es ein deutsches Wörterbuch, das ich an Stelle des englischen bei der Rechtschreibprüfung benutzen kann? _ _ _(_)(_)_ David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development, (_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG, _/ \_ Phone +49 33056 82151, Fax +49 33056 82152 (______) dave@turbocat.de (NeXTMail,MIME)
From: Rainer Frohnhöfer Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.1 ???? Wie bitte? Date: 8 Oct 1996 14:29:48 GMT Organization: University of Wuerzburg, Germany Message-ID: <53dogs$7cn@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> References: <539bsj$86j@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961007125017.15813A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d455$3au@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008152338.25978A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> wrote: > On 8 Oct 1996, Eberhard Wolff wrote: > [snip .... ] > > Aus den Sourcen die bisher bekannt sind, kann man aber folgendes ableiten: > > - OS4.1 kommt Mitte November (bei uns wohl etwas spaeter) > - Fuer 4.0 Besitzer gibt es sehr wahrscheinlich Sonderregelungen (wohl in > Form von Patches, die man sich per FTP saugen kann (ich seh da schon > einen neue Peanuts Update am Horizont :) )) > - Fuer 3.3 Besitzer kostet es latuerlich den 'normalen' Preis. > > Es scheint sich sowieseo einiges in dem Bereich OS zu tun, und nicht mehr > 'nur' WO. > Viele Gruesse, > Bernhard. Inzwischen in comp.sys.next.programmer: > Re: Openstep 4.1? (was: Which GCC version under 4.0) > by Toshinao Ishii, 3WEB corp. > > > Hi. > > In article <52uavj$fvi@news.doit.wisc.edu> jessica@whitewater.chem.wisc.edu >(Jessica Severin) writes: > > > Is Openstep 4.1 already in Beta?!?! > > Is there any projected release date for it? > > 6months? > > 1year? > > NEXTSOFTWARE Japan is announcing that they will release OPENSTEP for MACH 4.1J in >late November. > > -=-=-=-=-= > Toshinao Ishii > email: ici@osk.threewebnet.or.jp > Ich denke, wir verschieben die weitere Diskussion bis zur offiziellen Bekanntgabe hierzulande. Ich hatte bei meinem ersten Posting nur das Gefühl, ich schrei' zur Vorsicht lieber mal gleich "AU!", dann schlagen NeXT/d'Art bei der Preisgestaltung hinterher nicht ganz so hart zu! ;) Gruss, Rainer. -- ------------------------------------- "Um Energie zu sparen, wird das Licht am Ende des Tunnels vorlaeufig abgeschaltet." rainer@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de (finger cip@mathematik for public key ...)
From: 3wolff@rzdspc5.informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Eberhard Wolff) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.1 ???? Wie bitte? Date: 8 Oct 1996 08:42:13 GMT Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <53d455$3au@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> References: <539bsj$86j@winx03.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961007125017.15813A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Bernhard Scholz (scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de) wrote: : On 6 Oct 1996, Rainer Frohnh=F6fer wrote: : > "A number of performance improvements were also made to Foundation betwee= : n=20 : > 4.0 and 4.1. Customers developing on 4.1 may find performance to be=20 : > significantly worse in some cases when a project is deployed on 4.0." : >=20 : S.o. und wurde auch Zeit. Wenn ich mir nur die online Hilfe anschaue. Da : kann man ja dabei zuschauen, wenn die auf dem Schirm gezeichnet wird. : Hauptsache 4.1 ist 'significantly' besser als 4.0 --- und das wird es wohl : sein :-) Ich mu"s allerdings Rainer eindeutig zustimmen. Als Student sind 600 Mark f"ur Software (auch wenn das von NeXT sicher ein sehr faires Angebot ist) nicht gerade wenig. Und wenn man sich dann tats"achlich kurz darauf f"ur dasselbe Geld ein Update kaufen soll, das dann endlich die Features hat, die man eigentlich in 4.0 erwartet h"atte, dann ist das schon ein starkes St"uck. Vor allem, weil niemand bei NeXT irgendwelche Infos dar"uber rasuger"uckt hat (es gab ja noch nicht Mal ein Announcement f"ur 4.0 in comp.sys.next.announce, wenn ich das richtig sehe). Aber vielleicht hat NeXT ja ein Einsehen und gibt ein kostenloses Update raus. Sonst werde ich wohl auf das tolle OS verzichten m"ussen und mich mit Linux und GNUstep begn"ugen. Eberhard Wolff
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Deutsches Woerterbuch? Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 17:28:42 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008172740.2925A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <53demu$ht@turbocat.turbocat.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE In-Reply-To: <53demu$ht@turbocat.turbocat.de> On 8 Oct 1996, David Wetzel wrote: >=20 > Gibt es ein deutsches W=F6rterbuch, das ich an Stelle des englischen bei = der=20 > Rechtschreibpr=FCfung benutzen kann? Aber natuerlich. Gleich zwei und bei schwarzer Hardware sogar drei. Ortho und nextispell (service fuer ispell) Beides auf Peanuts, Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: dave@turbocat.de (David Wetzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Date: 8 Oct 1996 15:21:23 GMT Organization: Turbocat's Development, Germany Message-ID: <53drhj$rb@turbocat.turbocat.de> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> wrote: > Symptom: > ------- > Fuer das System und "df" sieht es so aus, als haette die Platte nur 1020 M. > fdisk erkennt jedoch, dass die Platte tatsaechlich 2064 M Kapazitaet bietet. > Andererseits enthaelt der Partition Table, den fdisk anzeigt, nichts als Nullen. NS kann nur Partitionen bis 2GB. Mache eine 2BG Partition und verzichte auf die paar MB am Ende (oder mach was du willst damit). _ _ _(_)(_)_ David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development, (_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG, _/ \_ Phone +49 33056 82151, Fax +49 33056 82152 (______) dave@turbocat.de (NeXTMail,MIME)
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:34:39 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008152951.25978B-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> <53bdkq$4ul@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> <325A0186.F5EA605@tu-harburg.d400.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <325A0186.F5EA605@tu-harburg.d400.de> On Tue, 8 Oct 1996, Ludger Solbach wrote: > Jens Kraiczi wrote: > Das mit dem 2G Problem hatte ich auch gelesen, aber bei mir ist von einer > zweiten Partition nichts zu sehen. Hier wurde die Platte einfach um 1G am- > putiert. :( > Das ist auch ganz "normal". Der Automounter erkennt naemlich immer nur die erste Partition. Die zweite ist also da, wird nur nicht automatisch erkannt. Da es bei Dir wohl die Startplatte ist, empfehle ich mal (als root): mount /dev/sd0b /Partition2 Wenn das klappt, lies die man pages zu 'mount' und 'fstab'. Zum statischen mounten bei jedem Boot des Systems traegst Du dann entsprechend /etc/fstab folgendes ein: /dev/sd0b <mein Mount Pfad> 4.3 rw,noquota 0 2 Viel Spass mit der zweiten Partition, Bernhard. (Man kann die Platte natuerlich auch komplett umpartitionieren, bspw. 1.9GB User und 200MB Swap drausmachen oder etwas aehnliches, das ist aber komplizierter. Man lese dazu die NeXTanswers (such nach disktab oder partiiton) )
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 15:39:11 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008153559.25978C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> On 8 Oct 1996, H.-R. Oberhage wrote: > > Jungs, wir sind wieder (fast) up-to-date :-). > Nach wieviel Jahren? Zwei? Jetz muss ich wahrscheinlich -nur noch- weitere 2 Jahre warten, bis es einen Midi Treiber fuer die AWE32 gibt, der parallel zum normalen Soundtreiber laeuft und einen Treiber fuer den Wavetable support und ... Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.lang.perl,de.comp.sys.next Subject: suidperl unter Nextstep Date: 7 Oct 1996 22:21:28 GMT Organization: Navigator Message-ID: <53bvp8$69e@marsu.navigator.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo, hat jemand schon mal suidperl (kommt von setuid, nicht von suizid :-) unter Nextstep installiert bzw. benutzt? Das normale 5.00x-Paket tut es bei mir nicht, und einen C-Wrapper zu schreiben bin ich eigentlich zu faul. Was muß man bei Nextstep machen, um ein Perlskript mit root-Rechten zu starten? Gruß, Markus. -- Navigator Markus Wenzel info@navigator.de IT Consulting & System Administration http://www.navigator.de/
From: kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de (Axel Habermann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Date: 8 Oct 1996 18:29:54 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <53e6j2$qni@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> <53drhj$rb@turbocat.turbocat.de> David Wetzel <dave@turbocat.de> wrote: : Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> wrote: : > Symptom: : > ------- : > Fuer das System und "df" sieht es so aus, als haette die Platte nur 1020 M. : > fdisk erkennt jedoch, dass die Platte tatsaechlich 2064 M Kapazitaet : bietet. : > Andererseits enthaelt der Partition Table, den fdisk anzeigt, nichts als : Nullen. : NS kann nur Partitionen bis 2GB. Mache eine 2BG Partition und verzichte auf : die paar MB am Ende (oder mach was du willst damit). Aber evtl. nicht mit fdisk. [out of man:] fdisk - examine or change DOS partitioning information Wenn das eine reine NeXTSTEP-Platte ist, ist disk das richtige Tool. -- Axel Habermann kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de Fon:+49 30 45478986 Fax:4542296 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".c", -- Kristian Koehntopp
From: kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de (Axel Habermann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Hilfe - pty's fehlen Date: 8 Oct 1996 18:31:33 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <53e6m5$qni@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <53ctep$21s@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Martin Oettle <martin@cognition.iig.uni-freiburg.de> wrote: : Hi, : seit dem letzten Systemcrash fehlen jede Menge : Pseudoterminals (pty) im dev-directory. Entsprechend viele : Fehlermeldungen erhalte ich waehrend dem Arbeiten. : Wie um alles in der Welt kriege ich wieder mehr als : drei pty's ins dev-directory? evtl. /dev/MAKEDEV NeXT -- Axel Habermann kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de Fon:+49 30 45478986 Fax:4542296 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".c", -- Kristian Koehntopp
From: Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Netinfoproblem (war: Plattenproblem) Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 17:40:28 +0100 Organization: TU Hamburg-Harburg Message-ID: <325A83FC.7246973F@tu-harburg.d400.de> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> <53bdkq$4ul@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> <325A0186.F5EA605@tu-harburg.d400.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008152951.25978B-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Vielen Dank an alle die geantwortet haben! Ich habe das 2G-Plattenplatz- Problem behoben, indem ich die "ueberschuessigen" Megabyte als DOS-Parti- tion abgezwackt habe. Da DOS auf dieser Kiste niemals laufen wird, ist das natuerlich eigentlich ziemlich danaben, aber naja... Hauptsache 2G fuer NeXTStep! Leider hielt die Freude darueber nicht lange an. Nun meint der Rechner beim Booten: "netinfod: checking NetInfo database local.nidb" und das war's dann - die Kiste haengt. Ich habe bereits versucht das aktuelle local.nidb durch das urspruengliche Template zu ersetzen, aber auch das hat nicht funktioniert. Hat jemand eine Idee? Gruss, Ludger.
Newsgroups: de.comp.lang.perl,de.comp.sys.next From: bad@ora.de (Christoph Badura) Subject: Re: suidperl unter Nextstep Message-ID: <Dyz4oI.I8u@ora.de> Organization: O'Reilly/International Thomson Verlag References: <53bvp8$69e@marsu.navigator.de> Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 20:24:18 GMT In <53bvp8$69e@marsu.navigator.de> mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) writes: >hat jemand schon mal suidperl (kommt von setuid, nicht von suizid :-) unter >Nextstep installiert bzw. benutzt? Das normale 5.00x-Paket tut es bei mir nicht, Wieso tut das nicht? Ist suidperl nicht SUID root? >und einen C-Wrapper zu schreiben bin ich eigentlich zu faul. main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { execv("/path/to/perlscript", argv); } -- Christoph Badura O'Reilly/International Thomson Verlag
From: peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: delayed 2 hours Date: 8 Oct 1996 08:26:35 GMT Organization: Peter's Private Newsserver Message-ID: <53d37r$8n@unity.westfalen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo hat das "delayed 2 hours" schon mal jemand in seinen log files (gatekeeeper ppp, microphone oder easy btx) gefunden. Es hat etwas mit dem Modem zu tun Zyxel U 1496E und entsteht warscheinlich durch Fehlversuche beim einloggen oder anwählen. Weiß jemand was ich dagegen machen kann, außer das Modem von Hand aus und ein zu schalten????? vielen Dank für alle Antworten Peter -- peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Peter Kopatzki Am Bredberg 21 D-49143 Schledehausen "The only purpose of life is Bliss" -Go and create it! NeXTmail and MIME welcome Phone:+49(0)5402 98050 Public Key on request
From: peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Stille, schnelle, preisgünstigste 2GB Platte für schwarze Hardware Date: 8 Oct 1996 08:29:44 GMT Organization: Peter's Private Newsserver Message-ID: <53d3do$8n@unity.westfalen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo Freunde, kann mir jemand eine Kaufempfehlung geben für eine stille, schnelle und preisgünstigste 2GB Platte an schwarzer Hardware geben? vielen Dank und liebe Grüße Peter -- peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Peter Kopatzki Am Bredberg 21 D-49143 Schledehausen "The only purpose of life is Bliss" -Go and create it! NeXTmail and MIME welcome Phone:+49(0)5402 98050 Public Key on request
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: ingmar@aurora.in-berlin.de (Ingmar Camphausen) Subject: Re: Deutsches Woerterbuch? Message-ID: <1996Oct9.022543.1199@aurora.in-berlin.de> Organization: Individual Network Berlin e.V. References: <53demu$ht@turbocat.turbocat.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008172740.2925A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 02:25:43 GMT Bernhard Scholz (scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de) wrote: : : > Gibt es ein deutsches W=F6rterbuch, das ich an Stelle des englischen bei = : der=20 : > Rechtschreibpr=FCfung benutzen kann? : : Aber natuerlich. Gleich zwei und bei schwarzer Hardware sogar drei. : : Ortho und nextispell (service fuer ispell) Welches ist das dritte fuer schwarze HW? __ __ Ingmar \_V_/ ___Y___ +-----------+ |\__/. .\ Ingmar Camphausen | USE PGP! |\ O---m /| \ \_____/| ingmar@in-berlin.de | (key via server |/`-------'\| \_U__////_/ (NeXTmail/MIME ok!) | or on request) +-----------+ Golden Key Campaign -- The gates in my computer are AND, OR and NOT; they are not Bill.
From: hhoff@ultra.modern-video.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 9 Oct 1996 10:22:42 GMT Organization: Seicom GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany, Europe Distribution: world Message-ID: <53fudi$397@gate.seicom.net> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> H.-R. Oberhage (phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de) wrote: >.. >Ein neuer SB16-Treiber (fuer PnP) ist auch angekuendigt, aber wohl >noch nicht verfuegbar. Seit gestern Abend doch - man darf ihn nur nicht normal suchen, sondern muss ueber das Overview-File gehen. Der Treiber hat die Version 3.34 und hilft auch bei nicht-PnP ISA SB16 Karten. Holger
From: fox@jeans.fokus.gmd.de (Oliver Fox) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: WebBrowser fuer Java ? Date: 9 Oct 1996 11:48:38 GMT Organization: GMD-FOKUS Message-ID: <53g3em$5t4@stern.fokus.gmd.de> Benutze fuer meine web aktivitaeten immer OmniWeb 2.0 (oder 2.1?) Tja all die java animationen, die ich auf der sun sehen kann bleiben da verborgen.... gibt es einen WebBrowser fuer meine blackHardware, mit dem ich Java maessig nicht zurueckstecken muss? Hat jemand darueber hinaus Informationen, wie es mit java und NeXTstep / OPENSTEP steht? moechte Java "nur" fuer animationen in web-seiten nutzen, aber natuerlich alles mit meinem NeXT machen.... (in den annoncen fuer WebObjects (mit denen ich mich jetzt beschaeftigen moechte) steht immer sowas wie "java support" hat jemand "Erfahrung" in dieser Richtung ? Oliver Fox Tel.: +49 30 25 499 123 Fax: +49 30 25 499 202 E-Mail: fox@fokus.gmd.de (NeXT mail welcome) http://www.fokus.gmd.de/ovma/employees/fox Hardenbergplatz 2 D-10623 Berlin Germany GMD-FOKUS GMD - Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology
From: Markus Schroeder <schroedm@mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: V: div. Schwarze Hardware Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 05:16:44 +0100 Organization: Heinrich Heine Universitaet Duesseldorf Message-ID: <325B272C.1123@mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit 2 * Mono Station 20 MB, 200 MB HDD, NS 3.3 academic NeXT Cdrom, MegapixelDisplay, Mouse + Tastatur Stueck 1100,- DM 1 * Turbo Color 32 MB, 1 Gb HDD, 17 " Fimi 2200,- DM Gruss Markus schroedm@uni-duesseldorf.de 0211 9023011
From: Jo Kammer <jkammer@mediahaus.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: EOF-/WebObjects-Programmierer gesucht! Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 18:26:13 +0200 Organization: Customer of EUnet Germany; Info: info@Germany.EU.net Distribution: world Message-ID: <325BD225.4224@mediahaus.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Internet/WWW-Projekt! Wir bieten in Duesseldorf mehrere Stellen fuer NEXTstep/OPENstep Entwickler mit IB-, EOF- und/oder WebObjects-Kenntnissen. Ein technisches Studium und/oder Projekt-Erfahrung sind wuenschenswert, aber absolut keine Voraussetzung, wenn Sie die Technik beherrschen. Fundierte Englischkenntnisse sind wichtig. Bewerbungen bitte nur per eMail (MIME ok, Attachments nur in Word-DOC oder PDF), Betreff: G3-Projekt.
From: hhoff@ultra.modern-video.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 9 Oct 1996 17:07:30 GMT Organization: Modern Video media group Distribution: world Message-ID: <53gm4i$b88@gate.seicom.net> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> <53fudi$397@gate.seicom.net> Sorry, noch was vergessen: Holger Hoffstaette (hhoff@ultra.modern-video.de) wrote: >H.-R. Oberhage (phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de) wrote: >>.. >>Ein neuer SB16-Treiber (fuer PnP) ist auch angekuendigt, aber wohl >>noch nicht verfuegbar. >Seit gestern Abend doch - man darf ihn nur nicht normal suchen, >sondern muss ueber das Overview-File gehen. Der Treiber hat die >Version 3.34 und hilft auch bei nicht-PnP ISA SB16 Karten. Was allerdings immer noch nicht geht, ist das abspielen von Musik-CDs ueber den Line-In Eingang. Ich habe das CDROM an die SB16 gekoppelt und ordnungsgemaess im DOS-Setup Line-In hochgesetzt - unter Win95/NT geht es, unter NS kommt nur das Schweigen im Walde. Bei einigen Leuten scheint das zu funktionieren - woran liegt's ? Der Quake-Soundtrack kaeme ganz gut beim programmieren.. Holger
From: dave@turbocat.de (David Wetzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Hilfe - pty's fehlen Date: 9 Oct 1996 17:53:57 GMT Organization: Turbocat's Development, Germany Message-ID: <53gorl$584@turbocat.turbocat.de> References: <53ctep$21s@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> martin@cognition.iig.uni-freiburg.de (Martin Oettle) wrote: > Hi, > > seit dem letzten Systemcrash fehlen jede Menge > Pseudoterminals (pty) im dev-directory. Entsprechend viele > Fehlermeldungen erhalte ich waehrend dem Arbeiten. > Wie um alles in der Welt kriege ich wieder mehr als > drei pty's ins dev-directory? man makedev _ _ _(_)(_)_ David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development, (_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG, _/ \_ Phone +49 33056 82151, Fax +49 33056 82152 (______) dave@turbocat.de (NeXTMail,MIME)
From: infopark online service <info@infopark.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: infopark sucht: Developer fuer objektorientierte Software Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 10:47:31 +0200 Organization: infopark online service Message-ID: <325B66A3.2665@infopark.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit CC: bernd@infopark.de Du bist seit Jahren in der Softwareentwicklung taetig. Technologisch hast Du alles Wichtige schon gemacht. Dein Projektteam hast Du lange abgehaengt. Deine Geschaeftsfuehrung versteht auch nicht mehr was Du tust. Infopark sucht einen Experten fuer objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung. Als Top-Developer fuer objektorientierte Software ... ... bringst Du mit: Berufserfahrung mit UNIX-Entwicklungsprojekten Ein Beduerfnis nach kreativer Leistungsentfaltung Umfangreiche Erfahrung mit objektorientierten Umgebungen (z.B. Objective-C, JAVA oder Smalltalk) HTML- und HTTP-Kenntnisse Erfahrung mit der Anbindung relationaler Datenbanken an OO-Systeme (z.B. Sybase oder Oracle) Lernbereitschaft, Flexibilitaet und zeitliche Belastbarkeit eine positive Einstellung zur Kultur eines High-Tech Unternehmens ... wir bieten Dir: Eine unbefristete Vollanstellung mit sozialer Absicherung Flexible Urlaubs- und Arbeitszeiten Keine Bevormundung durch CASE-Tools oder ISO9000 Ein starkes und nettes Team ... sind Deine Aufgaben: Konzeption und Entwicklung von Intranet-Software mit HTML-Frontend Weiterentwicklung unseres internen OO-Frameworks Wenn Du an diesem zukunftsorientierten Arbeitsplatz interessiert bist, bitten wir um Deine Bewerbung per Email an bvolcker@infopark.de Weitere Informationen ueber unser Unternehmen findest Du im Internet unter http://www.infopark.de Bernd Voelcker -- Bernd C. Voelcker bvolcker@infopark.de infopark online service GmbH Tel +49 (0)30 - 8 41 71 40 Bernadottestr. 66 Fax +49 (0)30 - 8 41 71 444 14195 Berlin, Germany
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 10:30:27 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961010102515.18647A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> <53fudi$397@gate.seicom.net> <53gm4i$b88@gate.seicom.net> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <53gm4i$b88@gate.seicom.net> On 9 Oct 1996, Holger Hoffstaette wrote: > Was allerdings immer noch nicht geht, ist das abspielen von > Musik-CDs ueber den Line-In Eingang. Ich habe das CDROM an > die SB16 gekoppelt und ordnungsgemaess im DOS-Setup Line-In > hochgesetzt - unter Win95/NT geht es, unter NS kommt nur das > Schweigen im Walde. Bei einigen Leuten scheint das zu > funktionieren - woran liegt's ? > Der Quake-Soundtrack kaeme ganz gut beim programmieren.. > Ach?! Ach was :-) Line In ist ja auch ein bisserl was anderes als der CD-ROM connector dirkt auf der Karte. Mein letzter Informationsstand ist, dass die Karte keinen duplex Betrieb unter NEXTSTEP macht. Der CD-ROM connector wird bei den SB einfach auf den Ausgang geschleift und sollte immer funktionieren. Der Line-In Eingang wird zur Aufnahme benutzt und dann geht das halt nicht mit BACKSTEP Treibern nicht, denn das aufgenommene Signal muesste ja gleich wieder abgespielt werden (duplex Betrieb). Gruesse, Bernhard.
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Subject: Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit P200 und GA-586HX Board? Message-ID: <Dz20rL.ry@manki.toppoint.de> Sender: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 09:52:33 GMT siehe Subjekt: Laeuft diese Kombination bei jemandem erfolgreich? Manfred
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 1996 19:34:03 +0200 From: holger@tciyf.kiss.de (Holger Graudejus) Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Message-ID: <MSGID_2=3A245=2F6666.17_00000102@fidonet.org> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Organization: TCIYF! phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de (H.-R. Oberhage) wrote: [..] H- >Aber Achtung: Es gibt zwei 'Packages' in NeXTanswers: Eins fuer H- >3.3 und eins (wohl) ab 4.x! H- >Fuer die (weitgehende) Loesung im Prinzip der PnP-Systeme ein H- >Hoch den Programmierern von (ich sage immer noch) NEXTSTEP. H- >Es scheinen ja doch noch wenigstens ein paar Leute bei NeXT von H- >WebObjects ab-/freigestellt zu sein. H- > H- >Ein neuer SB16-Treiber (fuer PnP) ist auch angekuendigt, aber wohl H- >noch nicht verfuegbar. H- > H- >Jungs, wir sind wieder (fast) up-to-date :-). Was? Wie? Wo? Gibt es jetzt auch ISDN-Treiber fuer die Teles 16.3? ;-) Ciao, Holger.
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Subject: Bootprozess bleibt haengen?? Message-ID: <Dz1w95.7I@manki.toppoint.de> Sender: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 08:15:05 GMT Hallo, Beim Bootvorgang bleibt der Rechner (weiss) immer nach dem Registering fd0a haengen und kommt jedesmal erst nach dem zweiten Versuch durch. Der zweite Versuch ist jedoch nur dann wirksam, wenn der Rechner zuvor ganz ausgeschaltet wurde. Der naechste Eintrag waeren com0 und dann PCI support. Weiss jemand Rat? Manfred
From: neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: delayed 2 hours Date: 10 Oct 1996 13:03:52 GMT Organization: Fachbereich Informatik, TH Darmstadt, Deutschland Message-ID: <53is7o$11ck@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> References: <53d37r$8n@unity.westfalen.de> Peter Kopatzki (peter@unity.westfalen.de) wrote: > hat das "delayed 2 hours" schon mal jemand in seinen log files > (gatekeeeper ppp, microphone oder easy btx) gefunden. Es hat etwas > mit dem Modem zu tun Zyxel U 1496E und entsteht warscheinlich durch > Fehlversuche beim einloggen oder anwählen. Weiß jemand was ich > dagegen machen kann, außer das Modem von Hand aus und ein zu > schalten????? Vorschrift der Zulassungsbehoerde.. nach n Wahlversuchen ohne Verbindungs- aufbau muss das Modem eine Neuwahl um eine bestimmte Zeit verschieben, respektive verweigern. Dies soll eine Ueberlastung der Vermittlungsstellen durch Daueranwahl einer Nummer verhindern, hat also durchaus seinen Grund. Es gibt (ausser ein- und aussschalten) keine legale Methode, dem abzuhelfen. Ich habe gehoert, dass Leute, die sich mit der Materie auskennen, dieses Feature gelegentlich deaktivieren, ich wuerde aber dringend empfehlen, in diesem Fall die automatische Wiederwahlzeit auf einen hohen Wert (zB eine Minute) zu setzen, um (berechtigten) Aerger mit der Telekom und rechtliche Konsequenzen zu vermeiden. Caveat lector. Chris -- // Christian Neuss "I ride tandem with a random.." // http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: infopark sucht: Developer fuer objektorientierte Software Date: 10 Oct 1996 13:07:58 GMT Organization: Fachbereich Informatik, TH Darmstadt, Deutschland Message-ID: <53isfe$11ck@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> References: <325B66A3.2665@infopark.de> infopark online service (info@infopark.de) wrote: > Du bist seit Jahren in der Softwareentwicklung taetig. > Technologisch hast Du alles Wichtige schon gemacht. > Dein Projektteam hast Du lange abgehaengt. > Deine Geschaeftsfuehrung versteht auch nicht mehr was Du tust. ..then come to where the flavor is - come to Marloboro country. Was fuer ein Clown o<:*) C. -- // Christian Neuss "I ride tandem with a random.." // http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: phy070@spo10.power.uni-essen.de (H.-R. Oberhage) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Date: 10 Oct 1996 09:07:08 GMT Organization: Universitaet Essen GH, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <53iebs$9ok@sun3.uni-essen.de> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> <53fudi$397@gate.seicom.net> <53gm4i$b88@gate.seicom.net> Holger Hoffstaette (hhoff@ultra.modern-video.de) wrote: : Sorry, noch was vergessen: : [...] : Was allerdings immer noch nicht geht, ist das abspielen von : Musik-CDs ueber den Line-In Eingang. Ich habe das CDROM an : die SB16 gekoppelt und ordnungsgemaess im DOS-Setup Line-In : hochgesetzt - unter Win95/NT geht es, unter NS kommt nur das : Schweigen im Walde. Bei einigen Leuten scheint das zu : funktionieren - woran liegt's ? : Der Quake-Soundtrack kaeme ganz gut beim programmieren.. Bitte eine kurze Erklaerung dazu, ich kapier's nicht. Ist das CD(ROM)-LW im Rechner, dann sollte es doch wohl das 'Koppelkabel' zwischen CD-LW und (SB-)Karte tun, um ueber die Lautsprecher abzuspielen, praktisch nur durchgeschleift (funktioniert bei mir auch!), oder soll ueber Line-/Speaker-Out(!) der Sound auf aeussere Verstaerker/Lautsprecher gegeben werden??? Oder soll ein externes(!) CD-LW (Line-in) Sound zusammen mit 'Geraeuschen' abspielen - dann muesste der/ein Mixer aktiviert sein, den's meines Wissens bei NS/OS standardmaessig nicht gibt, lediglich fuer gewisse Soundausruestungen Sachen im Sound-Kit dazu. Nur nicht fuer Standard-SB-Karten (aller Art), weil da wohl fuer alles (Midi, FM und weiss der Teufel noch was) nur ein Interrupt spendiert wird (eigentlich gut, denn soviele, vor allem freie, gibt's davon ja nicht), und damit kommt das Kit wohl nicht klar - laut Text. Gruss, Ruediger Oberhage -- H.-R. Oberhage Mail: Univ.-GH Essen E-Mail: phy070@sp2.power.Uni-Essen.DE Fachbereich 7 (Physik) ruediger@Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE S05 V07 E88 Universitaetsstrasse 5 Phone: (+49) 201 / 183-2493 D-45117 Essen, Germany FAX: (+49) 201 / 183-2120
From: Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: DiamondStealth64 Treiber Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 15:01:31 +0100 Organization: TU Hamburg-Harburg Message-ID: <325D01BB.1CBA3A51@tu-harburg.d400.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mit unserer neuen Stealth64 Video 3200 funktioniert der alte Treiber mit der Versionsnummer 3.30 nicht mehr. Wenn ich NeXTanswer #2256 richtig verstehe, soll der neue Treiber aus NS 4.0 mit #2258 verfuegbar werden. Dieses File ist aber leider noch nicht auf den Archiven zu finden. Es waere toll, wenn mir eine freundliche Seele, die 4.0 schon hat, diesen Treiber zumailen koennte. Gruss, Ludger. -- ------------ Ludger Solbach, AB Technische Informatik VI ------------- | Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany | | e-mail: Solbach@TU-Harburg.d400.De, Tel.: +49-40-7718-3357 | ---------------- http://www.ti6.tu-harburg.de/~ti6ls -----------------
From: Piers Uso Walter Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Deutsches Woerterbuch? Date: 10 Oct 1996 22:13:10 GMT Organization: Unlimited Surprise Systems, Berlin Distribution: world Message-ID: <53jsdm$f8b@unlisys.unlisys.net> References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008172740.2925A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> In article <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008172740.2925A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.d e> Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> writes: > > On 8 Oct 1996, David Wetzel wrote: > >=20 > > Gibt es ein deutsches W=F6rterbuch, das ich an Stelle des englischen bei = > der=20 > > Rechtschreibpr=FCfung benutzen kann? > > Aber natuerlich. Gleich zwei und bei schwarzer Hardware sogar drei. > > Ortho und nextispell (service fuer ispell) > > Beides auf Peanuts, Gruesse, > > Bernhard. Was ist denn mit dem guten alten HSD Spell? Gibt es das nicht mehr? Wir benutzen das seit Jahren (Moto+Intel). Piers Uso Walter ilink GmbH
From: chris (Christian Vollmert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Lighthouse Academic Bundle Date: 11 Oct 1996 08:12:50 GMT Organization: Regional Computing Center, University of Cologne Message-ID: <53kvi2$rt@news.rrz.uni-koeln.de> Hi ! Ich wuerde mir gerne das Lighthouse Bundle kaufen, meine Frage ist bloss welche Versionen dort von den einzelnen Programmen vorhanden sind ? (besonders OpenWrite schon die 2.1?) ueber ne info wuerd ich mich freuen bis dann christian
From: t.joerg@uni-bonn.de (Torsten Joerg) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: OPENSTEP 4.0 + Novell Netware Date: 11 Oct 1996 14:31:39 GMT Organization: RHRZ - University of Bonn (Germany) Message-ID: <53llob$16ng@news.rhrz.uni-bonn.de> Liebe NeXTler / OPENSTEPler! Arbeitet sonst noch jemand mit einer gemischten Umgebung OPENSTEP / NOVELL ??? Wir gehoeren seit 2 Wochen auch zum erlauchten Kreis der BetaTester fuer OPENSTEP 4.0 MACH :-). Mit NeXTSTEP 3.3 klappte unsere Netware-Anbindung problemlos. Seit dem Upgrade koenen wir jedoch nicht mehr auf einzelne Files auf dem Novell-Fileserver zugreifen! Das komische: Sowohl Einloggen, Drucken als auch das Scannen der Verzeichnisse funktioniert! - Nein, es liegt nicht an den User-Rechten, auch ein eingeloggter NOVELL-Supervisor kann Files weder lesen noch schreiben. Stutzig macht einen ja auch Folgendes: aus: /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextDev/ReleaseNotes/Netware.rtf --8<-------------------------------------------------------------- OpenStep Release 4.0 Copyright 1996 by NeXT Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. OPENSTEP 4.0 Release Notes: Novell Netware Novell Netware is not included in this release of OPENSTEP 4.0. --8<-------------------------------------------------------------- ABER: /usr/include/netware existiert ! Ebenso /usr/lib/libnw_s.a !! Und dann aus: /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextAdmin/SysAdminManual/11_MixedNet.rtfd --8<-------------------------------------------------------------- Configuring the NEXTSTEP Computers To have a NEXTSTEP computer take advantage of the NetWare services is simply a matter of enabling NetWare. 1. Log into the NEXTSTEP computer using any valid account. 2. Start up NetWareManager, located in /NextAdmin. 3. A panel appears telling you that NetWare isn't enabled and asking if you want to enable it. Click Enable. --8<-------------------------------------------------------------- ABER: /NextAdmin/NetWareManager.app existiert nicht !!!!!!!!!!! (Haben es von 3.3 kopiert) /usr/netware/bin/nwlogin und ../nwlogout funktionieren ???? Wer hat aehnliche Probleme, noch besser: wer hat die Loesungen dazu???? Gruss, Torsten -- Torsten Joerg t,joerg@uni-bonnn.de OR Abt. Theoretische Biologie Universitaet Bonn +49-228-73-7409
From: gkucy@oanet.com (G'Kucy) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Wo ist Frau Weihnachten?*** Followup-To: de.comp.sys.next Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 10:08:42 +0700 Organization: G'Kucy Concepts Ltd. Message-ID: <gkucy-101096100842@dialin29.oanet.com> ***Wo ist Frau Weihnachten?*** Hier in Kanada, natuerlich.... BITTE entschuldigt ihr diese Unterbrechung in eurem interessanten Thema! Aber dies koennte jemanden in der Gruppe interessieren... ...und sie moechte gern mal vorbeischauen. Aber noch schoener ist es wenn Du in ihre festliche Weihnachtsstube trittst. Dort sitzt sie und liest aus einem grossen Buch Geschichten ueber die Enstehung vieler beliebter Weihnachtstraditionen-und-symbole. Bestelle das zauberhafte Video: ÒALLES UEBER WEIHNACHTENÓ (Filmstudio-Produktion) und im Nu bist DU bei ihr in Kanada! Altmodischer Charm, weihnachtlicher Glanz, stimmungsvolle Musik, und kunstvolle, liebliche Bilder werden Dich umgeben. Eine wahre Weihnachtsfreude fuer jung und alt von 7 bis 70+! Mache Dir selbst damit eine Freude, oder jemandem der auch ganz verliebt ist in das Weihnachtsfest mit all seinen Herrlichkeiten! Das passende Geschenk fuer Geschwister, Eltern, Grosseltern, Tanten und Onkeln, ja - fuer einjeden der Weihnachten feiert! (Oder es mag....) Warnung: Diese Video muss wie Weihnachtsmarzipan genossen werden. In kleinen Stuecken! Zuviel (Informationen) auf einmal kann man nicht verdauen. Wiederholtes Ansehen ist angeraten! ÒFroehliche Weihnachten!Ó Es kommt naeher, und naeher.... Zahlung: 1 Video = $19.95 plus $10.00 fuer Luftpostsendung (Kanadische Dollar) Post Office Money Order oder Check, ausgestellt zu: Ò GÕKucy Concepts Ltd.Ó GÕKucy Concepts Ltd., #107, 6208 -180 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5T 2T2 Canada Bei Mehrzahlbestellungen fragen Sie an fuer Rabatt per e-mail oder Fax: (403) 481-5980 (Kanada) -- G'Kucy Concepts Ltd. Email: gkucy@oanet.com #107. 6208 180 St., Ph/Fx: (403) 481 5980 Edmonton, Canada -- T5T 2T2
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: hhoff@schwaben.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Subject: Re: WebBrowser fuer Java ? Message-ID: <Dz4q9p.1ry@flop.schwaben.de> Sender: news@flop.schwaben.de Organization: home References: <53g3em$5t4@stern.fokus.gmd.de> Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 20:58:37 GMT Oliver Fox wrote: > Benutze fuer meine web aktivitaeten immer OmniWeb 2.0 (oder 2.1?) *schnarch* > Tja all die java animationen, die ich auf der sun sehen kann > bleiben da verborgen.... > gibt es einen WebBrowser fuer meine blackHardware, mit dem ich > Java maessig nicht zurueckstecken muss? Nein. > Hat jemand darueber hinaus Informationen, wie es mit java und > NeXTstep / OPENSTEP steht? Ja, direkt von John Landwehr's Präsentation heute (11.10) auf der ObjectWorld in Frankfurt. WebObjects 3.0 wird client-side Java im WO-Builder (sehr geil) unterstützen. Client-side Java apps servieren kann WO ja jetzt schon, nur Server-Side tut's nicht auf Mach sondern nur auf NT und Solaris, und daran wird sich wohl in nächster Zeit nichts mehr ändern. 'We are looking into it'. 'We are not in the VM business.' 'We are not in the Java compiler business.' etc.blabla. Lizensiert haben sie aber 'ne Menge. Eigentlich alles, was irgendwie cool ist und nach Java aussieht. Was sie damit machen? Schweigen. Dann bliebe da noch das Problem der fehlenden AWT Portierung, der gerade stattfindenden Generalrenovierung der Sprache (JDK 1.1) und damit (evtl.) verbundenen Änderungen im AWT Event-Modell (target: sender), Adobe's BRAVO (PDF light als DPS Ersatz) u.v.m. Kurz: nix is..obwohl eine reine headless-VM sicherlich als Bundle realisierbar sein sollte. Go ahead. :-) Gruß, Holger
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: hhoff@schwaben.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Subject: Re: infopark sucht: Developer fuer objektorientierte Software Message-ID: <Dz4qx0.1v0@flop.schwaben.de> Sender: news@flop.schwaben.de Organization: home References: <325B66A3.2665@infopark.de> Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 21:12:36 GMT infopark online service wrote: > Du bist seit Jahren in der Softwareentwicklung taetig. ..aber erst 20 Jahre jung. *na klar* > Technologisch hast Du alles Wichtige schon gemacht. Technisch, wenn überhaupt. > Dein Projektteam hast Du lange abgehaengt. KeWle cOdErZ WanTeD!!!1 > Deine Geschaeftsfuehrung versteht auch nicht mehr was Du tust. Das ist hier in D leider normal, aber mal ehrlich: wer würde gerne mit so einem Typ zusammenarbeiten wollen? >[Lall snip] > Eine unbefristete Vollanstellung mit sozialer Absicherung ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *ROTFL* > Keine Bevormundung durch CASE-Tools oder ISO9000 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ah ja. 'good enough software'. (ref.: Yourdon et.al.) Schade eigentlich..
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: hhoff@schwaben.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Subject: Re: Wieso kein Sound mit SB16 ? Message-ID: <Dz4sG2.7x@flop.schwaben.de> Sender: news@flop.schwaben.de Organization: home References: <Pine.HPP.3.95.960919140138.18454C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <Dy1zop.1As@oic.de> <324BA49D.2781@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> <52r7sa$g4@laforge.toppoint.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961001165314.14803A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <52rg4p$93u@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <52thik$kr9@sun3.uni-essen.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961002174325.29851A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <53d4ht$4ns@sun3.uni-essen.de> <53fudi$397@gate.seicom.net> <53gm4i$b88@gate.seicom.net> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961010102515.18647A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 21:45:38 GMT Bernhard Scholz wrote: > On 9 Oct 1996, Holger Hoffstaette wrote: > > > Was allerdings immer noch nicht geht, ist das abspielen von > > Musik-CDs ueber den Line-In Eingang. Ich habe das CDROM an > > die SB16 gekoppelt und ordnungsgemaess im DOS-Setup Line-In > > hochgesetzt - unter Win95/NT geht es, unter NS kommt nur das > > Schweigen im Walde. Bei einigen Leuten scheint das zu > > funktionieren - woran liegt's ? > > Der Quake-Soundtrack kaeme ganz gut beim programmieren.. > > > Ach?! Ach was :-) Ach ja. (-: Mann lernt ja nie aus: > Line In ist ja auch ein bisserl was anderes als der CD-ROM connector > dirkt auf der Karte. Mein letzter Informationsstand ist, dass die Karte ..ahem..'CD-ROM connector auf der Karte'.. Ich habe gerade mal einen Blick auf das gute Stück geworfen und verstehe jetzt..den plug habe ich noch nie bemerkt. Das kommt davon, wenn man nur no-name Pakete kauft und die Anleitung inkl. Kabel auch schon weggeworfen hat. grmbl. Danke! Holgi
From: gkucy@oanet.com (G'Kucy) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: cmsg cancel <gkucy-101096100842@dialin29.oanet.com> Control: cancel <gkucy-101096100842@dialin29.oanet.com> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 10:08:42 +0700 Organization: Private Internet Site, St. Augustin Message-ID: <cancel.gkucy-101096100842@dialin29.oanet.com> Spam cancelled by Peter Simons <simons@peti.rhein.de>.
From: markus.kirschner@rz.uni-regensburg.de (Markus Kirschner) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Lighthouse Academic Bundle Date: 12 Oct 1996 18:01:03 GMT Organization: University of Regensburg, Germany Message-ID: <53omcv$5qh@rrzs3.uni-regensburg.de> References: <53kvi2$rt@news.rrz.uni-koeln.de> Cc: chris Christian Vollmert wrote: > Ich wuerde mir gerne das Lighthouse Bundle kaufen, meine Frage ist bloss > welche Versionen dort von den einzelnen Programmen vorhanden sind ? Moin ! Ich hab mir am 28. Mai 96 das Lighthouse Bundle gekauft. (Iss die April 1996 Ausgabe der CD) Auf der CD [waren | sind | werden sein] folgende Programme: Concurrence V2.75 Diagram! V2.5 EquationBuilder V3.3 OmniWeb V2.0.1 OpenWrite V2.1 Parasheet V1.6 Quantrix V2.3 TaskMaster 1.8.1 VarioData / VarioBuilder V3.22 WetPaint V1.7 Die Lizenznummern funktionieren auch bei: ParaSheet V1.7 OmniWeb V2.1.2 (und hoffentlich noch bei anderen neuen Versionen ...) Was momentan Ausgeliefert steht (glaub ich) irgendwo im "Academic" Bereich des Dart Servers http://www.dart.de tschuess 8=| Markus
From: peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: delayed 2 hours Date: 12 Oct 1996 21:34:14 GMT Organization: Peter's Private Newsserver Message-ID: <53p2sm$27p@unity.westfalen.de> References: <53d37r$8n@unity.westfalen.de> <53is7o$11ck@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) wrote: > Peter Kopatzki (peter@unity.westfalen.de) wrote: > > hat das "delayed 2 hours" schon mal jemand in seinen log files > > (gatekeeeper ppp, microphone oder easy btx) gefunden. Es hat etwas > > mit dem Modem zu tun Zyxel U 1496E und entsteht warscheinlich durch > > Fehlversuche beim einloggen oder anwählen. Weiß jemand was ich > > dagegen machen kann, außer das Modem von Hand aus und ein zu > > schalten????? > > Vorschrift der Zulassungsbehoerde.. nach n Wahlversuchen ohne Verbindungs- > aufbau muss das Modem eine Neuwahl um eine bestimmte Zeit verschieben, > respektive verweigern. Dies soll eine Ueberlastung der Vermittlungsstellen > durch Daueranwahl einer Nummer verhindern, hat also durchaus seinen Grund. > Es gibt (ausser ein- und aussschalten) keine legale Methode, dem abzuhelfen. > > Ich habe gehoert, dass Leute, die sich mit der Materie auskennen, dieses > Feature gelegentlich deaktivieren, ich wuerde aber dringend empfehlen, > in diesem Fall die automatische Wiederwahlzeit auf einen hohen Wert (zB > eine Minute) zu setzen, um (berechtigten) Aerger mit der Telekom und > rechtliche Konsequenzen zu vermeiden. > > Caveat lector. > Chris > -- > // Christian Neuss "I ride tandem with a random.." > // http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~neuss/ > // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472 Das kann doch für nicht postzugelasssene Modems nicht gelten -oder? Abgesehen davon halte ich einen Wert von 2 Stunden für Wiederwahl ein bißchen hoch. Gibt es nicht einen Vollreset vielleicht ???ATZ4??? Ich bin leider kein Spezialist. liebe Grüße Peter -- peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Peter Kopatzki Am Bredberg 21 D-49143 Schledehausen "The only purpose of life is Bliss" -Go and create it! NeXTmail and MIME welcome Phone:+49(0)5402 98050 Public Key on request
From: ŸŸŸŸŸúlŸŸŸŸŸrubsamen@pro-audio.freinet.de (Marcus Rübsamen) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Software Plugins fuer Soundworks oder Resound oder Aehnlichem? Date: 14 Oct 1996 06:54:31 GMT Organization: pro audio Message-ID: <53so37$la@pro-audio.freinet.de> Hi, gibt es einen "Digital Reverb" (Hall, kein Echo!) in Form von Software Plugins? Mir ist bekannt, dass Soundworks 2 und Resound die Moeglichkeit haben selbstgeschriebene Module zu laden. Leider habe ich diesen elementaren Effekt noch niergends gesehen. Ich moechte diesen Effekt uebrigens auf 16 Bit, 44,1 kHz Tracks benutzen. Danke fuer Eure Hilfe, - Marcus -- pro audio Vertriebsfirma Innsbrucker Strasse 32 D-79100 Freiburg Tel: +49 (761) 4730 -30 Fax: +49 (761) 4730 -32 e_mail: rubsamen@pro-audio.freinet.de (NeXTmail & MIME welcome) www: http://www.freinet.de/pro_audio
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: delayed 2 hours Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 14:25:42 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961014142319.18448A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <53d37r$8n@unity.westfalen.de> <53is7o$11ck@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> <53p2sm$27p@unity.westfalen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE In-Reply-To: <53p2sm$27p@unity.westfalen.de> On 12 Oct 1996, Peter Kopatzki wrote: > neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) wrote: > > Peter Kopatzki (peter@unity.westfalen.de) wrote: > > > hat das "delayed 2 hours" schon mal jemand in seinen log files=20 > > > (gatekeeeper ppp, microphone oder easy btx) gefunden. Es hat etwas=20 > > > mit dem Modem zu tun Zyxel U 1496E und entsteht warscheinlich durch= =20 > > > Fehlversuche beim einloggen oder anw=E4hlen. Wei=DF jemand was ich=20 > > > dagegen machen kann, au=DFer das Modem von Hand aus und ein zu=20 > > > schalten????? > >=20 > > Vorschrift der Zulassungsbehoerde.. nach n Wahlversuchen ohne Verbindun= gs- > > aufbau muss das Modem eine Neuwahl um eine bestimmte Zeit verschieben, > > respektive verweigern. Dies soll eine Ueberlastung der Vermittlungsstel= len Laut Handbuch meines Elsa Mircrolink gibt es in Dt. zwei offizielle Modi: 1) Bestimmte Anzahl von Wahlversuchen schlaegt fehl =3D> 2 Std. Pause. 2) Nach jedem erfolglosen Wahlversuch wird 30sec. pausiert. Die Funktionalitaet dafuer ist bei mir leider im EPROM und laesst sich nicht aendern. Ist logisch dass ich Methode 2 bevorzuge :) Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: dave@turbocat.de (David Wetzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: delayed 2 hours Date: 14 Oct 1996 13:44:25 GMT Organization: Turbocat's Development, Germany Message-ID: <53tg3p$15b@turbocat.turbocat.de> References: <53d37r$8n@unity.westfalen.de> <53is7o$11ck@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) wrote: (...) > Vorschrift der Zulassungsbehoerde.. nach n Wahlversuchen ohne Verbindungs- > aufbau muss das Modem eine Neuwahl um eine bestimmte Zeit verschieben, > respektive verweigern. Dies soll eine Ueberlastung der Vermittlungsstellen > durch Daueranwahl einer Nummer verhindern, hat also durchaus seinen Grund. > Es gibt (ausser ein- und aussschalten) keine legale Methode, dem abzuhelfen. > > Ich habe gehoert, dass Leute, die sich mit der Materie auskennen, dieses > Feature gelegentlich deaktivieren, ich wuerde aber dringend empfehlen, > in diesem Fall die automatische Wiederwahlzeit auf einen hohen Wert (zB > eine Minute) zu setzen, um (berechtigten) Aerger mit der Telekom und > rechtliche Konsequenzen zu vermeiden. Das ganze ist bei neueren Modems wohl nicht mehr drin. Beim ZyXEL kann wohl die internationale Firmware ins EPROM brennen, um diesen Dumpfsinn abzuschalten. BTW: Man kann mit jedem mittelmäßigen (zugelassenen!) Telefon schneller die Wahl wiederholen... _ _ _(_)(_)_ David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development, (_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG, _/ \_ Phone +49 33056 82151, Fax +49 33056 82152 (______) dave@turbocat.de (NeXTMail,MIME)
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 1996 15:10:52 +0100 (MET) or ftp.uu.net:/networking/news/misc/pgpcontrol/README Message-ID: <RfD-1-Charta-Notification-81-14.10.1996@dana.de> Sender: moderator@dana.de newsgroups about a general charta modification progress. From: proponents-chartas@naranek.camelot.de (Boris 'pi' Piwinger & Wolfgang Kopp) Organization: Proponenten Chartaaenderungen Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Followup-To: de.admin.news.groups Subject: Neue Charta von de.comp.sys.next (RfD) iQCVAwUBMmJIKHU26rXTAzyZAQHNjQP9G1p4XTc1vWpkK7y+0lQitQf7L2CeA0Qy M7g1cRKHGmwFH0AJ4SNGaAkrgx8BdtkFKoO/tyNki7amQLs6kz1L0GPczdi0EdLz fhVlLT9VxhHu31+DZ0n/ynWiUG3WggrNkD3oZsPvknHyxNBaZCPlH0dMZLGV+U7p DzYV6r7NbAs= =Te7M Hallo de.comp.sys.next! In der Gruppe de.admin.news.announce wurde gerade ein Diskussionsaufruf (Request for Discussion, kurz RfD) veroeffentlicht, in dem es um eine Ueberarbeitung der Chartas fuer die meisten deutschsprachigen Newsgruppen (ausser denen unter de.alt) geht. Unter einer Charta versteht man einen kurzen Text, der eine Newsgruppe charakterisieren und den erwuenschten Inhalt wiedergeben, also insbesondere als Orientierungshilfe dienen soll. Die Diskussion ueber diesen RfD findet derzeit in der Gruppe de.admin.news.groups statt. Die aktuellen Entwuerfe fuer Kurzbeschreibung und ggf. Charta von de.comp.sys.next lauten: --- cut --- de.comp.sys.next Themen rund um NeXT-Computer. --- cut --- Diese Charta wird im Zuge des RfD gegebenenfalls neu formatiert. Fuer evtl. Aenderungengegenueber der Originalversion vergleiche de.admin.news.announce. Um eine wirklich passende neue Charta zur Diskussion stellen zu koennen, brauchen wir natuerlich die Mithilfe der Gruppenleser. Wenn Du also der Ansicht bist, dass de.comp.sys.next eine neue Charta braucht, dann schicke Deinen Vorschlag per Mail an <proponents- chartas@naranek.camelot.de> ein. Wir werden diesen dann zur weiteren Diskussion (2.RfD) und zur Abstimmung (CfV) stellen, wenn wir nicht weitere Vorschlaege bekommen. Sollte das der Fall sein, werden alle Einsender per Mail informiert, damit sie sich auf einen Vorschlag einigen koennen. In de.comp.sys.next sollten Chartavorschlaege moeglichst nicht diskutiert werden, weil das zu einer hohen Zahl von hier themenfremden Artikeln fuehren koennte. Diskussionen ueber die neue Charta bitte in de.admin.news.groups (Followup ist gesetzt). Bitte den Betreff (das Subject) beibehalten, damit die Diskussionen dort ueberschaubar bleiben! Ausserdem moechten wir jeden Interessenten bitten, zunaechst den RfD in de.admin.news.announce zu lesen und nach Moeglichkeit de.admin.news.groups zu bestellen, da die dortigen Diskussionen eventuell ueber die zukuenftigen Inhalte dieser Gruppe entscheidend mitbestimmen werden. Vielen Dank schon mal, Wolfgang Kopp <kopp@naranek.camelot.de> Boris 'pi' Piwinger <3.14@Uni-Bonn.DE> ----
From: michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (Michael Pieper) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Alexandra: Followup-To: poster Date: 14 Oct 1996 17:46:54 GMT Organization: I.N.-Regionaldomain oche.de, Aachen, Germany Message-ID: <53tuaf$315@nexusgate.tng.oche.de> Kann es sein, dass obiges nicht funktioniert? Michael -- Michael Pieper, Bluecherplatz 14, D-52068 Aachen, Tel. : +49 - (0)241 - 902455 Fax: +49 - (0)241 - 902456 Mail : michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (NeXTmail and MIME welcome) PGP : Public Key on demand
From: Constantin Szallies <szallies@energotec.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Alexandra: Followup-To: poster Date: 15 Oct 1996 08:25:13 GMT Organization: Tech Net GmbH Message-ID: <53vhp9$c9v1@ddfservb.technet.net> References: <53tuaf$315@nexusgate.tng.oche.de> michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (Michael Pieper) wrote: >Kann es sein, dass obiges nicht funktioniert? Obiges funktioniert definitiv nicht! -- Constantin Szallies, Energotec GmbH szallies@energotec.de 49211-9144018
From: marsu@cs.tu-berlin.de (Henrik Hempelmann) Newsgroups: bln.archiv,de.comp.sys.next Subject: Neu auf dem Berliner NeXT-Archiv (15-Oct-96) Date: 15 Oct 1996 09:13:47 GMT Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <53vkkb$kjl@news.cs.tu-berlin.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit To: beng@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de Neu auf dem NeXT-FTP-Archiv der BeNG (ftp://ftp.cs.TU-Berlin.DE/pub/NeXT): Die neuesten READMEs gibts auch per NeXTMail. Subscribe: mailto: majordomo@prz.tu-berlin.de mit Body: subscribe next_readmes 1216930 Oct 2 23:42 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/audio/apps/commercial/ProductionPartner.1.70.HS.tar.gz 1193513 Oct 2 23:46 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/audio/apps/commercial/ProductionPartner.1.70.NI.tar.gz 7716 Oct 2 23:47 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/audio/apps/commercial/ProductionPartner.1.70.README 512065 Oct 15 10:56 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/PDFViewer.1.02.NIHS.b.tar.gz 3836 Oct 15 10:56 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/PDFViewer.README 269787 Oct 15 10:55 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/QicTapeInsert.1.1.N.bs.tar.gz 591 Oct 15 10:55 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/QicTapeInsert.1.1.README 21647 Oct 15 10:55 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/QicTapeInsert.1.1.README.rtfd.tar.gz 3768 Oct 7 11:20 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/ToyViewer2.4.README 866081 Oct 7 07:25 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/ToyViewer2.4.src.tar.gz 1424260 Oct 7 07:13 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/ToyViewer2.4E.NIHS.b.tar.gz 4441755 Oct 15 10:55 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/commercial/OpenEnd.2.11.HS.b.tar.gz 3948544 Oct 15 10:56 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/commercial/OpenEnd.2.11.NI.b.tar.gz 1191 Oct 15 10:56 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/commercial/OpenEnd.README 6702567 Oct 7 13:53 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/hardware/driver/GSPrintFilter-1.1.NIHS.b.tar.gz 5492 Oct 7 15:57 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/hardware/driver/GSPrintFilter-1.1.README 15044 Oct 2 22:30 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/hardware/unix/ziptool.1.0.I.tar.gz 1916 Oct 2 22:31 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/hardware/unix/ziptool.README 645075 Sep 30 15:00 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/comm/unix/rzsz-3.4.NIHS.tar.gz 6009 Sep 30 14:59 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/comm/unix/rzsz-3.4.README 1539358 Oct 13 21:59 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/mail/unix/sendmail-8.8.0.NIHS.bd.tar.gz 3886 Oct 13 22:55 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/mail/unix/sendmail-8.8.0.README 478814 Oct 4 22:04 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/productivity/apps/Teuerkom.1.02.NIHS.b.tar.gz 6709 Oct 3 12:04 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/productivity/apps/Teuerkom.1.02.README 3933 Oct 3 01:41 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/tools/unix/fiddlepass.1.0.NIHS.bs.tar.gz 4244 Oct 3 01:42 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/tools/unix/fiddlepass.1.0.README -- marsu@cs.tu-berlin.de Henrik Hempelmann marsu@palumbia.in-berlin.de (NeXT-Mail) >> Why should I tidy my room, when the whole world is in a mess ??? <<
From: neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: delayed 2 hours Date: 15 Oct 1996 10:39:34 GMT Organization: Fachbereich Informatik, TH Darmstadt, Deutschland Message-ID: <53vpl6$1alc@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> References: <53d37r$8n@unity.westfalen.de> <53is7o$11ck@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> <53tg3p$15b@turbocat.turbocat.de> David Wetzel (dave@turbocat.de) wrote: > Das ganze ist bei neueren Modems wohl nicht mehr drin. Beim ZyXEL kann wohl > die internationale Firmware ins EPROM brennen, um diesen Dumpfsinn > abzuschalten. Zum Beispiel. > BTW: Man kann mit jedem mittelmäßigen (zugelassenen!) > Telefon schneller die Wahl wiederholen... Ja. Aber eben nicht automatisch. Ueberleg doch z.B. mal was passiert, wenn ich meinen Rechner Mail pollen lasse, und mich, waehrend die Maschine sich damit verlustiert, in die Badewanne lege. Waehrendessen waehlt mein Modem im Abstand von wenigen Sekunden immer wieder die Nummer des Serviceproviders, der nur leider besetzt ist. Und nun stelle man sich vor, dass nicht nur ich das mache, sondern noch zig (oder irgendwann: hunderte) andere - immerhin ist ja mein ISP besetzt, was in aller Regel von grosser Nachfrage zeugt. :) Zum Glueck gibt es nicht mehr viele analoge Vermittlungstellen, da waehre naemlich sofort alles vorbei. Aber auch eine digitale Vermittlungstelle kann auf diese Art in die Knie gezwungen werden - und aus diesem Grunde gibt es die Vorschrift mit den Wahlsperren. Allerdings sind 2 Stunden ein wenig uebertrieben ;-) Rgds, Chris -- // Christian Neuss "I ride tandem with a random.." // http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: neuss@isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de.NOSPAM (Christian Neuss) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Lighthouse Academic Bundle Date: 15 Oct 1996 10:47:45 GMT Organization: Fachbereich Informatik, TH Darmstadt, Deutschland Message-ID: <53vq4h$1alc@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> References: <53kvi2$rt@news.rrz.uni-koeln.de> <53omcv$5qh@rrzs3.uni-regensburg.de> Markus Kirschner (markus.kirschner@rz.uni-regensburg.de) wrote: > Christian Vollmert wrote: > > Ich wuerde mir gerne das Lighthouse Bundle kaufen, meine Frage ist bloss > > welche Versionen dort von den einzelnen Programmen vorhanden sind ? [munch] > Die Lizenznummern funktionieren auch bei: > ParaSheet V1.7 > OmniWeb V2.1.2 > (und hoffentlich noch bei anderen neuen Versionen ...) In der Tat. Die Lizenznummern funktionieren immer aufwaerts bis zum naechsten release, d.h. wenn irgendwann ein Parasheet 1.9 erschiene, oder ein OmniWeb 2.2, was dann vielleicht endlich mal benutzbar waere, kannst du die neuen Versionen mit deinen alten Lizenznummern verwenden. Ich denke, die Lighthouse CD ist ein sehr guter Kauf fuer akademische Benutzer. Zugreifen - wer weiss wie lange es dieses Angebot noch gibt. Immerhin wurde Lighthouse von Sun gekauft... Chris -- // Christian Neuss "I ride tandem with a random.." // http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: killeri@sun22.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Ivo Killer) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Suche NS 3.3 CD Date: 15 Oct 1996 07:25:08 GMT Organization: Rechenzentrum der Universitaet Freiburg, Germany Message-ID: <53ve8k$du0@n.ruf.uni-freiburg.de> Hallo zusammen, bei meinen Umzugsaktivitaeten ist mir meine NS 3.3 CD abhanden gekommen. Da ich den ganzen Rest habe, bin ich nur an der CD interessiert. Wenn mir jemand helfen kann, bitte Email oder Phone: Phone: 0761/4001497 Wie gesagt, ich waehre nur an der CD interessiert, wuerde aber gegebenenfalls auch ein ganzes 3.3 nehmen. Tnx -ivo -- Ivo Killer, <killeri@ruf.uni-freiburg.de>
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: ergo@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de (Olaf Föllinger) Subject: Boot-Drucker-Problem Message-ID: <DzBvnB.21F@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de> Sender: news@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de Organization: none Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 17:37:59 GMT Hallo, wenn ich beim Booten den Drucker nicht eingeschaltet habe, erscheint folgende Meldung: Oct 13 17:37:01 merlin mach: IOParallelPort not allocated: controller not detected at address 0x378 Der Drucker ist dann nicht benutzbar, da /dev/pp0 nicht existiert... Kann man das im laufenden Betrieb ändern ? MAKEDEV pp kenne ich schon, aber das allein reicht nicht, um den Drucker zur Zusammenarbeit zu überreden. Oder gibt es eine Möglichkeit, auch bei ausgeschaltetem Drucker erfolgreich zu Booten ? Hier läuft NSfIP 3.3 pl1 mit JetPilot, der Drucker ist ein Canon BJ 610. Gruß Olaf -- Olaf Foellinger homepage: http://www1.stuttgart.netsurf.de/~ergo/ NeXTMail & MIME welcome!
From: karl@spica.informatik.hu-berlin.de (Holger Karl,,) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: teTeX und texview/ps-fonts? Date: 15 Oct 1996 07:01:47 GMT Organization: Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Computer Science Message-ID: <53vcsr$9v5@hahn.informatik.hu-berlin.de> Hi, Ich habe gerade teTeX 0.4 bei uns installiert (auf HP). Funktioniert im Prinzip wunderbar, nur die Zusammenarbeit mit texview klappt nicht: Wenn man z.B. die ps-fonts benutzen will, finden texview die .tfm-files nicht, wirft Metafont an, der (natuerlich) die .mf-files nicht findet und ersetzt dann einen bescheuerten font. mit dvips klappt das natuerlich schon, ist aber wesentlich umstaendlicher. Frage: Kennt/Hat jemand ein entsprechend angepasstes texview? Oder weiss jemand, an welcher Stelle man da Hand anlegen muesste (ich hab mir den texview-source noch nicht angeschaut, ich gebs zu). Schoenen Tag, Holger
From: jr@vgasoft.com (Joerg Riesmeier) Date: 11 Oct 96 22:07:00 Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Message-ID: <03b_9610121805@vgasoft.com> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> <53bdkq$4ul@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> <325A0186.F5EA605@tu-harburg.d400.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008152951.25978B-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Organization: VGA-Software GmbH (BBS) Hallo Bernhard ! Am 08.10.96 schrieb Bernhard Scholz (scholz # informatik.tu-muenchen.de): BS> Der Automounter erkennt naemlich immer nur die erste Partition. Die BS> zweite ist also da, wird nur nicht automatisch erkannt. Apropos ... was mache ich, wenn die >2GB-Platte gleichzeitig die dritte Festplatte im System ist. Sie ist bereits partitioniert (FAT, NTFS und eine freie Partition). Die NTFS-Partition moechte ich gerne ignorieren lassen (das klappt bislang aber nur bei der zweiten Platte) und die freie Partition zum Swappen nutzen. Kein Eintrag in fstab hat bisher etwas gebracht. Was musz ich machen? MfG JR. E-Mail: jr@vgasoft.com
Newsgroups: tp.forum,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.os.ms-windows.misc From: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Subject: Abschaffung der "Sommerzeit" Message-ID: <DzCxn0.Cr@manki.toppoint.de> Sender: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 07:18:36 GMT Hallo ich bitte um unterstuetzende Vorschlaege zur Abschaffung der "Sommerzeit". Erfahrungen im Umgang mit selbiger, auch positive, wenn es denn solche geben sollte. Ich wuerde gerne wissen, welches Gremium sie ersonnen und eingesetzt hat? Gab es einen wirklichen volkswirtschaftlichen Nutzen? . . .?! Mir erscheint die "Sommerzeit" wie das Produkt einer doch recht krankhaften Vorstellung und den tieferen Sinn kann ich beim besten Willen nicht ausloten, meines Erachtens gibt es ihn auch nicht (ich stosse beim Schuerfen immer nur auf Verirrungen). Als Wirtschaftsinstrumentarium pfuscht sie lediglich in den Lebensrhythmus hinein und bringt diesen aus dem Gleichgewicht. Wenn in noch nicht vergangenen Zeiten die meisten Aerzte noch wussten, dass man die Medizin 3x taeglich einnehmen sollte, dann steckt(e) da (noch) das Wissen dahinter, dass der Rhythmus ebenfalls einen heilenden Faktor darstellt. Rhythmen und nicht Arhythmen liegen dem Leben zugrunde. Ich persoenlich kann die bekannten und genannten Gruende zur Einsetzung der Sommerzeit in keiner Weise nachvollziehen und wundere mich, warum man sie weiterhin mehr oder weniger bewusst erleidet. Ich suche also Gleich-Denkende, die sich mit mir aeussern wollen, mit dem Ziel, dass die "Sommer-un-zeit" wieder abgeschafft wird. Manfred
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: olaf@orest.escape.de Subject: Re: Boot-Drucker-Problem Message-ID: <DzCxHr.8o3@orest.escape.de> Sender: olaf@orest.escape.de (Olaf Mueller) Organization: Objective Methods, Inc. References: <DzBvnB.21F@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de> Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 07:15:27 GMT In article <DzBvnB.21F@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de> ergo@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de (Olaf F llinger) writes: > Hallo, > > wenn ich beim Booten den Drucker nicht eingeschaltet habe, erscheint folgende > Meldung: > > Oct 13 17:37:01 merlin mach: IOParallelPort not allocated: controller not > detected at address 0x378 > > Der Drucker ist dann nicht benutzbar, da /dev/pp0 nicht existiert... Kann man > das im laufenden Betrieb ndern ? MAKEDEV pp kenne ich schon, aber das allein > reicht nicht, um den Drucker zur Zusammenarbeit zu berreden. > > Oder gibt es eine M glichkeit, auch bei ausgeschaltetem Drucker erfolgreich > zu Booten ? Hier l uft NSfIP 3.3 pl1 mit JetPilot, der Drucker ist ein Canon > BJ 610. > Ich mache das so: Rechner booten (Drucker ist aus), Fehlermeldung ignorieren. Irgendwann Drucker online stellen Als root tippen: "/usr/etc/driverLoader i d=ParallelPort" und alle Fragen mit y beantworten Gruss Olaf
From: malcom@gritki.lynet.de (Matthias Grund) Newsgroups: tp.forum,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.os.ms-windows.misc Subject: Re: Abschaffung der "Sommerzeit" Date: 16 Oct 1996 10:19:29 +0100 Organization: private Linux-Site Message-ID: <5429b1$1n0@gritki.lynet.de> References: <DzCxn0.Cr@manki.toppoint.de> manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) writes: >Ich suche also Gleich-Denkende, die sich mit mir aeussern wollen, mit dem >Ziel, dass die "Sommer-un-zeit" wieder abgeschafft wird. Blumentritt lebt... -- "Why use Windows, when you can leave through the door?" Matthias Grund, 22045 Hamburg malcom@lynet.de Tel.: 040 - 66976040 Fax: 040 - 66976041
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: teTeX und texview/ps-fonts? Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 11:18:29 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961016111726.8143B-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <53vcsr$9v5@hahn.informatik.hu-berlin.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <53vcsr$9v5@hahn.informatik.hu-berlin.de> On 15 Oct 1996, Holger Karl,, wrote: > Hi, > > > Frage: Kennt/Hat jemand ein entsprechend angepasstes texview? Oder weiss > jemand, an welcher Stelle man da Hand anlegen muesste (ich hab mir den > texview-source noch nicht angeschaut, ich gebs zu). Jo, und auch die Readmes nicht gelesen :) Das passende TeXView gibt es auf Peanuts: ftp://peanuts.leo.org/next/Text/tex/apps/TeXview* Greetings, Bernhard.
Date: 15 Oct 1996 23:18:00 +0100 From: Bernd.Laessig@net002.kiel.netsurf.de (Bernd Lässig) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Message-ID: <6Iv1vCfNuDB@net002.kiel.netsurf.de> Subject: Wo bekomme ich einen intel-gcc-binary her?? Moin, leider sind bei einem Platten-Crash meinen Daten verloren gegangen. Daher bitte ich Dich, Dich noch einmal zu melden. Ich wollte, doch mit einer HD vorbei kommen. Danke. Bis denne Bernd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ name address fone internet ~ ~ ---- ------- ---- -------- ~ ~ Bernd Laessig Bahnhofstr.15 0431/7396945 bl@kiel.netsurf.de ~ ~ 24143 Kiel ~ ~ Germany ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Plattenproblem Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 11:25:06 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961016111851.8143C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <3258EF46.77DA56ED@tu-harburg.d400.de> <53bdkq$4ul@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> <325A0186.F5EA605@tu-harburg.d400.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961008152951.25978B-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <03b_9610121805@vgasoft.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <03b_9610121805@vgasoft.com> On 11 Oct 1996, Joerg Riesmeier wrote: > Am 08.10.96 schrieb Bernhard Scholz (scholz # informatik.tu-muenchen.de): > > Apropos ... was mache ich, wenn die >2GB-Platte gleichzeitig die dritte > Festplatte im System ist. Sie ist bereits partitioniert (FAT, NTFS und > eine freie Partition). Die NTFS-Partition moechte ich gerne ignorieren > lassen (das klappt bislang aber nur bei der zweiten Platte) und die freie > Partition zum Swappen nutzen. > > Kein Eintrag in fstab hat bisher etwas gebracht. Was musz ich machen? Was Du machen musst? Mir mehr Infos geben! Damit kann man leider nur sehr wenig anfangen. Mir ist es bspw. noch nie untergekommen, dass einen Platte, nur weil sie per ID vor oder nach einer anderen gesetzt wird sich unterschiedlich verhaelt. Also: Genaue Angabe des SCSI IDs, der Partition, des bisherigen /etc/fstab. Wenn es als zweite Platte (also sd1x) geht, dann muss es auch als dritte Platte (also sd2x) gehen. Ich habe noch nie von etwas anderem gehoert. Grueesse, Bernhard.
From: rainer@netconx.de (Rainer Sokoll) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: samba on NSfIP 3.3 Date: 16 Oct 1996 14:29:09 GMT Organization: NetConsult Communications Message-ID: <542rfl$pmr@linux1.netconx.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo, hat es jemand hier geschafft, samba-1.9.16p7 auf 3.3 zu übersetzen? Ich bekomme beim Linken: Linking smbd ld: Undefined symbols: _waitpid *** Exit 1 Leider bin ich kein C-Guru - also, was tun? Danke, Rainer -- rainer@netconx.de ----- tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis --------
From: John Hue <j_hue@ix.netcom.com> Newsgroups: de.comp.lang,de.comp.lang.c,de.comp.misc,de.comp.os,de.comp.os.linux,de.comp.os.unix,de.comp.os.xenix,de.comp.security,de.comp.standards,de.comp.sys,de.comp.sys.amiga,de.comp.sys.amiga.misc,de.comp.sys.amiga.unix,de.comp.sys.apple,de.comp.sys.ibm,de.comp.sys.misc,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.sys.pcs,de.comp.tex,de.etc Subject: New MoneyMaking Method - NO MLM Involved - 5 times better then MLM Date: 16 Oct 1996 11:52:27 GMT Organization: Internet Gold Message-ID: <542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Are you tired of seeing this: Make 100,000$ in a month If so I agree with you. Sure, the above business will make you a few hundred dollars or maybe even a few thousand. But it doesnt live up to its standards. How would you like to REALLY make some money using a proven way? Please take note: THIS IS NOT A MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING BUSINESS. I AM NOT A COMPANY NOR A BUSINESS, I AM A NORMAL PERSON JUST LIKE YOU. I DO NOT WORK FOR A COMPANY OR BUSINESS AND NON OF THE MONEY I MAKE GOES TO ANY COMPANY OR BUSINESS. I AM NOT SELLING VITAMINS OR LONG DISTANCE SERVICE I am selling you a very simple VERY effective thing: "The Ultimate MoneyMaking Secret". To be honest, MLM is starting to lose its amazement. Sure, it was great once but there are now so many busnesses out there now that you'll be lucky to make back the money you paid to get in. No one can seem to think of other methods of getting rich, though they try. Because if someone were to find another method the first ones to use it will become rich. So let me tell you that I HAVE FOUND IT. I have found the Ultimate MoneyMaking Secret. It is so amazing that once you see it you will say: "Why didnt I think of that?". I have not yet finished college and I will NEVER WORK AGAIN. I am begining to recieve thousands of dollars and this will continue for a LONG time. I believe, no I dont believe, I KNOW this is better then MLM. MLM can be convincing but this WILL work. And I am giving you the oppurtunity to be one of the first ones to use it. This method has started in the middle of 1996, and once you get the "Secret" you will have 40,000,000 people to to make money off of with it. So are you ready to shove off MLM and watch the money start flowing in? I am offering you a once in a lifetime oppurtunity to be the one of the first people to use this method. And, if you order within 15 days of seeing this, I will give you 100$ off the regular price. So, instead of paying 160$ I am going to give you "The Ultimate MoneyMaking Secret" for ONLY 60$. You cant let this go by. Say GoodBye to MLM, Say goodbye to your debts and say hello to paradise. for 60$ your life will never be the same(in a good way). Ordering Info: Please fill out the application below, and send a US FUNDS CHECK ONLY(no money orders or cash) made out to: Opher Lieber. Please send to the following address: Opher Lieber 26/10 Hertzel St. Kfar Saba 44444 ISRAEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Order Form Name:____________________ Address:_______________________ City:_________ State/Province:_________ Postal Code:___________ Country:_____________ E-mail*:__________@______________ * - This is the most important. "The Ultimate MoneyMaking Secret" will be sent to you by E-mail. If the E-mail listed is invalid, if the check is invalid or if there is a problem, your check along with a reason will be sent to the name and address listed above. Please Check All That Apply: __I am ordering within 15 days of seeing this Order Form. Please deduct 100$ off the price for a total of 60$. __I Would like to order the "Ultimate MoneyMaking Secret". I have enclosed a check in US funds for _____$(Please send 60$ if the first option is checked and 160$ if it isnt and fill in that amount in this space.) I understand that as soon as you recieve the check I will be sent "The Ultimate MoneyMaking Secret" by E-mail. I also understand that if the check is not in U.S. funds or if there is another problem The check will be returned to the address listed above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
From: frontier@fii.com Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: 2Mx32 60ns $34.00 Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 23:21:12 Organization: Delta Internet Services, Anaheim, CA Message-ID: <543q9l$cok@news05.deltanet.com> Hi there, I am the Marketing Manager of Frontier Industrial, I would like to let you know of special that we have on 8 MB SIMMS. I can offer you 2MX32 60ns modules @ $34.00 per piece. VARS, DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, & SYSTEM INTEGRATORS ONLY PLEASE Frontier Industrial http://www.fii.com
From: Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: DiamondStealth64 Treiber Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 09:42:29 +0100 Organization: TU Hamburg-Harburg Message-ID: <3265F175.65E8A51A@tu-harburg.d400.de> References: <325D01BB.1CBA3A51@tu-harburg.d400.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hallo, Da auf meine letzte Anfrage niemand antwortete, versuche ich es nocheinmal... Ich schrieb: > > Mit unserer neuen Stealth64 Video 3200 funktioniert der alte > Treiber mit der Versionsnummer 3.30 nicht mehr. Wenn ich NeXTanswer > #2256 richtig verstehe, soll der neue Treiber aus NS 4.0 mit #2258 > verfuegbar werden. Dieses File ist aber leider noch nicht auf den > Archiven zu finden. Es waere toll, wenn mir eine freundliche Seele, > die 4.0 schon hat, diesen Treiber zumailen koennte. > > Gruss, > > Ludger. > -- ----------- Ludger Solbach, Distributed Systems Department ----------- | Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany | | e-mail: Solbach@TU-Harburg.d400.De, Tel.: +49-40-7718-3357 | --------------- http://www.ti6.tu-harburg.de/~ti6ls/ -----------------
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: DiamondStealth64 Treiber Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 13:25:34 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961017131226.24224A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <325D01BB.1CBA3A51@tu-harburg.d400.de> <3265F175.65E8A51A@tu-harburg.d400.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <3265F175.65E8A51A@tu-harburg.d400.de> On Thu, 17 Oct 1996, Ludger Solbach wrote: > Hallo, > > Da auf meine letzte Anfrage niemand antwortete, versuche ich > es nocheinmal... > Vielleicht weil keiner das Problem so richtig fassen konnte, und Du Dich nicht genau bei NeXTanswers umgesehen hast. > Ich schrieb: > > > > Mit unserer neuen Stealth64 Video 3200 funktioniert der alte > > Treiber mit der Versionsnummer 3.30 nicht mehr. Wenn ich NeXTanswer > > #2256 richtig verstehe, soll der neue Treiber aus NS 4.0 mit #2258 > > verfuegbar werden. Dieses File ist aber leider noch nicht auf den > > Archiven zu finden. Es waere toll, wenn mir eine freundliche Seele, > > die 4.0 schon hat, diesen Treiber zumailen koennte. Also, Treiber mit 4 am Anfang sind fuer OpenStep, ob die unter NS3.3 arbeiten weiss ich nicht. Umgekehrt geht es jedenfalls. Treiber werden von NeXT z.Z. parallel entwickelt, d.h., dass es zu jedem 4.x Treiber auch einen 3.x Treiber gibt. Deine Version 3.30 ist die aller erste Release fuer NS 3.3! Ich wuerde es mal mit dem neuen Treiber auf NeXTanswers versuchen. Greetings, Bernhard.
From: steve@netulpe.nerthus.de (Stefan Fabricius) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: POSTGRES95 Adaptor Date: 17 Oct 1996 14:17:11 GMT Organization: Customer of EUnet Germany; Info: info@Germany.EU.net Distribution: world Message-ID: <545f57$qu4@news.Dortmund.Germany.EU.net> Hallo zusammen, ich suche einen EOF-Adaptor fuer POSTGRES95. Kann mir jemand die Info zukommen lassen. Vielen Dank im voraus Gruss steve
From: agrewe@efi-nms.de (Andreas Grewe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Probleme mit LaserJet 4M Date: 17 Oct 1996 15:49:32 GMT Organization: NetzService Nortorf Message-ID: <545kic$34l@manhattan.netzservice.de> Hi, seit ich OS 4.0 installiert habe, laeuft's mit der Papierzufuhr bei meinem LaserJet 4M nicht mehr so richtig. Unter NS 3.3 hat der Drucker immer brav bei der Option "aufgeteilt" die erste Seite aus dem Standardschacht (250 Blatt Kassette) und alle folgenden Seiten aus dem Mehrzweckfach (die Klappe vorn) gezogen. Neuerdings zieht er aber alles komplett aus dem Standardschacht. In den ppd-Dateien steht zwar vieles ueber Papierformate und Einzuege, aber leider nix ueber die Option "aufgeteilt". Ich kann gar nicht glauben, dass man dies nicht per Tool irgendwo bequem regeln kann (geht doch sonst bei NeXT). Im Printmanager bin ich jedenfalls nicht fuendig geworden. -- Andreas Grewe agrewe@efi-nms.de EfI GmbH Tel: (+49) 4321-9005-0 Rungestrasse 4 Fax: (+49) 4321-9005-99 24537 Neumuenster, Germany
From: Udo.Meyer@alb.de Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Suche Font >>Bauhaus<< Date: 17 Oct 1996 19:36:54 GMT Organization: LF.net GmbH i.G., Internet Services, Stuttgart, Germany Message-ID: <5461sm$k6m@news.LF.net> Hi, ich suche den Font >>Bauhaus<<. Die Uebernahme einer Shareware True Type Font Datei hat nicht funktioniert. Wer hat diesen Font und darf und will ihn weitergeben? Udo. -- OPENSTEP96 Warp 4.0! No WinDAU's95! NeXTmail :-) MIME UdoMeyer@swol.de
From: wbeeck@dart.de (Wilfried Beeck) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.0 + Novell Netware Date: 13 Oct 1996 19:43:58 GMT Organization: DART Software GmbH Distribution: world Message-ID: <53rgpu$c4l@ns.dart.de> References: <53llob$16ng@news.rhrz.uni-bonn.de> Laut "inoffizieller" Info von NeXT soll Netware in OPENSTEP for Mach Release 4.1 wieder unterstuetzt werden. Kommt im November. DART Software GmbH NeXT Distribution
From: wbeeck@dart.de (Wilfried Beeck) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Greg Anderson ueber Openstep Date: 13 Oct 1996 20:25:51 GMT Organization: DART Software GmbH Distribution: world Message-ID: <53rj8f$crk@ns.dart.de> References: <1996Oct11.183752.428@gamelan.shnet.org> Thomas Funke writes > > Vielleicht liest ja nicht jeder von Euch die advocacy group, deshalb habe > ich mal diesen, wie ich finde, recht interessanten Beitrag von Greg > Anderson von Anderson Financial Systems, einer frueheren > NX-Softwareschmiede, repostet. AFS hat Nextstep aufgegeben wegen der > schlechten Zukunftsaussichten, ein Thema, das auch hier in der > Vergangenheit kontrovers diskutiert wurde. Ich finde, seine Argumentation > ist durchaus bedenkenswert. Greg Andersons Beitraege in comp.sys.next.advocacy moegen ja durchaus interessant sein. "Bedenkenswert" finde ich jedoch vor allem folgende 3 Sachverhalte: - AFS hat den NEXTSTEP-Markt verlassen, weil sie mit ihren Produkten keinen Erfolg mehr hatten. Dieser Entschluss fiel "zufaellig", als Lighthouse mit OpenWrite ein Konkurrenzprodukt zu WriteUp auf den Markt brachte. - Greg Anderson argumentiert staendig und immer wieder, dass OPENSTEP keine geeignete Plattform fuer Standardprodukte sei. Nichts anderes sagt uebrigens seit Jahren NeXT selber. Zielmarkt sind seit langer Zeit individuelle Loesungen fuer Unternehmen, ob mit OPENSTEP oder mit WebObjects. - Der von Greg Anderson so hochgelobte Anbieter Borland ist in massiven Schwierigkeiten. Daher ist der Boersenkurs voellig zusammengebrochen und liegt mittlerweile bei ca. 6 Dollar. Was in etwa bedeutet, dass jemand die Firma zu einem "Taschengeld" uebernehmen koennte. Soviel zu guten "Zukunftsaussichten". Wilfried Beeck DART Software GmbH NeXT & Lighthouse Distribution
Newsgroups: de.comp.lang,de.comp.lang.c,de.comp.misc,de.comp.os,de.comp.os.linux,de.comp.os.unix,de.comp.os.xenix,de.comp.security,de.comp.standards,de.comp.sys,de.comp.sys.amiga,de.comp.sys.amiga.misc,de.comp.sys.amiga.unix,de.comp.sys.apple,de.comp.sys.ibm,de.comp.sys.misc,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.sys.pcs,de.comp.tex,de.etc From: gb@igl.heide.de (Guenther Brockmann) Subject: Re: New MoneyMaking Method - NO MLM Involved - 5 times better then MLM Followup-To: de.comp.lang,de.comp.lang.c,de.comp.misc,de.comp.os,de.comp.os.linux,de.comp.os.unix,de.comp.os.xenix,de.comp.security,de.comp.standards,de.comp.sys,de.comp.sys.amiga,de.comp.sys.amiga.misc,de.comp.sys.amiga.unix,de.comp.sys.apple,de.comp.sys.ibm,de.comp.sys.misc,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.sys.pcs,de.comp.tex,de.etc Message-ID: <DzFxEu.nn@igl.heide.de> References: <542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 22:06:30 GMT John Hue (j_hue@ix.netcom.com) wrote: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ References: <542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bevor ich mich bei irgendwelchen Posthamstern beschweren geh', kann mir obiges jemand erklaeren ? Ciao Guenni
From: mb@Einstein.suse.de (Michael Burghart) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Hilfe zu NeXTStep 3.1 Date: 18 Oct 1996 10:03:30 GMT Organization: S.u.S.E. GmbH, Fuerth, Germany Message-ID: <547kli$ac3@Galois.suse.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Hi.. ich versuche gerade NeXTStep auf meinem Rechner zu installieren und wollte wissen wo ich genauere Infos herbekomme, da es sich einfach nicht installieren laesst.. Rechner: PPro200, 32MB RAM, SCSI HD und CD-ROM, 3.5" Floppy. HD SCSI ID 0 und CD-ROM SCSI ID 1. Leider erkennt der Kernel diese "Grundkonfiguration" nicht...warum auch immer..:( Weiss jemand welche Parameter ich ihm uebergeben muss???..Oder wo ich Hilfe bekommen koennte? Am liebsten per Mail, aber kann auch gepostet werden... Vielen Dank...;)) -- gruesse -micha- --- Michael Burghart, S.u.S.E. GmbH, Gebhardtstr. 2, 90762 Fuerth, Germany Tel: +49-911-74053-0, Fax: +49-911-7417755, Email: mb@suse.de
From: rainer@netconx.de (Rainer Sokoll) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: samba on NSfIP 3.3 Date: 18 Oct 1996 10:15:49 GMT Organization: NetConsult Communications Message-ID: <547lcl$152@linux1.netconx.de> References: <542rfl$pmr@linux1.netconx.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit rainer@netconx.de (Rainer Sokoll) wrote: >hat es jemand hier geschafft, samba-1.9.16p7 auf 3.3 zu übersetzen? >Ich bekomme beim Linken: [...] Mit LIBSM = -lg++ hats funktioniert. Gruß, Rainer -- rainer@netconx.de ----- tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis --------
From: kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de (Axel Habermann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Hilfe zu NeXTStep 3.1 Date: 18 Oct 1996 10:42:37 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <547mut$ah3@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <547kli$ac3@Galois.suse.de> Michael Burghart <mb@Einstein.suse.de> wrote: [...geht nicht auf:] : Rechner: PPro200, 32MB RAM, SCSI HD und CD-ROM, 3.5" Floppy. : HD SCSI ID 0 und CD-ROM SCSI ID 1. Hrmpf. Welchen SCSI-Kontroller, welches CD-ROM, was fuer eine Platte? Welches Board, welcher Chipsatz? Wie genau lauetet die Meldung? etc. Ich schreib ja auch nicht: 'ich hab' da 'ne Grafikkarte, warum laeuft X nicht?' :-) -- Axel Habermann kiwi@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de Fon:+49 30 45478986 Fax:4542296 Die Dateien, in denen die Programmdokumentation enthalten ist, haben normalerweise die Endung ".c", -- Kristian Koehntopp
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: frontier@fii.com Subject: csmg cancel <543q9l$cok@news05.deltanet.com> Control: cancel <543q9l$cok@news05.deltanet.com> Date: 18 Oct 1996 13:03:57 +0200 Message-ID: <cancel.543q9l$cok@news05.deltanet.com> Commercial advertising spam. Canceled by Christian 'naddy' Weisgerber <naddy@mips.pfalz.de>.
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: samba on NSfIP 3.3 Date: 18 Oct 1996 12:26:17 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Message-ID: <547t19$m72@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> References: <542rfl$pmr@linux1.netconx.de> Cc: rainer@netconx.de In <542rfl$pmr@linux1.netconx.de> Rainer Sokoll wrote: > Hallo, > > hat es jemand hier geschafft, samba-1.9.16p7 auf 3.3 zu übersetzen? > Ich bekomme beim Linken: > > Linking smbd > ld: Undefined symbols: > _waitpid > *** Exit 1 > > Leider bin ich kein C-Guru - also, was tun? > > Danke, > Rainer > Option "-posix" als Compiler und Linkflags? -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Subject: V: Daydream Mac-Box Message-ID: <DzHA6D.87@manki.toppoint.de> Sender: manroe@manki.toppoint.de (Manfred Roehr) Organization: NeXT Club Schwerte, Germany Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 15:39:49 GMT Hallo, Ich moechte meine Daydream-Mac-Box mit neuestem Software-update verkaufen. Preis: bestes Angebot Manfred
From: gerald@kurt.in-berlin.de (Gerald Erdmann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: OPENSTEP 4.0 + Novell Netware Date: 18 Oct 1996 08:43:52 GMT Organization: Private NEXTSTEP site, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <547g08$i5o@mimi.in-berlin.de> References: <53llob$16ng@news.rhrz.uni-bonn.de> <53rgpu$c4l@ns.dart.de> Cc: wbeeck@dart.de In <53rgpu$c4l@ns.dart.de> Wilfried Beeck wrote: > Laut "inoffizieller" Info von NeXT soll Netware in OPENSTEP for Mach Release > 4.1 wieder unterstuetzt werden. Kommt im November. Wäre schön zu hören, denn in den "offiziellen" ReleaseNotes steht was anderes: Novell Netware is not included in this release of OPENSTEP 4.1. Sie haben doch mit Sicherheit schon eine 4.1 CD rumliegen, schauen Sie doch mal nach ... Gerald -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- | GERALD ERDMANN | email: gerald @ kurt.in-berlin.de (NeXTmail welcome) | voice: +49 30 397 31 400 (Germany - Berlin) | crypt: pgp2 public key available |
From: michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (Michael Pieper) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Alexandra: Followup-To: poster Date: 18 Oct 1996 13:10:59 GMT Organization: I.N.-Regionaldomain oche.de, Aachen, Germany Message-ID: <547vl3$3cc@nexusgate.tng.oche.de> References: <53tuaf$315@nexusgate.tng.oche.de> <53vhp9$c9v1@ddfservb.technet.net> Constantin Szallies <szallies@energotec.de> wrote: >michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (Michael Pieper) wrote: >>Kann es sein, dass obiges nicht funktioniert? > >Obiges funktioniert definitiv nicht! Schade, ich habe mal eine Suggestion losgeschickt. Michael -- Michael Pieper, Bluecherplatz 14, D-52068 Aachen, Tel. : +49 - (0)241 - 902455 Fax: +49 - (0)241 - 902456 Mail : michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (NeXTmail and MIME welcome) PGP : Public Key on demand
From: ff@columba.franken.de (Frank Feihe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Treiber fuer Spea? Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 14:02:44 GMT Organization: KNF Message-ID: <3268de1d.6827347@news.osn.de> Hallo NeXT-Gemeinde ! Wer von euch kann mir sagen wo es aktuelle Treiber, Software und sonstiges fuer NeXT im Netz gibt ? Suche Treiber fuer Spea Mercury 4MB P64V und Adaptec2940 Vielen Dank im voraus... Frank Feihe
From: lucasvdm@xs4all.nl (Lucas van der Molen) Newsgroups: de.comp.os.vms,de.comp.os.xenix,de.comp.periph.cdrom,de.comp.standards,de.comp.sys.amiga.misc,de.comp.sys.apple,de.comp.sys.ibm,de.comp.sys.ibm-pc,de.comp.sys.misc,de.comp.sys.newton,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.sys.novell,de.comp.sys.pcs,de.comp.sys.st,de.comp.tex,de.comp.x11 Subject: E-mail ->>> FAX!!! Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 15:50:01 GMT Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses Message-ID: <54at7e$pl4@news.xs4all.nl> E-mail -> FAX!!!! (free test!) http://www.xs4all.nl/~lucasvdm/faxaway/faxaway.htm ============================================ Virtuel server? http://www.adgrafix.com/info/lvandermolen (Also resellers wanted!)
From: UdoMeyer@swol.de Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: S: Board und V: altes SoftPC Date: 19 Oct 1996 16:45:08 GMT Organization: LF.net GmbH i.G., Internet Services, Stuttgart, Germany Message-ID: <54b0ik$isv@news.LF.net> Hallo, gibt es da draussen ein arbeitsloses Color Turbo Mainboard? Ich haette hier einen Job! Und dann habe ich hier ein nutzloses altes SoftPC fuer schwarze Hardware. Will nicht mehr mit 4.0 zusammenarbeiten, aber mit 3.3 kam es noch zurecht. Fuer 50 DM++ gebe ich es weiter. Udo. -- OPENSTEP96 Warp 4.0! No WinDAU's95! NeXTmail :-) MIME UdoMeyer@swol.de
From: lucasvdm@xs4all.nl (Lucas van der Molen) Newsgroups: de.comp.os.vms,de.comp.os.xenix,de.comp.periph.cdrom,de.comp.standards,de.comp.sys.amiga.misc,de.comp.sys.apple,de.comp.sys.ibm,de.comp.sys.ibm-pc,de.comp.sys.misc,de.comp.sys.newton,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.sys.novell,de.comp.sys.pcs,de.comp.sys.st,de.comp.tex,de.comp.x11 Subject: cmsg cancel <54at7e$pl4@news.xs4all.nl> Control: cancel <54at7e$pl4@news.xs4all.nl> Date: 19 Oct 1996 22:50:44 GMT Organization: XS4ALL, networking for the masses Message-ID: <cancel.54at7e$pl4@news.xs4all.nl> EMP/ECP spam cancelled by hw@atlantic.fb12.tu-berlin.de. The Breidbart index was 69. See report "faxaway" in news.admin.net-abuse.announce or in de.admin.news.net-abuse.announce, respectively. Subject was: E-mail ->>> FAX!!!.
From: chris (Christian Vollmert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: news mit personal inn ? Date: 19 Oct 1996 18:20:34 GMT Organization: Regional Computing Center, University of Cologne Message-ID: <54b65i$ciq@news.rrz.uni-koeln.de> hallo ! ich habe den personal inn 1.0 runtergeladen (vom peanuts server) ich moechte gerne meine subscribed news gruppen ueber den personal inn herunterladen und dann offline lesen. wer hat damit erfahrung und kann mir mal ein paar tips bzgl. der konfiguartion geben ? besten dank im voraus chrisitan vollmert nextmail to:b0445889@athena.rrz.uni-koeln
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org (Thomas Funke) Subject: Re: samba on NSfIP 3.3 Message-ID: <1996Oct19.105607.588@gamelan.shnet.org> Sender: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org (thomas) Organization: Disorganization References: <547t19$m72@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 10:56:07 GMT In article <547t19$m72@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) writes: > > Option "-posix" als Compiler und Linkflags? > Moeglichst nicht ! Die Posix-Libraries sind buggy und fuehren dazu, dass das System nicht mehr sauber runterfaehrt. Dann gibts bei jedem Neustart ein laengeres fsck. -- ----- Thomas Funke ----------------------- thomas@gamelan.shnet.org ----- C++ is to C as Lung Cancer is to Lung
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org (Thomas Funke) Subject: Next - Nur noch eine Web-company ? Message-ID: <1996Oct19.125205.835@gamelan.shnet.org> Sender: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org (thomas) Organization: Disorganization References: <548dfi$73d@majipoor.cygnus.com> Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 12:52:05 GMT Aus den News: From: jrudd@cygnus.com (John Rudd) Newsgroups: comp.sys.next.advocacy,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.sys.next.programmer Subject: Re: Open Letter to NeXT: Why is NeXT still killing their opportunity in the OS market? Date: 18 Oct 1996 17:06:58 GMT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I don't know if I should be posting this or not.. In some ways it's good news for the Gnustep people, and in some ways it's bad news for the Nextstep and Openstep people. At Cygnus we had a new GDB developer start this week. He came to us from NeXT. One of the things he said he hopes to do is bring some of the features of NeXT's GDB to other GDB platforms. I asked me why he didn't stay at NeXT, and his response sort of confirmed my worst fears.. "They say they're going to become a 'Web company'. They don't know what that means yet, but that's what they're going to do." Losing GDB people not only spells bad news for the Nextstep/OS-M community, but also for the general Openstep from NeXT community. It looks like they're not just moving away from the OS market, but away from the developers tools market as well. And worst of all, they don't even know what they're moving toward. I guess we'll just have to see what Afterstep and Gnustep will bring us.. This week I've started taking a closer look at netbsd, BSD-lites, and MkLinux. I somehow get the feeling that's where my future lies. It would be nice if we could get some of those large commercial investors in Nextstep to put up money to get NeXT to release the source to their OS, or something.. But I don't see that happening. -- ----- Thomas Funke ----------------------- thomas@gamelan.shnet.org ----- C++ is to C as Lung Cancer is to Lung
From: Ricardo Feigel <rfeigel@rz.uni-osnabrueck.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Suche NeXT sttion oder cube (mono) Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 18:05:12 -0700 Organization: Universitaet Osnabrueck Message-ID: <326ACC48.8E0@rz.uni-osnabrueck.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Suche schwarze Hardware (68040) 25/33 Mhz mit 16-32MB mit Mono Monitor (17" -21") NeXTstep 3.2 - 3.3 Development vielleicht mit Drucker, Modem, ... Preis ca. 1000,- DM vielleicht mehr, je nach System. MfG Lars
From: root@next10 (Operator) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: samba on NSfIP 3.3 Date: 20 Oct 1996 18:19:34 GMT Organization: Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany) Distribution: world Message-ID: <54dqfm$4hr@sparcserver.lrz-muenchen.de> References: <547t19$m72@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> <1996Oct19.105607.588@gamelan.shnet.org> Cc: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org In <1996Oct19.105607.588@gamelan.shnet.org> Thomas Funke wrote: > In article <547t19$m72@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> frank@this.net (Frank > M. Siegert) writes: > > > > > Option "-posix" als Compiler und Linkflags? > > > > Moeglichst nicht ! > > Die Posix-Libraries sind buggy und fuehren dazu, dass das System nicht > mehr sauber runterfaehrt. Dann gibts bei jedem Neustart ein laengeres > fsck. > Koennte man darueber genaueres erfahren, ich hab hier naehmlich auf 2 Maschinen ein Problem beim runterfahren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bauer Peter Fachhochschule Landshut, Germany System Administrator Am Lurzenhof 1, 84036 Landshut RFC 822 : ba@hpmail.fh-landshut.de Tel: ++49 871 506 153 NeXT-Mail: ba@nxmail.fh-landshut.de Fax: ++49 871 506 157 -------------------------------------------------------------------
Newsgroups: de.comp.lang,de.comp.lang.c,de.comp.misc,de.comp.os,de.comp.os.linux,de.comp.os.unix,de.comp.os.xenix,de.comp.security,de.comp.standards,de.comp.sys,de.comp.sys.amiga,de.comp.sys.amiga.misc,de.comp.sys.amiga.unix,de.comp.sys.apple,de.comp.sys.ibm,de.comp.sys.misc,de.comp.sys.next,de.comp.sys.pcs,de.comp.tex,de.etc From: John Hue <j_hue@ix.netcom.com> Subject: cmsg cancel <542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> Control: cancel <542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> Message-ID: <cancel.542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> Followup-to: junk References: <542i9r$3ij@dns2.inter.net.il> Date: 16 Oct 1996 11:52:27 GMT Spam-cancel: "New MoneyMaking Method - NO MLM Involved - 5 times better then MLM"
From: mow@navigator.de (Markus Wenzel) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Hilfe zu NeXTStep 3.1 Date: 20 Oct 1996 08:36:44 GMT Organization: Navigator Message-ID: <54coas$lh1@marsu.navigator.de> References: <547kli$ac3@Galois.suse.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Cc: mb@Einstein.suse.de In <547kli$ac3@Galois.suse.de> Michael Burghart wrote: > Hi.. > > ich versuche gerade NeXTStep auf meinem Rechner zu installieren > und wollte wissen wo ich genauere Infos herbekomme, da es sich > einfach nicht installieren laesst.. > > Rechner: PPro200, 32MB RAM, SCSI HD und CD-ROM, 3.5" Floppy. > HD SCSI ID 0 und CD-ROM SCSI ID 1. > Hab ich da im Subject "Nextstep 3.1" gelesen? Damit brauchst Du bei einem PCI-Rechner gar nicht erst kommen. NS 3.3 ist das mindeste, was Du brauchst. -- Navigator Markus Wenzel info@navigator.de IT Consulting & System Administration http://www.navigator.de/
From: Ludger Solbach <solbach@tu-harburg.d400.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Netinfo-Problem again Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 12:41:05 +0100 Organization: TU Hamburg-Harburg Message-ID: <326B6151.2FF2D9F6@tu-harburg.d400.de> References: <325D01BB.1CBA3A51@tu-harburg.d400.de> <3265F175.65E8A51A@tu-harburg.d400.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961017131226.24224A-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bernhard Scholz wrote: > Deine Version 3.30 ist die aller erste Release fuer NS 3.3! Ich wuerde es > mal mit dem neuen Treiber auf NeXTanswers versuchen. Ich hab nochmal nachgesehen. Der Treiber, den ich probierte und der nicht funktionierte war 3.32, nicht 3.30. Um sicher zu gehen, dass der Treiber wirklich nicht funktioniert, habe ich ihn per Configure.app nochmal aktiviert. Leider scheiterte der Versuch diesmal daran, dass das schonmal beschriebene Netinfo-Problem wieder auftrat. Der Rechner haengt beim Booten mit der Meldung: netinfod: checking NetInfo database local.nidb Zuvor war die Maschine als Client eines Netinfo Servers klaglos hochgefahren. Das Ersetzen der alten local.nidb durch das Template blieb ohne Effekt. Reichlich frustriert, Ludger. -- ----------- Ludger Solbach, Distributed Systems Department ----------- | Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany | | e-mail: Solbach@TU-Harburg.d400.De, Tel.: +49-40-7718-3357 | --------------- http://www.ti6.tu-harburg.de/~ti6ls/ -----------------
From: markus@isolde.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de (Markus Stoll) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: CDWrite.app, erste Tests Date: 21 Oct 1996 15:51:52 GMT Organization: MPI Stuttgart Message-ID: <54g66o$86p@gwdu19.gwdg.de> CDWrite.app ist in Kuerze bereit fuer erste Tests und dazu suchen wir Freiwillige. CDWrite.app - kann Daten- und Audiotracks nach Track-at-Once schreiben. Datentracks muessen zuvor mit "mkisofs" erzeugt werden. Fuer Audiotracks werden ".snd"-Dateien (16 bit, 44.1kHz) erwartet. - sollte unter Nextstep 3.2 und hoeher laufen - ist bisher nur fuer Intel compiliert und angetestet - unterstuetzt Philips-Schreiber und Kompatible - unterstutzt Yamaha-Schreiber (noch ungetestet) Wer furchtlos genug ist, um das Programm zu testen, maile uns doch bitte an. Alles weitere per Mail. Markus Stoll und Hanns-Eugen Stoeffler
From: flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de (Gregor Hoffleit) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 21 Oct 1996 16:18:37 GMT Organization: University of Heidelberg, Germany Message-ID: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> Na, habt Ihr Euch auch schon ueber den BeBox-Artikel in der neuen c't amuesiert ? Erwaehnt gleich dreimal "Next", allerdings jedesmal mit leicht getruebtem Blick: Das Dock wird da einem Mac-Shareware-Programm zugeschrieben, von NEXTSTEP sei immerhin die "Unix-artige Shell" uebriggeblieben! Alles in allem eine peinliche Einleitung, aber der Teil ueber's Multithreading und das Filesystem des BeOS hat mich dann doch tw. abgelenkt. Gregor -- | Gregor Hoffleit Mathematisches Institut, Uni HD | | flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de INF 288, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany | | (NeXTmail, MIME) (49)6221 54-5771 fax 54-8312 | | PGP Key fingerprint = 23 8F B3 38 A3 39 A6 01 5B 99 91 D6 F2 AC CD C7 |
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: SCSI-Frage From: Christoph Pesch <cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Date: 22 Oct 1996 09:29:40 +0200 Message-ID: <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Organization: University of Passau, Germany Hallo! Vielleicht kann mir ja einer der mitlesenden Hardware-Experten einen Rat geben: kann ich problemlos die interne Festplatte meiner NeXT-Station ausbauen (sprich einfach alle Kabel ausstoepseln) und nur externe SCSI-Geraete benutzen, oder muss ich den internen Anschluss irgendwie terminieren? Mit vielen Dank im voraus, Christoph --- (Christoph Pesch --- cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de)
From: Erik Doernenburg <erik@object-factory.com> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Alexandra: Followup-To: poster Date: 22 Oct 1996 07:44:11 GMT Organization: Object Factory GmbH (Germany) Message-ID: <54hu0b$h2p@isabella.object-factory.com> References: <53tuaf$315@nexusgate.tng.oche.de> <53vhp9$c9v1@ddfservb.technet.net> <547vl3$3cc@nexusgate.tng.oche.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (Michael Pieper) wrote: > Constantin Szallies <szallies@energotec.de> wrote: > >michael@nexus1.tng.oche.de (Michael Pieper) wrote: > >>Kann es sein, dass obiges nicht funktioniert? > > > >Obiges funktioniert definitiv nicht! > > Schade, ich habe mal eine Suggestion losgeschickt. ...die wir auch bekommen haben; genauso wie viele andere wirklich gute Vorschläge. Aber leider haben wir noch kein Skript, das aus einer Suggestion sofort den entsprechenden Code erzeugt, und wir selbst haben im Moment leider einfach keine Zeit an dieser Version von Alexandra Änderungen vorzunehmen. Wir sind jedoch, aber auch mit nicht besonders viel zeitlichem Aufwand, dabei, eine komplett neue (OPENSTEP) Version mit verbesserter interner Architektur, die multithreaded arbeitet, die Artikelübersicht nach Threads sortiert darstellen kann und auch sonst noch einige wesentliche Verbesserungen beinhaltet, in eine Form zu bringen, daß noch mehr Entwickler daran arbeiten können. Wir werden im Laufe des nächsten Monats ein Posting zu diesem Thema in die Announce-Gruppe schicken. erik ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik Dörnenburg OBJECT FACTORY Gesellschaft für Informatik und Datenverarbeitung mbH Lohbachstraße 12, 58239 Schwerte, Germany erik@object-factory.com or erik@free.de (private)
From: karl@spica.informatik.hu-berlin.de (Holger Karl,,) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: audiotools fuer NextStep on HP? Date: 22 Oct 1996 09:57:10 GMT Organization: Humboldt University Berlin, Department of Computer Science Message-ID: <54i5pm$k24@hahn.informatik.hu-berlin.de> Hallo, Weiss jemand, ob es sowas wie freephone oder rat fuer NextStep auf HPs gibt? (Habe in den ftp-Servern nix gefunden, und unser sysadmin weiss auch von nix). Danke, Holger
From: 3wolff@rzdspc5.informatik.uni-hamburg.de (Eberhard Wolff) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 22 Oct 1996 11:51:02 GMT Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany Message-ID: <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> Gregor Hoffleit (flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de) wrote: : Na, habt Ihr Euch auch schon ueber den BeBox-Artikel in der neuen c't : amuesiert ? Erwaehnt gleich dreimal "Next", allerdings jedesmal mit : leicht getruebtem Blick: Das Dock wird da einem Mac-Shareware-Programm : zugeschrieben, von NEXTSTEP sei immerhin die "Unix-artige Shell" : uebriggeblieben! Ich war sehr erstaunt "uber die Dinge, die nicht NeXTstep zugeschrieben werden, wie z.B. Unterst"utzung f"ur RTF und TIFF in der GUI usw. Vor einiger Zeit (2-3 Jahre oder so) haben sich die c't Redakteure mal selber vorgestellt und da war ein "uberzeugter NeXTie dabei und die c't war fr"uher auch NeXT-nahe. Aber das jetzt..... : Alles in allem eine peinliche Einleitung, aber der Teil ueber's : Multithreading und das Filesystem des BeOS hat mich dann doch : tw. abgelenkt. Ich wei"s nicht. BeOS ist anscheinend kein Multiuser OS, was ich ziemlich schlecht finde. Und dann hat es kein so tolles OOP Konzept wie NeXTstep es hat. Multithreading kann NeXTstep auch. Das Problem bei BeOS ist allerdings, da"s man um beide Prozessoren zu n"utzen auch Multithreading benutzen mu"s. Dadurch ist z.B. effiziente Portierung von UNIX Tools, die das Multithreading nicht nutzen, wohl kaum m"oglich. Ich habe das Gef"uhl, da"s die BeBox eine interessante Hardware und ein gutes OS hat. "Uber die GUI (die bei NeXT ja sehr gut ist) kann ich nichts sagen und die Programmierumgebung ist meiner Ansicht nach schlechter. Also bleibe ich bei NeXTstep und warte auf GNUstep. Eberhard
From: jut@ukrv.de (J.-U. Thieme) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: SCSI-Frage Date: 22 Oct 1996 15:41:20 GMT Organization: Charité - Virchow-Klinikum , Medical Faculty of Humboldt-University in Berlin Message-ID: <54ipv0$843@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Cc: cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de In <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Christoph Pesch wrote: > Hallo! > > Vielleicht kann mir ja einer der mitlesenden Hardware-Experten > einen Rat geben: > kann ich problemlos die interne Festplatte meiner NeXT-Station > ausbauen (sprich einfach alle Kabel ausstoepseln) und nur > externe SCSI-Geraete benutzen, oder muss ich den internen > Anschluss irgendwie terminieren? > > Mit vielen Dank im voraus, > SCSI muß an beiden Enden terminiert werden, liegt also der SCSI-Adaptor welcher ja terminiert ist an einem Ende der Kette (intern nichts angeschlossen) und nach dem letzten externen Gerät wird terminiert, ist alles ok. Habe das hier selbst so laufen mit einer HP XU 5/90C. CIAO JUT -------------------------------------------------------------- - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J.- U. Thieme - -------------------------------------------------------------- - send to : jut@ukrv.de or jut@rz.charite.hu-berlin.de - - -> NeXTMail & PGP welcome <- - - phone : +49 30 450 66127 - - fax: +49 30 450 66937 - -------------------------------------------------------------- - location : virchow-hospital in berlin (germany) - -------------------------------------------------------------- - "I am saddened -- not by Microsoft's success, I have no - - problem with their success, they've earned their success - - ...for the most part -- I have a problem with the fact - - that they just make really third-rate products." - - - - Steven Paul Jobs - --------------------------------------------------------------
From: jut@ukrv.de (J.-U. Thieme) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Treiber fuer Spea? Date: 22 Oct 1996 15:45:18 GMT Organization: Charité - Virchow-Klinikum , Medical Faculty of Humboldt-University in Berlin Message-ID: <54iq6e$843@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <3268de1d.6827347@news.osn.de> Cc: ff@columba.franken.de In <3268de1d.6827347@news.osn.de> Frank Feihe wrote: > Hallo NeXT-Gemeinde ! > > Wer von euch kann mir sagen > wo es aktuelle Treiber, > Software und sonstiges > fuer NeXT im Netz > gibt ? > > Suche Treiber fuer > Spea Mercury 4MB P64V > und > Adaptec2940 > > > Vielen Dank im voraus... > Frank Feihe > Auf : ftp://ftp.cs.TU-Berlin.DE/pub/NeXT oder auf : http://peanuts.leo.org/peanuts/ z.B. CIAO JUT -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J.- U. Thieme - -------------------------------------------------------------- - send to : jut@ukrv.de or jut@rz.charite.hu-berlin.de - - -> NeXTMail & PGP welcome <- - - phone : +49 30 450 66127 - - fax: +49 30 450 66937 - -------------------------------------------------------------- - location : virchow-hospital in berlin (germany) - -------------------------------------------------------------- - "I am saddened -- not by Microsoft's success, I have no - - problem with their success, they've earned their success - - ...for the most part -- I have a problem with the fact - - that they just make really third-rate products." - - - - Steven Paul Jobs - --------------------------------------------------------------
From: Joerg Link <J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Wie kann ein NeXT per NFS auf einen WinNT4.0 Server zugreifen ? Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 18:22:18 -0700 Organization: Alcatel SEL AG Message-ID: <326D734A.7357@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo ! Ich suche eine Soft, mit der man auf einen NT4.0 Server von NeXT-Stations (3.3 und 4.0) aus per NFS zugreifen kann. Bei NT ist zwar der TCP/IP Stack vohanden, aber keine NFS-Software. Samba habe ich mir schon angeschaut, kommt hier aber nicht in Betracht. Ich suche eine professionelle Software für den NT-Server, die auch leicht zu installieren und zu warten ist. Darf natuerlich Geld kosten. Hat schon jemand praktische ERFAHRUNGEN mit einer bestimmten Software ? Bin fuer jeden Hinweis dankbar. Gruss, Joerg -- ================================ Joerg Link, Alcatel SEL AG Abt.: DP/SM, Mannheimerstr.22b 75179 Pforzheim Tel.: 07231-300-288, Fax 300-298 email: J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de ================================
From: ibs@rz.uni-jena.de (Bertram Smolny) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: COMPAQ DESKPRO XL ? Date: 22 Oct 1996 17:13:22 GMT Organization: Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany Message-ID: <54ivbi$3o@fsuj19.rz.uni-jena.de> Hi, hier war letztens ein user, der NS auf einem COMPAQ DESKPRO XL installieren wollte. Bitte mal melden. B.Smolny smolny@mpiib-berlin.mpg.de
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 22 Oct 1996 19:27:05 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Message-ID: <54j769$afu@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> Cc: 3wolff@rzdspc5.informatik.uni-hamburg.de In <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> Eberhard Wolff wrote: > Ich wei"s nicht. BeOS ist anscheinend kein Multiuser OS, was ich ziemlich > schlecht finde. Und dann hat es kein so tolles OOP Konzept wie NeXTstep > es hat. Multithreading kann NeXTstep auch. Das Problem bei BeOS ist allerdings, > da"s man um beide Prozessoren zu n"utzen auch Multithreading benutzen mu"s. > Dadurch ist z.B. effiziente Portierung von UNIX Tools, die das Multithreading > nicht nutzen, wohl kaum m"oglich. Geht schon, bedarf nur meist der leichten Nachbearbeitung (geht nicht aus der Tuete...)... > Ich habe das Gef"uhl, da"s die BeBox eine interessante Hardware und ein > gutes OS hat. "Uber die GUI (die bei NeXT ja sehr gut ist) kann ich nichts > sagen und die Programmierumgebung ist meiner Ansicht nach schlechter. > Also bleibe ich bei NeXTstep und warte auf GNUstep. Ich freu mich daweil ueber meine neue BeBox Dual133 die gestern bei mir eintrudelte... jedem das seine... BTW Das Ding ist unter Last *schnell*, da fliegt echt die Sau... :-). Vorallem kann man unter froehlicher Volllast noch weiterarbeiten als wenn nix waere... -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 10:45:00 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> On 22 Oct 1996, Eberhard Wolff wrote: > Gregor Hoffleit (flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de) wrote: > : amuesiert ? Erwaehnt gleich dreimal "Next", allerdings jedesmal mit > : leicht getruebtem Blick: Das Dock wird da einem Mac-Shareware-Programm > : zugeschrieben, von NEXTSTEP sei immerhin die "Unix-artige Shell" > : uebriggeblieben! > Ich war sehr erstaunt "uber die Dinge, die nicht NeXTstep zugeschrieben > werden, wie z.B. Unterst"utzung f"ur RTF und TIFF in der GUI usw. Mir kamen auch die Traenen :( > Ich wei"s nicht. BeOS ist anscheinend kein Multiuser OS, was ich ziemlich > schlecht finde. Und dann hat es kein so tolles OOP Konzept wie NeXTstep > es hat. Multithreading kann NeXTstep auch. Das Problem bei BeOS ist allerdings, Aber die bessere Presse ... > da"s man um beide Prozessoren zu n"utzen auch Multithreading benutzen mu"s. > Dadurch ist z.B. effiziente Portierung von UNIX Tools, die das Multithreading > nicht nutzen, wohl kaum m"oglich. Das schlimmste an der BeBox ist aber folgendes, was in diesem lobhudelndem Artiekl (offensichtlich ein BeBox Fan) tunlichst uebergangen wurde: Das Format der Libraries ist privat. Damit ist es unmoeglich GCC, GDB und besonders den GNU-Linker zu portieren. Gute Nacht schoene neue Welt. Ein System, wo ich nur einen einzigen Compiler benutzen kann? Nein Danke! Gruesse, Bernhard.
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: CDWrite.app, erste Tests Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 10:46:43 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104517.14480D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <54g66o$86p@gwdu19.gwdg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII To: Markus Stoll <markus@isolde.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de> In-Reply-To: <54g66o$86p@gwdu19.gwdg.de> Hallo Markus In ca. 1-2 Wochen habe ich wieder die Gelegenheit mit einem Yamaha CDR 100 zu testen. Koenntest mir ja bis dahin eine Version zukommen lassen. Was ich mir allerdings unbedingt ertraeume waere Disk-At-Once bei Audio. Ist es irgendwie moeglich das einzubauen? Gruesse, Bernhard. -- Bernhard Scholz (IRC: Boerny) scholzb@pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de http://peanuts.leo.org/ http://www.leo.org/~scholz/
From: rainer@netconx.de (Rainer Sokoll) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wie kann ein NeXT per NFS auf einen WinNT4.0 Server zugreifen ? Date: 23 Oct 1996 10:21:44 GMT Organization: NetConsult Communications Message-ID: <54krjo$sa8@linux1.netconx.de> References: <326D734A.7357@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Joerg Link <J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> wrote: >Ich suche eine Soft, mit der man auf einen NT4.0 Server von >NeXT-Stations (3.3 und 4.0) aus per NFS zugreifen kann. Bei NT >ist zwar der TCP/IP Stack vohanden, aber keine NFS-Software. Hm, gibts denn überhaupt NFS-Server für NT? In diesem Zusammenhang: gibts sowas wie smbfs für NS? Gruß, Rainer -- rainer@netconx.de ----- tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis --------
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org (Thomas Engel) Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Message-ID: <DzqHE3.Ar@shinto.nbg.sub.org> Sender: news@shinto.nbg.sub.org Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Organization: STEPeople's home (A NUGI member) References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 14:54:02 GMT Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> wrote: > Das schlimmste an der BeBox ist aber folgendes, was in diesem lobhudelndem > Artiekl (offensichtlich ein BeBox Fan) tunlichst uebergangen wurde: > Das Format der Libraries ist privat. Damit ist es unmoeglich GCC, GDB und > besonders den GNU-Linker zu portieren. > Nun ich teile fast alle Eindruecke wie sie hier bisher aufgezaehlt wurden. Der Artikel war nicht einer der besten zum Thema BeOS...und eigentlich auch nicht auf echten c't Niveau. > Gute Nacht schoene neue Welt. Ein System, wo ich nur einen einzigen > Compiler benutzen kann? Nein Danke! > > Gruesse, > > Bernhard. > Nun Be soll ja auch auf dem Java Trip sein...evt bringt das den einen oder andern Vorteil. Zwar konnte man zwischen den Zeilen lesen das die fehlende Dynamik von C++ durch BMessages abgeschirmt wird....aber auf C++ pro/con im BeOS ist der Artikel fast garnicht eingegangen. Und dann steht da, das Stevs NeXT gescheitert ist, da keine Apps dafür zu haben waren etc. pp....aber die Erkenntnis, das BeOS exact das selbe Problem hat schein nicht sehr weit hergeholt (Die Argumentation ist teilweise so genial wie NeXTs Argumente fuer die Aufgabe des NXHelpPanels :-) Aloha Tomi
From: "Wolfgang Tietze" <wtietze@berlin.snafu.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Angebot Date: 23 Oct 1996 15:09:58 GMT Organization: Spiegel TV Message-ID: <01bbc0fc$24835920$19636dc0@pentium-pro> Hallo, Ich verkaufe: NeXtStep f. Intel 3.2 fuer 200 .- DM NeXtStep f. Intel 3.3 fuer 300 .- DM Lighthouse (April 1996) fuer 150 .- DM. Diverse NeXt CD's fuer 40 .- DM Mit freudl. Gruessen Wolfgang Tietze -- Wolfgang Tietze Email: wtietze@berlin.snafu.de Fax: +49 30 264 16 11
From: hhoff@ultra.modern-video.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 23 Oct 1996 14:26:47 GMT Organization: media group Distribution: world Message-ID: <54l9v7$a19@gate.seicom.net> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Bernhard Scholz (scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de) wrote: >Das schlimmste an der BeBox ist aber folgendes, was in diesem lobhudelndem >Artiekl (offensichtlich ein BeBox Fan) tunlichst uebergangen wurde: >Das Format der Libraries ist privat. Damit ist es unmoeglich GCC, GDB und >besonders den GNU-Linker zu portieren. Das Format wurde m.W. nach mittlerweile offengelegt. GCC ist glaube ich auch schon portiert, genauso wie viele andere GNU utilities. Immer dran denken: nur weil's in der c't steht, heisst das nicht, das es auch stimmt. >Gute Nacht schoene neue Welt. Ein System, wo ich nur einen einzigen >Compiler benutzen kann? Nein Danke! So wie bei CLOSEDSTEP? :-| Holger -- ObjectWeb Weaver | @work: hhoff@media-group.de Modern Video media group | @home: hhoff@schwaben.de (NeXTmail & PGP ok) Stuttgart, Germany | Be cool.
From: jut@ukrv.de (J.-U. Thieme) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wie kann ein NeXT per NFS auf einen WinNT4.0 Server zugreifen ? Date: 23 Oct 1996 16:29:02 GMT Organization: Charité - Virchow-Klinikum , Medical Faculty of Humboldt-University in Berlin Message-ID: <54lh4e$nuc@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <326D734A.7357@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> <54krjo$sa8@linux1.netconx.de> Cc: rainer@netconx.de In <54krjo$sa8@linux1.netconx.de> Rainer Sokoll wrote: > Joerg Link <J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> wrote: > >Ich suche eine Soft, mit der man auf einen NT4.0 Server von > >NeXT-Stations (3.3 und 4.0) aus per NFS zugreifen kann. Bei NT > >ist zwar der TCP/IP Stack vohanden, aber keine NFS-Software. > > Hm, gibts denn überhaupt NFS-Server für NT? > In diesem Zusammenhang: gibts sowas wie smbfs für NS? > > Gruß, > Rainer > Gibt es, z.B. DiskShare für WindowsNT (siehe z.B. www.transtec.de) oder NFS Maestro 5.1 von Hummingbird (ACHTUNG hier ist der NFS-Server optional). Habe allerdings noch keine Erfahrungen damit sammeln können. Wenn diese schon jemand hat, möge er sich mal in dieser Group melden. CIAO JUT -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J.- U. Thieme - -------------------------------------------------------------- - send to : jut@ukrv.de or jut@rz.charite.hu-berlin.de - - -> NeXTMail & PGP welcome <- - - phone : +49 30 450 66127 - - fax: +49 30 450 66937 - -------------------------------------------------------------- - location : virchow-hospital in berlin (germany) - -------------------------------------------------------------- - "I am saddened -- not by Microsoft's success, I have no - - problem with their success, they've earned their success - - ...for the most part -- I have a problem with the fact - - that they just make really third-rate products." - - - - Steven Paul Jobs - --------------------------------------------------------------
From: Jens Kleemann <jkleeman@germany.micrognosis.com> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 16:32:42 +0200 Organization: CSK Micrognosis Frankfurt Message-ID: <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bernhard Scholz wrote: > > On 22 Oct 1996, Eberhard Wolff wrote: > > > Gregor Hoffleit (flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de) wrote: > > : amuesiert ? Erwaehnt gleich dreimal "Next", allerdings jedesmal mit > > : leicht getruebtem Blick: Das Dock wird da einem Mac-Shareware-Programm > > : zugeschrieben, von NEXTSTEP sei immerhin die "Unix-artige Shell" > > : uebriggeblieben! > > Ich war sehr erstaunt "uber die Dinge, die nicht NeXTstep zugeschrieben > > werden, wie z.B. Unterst"utzung f"ur RTF und TIFF in der GUI usw. NextTIME (wie es wohl mal geplant war) ist wohl auch eingeflossen allerdings haben die Be-Jungs noch die Synchronisation draufgesetzt. WANN GIBT ES ENDLICH MAL EIN FERTIGES NEXTTIME MIT DOKU ZUM EINBAUEN VON EIGENEN CONVERTERN ????? > > > Ich wei"s nicht. BeOS ist anscheinend kein Multiuser OS, was ich ziemlich > > schlecht finde. Und dann hat es kein so tolles OOP Konzept wie NeXTstep > > es hat. Multithreading kann NeXTstep auch. Das Problem bei BeOS ist allerdings, > Aber die bessere Presse ... Jedes neue System hat eine gute Presse. Doch BeOS hat den Vorteil, das die Mac-Freaks endlich mal was vernuenftiges^H^h^h^h^h^h^h^h besseres auf ihren PPCs laufen lassen koennen. > > > da"s man um beide Prozessoren zu n"utzen auch Multithreading benutzen mu"s. > > Dadurch ist z.B. effiziente Portierung von UNIX Tools, die das Multithreading > > nicht nutzen, wohl kaum m"oglich. Waer mal interessant zu wissen, was das dauernde Umschalten der Threads von einen auf den anderen Prozessor kostet. > > Das schlimmste an der BeBox ist aber folgendes, was in diesem lobhudelndem > Artiekl (offensichtlich ein BeBox Fan) tunlichst uebergangen wurde: > Das Format der Libraries ist privat. Damit ist es unmoeglich GCC, GDB und > besonders den GNU-Linker zu portieren. > > Gute Nacht schoene neue Welt. Ein System, wo ich nur einen einzigen > Compiler benutzen kann? Nein Danke! Das sind die Macintosh Leute doch gewoehnt, oder ? ausserdem kann man auf die Hardware ja auch Linux installieren - dann aber lieber eine Dual-Intel Kiste, die haben wenigsten einen 2nd Level Cache. Das "DATABASE"-filesystem, ist im Netz so ziemlich unbrauchbar. Wuerde wahrscheinlich PacketStorms ohne Ende verursachen. AchJa, LiveQueries und sein Kind: Wenn ich einen Verzeichnisnamen aendere, dann is Essig mit LiveQuery - Es tut sich nix. 3 PCI + 5 ISA Slots kann ja auch nicht Stand der technik sein, jedenfalls nicht fuer die O-Ton: "MULTIMEDIA machine of the future". Ansonsten finde ich die BeBox eigentlich ganz huebsch. ;-) ------------------------------------------------------- |Jens Kleemann jkleeman@germany.micrognosis.com | | kleemann@stud.uni-frankfurt.de | | WWW-Gateways/Databases/NeXT/Unix-Developer | -------------------------------------------------------
From: Volker Holfeld <Volker.Holfeld@E-Technik.TU-Chemnitz.DE> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wie kann ein NeXT per NFS auf einen WinNT4.0 Server zugreifen ? Date: 23 Oct 1996 16:32:11 GMT Organization: University of Technology Chemnitz, FRG Message-ID: <54lhab$dch@narses.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de> References: <326D734A.7357@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> <54krjo$sa8@linux1.netconx.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit rainer@netconx.de (Rainer Sokoll) wrote: >... >Hm, gibts denn überhaupt NFS-Server für NT? >In diesem Zusammenhang: gibts sowas wie smbfs für NS? Ja, gibt's z.B. von Intergraph (http://www.ingr.com/nfs/ds/ds_eval.htm), nennt sich DiskShare. Wie gut oder schlecht die Sache funktioniert kann ich leider nicht sagen... Gruss, Volker. -- ************ ... may the dark side of the force be with you ... ************ Volker.Holfeld@E-Technik.TU-Chemnitz.DE (NeXT-Mail/MIME welcome!) URL: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~vho/index.html PGP Public Key: via Public Key Server available PGP Key fingerprint: 41 E3 99 69 84 0E A5 0E D0 AC 38 25 77 76 3E B9 ****************************************************************************
From: marsu@cs.tu-berlin.de (Henrik Hempelmann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wie kann ein NeXT per NFS auf einen WinNT4.0 Server zugreifen ? Date: 23 Oct 1996 20:18:04 +0200 Organization: Palumbian Networks Message-ID: <54lngs$20g@palumbia.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de> References: <326D734A.7357@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Joerg Link <J.Link@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> writes: >Hallo ! >Ich suche eine Soft, mit der man auf einen NT4.0 Server von >NeXT-Stations (3.3 und 4.0) aus per NFS zugreifen kann. Bei NT >ist zwar der TCP/IP Stack vohanden, aber keine NFS-Software. Fuer 3.51 gibt es dafuer extra NFS-Software (client & Server) von Hummingbird. Geht prima! $$ Wie das mit NT4.0 ist ??? Henrik -- Henrik Hempelmann marsu@in-berlin.de (NeXT/MIME/PGP-Mail) http://home.pages.de/~marsu/ individual network berlin - internet von privat fuer privat
From: grape@matrix.teuto.de (Timo Hoepfner) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next,z-netz.fundgrube.suche.allgemein,z-netz.fundgrube.suche.elektronik,z-netz.fundgrube.suche,de.markt.misc,de.markt.comp.misc Subject: S: NeXT Station Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 23:06:39 +0200 Organization: PoP Contrib.Net Bielefeld Message-ID: <19961023230639323531@[]> Hallo! Suche eine NeXT Station zu einem realistischen Preis. Angebote bitte per E-Mail. Gruss Timo --- Timo Hoepfner - grape@matrix.teuto.de
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: hhoff@schwaben.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Message-ID: <Dzqw1L.42M@flop.schwaben.de> Sender: news@flop.schwaben.de Organization: home References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <54l9v7$a19@gate.seicom.net> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 20:10:33 GMT Holger Hoffstaette wrote: > Immer dran denken: nur weil's in der c't steht, heisst das nicht, > das es auch stimmt. Brr, erst lesen, dann posten.. '..folgendes, das offenbar übersprungen wurde..' Es steht also nicht in der c't, deshalb ist es zumindest schon mal nicht falsch. :)
From: Christian Stange <stange@mail.h.provi.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: IT REALLY WORKS!!! NOT A JOKE!!! Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 21:10:26 +0200 Organization: SDV Message-ID: <326E6DA2.2250@mail.h.provi.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="dollar.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="dollar.txt" Turn a measly $5 into $50,000! Taking 5 minutes to read this text may be one of the best decisions you ever make. I could make $50 000 within 4 weeks for an investment of only $5. I thought it was a huge joke! I spoke to my friends about it and they thought likewise. But after three days of desperate struggle I decided I had nothing to lose. My family and I sent $1 by snail mail to each of 5 names and addresses specified in the article. We then placed our own name and address in the article and posted it in 200 other newsgroups. Two weeks later, I started receiving money in the mail! I could not believe it! Hundreds of dollars turned into thousands, and in the 4 weeks, I received a total of $53,654. It came from all over the world. If you follow the 3 steps below, there is no reason whatsoever why the same shouldn't happen to you. This is a perfectly legitimate investment opportunity. You invest $5 and you receive a return on your investment. So does the next investor. NOT ILLEGAL, NOT A CHAIN LETTER - PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE! OBVIOUSLY, IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED, THEN DON'T PARTICIPATE. BUT PLEASE PRINT THIS ARTICLE AND GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO MAY WISH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE. The procedure is very simple. STEP 1. Write your name and address on 5 separate pieces of paper with the words "PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST". Fold a $1 note or money order or bank draft in each of the pieces of paper and mail them to the following five addresses: ****************************************************************** 1. Jeff Katz, 7 Seir Hill Rd, #41, Norwalk, CT 06850 2. Eric Johnson 14817 Holden Circle, Horizon TX, 79927 3. Patrick Bryce Box 2462, Lloydminster, SK, Canada, S9V 1W5 4. Brian Bennett, 1475 Graves Ave #50, El Cajon, Ca 92021 5. Christian Stange, Auf der Brokel 1, 30826 Garbsen, Germany ****************************************************************** STEP 2. Now remove the 1st name on the list, move the other 4 names up (5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3 etc) and put your name and address as number 5 on the list. You can do this by re-typing this article or simply editing and re-posting it in this or another newsgroup. STEP 3. Post your amended article to at least 200 new groups (there are 17 000 of them). You are now in the Mail Order Investment Business and you will start receiving $1 returns by mail within a week or two. The more newsgroups you post to, the bigger your return will be. You may want to rent a Post Office Box to handle the volume of mail you are likely to receive. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can use a pseudonym such as "The Manager" or "The Investor", but make sure your address is correct! NOW LET ME TELL YOU WHY THIS SYSTEM WORKS! Of every 200 postings I made, I received an average of 5 replies, YES - ONLY 5, each with a $1 bill enclosed. You make $5 for every 200 postings WITH YOUR NAME AT NUMBER 5. Each person who sent you $1, now also makes let's say,only 200 additional postings WITH YOUR NAME AT NUMBER 4, i.e. 1000 postings. On average therefore, 50 people will send you $1 with your name at number 4. You make $50. Your 50 new agents make 200 posting each WITH YOUR NAME AT NUMBER 3 or 10 000 postings - average return 500 at $1 each is $500. They make 200 postings each WITH YOUR NAME AT NUMBER 2 = 100 000 postings = 5 000 returns at $1 each = $5 000. Finally, 5 000 people make 200 postings each WITH YOUR NAME AT NUMBER 1 and you get a return of $50 000 before you name drops off the list. AND THAT'S IF EVERYONE DOWN THE LINE ONLY MAKES 200 POSTINGS! Total income in one cycle = $55 500. From time to time, when your name is no longer on the list, you take the latest posting that is appearing in the newsgroups, SEND OUT ANOTHER $5 TO THE NAMES THAT ARE ON THE LIST, PUT YOUR NAME IN AT NUMBER 5 AND START POSTING AGAIN. Remember, 200 postings is only a guideline. The more you post, the greater the return. Let's review the reasons why you should do this: THE ONLY COST FACTORS ARE 5 STAMPS, 5 ENVELOPES, AND 5 $1 BILLS. Anyone can afford five dollars to put into such an effortless investment with SPECTACULAR RETURNS. Some people have said to me "What happens if the scheme is 'played out' and no one sends me any money"? Big deal! So you lose $5 - but what are the chances of that happening? Do you realise how many Internet Users there are? Do you realise how many times this scheme can be utilised over and over again - with COMPLETELY NEW people participating? There are not HUNDREDS, NOT EVEN THOUSANDS, BUT HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF NEW INTERNET USERS EVERY MONTH! Remember, read the instructions carefully and play FAIRLY...that's the only way this will work. Get a printout so you can refer back to this article easily. Try to keep a list of everyone that sends you money and always keep an eye on the newsgroup postings to make sure everyone is playing fairly. You know where your name should be. IT REALLY WORKS!!! NOT A JOKE!!!
From: Christian Stange <stange@mail.h.provi.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: cmsg cancel <326E6DA2.2250@mail.h.provi.de> Control: cancel <326E6DA2.2250@mail.h.provi.de> Date: 24 Oct 1996 15:35:13 GMT Organization: SDV Message-ID: <cancel.326E6DA2.2250@mail.h.provi.de> MMF chain letter cancelled by hw@atlantic.fb12.tu-berlin.de . This is spam! Far above of ten thousand of these have been posted. The Breidbart index of this series was 60. See report "C.Stange/provi.de/2" in news.admin.net-abuse.announce or in de.admin.news.net-abuse.announce. Subject was: IT REALLY WORKS!!! NOT A JOKE!!!.
From: Ingo Feulner <ifeulner@xenon.cube.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Next - Nur noch eine Web-company ? Date: 23 Oct 1996 07:47:21 GMT Organization: Private Site, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?B=F6blingen?=, Germany Message-ID: <54kii9$ee6@whitestar.stgt.sub.org> References: <548dfi$73d@majipoor.cygnus.com> <1996Oct19.125205.835@gamelan.shnet.org> Cc: thomas@gamelan.shnet.org Es wird wohl in die Richtung gehen (auch wenn ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass sich NeXT da auf Dauer halten kann), denn im "Trailer" der NeXT-Ankündigungen steht inzwischen nur noch: NeXT Software, Inc. NeXT delivers open software development environments for building custom applications for both the World Wide Web and the Enterprise. NeXT's development software adds value to today's business by shortening the development cycle, working with an organization's existing technology, supporting current and emerging standards, and enabling organizations to grow and change with ease. Nichts mehr von OpenStep.... - Ingo. -- Smail: Ingo Feulner, Wolfacher Weg 19, 71034 Böblingen, Germany Email: ifeulner@xenon.cube.de "You do not understand." - Kosh, Babylon 5, various episodes.
From: Christian Stange <stange@mail.h.provi.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: NO COMMERCIAL LETTER GAME !! KEIN KETTENBRIEF !! Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 19:41:59 +0200 Organization: SDV Message-ID: <326FAA67.3405@mail.h.provi.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="fa.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="fa.txt" Liebe Newsreader, durch einen Telefonanruf bin ich darauf aufmerksam gemacht worden, daß in etlichen Newsgroups eine Mail von mir mit der Aufforderung zur Teilnahme an einem Kettenbrief aufgetaucht sind. Diese Mails sind FAKE, sie stammen nicht von mir. Ich werde keinen dieser Briefe annehmen, bzw. zurückschicken. Ich bitte alle vielmals um Entschuldigung und bitte darum diese Mail weiter zu verteilen, falls ich nicht alle Groups erreiche. Dear Newsreader, by a phonecall I was told, that there are mails in many newsgroups with my sign, where I tell the people to be part of a commercial letter game. These mails are FAKE. I didn't wrote them. I'll don't accept one of these letters or I'll send them back. I'm very sorry about that so please help and deliver this mail to all newsgroups that I don't reach. Thank you very much.
From: flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de (Gregor Hoffleit) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Next - Nur noch eine Web-company ? Date: 24 Oct 1996 19:26:42 GMT Organization: University of Heidelberg, Germany Message-ID: <54ofti$bvp@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> References: <548dfi$73d@majipoor.cygnus.com> <1996Oct19.125205.835@gamelan.shnet.org> <54kii9$ee6@whitestar.stgt.sub.org> Ingo Feulner (ifeulner@xenon.cube.de) wrote: : Es wird wohl in die Richtung gehen (auch wenn ich mir nicht : vorstellen kann, dass sich NeXT da auf Dauer halten kann), denn : im "Trailer" der NeXT-Ankündigungen steht inzwischen nur noch: : NeXT Software, Inc. : NeXT delivers open software development environments for building : custom applications for both the World Wide Web and the Enterprise. : NeXT's development software adds value to today's business by : shortening the development cycle, working with an organization's : existing technology, supporting current and emerging standards, and : enabling organizations to grow and change with ease. : Nichts mehr von OpenStep.... Das hat sich uebrigens schon im Januar geaendert, damals kam ein neuer `Corporate Backgrounder' raus, und seitdem tragen alle Pressemitteilungen diesen neuen Spruch (wohlweislich lange bevor der Auslieferung von OPENSTEP. Immerhin steht OPENSTEP im Backgrounder noch an erster Stelle der Produkte. Frueher stand in diesem Absatz uebrigens: NeXT Computer, Inc. NeXT develops and markets OpenStep and WebObjects for building mission critical object-oriented custom applications for deployment across popular operating systems and the World Wide Web. OpenStep is the first volume object standard for developing and deploying cross-platform three-tier client/server applications. And WebObjects is NeXT's revolutionary database independent development framework for quickly building interactive Web-based applications. -- | Gregor Hoffleit Mathematisches Institut, Uni HD | | flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de INF 288, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany | | (NeXTmail, MIME) (49)6221 54-5771 fax 54-8312 | | PGP Key fingerprint = 23 8F B3 38 A3 39 A6 01 5B 99 91 D6 F2 AC CD C7 |
From: marsu@cs.tu-berlin.de (Henrik Hempelmann) Newsgroups: bln.archiv,de.comp.sys.next Subject: Neu auf dem Berliner NeXT-Archiv (24-Oct-96) Date: 24 Oct 1996 20:04:16 GMT Organization: Technical University of Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <54oi40$1u1@news.cs.tu-berlin.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit To: beng@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de Neu auf dem NeXT-FTP-Archiv der BeNG (ftp://ftp.cs.TU-Berlin.DE/pub/NeXT): Die neuesten READMEs gibts auch per NeXTMail. Subscribe: mailto: majordomo@prz.tu-berlin.de mit Body: subscribe next_readmes 476879 Oct 19 12:23 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/FastTIFF.NIHS.bs.tar.gz 512633 Oct 19 12:20 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/graphic/apps/PDFViewer.1.03.NIHS.b.tar.gz 5095 Oct 17 01:38 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/hardware/driver/intel/BusLogicFamily.1.20.I.bd.README 23300 Oct 17 01:37 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/hardware/driver/intel/BusLogicFamily.1.20.I.bd.tar.gz 8912 Oct 24 21:36 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/MailPatchBCC.NIHS.d.tar.gz 624 Oct 24 21:36 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/MailPatchBCC.README 33515 Sep 26 21:47 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/kermit.1 1179042 Dec 17 1995 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/kermit.5A.190.NIHS.b.tar.gz 321 Dec 17 1995 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/kermit.5A.190.README 2253 Oct 24 21:36 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/nppowerd.N.bs.tar.gz 717 Oct 24 21:36 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/nppowerd.README 1246 Sep 26 21:48 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/misc/NEXTTOYOU/96.3-Herbst/standalonefax 1543692 Oct 17 23:05 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/mail/unix/sendmail-8.8.1.NIHS.bd.tar.gz 3875 Oct 16 21:27 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/mail/unix/sendmail-8.8.1.README 344974 Oct 18 16:29 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/gfinger-1.37.NIHS.tar.gz 461 Oct 18 16:27 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/gfinger-1.37.README 55019 Oct 18 16:27 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/pidentd-2.7b1.NIHS.tar.gz 1047 Oct 18 16:27 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/pidentd-2.7b1.README 1630065 Oct 22 10:07 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/ssh-1.2.16.NIS.tar.gz 1115 Oct 23 11:15 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/ssh-1.2.16.README 189893 Oct 18 16:26 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/tcp_wrappers-7.3.NIHS.tar.gz 837 Oct 18 16:26 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/misc/unix/tcp_wrappers-7.3.README 4297520 Oct 24 21:52 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/net/www/apps/commercial/Netsurfer.2.0.NIHS.b.tar.gz 478527 Oct 24 21:14 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/productivity/apps/Teuerkom.1.11.NIHS.b.tar.gz 7298 Oct 24 21:14 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/productivity/apps/Teuerkom.1.11.README 1548178 Oct 21 09:30 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/science/math/gmp-2.0.2.NIHS.tar.gz 1093 Oct 21 09:28 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/science/math/gmp-2.0.2.README 903409 Oct 21 09:29 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/science/math/gmp-2.0.2.generic.NIHS.tar.gz 896 Oct 24 21:38 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/text/apps/GermanSpeller.README 403675 Oct 24 21:42 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/text/apps/GermanSpeller.s.tar.gz 8957960 Oct 19 12:17 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/text/apps/commercial/OneVision.3.02.I.bd.tar.gz 13150714 Oct 19 12:18 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/text/apps/commercial/OneVision.3.02.N.bd.tar.gz 25945492 Oct 19 12:20 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/text/apps/commercial/OneVision.3.02.NIHS.bd.tar.gz 64 Oct 19 12:20 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/text/apps/commercial/OneVision.README 4078 Oct 18 22:46 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/tools/unix/fiddlepass.1.2.NIHS.bs.tar.gz 4425 Oct 18 22:47 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/tools/unix/fiddlepass.1.2.README 27816 Oct 21 19:58 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/tools/workspace/unix/dim.2.0.N.b.tar.gz 577 Oct 21 20:05 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/tools/workspace/unix/dim.2.0.README 1352287 Oct 19 12:29 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/video/apps/Movie.3.0.NIHS.bs.tar.gz 9125 Jul 31 1995 ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT/video/apps/Movie.3.0.README -- marsu@cs.tu-berlin.de Henrik Hempelmann marsu@palumbia.in-berlin.de (NeXT-Mail) >> Why should I tidy my room, when the whole world is in a mess ??? <<
From: Christian Stange <stange@mail.h.provi.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: cmsg cancel <326FAA67.3405@mail.h.provi.de> Control: cancel <326FAA67.3405@mail.h.provi.de> Date: 24 Oct 1996 22:44:09 GMT Organization: SDV Message-ID: <cancel.326FAA67.3405@mail.h.provi.de> EMP spam cancelled by hw@atlantic.fb12.tu-berlin.de. The Breidbart index was 206. See report "missing.Followup-To(MMF.dementi)" in news.admin.net-abuse.announce or in de.admin.news.net-abuse.announce. Subject was: NO COMMERCIAL LETTER GAME !! KEIN KETTENBRIEF !!.
Date: 24 Oct 1996 22:44:00 +0200 From: anke@anarcoma.in-berlin.de (Anke Ehlers) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Message-ID: <6JUllVpGBMB@anarcoma.in-berlin.de> Subject: COM 3 Organization: private Site, IN-Berlin, Germany Hi all, ich habe neulich ja schon mal wegen der Maus an COM3 angefragt. Leider geht sie anscheinend wirklich nur an COM1, aber wie bekomme ich nun mein Modem an COM3? Ich kann mein COM3 in Config.App konfigurieren, aber ich habe kein Cufc unter den Devices. Wie kriege ich also die Programme dazu, auch 'serial c' auswählen zu können? Anke
From: Fabian Fisahn <fabian@wildpark.com> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Toasten mit NeXT Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 12:01:28 +0000 Organization: Fab GmbH & Co Kg Olé :-) Message-ID: <3270AC16.61A5@wildpark.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Fuer einen Bekannten: Wie kann man mit den weissen Kisten CDs toasten? Gibts irgend ne brauchbare Software? Und wie siehts treibertechnisch mit dem Brenner aus? Fabian
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 16:47:53 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961025164600.12910D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> > NextTIME (wie es wohl mal geplant war) ist wohl auch eingeflossen > allerdings haben die Be-Jungs noch die Synchronisation draufgesetzt. > WANN GIBT ES ENDLICH MAL EIN FERTIGES NEXTTIME MIT DOKU ZUM EINBAUEN VON > EIGENEN CONVERTERN ????? IST BEI OPENSTEP DEVELOPER DABEI! MIT EXAMPLES! SCNR. (ganz so schlecht ist es ja auch nicht, unser NISCHENSTEP) Bernhard.
From: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Toasten mit NeXT Date: 25 Oct 1996 22:42:10 GMT Organization: J. W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Message-ID: <54rfo2$9m5@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> References: <3270AC16.61A5@wildpark.com> Fabian Fisahn <fabian@wildpark.com> wrote: > Fuer einen Bekannten: > > Wie kann man mit den weissen Kisten CDs toasten? > Gibts irgend ne brauchbare Software? > Und wie siehts treibertechnisch mit dem Brenner aus? In der neuen NEXTTOYOU ist 'ne Anzeige ueber eine neue, kommerzielle Brenn-Software drin: http://www.ip.cubenet.de/gehle Viel Glueck! Tschau Uli -- ______________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine ______________________________________________________________________
From: Stefan Ried <ried@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: SCSI-Frage Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 13:41:50 +0200 Organization: Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz, Germany Message-ID: <326CB2FE.41C6@mpip-mainz.mpg.de> References: <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Christoph Pesch wrote: > > Hallo! > > Vielleicht kann mir ja einer der mitlesenden Hardware-Experten > einen Rat geben: > kann ich problemlos die interne Festplatte meiner NeXT-Station > ausbauen (sprich einfach alle Kabel ausstoepseln) und nur > externe SCSI-Geraete benutzen, oder muss ich den internen > Anschluss irgendwie terminieren? > > Mit vielen Dank im voraus, > > Christoph > --- > (Christoph Pesch --- cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de) Das kommt auf den SCSI controller an. Bei Adaptec ist es so, dass der Bus nach innen defaultsmaessig auf der einen Seite durch den Controller selbst und auf der anderen Seite durch die interene Platte terminiert ist. (Siehe Controller Setup) Wenn du die interne Platte raus laesst, dann muss auch das ganze interne Kabel weg und alles geht automatisch. Fuer das Externe Device brauchst du dann eine externe Terminierung. Ich hatte schon NeXTs mit nur einer externen Platte laufen. Meine Erfahrung ist allerdings, wenn etwas gar nicht geht liegt es meist nicht an Terminierungen. Wenn die Kabel nicht all zu lang sind geht sogar fast immer alles auch mit falscher Terminierung (und es kommt erst bei hohem Datenaufkommen zu Retries). Das haengt allerdings auch alles vom SCSI Derivat ab. (Fast, Wide...) Stefan ______________________________________________________________________ /Stefan Ried, MPI f. Polymerforschung, Postf.3148, 55021 Mainz, F.R.G. \ | ... openstep, the biggest step | | E-Mail ried@mpip-mainz.mpg.de (MIME welcome) ...since the invention | | Telefon ++49 6131 379 267 Fax:++49 6131 379 340 ...of the __/___/ | | Project working on pattern-formation in liquid crystals /./\__/\\| | WWW http://www-theory.mpip-mainz.mpg.de/~ried ...wheel\_/ \_/| \______________________________________________________________________/
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: NeXT Dimension Frage... Date: 26 Oct 1996 14:25:25 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Message-ID: <54t70l$q9i@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> Hallo! Ich habe mir fuer meinen Cube eine gebrauchte NeXT Dimensionkarte (leider ohne Doku) besorgt, (PAL, 20 MByte DRAM sagt sie beim Starten...) die auch ganz praechtig tut. Nur bekomme ich absolut nicht meinen Video-Recorder an dem Ding zum laufen (bzw. sehen). Der VR ist ziemlich alt und liefert nur ein (PAL?) Video signal auf BNC. Ich habe dieses ueber BNC->Cinch in den Port A der Dimension gepumpt, was leider kein Bild bringt (Port B auch nicht...) . Um genau zu sein aendert sich gar nichts wenn ich das ganze per NeXTtv oder VideoApp betrachte. Schalte ich in VideoApp auf S-VHS input sehe ich ein ganz schwaches Geisterbild, das je nachdem ob ich den VR an oder abklemme da ist oder verschwindet. Mach ich was grundsaetzliches falsch? Kann die Dimension das Videosignal gar nicht ab? Sind Port A und B fuer andere Dinge gut? Ein Sony Fernseher der es zu futtern kriegt zeigt ein wunderbares Bild. Bin dankbar ueber jede Hilfe... Tschuess Frank -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: scholzb@pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de (Bernhard Scholz) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next,comp.sys.next.misc,comp.answers,news.answers Subject: The NeXT-FAQ (Frequently asked questions) Followup-To: de.comp.sys.next Date: 26 Oct 1996 18:20:06 GMT Organization: InternetNews at LMU, University of Munich, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <54tkom$lk2@arcadia.informatik.uni-muenchen.de> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Summary: Frequently asked questions concerning NeXT related topics. Posted-By: auto-faq 2.4 Archive-name: NeXT-FAQ Last-modified: Saturday, 26. September 1996 Posting-Frequency: monthly The NEXTSTEP/OpenStep FAQ _________________________________________________________________ THE NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP FAQ OVERVIEW * 1 Introduction * 2 General information * 3 What is ... * 4 Miscellaneous information * 5 Black (NeXT) hardware * 6 White (Intel) hardware * 7 Storage * 8 Printing * 9 Obsolete but still interesting? CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1.1 About this FAQ 1.2 Submissions 1.3 Availability 1.4 Copyright 1.5 Disclaimer 1.6 Thanks 2 General information 2.1 Information available but not in the written FAQ version 2.2 Where to get answers? 2.3 How may I contact NeXT, Inc.? 2.4 FTP servers 2.5 Software on CD 2.6 What is the current status of NEXTSTEP/OpenStep? 2.7 Will there be a public implementation of OpenStep? 2.8 Are there differences between Openstep for Mach and other implementations? 2.9 What information is available by NeXT 2.10 What is the correct spelling? 2.11 How do I start an official NeXT User Group? 2.12 Are there differences in the NEXTSTEP implementations? 2.13 What are the names of the ftp sites that have NeXT-related files? 2.14 Additional information sources 2.15 How to get FTP files via e-mail. 2.16 References on Objective C 2.17 How to contact music interested people. 2.18 How to announce upcoming events 2.19 Can I mix different hardware running NEXTSTEP? 2.20 Can I exchange software running on different hardware? 3 What is ... 3.1 NEXTSTEP 3.2 Mach 3.3 OPENSTEP 3.4 Objective-C 3.5 NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP Developer 3.6 D'OLE 3.7 PDO --- Portable Distributed Objects 3.8 EOF --- Enterprise Objects Framework 3.9 WebObjects 3.10 WWW Browser 3.11 Newsreader 4 Miscellaneous information 4.1 How do I get pictures of people from remote sites to appear in Mail.app and NewsGrazer? 4.2 How to manipulate and examine default settings 4.3 How do I run NextApps remotely? 4.4 Why does UUCP hangs on outgoing connections after sending the password, but other communications software do not have a problem with it? 4.5 How do I access the NeXT's Digital Webster Dictionary from a program? 4.6 How do I get the arrow keys to work in csh? 4.7 What default affects menu location? 4.8 How to get Gourmet to boot up the Mathematica 2.0 kernel? 4.9 Manipulating the Loginwindow 4.10 How does one set UNIX man pages to be viewed in nroff format with DL like the standard manual pages in NS2.x? 4.11 Appending a signature and addition headers to your e-mail 4.12 How can I quickly find a file if I don't know its directory? 4.13 Mail.app suddenly stopped working! 4.14 Recycler doesn't work anymore?! 4.15 How to hear sound from CDPlayer.app thought NEXTSTEP system? 4.16 How do I decompress a file with the extension .compressed? 4.17 How do I change the Workspace compression app? 4.18 console: loginwindow: netinfo problem - No such directory. 4.19 Root login not possible on client machine 4.20 How to boot NEXTSTEP from the second (higher SCSI ID) HD? 4.21 How to make swapfile shrink to the normal size? 4.22 Does netinfo work between machines running NEXTSTEP 2.x and 3.x? 4.23 Why does the console user "own" the external disk filesystem? 4.24 How to limit coredump sizes? 4.25 What is the maximum value of nbuf that I can specify on bootup? 4.26 How can I change the mouse pointer shape and color? 4.27 How do I customize BuildDisk to create a bootable disk of my own configuration? 4.28 Are there any more dwrites useful for the workspace, ...? 4.29 What is the @LongLink message from gnutar all about? 4.30 What stands the file .place3_0.wmd for? 4.31 How to create transparent icons with IconBuilder 4.32 How to access the MAC format of a mixed DOS/MAC CD-ROM 4.33 Is there a PPP for NEXTSTEP 4.34 NIS and OpenStep 4.35 System overloaded due to swapping 4.36 Swapfile issues 4.37 Garbage collection and Objective-C 4.38 Setting up an anonymous FTP server 5 Black (NeXT) hardware 5.1 What disk drives will work with the NeXT? 5.2 Will a 68030 NeXT Computer run NEXTSTEP 3.3? 5.3 How do I configure my HP 660 to boot properly? 5.4 What is the procedure for installing a Fujitsu M2263SA/SB SCSI Disk as the NeXT Boot Disk? 5.5 How to mount a corrupted OD that won't automount? 5.6 What non-NeXT CD Players that work with a NeXT? 5.7 What are some other sources of toner cartridges and trays for the NeXT laser printer? 5.8 What printers (laser or otherwise) may be used with a NeXT? 5.9 What can I do to prevent my NeXT printer from running all the time? 5.10 What type of microphones will work with the NeXT? 5.11 How do I connect a modem to the NeXT? 5.12 What fax modems will work with the NeXT? 5.13 How may I attach more than two serial ports to the NeXT? 5.14 What is the best and/or cheapest way to connect a NeXT to a thick Ethernet? 5.15 How can I connect my NeXT to the telephone line and use it like an answering Machine? 5.16 What color monitors can I use with the Color NeXT machines? 5.17 Where can I get 13W3 to BNC adapters to connect third party color monitors? 5.18 How may I attach Centronics or 16 bit wide parallel ports to the NeXT? 5.19 Why does an unused serial port consume cpu? 5.20 How to adjust MegaPixel Display brightness and focus? 5.21 I want to emulate a macintosh, how? 5.22 My NeXT laser printer fails to fully eject the sheet - how to fix? 5.23 What are the NeXT mouse connections? 5.24 What type of memory may be installed in a NeXT? 5.25 What is the NeXT SIMM tool? 5.26 Where can I purchase a NeXT machine? 5.27 Where to obtain hardware service? 5.28 What types of NeXT machines were manufactured? 5.29 What can be done about older 030 NeXT cubes that have a fan that turns in the "wrong" direction? 5.30 Can I connect SONY MPX-111N to my 68030 NeXT Computer? 5.31 Why does the OD continually spin up and spin down? 5.32 How many colors can NeXT machines display? 5.33 Why is my machine so slow when I run the monochrome and NeXTdimension displays? 5.34 Where to obtain replacement mouse parts? 5.35 Where to obtain extra batteries? 5.36 How to convert a Turbo system to use ADB? 5.37 68030 board in the same NeXTcube as a 68040 board? 5.38 How to expand DSP memory? 5.39 How to boot a NeXT without a monitor? 5.40 Where can I get black spray paint for my NeXT? 5.41 What makes aged NeXT monitors dim? 5.42 How to use two internal hard drives 6 White (Intel) hardware 6.1 What about support for NeXT Computer specific hardware features such as the DSP? 6.2 Do Multi-Architecture Binaries take a lot of extra disk space? 6.3 How difficult is it to recompile existing NeXT applications over to NEXTSTEP/Intel? 6.4 When developing programs, are there any portability issues I should be aware of? 6.5 What is the difference between the NEXTSTEP/Intel User Environment and Developer Environment? 6.6 If a specific I/O card is not supported by NeXT, can 3rd parties write drivers for NEXTSTEP/Intel? 6.7 How is NEXTSTEP/Intel installed? 6.8 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on 386 machines? 6.9 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on the Cyrix 486SLC? 6.10 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on the future Intel Microprocessors in the x86 family? 6.11 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on portable computers? 6.12 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel be able to run MS-DOS and Windows programs? 6.13 How will my DOS and Windows applications perform under NEXTSTEP/Intel? 6.14 Is the window I use to run Microsoft Windows applications resizable? 6.15 Will this DOS/Windows compatibility system allow me to run several DOS programs at once? 6.16 Can I cut and paste between DOS/Windows sessions and NEXTSTEP applications? 6.17 Can I use both DOS and NEXTSTEP/Intel partitions on the same hard disk? 6.18 Can NEXTSTEP/Intel read, write, and format DOS and Mac floppies? 6.19 NEXTSTEP/Intel 3.1, DOS, Linux/NT multi-boot system? 6.20 NeXTSTEP on INTEL, KEYBOARD-ERROR ... 6.21 NS 3.2 Tseng ET4000 Video Driver doesn't work. 6.22 Accessing ROM monitor on Intel-System, how? 6.23 Adaptec 2940 Fast and Sync. SCSI explanation... 6.24 Do EIDE-Drives work with NEXTSTEP? 6.25 Anyone have a driver yet that does 8 bit color on an ET4000/w32p card? (Hercules Dynamite Pro VLB) 6.26 Does a Glidepoint pointing device work with NEXTSTEP? 6.27 AppleTalk under NEXTSTEP/Intel? 6.28 Booting hangs with black screen 6.29 Why are the features of my graphic card useless? 6.30 How to use MIDI without the MusicKit? 6.31 Installation problems with EIDE and ATAPI drives 6.32 Error message during boot time 6.33 Does NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP run with ... 6.34 RAM greater 64MB, now I get a black screen! 6.35 Lost root password 7 Storage 7.1 Disktab help needed: ST15230N 7.2 Formatting DEC DSP3105 with 1024-byte blocks. 7.3 My formatted disk has much less space then advertised! 7.4 Can't initialise my disk within the Workspace 7.5 Initialing Opticals for NeXT 7.6 How to use a tape drive ? 7.7 How to recover from an partially formatted disk? 7.8 What about the ZIP drive? 7.9 How to partition a 4GB drive 7.10 How to mount/ignore a disk during boot 7.11 Can't read multisession CD-ROMs! 8 Printing 8.1 What printers (laser or otherwise) may be used with NEXTSTEP? 8.2 What fonts can I use with NEXTSTEP? 8.3 How can I save my printable documents to a postscript file? 8.4 How can I print only the even or odd pages of a document? 8.5 How do I get banner pages on my printer output? 8.6 How do I get [la]TeX files to print correctly on non-NeXT printers? 8.7 What if I have a PostScript font has not been ported to NEXTSTEP? 8.8 What color printers (laser or otherwise) may be used with NEXTSTEP? 8.9 How can I make the Page Layout default to A4 in all applications? 8.10 /usr/lib/NextPrinter/Server/pstf: syntax error at line 31: `end of file' unexpected? 8.11 How to get TeX with NEXTSTEP to make proper fonts for a 600 dpi laserwriter? 8.12 How to get printer description files (PPD)? 8.13 What are the Canon part numbers for ink cartridges equivalent to those NeXT's Color Printer uses? 8.14 JetPilot does not work with my JetDirect box, why? 8.15 powering down NeXTprinter during bootup, printer still works 8.16 How to set up the HP LaserJet 4M? 8.17 Laserwriter NTX & NEXTSTEP 8.18 Problems with gray levels in printout 8.19 Can't print using additional fonts 9 Obsolete but still interesting? 9.1 Where can I get NeXT paraphernalia? 9.2 Is there any way to change the text in the title bar of a terminal window? 9.3 I can't get my pictures in OmniWeb 9.4 How do I remap the and | keys on my keyboard? 9.5 How do I stop NeXTMail/Sendmail adding &Mcirc;s onto the end of lines? 9.6 Why does NEXTSTEP 1.0 hang a few seconds after attempting to boot? 9.7 Modem hangs under NS2.0 by incoming calls 9.8 NS2.0 doesn't recognize /LocalApps path _________________________________________________________________ This document was converted from LaTeX using Karl Ewald's latex2html. The NEXTSTEP/OpenStep FAQ ! to the table of contents _________________________________________________________________ 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About this FAQ These are the frequently asked questions concerning NeXT, NeXTSTEP or any other NeXT related topics. This compilation is meant primarily as a service to the (comp.sys.next and de.comp.sys.next) community. NeXT Software,Inc. is a privately hold company, heading towards software business. It sells NEXTSTEP its award winning OS and several other software packages (most included with NEXTSTEP): EOF, NEXTSTEP Developer, WebObjects, NetInfo, ... With the coming 'open' version of NEXTSTEP, which is named OpenStep and will run not only on top of Mach (as NEXTSTEP does) but also on Solaris, Windows NT, Windows 95, HP-UX. The user of NeXT's software is confronted with a wide range of different software and hardware. To help in the unaware user, this FAQ was founded. But also professional users might find some interesting information, which they didn't knew already. Note the NEXTSTEP and OpenStep questions often concern related topics like Objective-C, UNIX, administration tasks, etc. for which already separate FAQs do exist. See the new.answers newsgroup for additional FAQs, if your problem isn't covered by this FAQ. 1.2 Submissions As with all FAQs the quality of the information provided here is mostly depending on the Usenet community, which in most cases serves for the information resource. Feel free to e-mail the FAQ author to contribute, or send error reports. If you contact the author, use the following subject for submissions: FAQ submission. To report errors use: FAQ error. Additionally you might want to add the chapter where the submission/error report belongs to. 1.3 Availability This FAQ is published monthly in the comp.sys.next.* newsgroups and in the near future news.answer. It may be downloaded via FTP from ftp://peanuts.leo.org/pub/comp/platforms/next/Documents/faq/. Special additions for redistributors and homeusers do exist. This FAQ may be accessed only through Peanuts as well: http://peanuts.leo.org/ In the near future we want to implement an e-mail service for those who don't have access to news. You may add yourself to the mailinglist by sending an e-mail with subject: FAQ mailme. Note that this service isn't available, yet completely, because there is too little interested. However I keep a list of all the registered people and they will still receive e-mail copies. 1.4 Copyright This FAQ is copyrighted by Bernhard Scholz. (Internet e-mails: scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de) Mentioned trademarks belong to their holder and are not explicitly listened. We do not collect any royalties, charge any fees, or compensate anyone in connection with this endeavor, but of course we would be happy about each e-mail commenting on the FAQ, about pizzas (lasagne is accepted, too :-) ), postcards, ... Anyway we reserve a copyright on the the published information in this FAQ. Any questions concerning other redistribution should be send to the author of the FAQ. Reprinting of this FAQ, even in parts, is prohibited without permission by the author except for printings for private use. Newsletter editors wishing to excerpt from this work for publication should consider using local electronic bulletin boards to disseminate this information rather than preparing hardcopies. This allows for readers to access the most recent information, and perhaps save a couple of trees. 1.5 Disclaimer Of course there is no warranty in any case using the information provided here. We haven't tested the information to be correct. We are not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned in this FAQ. 1.6 Thanks Especially we want to thank the Usenet community for contributing to the FAQ and all the people who have written us. Then I want to thank the people who worked on the FAQ before I did take them over (in order of working): Pascal Chesnais and Erik Kay, Nathan F. Janette, Maximilian Goedel (never released anything but cleaned up some things for me). Thanks also to Karl Ewald, who contributed his latex2html Perl script which replaced the non working original latex2html version. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION General information 2.1 Information available but not in the written FAQ version pinout patches There is additional information available for the following topics: mouse pinouts, monitor cable pinouts, common addresses, mousepointer patch, windowmanager patch. These inforamations are not included in the written FAQ, because they are considered rarely referenced resources and of not much use for the written FAQ. However you'll get these information when you download the whole FAQ via FTP or HTTP as a package for your computer. Please look at http://peanuts.leo.org/faq/ for further information. 2.2 Where to get answers? If you run into a problem, first read the FAQ of course :-) Second you might consider asking NeXT directly through the electronic service: nextanswers@next.com. Send an e-mail with subject: ascii help index to start. If all fails, post to the newsgroups concerning NeXT related topics: comp.sys.next.*, de.comp.sys.next. 2.3 How may I contact NeXT, Inc.? Next, Inc. Contacting NeXT, Inc. Address of NeXT, Inc. NeXT, Inc. can be reached under the following addresses. USA: NeXT, Inc. 900 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 Voice: 800-848-NeXT (Redwood City #) Voice: (415)-366-0900 Japan: NeXT marketing div. of Canon - Japan Phone: (81)-44-549-5295 Fax: (81)-44-549-5462 EUROPE: Munich: Phone: (49)-89-996-5310 UK: Technology House Meadowbank Furlong Road Bourne End Bucks SL8 5AJ Phone: (44)-1628 535222 Fax: (44)-1628 535200 Note: numbers abroad are listed with the country codes first. You will need to dial the international access number of your long distance carrier before proceeding to dialing the country code, area code and phone number. 2.4 FTP servers FTP Software The FAQ mentions a lot of software packages which you might find useful. In general there are two big sites serving Europe and the US. These sites keep most of the software available and do mirror themselves to keep up to date (although the structure of the archive differ). If the software isn't on one of these sites, the appr opriate site is listed in the text. If you get slow connections you might want to consider contacting a mirror of the both sites. For the Peanuts archive (Europe) the WWW pages http://peanuts.leo.org give you links to an updated list of mirrors and other FTP sites. The addresses are: ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/ (formerly the ftp.cs.orst.edu archive) ftp://peanuts.leo.org/ (Peanuts archive in Europe) ftp://ftp.evolution.com/ (Peanuts mirror USA) ftp://ftp.eunet.ch/ (Peanuts mirror Switzerland) 2.5 Software on CD There are currently two CD (sets) which serve you with NEXTSTEP/OpenStep software: Nebula. Nebula is published by Walnut Creek and mostly contains actual recompiled software for all supported hardware platforms. It might be the best choice for those who don't own a compiler. A big font collection and a developer section complete the disk. http://www.cdrom.com/ Peanuts Archive Disks. The Peanuts FTP Archive in Munich distributes their complete NEXTSTEP/OpenStep archive on CD. This currently brings you 4CDs full with software. Although the software isn't compiled for each hardware (it is provided 'as uploaded') it is the most complete software and information resource available on CD. (It includes the NeXTanswers published by NeXT). http://peanuts.leo.org/, cdrom@peanuts.leo.org Fatted Calf CD-ROM. The Fatted Calf CD-ROM is published by Ensuing Technologies, LasVegas, Nevada. Currently I don't know it's special contents. Big Green CD. Selected software for NEXTSTEP. Also this software is on any other CD, too. It might be a good startes collection. http://skylee.com/BGCD.html, ack@skylee.com Font Garden for NEXTSTEP CDROM. Some more fonts for computers running NEXTSTEP. These fonts should be capable of the NEXTSTEP encoding sheme. However we got noticed that only very few are ISO-LATIN_1. So it is possible of most interested to English speaking countries. http://www.cdrom.com/ Clips for QuickTime. Quicktime is NeXT's native format for movies, so some samples might be quite nice. Note: On the latest Peanuts Archive, you'll get about 200MB of quicktime movies which might be enough, too. http://www.cdrom.com/ 2.6 What is the current status of NEXTSTEP/OpenStep? status, NEXTSTEP status, OpenStep The third production version 3.3, has been released for Intel Processors (i486 and higher) as well as for NeXT hardware (not manufactured any longer but still supported), HP workstations and Sun workstations. OpenStep versions are announced and will be available this year (1996) for Windows NT, Windows 95, Mach, Solaris and hopefully HP-UX. The status for DEC machines and their OS (OSF/1, OpenVMS) is unknown. At least it is uncertain that there will be a port to OSF/1 or even OpenVMS, because DEC is doing the port alone. At least you can run OpenStep on DEC machines running Windows NT in the near future. For Sun's Solaris systems OpenStep will probably be part of the NeoDesktop. There will be no NEXTSTEP 4.0, because NeXT changed the naming conventions. NEXTSTEP 4.0 (also sometimes referenced as 'Mecca') is now named 'OpenStep for Mach' 2.7 Will there be a public implementation of OpenStep? Yes, there is a project by GNU. The so named GNUStep is available in pre-alpha state from the archive sites. Be aware that it is not fully functional and currently requires Motif. In its current state, GNUStep is on it's way to port the FoundationKit completely. This alone makes it worth to give it a try. 2.8 Are there differences between Openstep for Mach and other implementations? Yes there are. OpenStep for Mach will include all the well known features from NEXTSTEP (Services, Filters, SoundKit, ...) which the other implementations will lack, due to the underlying OS. To get all the benefits which is offered in NEXTSTEP today, you need to go for OpenStep for Mach. 2.9 What information is available by NeXT information NeXT NeXT, Inc. now operates an automatic e-mail response system. Send e-mail to "nextanswers@next.com" with the subject "ascii help index" to start. If you do have access to the world wide web, you even want to try the following URL: http://www.next.com/NeXTanswers/. 2.10 What is the correct spelling? NeXT did (and probably will) change their naming conventions a lot. E.g. NEXTSTEP is the current correct spelling for their operating system. With the shipping of OpenStep, there will be no more NEXTSTEP, but OpenStep for Mach/Solaris/HP-UX/Windows95/Wind owsNT. Incorrect spellings are: NeXTSTEP, NeXTstep, NeXTStep. A common shortcut used in the newsgroups is: NS for NEXTSTEP. 2.11 How do I start an official NeXT User Group? NUG user groups NeXT user groups To start a user group, just send e-mail to user_groups@next.com. 2.12 Are there differences in the NEXTSTEP implementations? No, there are no differences beside the DSP, which is a hardware feature of NeXT computers. On other hardware platforms you have to buy additional hardware. 2.13 What are the names of the ftp sites that have NeXT-related files? FTP, servers There are too many to list them all, so are here are just a few. NEXTSTEP: cs.orst.edu ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de (peanuts) nova.cc.purdue.edu sonata.cc.purdue.edu umd5.umd.edu ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de MIT GNU: aeneas.mit.edu MIT X: export.lcs.mit.edu music: princeton.edu 2.14 Additional information sources Additional information Information, additional Every NeXT machine owner has access to manuals to a degree. Network and System Administration (NSA), for example contains answers to many of the questions asked to comp.sys.next. Some of the important man pages are reproduced in the NSA as appendices. User manuals were shipped with every NeXT. Additional copies available from NeXT (N6002/N6003/N6014/N6026) $25. The following books are available directly from NeXT: * Operating System Software * NeXTstep Concepts * NeXTstep Reference, v. 1 * NeXTstep Reference, v. 2 * Development Tools * Sound, Music, and Signal Processing: Concepts * Sound, Music, and Signal Processing: Reference * Writing Loadable Kernel Servers * Technical Summaries * Supplemental Documentation Unix man pages, which are included in the online docs. BSD unix documentation (MISC, PS1, PS2, SMM, USD). Available from to USENIX site members. A lot of this has been integrated into the NeXT documentation. Some of this is sorely missing. The SMM Unix System Manager's Manual is really useful! USENIX Association 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215 Berkeley, CA 94710 USA +1 510 528 8649 fax +1 510 548 5738 office@usenix.org * PS1 = Programmer's Supplementary Documents, Volume 1 * PS2 = Programmer's Supplementary Documents, Volume 2 * SMM = System Manager's Manual * USD = User's Supplementary Documents The SMM and the rest of the berkeley documentation are also available directly and for free via anon ftp e.g. from ftp.uu.net /packages/bsd-sources/share/doc. To format them properly for viewing and printing on the NeXT use nroff with the package indicated by the file suffix (e.g. to format the documentation file 0.t use nroff -mt 0.t). Adobe documentation. Available machine-readable by e-mail from ps-file-server@adobe.com. Hardcopy available from Adobe Developer Support Line +1 415 961-4111 for a nominal charge. NeXT last shipped these as part of the 1.0a release; hardcopies appeared in 0.9 Technical Documentation, were omitted in 1.0, and have returned in updated form in Supplemental Documentation of the 2.0 Tech Docs (which is not available on-line). Get NextAnswers for Digital Librarian from NeXT. The current versions are actually on ftp.next.com or available via the mailserver at nextanswers@next.com. Get NeXT Support Bulletin from the archives. It is meant for support centers. Another good source of information is the archives of previously posted notes from the comp.sys.next.* newsgroups. Note that since the split of comp.sys.next, there is a group archive maintained at peanuts.leo.org:/pub/comp/sys/next/. NeXTstep Advantage book is available electronically from the archive servers. The file name is NeXTstepAdvantage.tar.Z; (its compressed size is about 1.3 megabytes; uncompressed, it's about 9.5 megabytes). It is a good introduction to the NeXT programming environment. 2.15 How to get FTP files via e-mail. FTP, e-mail access Some ftp sites are configured as an e-mail archive server. This means you can upload and download files via e-mail. Send mail to: archive-server@cc.purdue.edu ------------- mail-server@cs.tu-berlin.de (with the subject line help and you will get a complete description of this service) Submissions: Mail should be sent to archive-server@cc.purdue.edu with the subject of 'submission' (no ticks) if a person is submitting material to the archives. They need to include a 1-2 sentence description of the submission, the OS release the product runs on, and if it is source, binary, newsletter, etc. 2.16 References on Objective C Objective-C, documents Objective-C and other useful Object-oriented programming references: Budd, Timothy, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (Addison-Wesley) [It discusses Smalltalk, Object Pascal, C++ and Objective-C] Cox, Brad J., Object Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach ISBN 0-201-10393-1. (Addison-Wesley) [Note: 2nd edition - ISBN is 0-201-54834-8 and has coauthor A.J. Novobilski] Huizenga, Gerrit, Slides from a short course on Objective-C available via anonymous ftp from: sonata.cc.purdue.edu:/pub/next/docs/ObjC.frame.Z, ObjC.ps.Z, or OldObjC.wn.tar.Z Meyer, Bertrand, Object-Oriented Software Construction (Prentice-Hall). NeXT Technical Documentation Pinson and Weiner, Objective-C: Object-Oriented Programming Techniques (Addison-Wesley). 350 pages, ISBN 0 201 50828 1, paperback. User Reference Manual for Objective-C which is available from Stepstone Corporation. (203)426-1875. Note: There are some differences between Stepstone's Objective-C and NeXT's. 2.17 How to contact music interested people. Music, contacts Since NeXT has become for now the platform of choice for much of the computer music composition and research community, the newsgroup comp.music is one good place to find people with information and interest in music on the NeXT. There is also a mailing list specifically for NeXT music. For posting to the dist list: nextmusic@horowitz.eecs.umich.edu To subscribe, unsubscribe, change addresses, etc.: nextmusic-request@horowitz.eecs.umich.edu 2.18 How to announce upcoming events Announcements Please send any announcements of upcoming NeXT-related events to next-announce@digifix.com These events will be posted to comp.sys.next.announce. Be sure to send your announcement in plenty of time to have it posted prior to the event. One to two weeks in advance would be a good idea. Since postings will be carried across many networks, commercial announcements may be edited down to reflect network usage policies. Look for current guidelines posted weekly in the newsgroup. 2.19 Can I mix different hardware running NEXTSTEP? NeXT, networking Networking Of course! NEXTSTEP is design to plug and play with existing NeXT installations. NeXT has addressed interoperability between NEXTSTEP systems in the following ways: * NEXTSTEP systems share identical networking capabilities. * NEXTSTEP systems share the same Distributed Objects. * NEXTSTEP systems use the same system and network administration services. * NEXTSTEP systems use the same mass storage format. Yes, you can take a external SCSI drive, removable media (e.g. Bernoulli etc) or floppy disk and use it interchangeably between NeXT Computers running NEXTSTEP. 2.20 Can I exchange software running on different hardware? With the shipping of NEXTSTEP 3.x binaries are distributed FAT. This means, that a binary might include different versions of the executable for each hardware platform NEXTSTEP is running on. On the archive sites you might easily recognize the supported h ardware by a key letter: N = NeXT computers, I=Intel based, H=HP hardware, S=Sun hardware. A FAT binary is runable by every supported hardware listed in the binary file. NeXT ships tools to examine such a fat binary and to add/strip different hardwa re modules to/from a binary. The correct spelling for a fat binary is: MAB binary (multi architecture binary) but most commonly 'fat' is used. With the shipping of OpenStep this will change. OpenStep applications are only sourcecode compatible and have to be recompiled for each architecture. This implies that you need a compiler for future PD/SW/FW-software, although OpenStep for Mach will still support FAT binaries and NEXTSTEP 3.x applications will continue to run under OpenStep for Mach. 3 WHAT IS ... What is ... This chapter tries to give you some overview over NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP software and related software. For a detailed description you should contact the producer's WWW server. E.g. for more information about OPENSTEP contact http://www.next.com/ 3.1 NEXTSTEP NEXTSTEP NEXTSTEP is a complete development and user environment by NeXT it provides an unique GUI (graphical user interface), which currently gets copied by several other OS provider like Microsoft, combined with the currently most advanced and tested OS, named Mach. NeXT applied several changes to the Mach kernel to add special features which makes NEXTSTEP unique. NEXTSTEP comes with a lot of development kits (bundles of classes to build on), like: Sound Kit, Indexing Kit, 3D Graphics Kit, Database or EOF Kit and Application Kit. Bundled with NEXTSTEP are several user applications which enhance the daily use dramatically: NeXTMail (a MIME compatible mail application), Edit (a simple but powerful editor), FaxReader (for reading incoming faxes, you are able to send faxes from every application which supports printing), DigitalWebster (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and Collegiate Thesaurus), Digital Librarian (indexing and full text search utility, usable over groups of files) Preview (a PostScript and TIFF display utility), Terminal (UNIX terminal application for VT100 and TN3270 emulation), TeX (a well known compiler for formatted text), SYBASE and ORACLE adapters (to contact to SYBASE and ORACLE databases within EOF applications). One special thing about NEXTSTEP is the display system. NeXT uses DPS (Display Post Script), which gives you true WYSIWYG on every NEXTSTEP system. The window server supports PostScript Level II, Interactive RenderMan and Photorealistic RenderMan (an distributed engine for fast high quality rendering, based on Pixar's RenderMan). To be used in networks, NEXTSTEP supports NFS, NetInfo, Novell Netware (as client only), Ethernet and Token Ring and different filesystems (Mac, DOS, ISO 9660, High Sierra, Rock Ridge). For multimedia purposes NeXT uses Lempel-Ziv compression for text, Audio Transform Compression for Sound (comparable to Sony MiniDisc), JPEG for TIFF and Group 4 for Fax. Of course these are only standard modes and NEXTSTEP is extensible to use other methods too. For system administration (remember that NEXTSTEP is using Mach as an UNIX derivate), NeXT supplies several administration applications which make it easy to configure NEXTSTEP as needed, like: SimpleNetworkStarter, UserManager, PrintManager, NFSManager, HostManager, NetInfo Manager, BuildDisk, Upgrader and the complete documentation and manual pages online. 3.2 Mach Mach Mach is the the basic OS layer NeXT uses for NEXTSTEP. It is a micro kernel, which means it is extensible at runtime. Micro kernel often stands for a small kernel size, too, but due to the compatibility to BSD 4.3 Mach is currently about 1MB in size. Features of Mach are: loadable kernel services (extensions during runtime), different scheduling algorithms, an advanced messaging system, an advanced memory allocation mechanism (copy on demand, world wide message broadcasting), true multitasking, multi-threading and BSD compatibility. 3.3 OPENSTEP OPENSTEP OPENSTEP is the latest release of NeXT's NEXTSTEP with the ability to be OS independent (NEXTSTEP depends on Mach). OPENSTEP is currently available for Mach, Windows NT and Solaris and will get available for other operating systems in the future. The architecture of OPENSTEP was made public in late 1995 and since then GNU is working on a public port of OPENSTEP to e.g. X11 based UNIX systems. To express the new standard, 'OPENSTEP/Mach' is now the correct spelling for the formerly named NEXTSTEP product by NeXT, but it is known that NeXT itself is still using the same version numbering scheme for at least the Mach product line, so the first release of OPENSTEP for Mach is equivalent to NEXTSTEP 4.0 and in fact the first OPENSTEP product is named 'OPENSTEP/Mach 4.0'. OPENSTEP is supposed to be an industry standard for developing object oriented, system independent, scalable solutions for client/server architectures. It was adopted by Sun, Hewlett Packard and Digital. It provides distributed applications through PDO (Portable Distributed Objects) and D'OLE (Distributed OLE) based on CORBA. The usage of EOF supplies object persistence with traditional relational databases. And finally with WebObjects, objects are accessible through the internet or in your own private network. OPENSTEP, like NEXTSTEP 3.3 provides several kits for software developers like: Application Kit and Foundation Kit as well as Display PostScript. Applications written for OPENSTEP are sourcecode compatible to all other architectures running OPENSTEP, although fat binaries are only available under OPENSTEP for Mach (because the binary format is depending on the operating system). For the NEXTSTEP user OPENSTEP doesn't take away old known features. In addition with OPENSTEP for Mach you get Mach enhancements, an enhanced workspace manager, Perl5, TaylerUUCP, PPP and Samba. Old applications will continue to run under OPENSTEP for Mach and need to be recompiled to run under Windows NT, Solaris, and other OPENSTEP platforms. Which goes side by side to become true OPENSTEP applications- The following are some new advantages/disadvantages over the known NEXTSTEP product: * documented NEXTIME library for developing * faster message handling * handling of disks >2GB in automatically. Paritioning size is still limited to 2GB. * no Novell Netware support (supposed to be included with OPENSTEP 4.1) * Renderman still included * Indexing Kit available by third party (MiscKit) * no more POSIX! (Hopefully included again in OPENSTEP 4.1) 3.4 Objective-C Objective-C To develop applications NeXT uses Objective-C as its native programming language. Objective-C is a more strict OO language then C++ but covers C as well as C++. Because NeXT uses the GNU C/C++ compiler, you go with the most spreaded and tested C compiler available for most UNIX platforms of today. (Of course you can use Objective-C on every platform on which gcc is available). Objective-C is different to other languages in the way it executes code. Objective-C uses a runtime library to dynamically access objects at runtime. This allows you to change objects at runtime etc. All this goes with nearly no speed penalty, because hashing mechanisms are used to access the different methods of an object. There is also ObjC which is an different product, available as a commercial compiler for different operating systems. Don't mix up things by using the expression ObjC instead of Objective-C. For shortcut purposes the NeXT community also uses the term ObjC/Obj-C but of course thinks of Objective-C by NeXT. Objective-C isn't standardized, yet. In Objective-C you are able to mix code. E.g. you can use C++ and C in any Objective-C program. Objective-C is a simple and concise object-oriented extension to ANSI-C. It has a runtime messaging facility and offers dynamic binding. Distributed objects are supported and the code is optimized for native compilations. It's syntax and programming technique is much like in SmallTalk. Using Objective-C you can even message objects in other applications, also over a network! 3.5 NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP Developer NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP Developer NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP Developer is currently the only way to develop applications under NEXTSTEP because it includes all the necessary include files and libraries.(Of course you can get any GNU C version precompiled, but it won't help you without the include files and linker libraries). In addition to a precompiled GCC, include files and the linker libraries you will get the famous NeXT developer tools: ProjectBuilder (your commando center for building applications and managing sources), InterfaceBuilder (for designing the application's GUI and making object connections), an graphical addition to GDB (GNU Debugger) integrated in Edit (NEXTSTEP) or ProjectBuilder (OPENSTEP), MallocDebug (for seeking memory leaks), HeaderViewer (access class information in header files and in documented form in a browser), DBModeler (for building data models, based on Database Kit) (NEXTSTEP only), Yap (an interactive PostScript interpreter and viewer), IconBuilder (a very simple but extensible pixel-based editor for creating icons) and popular UNIX utilities like GNU Emacs, yacc, lex, vi... 3.6 D'OLE D'OLE D'OLE is a shortcut for Distributed OLE. OLE is Microsoft's standard for Object Linking and Embedding and is currently not distributable across platforms. With D'OLE you can distribute OLE objects across the network like e.g. in SOM by IBM. But D'OLE is more. It uses NeXT's object model PDO (Portable Distributed Objects) from Unix to Windows platforms and enables OLE objects to communicate with OPENSTEP objects natively, which means without changing the application. OPENSTEP objects behave like OLE objects and vice versa. D'OLE also supports EOF (Enterprise Objects Framework) which enables a distributed computing environment to access database and provides an infinitely flexible choice of application deployment of application deployment strategies. D'OLE uses the Foundation Framework, Distributed Object Framework and other core classes. It comes bundled with C/Objective-C compiler and GNU make, although Microsoft Visual C++ is required. Further you get a portable nmserver, Mach emulation and on-line documentation. 3.7 PDO --- Portable Distributed Objects PDO PDO is a shortcut for Portable Distributed Objects. In the near future PDO will become CORBA 2.0 compliant. It is the industry's first product to provide a heterogeneous client/server framework on objects. With PDO it is possible to deploy objects on non-NEXTSTEP server Machines and therefore deployed anywhere in a network, wherever they are most appropriate for a task. PDO encapsulates low-level network protocols, making messaging a remote object as straightforward as messaging a local object. You even don't have to learn new programming tools or techniques, because PDO is a subset of NeXT tools and objects. Because PDO makes object location completely transparent to the application, the application communicates with every object the same way regardless wether it is local, in the local network or anywhere in the world. Because of the free location of objects, objects may get moved to other locations, e.g. to optimize performance, without modification of the application using it. PDO also runs on non-NEXTSTEP servers. It comes with it's own set of classes, libraries and even an Objective-C++ compiler, etc. Neverless you can build, maintain, etc. from any NEXTSTEP client connected to a PDO server. The tools used for building the final objects however are native to the server's OS. PDO comes with Foundation Framework, Distributed Objects Framework, DOEventLoop and other core classes. Bundled tools are: Objective-C++ compiler, GDB, libg++, GNU make, Portable BuildServer, Portable nmserver, Mach Emulation, NEXTSTEP's default system, on-line documentation. Currently supported platforms are: HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Digital UNIX. 3.8 EOF --- Enterprise Objects Framework EOF EOF is the latest replacement for the DatabaseKit and available as an extra product. EOF bridges the gap between objects and relational databases. With EOF you can bring the advantage of object oriented design etc. to applications which use relational databases. (Therefore you don't need an object oriented database!) EOF clarifies many things. It supports a three-tier client/server architecture by separating the user interface, business objects and the database. In fact you can simply exchange the database (by changing the adapter) and still use the same application! Developing under EOF doesn't limit you to e.g. Objective-C. EOF allows the integration of e.g. 4GL code as well as SQL etc. all combined under the advantage of NeXT's developer tools. EOF includes client and server software. It consists of the Enterprise Object Modeler, runtime libraries and adapters for SYBASE,ORACLE and Informix (other adapters available from the DBMS producers). It currently runs under HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Digital UNIX and always requires PDO. For client use you additionally need NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP. 3.9 WebObjects WebObjects WebObjects helps you building dynamic Web pages. It is targeted to the server side of the Web and there mostly to the intranets, also most people might find it very useful for the Internet, too. It is operating system independent and runs under Windows NT, Solaris, HP-UX, Digital UNIX and NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP. WebObjects contains development tools to build components for your application logic, as well as a set of reusable components to manage the rendering of your application. Because WebObjects is Java compatible, you even can integrate Java applets in your application today. It supports the standard http servers which have to support CGI or NSAPI interface. WebObjects supports database access to Informix, Oracle, Sybase and DB/2. What's unique about WebObjects is the ability to share the logic of your Web application and your data with other internal applications. It means that you are not required to maintain a dedicated database or write specific application code for your Web application. Currently there are three versions of WebObjects: WebObjects, WebObjects Pro and WebObjects Enterprise. WebObjects itself is freely available to anybody interested in. WebObjects Pro contains PDO and WebObjects Enterprise contains PDO and EOF with a special license to connect to the Internet. But because WebObjects is a brand new product, look at http://www.next.com/WebOjects/ for further information. WebObjects is free for academic usage. 3.10 WWW Browser WWW Browser Browser OmniWeb NetSurfer SpiderWoman NetScape First: There is no Java capable browser. Several NEXTSTEP browsers are available for NEXTSTEP. The currently most advanced browser is named 'OmniWeb'. OmniWeb is commercial in the way that you need a license to use it in a network. A single user license is free. OmniWeb seems to be continuesly updated and support is known to be good. OmniWeb is also supporting a lot of well known Netscape features. There is also a public domain WWW browser named 'SpiderWoman'. It's plus is the NEXTSTEP look and feel (e.g. you navigate through the Web like you navigate your filesystem with WorkspaceManager). Anyway SpiderWoman is somehow unstable and it seems as if development stopped. Another commercial browser is NetSurfer. Demos are available on the ftp sites. This browser is preferred by several people because it integrates ftp access very well. Anyway you have to pay for it. Netscape isn't available for NEXTSTEP and is unlikely to be ported. 3.11 Newsreader Newsreader Alexandra NewsGrazer NewsFlash RadicalNews There are currently four well known newsreaders for NEXTSTEP. First there is Alexandra, a public domain newsreader and second there is NewsGrazer (and unsupported NeXT product). You should test them to get your personal favorite. The only real difference is the support of NEXTSTEP 3.3J (Japanese) and flatfiles in NewsGrazer, while the interface in Alexandra seems to be better for many people. NewsFlash is a commercial product which adds several features. As RadicalNews it supports article threading, automated posting and extraction of multi-part files. Demos are available on the ftp sites. E-mail inquiries should go to support@wolfware.com. Further info is available at: http://www.wolfware.com/ RadicalNews is a commercial newsreader. It supports true article threading, quoted text highlighting, japanese and Latin-1 support, URL-support, an interface to Digital Librarian, a sophisticated coloring scheme and much more. Info is available at: http://www.radical.com/. A note to both commercial versions: the community is very splitted about which version is to prefer. In general it seems as if there are no really 'killer features' so it prefers much to personal taste. Demos are available and don't forget to test the free versions, too! 4 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Misc Various Unsorted 4.1 How do I get pictures of people from remote sites to appear in Mail.app and NewsGrazer? Pictures, in Mail Pictures, in NewsGrazer Mail, remote Pictures Newsgrazer, remote Pictures You can do this in the following ways. * Mail In /LocalLibrary/Images/People put a tiff (64x64) in the form of person@remote.site.domain.tiff (all lowercase). In /LocalLibrary/Images/People/passwd add an entry for the person: person@remote.site.domain:*:-2:-2::/nodir:/noshell (person and sitename need to be all lowercase as well) In the future anytime you get mail from the person their picture should appear. You can include an "aliases" file in /LocalLibrary/Images/People too. This allows you to use the same picture for somebody that might send you mail from accounts on many different sites, or for those people whose letters use several different routings. To do this, you include entries in this local aliases file like so: bkohler@ucrac1.ucr.edu:bkohler.gonzo.ucr.edu gonzo.ucr.edu!bkohler@uupsi2.uucp:bkohler.gonzo.ucr.edu There should then be a .tiff file called bkohler.gonzo.ucr.edu.tiff. There can be no CAPITAL LETTERS in this file. So even if the address in the From: field looks like gonzo.ucr.edu!bkohler@uupsi2.UUCP, keep the letters lowercase in the aliases file. As always, you have to restart Mail before these changes take effect. * NewsGrazer In /LocalLibrary/NewsGrazer/People put a tiff (64x64) in the form of person.remote.site.domain (all lowercase). This is a different naming convention from what Mail uses. There is a large archive of some 4000 or 5000 pictures prepared for this purpose. The name of this archive is Faces3.tar.Z and it is about 4.1 MBytes large. Currently it is available from several anonymous ftp sites (e.g. sonata.cc.purdue.edu in: /pub/next/graphics/Images/icons/people) That image archive also contains a script which automatically creates proper alias and passwd files. 4.2 How to manipulate and examine default settings * A command line utility for examining defaults is available from: sutro.sfsu.edu:/pub/wmdefaults1.0.tar.Z * A PD App, DefaultMgr.app, is available on the NeXT ftp archives. * A more brute approach (done by DefaultMgr.app): Start the application under gdb, and then try the following sequence of commands: break *0x500976a commands 1 silent printf "%s: ", *$a2 output {char *}(4+$a2) echo \n cont end run [Carl Edman ] adds: DefaultMgr.app doesn't any longer work properly under 3.0. It still is able to manipulate defaults but can't any longer "investigate" apps to find out which defaults they use. [eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)] adds: Needs to be revised for 3.x systems. wmdefaults is only for 2.x; it's not needed for 3.0 and later. 4.3 How do I run NextApps remotely? Remote running On the local machine make sure you have public window server access, this is set from the Preferences application. On the foreign NeXT machine run the application from a terminal window with the -NXHost . Both machines should be running the same version of NeXTstep. [shayman@Objectario.com (Steve Hayman)] NeXTSTEP 3.1 and higher includes a demo application called OpenSesame that simplifies this. You can select a program in Workspace and use > Service > Open Sesame > Open on Another Host ...to launch a program on a remote machine. This is a way to run old, non-fat-binary software on new NeXTSTEP/Intel machines. 4.4 Why does UUCP hangs on outgoing connections after sending the password, but other communications software do not have a problem with it? UUCP What is happening is that the remote machine is waiting for you to end your login or password by typing a "Return" (aka &Mcirc; or CR or CARRIAGE RETURN). UUCP ends a line by sending a LineFeed (aka &Jcirc; or LF). Since UUCP doesn't send the CR, the login sequence is never completed, and you will usually get one of two error messages: wanted "password:" (means that username needs to end with a CR) imsg waiting for SYNC< (means that password needs to end with CR) So how do you get UUCP to send CR, instead of LF? End the send string with the sequence n c. For instance this line in L.sys will send a LF after login, but a CR after password. myfeed Any DIR 9600 cub "" ATTD19095551212 9600 \ "" ogin:--ogin: Unext ssword: secret\n\c 4.5 How do I access the NeXT's Digital Webster Dictionary from a program? Webster Get Jiro Nakamura's define program from the archiver servers: define.tar.Z. This will allow you to access the database from the command line. This program breaks under 3.x. For 3.x there are two other programs which might be useful: Webster.a5 and websterd. 4.6 How do I get the arrow keys to work in csh? csh, arrow keys This is for people who use a terminal app that does vt100 keyboard emulation - pasc First, add these lines to your .cshrc (preferably between the if and endif): set editmode=emacs set macrofiles=.macros Then create a file called .bindings and put in it: bind-to-key ExecuteNamedMacro '\e[' And, next, you need to make a file called ".macros". Using an editor like emacs (which can insert control characters using a &Qcirc; prefix), into this file put: A^@^@^@^A^P B^@^@^@^A^N C^@^@^@^A^F D^@^@^@^A^B where &@circ; means Control-@ and ƒ means Control-A, etc. Also, don't put in the leading spaces. This will set up the left and right arrows to move back and forth on the line, and the up and down arrows will cycle through your history. On Intel machines these sequences are a little different: A^A^@^@^@^P B^A^@^@^@^N C^A^@^@^@^F D^A^@^@^@^B Then source .cshrc and the changes should take effect. 4.7 What default affects menu location? Menu, location Do the following. dwrite GLOBAL NXMenuX <value> dwrite GLOBAL NXMenuY <value> 4.8 How to get Gourmet to boot up the Mathematica 2.0 kernel? Mathematica Login as root, or get root privileges running su, and execute the following five commands: mkdirs /NextApps/Mathematica.app/Kernel/NeXT cd /NextApps/Mathematica.app/Kernel ln -s uuuuu/Mathematica.app/Kernel/Display Utilities cd NeXT ln -s vvvvv/math mathexe where uuuuu is the directory where Mathematica was placed (typically, /LocalApps) and vvvvv is the directory where the executable math was placed (typically, /usr/local/bin) 4.9 Manipulating the Loginwindow loginwindow dwrites There are some for loginwindow: [Jess Anderson writes:] Here, I hope, is the quasi-definitive story on dwrites that affect the loginwindow. I'm indebted to several people, notably Art Isbell, Kristian Koehntopp, Dan Danz, Louie Mamakos, John Kheit, Felix Lugo, and Paul Sears, for some of the information presented here. Remember that dwrites are not supported by NeXT; they may change with any subsequent system release. These I've checked out using 3.0; some or all may work with earlier releases, but I can't vouch for most of them. All these dwrites must be done as root. You can also run as root and use DefaultMgr to set them (which is a whole lot more convenient if you're intending to fiddle with some of them). After setting the things you want, restart the WindowServer by logging out of the current session and typing exit on the login panel. OK, here's what we know (or think we do :-): dwrite loginwindow DefaultUser <login-name> Most new machines have set to me. This dwrite logs in user automatically. User must not have a password set, hence don't use this in a networked environment! dwrite loginwindow HostName "<host_name>" dwrite loginwindow HostName localhost These cause your host name to appear on the login panel. You need quote marks only if there's a space in the name. The first form hard-codes the name into root's defaults database. The second form uses whatever name has been set as localhost in NetInfo, which is convenient for networked machines. The font, size, color, and position of the printed string are not accessible (drat!). dwrite loginwindow ImageFile <path/to/a/suitable.tiff> This uses the tiff image pointed to instead of the standard one (in /usr/lib/NextStep/loginwindow.app/English.lproj/nextlogin.tiff, .lproj as appropriate for your main language) as the login panel. Be sure you get the pointer right, though, or you'll have to boot single-user to fix it. In practical terms, the image is constrained in various ways I won't detail here. dwrite loginwindow TimeToDim <integer_number> No relation to the dim time set by Preferences. The units are odd, I think. Felix reported them as 1/34 second. However, when I changed it to 1020, I got 15 seconds to dimming, and 680 gives 10 seconds, that I'm sure of. So I think the units are 1/68 second. Maybe Felix just thought it was too damn long! We all know it seems longer when you're not having fun waiting. :-) Whatever, the login screen dims to about half after this length of time. dwrite loginwindow MoveWhenIdle YES This causes the panel to move around approximately in Backspace bouncing-off-the-walls-tiff fashion. The point is to avoid burning the screen phosphors, as a static image would tend to do. The animation is controlled by the next couple dwrites. dwrite loginwindow MovementTimeout <real_number> The units are seconds. The panel starts moving (assuming the preceding is set to YES) after this time. If you set it to be less than the TimeToDim time, the movement starts before the dimming occurs. I did not try zero. I can't stand waiting around for things to happen, so I use 10 seconds for both times. The default appears to be 5 minutes. dwrite loginwindow MovementScale <integer_number> No movement occurs if this is set to 1. But it looks like the units might be approximately pixels for each change of position (the frequency of which is controlled by the next dwrite). If you put a big number here, say 200, the image moves in big jumps, but I don't know if the 200 is divided up somehow between change in x- and y-coordinates. I wouldn't worry about it much, just set it to something you like. Since my image contains readable text, I want it to scroll smoothly around, so I use the apparently minimum value, 2. The default appears to be 10. dwrite loginwindow MovementRate <real_number> The units are seconds. The image jumps by the amount above every this many seconds. The default is 0.0666 seconds. Bigger numbers mean slower motion. Since I don't like things being too jumpy or zooming around, I set this to 0.1 seconds. This makes my image ooze at a pace befitting an elderly person like me. dwrite loginwindow PowerOffDisabled YES This makes it a little harder to turn the machine off; you have to use the monitor or the minimonitor (- ) if it's set, rather than the key. dwrite loginwindow LoginHook <path/to/loginhook/executable> dwrite loginwindow LogoutHook <path/to/logouthook/executable> Pointers to the login and logout hooks, if used. It should be pointed out that some of these things (login/logout hooks, for example) are maybe more logically set where the loginwindow is invoked by the WindowServer, namely /etc/ttys. There are yet others. Here's the full list (thanks, Art): NXGetDefaultValue("loginwindow", "DebugHook") => 0x0 NXGetDefaultValue("loginwindow", "DryRun") => 0x0 NXGetDefaultValue("loginwindow", "WindowServerTimeout") => 0x0 NXRegisterDefaults("loginwindow", 0x16024) KeyMapPath: 0x12d97 "~/Library/Keyboards:/LocalLibrary/Keyboards:/NextLibrary/Keyboards" Keymap: 0x12de1 "/NextLibrary/Keyboards/USA" SwappedKeymap: 0x12e0a "No" LoginHook: 0x0 LogoutHook: 0x0 HostName: 0x0 ImageFile: 0x0 DefaultUser: 0x12e41 "me" PowerOffDisabled: 0x0 TimeToDim: 0x12e69 "2040" MoveWhenIdle: 0x12e0a "No" MovementTimeout: 0x12e8b "300.0" MovementRate: 0x12e9e "0.06666" MovementScale: 0x12eb4 "10" [Christopher J. Kane kane@cs.purdue.edu] Under NeXTSTEP 3.1, the login window has two buttons labeled "Reboot" and "Power" that allow a user to reboot and power down from the login window. In a public lab, this feature may be undesirable. The PowerOffDisabled default can be used to disable the buttons, but they are still shown in the window and push in when clicked (a bad user interface decision, IMHO). The program below patches loginwindow to eradicate the restart and power buttons. It makes the loginwindow's LoginButton class instance method initWithImage:altImage:andString: a no-op (just return nil). This patch has been applied to the machines in the NeXT lab at Purdue (like sonata.cc.purdue.edu for instance), and no adverse effects have been noted. This program must be run as root, since it writes to the file /usr/lib/NextStep/loginwindow.app/loginwindow. An archive with a compiled executable has been submitted to sonata.cc.purdue.edu. /* * Patches the loginwindow.app to eradicate the restart and power * buttons from the login window. * * Christopher J. Kane (kane@cs.purdue.edu) * Released into public domain; August 13, 1993. */ #include <libc.h> #include <errno.h> void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char patch[8] = {0x0, 0x0, 0x42, 0x80, 0x4e, 0x5e, 0x4e, 0x75}; int file = open("/usr/lib/NextStep/loginwindow.app/loginwindow", O_WRONLY); if (-1==file) goto error; if (-1==lseek(file, 21170, SEEK_SET)) goto error; if (-1==write(file, patch, 8)) goto error; if (-1==close(file)) goto error; exit(0); error: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno)); exit(1); } FAQ-Authors note: We strongly recommend to do a backup of the loginwindow application, because the patch alters the file directly and will most likely not work on different versions of the OS. 4.10 How does one set UNIX man pages to be viewed in nroff format with DL like the standard manual pages in NS2.x? man pages, NS2.x Beyond looking in the man pages under ixBuild, etc., what you want to do is put a few files (contents listed below file name) the .index directory: .roffArgs: -man displayCommand: tbl %s | nroff -man ixBuildOptions: -fman -Nwhatis -Ncat[1-8ln] -V Other options that people suggested for ixBuildOptions: -fman -Nwhatis -Ncat[1-8] -V /usr/local/man -fman -Nwhatis -V /usr/local/man/man* I don't think you need to explicitly name the directory in the first alternative, but you do in the second unless you want the cat* directories indexed as well. Note: Do NOT leave a trailing return after the line in ixBuildOptions; DL will barf. (I think someone said that, as shipped, the standard man .index/ixBuildOptions had this problem.) [From: Eric D. Engstrom ] Can anyone tell me what the command line for this might be under NEXTSTEP 3.0? Short answer: RTM on ixbuild(1) - specifically the parameter "-g". In addition, I'd like to inform the newsgroup of a simple hack I setup on my own machine to create a unified DL target for all UNIX Manual pages (including system, local, gnu, whatever). This was easier under 2.x because IXBuild (pre IXKit) had more hacks in it... Basically, you need to setup a directory with sym-links to the various man-page directories; For example: (397)basilisk% pwd /LocalLibrary/Documentation/ManPages (398)basilisk% ls -alg total 728 drwxrwxr-x 2 eric wheel 1024 Mar 28 18:03 ./ drwxrwxr-x 11 root wheel 1024 Mar 27 00:41 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 eric wheel 370 Feb 27 22:01 .README -rw-rw-r-- 1 eric wheel 872 Feb 27 17:11 .dir.tiff -rw-rw-r-- 1 eric wheel 20 Feb 27 17:11 .displayCommand -rw-rw-r-- 1 eric wheel 47 Feb 27 17:10 .index.iname -rw-rw-r-- 1 eric wheel 6 Feb 27 17:10 .index.itype -rw-r--r-- 1 eric wheel 729088 Mar 28 18:44 .index.store -rw-rw-r-- 1 eric wheel 5 Feb 27 17:11 .roffArgs lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric wheel 18 Feb 27 17:53 gnu -> /usr/local/gnu/man/@ lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric wheel 14 Feb 27 17:53 local -> /usr/local/man/@ lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric wheel 9 Feb 27 17:53 news -> /news/man/@ lrwxrwxrwx 1 eric wheel 35 Feb 27 17:53 system -> /usr/man/@ Notice that I also copied all the .[a-z]* files from the /usr/man/ directory as well. Then, use ixbuild -gl to (re)build the index. If your any of the links point to directories on other devices, add "d" to "-gl". "-v" will give you verbose output (like my writing style ;-). RTM under ixbuild(1) for more info. Unfortunately, once the index is built, I've never successfully gotten DL to update it correctly. Instead I have to do it by hand using ixbuild -ogldvc (actually, I setup a cron job to reindex weekly.) If you have troubles, try removing the .index.store file and rebuilding the entire database. I've had intermittent problems with ixbuild under 3.0. 4.11 Appending a signature and addition headers to your e-mail .signature signature Mail There is a bundle for Mail to which, beside other features, allows you to add a .signature file to outgoing e-mails: EnhancedMail.bundle. This software package is available by the FTP archive sites. Here are other solutions which might serve you as well: [Carl Edman ] First create a simple text file the following content: #!/bin/sh { if test -r ${HOME}/.add-header; then cat ${HOME}/.add-header; fi cat - if test -r ${HOME}/.signature; then echo "--"; cat ${HOME}/.signature; fi }| /usr/lib/sendmail "$@" A good name for this file would be sendmail-addheader. If you want to and can install it for system-wide use put this file in e.g. /usr/lib. Otherwise your private /Unix/bin directory is also fine. Make certain that this file has execute permission. To set that, use e.g. chmod 755 /usr/lib/sendmail-addheader. Next, open up the preferences panel in Mail. Switch to the expert options. Change the Mailer option from /usr/lib/sendmail (which it should originally be) to /usr/lib/sendmail-addheader (or whatever the name of the file you created is). OK this and you should be set. From now on your file /.signature file should always be appended to all mail sent out with Mail.app. In addition if you have a file called add-header in your home-directory it should automatically be prepended to your outgoing mail. To implement a reply-to line, you would simply give it the following content: Reply-to: My Real Human Name <name@my.real.address> IMPORTANT: Make certain that you have one and exactly one newline at the end of /.add-header. Anything might break outgoing mail. Beware! BUG: The /.signature file is not added properly for NeXT mail containing attachments. The headers will still be added properly. This could be fixed but probably is more of a hassle than it is worth. [From: jbrow@radical1.radical.com (Jim Brownfield)] I have added a Terminal Service to terminal to add a signature file whenever I type "0" (command/zero), and I thought this might be of interest to people who read your FAQ. I have used this technique for over a year with no problems, and it has the advantage of working both with non-NeXT and NeXT Mail. First, you must create a file with your signature containing the characters "--" on the first line (there has been some discussion as to whether this should be "-- " ("--" followed by a blank), but my file only has the "--" as the first line. The rest of the file should contain your normal signature. If you place the file in your home directory, I recommend NOT using the filename ".signature" for this file since it may conflict with other programs (like NewsGrazer). I use the filename ".fullSignature". The file used for the signature should be ascii and not RTF to allow the file to be used for NeXT and non-NeXT mail. You can create a "Get signature" service by launching Terminal and accessing the "Terminal Services" window through the "Info/Terminal Services..." menu item. Then perform the following: 1. Create a new service by clicking on the "New" button. Change the service name to "Get signature". 2. Add the command "cat " and "0" (zero) to the "Command and Key Equivalent" entry. The "0" is obviously arbitrary, but I've found that it doesn't conflict with any of the commands I normally use. 3. De-select any items checked within the "Accept" grouping. Select the "As Input" radio button under the "Use Selection" section. 4. Change the "Execution" popup to "Run Service in the Background". Select the "Return Output" and "No Shell" radio buttons. 5. Click the "Save" button. Now, when you type "0" (actually, from any application), your signature will be added wherever your cursor is located (be careful not to have text selected as it will replace the selected text with your signature). I have found this to be very convenient for adding my .sig to outgoing mail. 4.12 How can I quickly find a file if I don't know its directory? searching, files find The Unix find command on the NeXT has the capability of quickly searching a database of all the files. This database is located in /etc/find.codes and has to be generated periodically. You can automatically generate this database, say twice a week at 3:15 a.m., by adding this line to your file /etc/crontab.local (you might have to create this file). 15 03 * * 2,5 root /usr/lib/find/updatedb > /usr/adm/updatedb.err After this has run, you can quickly find any file from a terminal by typing find where is a part of the file name you want (it is case-sensitive). [Carl Edman ] adds: Find still works under 3.0, but now has to match the entire filename (including the path) for a match to be recognized i.e. where under 2.x you would have find foobar, under 3.0 you have find '*foobar*' (The ' are necessary to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcards itself). [From: Geert Jan van Oldenborgh ] I find the following script in /usr/local/bin very handy to bring back the behavior that God Intended find to have: #!/bin/csh if ( $#argv == 1 ) then /usr/bin/find \*$1\* else set noglob /usr/bin/find $argv[1-] unset noglob endif 4.13 Mail.app suddenly stopped working! Mail, doesn't start When I double-click the Mail.app icon it loads and seems to start but then just terminates. How can I fix this ? Usually the problem is caused by Mail.app being terminated with extreme prejudice such as by a power outage or kill -9. Under those circumstances Mail.app may leave a lock file in your active mailbox. Due to a bug 3.0 Mail.app doesn't ask for permission to override this lock when started up again but just dies. Open a shell and look in /Mailboxes/Active.mbox. If this directory contains a file called .lock you have found the culprit. You can safely remove this file. 4.14 Recycler doesn't work anymore?! Recycler For some reason, after moving my home directory, my recycler no longer works? [From: eric%basilisk@src.honeywell.com (Eric D. Engstrom)] Basically, when you dump a file in the recycler, the workspace manager (attempts) to move it to one of the following locations: (note: no order implied here, because I'm unsure of the actual order used) - $HOME/.NeXT/.NextTrash (Should always exist; unsure what happens if it doesn't) - /tmp/.NextTrash_$USER Automatically created if non-existent) - $MNT-POINT/.NextTrash/$USER (.NextTrash NOT automatically created if non-existent) Also, the workspace requires that the trash directory into which it puts the to-be-deleted file be on the same disk partition that the file originally came from (for speed, I assume). Also, an example of the permissions for the external disk .NextTrash directory (which is not automatically created) should be : ls -aldg /private/mnt2/local/.NextTrash drwxrwxrwt [...] /private/mnt2/local/.NextTrash/ Note: /private/mnt2/local is the mount point. Do chmod 1777 .NextTrash to get the permissions right. Thus, if you moved your home directory from one partition to another, the one you left may not have a "recycler-repository" to use. 4.15 How to hear sound from CDPlayer.app thought NEXTSTEP system? digital audio CDPlayer To hear sound, the following info is important. [Carl Edman ] Hearing the sound directly on the NeXT can be done with the play3401 program from the archives if you have a Toshiba 3401 series drive. Theoretically this can also be done with NEC [78]4-1s and Apple CD 300s, though I know of no NeXT program which supports them. Most other drives (including the NeXT CD-ROM) just don't have the hardware to do it. There is another player available: CD_evil, which is based on play3401 but offers a GUI. FAQ-Authors note: On Intel system it's very easy: just connect the CD-Audio out (internal) to your CD-in of the soundcard (internal). Anyway there are problems with different drives. E.g. we know, that the Toshiba, Sony and Nec drives currently use the same instruction set to access audio data. So be aware that there are drives which simply can't be accessed through CDPlayer. 4.16 How do I decompress a file with the extension .compressed? .compressed compress uncompress gnutar tar gzip gunzip Do this with the following methods. [From: sanguish@digifix.com] .compressed files have been compressed in the Workspace Manager. Basically, they are just .tar.Z files. Even single files are tarred as well as compressed. There are several methods of decompressing these files. 1. They can be decompressed by selecting them in the Workspace, and Selecting uncompress from the file menu. 2. They can be decompressed by selecting them in the Workspace, and bringing up the Workspace Inspector. (You can double click to get there faster) 3. You can rename them to be .tar.Z and handle them the way you do them. FAQ-Authors note: use uncompress to access the .Z files and/or gunzip to access .z/.gz files. Use tar to access .tar files. You might also you gnutar to access both together, e.g. to access a .tar.gz at once. Read the man pages for more information. 4.17 How do I change the Workspace compression app? compress gzip gunzip dwrites Change it with the given method. [Stephen Peters ] You can change the tools that the Workspace uses to create and read its .compressed files by issuing the following commands in a terminal window: dwrite Workspace compress /usr/bin/gzip dwrite Workspace uncompress /usr/bin/gunzip dwrite Workspace AlwaysTarForCompress YES [Reuven M. Lerner reuven@the-tech.mit.edu] This is generally a good thing, except that people might follow your advice and then try to send NeXTmail to someone who is still using compress/uncompress. Changing Workspace/uncompress to gunzip isn't a problem, since it uncompresses all sorts of files, but people should be very careful not to change Workspace/compress to gzip unless they will only be dealing with other gzip-equipped users. 4.18 console: loginwindow: netinfo problem - No such directory. netinfo problem, /keyboard directory is missing. It's benign... but annoying. niutil -create . /keyboard Fixed in 2.1 and up. 4.19 Root login not possible on client machine root login A number of people have complained about the situation where root can log onto the configuration server, but not its clients. Login proceeds normally, then a window with "Workspace error Internal error (signal 10)" pops up. Other users are not affected. This scenario occurs with NetBooted clients that are not permitted root access to / via the server's /etc/exports file, either via an explicit root= option or (the most heinous) anon=0. For security reasons many sites will NOT want to permit such access. Note that what you're up against is only a Workspace Manager misfeature; there's no problem logging in as root on the real UNIX console, or logging in as a non-root user and then using "su" to obtain root privileges. Root access is needed to: * Log in a root Workspace. * Perform BuildDisk on a client. * Run the GuidedTour demo for the first time subsequent invocations will not autologin, but they will run just fine if you log in as NextTour (no password). It is not required to perform updates on the local NetInfo database, for any normal user operations, nor to run programs requiring root access on the server using -NXHost. 4.20 How to boot NEXTSTEP from the second (higher SCSI ID) HD? Boot, from higher SCSI ID Boot, from second drive Use the following command. bsd(1,0,0) -a which will then ask you for the drive to use as the root disk, or still easier, bsd(1,0,0)sdmach rootdev=sd1 In the boot command the name of the bootfile can be replaced by '-'. This is very useful as the length of the bootcommand which can be stored in the permanent memory is very limited (on NeXT machines only). So the only way to eg. increase the number of buffers permanently to 128 in the boot command is to use the following boot command: sd- nbu=128 (sdmach nbu=128 would have been too long). 4.21 How to make swapfile shrink to the normal size? swapfile The swapfile is located in /private/vm. The only current way to make it shrink is to reboot the machine. See the man pages for swaptab for more information. Note, that putting a space after the comma in /etc/swaptab (lowat=,hiwat=) makes swapon ignore the hiwat entry. There is a short trick which seems to work for several people: type exit in the login panel. This will exit the window server and restart it immediatly. If you are lucky, this will reclaim some space. 4.22 Does netinfo work between machines running NEXTSTEP 2.x and 3.x? netinfo Yes. 4.23 Why does the console user "own" the external disk filesystem? filesystem, external You need an entry in /etc/fstab so the disk will be mounted at boot time, rather than being "automounted" when somebody logs in. Automounted disks are owned by whoever logged in, fstab-mounted disks are owned by root. Something like this: /dev/sd0a / 4.3 rw,noquota,noauto 0 1 /dev/sd1a /Disk 4.3 rw,noquota 0 2 (assuming the external disk is to be mounted as /Disk) fstab should be niloaded into the Netinfo database if it contains any NFS mounts. 4.24 How to limit coredump sizes? coredump, size limit Limit it by the following command. This will work for apps running from a shell. limit coredumpsize 0 If your dock or workspace apps are dumping core, there's also: dwrite Workspace CoreLimit <bytesize> 4.25 What is the maximum value of nbuf that I can specify on bootup? buffers, ROM I know the ROM monitor only allows twelve characters, but I use something like this: bsd sdmach nbuf=xxx (NeXT machines only) Enter the hardware monitor. Hit 'p' to adjust the configuration parameters. It will respond: Boot command: ? Enter sd- nbu=xxx, where xxx is a number less than 256. 4.26 How can I change the mouse pointer shape and color? Maybe this could point you into the right direction. Pipe it to pft and see what happens.... %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 16 16 %%EndComments 0 0 16 16 Retained window dup windowdeviceround gsave 16 16 scale 16 16 4 [16 0 0 -16 0 16] {< ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0d0fffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0d0f0d0fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0d0ffd0f0d0fffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fffffd0ffd0ffd0ffd0fffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 fffffd0ff50ff50ff50ffd0fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000 fffff50ff50ff50ff50ff50ff50fffff00000000000000000000000000000000 fffff50fd00fd00fd00fd00fd00f908fffff0000000000000000000000000000 ffffd00fd00fd00fd00fd00fd00f908f908fffff000000000000000000000000 ffffd00fd00fd00f908f908fffffffffffffffffffff00000000000000000000 ffff908f908fffff00ff00ffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000 ffff908fffff0000ffff00ff00ffffff00000000000000000000000000000000 ffffffff00000000ffff00ff00ffffff00000000000000000000000000000000 ffff0000000000000000ffff00ff00ffffff0000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000ffff00ff00ffffff0000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000 >} false 3 alphaimage grestore gstate nextdict /_NXSharedGrayAlpha get NX_TwelveBitRGB 1 index setwindowdepthlimit windowdeviceround 0 0 16 16 5 4 roll 0 32 Copy composite nulldevice termwindow Maybe somebody wants to write some kind of "pointer editor"? There is also a commercial application named 'MouseMagic' which handles this and custom acceleration modes. 4.27 How do I customize BuildDisk to create a bootable disk of my own configuration? BuildDisk, customization The BuildDisk application is extremely limited in terms of the types of disks configuration it knows how to build. Essentially it "knows" about swapdisks, optical disks, 330 and 660 MB SCSI disks. If you wish to do custom configurations you should look at existing BLD script files in /etc/BLD.* There is a script which you can use to specify which BLD script you are using, which disktab entry, and other useful parameters in /usr/etc/builddisk Some things to note: * the fstab installed on the target disk is specified in the newclient command in the BLD script. standard fstabs are extracted from /usr/template/client/fstab.* * the BLD scripts do not put down a new boot block on the scsi disk, you may want to install one by hand using the /usr/etc/disk program. * some disks boot fine but NeXTstep comes up with a blank window and no login window. This is due sometimes to forgetting to install an accessible /NextLibrary/{Fonts,Sounds}. In general you need quite a lot of things to make a bootable disk. You can build a minimally usable bootable floppy (for crash recovery purposes). There is a modified version of builddisk (to make it support building floppies, a minimal change) and a BLD script to build the boot floppy available at cs.orst.edu in next/sources/Bootfloppy.tar.Z. (I put this together in response to several requests.) A newer version of Bootfloppy for 2.1 is on the archives as next/sources/util/Bootfloppy2.1.tar.Z. Also available from the archives is BootFloopy 3.x (for --- you guessed it --- NEXTSTEP 3.x). I might also add that one can improve on disk usage while enhancing functionality. BuildDisk (which is used by the various BootFloppy scripts) just copies the standard binaries for ls, mv, cp aso. from /bin. These binaries are statically linked as shipped by NeXT which makes them huge. (e.g. /bin/ls is 106496 bytes large. /usr/local/bin/gls with more features is just 16268 bytes). If you replace these binaries by the BSD or GNU equivalents you can save several hundred kBytes on your boot floppy. This extra diskspace can be used for tar, dump and more tools which makes the boot floppy actually usable. Tested. 4.28 Are there any more dwrites useful for the workspace, ...? dwrite, misc There a lot of dwrite useful for you. (self explanatory) dwrite Workspace compress /usr/bin/gzip dwrite Workspace uncompress /usr/bin/gunzip dwrite Workspace AlwaysTarForCompress Yes dwrite Workspace DockOrginX (some number) dwrite Workspace DockOrginY (some number) dwrite Workspace DockOffsetX -1057 (leftmost) dwrite Workspace DockOnTop (0 or 1 for true or false) dwrite appname NXCMYKAdjust YES dwrite Preferences 24HourClock yes 4.29 What is the @LongLink message from gnutar all about? @LongLink gnutar Because gnutar tries to be somewhat compatible to the old tar format, it can't store pathnames longer than 100 chars. In order to store files with longer names, it generates a special file entry containing just the longer filename. These are the long links you see. Nothing to worry about. 4.30 What stands the file .place3_0.wmd for? .place3_0.wmd The Workspace uses it to record the window attributes (sort order, view type, icon positions and so on) Switching the 'UNIX Expert' flag in UNIX Preferences panel off hides all files which start by '.'. 4.31 How to create transparent icons with IconBuilder IconBuilder icon, transparent If you are repainting an icon on the filesystem e.g. .dir.tiff make a copy and remove it first. Then reload the directory (the default icon gets shown). This is needed because the system caches icons. Now here comes how to create transparent backgrounds using IconBuilder: * Select Format->Document Layout (or New document layout) * 'Has alpha' must be checkedus * Open the color inspector * UNcheck 'paint in overlay mode' * Choose any color (I took white) * Set Opacity to 0 * Use Paintbucket to fill the whole icon * Now set Opacity back to 100 * Draw the icon What 'Paint in overlay mode… does, is that when checked, it will use both the alpha (opacity) of the existing pixel and the alpha selected in the color inspector and combine both into a new color. When unchecked the existing pixel will just be replaced with one using color and alpha as selected in the inspector. 4.32 How to access the MAC format of a mixed DOS/MAC CD-ROM Mac DOS CD-ROM Some CD-ROMs are using multiple fileformats to adress more people. This is done by putting two filesystems on the disk. With NEXTSTEP you are able to acess both. But what to do if the Workspace only shows you the DOS side of a disk, while the Mac side is often more convenient (due to e.g. long filenames). The solution is to change the priority the system is searching for a usable filesystem. You need to rearange the filesystems in /usr/filesystems to fit your needs. Here is how: * ls -lR /usr/filesystems shows the actual searching queue. * mv /usr/filesystems /tmp/filesystems to backup things * mkdir /usr/filesystems recreate the directory. * cp -p -r /tmp/filesystems/xx /usr/filesystems copy the filesystems in order of searching back to the default location. * chmod 4755 /usr/filesystems/xx.fs/xx.util reset SUID mode * reset the links in /usr/filesystems/DOS.fs/. 4.33 Is there a PPP for NEXTSTEP PPP There is a commercial PPP and a public domain PPP implementation. For the public domain PPP there is an additional FAQ available at: http://www.thoughtport.com:8080/PPP/ The public domain PPP is based on the PPP-2.2 distribution. This distribution offers several enhancements over ppp-2.1.2. Especially noteworty is that it implements BSD packet compression. Using packet compression can lead to higher throughput than you get using compressing modems. The port works on Motorola, Intel (both Mux and NeXT supplied serial drivers), and HP systems running OS 3.2 and 3.3. It also works in conjunction with Black and White's NXFAX software. You may also want to join the mailing list for PPP. This will keep you informed of new releases and will provide an arena for discussing problems with the NeXT specific PPP port. To add yourself to the list (or for any other administrative requests), send an email message to: listproc@listproc.thoughtport.com requesting you be placed on the list. Make sure to include your proper return email address. To send mail to all the participants on the list, address your messages to: nextppp@listproc.thoughtport.com 4.34 NIS and OpenStep NIX lookupd There's a new lookupd in OpenStep for Mach 4.0, which works a bit differently than the old lookupd. The new lookupd has a number of "agents" that do lookups from various information systems (NetInfo, DNS, NIS, the Flat Files, and the internal cache). You can specify which information sources should be consulted, and in what order. You can also specify which information sources should be consulted for different categories. There is documentation for all this in the file /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextAdmin/ReleaseNotes/lookupd.rtf. One change in NIS lookups is that a "+" in the /etc/passwd file does not trigger a NIS lookup. If you want user lookups to consult both /etc/passwd and the NIS passwd maps, you need to tell lookupd to use both Flat File and NIS agents. For example, if you configure all this in your root domain, you could set user lookups to use Cache+NetInfo+Flat Files+NIS like this: niutil -create / /locations/lookupd niutil -create / /locations/lookupd/users niutil -createprop / /locations/lookupd/users LookupOrder \ CacheAgent NIAgent FFAgent NISAgent 4.35 System overloaded due to swapping Swapping CPU overload load Several people discovered the problem, that their system get's unusable due to swapping. This is extremely bad, because if this swapping occurs, you can't even break the CPU load causing process, because you can't even open a terminal window. There exists a programmed solution to this problem. Here it is! I should warn you that this will just kill the app --- it will not give you a chance to save files, nor will it bring up a nice panel asking if you really meant to do that. There is no warranty for anything by using this code. To use it, simple hold down alternate and right click on any window owned by the application or its icon on the dock. This will not kill some apps like Terminal because they run as root. In order to install it, you will have to edit /usr/lib/NextStep/windowpackage.ps. Make sure that you make a backup of this file before editing it! It is owned by root, so not just anyone can do this. To apply the patch, search for a line stating: rmdownEvProc (the procedure for processing right mouse button down events), and replace it with the code named examples/windowpackage.patch in the FAQ archive. For NS3.3 this code is located at line 1319. Disclaimer: you should not attempt this if you do not know what you are doing. You may be unable to log in (you will have to boot single user to restore the windowpackage.ps) if you mess it up. You can kill apps that you did not mean to kill. I cannot be responsible for what happens! Thanks to David Koski dkoski@cs.wisc.edu for supplying this code. 4.36 Swapfile issues swapfile swap, speed swap, size 1. use 'mkfile' to generate the lowat file size of you swapfile. This decreases the number of inodes used and keeps the permanent lowat size defragmented. 2. on fast machines, compress the swapfile (only possible on the primary file), on slow machines, disable compressing. 3. place the swapfile on the fastest hard disk drive you have. Use 'man swaptab' to learn more about configuring swap files. 4. to learn more about the never shrinking swapfile question, read the NeXTanswers about it. http://www.next.com/NeXTanswers/ 5. if your swaptab ignores some options: be aware that options must not contain spaces! 4.37 Garbage collection and Objective-C garbage collection memory allocation Note that Boehm's conservative garbage collector from ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/pub/gc/ works great with Objective-C, so you can use GC also with the other compilers. That GC could be enhanced a little by taking advantage of the Objective-C runtime type information; the hooks are there for it. 4.38 Setting up an anonymous FTP server ftp server Many people suggested just to read the online manual to ftpd. Probably a good idea. Anyway I included a not tested script in the FAQ distribution package which might be convinient for most people. 5 BLACK (NEXT) HARDWARE 5.1 What disk drives will work with the NeXT? disk drives There are some situations in which there are problems. Here is a short list which might help you in your disk drive quest: * These drives don't work with NeXT hardware: FUJITSU 2684SAU, SEAGATE ST51080N, IBM IB06H8891 * The SCSI driver for NeXT hardware only accepts asynchronous data transfer. Although every new SCSI-2 drive should support this mode, this isn't true for certain drives. Also sometimes there is a hardware switch (a little jumper on the drive) which switches between synchronous and asynchronous mode. You definitly can only use asynchronous disks! * There are also problems with sync negotiation on NeXT hardware. In general there should be another jumper to toggle this are you might change this with an SCSI utility. There are also problems with the tagged command queuing option. Anyway all these problem can be solved. Most SCSI disk drives will work without modifying /etc/disktab. There are problems with the installation of boot blocks and badly formed fstab generated by BuildDisk of NEXTSTEP 2.0. A disk connected to the NeXT will need to have a NeXT specific label written to it before it can be properly recognized by the system. If you get an error message "Invalid Label..." this indicates that the drive was successfully seen by the NeXT machine but it does not have the proper label, to install a label use the /usr/etc/disk program on the raw disk device that the system assigned to the device and use the label command to write the label onto the disk. [how the NeXT assigns disk devices is explained in the N&SA manual] NEXTSTEP releases 2.0 and up provide a low level disk formatter, sdform, which does not offer much flexibility, but gets the job done. Most drives are already formatted at the factory. You might look for the utility sdformat on the FTP sites as well, which overcomes some problems of sdform supplied by NeXT. 5.2 Will a 68030 NeXT Computer run NEXTSTEP 3.3? NS3.3 and 68030 Yes, but note that NeXTstep 3.3 is be optimized for the 68040 CPUs. NeXTstep 1.0 and 2.x were optimized for the 68030 CPU, 68882 FPU machines. 5.3 How do I configure my HP 660 to boot properly? HP 660, boot boot, HP 660 It has been reported that HP drives fail to autoboot on power on or while other devices are on the scsi bus. The problem seems to be with drives configured to spin-up automatically on power on do not get recognized at boot time. To remedy this problem reliably with HP 660Mb (HP97548) and 1Gbyte (HP 97549) drives remove the auto spinup jumper on the back of the drive. Looking at the disk from the back with the power connector on the lower left, it is the sixth jumper. The official fix was an EPROM change to the HP drive from HP. The HP drives took too long to wait up, so the system wasn't happy with the other drives coming ready first especially when the HP was suppose to be the boot device. (The EPROM is no longer available from NeXT). 5.4 What is the procedure for installing a Fujitsu M2263SA/SB SCSI Disk as the NeXT Boot Disk? Fujitsu M2263SA/SB See Izumi Ohzawa's note in /pub/next/docs/fujitsu.recipe available via anonymous ftp from sonata.cc.purdue.edu. 5.5 How to mount a corrupted OD that won't automount? OD, corrupt OD, mount If you can't automount an OD, and you can't fix it, you can still manually mount it. Log in as root. Type /usr/etc/mount /dev/od0a /FoO. It will ask you to insert the disk. Insert it. It is mounted. This method WILL mount a corrupted OD so you can read its contents. Since it is corrupted, it is not recommended to write to it. You should copy the important files to something else, then reformat it. 5.6 What non-NeXT CD Players that work with a NeXT? CD-ROM, NeXT A USENET survey summary: Apple CD-150 PLI 1035N for NeXT SUN CD-ROM drive (Sony CDU-8012, Rev. 3.1a) NEC 73M and 74 (transfer rates > of 300 KB/sec.) NEC 84 S NEC 4xi NEC 6x speed Apple CD-SC (Sony 541-22 mechanism) Apple CD-300 Apple CD-300+ Chinon CDS-431 (with new drivers) Eclipse CD-ROM from Microtech Toshiba 3201 Toshiba 3301 Toshiba 3401 Toshiba 3501 Toshiba TXM3301E1 Toshiba XM-2200A external Toshiba XM3601 Plextor Quadspeed Plextor PX-63CS (6xspeed) DENON DRD-253 external (data only, no music) HP's LaserROM drive (Toshiba XM-3301TA drive in HP's box) Texel 3024 (required a firmware upgrade to version was 1.11) As with all SCSI devices, they just work. Some drives only get problems with their audio support with CD-Player (due to not standardized SCSI audio commands, but this isn't a NeXT specific problem!) In contrary the question should be: are there SCSI CD-ROMs which don't work together with NEXTSTEP? 5.7 What are some other sources of toner cartridges and trays for the NeXT laser printer? toner, NeXT printer The toner cartridge is a standard EP-S cartridge, the same that fits the HP LaserJet III and some other printers. Any HP LaserJet II or III will fit. HPLJ4mSI cartridges do NOT fit. Any HP LJII or LJIII paper tray will fit. IIISI and 4 trays will not. Confused? Read again :-) 5.8 What printers (laser or otherwise) may be used with a NeXT? printers, on NeXT If you plan to connect an HP LaserJet (II, IIP, III, etc.) you need to make a special cable in order for the NeXT 040 and HP to get the hardware handshaking correct. This is true for whatever version of the OS you are running. NeXT 68040 to HP LaserJet III Cable (not a Null-modem cable): Mini-Din HP DB-25 1 (DTR) nc 2 (DCD) 4 (RTS) 3 (TXD) 3 (RXD) 4 (GND) 7 (GND) 5 (RXD) 2 (TXD) 6 (RTS) 5 (CTS) 7 (RTXC) nc 8 (CTS) 20 (DTR) You may want to use hardware flow control for reliability (ie /dev/ttyfa). If you have problems with other printers, check the cable pinouts in the printer's manual against the one recommended in the zs man-page! Refer to Chapter 13 in Network and System Administration. 5.9 What can I do to prevent my NeXT printer from running all the time? printer, turning off The NeXT 400dpi printer powers up every time you boot up when the print daemon is started (/usr/lib/NextPrinter/npd in /etc/rc). Apart from not running the daemon at boot time (commenting it out and having to run it by hand later), you can add the following lines to /etc/rc.local: if [ -f /usr/etc/nppower ]; then sleep 3 /usr/etc/nppower off (echo 'powering off NeXTprinter') >/dev/console fi Once you queue a print job the printer daemon will automatically power up the NeXT printer for you. The printer daemon will not automatically power off the machine after a print job, you will need to turn off the printer by typing /usr/etc/nppower off. 5.10 What type of microphones will work with the NeXT? microphone, NeXT Some NeXT owners use the RadioShack (Realistic) Tie Clip Microphone ($19.95) cat 33-1052. NeXT Computer, Inc. uses the "Sony Electret Condenser Microphone ECM-K7" in-house (available for $60). Some use Sony Tie-Clip microphone, #ECM-144, which costs around $40. Others have successfully used a WalMart brand microphone (available for $6). 5.11 How do I connect a modem to the NeXT? modem, on NeXT Previously, we suggested that people use Mac modem cables; however, it has come to our attention that there is no one standard Mac modem cable. Since correct modem operation on a NeXT depends upon a correctly wired modem cable, buying a Mac cable is not a good idea. Some Mac cables do not allow dial-in and no Mac cable allows the use of hardware flow control. For these reasons, we are recommending that only cables that meet NeXT specifications be used. [however, if you have a Mac modem cable lying around and don't care about dial-in or hardware flow control, then by all means....] These cables are available commercially from any store, how still sells NeXT stuff, and from Computer Cables and Devices, or can be custom built. Note that no off- the-shelf Mac cable will allow hardware flow control. It is however possible to make a such a cable from an Imagewriter II cable by replacing one of the mini-8 ends with a DB-25 connector. Hardware flow control is absolutely essential for all serial port connections with speeds of 9600 bps and above. Make certain that you cable supports it, your modem is configured to use it and you are using the hardware flowcontrol devices /dev/cuf[ab], /dev/ttydf[ab] and /dev/ttyf[ab], respectively. Most people use tip or kermit to control the modem. SLIP and/or UUCP may also be used (but are more complicated to set up and require the remote machine to also have SLIP and/or UUCP (respectively)). A version of the DOS-program pcomm can be found on ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de The 2.0 Network and System Administration Manual, which is available in hard-copy (shipped with each machine) contains an extensive description of how to use modems with the NeXT machine. Additionally NeXT in their TechSupportNotes series called SerialPortDoc.wn and UUCP for 1.0/1.0a systems . This document is available from most FTP sites that carry NextAnswers. Also, try to obtain the about.modem.Z file by Mark Adler in the pub/next/lore directory on sonata.cc.purdue.edu 5.12 What fax modems will work with the NeXT? fax modem, on NeXT Most available modems of today, don't work for with the general fax driver available with NEXTSTEP. In this case you need to perchuse a commercial solution: 'NXFax'. There are demos available. The following information is pretty much old, and might probably be obsolete now: The following fax modems are currently available for the NeXT Computer: Manufacturer, Model Supplier, Type DoveFax for NeXT, Dove Computer, Class 1 HSD FaxMaster, HSD Microcomputer, Class 2* mix fax, i·link GmbH, Class 2** SupraFAXModem V.32bis, Supra Corp., Class 2 (requires DFax driver or NXFax driver) ZyXEL U-1496E/E+/S/S+, ZyXEL USA, Class 2 (requires NXFax driver) Telebit T3000 with fax option Telebit WorldBlazer with fax option (requires NXFax driver) Neuron 1414/1414+ with ZyXEL ROM upgrade (requires NXFax driver) (Neuron 1414 and Neuron 1414+ modems are relabelled ZyXEL modems. Contact ZyXEL USA for ROM upgrades. Neuron modems with 512K ROMs should upgrade their ROMs and ROM sockets to 1 Mb ROMs. People with 1Mb ROMs should just order the new ROMs.) (*) Note that the Class 2 is not yet approved; it is still out for ballot, after having failed in an October 1990 round. The Abaton InterFax 24/96 NX driver supports Class 2 as it was in that draft; there are expected to be very few changes prior to approval. (**) Note that mix fax works with both the October 1990 and October 1991 draft versions of Class 2, especially with the NeXT supplied Class 2 modem driver. Upgrading to an approved version of Class 2 would be a matter of just a software update (holds true for any forthcoming (class 3?) standard, for that matter). In order to use a fax modem with the NeXT Computer, a NeXT compatible fax driver must be available to operate the modem. Modem control procedures may be proprietary or conform to one of the following EIA/TIA standards: Class 1: CCITT T.30 session management and CCITT T.4 image data handling are controlled by the driver. Class 2*: CCITT T.30 session management and image data transport are handled by the modem. CCITT T.4 image data preparation and interpretation are controlled by the driver. Release 2.0 of the NeXT system software includes a Class 2 modem driver which will work with any fax modem which meets the EIA/TIA Asynchronous Facsimile Control standard. Other fax modems must supply a NeXT compatible driver. Note that there's a small bug in 2.0 (fixed in 2.1): a symbolic link is missing for the file Class2_Fax_Modem_Driver in /usr/lib/NextPrinter. The simple fix: create the link; it should reference Interfax_Fax_Modem_Driver, also in the /usr/lib/NextPrinter directory. An alternative workaround for Class 2, especially useful for novices: just use InterFax as the modem type in PrintManager, rather than Class 2*. After installing a fax modem using PrintManager one must repeat setting things in the Fax Options panel in order for them to be stored correctly. In particular, these include the Rings to Answer and Number of Times to Retry. This affects all fax modems being installed. If one uses illegal characters in the Modems Number field in the Fax Options when configuring an InterFax modem then the modem will not answer the phone. Legal characters are digits, spaces, and plus signs. This does not affect the Dove modem. Modems from the german vendor Dr. Neuhaus also work with the internal Fax-Driver. But only the FURY-series does. 5.13 How may I attach more than two serial ports to the NeXT? serial port, >2 on NeXT TTYDSP From Yrrid converts the DSP port into an additional serial port. Yrrid Incorporated 507 Monroe St. Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Voice: 919-968-7858 Fax: 919-968-7856 E-mail: yrrid@world.std.com Unitnet has a device, the SLAT, that will connect to the scsi bus. Uninet Peripherals, Inc. Voice: 714-263-4222 Fax: 714-263-4299 Central Data Corporation made the scsiTerminal Server family of products. However they stopped supporting NeXT hardwer. We are told that Central Data may consider the solling or giving of the driver source to an interested party. Phone: 217/359-8010 Toll-free: 800/482-0315 FAX: 217-359-6904 Email: info@cd.com support@cd.com sales@cd.com Also, one can use an IP terminal server. In a non-Internet environment, inexpensive terminal servers, which don't control access to the network securely, can be used. If your network is an Internet subnet, you must use a terminal server that controls either: (1) who can log into the terminal server, or (2) which machines the terminal server will access. These tend to be more expensive (around $250/port, but in 8-port increments), but it may be quite economical means of sharing ports among many NeXTs (or other computers) on the network. Particularly if one has a NeXT network, an Ethernet terminal server may be the way to go. One that supports Linemode Telnet (such as the Xylogics Annex III) will offer the best performance. 5.14 What is the best and/or cheapest way to connect a NeXT to a thick Ethernet? Ethernet, thick There are many possible solutions. For example, here are three: * The University of Waterloo (Audio Research Group) uses an old door-stop PC XT clone with two Western Digital cards (WD8003E Ethercard Plus, $250 CDN each; you should be able to get them for under $200 (US$)) running Vance Morrison's PCRoute (available from accuvax.nwu.edu). You will also need a thickwire transceiver and a drop cable (about $300). In addition, you will need Internet addresses for the NeXT and both PC Ethernet cards (and a subnet address). The documentation for PCRoute contains quite a bit of information on the performance of this setup. This solution requires two subnets. There is another program called PCbridge that allows the machines on the thin and thick wires to be part of the same subnet. This product also does packet filtering, so that packets destined to machines on the same side of the net do not cross over. * Cabletron sells a MR-2000C Singleport Repeater for $695 that does exactly what you need minus drop cable and transceiver. Their number is (408) 441-9900. * The march 1992 INMAC networking and connectivity products catalog lists thicknet to thinnet converters. Product number Z903071 price $445. Claims full ieee 802.3 compatibility and diagnostic LED's. * NuData (908)-842-5757 (USA) sells AUI10 base-T boxes for about $149. 5.15 How can I connect my NeXT to the telephone line and use it like an answering Machine? answering machine A company that is selling both hardware and software to allow you to do this: SES Computing 13206 Jenner Lane Austin, Texas 78729 Voice: (512) 219-9468 (Demo system number) i.link, a european company, has a combined data/fax modem and telephone answering machine. It uses the DSP port and is implemented mainly in software on the DSP with a little bit of hardware to interface to the phone line. i.link GmbH Nollendorfstrasse 11-12 D-1000 Berlin 30 Germany Tel: +49 30 216 20 48 Fax: +49 30 215 82 74 E-mail: info@ilink.de 5.16 What color monitors can I use with the Color NeXT machines? monitor, color The important specs for the color monitor are: Horz Scan Rate: 61 KHz Vertical Scan Rate: 68 Hz Resolution: 1280x1024 (NeXT uses 1120x832) NON-INTERLACED Displays may require alignment to adjust for the scan rate of NeXT machines. The Nanao T560i 17" color display has been used with NeXTstation Color machines, and seems to work well. Some larger NEC displays have also worked. 5.17 Where can I get 13W3 to BNC adapters to connect third party color monitors? 13W3 to BNC BNC to 13W3 You can get them from:NeXT/Bell Atlantic: part number S4025. NuData in New Jersey carries 13W3 female to 4 BNC male connectors. The price is about $100. NuData Voice: 908-842-5757 DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for the following. If you can source the bits yourself here's how it's built. 1 female 13W3 connector 3 Male BNC connectors 3 mini coax ie. the pins to the coaxial are male and the regular pins are female. Looks like this. . o o o o o . . 13W3 FEMALE A1 o o o o o A2 A3 | | | | | | | | | Red Green Blue 3 BNC's That's the coax part. The outer shielding of the coax's are grounded on both pin 10 and the case. 5.18 How may I attach Centronics or 16 bit wide parallel ports to the NeXT? centronics, NeXT parallel port, NeXT Uninet has devices, the SLAT-2 and the SLAT-DRV11, that will connect to the scsi bus. Uninet Peripherals, Inc. Voice: 714-263-4222 Fax: 714-263-4299 zardoz!sales@ics.uci.edu or uunet!ucivax!zardoz!sales 5.19 Why does an unused serial port consume cpu? serial port, cpu power usage Perhaps you've got a (probably fairly long) unshielded serial cable attached to it, with either nothing at the other end or a powered-off device at the other end. EE's call this an antenna. It's probably picking up most of the radio stations in your area, which the serial chip is interpreting as a continuous stream of garbage bytes, which it feeds to getty, which tries to interpret them as login attempts. How do you avoid this problem? * leave the device at the other end switched on (even when it's not transmitting, it will assert a voltage that overrides the noise) * unplug the cable from the next when you're not using it * use 'kill -STOP' & 'kill -CONT' to stop and resume the getty process as needed * buy an adequately shielded serial cable 5.20 How to adjust MegaPixel Display brightness and focus? brightness, MegaPixel focus, MegaPixel Adjust it using the following information. From: Charles William Swiger I have adjusted several monitors with no problems, but make sure you know what you are doing before opening anything. I expressly disclaim responsibility for any ill results that may occur. In order to adjust NeXT's MegaPixel display (called 'the monitor' hereafter), you'll need (a) the NeXTtool (or a 3mm Allen wrench), (b) a plastic adjustment tool (preferred) or a thin bladed screwdriver, and possibly (c) a Phillips-head screwdriver. (NB: A similar procedure will work for color monitors, but you should either know what you're doing or you'll probably be better off letting a pro deal with it.) Turn off the computer. Disconnect all cables to the monitor. Look at the back of the monitor. There will be 4 screws there; use the NeXTtool (or Allen wrench) to remove them. Remove the plastic back of the monitor and put it out of your way. Reconnect the cables and turn the computer back on. As the machine powers up, examine the back of the monitor. You'll see a metallic box (usually silver, though some are black) surrounding the monitor's vitals. This protects you against the dangerous voltages inside, and also insulates the monitor from electromagnetic noise. On the back of this box are several holes for performing adjustments. There are two focus controls (labeled 'focus' and 'dynamic focus'), a brightness control (labeled 'brightness' or possibly 'black level') and several others that adjust various things like screen size and position. Depending on the exact placement of the controls on the circuit board of your specific monitor, some of these controls may be difficult (or impossible) to adjust from the back. If this is the case, I will describe what's necessary below. Otherwise, adjust the appropriate controls using either an adjustment tool or a screwdriver. Be warned that a screwdriver probably will cause some interesting video effects when it enters the case. Ignore this the best you can, or find a plastic adjustment tool, which is what you *really* should be using anyway. Using a flashlight will help you see into the hole so that you can align the business end of the tool correctly. Focus and position controls are fairly obvious. Adjust them slowly until you're happy with the results. Don't muck with anything you don't need to; the factory settings are usually pretty decent. To correctly adjust the brightness, follow this procedure: Turn the brightness of the monitor all the way down using the keyboard. Adjust the brightness control on the back of the monitor until a barely noticeable picture forms. Then turn the brightness down a little so this picture disappears completely. Check that you can get adequate brightness by using the keyboard to brighten the screen. If the display isn't bright enough, adjust the brightness control on the rear of the monitor high enough so that the monitor display is adequate. Note that you won't be able to dim the screen completely from the keyboard...sorry. Once you're finished, shut down the computer, take off the cables, reattach the back of the monitor, and reconnect the cables. You're done. If the control you need to adjust proves to be difficult, you may need to enter the metal case. This happened on one monitor's focus control and another's brightness. WARNING: THE VOLTAGES INSIDE THE MONITOR'S CASE ARE VERY DANGEROUS, EVEN WHEN THE MONITOR IS OFF. BE VERY CAREFUL, OR YOU CAN SERIOUSLY INJURE OR EVEN KILL YOURSELF. DO NOT PERFORM THE NEXT INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE CONFIDENT THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. You'll have to power off the computer again, and disconnect the cables. Looking at the monitor from the back, notice a section of metallic shielding on the right side of the metal box that extends to the picture tube. This is where the flyback transformer is connected. It shields a wire that is charged to about 25,000 V. WARNING: DO NOT TOUCH THIS WIRE, IT CAN SHOCK YOU THROUGH ITS INSULATION. Being very careful of this, remove the metal case by unscrewing the Philip's head screws that hold the case on. Don't touch the screws that hold the picture tube into the front of the monitor's case. Once you've gotten the metal box off, reconnect the cables. Figure out what control you're going to adjust, and make sure that you can do so without touching anything else inside. Again, *watch out* for the wire that connects to the picture tube on the right side. Power up the computer. I recommend that you use only one hand to make the adjustment, and that your other hand be placed in your pocket (or similar equivalent, if you're wearing clothes lacking pockets). This precaution reduces the chances that you'll make a short circuit between one hand, your heart, and the other hand --- a good idea. Perform the necessary adjustment(s), being very careful not to touch anything inside. Then shut down and reassemble the monitor, following the directions given above. Hopefully, these instructions will prove useful. Once again, please be very careful...I don't want your death and/or injury on my conscience (or a lawsuit, for that matter, either :-) 5.21 I want to emulate a macintosh, how? MacIntosh, emulation emulation, MacIntosh There is a nice way to run macintosh-software on your original black hardware. It works fine with dual-headed cubes and is optimized for the Apple OS - Version 7.5. To get further information about daydream, please contact: QUIX Computerware AG 011-41-41-440-88-28 9 hour differential Luzernerstr.10 6030 Ebikon Switzerland Next software - 011-41-41-34-86-80 quix@applelink.apple.com There is another solution, completely in software: 'Executor' from Ardi does the job, too. (http://www.ardi.com/ 5.22 My NeXT laser printer fails to fully eject the sheet - how to fix? printer, eject, NeXT laser NeXT laser, eject paper Fix it as follows. If you continually get messages like, "sorry, the printer is jammed" and you have to pull each page out the last inch, you probably need to replace the 14 tooth gear in the output stage(fuse ass'y). You can see this gear before you disassemble the printer, so that is a good first step. Then read these instructions all the way through and see if you want to attempt it. Next recommends replacing the entire fuse ass'y ( big bucks) if the gear is damaged, but Chenesko, Inc., of Ronkonkoma, NY sells the gears for $2.31. The part number is RS1-0132. They recommended I also replace the 20 tooth gear, number RS1-0116, but I don't know if it is really necessary. Their phone number is 800-221-3516. PartsNow is also selling laserprint replacement parts. Their part number for the a replacement roller part is RA1-84489-000 000. You might contact them for further details. To examine your gear, open the rear (delivery ) door and undo the screw attaching the strap that keeps the door from opening down all the way. The gear is on the side nearest the power input to the printer. There are two gears on the part of the delivery ass'y that swings down. The suspect gear engages the top one, but is mounted on the fixed portion of the fuse. Ours had several teeth missing and/or damaged. To get the gear off you have to remove the fuse ass'y. To remove the fuse you must open the printer lid fully, so it is straight up. To open the lid fully you must remove the case. To remove the case you must remove the plastic cover on the lid. Are you getting the idea now? This will be a lot of fun, and take most of the afternoon. I hope you have a spacious, well-lit area, because there are a lot of screws, and a lot of them are painted black, so they are hard to see when you drop them, unless you drop them inside of the printer, where you might NEVER see them again. Fortunately, as with all computer equipment, they seem to put lots of extras in, so just make sure there aren't any where they might do damage, like short out the mega KILOVOLT corona power supply, or grind into the REGISTRATION rollers. You do want your printouts to be straight, don't you? So, if you're ready, here we go. * PREPARATION Most mere mortals will want to power down everything and disconnect the cables, etc. Remove the cartridge and paper trays, etc. * REMOVE THE LID COVER open the lid and remove 3 screws. They DO NOT have any red paint on them. * REMOVE THE BACK DOOR there is one screw that holds the strap. When you can swing it clear down, you can squeeze the hinges together and remove the door. * REMOVE THE CASE There are maybe seven screws that hold the case on. Four are right on top. Two are just inside the rear door area. Two are down inside where you store that green cleaning tool. 4 + 2 + 2 = 7, right? Say, who was the last guy that worked on this printer anyway? The case has to be convinced that you really need to remove it, even when it is loose and all the screws are out. * REMOVE THE FUSE ASS'Y You will need a PHILLIPS screwdriver for this, as with the previous steps. But you will need a LONG one this time. Three of the screws are pretty easy to find. Just study the lower part of the fuse, as it is screwed onto the bottom case. Two of the screws are inside. One is under the lid next to the gears, the other near the green cleaning tool. On the outside, in back, there is one on each side. One is under the white wires that connect the fuse to the 10 AMP circuit breaker, which is pretty near that gear, and close to the power input. Unplug that cable. Then remove the small black crew that holds the black plastic gear cover so you will have better access to the last screw. Then you will have to wrestle the fuse out the back of the printer. Be careful with it. * DISASSEMBLE THE FUSE There are several screws and a spring. It's not too hard to take apart. You can see the gear, so you just have to take off the covers on that end of the ass'y to get to it. I should caution you that I had trouble putting them back on, because they have funny shapes and don't make a lot of sense. Plus I was tired, so I went home, ate dinner, played with the dog, went to bed, got up and ate breakfast before I put it back together. You might want to label some parts, make some drawings, etc. to reassure yourself that you can put the parts back just like they were. * REMOVE THE GEAR You can remove the gear pretty easily with a small screwdriver by unspringing the "E"-ring that holds it on the shaft. Try not to bend the e-ring. * PUT EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER Sorry, I can't help you with this part (HA HA!) I told you you should read the instructions first. Maybe you should buy a new printer, or try to attach some third party printer via the serial port! Well, if you got this far I hope you dropped little crumbs of bread so you can find your way back. I try to save all the little screws by putting them back in the holes they came from, or putting them in some small container. You might clean some of the gears or the paper path while you have it open. You can also install a new OZONE filter. Remember OZONE is hazardous to your health, so you don't want to inhale it. DISCLAIMER: BE CAREFUL IF YOU TRY THIS PROCEDURE. THERE ARE DANGEROUS VOLTAGES PRESENT, AND EVEN IF YOU ARE TOO CHICKEN TO WORK ON IT POWERED UP, YOU COULD CUT YOURSELF, OR DROP THE WHOLE THING ON YOUR FOOT, THUS VOIDING THE WARRANTY. ALSO, THE PRINTER WONÂT WORK WITHOUT THE COVERS, BECAUSE THERE ARE TWO SECRET SWITCHES THAT INFORM THE NEXT CPU THAT SOMEONE "IS FOOLING AROUND WITH THE PRINTER AGAIN." Yet another update to reflect that Jacob Gore received gears for an Apple Laserwriter from Chenesko, which are similar enough to work, but with some modification.Also, if the original gear is in fair condition, it can be reversed on the shaft until a replacement is ordered. 5.23 What are the NeXT mouse connections? mouse, connector Read the following instruction. Thanks to Alvin Austin (austin@cs.USask.Ca) I have the information I need on the NeXT mouse connections. Pin Function 1 +5v 2 X Encoder Phase A 3 X Encoder Phase B 4 Y Encoder Phase A 5 Y Encoder Phase B 6 Right Button 7 Left Button 8 Ground 5.24 What type of memory may be installed in a NeXT? References: NeXTanswers' hardware.620, 92_spring_bulletin "Announcing NeXTstation Turbo and NeXTcube Turbo" NeXT Computer (68030-25MHz/68040-25MHz), NeXTcube (68040-25MHz): Number SIMM slots: 16 SIMM group size: 4 SIMM type: 30-pin low profile> SIMM access rating: 100 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 MB (1x8/1x9, 4x8/4x9) Maximum RAM: 64 MB The low-profile vertically mounted 4 MB SIMMs are easier to install in the NeXTcube than the horizontally mounted 4 MB SIMMs because of the small height clearance above the SIMM slots. It is possible to install the horizontally mounted 4 MB SIMMs, but you will be required to slide the CPU board and the center tower in simultaneously. Parity (9-bit) SIMMs can be used in both 68030 and 68040 NeXT machines, but should not be mixed with non-parity SIMMs. Only 68040 boards with ROM levels of 2.2 (v63) and higher can use the parity memory to detect parity errors. It is OK to mix parity and non-parity memory, but the system will not boot unattended. Cubes with early boot ROMs will not work with 4 Mb parity ram, unless at least 3 banks are used. The system gives an exception error on power up. The fix is to get a new boot rom from Next. You can pay $30, or you may be able to squawk and get one for free. I have found Next to be pretty responsive, once I find the right person. The correct version is v66 which was the last or final rev for this series of 040 boards. This version also fixed the problem in the second paragraph. NeXTdimension boards (i860): Number SIMM slots: 8 SIMM group size: 4 SIMM type: 72-pin SIMM access rating: 80 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4, 8 MB (256Kx32, 1Mx32, 2Mx32) Maximum RAM: 64 MB (32 MB official NeXT) NeXT didn't officially bless the use of 8 MB SIMMs, but they seem to fit and work. NeXTstations (68040-25MHz) serial numbers below ABB 002 6300: Number SIMM slots: 8 SIMM group size: 4 SIMM type: 30-pin SIMM access rating: 100 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 MB (1x8/1x9, 4x8/4x9) Maximum RAM: 32 MB Faster SIMMS (70/80 ns) don't make the memory system work any faster than the 100 ns units. NeXTstation Color (68040-25MHz): Number SIMM slots: 8 SIMM group size: 2 SIMM type: 72-pin SIMM access rating: 80 ns5 SIMM capacity: 1, 4 MB (256Kx32/256Kx36, 1Mx32/1Mx36) Maximum RAM: 32 MB NeXTcube Turbo (68040-33MHz), NeXTstation Turbo (68040-33MHz), NeXTstation Color Turbo (68040-33MHz), NeXTstations (68040-25MHz) serial numbers above ABB 002 6300: Number SIMM slots: 4 SIMM group size: 2 SIMM type: 72-pin SIMM access rating: 70/100 ns SIMM capacity: 1, 4 ,8, 16, 32 MB (256Kx32/256Kx36, 1Mx32/1Mx36) Maximum RAM: 128 MB For maximum performance use 70 ns SIMMs: SIMMs rated at 80 or 100 ns will be detected upon powerup and the memory system clock slowed to 100 ns. Faster RAM than 70 ns won't give you a speed increase anymore. In fact it could slow things down again, because some hardware drives 60 ns RAM as 100 ns RAM. NeXT manufacturing introduced the new 25 MHz NeXTstation CPU board into production in late June '92. To verify which SIMM type your machine uses, check the system's memory configuration. You can do this by using the ROM monitor©s print memory configuration command m. Start with your machine powered down. Press the Power key to power on. As soon as the message ªTesting system...º disappears, press command-command-tilde ( on the numeric keyboard). Under these circumstances, this will access the ROM monitor. In the ROM monitor, type m and press return. Turbo-designed boardsÐincluding new 25 MHz NeXTstations and all Turbo systemsÐwill return messages reporting the memory configuration contained in four sockets (sockets 0 -3); old 25 MHz boards will return messages for more than four sockets (usually 8). You can tell a Turbo-designed board, and the accompanying 72 pin, 70 nanosecond SIMMs, by the fact it only reports information for only four sockets. The memory system has programmable memory timing such that the number of processor clocks needed to access a given amount of data can be tailored to the speed of the memory installed. 70 ns memory is just enough faster than 80 ns memory to allow the cpu to access the data with fewer clock cycles. This improves memory system performance. "70 ns" memory is faster than "80 ns" memory in many parameters other than just RAS access time. The faster CAS access time in particular allows the memory system to respond quicker to burst (16 bytes) bus transfers. 5.25 What is the NeXT SIMM tool? SIMM Tool The tool came with 68040 upgrade kits for NeXTcubes. It really makes removing SIMMs easy. It looks like a dental tool: about six inches long with a 1/2" long head offset at 90 degrees. To remove SIMMs, you slip the head into the hole on one side of the SIMM, rest the head on the SIMM socket next to the SIMM you are pulling, and pivot the tool back, using the simple fulcrum to gently pry the SIMM up about 1/8" from the socket on that side. Repeat on the other side, and the SIMM can be then removed by hand. 5.26 Where can I purchase a NeXT machine? Purchase, NeXT NeXT, purchase NeXT discontinued manufacturing hardware in Feb, 1993. Used systems are often advertised in comp.sys.next.marketplace. 5.27 Where to obtain hardware service? service, hardware hardware, service Hardware service can be obtained through the following firms: USA hardware service has been purchased by Bell Atlantic. They will be supporting the Authorized Service Centers and are selling extended warranty contracts. Decision One Voice: 800 499 6398, or 800 848 NeXT Fax: 510 732 3078 For Europe, please contact: SORBUS 40549 Duesseldorf Willstaetter Strasze 13 5.28 What types of NeXT machines were manufactured? NeXT, types of cube section There are two packages: a cube, and a station. * NeXTcube systems: + 68030-25 2-bit grayscale (NeXT Computer) + 68040-25 2-bit grayscale (NeXTcube) + 68040-33 2-bit grayscale (NeXTcube Turbo) + NeXTdimension board adds 32-bit color (i860) to any of above systems Cube systems can use any of the boards. With hacks, multiple independent CPU boards can run in one cube. NeXT Computer systems have room for 2 full-height 5.25" internal devices with a wide slot for an Optical Disk drive(s) in either position. NeXTcube systems also have room for 2 full-height 5.25" internal devices with a wide slot for an Optical Disk drive in the lower position, but have additional mounting holes for 1/2-height devices, and have a floppy slot at the top position. * NeXTstation systems: + 68040-25 2-bit grayscale (NeXTstation) + 68040-33 2-bit grayscale (NeXTstation Turbo) + 68040-25 16-bit color (NeXTstation Color) + 68040-33 16-bit color (NeXTstation Color Turbo) NeXTstation systems have room for two 1/2-height 3.5" devices, with a floppy slot at the side. 5.29 What can be done about older 030 NeXT cubes that have a fan that turns in the "wrong" direction? fan, running wrong The fan on older 030 NeXTs cubes sucks air out of the back of the cube which means that it draws unfiltered air in through the optical disk on the front of the cube. This causes optical disks to succumb to dust must sooner than cubes with the new-style fan which turns in the opposite direction. NeXT has apparently reversed their decision regarding fan reversal in the case of machines that have been upgraded to 040 processor boards. It is now considered okay to reverse the direction of fans in these machines. If you have many third-party cards installed in your cube or an older processor board, you may wish to consider not reversing fan direction (overheating could become a problem). In any case, do not reverse the fan's polarity, only reverse the fan assembly itself. Perhaps the best solution is obtain the cleaning kit and OD filter from NeXT. 5.30 Can I connect SONY MPX-111N to my 68030 NeXT Computer? SONY MPX-111N The SONY MPX-111N internal 2.88 MB floppy drive which was shipped with all the 68040 NeXT machines is not a SCSI device, therefore there is no way of connecting that particular drive internally on a 68030 system. 5.31 Why does the OD continually spin up and spin down? OD, spinning A big problem with the Canon optical drives is that air flows through the drive to cool it. Dust accumulates inside the drive causing it to fail with the continuous spin-up spin-down syndrome. NeXT as part of it's 040 upgrades provided a dust filter to prevent this. If your drive has this problem it usually can be fixed simply by cleaning out dust from the drive. NeXT sold a cleaning kit for both the drives and the optical disks. 5.32 How many colors can NeXT machines display? NeXT, colors The monochrome machines can display 4 gray levels. You can use color apps on a monochrome machine, they will converted into monochrome images and dithered accordingly. Color NeXTstations can combine 4 bits of red, green and blue primaries for a total of 4096 pure colors. The imaging functions dither the image to produce intermediate colors. NeXTdimension can combine 8 bits of red, green and blue for 16,777,216. There are not 16 million points on the display so all can not be displayed at once. Further display technology limits the usable color space. None of the NeXT products support color look up tables where the user can define their own color palette on a per window basis. This feature is useful for displaying images which have adaptive lookup tables, and display pure grayscale images on the color NeXTstation. On the NeXTdimension images can be converted to full 24 bit representation. 5.33 Why is my machine so slow when I run the monochrome and NeXTdimension displays? speed, display display, speed drops There is a bug with the window system in which if you select the monochrome display as your primary display the server will be much much slower. The solution for those wishing to use both displays is to select the color (NeXTdimension) display as the primary display. The most optimal configuration at present with the NeXTdimension is to run only the color display. 5.34 Where to obtain replacement mouse parts? mouse, parts From: jdavidso@nextwork.rose-hulman.edu For those who have need of a new button in their mouse, and don't want to pay for the whole mouse when it is only the button that has gone bad, we have recently discovered a satisfactory replacement for the Omron switch. It is in the Digikey catalog, # 931, Jan-Feb 1993, page 141, under Cherry switches D4, DG, and DH series. Digikey part # CH164-ND, Cherry part # DG1C-B1AA. We ordered one of these, and just received it today. Tried it out, and it seems to be working flawlessly so far. It is also possible to replace mouse buttons from a two button mouse with mouse buttons of the three button mice. 5.35 Where to obtain extra batteries? battery, purchase purchase, battery Battery part number: BR 2/3A 3V Lithium Battery (Panasonic) Source: Engineered Assemblies & Components Corporation 5204 Green's Dairy Road Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-790-9700 (ask for Debra) 5.36 How to convert a Turbo system to use ADB? ADB, turbo system If ADB equipment are used with older NeXT systems they won't work properly. Here are the ADB requirements: * A Turbo computer. * CPU eprom version 74. * New revision computer to soundbox/monitor cable. The part number is molded at both ends of the connector: Cable NEW OLD (Non ADB) NeXTcube 4534 150 NeXTstation 4535 1532 NeXTstation color 4536 2286 * New revision monitor which uses a vertical scan rate of 72hz instead of 68hz, except on NeXTdimension systems color monitor stays 68hz. Monitor NEW (72hz) OLD (68hz) 17" mono ACX (N4000b) AAA (N4000a \& N4000) 17" color ADF (N4006) ABG (N4001) 21" color ADB (N4005a) ABH (N4005) * ADB soundbox for color systems. S/N prefix ADD instead of ABN. 5.37 68030 board in the same NeXTcube as a 68040 board? DISCLAIMER: THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY NEXT, INC. AND WILL DEFINITELY VOID THE WARRANTY ON YOUR NEXT COMPUTER. FOLLOW IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. I DISCLAIM ALL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR DAMAGES CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE IN FOLLOWING THE PROCEDURE. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT THE PROCEDURE WILL WORK ON ALL VERSIONS(?) OF THE NEXT CUBE HARDWARE. ALL I KNOW IS THAT IT WORKED ON THE NEXT CUBE I WAS WORKING ON!!!! SO BEWARE. Here we go! I'll first provide a description of the hardware I was using and comment on what I accomplished and how I got the information on how to do it! The hardware included a NeXT cube with 660 MB drive, OD, etc., a 68040 upgrade board, and a 68030 motherboard. I successfully installed both the 68040 and 68030 boards on a SINGLE NeXT cube and linked them together through their ethernet ports. The 68040 was configured as a boot server and the 68030 was used as its client (booting off the network for lack of an additional hard drive). The procedure reconfigures slot #2 on the cube's back-plane as slot #0. This provides two slots configured as #0, required for booting the two motherboards. Once I determined what the slot pin-outs were (thanks to my good friend John Chmielewski), it was a matter of time before the two boards happily co-existed. The procedure: 1. First, follow the procedure on the NeXT User's Reference manual for removing the system board (Appendix C: Opening the Cube, page 291 of the 2.0 manual). 2. Using the NeXT supplied screwdriver, remove the two screws that attach the power-supply housing to the cube (the screws are located on the lower part of the housing) and gently pull the housing out. Set it aside in a safe place (away from kids and nosey friends!) 3. Remove the two plastic grooved plates (used to slide the system boards in) at each side of the inside bottom of the cube. (For each plate, lift the side closest to the rear opening and gently pull them out). Set them aside. 4. Using the NeXT tool, remove three screws holding the back-plane to the cube and then take the back-plane out of the cube. Let the cube rest for a while. Inspect the back-plane. You will see five bus slots (four vertical and one horizontal). The horizontal slot connects the back-plane to the power supply housing. We're only interested in the four vertical slots. From the factory these slots are configured as 6, 2, 0, and 4 (starting from the left and going right with the horizontal slot at the bottom). The system board connects to slot #0 (which you've probably noticed). Each slot contains three columns of 32 pins. Following is an ASCII representation of one of the slots: x y z C B A o-o o 32 . . . o-o o 31 . . . o-o o 30 . . . o-o o 29 . . . 28 . . . . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . ...where x, y, and z are labeled GND, SID, and VCC, respectively. The GND, SID, and VCC "holes" are used to configure the slot number using simple binary encoding, where GND is logical zero, VCC is logical one, and SID (for Slot-ID I guess) determines the current bit state (one or zero). Notice the four rows of GND, SID, VCC triads; each row is equivalent to one bit position in the slot number, the bottom row bit position 0, the top row bit position 3. This gives a total of four bit positions, or 16 possible slot numbers. To encode a slot number, you need to connect an SID row to its corresponding GND or VCC row. For example, the diagram below shows the configuration of the slots in my cube's back-plane (you'll have to look very closely to see the actual connections): SLOT 6 SLOT 2 SLOT 0 SLOT 4 BIT 3: o-o o o-o o o-o o o-o o BIT 2: o o-o o-o o o-o o o o-o BIT 1: o o-o * o o-o * o-o o o-o o BIT 0: o-o o o-o o o-o o o-o o 5. To reconfigure slot 2 as slot 0, cut the trace between SID and VCC for bit position 1 (see * o o-o * above) and connect SID to GND on the same row. I used the SIMM removal tool supplied by NeXT in the 040 upgrade (talk about multi-purpose) to cut the trace! Very gently, scrape the solder off between the two holes. Take a paperclip, shape it to fit between the holes in SID and GND, and trim it down to an even 1/4 inch (perfect fit)! That's all there is to it. If for some reason you ever want to revert to slot 2, just remove the paperclip from GND-SID and reconnect it to SID-VCC. 6. Now put the cube back together. First, re-install the back-plane using its three connecting screws, then snap on the plastic plates, and finally insert the power-supply housing and secure with its two screws. At this point the cube is ready to take on the two system boards (it is up to you to determine where/how you want to use the two boards; I'll explain how I used mine) ... 7. I installed the 68040 in the original slot 0 and the 68030 in the reconfigured slot 0 (previously slot 2). The 68040 was used as the main processor board. I connected the 660 MB drive, the OD, and the monitor to it. NOTE: Before beginning the procedure, I went into the NeXT Monitor on the 68030 and disabled the Sound out, SCSI tests and verbose test mode and enabled serial port A as a console terminal. I also made "en" the default boot device. I setup the 68040 as a boot server and taught it about the 68030 (which took some time in getting it setup properly). 8. I connected the 68040 to the 68030 using a thin-ethernet cable and I booted. First thing I noticed was that the 030 timed-out a couple of times waiting for the 040 to tell it to boot. But after the 040 was up, the 030 booted nicely. That's all folks. Hope all this made some sense and people find it useful. Comments: * To power off the cube, I have to first shutdown the 030 (I run "halt -p" as root from a telnet connection and wait for the 030 to go down), and I then power-down the 040. If you shut down the 040 before the 030, you'll have to pull the power plug to turn the machine off. The cube will not power off if either of the two boards is providing a load to the power-supply. * Remember, I've only performed this procedure on one system. I do not know what will happen on your system. So make sure you plan ahead what your going to do and that you understand the procedure. * I don't know what problems may arise when you add a board that uses the NeXTbus, such as the NeXTdimension, or how it will behave. If someone is courageous enough to perform the procedure and installs another board, please post your results to the net. Update: To clear up some misunderstandings with the settings in the "p" command of the NeXT monitor (these settings are only required for the system board that doesn't have the NeXT display monitor connected): 1. Sound out test must be "no"; the boot process will not proceed if the monitor isn't connected to the board and this is set to "yes" (the sound out tests will fail, aborting the boot procedure). 2. SCSI tests should be "no" if you don't have SCSI devices attached to the board (SCSI tests will fail otherwise, aborting the boot procedure). 3. Verbose test mode must be "no" for booting from the network. If set to "yes", the boot process will timeout waiting for a BOOTP and you'll be left in the monitor with no means of restarting the board (except pulling the power plug)! This is probably true also for booting from an OD that hasn't been inserted (assuming the OD was attached to the board). 4. Allow serial port A as alternate console if you want to view the boot process (for problems and peace-of-mind). 5. Other settings were not modified from their factory defaults or had no effect on the procedure. There is also a way in using 2 boards plus NeXTDimension board in one Cube. I've run my "screw with the backplane trick" cube with : | <empty> | 32MB-ND | | 64MB-040 | 40MB-030 | without any problems. Using the od got the system warm, but never had a problem. The cool part was having the printer on the 030. One day I tried to dump an 040 into the 030 position, but I couldn't get it to boot. I played for a couple minutes, but put the 030 back in and went on with life... 5.38 How to expand DSP memory? memory, DSP DSP, memory The Speech Recognition Lab at San Francisco State University has developed a DSP memory expansion board for the NeXT computer that provides the maximum memory supported by the DSP56001 processor. We are now offering this board to those whose are interested in high-performance custom DSP development. * The board is a 576KB DSP expansion memory board organized as three non-overlapping 192KB banks: X-data, Y-data and Program. The board uses relatively fast ( * The board is a high-quality, 4-layer board, open-circuit tested prior to assembly. It fits into the DSP memory daughterboard slot on all NeXT machines. * The price will be $600. Please let us know if you are interested. Delivery will be in about 3-4 weeks. * Contact Tom Holton (th@ernie.sfsu.edu). E-mail is preferred. The address is: Tom Holton Division of Engineering San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 415 338 1529 (phone) 415 338 0525 (fax) NOTE: Because we've organized our memory as three separate (non-overlapping) banks (X, Y and P) of 192KB apiece, none of the DSP memory image functionality provided by NeXT with its existing 8K base configuration, or its 96KB DSP expansion module is supported. While we cannot guarantee that every existing DSP application ever written will be plug-and-play compatible with our DSP expansion memory, we are not aware of any existing applications that use the image functionality. The MusicKit, and demo programs that use the DSP, such as Mandlebrot and ScorePlayer, work fine with our memory module. 5.39 How to boot a NeXT without a monitor? The procedure is to just touch pins 6 and GND on the DB-19 NeXT monitor out with a 470 Ohm resistor (450 is the actual resistance, but 470 ohms is more commonly found in resistors). Pin 6 is the power sense, and pins 13-19 (and the DB shell) are the GND. Just say "pin 19", it may be easier. There's a pinout diagram of the DB-19 in the NeXT Users Reference Manual. If you have an old Cube, the power supply needs to have more power drawn from it than an 030 (and 040?) board uses to stay on. So: On the DB-19, attach a Power Resistor (20 Ohm, at least 20 Watt) between pins 12 and GND. (Pin 12 is -12V, pin 13 works well for GND). Then just "touch" the 470 ohm resistor as described above, and you're set. The 20 Ohm resistor draws an old 030 running without monitor in an old CUBE), but it isn't necessary - just don't touch it (*HOT!* ;-) To power off, type "halt -p" as root on the machine (either through a terminal connected to port A, or over the ethernet connection). Also, you have to have the Rom Monitor settings done correctly. The important ones are: Wait until keypress? N Sound out tests? N Port A as alternate Console? Y (if you have one, it's nice) Verbose mode? N (I think this may need to be N to work, don't r emember). 5.40 Where can I get black spray paint for my NeXT? Black, spray paint paint, black spray You can get black spray from the following address. Sprayon Paint Omni-Packblend 4Next-Black (icon black) LAV-16 25216 Call 1-800-777-2966 for the name of a dealer near you. 5.41 What makes aged NeXT monitors dim? monitor, dim The cause of the dimming monitors is the CRT cathode wearing out. The most common type of CRT (and the type used in most NeXT monochrome monitors and all of the NeXT color monitors) uses what is called an oxide cathode. A thin coating of oxide is deposited on the cathode to allow the electronics which form the picture to get off the cathode easily. The oxide gradually boils off the cathode itself, and when the oxide is gone, the CRT goes dim. Typically, the oxide will last from 10,000 to 20,000 power on hours (screen savers don't help the cathode, they only prevent phosphor aging). Unfortunately, the black monochrome monitors fall into the short end of the life range thanks to Toshiba who made the CRT's. The aging is more noticeable in Unix machines because they tend to be left on. Note that there are about 8,000 hours in a year. If you leave your monitor on all the time, all oxide type CRTs will be dim in three years. The other type of CRT cathode is the I-cathode or dispenser type. This type of cathode is porous and continually brings new activation material to the surface. Its lifetime is 40,000 hours or more. The last of the NeXT monochrome monitors (N4000B) used this type of CRT and they don't go dim. There aren't many of that type around because NeXT quit the hardware business after producing only a few thousand. If you can get an N4000B monitor, you won't ever have to worry about a dim monitor. Many manufacturers are going to dispenser cathode type CRTs in their monitors with Panasonic leading the way. The best advice is to turn off the monitor when not in use. If that is impractical, try to purchase one with the long life cathode. Spherical Solutions (smg@orb.com) has a supply of new N4000B long life monitors for sale in either ADB or non-ADB configurations. If you need to repair or replace a monochrome monitor, that is by far the best type to use. If you read this far, you probably know more than you ever wanted to about CRT aging, but I hope this helps. 5.42 How to use two internal hard drives drives, two internal It is possible to fit a second internal hard drive in a NeXT slab, in addition to the floppy drive and the first hard drive. The second drive must be third height, or 1 inch high. There is no room for a half height device. Buy a bracket or make one out of sheet metal for the 1 inch high drive. On 25 MHz mono stations the SIMMs are smaller and the drive doesn't have to go all the way against the back wall. In this case, glue the bracket to the underside of the NextStation cover, centered from side t o side and as far to the back as possible. This is sufficient. On 25 MHz colorstations, however, one must file away a bit of the interior metal on the cover in order to glue the bracket fully to the rear of the cover. Once this modification is done, th e drive will clear the RAM when the cover is closed. Screw the drive into the bracket, with the power and SCSI plugs toward the right hand side of the NextStation so that the cables will reach. Go to your favorite computer store and get both a "dual int ernal SCSI bus cable" and a "dual internal SCSI power cable." Plug in the cables to both internal hard drives and close the cover. This was verified on both a 25 MHz mono and a 25 MHz color NextStation. No power or heating problems occurred. 6 WHITE (INTEL) HARDWARE 6.1 What about support for NeXT Computer specific hardware features such as the DSP? support, specific DSP, support support, DSP NeXT computers offer additional hardware support not commonly available for Intel systems. This includes the DSP. The DSP in a NeXT Computer is used for a variety of functions including ISDN support and real-time audio compression/de-compression. ISDN support for NEXTSTEP/Intel will be provided via an add-on PC card and ISDN adapter. Although the DSP programming feature is missing for NS3.3 on Intel, it is not necessary. The important SoundKit functions are rewritten to emulate an DSP on Intel, but this costs a lot of CPU time. 6.2 Do Multi-Architecture Binaries take a lot of extra disk space? MAB, disk space multi application binary, MAB The concept of NEXTSTEP binaries is different to other platforms. On NEXTSTEP only the real program is compiled and linked in a hardware specific manner. E.g. the GUI and the multilanguage support are usable on any platform running NEXTSTEP and will do so under OPENSTEP. Therefore the real binary part is sometimes really small. Anyway it might be a good choice to thin such a fat binary. NeXT ships tools for this purpose. Look at the manpages for lipo. If an application wasn't installed using the standard NeXT tool Installer, it might also be a good choice to look into the application drawer and delete other languages supported but not used by the application. This additional data is found in the different *.lproj subdirectories in the application's folder. To get there, activate the application's icon and select Open as directory from the Workspace's File menu item. 6.3 How difficult is it to recompile existing NeXT applications over to NEXTSTEP/Intel? compile, re Very easy. Most programs will simply recompile and run, or require few changes. We believe that any application that uses the standard development environment and Object kits provided by NeXT should simply compile and run. Only applications that use architecture specific features or data formats, will require additional time to port. Several developers have already ported applications to NEXTSTEP/Intel. Appsoft Draw simply recompiled and ran, Lighthouse Concurrence took 3 hours, other programs took 1/2 a day to 2 days, and this was all on a very early release of NEXTSTEP/Intel 3.1! Some applications just will refuse to compile, because they are still based on the old 2.0 headers etc. These applications are really rare now and may get ported very easily too, by changing the include path in your developer package. Other applications require additional header files and libraries to properly compile and link. These applications are mostly based on the MiscKit or MusicKit and other PD-Kits. You need to install these Kits first to compile these programs. With the shipping of OpenStep this might change, because it will be possible to produce shared libraries with the NeXT Developer package. This will enable you to not install the complete Kit, but only the shared library and will also reduce your binary no ticeable. 6.4 When developing programs, are there any portability issues I should be aware of? portability Yes. As stated above, any applications that use the standard tools provided by the NEXTSTEP development environment, should just recompile and work. To make sure developers are aware of portability issues, NeXT is producing a guide to address source code portability between different architectures running NEXTSTEP. This guide is available in the online documentation to the NeXT Developer package. 6.5 What is the difference between the NEXTSTEP/Intel User Environment and Developer Environment? user vs. developer developer vs. user The NEXTSTEP/Intel User Environment consists of the entire NEXTSTEP 3.3 environment, minus the developer tools. The Developer Environment includes the developer tools such Interface builder, Project Builder, C compilers, Object Kits, example source code and developer documentation. Although it is possible to just get the latest GNU C compiler as a binary, you can not use it! This is because you won't get the standard libraries needed to produce NeXT applications neither the header files. Also it there is currently no third party com piler shipping. If you want to compile, you are forced to use the NeXT Developer package. The status of compiling a standard UNIX utility without NeXT's headers and just based on the supplied shared libraries is unknown. 6.6 If a specific I/O card is not supported by NeXT, can 3rd parties write drivers for NEXTSTEP/Intel? I/O driver Yes. NEXTSTEP/Intel uses a newly developed object-oriented driver architecture that brings the benefits of object-orientation all the way down to the I/O card driver level. 6.7 How is NEXTSTEP/Intel installed? installation, Intel NEXTSTEP/Intel will come with a boot floppy and a CDROM. To install NEXTSTEP/Intel, the system boots from the floppy, and then installs the minimum NEXTSTEP environment from the CDROM (SCSI CDROM drive). The user may then chose from several optional packages depending on the available disk space and user requirements. 6.8 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on 386 machines? 386 Intel 386 No. NEXTSTEP/Intel uses several 486 specific features that enhance the performance of NEXTSTEP. NEXTSTEP/Intel will support any 486 with Coprocessor and up. 6.9 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on the Cyrix 486SLC? 486SLC, Cyrix Cyrix, 486SLC NeXT states: No. The Cyrix chip not a true 486. several other users state: Yes. Slow performance, though. 6.10 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on the future Intel Microprocessors in the x86 family? x86 Intel, x86 Yes. NEXTSTEP/Intel will not only support them, but will take advantage of any performance enhancements available with future Intel CPU's, just as NeXT has taken advantage of the 486. 6.11 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel run on portable computers? portable computers Yes. Many portables and notebooks with 486 CPU's and sufficient system resources (>=8MB RAM and >=120MB hard disk space) are available. Since NEXTSTEP/Intel will support 640x480 VGA displays in grayscale, NEXTSTEP 486 can run on these systems. Do be aware that NEXTSTEP's user interface and applications were not designed for low-resolution screens, and consequently will impose limitations on the use of some applications. 6.12 Will NEXTSTEP/Intel be able to run MS-DOS and Windows programs? MS-DOS Windows MS-Windows Yes. NEXTSTEP/Intel will support a DOS and Windows compatibility package. This software will allow DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.1 programs to run within a NEXTSTEP window. Support will include DOS "Protected" mode and Windows 3.1. This package is called SoftPC and comes with every NEXTSTEP system. The software is not free with NEXTSTEP, you have to pay extra. Anyway you are not limited in a 30 day test phase when installing it. Windows 95 and Windows NT are not supported by the emulation software. 6.13 How will my DOS and Windows applications perform under NEXTSTEP/Intel? MS-DOS, performance Windows, performance MS-Windows, performance Very well. The DOS/Windows compatibility package for NEXTSTEP/Intel takes full advantage of the 486 microprocessor. Depending on system hardware configuration and type of DOS/Windows application, performance should vary between 386 and 486 native DOS/Windows performance on Pentium systems. In addition, to enhance the performance of Windows applications, a MS Windows specific Graphics Device Interface (GDI) driver which maps Microsoft Windows calls directly to the NEXTSTEP window server is part of the system. 6.14 Is the window I use to run Microsoft Windows applications resizable? Windows, size MS-Windwos, size Yes. You can set the Windows session to any size you wish up to the maximum screen size available to the NEXTSTEP/Intel system you are using. 6.15 Will this DOS/Windows compatibility system allow me to run several DOS programs at once? MS-DOS, multitasking Yes. Since NEXTSTEP/Intel is a multi-tasking, virtual memory operating environment, several DOS/Windows sessions can be run at once. Hey, did I say Windows? Yes you can do real Windows multitasking with SoftPC. 6.16 Can I cut and paste between DOS/Windows sessions and NEXTSTEP applications? cut&paste, Windows cut&paste, MS-DOS cut&paste, MS-Windows Yes. You can cut and paste text and graphics between DOS/Windows and NEXTSTEP applications. 6.17 Can I use both DOS and NEXTSTEP/Intel partitions on the same hard disk? partitions, NeXT and DOS multi OS setup OS, more than one Yes. NEXTSTEP/Intel will support multiple operating systems on the same local hard disk. When the system boots, the user can chose to boot another operating system (such as DOS) or NEXTSTEP. If the local partition contains DOS, NEXTSTEP/Intel will be able to access the local DOS partition and read/write files to it, with the restriction on primary partitions only. Executive Summary: It is possible to install DOS, Windows NT with NTFS, and NEXTSTEP/Intel on the same disk, and select which partition is booted at boot time. I spent some time experimenting with a 200MB SCSI disk. I wanted to see if the following configuration would be possible: Partition 1 Primary DOS Partition 2 Extended DOS Partition 3 Windows NT NTFS Partition 4 NS/Intel 3.2 Since Windows NT requires at least 70MB for installation, and NS/Intel requires at least 120MB, there wasn't much room for DOS! Ultimately, I only tested a three partition system (DOS, NTFS, NS/Intel), but I have no reason to believe that the extended DOS wouldn't also work. The recipe is as follows: * Preparation. You need a bootable DOS floppy that has FORMAT.COM on it. You need another (blank) floppy for installing NT. * Start with the NS/Intel installation. When it asks you how you want to configure your disk, it gives you three choices, which are basically 1. erase the whole disk and use it all for NS/Intel, 2. save some room for DOS, 3. advanced. Choose the advanced option, which places you in NS/Intel fdisk (not to be confused with DOS FDISK.EXE). * Create three partitions in this order: 1. Primary DOS (if more than 32MB desired, use the "large" FAT option) 2. HPFS (this is a placeholder for NT, and can be any non-DOS format) 3. NEXTSTEP * Proceed with the rest of the NEXTSTEP installation. * When NEXTSTEP is safely installed and tested out, boot DOS from your bootable DOS floppy. * FORMAT the DOS partition (which should be Drive C if you made it the first partition). You want to FORMAT C:/S, to install the boot code to make the DOS partition bootable. * Once DOS is safely formatted and tested out, insert the NT installation floppy and reboot. * Proceed with the NT installation. Tell Setup to install NT in the second partition (which shows up as "Unformatted"). You can select NTFS for FAT format. * Insert the blank floppy when asked. Don't bother to format it, NT unconditionally formats it. * If you select NTFS, there is a scary part of the installation that makes it seem like NT can't reboot. In fact, it is converting the installed files from FAT to NTFS in place. Just let it keep rebooting until it finishes, don't interrupt it like I did. * Finish setting up NT and test it out. It should be able to see the DOS partition in FileManager. * Likewise, there should be a DOS filesystem in / on NS/Intel. If you configured NT for FAT instead of NTFS, there should be two DOS filesystems in /. That's it. When you boot, you see the familiar NS/Intel boot manager. If you select DOS, it boots NT, which in turn offers you a chance to boot DOS or NT (not NS/Intel, of course). Kind of weird that you have this two tiered boot, but it's probably because the bootsector has been modified by NT. I haven't tried setting the active partition to DOS -- that might avoid the two tiers. 6.18 Can NEXTSTEP/Intel read, write, and format DOS and Mac floppies? MacIntosh, r/w floppy MS-DOS, r/w floppy Yes. 6.19 NEXTSTEP/Intel 3.1, DOS, Linux/NT multi-boot system? multi OS boot Linux MS-DOS OS/2 boot manager dual boot The OS/2 boot manager does this nicely. NOTES ON INSTALLING DOS, OS/2 AND NEXTSTEP FOR DUAL BOOT * Boot OS/2 from diskette and press Escape to get to the [A:] command prompt * Run the OS/2 FDISK program and create the following partitions: + 1 MB Boot Manager + 20MB DOS Primary partition (drive C:) + 64MB OS/2 Extended partition (logical drive D:) + 120MB Data Extended partition (logical drive E:) (or 200MB or whatever size) NOTE: LEAVE THE REMAINING 460+MB FREE SPACE UNFORMATTED DO NOT CREATE A PARTITION FOR THE REMAINING SPACE * Re-boot the machine and boot DOS from diskette. * Format drive C: and install DOS on drive C: with the following command: format c: /s /u * Now Re-boot the machine with the OS/2 Installation diskette. * Install OS/2 on Drive D: (the 64 MB logical partition) You will be prompted to install OS/2 on the default drive C: You will need to select the option to change the drive which will throw you into FDISK. Just make drive D: installable and proceed. * After OS/2 has been installed shutdown the system. Do a cold power off boot. * Cold boot the machine with the NEXTSTEP boot diskette. * Proceed with normal NEXTSTEP install and you should get the following disk installation option screen: Type 1 to erase the entire disk and use all 667 MB ... Type 2 to set aside some space for DOS and use the rest ... Type 3 to keep existing partitions and use the 462 MB free space ... Type 4 to use the 184 MB DOS extended partition for NEXTSTEP. Type 5 for advanced options (in English only). ---> Choose option number 3 and proceed with the NEXTSTEP install * After NEXTSTEP has been installed, re-boot the machine and select 'd' from the NEXTSTEP boot manager menu to boot DOS. * When DOS has booted, run the FDISK program to set the active partition to the first partition, the BOOT Manager partition. Then exit fdisk. * Now run the DOS FDISK program again but with the following parameter: fdisk /mbr This command removes the NEXTSTEP boot manager from the DOS partition. * Now re-boot the machine and the boot manager should come up. Select OS/2 * Once OS/2 has booted, run the OS/2 FDISK program and name the NEXTSTEP partition and add it to the boot manager menu. * You should now have a machine with DOS, NEXTSTEP, OS/2 listed in the boot manager menu when the machine starts up. The boot manager defaults to the OS that was last booted. 6.20 NeXTSTEP on INTEL, KEYBOARD-ERROR ... keyboard error, Intel We installed NeXTSTEP for Intel on a P5-Board using an Adaptec A1540 SCSI-Controller. The System boots correctly. After running the kernel the keyboard is without any function. We can't use it anymore. Rebooting doesn't eliminate the error (advise from I-Guide). Well, it seems that the PS/2 Mouse driver interferes with the keyboard driver when installing on some motherboards. You have to remove the PS/2 mouse driver, then reboot, and it will work fine. I destroy the driver on our machines, so that config=Default will work properly as well. You should be able to remove the driver without reinstalling. 6.21 NS 3.2 Tseng ET4000 Video Driver doesn't work. ET4000, NS3.2 TSENG Cards often have different DACs and BIOS-Versions. It is important, that the graphics card do have the original BIOS from TSENG Laps. Otherwise, it is not possible to run NS with the 1024 x 768 resolution. 6.22 Accessing ROM monitor on Intel-System, how? ROM-Monitor, Intel On Intel you just type -s at the boot: prompt. Also try CTRL-C at the point where it hangs it might continue. This gives you single user mode. There simply is no ROM-Monitor on Intel as it is on NeXT. You do have the choice to enter a simple ROM-Debugger by choosing the appropriate option when the system hangs. 6.23 Adaptec 2940 Fast and Sync. SCSI explanation... This message is to clear up the confusion on the issue of whether or not the NEXTSTEP driver for the Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI Host Adapter supports Fast SCSI (i.e., 10 MB/s data transfers). The Adaptec 2940 SCSI Host Adapter Driver supports Synchronous Data Transfer as well as Fast SCSI transfers. In order to enable Synchronous Data Transfer, this feature must be enabled in both the 2940's AutoSCSI program and in the NEXTSTEP Configure application, when configuring the Adaptec 2940 driver. In the AutoSCSI program, this feature is enabled in the SCSI Device Configuration menu, via the "Initiate Sync Negotiation" field. This can be enabled or disabled on a per-target basis. In the Configure application, the "Synchronous" button, if disabled, disables Synchronous Transfers for ALL targets. If enabled, the values selected in the AutoSCSI program are used to determine whether or not Synchronous Transfers occur on a per-target basis. The Synchronous Transfer data rate is determined in the 2940's AutoSCSI program, via the "Maximum Sync Transfer Rate" field in the SCSI Device Configuration menu. "Fast SCSI" Transfers are enabled by selecting a value of 10 (i.e., 10 Megabytes/seconds) for this field. Note that if Synchronous Transfers are disabled, the "Maximum Sync Transfer Rate" field is meaningless. Also note that it is not recommended to select a value higher than 5 for a device which is in an external enclosure and connected to the 2940 via an external SCSI cable. 6.24 Do EIDE-Drives work with NEXTSTEP? EIDE Yes, a driver is included in NEXTSTEP 3.3 6.25 Anyone have a driver yet that does 8 bit color on an ET4000/w32p card? (Hercules Dynamite Pro VLB) ET4000/w32p, 8 Bit color Here's a trick that will work with 3.3 if the driver works with your adapter. You need the latest driver though. Simply select one of the 8-bit gray resolutions in Configure. Save the configuration and quit Configure. Open Instance0.table inside the driver bundle and search for BW:8 and replace it by RGB:256/8. Save the file. Restart your machine and you've got 8-bit color!!! 6.26 Does a Glidepoint pointing device work with NEXTSTEP? Glidepoint It will work nicely under NS as you don't need any driver to make it work and use the nice features that GlidePoint have, like 'double-tap' to replace left-button click and 'double-tap and slide on the pad' to replace the hold the button and move for dragging an object. 6.27 AppleTalk under NEXTSTEP/Intel? AppleTalk, Intel IPT has a product called Partner, which works fine under 3.3 and mounts AppleShare Volumes, supports AT printing etc. (This is true, although IPT states that Partner only runs under 3.3 Black and 3.2 Intel.) 6.28 Booting hangs with black screen Triton Bootoptions On some Triton based boards there seems to be a graphic problem while booting. The solution is to switch off graphic display and always boot with the '-v' option turned on (enter this at the 'boot:' prompt). If you don't get a 'boot:' prompt, or if you just want to fix things forever, you need to enter Default.table and Instance0.table in /usr/Devices/System.config and set 'BootGraphics="No"'. This has the same effect as typing '-v' at the 'boot:' prompt every time. Setting BootGraphics=NO can also be done from the Expert panel in Configure.app 6.29 Why are the features of my graphic card useless? graphic card For the purposes of this discussion, I will limit my response to the manner in which DPS operates as part of the NEXTSTEP window server. DPS sometimes draws directly to the screen and sometimes to offscreen memory (buffered windows). The latter is the most common case. The former occurs only in nonretained windows and visible portions of retained windows. DPS is split into two sections: a device independent kernel and a device dependent driver layer. The driver layer is free to use graphics hardware to do its job; however there are complications. First, most graphics cards only allow you to use the hardware to draw into the framebuffer, not into system memory. This renders the hardware unusable for buffered windows. Second, the hardware must draw the same pixels that the software would draw. Often this is hard to achieve with satisfactory performance results. The DPS device primitives rely on precise pixel layout that often cannot be guaranteed using the hardware in the most straightforward manner. So, while it is theoretically possible to use graphics hardware with DPS in NEXTSTEP, it is not very practical. This should not lead you to the conclusion that all graphics cards are the same when it comes to NEXTSTEP. The speed of the system bus (ISA, EISA, PCI, VLB) is a big determinant of performance, but the internal architecture of the card itself also has a huge impact on the framebuffer memory bandwidth. I won't go into details, but some of the determinants include DRAM vs. VRAM, memory interleaving, and burst access. Other factors also influence the quality of a display card. These include the speed and stability of the RAMDAC and the supported display modes to name jsut two. 6.30 How to use MIDI without the MusicKit? MIDI MusicKit * Be sure you have an MPU-401 compatible MIDI card for the PC. * Get the Music Kit and install it. It's on the ftp servers. * Install the MIDI driver by double clicking on /LocalLibrary/Devices/Mididriver, which will add it to the system. Set the IRQ and IO port in the Configure.app. Then reboot. * If your program does not use the -ObjC flag on its link line, link against /usr/local/lib/libmusickit.a. However, if your program does use the -ObjC flag, extract the following files from libmusickit.a and link against them explicitly: mididriver_replyServer.o mididriverUser.o mididriver_nonMig.o * Add this line as the first line in the C file that accesses the MIDI driver: #import <musickit/midi_driver_compatability.h> Be sure that you do not explicitly import . This file is (conditionally) imported by . The reason for needing a separate API for Intel is that there's a structure size disparity between the 68k and Intel versions of NeXT's libsys_s. So we defined a new set of MIDI functions for the Intel driver. The header file above defines the old names to be the new names. * Change the mididriver port name from mididriver to Mididriver. Example: #if i386 #define MIDIDRIVER_NAME "Mididriver" #else #define MIDIDRIVER_NAME "mididriver" #endif r = netname_look_up(name_server_port, "",MIDIDRIVER_NAME, &driverPort); This is another change to prevent conflict with the NeXT hardware driver. 6.31 Installation problems with EIDE and ATAPI drives EIDE installation ATAPI Load the SCSI driver and then load the EIDE driver. Don't follow the directions they give you (which are to load the CD's driver and then load the hard drive's driver). Do it backwards, so that the hard drive you are installing to gets assigned sd0. By swapping drivers like this, the CDROM gets sd1 which is what the installation procedure expects. I guess that what happened is that the EIDE driver makes the CDROM drive masquerade as a SCSI device. And SCSI ids will be assigned to devices in the order that you load the drivers. Since the OS wants to load to sd0, that means that you have to load the hard drive's driver before the CDROM's driver, especially in this case where the CD is on one bus and the HD is on another. By doing this, the CD doesn't steal sd0 away before the SCSI driver is loaded. My guess is that if you had the CD and the hard drive on the same bus (EIDE or SCSI) you'd never have this trouble. It's just the fact that there are two busses that confuse the installation. Anyway, this worked for me (Don Yacktman don@misckit.com). 6.32 Error message during boot time error, during boot message, bootstrap The following is a common error message you might encounter during the boot process just before the workspace starts up: bootstrap_register failed -- 102. You may ignore it savely. It will only occur if you didn't installed a sound driver. 6.33 Does NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP run with ... compatibility Although there are problems running NEXSTEP/OPENSTEP in conjunction with certain hardware, these problems are rare and most people got it working somehow. It's best to buy supported add-on cards listed in the Intel-Configuration section of NeXTanswers http://www.next.com/NeXTanswers/. However most mainboards do work. Yes, this includes Pentium-Pro processors. NO, this excludes MP support (if you don't know what it is, never mind) (Okay, MP: Multi-Processing. Some boards are capable to keep more than one processor. However NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP doesn't take advantage of more than one processor). Also most multiprocessing boards do work with a single or more processors (even if a second or further processors aren't utilized) there are reports which indicate that there are problems with these boards. 6.34 RAM greater 64MB, now I get a black screen! screen, black black screen Many users discouver a nice effect: They add RAM to their computer so they have more than 64MB of RAM installed. After rebooting NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP only a black screen appears and the system is stalled. This is a common problem. Reboot using the default configuration or with the VGA driver installed. Run Configure and select your graphic driver. Enter a value greater 64MB (in hexadecimal numbering, eg.0xA000000) and save. That's it. Previously your drivers memory did collide with your computers memory. 6.35 Lost root password root, password password, root The following is a method on how to change the root password on an Intel based computer. However if the system is booted over a network this won't help. Boot in single user mode supplying '-s' to the boot prompt. Once the system is halted. Start NetInfo by running 'sh /etc/rc'. Now use 'nu -m' to change the password and reboot (enterying 'reboot' of course. Not pressing the power button! I didn't had to tell this, did I?) 7 STORAGE 7.1 Disktab help needed: ST15230N disktab ST15230N Seagate, ST15230 This is the /etc/disktab entry for the SEAGATE ST15230N. ST15230N_1024|SEAGATE ST15230N_1024:\ :ty=fixed_rw_scsi:nc#3992:nt#19:ns#59:ss#1024:rm#5411:\ :fp#160:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#32:z1#96:hn=localhost:ro=a:\ :pa#0:sa#512000:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#8:da#4096:ra#10:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:\ :pb#512000:sb#512000:bb#8192:fb#1024:cb#8:db#4096:rb#10:ob=time:\ :ib:tb=4.3BSD:\ :pc#1024000:sc#716800:bc#8192:fc#1024:cc#8:dc#4096:rc#10:oc=time:\ :ic:tc=4.3BSD: \ :pd#1740800:sd#1536000:bd#8192:fd#1024:cd#8:dd#4096:rd#10:od=time:\ :id:td=4.3BSD: \ :pe#3276800:se#1150000:be#8192:fe#1024:ce#8:de#4096:re#10:oe=time:\ :ie:te=4.3BSD: 7.2 Formatting DEC DSP3105 with 1024-byte blocks. DEC, DSP3105 DPS3105, 1024 block size disktab A DEC DSP3160S was reformatted with 1024-byte blocks using the following entry in /etc/disktab (two partitions) # DEC DSP3160S DSP3160S|DEC DSP3160S|DEC DSP3160S w/1024 b/sec as 2 partition:\ :ty=fixed_rw_scsi:nc#1302:nt#16:ns#75:ss#1024:rm#5403:\ :fp#160:bp#0:ng#0:gs#0:ga#0:ao#0:\ :os=sdmach:z0#32:z1#96:r0=a:\ :pa#0:sa#744000:ba#8192:fa#1024:ca#7:da#4096:ra#10:oa=time:\ :ia:ta=4.3BSD:\ :pb#744000:sb#818400:bb#8192:fb#1024:cb#7:db#4096:rb#10:ob=time:\ :ib:tb=4.3BSD: 7.3 My formatted disk has much less space then advertised! filesystem, overhead disk space space, disk filesystem, space Let's assume you bought a disk drive advertised with 400 MB unformatted capacity. Vendors are not consistent with the MB definition. You may have much less space less than you think you have. Which of the following did you buy? 400 * 1000 * 1000 = 400,000,000 bytes 400 * 1024 * 1000 = 409,600,000 bytes 400 * 1024 * 1024 = 419,430,400 bytes (for Quantum drives the following is true: Quantum defines 1MB to be exactly 1000000 Bytes). The disk must be formatted. This is often done by the vendor, but occasionally by the user. Formatting maps the disk into sectors. Space is reserved for the disk geometry and bad sectors. Formatting can take 10-20% of the capacity depending on the sector size. Common sector sizes are 512 and 1024. Generally, bigger sectors mean less waste. Once formatted, the UNIX file system must be created. On the NeXT, this is one of the steps performed by the BuildDisk application. It invokes the mkfs command to make a file system. This reserves space for the UNIX file system (e.g., superblocks, inode tables). This overhead can take another 2-3% of the available disk space. If you issue the df command, you may be surprised to see another 10 the available disk space has disappeared. The df command shows the total, used, and available disk space. The df units are in kbytes (1024 bytes). The sum of the used and available numbers will generally be about 10 allow the UNIX file system to be efficient in its storage allocation. If your disk fills up, only the superuser can store files in the remaining 10%. To complete the picture, here's a snapshot of what may occur: Capacity Lost/Used/Reserved Reason (in bytes) (in bytes) 419,430,000 19,430,000 Marketing hype (~5\%) 400,000,000 60,000,000 Formatting (~15\%) 340,000,000 6,800,000 UNIX file system (~2\%) 333,200,000 33,320,000 Efficiency & superuser (~10\%) 299,880,000 For more information, refer to the df and mkfs man pages. 7.4 Can't initialise my disk within the Workspace initializing Sometimes there are problem initializing disks. This only occurs if the disk is already formatted, but in a different format, e.g. the sector size was changed etc. Mostly you can overcome this problem by using the sdformat utility available on the FTP sites. (Not sdform by NeXT, which is incapable to do this). After using sdformat, you should be abel to further format the media within Workspace. 7.5 Initialing Opticals for NeXT OD, NeXT optical disk, OD OD, initializing Do the following: /etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 288339 1803 2 8192 1024 12 10 60 4096 t 7.6 How to use a tape drive ? tape drive Using Configure.app add the SCSITape driver to support any SCSI tape drives in the "Others" config. 7.7 How to recover from an partially formatted disk? recover, disk Often people (mostly on Intel) complain about a formatted disk (sometimes partially) due to an installation process error of some other OS. There is a chance to recover most of the data. The following assumes you are on Intel, other hardware user have to handle things much less complicated, but the way is similar: * Prepare a new hard drive for booting * Don't try to repair the broken drive! * On Intel run fdisk to repartition the drive as it was before. If you are not able to do this, you are lost. Delete all evtl. new created partitions. By repartitioning, you won't loose data on the drive. * Run disk on the broken drive e.g. type disk -rsd1h. * Now scan the disk for superblocks by entereing the scan command at the interactive disk command prompt. * If your disk was partially formatted, use a higher superblock number to supply fsck with an new superblock. E.g. if a superblock was found at 3145 use fsck -b3145 -y /dev/sd1a (assuming the first partition is the broken one). * After this run, it is most important to reboot without syncing the drives! E.g. just turn off the computer without shutting down, or use the reboot -n command. * After rebooting the run fsck again, if it isn't done by the system itself. * You should be able to access the drive again now. Recovered files are placed in the /lost+found directory. 7.8 What about the ZIP drive? IOmega, ZIP ZIP drive There are frequently asked questions about the IOmega ZIP drive. One question will be answered here: 'Yes, it works with NEXTSTEP'. For other question I'd like to point you to the ZIP-drive FAQ: http://www.radical.com/TheSolutions/RadicalSolution4.html 7.9 How to partition a 4GB drive 4GB drive 2GB partition limit Quantum sizes If you are going to use large drives (greater 2GB) you need to partition this drive (true at least for OS versions up to 4.0). These are the common ways to go without too much trouble and it provides an very easy way for 4GB drives under NS3.3. 1. Solution: disktab + If you need more than 3 partitions, you have to write a disktab entry! Using fdisk (Intel systems only) has no effect. + On how to write a disktab entry, read the NeXTanswers (search for partition) + other pointers are: 'scsimodes' and 'man disktab'. 2. Solution: installation on drive to partition + for Quantum drives the following is true: Quantum defines 1MB to be exactly 1.000.000 bytes. So if you are suited best by using 2 partitions on a Quantum Atlas 34300 (4.3GB drive-Quantum size, 4GB+5MB real size) + 2 partitions are automatically handled on all NS3.3 platforms + To easily install the drive by not writing a disktab entry do the following: o disconnect all other drives and connect the 4GB drive with ID 0 o start a plain NS3.3 installation via disks and the CD-ROM o when the installation of files starts (text based output) you may break the procedure (the disk will get fsck'ed later) or wait until the system reboots and hangs :-) (no fsck needed then) o you should previously have read some line telling you: initializing sd0b o now reconnect your old boot drives and restart NEXTSTEP with the old boot drives. Switch the 4GB drive to a different ID. o Only the first partition of the 4GB drive will get mounted automatically, this is due to a documented bug in the automounter. o to permanently mount both partitions, add your drive partitions to the /etc/fstab file. Test mounting and umounting by hand first. o everything should work fine now after a second reboot, and if you set up your fstab file correctly, both partitions will get mounted. + To switch the boot partition to the new 4GB drive continue with: o only the first partition is bootable (you'll notice that by doing a ls -l on the mount entry --- there is the 't' file mode) o (cd / ; gnutar -clf -)|(cd ; gnutar -xvpf -) This transfers your root partition to the new partition. o now try a boot from the new drive, by entering in the boot prompt: sd(x)mach_kernel (bsd for NeXT) 7.10 How to mount/ignore a disk during boot fstab mount, during boot disk, protection protection, disk disk, ignore foreign filesystems filesystem, ignore If you just format a new disk attached to your computer, it will get automounted by the Workspacemanager and unmounted when you log out. To utilize the disk during the boot process or to have fixed pathes and protections you need to create an entry in /etc/fstab for the drive. See the Unix manual pages for more details. This is also the solution for ignoring disks or partitions of a disk with a foreign filesystem, which the Workspacemanager otherwises would prompt you for formatting. A common mistake for /etc/fstab is to inlcude the noauto keyword in subsequent mounts. Don't include this keyword for further mount entries! 7.11 Can't read multisession CD-ROMs! CD-ROM, multisession multisession Argh. Yes it's true. The original NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP drivers can't read multisession CD-ROMs. Only the first session can be used. If it is audio, CDPlayer is started if it's data it is just automounted to become accessable though Worksapce manager. Luckily there is a commercial driver out there, which enables NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP to take advantage of multisession CD-ROMs. CDXA Driver Price DM 48,- (about $US 30) Uwe Tilemann Tools GmbH Adolfstr. 5 D-53111 Bonn GERMANY Phone: +49 0228 98580-0 Fax: +49 0228 98580-17 Email: ut@Tools.DE (NeXTmail/MIME) WWW: http://www.Tools.DE/ 8 PRINTING 8.1 What printers (laser or otherwise) may be used with NEXTSTEP? printer, NeXT Adding supported postscript printers is rather simple: * Get a serial cable (e.g., Macintosh to LaserWriter Plus), but check whether that works with your printer * Configure using Print Manager * Configure printer communication according to manufacturer's recommendations. (9600 baud software flow control). A sample printcap entry needs to be loaded into the netinfo database. You can use either niload printcap . , or use NetInfoManager to change the br and lp properties of your LaserJet. Using the default baud rate and /dev/ttya will also work, for most print jobs (if the printer is connected to this port). LaserJet_III: \ :note=LaserJet_III:ty=HP LaserJet III PostScript: \ :sd=/usr/spool/NeXT/LaserJet_III:lp=/dev/ttyfa: \ :lf=/usr/adm/lpd-errs:af=/usr/adm/lp.acct:br=19200:rw:fc\#0000374: \ :fs\#0000003:xc\#0:xs\#0040040:mx\#0:sf:sb:if=/usr/lib/transcript/psif: \ :of=/usr/lib/transcript/psof:gf=/usr/lib/transcript/psgf: \ :nf=/usr/lib/transcript/psnf:tf=/usr/lib/transcript/pstf: \ :rf=/usr/lib/transcript/psrf:vf=/usr/lib/transcript/psvf: \ :cf=/usr/lib/transcript/pscf:df=/usr/lib/transcript/psdf: HP printer configuration: auto cont = off (doesn't matter) I/O = serial serial=rs-232 (for LJ III only) baud rate = 19200 (or whatever baud rate you have in ni database/printcap) robust xon = on (doesn't matter) dtr polarity = hi startpage = off (doesn't matter) language=english ret = med (you choose for LJ III only) Note that if you modify the printcap this way you cannot reconfigure this particular printer entry with PrintManager. If you are using NEXTSTEP 2.0 and you use remote non-next printers, there is a bug that can be simply corrected by doing "dwrite system PrinterResolution 1" for each user trying to access non-next printers on the network. This not a problem in later NEXTSTEP versions. 8.2 What fonts can I use with NEXTSTEP? fonts Properly packaged Type 1 or 3 PostScript fonts will work with NEXTSTEP, but certain conversions may be necessary to get them to work. Freeware and shareware fonts are available on various ftp archives. There are utilities with NEXTSTEP to download fonts into postscript printers. Freeware and shareware Type 1 and 3 fonts in files Fonts-1.0-free.tar.Z and Fonts-2.0-sw.tar.Z. Each file unpacks into it's own directory. Within each directory is a ReadMe.rtf and a Makefile. See the ReadMe.rtf for more font descriptions and installation instructions. (You may also find comments in the Makefile of interest.) These packages were prepared by Doug Brenner . The same directory contains fonts Shalom (Hebrew and Yiddish in Old Style, Stick and Script typefaces, by Jonathan Brecher, shareware) and CyrillicGothic (san serif, by Jay Sekora). These were packaged by Jacob Gore to work with the Installer application. WSI-Fonts for NEXTSTEP \#1 Abstract Software POB 25045 Seattle, WA 98125-1945 Voice: 206 361 5080 info@abstractsoft.com Some fonts in Type 1 format for NEXTSTEP are also available from Y&Y: Y\&Y, 106 Indian Hill, Carlisle MA 01741 USA Voice: 800 742 4059 Voice: 508 371 3286 Fax: 508 371 2004 71172,524 on CompuServe 71172.524@compuserve.com from InterNet There is a font converter available in the MetroTools package by MetroSoft (info@metrosoft.com). 8.3 How can I save my printable documents to a postscript file? PS to file Select PRINT from the main menu, then select SAVE from the resulting print panel. 8.4 How can I print only the even or odd pages of a document? odd and even pages even and odd pages duplex printing double sided print I wish print on both sides by feeding the paper through twice. We must recommend against re-using laser printed paper in your printers. The reason is that the toner which is used is not very robust, in that when heated again (which happens when you print) it can come off the other side of the paper. This causes a mess to accumulate in your printer, and probably some pretty rude things to happen. psutils from comp.sources.misc is a much better solution, and includes a lot more capabilities, plus it is being updated constantly. 8.5 How do I get banner pages on my printer output? banner There is a sample banner prologue file in /usr/lib/NextPrinter that is sent to the printer before or after the print job depending on what printer attributes are set in NetInfo. Sounds gross, but it isn't. Start up NetInfo on your printer machine. Go to the printer directory, and open up your local printer by double clicking it. Select the append property from Directory menu. Replace the name with BannerAfter (or BannerBefore if you want the banner page printed first). The select the New Value option, and put in the name of the banner prologue file. If you do not wish to do fancy customization of the file, simply put the path to the NeXT sample banner file: /usr/lib/NextPrinter/banner.pro Save out the netinfo modifications. 8.6 How do I get [la]TeX files to print correctly on non-NeXT printers? Latex TeX If you are printing to a non-NeXT printer from NeXT TeX using dvips, make sure you specify the correct resolution (300 dpi, usually), either on the command line with -D300, or in the /usr/lib/tex/config.ps file with a line that looks like : D 300 If you are printing from within TeXView, you will have to choose CustomResolution and enter the correct number (300, usually) because of the way DefaultResolution defaults to 0. 8.7 What if I have a PostScript font has not been ported to NEXTSTEP? PS-Font to NeXT Many PostScript fonts port to NEXTSTEP with little effort. The easiest case is a font generated by Fontographer version 3.2 or above (a comment near the top of the file should say which program generated the font). This version of Fontographer can generate fonts "for NEXTSTEP". This means that no hacking of the font is needed, but you may need to make some adjustments to make it appear in your font panel. Suppose you were porting the font family Shalom, which consists of three faces: Old Style, Stick and Script. Here is the procedure to follow: * In a working folder of yours, create folders called: Shalom-OldStyle.font Shalom-Script.font Shalom-Stick.font Note that the font family name is to the left of the hyphen ("-"), and the typeface name is to the right and with no spaces in it. * Copy the outline font file for each typeface from wherever it is into its folder, and give it the name of the folder minus the ".font". For example, if you are doing this in a Terminal window: cp /Floppy/ShalomOldStyle.NeXT Shalom-OldStyle.font/Shalom-OldStyle cp /Floppy/ShalomScript.NeXT Shalom-Script.font/Shalom-Script cp /Floppy/ShalomStick.NeXT Shalom-Stick.font/Shalom-Stick If you are working in Workspace Manager's File Viewer, double-click on the big fat F icon to open the font directory as a folder, then you'll be able to rename files in it. * Do the same thing with the font metric files, but make the suffix ".afm": cp /Floppy/ShalomOldStyle.AFM Shalom-OldStyle.font/Shalom-OldStyle.afm cp /Floppy/ShalomScript.AFM Shalom-Script.font/Shalom-Script.afm cp /Floppy/ShalomStick.AFM Shalom-Stick.font/Shalom-Stick.afm * If there is a "read me" file with the font, or any other documentation, copy it into the .font folder too. For example, each of the Shalom font folders contains files ReadMe, CheatSheet.wn and Sample.wn specific to the typeface. * Edit the outline and font metric files to make them fit the NeXT AppKit's Font Panel, which is what most NextStep applications use to let you choose your font. + Editing the outline file, e.g., Shalom-OldStyle.font/Shalom-OldStyle: The original used "ShalomOldStyle" as the font's name, full name, and family name. We want the name to be "Shalom-OldStyle", the full name "Shalom Old Style", and family name just "Shalom". First, find the lines: /FullName (ShalomOldStyle) readonly def /FamilyName (ShalomOldStyle) readonly def and change them to: /FullName (Shalom Old Style) readonly def /FamilyName (Shalom) readonly def Then, replace all remaining occurrences of the string "ShalomOldStyle" with "Shalom-OldStyle". + Editing the AFM file, e.g., Shalom-OldStyle.font/Shalom-OldStyle.afm. Find the lines: FullName ShalomOldStyle FamilyName ShalomOldStyle and change them to: FullName Shalom Old Style FamilyName Shalom Replace all remaining occurrences of the string "ShalomOldStyle" with "Shalom-OldStyle". Repeat this procedure for the remaining typefaces. * You now have a font family ready to be installed. If the font family is to be used by your account only, place it in /Library/Fonts (creating it if necessary): mkdirs ~/Library/Fonts mv Shalom-*.font ~/Library/Fonts buildafmdir ~/Library/Fonts If everybody on your system should have access to this font family, place it (as superuser) in /LocalLibary/Fonts: su mkdirs /LocalLibrary/Fonts mv Shalom-*.font /LocalLibrary/Fonts buildafmdir /LocalLibrary/Fonts exit That's all you need to do for fonts generated by Fontographer version 3.2 or above. This will work with all applications that use AppKit's FontPanel. FrameMaker does not, so other changes may need to be done to keep FrameMaker happy [does anybody have something to add here?]. Fonts generated by Fontographer version 3.1 or below don't work in Display PostScript as they are, because they use a memory management trick that screws everything up in a multitasking environment like DPS. However, there is a simple, though kludgy, way to make them work. The problematic trick uses a dictionary with a name like "Fog3.1" ("Casa1" in Casady & Green's fonts) in which most of the font resides. The problem is that Fontographer puts that whole dictionary into dictionary 'userdict' and expects it to stay there. DPS, however, clears out 'userdict' between tasks, including the task that loads the font and the task that uses it. This makes the font useless on the screen, and printable only by prepending the outline font file to the file you want to print and sending the result to print in one task. The fix is to move the troublesome dictionary from 'userdict' into the font dictionary itself (unlike 'userdict', the font dictionary does stick around between tasks). Perform the following changes in the outline font file (the font CyrillicGothic is used as the example): * Find the line "%%EndProlog". It will be followed by the line like this: /\$CyrillicGothic 23 dict def \$CyrillicGothic begin Write down the number before 'dict' (in this case, 23). You will need it in the following step. Delete the dict definition, making the line look like this: \$CyrillicGothic begin * Go back to the beginning of the file. near the top of the font program, find the following lines: userdict/Fog3.1 known\{\{currentfile( )readstring \{(\%\%\%)eq\{exit\}if\}{pop exit\}ifelse\}loop \}if userdict begin/Fog3.1 45 dict def Fog3.1 begin and replace them with these: /\$CyrillicGothic 24 dict def \$CyrillicGothic begin/Fog3.1 45 dict def Fog3.1 begin The number before 'dict' (in this case, 24) is one greater than the number you wrote down in the previous step. * Find the line that defines procedure BuildChar: /BuildChar{Fog3.1/BuildChar get exec}def and change it as follows: /BuildChar{1 index begin Fog3.1/BuildChar get exec end}def * Go to the end of the file. The last line looks like this: /CyrillicGothic findfont/EFN get Fog3.1 begin\{RF\}forall end Delete it (or comment it out by placing one or more " beginning of it). The AFM file requires one adjustment. Change the line EncodingScheme AppleStandard to EncodingScheme AdobeStandardEncoding This concludes conversion of a font generated by Fontographer version 3.1 or lower to work with NEXTSTEP. You may still need to make the changes described for version 3.2 and above, to make the font fit the NEXTSTEP font panel. Short note: under NEXTSTEP 3.3 there is no need to call buildafmdir by hand. It's triggered automatically by the Font panel. 8.8 What color printers (laser or otherwise) may be used with NEXTSTEP? printer, color The (no longer sold) NeXT/Canon SCSI color printer, of course! With Dots Color, the HP DeskJet 500C can print in color today, under NEXTSTEP 2.1, and it costs significantly less than $1000 (in Germany at least). In Germany you can get more information from: d'ART Software GmbH Virchowstr. 17-19 W-2000 Hamburg 50 Germany Voice: +49 40 380 23 0 Fax: +49 40 380 23 290 software@dart.de JetPilot from Interpersonal Computer does this jobs also very well. You can get more information from: interpersonal computing GmbH Oettingenstrasse 2 W-80538 Muenchen Germany Voice: +49 89 22 28 63 Fax: +49 89 22 33 76 info@interpc.de 8.9 How can I make the Page Layout default to A4 in all applications? A4 default size Add "NXPaperType A4" in the "GLOBAL" preferences. 8.10 /usr/lib/NextPrinter/Server/pstf: syntax error at line 31: `end of file' unexpected? Using lpr -t, or lpr -d causes this problem. eg: [...] cat /usr/lib/NextPrinter/Server/pstf [...] Christopher Lane has pointed out 3 (three!) errors in the distributed NEXTSTEP 3.0 lpd.comm file The last change is my own. It worked for the 1 (one!) dvi file I tried. tilley\% diff lpd.comm.DIST lpd.comm 11,12c11,12 < while "x\$1" != x do < case "\$1" in --- > while test \$\# != 0 > do case "\$1" in 16c16 < -h) HOST=\$"; shift;; --- > -h) HOST=\$2; shift;; 17a18 > esac 21c22 < PRSERVER="/usr/lib/NextPrinter/Server/prserver -p \$PRINTER -n \$USER -h HOST -f -" --- > PRSERVER="/usr/lib/NextPrinter/Server/prserver -p \$PRINTER -n \$USER -h \$HOST -f -" 27c28 < psdf) psbad \$FILTER \$PRINTER \$USER \$HOST | \$PRSERVER;; --- > psdf) dvips -f -D 400 -r | \$PRSERVER ;; 8.11 How to get TeX with NEXTSTEP to make proper fonts for a 600 dpi laserwriter? 600dpi TeX fonts TeX, 600dpi If you upgrade to a 600 dpi laserwriter then the version of TeX that ships with NEXTSTEP (either 2.X or 3.0) does not know about 600 dpi fonts, i.e. does not know how to make them and will instead use scaled 400 dpi ones (which look significantly worse at 600 dpi than they do at 400 dpi). Some simple modifications to a few Metafont files and rebuilding the metafont bases are all that is needed. What to do to get the 600 dpi stuff working is as follows: * Edit /usr/lib/mf/inputs/next.mf and add a laserjetIV mode. Simply copy the entire imagen mode, change the name to laserjetIV, and change the pixels_per_inch to 600. Save the changed file. * Build a new mf.base file by executing the following commands: inimf "plain; input next; dump" (as superuser): cp plain.base /usr/lib/mf/bases/mf.base * Edit /usr/lib/tex/ps/config.ps and change the `D 400' line to `D 600' (you may have `D 300' or something else if you've set up a different printer.) * Edit /usr/bin/MakeTeXPK (as superuser), adding the lines elif test $BDPI = 600 then MODE=laserjetIV right before the second `else' in the file. That should do it! You might have to (depending on how you configure NEXTSTEP for the LaserJet IV) select `custom resolution' and set the gadget to 600 in the TeXview print panel, and save Preferences. These instructions are written for an HP Laserjet IV, but they should also work for a QMS printer just fine. Finally, if you have one of these printers and work in a "mixed" environment with perhaps 400 dpi and/or 300 dpi printers that you also print to on a regular basis then you might want to consider getting Type 1 PS version of the Computer Modern fonts instead. They obviate the need for the instructions above, and the savings in disc space will be considerable since having printer fonts for several printers takes lots of room, and the file sizes for 600 dpi are quite large (the files grow roughly as D logD, where D is the resolution). These fonts are made by Blue Sky Research, and work beautifully. Y&Y software is a reseller for BSR and sells a "NEXTSTEP specific" version of them which comes with appropriate instructions and installation scripts. 8.12 How to get printer description files (PPD)? PPD, where? printer description files, PPD Adobe has a mail server and ftp site where you can get .PPD files. They are: ps-file-server@adobe.com (put "send help" in the mail body) ftp.mv.us.adobe.com 8.13 What are the Canon part numbers for ink cartridges equivalent to those NeXT's Color Printer uses? ink cartridge, Canon Canon, ink cartridge Part Numbers are: Red: BJI-643 M Yellow: BJI-643 Y Blue: BJI-643 C Black: BJI-643 Bk 8.14 JetPilot does not work with my JetDirect box, why? JetPilot, JetDirect JetDirect, JetPilot eXTRAPRINT It seems, that there is a bug in the /etc/rc-script. The bootpd is given with to arguments -a -f, which are not available for the bootpd under 3.3. Make an entry in /etc/bootptab like this: \# \# host htype haddr iaddr bootfile \# printer 1 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX where * host: your given hostname for the printer (eg. picasso) * haddr: The Ethernet hardware address (Can be seen, if you press the TEST-Key on your JetDirect box. * iaddr: Is the hostaddress for the printer (eg. Entries have to be done also in the Netinfo-database. It's like adding a new host. Insert the following line to your etc/rc.local script: \# \# Starting JetDirect-Printer configuration \# fbshow -B -I "Starting Printer initialization" -z 92 /usr/etc/bootpd -d /etc/bootptab >/dev/console 2>\&1 There is an additional FAQ available at: ftp://ftp.gscorp.com/pub/support/HP_JetDirect_Configuration.rtfd.tar.g z 8.15 powering down NeXTprinter during bootup, printer still works power down, printer printer, printer down Type the following to your rc.local. \#turn off NeXT laser printer. fbshow -B -I "Powering off NeXTprinter" -z 95 if [ -f /usr/etc/nppower ]; then sleep 3 /usr/etc/nppower off (echo 'powering off NeXTprinter') >/dev/console fi This works fine... the printer powers down immediately, and is available for any app which wants it. 8.16 How to set up the HP LaserJet 4M? HP Laserjet 4M I solved the problem by building a serial cable based upon the pinouts supplied by HP in their manual. Please note that the LJIII cable does not work. In particular, pin 1 from the DIN plug must be connected to pin 6 of the DB25. I used 38500 bps on both sides, and the 600 dpi ppd. Emulex offers the NETJet network interface which speaks lpd protocol, unlike the HP unit. 8.17 Laserwriter NTX & NEXTSTEP Laserwriter NTX This are the pin assignments. Eight-pin mini DIN-8 RS-422 Port Pin Signal Description 1,3 SG Signal Ground 4 TxD+ Transmit Data + 5 TxD- Transmit Data - 8 RxD+ Receive Data + 9 RxD- Receive Data - IBM-compatible DB-25 Plug LaserWriter DB-25 Plug Signal Pin Pin Signal Shield 1 ............ 1 Shield TxD 2 ............ 3 RxD RxD 3 ............ 2 TxD RTS 4 ............ 4 RTS CTS 5 ............ 5 CTS DSR 6 ............ 8 DCD GND 7 ............ 7 GND ............ 20 DTR The other aspect is to set the DIP switch on the printer. Here are the DIP switch settings: Switch 1 Switch 2 Meaning UP UP LocalTalk---RS-232 port disabled DOWN UP Serial ports at 1200 Baud UP DOWN Serial ports at 9600 Baud DOWN DOWN RS-232 at 9600 Baud; RS-422 at 0 Baud Switches 3 and 4 can probably be ignored---they're for strange stuff like Diablo 630 and HP LaserJet emulation modes. Switch 5 Switch 6 Meaning DOWN DOWN XON/XOFF UP UP XON/XOFF DOWN UP ETX/ACK UP DOWN DSR 8.18 Problems with gray levels in printout gray levels color space PS Level2 If you have problems with your shades of gray (e.g. light gray is indistinguishable from white) this might be well a problem in the Level2 Color Space calibration of your printer. To ensure, it's a problem of your printer (and not a problem of the printer driver or PPD file) try the following: * Save a printout to a file * Edit the following line in your printout file: /\_NXLevel2 systemdict/languagelevel known {languagelevel 2 ge}{false}i felse \_\_NXdef to: /\_NXLevel2 false \_\_NXdef * Send the modified file directly to the printer using the commandline command lpr. If you still have problem with the shades of gray, the printer driver/PPD file is probably broken, otherwise your printer is broken, which means he has problems with the Level2 color space calibration (The given correction turns PS Level2 off). 8.19 Can't print using additional fonts printer, fonts In rare circumstances some printers refuse to print, if they don't recognize a font. In these cases add the _nxfinal form property to the printer's property list with NetInfo. 9 OBSOLETE BUT STILL INTERESTING? This chapter contains information covered in the early days of the FAQs. It is not updated anymore. Note that with new releases of NEXTSTEP and OpenStep some information might still be useful to those, who e.g. didn't update. 9.1 Where can I get NeXT paraphernalia? Paraphernalia These parts can be ordered. NeXT T-shirts Classic NeXT logo on front $6.95 each (S-XL) 3.1 NEXTSTEP logo on front $7.95 each (M-XXL) NeXT Pencils $20.30 box of 100 NeXT Cross Pen $21.15 each NeXT Decals $75.00 box of 100 NeXT T-shirt $ 5.65 each - sizes S, M, L, XL (pre-shrunk) Turtle Neck $19.20 each - sizes S, M, L, XL NeXT Glass Mug $ 1.70 each Leather Folder $54.50 each NeXT Sweatshirt $19.20 each - sizes S, M, L, XL NeXT Tote-bag $ 6.25 each NeXT Mouse pad $ 9.67 each Orders can be taken 24 hours a day for domestic and overseas orders Contact: Hermann Marketing -------- 1400 North Price Road St. Louis, MO 63132-2308 Phone: 1 800 972 1331, 314 432 1800 Fax: 314 432 1818 Method of payment: Purchase order, check, money order, or credit card 9.2 Is there any way to change the text in the title bar of a terminal window? There is no way of changing the title bar of a Terminal.app window in 2.x; in 3.x there is. Check Preferences (Title Bar): set CustomTitle, type in the title, and hit CR (or Set Window) and voila! [From: andre@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Andre Roberge)] Actually, there is a way to change the title bar of a Terminal window in 2.x (at least in 2.1 which is what I am using). It is somewhat limited but it might be useful to some. The trick is to make a symbolic link between /bin/csh (or whichever shell one wishes to use) and a file in / named "Whatever_you_want_to_appear_in_the_title_bar". Then select this new "shell" in the terminal preference and, voila!, you'll have your terminal window with /Whatever_you..... in the title bar. You can edit Stuart's titlebar interactively from the "Window..." Inspector (Command-3). Stuart provides emulation of certain Operating System Command (OSC) sequences which can be used to modify the titlebar under subprocess control. Stuart can change the title of the current window from the command line. In Stuart is possible to get more descriptive titles by linking /usr/ucb/rsh to /usr/hosts/. Then by adding /usr/hosts to your Stuart ShellPath you can then get the hostname into the title bar: $ dwrite StuartShellPaths <various dirs>:/usr/hosts You should then type in the hostname as the shell to invoke (disable the "Shell reads .login file" for this. You can also add hosts to your .Stuartrc file: Shell=golem.ps.uci.edu SourceDotLogin=NO WinLocX=545 WinLocY=563 Lines=24 | WinLocX=76 WinLocY=833 For the localhost, link /bin/csh to /usr/hosts/, or even better /usr/local/bin/tcsh instead of using rsh. [From: Garance A Drosehn ] For what it's worth, I do this with a script called "telnet_to" and a (bash) function called "telnet_window". The function simply does a local soil_pars="-Lines 32 -Keypad YES -Reverse \ YES -Strict YES -TestExit YES"; soil -Shell "telnet_to $1" $soil_pars and the script is just: #!bin/sh /usr/ucb/telnet $* echo ' ' echo ' --> telnet exited, press enter to close window.' read -r Waste_Var exit 0 This has a number of advantages, not the least of which being that I can pop up a "telnet_window" to anywhere. I don't have to create links for each host (though I do create aliases for the most common hosts), and I can type "telnet_window" (or, e.g., "tel_aix") as a unix command. Also, if I lose the connection suddenly then the window stays around until I get a chance to see what happened. I use telnet instead of rsh because I generally connect to hosts which won't accept rsh's. 9.3 I can't get my pictures in OmniWeb OmniWeb You have to install the OmniImage.service in your /Library/Services or /LocalLibrary/Services (This is also a nice way to get pictures converted in other applications as well. You can ftp this from ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de 9.4 How do I remap the and | keys on my keyboard? Keyboard NeXT introduced a new keyboard configuration with the 040 products. The | keys which had been located on the main keyboard was moved to the numeric keypad. Many users have since complained about it, and a work around is to remap these keys using the demo application Keyboard (/NextDeveloper/Demos/Keyboard), Mike Carlton's keyboardfix program: ftp.cs.orst.edu:/pub/next/sources/next-interface/keyboardfix.tar.Z ...which lets you put these keys on shift-return or shift-delete. One can hope that there will be a choice of keyboards in the future. 9.5 How do I stop NeXTMail/Sendmail adding &Mcirc;s onto the end of lines? Sendmail In /etc/sendmail.cf make this change: [old code] ##### UUCP Mailer specification ##### Muucp, P=/usr/bin/uux, F=msDFMhuU, S=13, R=23, [new code] ##### UUCP Mailer specification ##### Muucp, P=/usr/bin/uux, F=msDFMhuU, S=13, R=23, E=\n, This has been fixed in 3.1, and the default mailhost sendmail is UUCP oriented. 9.6 Why does NEXTSTEP 1.0 hang a few seconds after attempting to boot? Boot hang, NS1.0 Release 1.0 contains a bug that can corrupt the kernel /odmach if a user attempts to launch /odmach from the browser. The solution is to copy a clean /odmach from another NeXT system. Be sure to change the permissions of the newly installed /odmach to remove execute permissions to prevent future occurrences of the same problem. Release 1.0a and beyond do not have this problem. It is possible for the sdmach to get corrupted in the same way. Boot from the OD, copy an uncorrupted version of the kernel to the hard disk, and remove the execute bits from sdmach. 9.7 Modem hangs under NS2.0 by incoming calls modem calls, incoming There is a bug in the serial driver which causes getty to get stuck. The situation arises after a successful uucico connection, subsequent connections via modem will get a connection with the modem, but no login prompt. This is caused by getty hanging. A simple work around is to have a process run in cron to reset the getty every 15 minutes: #! /bin/sh -u PIDS=`ps -ax | bm getty | grep -v bm | awk '{print $1}'` kill -TERM $PIDS Of course trying to connect when the script is running will not allow you to connect, try again a minute later. This fix will not affect on-going UUCP or interactive connections. This will probably be fixed in the next kernel release. This bug is corrected in NEXTSTEP 2.1 and later releases. 9.8 NS2.0 doesn't recognize /LocalApps path /LocalApps, NS2.0 Workspace has its own internal application path. In 2.0 /LocalApps was omitted. Improv needs to have /LocalApps in the Workspace path if you have Improve installed in /LocalApps. The work around in 2.0 only is: dwrite Workspace ApplicationPaths "~/Apps:/LocalApps:/NextApps: \ /NextDeveloper/Apps:/NextAdmin:/NextDeveloper/Demos" This bug is corrected in NEXTSTEP 2.1 and later releases. _________________________________________________________________ This document was converted from LaTeX using Karl Ewald's latex2html. -- -- Bernhard Scholz (IRC: Boerny) scholzb@pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de http://peanuts.leo.org/ scholz@ve1.rm.op.dlr.de http://www.leo.org/~scholz/
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: ergo@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de (Olaf Föllinger) Subject: Fehler in Headerviewer Message-ID: <DzwHox.B9@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de> Sender: news@merlin.stuttgart.netsurf.de Organization: none Date: Sat, 26 Oct 1996 20:46:09 GMT Hallo, ich erinnere mich, daß die Frage schon öfter gestellt wurde, aber im Next-FAQ habe ich nichts dazu gefunden: Im Headerviewer stimmen die ausgewählten Header und die zugehörige Dokumentation nicht überein - wie kann man dem abhelfen ? Ich benutze NSfIP 3.3 PL1. Gruß Olaf -- Olaf Foellinger homepage: http://www1.stuttgart.netsurf.de/~ergo/ NeXTMail & MIME welcome!
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Frage... Date: 27 Oct 1996 00:36:17 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Message-ID: <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> References: <54t70l$q9i@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> Cc: frank@this.net Nun, inzwischen haenge ich eher der Vermutung an, das die Videoeingaenge A und B auf meiner Dimensionkarte einfach kaputt sind. Was komisch ist: NeXTtv angeschaltet, auf Port 1 geschaltet: Froehliches Flimmern (sieht genau so aus wie das Signal am Video-Ausgang, wie ein angeschlossener Monitor zeigt), Port 2 zeigt immer absolute Schwaerze an, an der sich auch mit den Reglern in NeXTtv nix machen laesst, Port 3 leichtes Flimmern und falls auf Port 2 ein Videosignal anliegt, ganz leichte Geisterbilder. Ist dieses Verhalten normal? Hat jemand schon mal so ein Problem gehabt? S-VHS Input konnte ich bisher nicht ausprobieren, mangels Quelle. Der Video-Ausgang (mit ScreenScape.app zum Leben erweckt) bringt auf meinem Sony Fernseher ein Bild, das jedoch sehr stark flimmert und flackert? Am A und B Video-Eingang ist ein ST3989 beschrifteter kleiner Chip ueber den die Signale laufen. (Pegelwandler/Schutz?) Ich vermute das es den erwischt hat, der S-VHS Input Port hat einen eigenen Chip. Waere fuer jede Hilfe dankbar... Frank -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (Uli Zappe) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Mail TIFFs wo? Date: 26 Oct 1996 18:50:38 GMT Organization: J. W. Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt/Main Message-ID: <54tmhu$f3@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> Hallo, gibt es eigentlich irgendwo in Deutschland ein Archiv mit Mail TIFFs der hier Diskutierenden? Am meisten habe ich noch auf dem Heidelberger Server gefunden, aber SOOO ueppig war das auch nicht... Ein zentrales Archiv waere nicht schlecht, finde ich. Tschau Uli -- ______________________________________________________________________ Uli Zappe E-Mail: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de (NeXTMail,Mime,ASCII) PGP on request Lorscher Strasse 5 WWW: - D-60489 Frankfurt Fon: +49 (69) 9784 0007 Germany Fax: +49 (69) 9784 0042 staff member of NEXTTOYOU - the German NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP magazine ______________________________________________________________________
From: Ingo Feulner <ifeulner@xenon.cube.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: SCSI-Frage Date: 24 Oct 1996 07:14:39 GMT Organization: Private Site, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?B=F6blingen?=, Germany Message-ID: <54n50v$ee6@whitestar.stgt.sub.org> References: <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> <54ipv0$843@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Cc: jut@ukrv.de In <54ipv0$843@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> J.-U. Thieme wrote: > In <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Christoph Pesch wrote: > SCSI muß an beiden Enden terminiert werden, liegt also der Das ist korrekt. > SCSI-Adaptor welcher ja terminiert ist an einem Ende der Kette > (intern nichts angeschlossen) und nach dem letzten externen > Gerät wird terminiert, ist alles ok. Das ist fuer schwarze Hardware nicht korrekt. Der Adaptor ist nicht terminiert, es muss also nach Ausbau der internen Platte extra terminiert werden. Gruss, Ingo. -- Smail: Ingo Feulner, Wolfacher Weg 19, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany Email: ifeulner@xenon.cube.de "You do not understand." - Kosh, Babylon 5, various episodes.
From: David Andel <david@colossus.pfm-mainz.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Frage... Date: 26 Oct 1996 19:32:49 GMT Organization: WiNG (Wiesbaden NEXTSTEP Group) Message-ID: <54tp11$g5@colossus.pfm-mainz.de> References: <54t70l$q9i@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> In article <54t70l$q9i@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) writes: > Hallo! > > Ich habe mir fuer meinen Cube eine gebrauchte NeXT Dimensionkarte (leider > ohne Doku) besorgt, (PAL, 20 MByte DRAM sagt sie beim Starten...) die auch > ganz praechtig tut. Nur bekomme ich absolut nicht meinen Video-Recorder an > dem Ding zum laufen (bzw. sehen). Der VR ist ziemlich alt und liefert nur ein > (PAL?) Video signal auf BNC. Ich habe dieses ueber BNC->Cinch in den Port A > der Dimension gepumpt, was leider kein Bild bringt (Port B auch nicht...) . > Um genau zu sein aendert sich gar nichts wenn ich das ganze per NeXTtv oder > VideoApp betrachte. Schalte ich in VideoApp auf S-VHS input sehe ich ein ganz > schwaches Geisterbild, das je nachdem ob ich den VR an oder abklemme da ist > oder verschwindet. > > Mach ich was grundsaetzliches falsch? Kann die Dimension das Videosignal gar > nicht ab? Sind Port A und B fuer andere Dinge gut? Ein Sony Fernseher der es > zu futtern kriegt zeigt ein wunderbares Bild. Sofern das verwendete Kabel keinen Wackelkontakt hat, ist wohl leider was am ND Board defekt. Ich habe bislang alle moeglichen Kombinationen von Kabeln und Bildsignalen (PAL FBAS, Y/C, RGB) ausprobiert und die ND machte eigentlich kaum Schwierigkeiten, ausser jenen, die durch die technischen Beschraenkungen der verwendeten Philips-Bausteine bedingt sind. Momentan nutze ich diese drahtlosen Conrad TV-Sender und find's einfach cool. Derjenige, der Dir das Ding defekt verkauft hat, soll es auf seine Kosten bei "Decision One" austauschen lassen (hoffentlich haben die noch welche). http://www.decisionone.com/ Tel. 001-510-732-3068 Fax. 001-510-732-3078 (ohne Gewaehr, aus Usenet-Artikel) -- "...he said Captain, I said wot" (Captain Sensible)
From: werner@success1.ip.cubenet.de (Dr. Werner Eberl) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Wie kann ein NeXT per NFS auf einen WinNT4.0 Server zugreifen ? Date: 27 Oct 1996 11:24:07 GMT Organization: CUBENet Munich Message-ID: <54vgon$b1d@salyko.cube.net> References: <326D734A.7357@pfh.sel.alcatel.de> <54krjo$sa8@linux1.netconx.de> <54lh4e$nuc@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Was bei mir geht ist Samba auf der NeXT. Dann kann mein W95-Rechner auf Files und Drucker von den NeXTs zugreifen. Das erschien mir billiger als NFS. Fuer meinen Apple musste ich allerdings NFS kaufen. Von dieser Firma gibt es auch NFS fuer Windows (http://www.intercon.com), hab aber keine Erfahrungen damit und werde wegen der guenstigen Samba-Loesung auch keine mehr sammeln. Viele Gruesse, Werner
From: David Andel <david@colossus.pfm-mainz.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Frage... Date: 27 Oct 1996 12:13:17 GMT Organization: WiNG (Wiesbaden NEXTSTEP Group) Message-ID: <54vjkt$17l@colossus.pfm-mainz.de> References: <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> In article <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) writes: > Der Video-Ausgang (mit ScreenScape.app zum Leben erweckt) bringt auf meinem > Sony Fernseher ein Bild, das jedoch sehr stark flimmert und flackert? Es ist bestimmt kein Bild besonders hoher Qualitaet, zudem noch uebersteuert (siehe auch den vorzueglichen ND-Test in der c't 11/91). Ich hab' den Ausgang aber schon lange nicht mehr genutzt. > Am A und B Video-Eingang ist ein ST3989 beschrifteter kleiner Chip ueber den > die Signale laufen. (Pegelwandler/Schutz?) Ich vermute das es den erwischt > hat, [...] Ein Tip: poste doch mal in einer der internationalen Gruppen. Du erhaeltst dann naemlich garantiert eine Antwort des einzigen noch bei NeXT verbliebenen ND-Gurus Mike Paquette. -- "...he said Captain, I said wot" (Captain Sensible)
From: gerald@kurt.in-berlin.de (Gerald Erdmann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Mail TIFFs wo? Date: 27 Oct 1996 21:51:47 GMT Organization: Private NEXTSTEP site, Germany Message-ID: <550lhj$vu5@mimi.in-berlin.de> References: <54tmhu$f3@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> Cc: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de In <54tmhu$f3@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> Uli Zappe wrote: > Hallo, > > gibt es eigentlich irgendwo in Deutschland ein Archiv mit Mail TIFFs der hier > Diskutierenden? Am meisten habe ich noch auf dem Heidelberger Server > gefunden, aber SOOO ueppig war das auch nicht... > > Ein zentrales Archiv waere nicht schlecht, finde ich. Hi Uli! Die Idee sowas anzulegen hatte ich auch mal. Vielleicht koennen wir sowas auf NEXTTOYOU-ftp-Archiv erzeugen?! Gerald -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- | GERALD ERDMANN | email: gerald @ kurt.in-berlin.de (NeXTmail welcome) | voice: +49 30 397 31 400 (Germany - Berlin) | crypt: pgp2 public key available |
From: gerald@kurt.in-berlin.de (Gerald Erdmann) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next,bln.termine,bln.comp.unix Subject: TREFFEN: Berliner NEXTSTEP User Group (BeNG) am 4. November 1996 Followup-To: de.comp.sys.next Date: 27 Oct 1996 21:58:36 GMT Organization: Private NEXTSTEP site, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <550luc$vu5@mimi.in-berlin.de> NOTE: FOLLOWUPS TO DE.COMP.SYS.NEXT Einladung zum Treffen der Berliner NEXTSTEP User Group (BeNG) ======================================= Die Berliner NEXTSTEP User Group (BeNG) trifft sich am Montag, den 4. November 1996, um 20.00 Uhr, wobei folgende Themen geplant sind: SOFTWARE, SOFTWARE, SOFTWARE OmniWeb vs. Netsurfer - Womit "surft" man besser? StayInTouch vs. Phone - Welches ist die richtige "Adresse"? CedarWord - Was taugt die neue Textverarbeitung? DAS NEUSTE VON NEXT Bericht von der Objekt World '96 in Frankfurt Was gibt es Neues bei OPENSTEP 4.1 und WebObjects 3.0? NEXTTOYOU Vorstellung der neusten Ausgabe und Verteilung an die BeNG-Abonnenten Das Treffen steht allen an NEXTSTEP Interessierten - auch Einsteigern oder Leuten, die erst einmal mehr ueber NEXTSTEP erfahren wollen - offen. Wir treffen uns in der Technischen Universitaet Berlin in den Raeumen des Instituts fuer Energietechnik Raum KT 101, 1. Stock Marchstrasse 18 10587 Berlin von 20.00 bis ca. 22.00 Uhr. Wie kommt man hin? Am besten mit dem Fahrrad oder den oeffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln: U-BAHN U 2 (Ernst-Reuter-Platz) BUS 145 (Ernst-Reuter-Platz) 245 (Ernst-Reuter-Platz / Marchstr.) X 9 (U Ernst-Reuter-Platz) Parkplaetze fuer PKWs stehen jedoch auch zur Verfuegung. Das Gebaeude befindet sich nach ca. 200 m auf der rechten Seite der Marchstrasse, wenn man vom Ernst-Reuter-Platz kommt; es liegt links neben dem blauen Gebaeude fuer Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, wobei sich zwischen beiden ein Parkplatz befindet, an dessen Ende eine grosse Schranke steht. An dieser Schranke ist der Eingang zum Gebaeude Marchstrasse 18. Einen Kartenausschnitt ist unter http://www.kulturbox.de/cgi-bin/k/pixelinfo?PQ=m11&X=96&Y=381&TEXT=BeNG%21 zu finden. Das darauffolgende Treffen findet am 2. Dezember statt. Geplant ist der zweite Teil des Entwicklerkurses mit einer Einfuehrung in das ApplicationKit und der Entwicklungs-Tools. --- BeNG --- WIR UEBER UNS --- Die Berliner NEXTSTEP User Group (BeNG) existiert seit 1990 und ist ein loser Zusammenschluss von NeXT- bzw. NEXTSTEP- begeisterten Leuten. Es existiert eine Mailing-Liste, ueber die alle Teilnehmer erreichbar sind. Natuerlich sind wir auch im WorldWideWeb vertreten, wobei dieser Dienst noch im Aufbau ist. Von uns wird im uebrigen auch das NeXT-Archiv des ftp-Servers der TU Berlin betreut. Mailingliste mailto:beng@buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de WWW http://buran.fb10.tu-berlin.de/~beng FTP ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/NeXT Wir treffen uns in der Regel am ersten Montag eines Monats um 20.00 Uhr. (Wenn dieser Tag ein Feiertag ist, findet das Treffen in der Folgewoche statt.) Oft werden auch Vortraege gehalten oder Vorfuehrungen arrangiert; Vorschlaege hierfuer bitte direkt an die Mailingliste.
From: grape@matrix.teuto.de (Timo Hoepfner) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next,z-netz.fundgrube.suche.allgemein,z-netz.fundgrube.suche.elektronik,z-netz.fundgrube.suche,de.markt.comp.misc Subject: S: NeXT Station Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 23:06:40 +0200 Organization: PoP Contrib.Net Bielefeld Message-ID: <r19961023230639323531@[]> Supersedes: <19961023230639323531@[]> Comment: Was charter violation. Removed from de.markt.misc on behalf and with Comment: permission of the poster by hw@atlantic.fb12.tu-berlin.de. Mail-ID: Comment: <v03007800ae980bf9ceaf@[]> Hallo! Suche eine NeXT Station zu einem realistischen Preis. Angebote bitte per E-Mail. Gruss Timo --- Timo Hoepfner - grape@matrix.teuto.de
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: agnus@amylnd.s.bawue.de (Matthias Zepf) Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Message-ID: <1996Oct24.091625.14467@amylnd.s.bawue.de> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Organization: Agnus' Home, Leonberg/Warmbronn, Germany References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 09:16:25 GMT Eberhard Wolff (3wolff@rzdspc5.informatik.uni-hamburg.de) wrote: > Ich weiß nicht. BeOS ist anscheinend kein Multiuser OS, was ich > ziemlich schlecht finde. Ist es definitiv nicht (bzw. war es zumind. im Frühjahr 1996 definitiv nicht), was ich auch ziemlich schlecht finde. > über die GUI (die bei NeXT ja sehr gut ist) kann ich nichts sagen Be-GUI ist schnell, amiga-mäßig (vorallem das Screen-Konzept) und hat kein Display-PostScript (für mich damit gestorben). > und die Programmierumgebung ist meiner Ansicht nach schlechter. Drei Buchstaben: C++ "C++ is to C as Lung Cancer is to Lung." -- Thomas Funke <thomas@gamelan.shnet.org> Matthias -- ** Matthias Zepf, Riegeläckerstraße 27, 71229 Leonberg, Germany ** ** +49 7152 97772 E-Mail (NeXTmail/MIME): agnus@amylnd.s.bawue.de **
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: agnus@amylnd.s.bawue.de (Matthias Zepf) Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Message-ID: <1996Oct24.092327.14652@amylnd.s.bawue.de> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Organization: Agnus' Home, Leonberg/Warmbronn, Germany References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <54j769$afu@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 09:23:27 GMT Frank M. Siegert (frank@this.net) wrote: > Vorallem kann man unter froehlicher Volllast noch weiterarbeiten > als wenn nix waere... Was ich noch vergaß zu fragen: Was arbeitest Du denn so mit Deiner BeBox? Gibt es andere Applikationen außer "C++.app"? Matthias -- ** Matthias Zepf, Riegeläckerstraße 27, 71229 Leonberg, Germany ** ** +49 7152 97772 E-Mail (NeXTmail/MIME): agnus@amylnd.s.bawue.de ** ir fern, den PPro in irgendeiner Weise zu verteidigen, aber die Zahlen sprechen für sich.) Matthias -- ** Matthias Zepf, Riegeläckerstraße 27, 71229 Leonberg, Germany ** ** +49 7152 97772 E-Mail (NeXTmail/MIME): agnus@amylnd.s.bawue.de **
From: peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: SwapDISK plus normales SwapFILE -das ist zuviel Date: 27 Oct 1996 20:34:42 GMT Organization: Peter's Private Newsserver Message-ID: <550h12$1m0@unity.westfalen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hallo! ich habe ohne Probleme eine Swapdisk ins System gehängt nur hab ich unter /private/vm weiterhin ein swapfile, was dazu noch schneller wächst als das swapfile auf der eigentlichen Swapdisk. WO muß ich WAS ändern? Vielen Dank für eine Antwort liebe Grüße Peter -- peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Peter Kopatzki Am Bredberg 21 D-49143 Schledehausen "The only purpose of life is Bliss" -Go and create it! NeXTmail and MIME welcome Phone:+49(0)5402 98050 Public Key on request
From: peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Wer kennt Typing Czar? Date: 27 Oct 1996 21:46:05 GMT Organization: Peter's Private Newsserver Message-ID: <550l6t$2fm@unity.westfalen.de> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Ich suche eine Software mit Namen "TypingCzar" Ich möchte nämlich die Tastatur mal richtig nutzen ohne immer im "Adler-kreis-stürtz herab"- Modus zu arbeiten. liebe Grüße Peter -- peter@unity.westfalen.de (Peter Kopatzki) Peter Kopatzki Am Bredberg 21 D-49143 Schledehausen "The only purpose of life is Bliss" -Go and create it! NeXTmail and MIME welcome Phone:+49(0)5402 98050 Public Key on request
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: SCSI-Frage References: <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> <54ipv0$843@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <54n50v$ee6@whitestar.stgt.sub.org> From: Christoph Pesch <cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Date: 28 Oct 1996 09:52:02 +0100 Message-ID: <izfohhnlbd9.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Organization: University of Passau, Germany Hallo! Zunaechst mal vielen Dank an alle, die mir geantwortet haben. Die Meinungen gehen da ein wenig auseinander... Bei Dart z.B. hat man mir gesagt, ich braeuchte keinen Terminator. Ich habe es einfach mal ausprobiert und es scheint zu funktionieren ... was natuerlich noch nicht viel heissen muss. Deshalb zur Sicherheit: Was fuer eine Art Terminator braeuchte ich denn und wo kann man den bestellen? Nochmals Danke, Christoph -- Christoph Pesch --- EMail: cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 28 Oct 1996 13:27:37 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Message-ID: <552cc9$4aq@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <54j769$afu@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> <1996Oct24.092327.14652@amylnd.s.bawue.de> Cc: agnus@amylnd.s.bawue.de In <1996Oct24.092327.14652@amylnd.s.bawue.de> Matthias Zepf wrote: > Frank M. Siegert (frank@this.net) wrote: > > Vorallem kann man unter froehlicher Volllast noch weiterarbeiten > > als wenn nix waere... > > Was ich noch vergaß zu fragen: Was arbeitest Du denn so mit Deiner > BeBox? Gibt es andere Applikationen außer "C++.app"? > Nicht umsonst heisst das System Release DR8 (Developer Release 8). Immerhin gibts schon einen netten ModPlayer, einen WebBrowser (der bei grossen Tabellen ausnahmsweise nicht 20 Fastastilillionen Bytes Swap braucht...), eine Bash als Shell und die meisten Gnu Tools. BTW Das C++-Tool heisst BeIDE ist Teil des Metroworks CodeWarriors und so schlecht nicht. C++ ist ein Krampf, aber zum Glueck wird gerade an Java gearbeitet. DR9 soll dann auch Multiuser sein. Schau sie Dir doch an.... ich zeige sie hoechst wahrscheinlich am Montag, den 4.11 in Stuttgart, Raeumlichkeiten noch bekanntzugeben, beim NeXT Usergroup Treffen abends um 20:00. -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: neuss@next1.isa.informatik.th-darmstadt.de (Christian Neuss) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: SCSI-Frage Date: 28 Oct 1996 13:50:09 GMT Organization: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt Message-ID: <552dmh$e8g@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de> References: <izfiv83mp7f.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> <izfohhnlbd9.fsf@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de> Christoph Pesch (cpesch@stoch.fmi.uni-passau.de) wrote: : Zunaechst mal vielen Dank an alle, die mir geantwortet : haben. Die Meinungen gehen da ein wenig auseinander... : Bei Dart z.B. hat man mir gesagt, ich braeuchte keinen : Terminator. Ich habe es einfach mal ausprobiert und es : scheint zu funktionieren ... was natuerlich noch nicht : viel heissen muss. : Deshalb zur Sicherheit: Was fuer eine Art Terminator : braeuchte ich denn und wo kann man den bestellen? Es gibt 50er Pfostenstecker-Terminatoren, vermutlich zu genau diesem Zweck (ich habe noch keine Maschine ohne interne Platte betrieben, hab also keine Erfahrung). Kostet passiv (reicht bei dir) DM 15. Erhaeltlich zur Not per Post, ich hab hier zum Beispiel einen Katalog von www.reichelt.de, da ist einer drin. Liest PeLi eigentlich diese Newsgruppe immer noch mit? :-) Chris -- // Christian Neuss "I ride tandem with a random.." // http://www.informatik.th-darmstadt.de/~neuss/ // fax: (+49) 6151 16 5472
From: dirk@kalium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE (Dirk Schwarzhans) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 28 Oct 1996 16:55:59 GMT Organization: Technical University Berlin, Germany Message-ID: <552oiv$mvg@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961025164600.12910D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> In-Reply-To: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961025164600.12910D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> On 10/25/96, Bernhard Scholz wrote: >>NextTIME (wie es wohl mal geplant war) ist wohl auch eingeflossen >>allerdings haben die Be-Jungs noch die Synchronisation draufgesetzt. >>WANN GIBT ES ENDLICH MAL EIN FERTIGES NEXTTIME MIT DOKU ZUM EINBAUEN >>VON EIGENEN CONVERTERN ????? > >IST BEI OPENSTEP DEVELOPER DABEI! MIT EXAMPLES! SCNR. >(ganz so schlecht ist es ja auch nicht, unser NISCHENSTEP) > > Bernhard. Das stimmt meines Wissens nicht ganz! Es ist zwar ein NEXTTIME-Framework mit Doku enthalten, alles was der erlaubt ist aber das Abspielen von Filmchen in eigenen Programmen. Von einer Einbaumoeglichkeit neuer Konverter konnte ich nichts entdecken. Ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn mich jemand vom Gegenteil ueberzeugt. :-) Dirk Schwarzhans
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: ingmar@aurora.in-berlin.de (Ingmar Camphausen) Subject: Re: Wer kennt Typing Czar? Message-ID: <1996Oct29.005622.25785@aurora.in-berlin.de> Organization: Individual Network Berlin e.V. References: <550l6t$2fm@unity.westfalen.de> Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 00:56:22 GMT Peter Kopatzki (peter@unity.westfalen.de) wrote: : Ich suche eine Software mit Namen "TypingCzar" Frag mal bei Talus Imaging and Communications Corporation nach, die haben das m.W. vertrieben bzw. vertreiben es (?) noch! Talus info@talus.com Tel. 001- (713) 578-1434 Fax 001-(713) 578-1815 1304 Langham Creek, Suite 300 Houston, TX 77084 USA (Ich habe die Angaben nie ueberprueft und weiss weder, wie alt noch ob sie noch aktuell sind!) Gruss, __ __ Ingmar Golden Key Campaign \_V_/ ___Y___ +-----------+ |\__/. .\ Ingmar Camphausen | USE PGP! |\ O---m /| \ \_____/| ingmar@in-berlin.de | (key via server |/`-------'\| \_U__////_/ (NeXTmail/MIME ok!) | or on request) +-----------+ "Das ist doch total positiv, dass es immer mehr ruecksichtslose und brutale Fahrradfahrer gibt! Das bedeutet doch, dass bereits viele Autofahrer aufs Zweirad umgestiegen sind!" (Text zu einer Karikatur von Freimut Woessner)
From: Bernhard Scholz <scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 15:08:57 +0100 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <Pine.HPP.3.95.961029150737.6257C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961025164600.12910D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <552oiv$mvg@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <552oiv$mvg@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> On 28 Oct 1996, Dirk Schwarzhans wrote: > On 10/25/96, Bernhard Scholz wrote: > Das stimmt meines Wissens nicht ganz! Es ist zwar ein > NEXTTIME-Framework mit Doku enthalten, alles was der erlaubt ist aber > das Abspielen von Filmchen in eigenen Programmen. Von einer > Einbaumoeglichkeit neuer Konverter konnte ich nichts entdecken. > > Ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn mich jemand vom Gegenteil ueberzeugt. > :-) > /NextDeveloper/Examples/NEXTIME/ Viel Spass. Sicherlich nicht perfekt dokumentiert, aber zum anfangen sollte es reichen. Bernhard. -- Bernhard Scholz (IRC: Boerny) scholzb@pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de http://peanuts.leo.org/ http://www.leo.org/~scholz/
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Frage... Date: 29 Oct 1996 18:23:26 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Distribution: world Message-ID: <555i2u$99n@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> References: <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> <5522b2$6f4@newshost.uni-koblenz.de> Cc: droege@informatik.uni-koblenz.de In <5522b2$6f4@newshost.uni-koblenz.de> Detlev Droege wrote: > In article <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> frank@this.net (Frank M. > Siegert) writes: > > [ ... ] > > NeXTtv nix machen laesst, Port 3 leichtes Flimmern und falls auf Port 2 ein > > Videosignal anliegt, ganz leichte Geisterbilder. Ist dieses Verhalten normal? > > Meines Wissens gab es von der NeXTdimension PAL und NTSC Versionen. > Kann es sein, dass Du eine NTSC Karte erwischt hast ? > > Detlev > Leider nein, da sie sich beim Booten mit 'Pal Video configured' meldet... und ich das Ding auch mit einem NTSC Recorder ausprobiert habe. Danke trotzdem Frank -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: droege@informatik.uni-koblenz.de (Detlev Droege) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: NeXT Dimension Frage... Date: 28 Oct 1996 10:36:18 GMT Organization: University Koblenz / Germany Distribution: world Message-ID: <5522b2$6f4@newshost.uni-koblenz.de> References: <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> In article <54uaq1$rgg@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) writes: > [ ... ] > NeXTtv nix machen laesst, Port 3 leichtes Flimmern und falls auf Port 2 ein > Videosignal anliegt, ganz leichte Geisterbilder. Ist dieses Verhalten normal? Meines Wissens gab es von der NeXTdimension PAL und NTSC Versionen. Kann es sein, dass Du eine NTSC Karte erwischt hast ? Detlev -- Detlev Droege, Uni Koblenz, FB Informatik, Rheinau 1, D-56075 Koblenz, Germany Tel:+49 261 9119-421,Fax:-497,NeXT/MIME/Email:droege@informatik.uni-koblenz.de C++ is the only current language making COBOL look good. --Bertrand Meyer
From: frank@this.net (Frank M. Siegert) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Date: 29 Oct 1996 14:59:00 GMT Organization: NO ORGANIZATION, INC. Distribution: world Message-ID: <55563k$8m1@bias.ipc.uni-tuebingen.de> References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961025164600.12910D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <552oiv$mvg@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961029150737.6257C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Cc: scholz@informatik.tu-muenchen.de In <Pine.HPP.3.95.961029150737.6257C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Bernhard Scholz wrote: > > On 28 Oct 1996, Dirk Schwarzhans wrote: > > > On 10/25/96, Bernhard Scholz wrote: > > Das stimmt meines Wissens nicht ganz! Es ist zwar ein > > NEXTTIME-Framework mit Doku enthalten, alles was der erlaubt ist aber > > das Abspielen von Filmchen in eigenen Programmen. Von einer > > Einbaumoeglichkeit neuer Konverter konnte ich nichts entdecken. > > > > Ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn mich jemand vom Gegenteil ueberzeugt. > > :-) > > > /NextDeveloper/Examples/NEXTIME/ > > Viel Spass. Sicherlich nicht perfekt dokumentiert, aber zum anfangen > sollte es reichen. > Tut das ev. auch schon in 3.3 mit NeXTTIME und hat da nur einer die Headerfiles 'vergessen'? Nur so eine wilde Idee... Bye Frank -- * Frank M. Siegert [frank@this.net] - Home http://www.this.net * NeXTSTEP, Linux, BeOS & PostScript Guy
From: jut@ukrv.de (J.-U. Thieme) Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Re: Mail TIFFs wo? Date: 30 Oct 1996 17:25:10 GMT Organization: Charité - Virchow-Klinikum , Medical Faculty of Humboldt-University in Berlin Message-ID: <55831m$hu5@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> References: <54tmhu$f3@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> Cc: uli@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de In <54tmhu$f3@tallowcross.uni-frankfurt.de> Uli Zappe wrote: > Hallo, > > gibt es eigentlich irgendwo in Deutschland ein Archiv mit Mail TIFFs der hier > Diskutierenden? Am meisten habe ich noch auf dem Heidelberger Server > gefunden, aber SOOO ueppig war das auch nicht... > > Ein zentrales Archiv waere nicht schlecht, finde ich. > > > Tschau > Uli > Finde ich auch, z.Zt. können mein Bild nur unsere User innerhalb unseres FireWall sehen, wenn jemand eine zentrale (Annonymous-) Maschine kennt die unsere TIFF´s aufnehmen könnte wäre dies schon toll. CIAO JUT -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J.- U. Thieme - -------------------------------------------------------------- - send to : jut@ukrv.de or jut@rz.charite.hu-berlin.de - - -> NeXTMail & PGP welcome <- - - phone : +49 30 450 66127 - - fax: +49 30 450 66937 - -------------------------------------------------------------- - location : virchow-hospital in berlin (germany) - -------------------------------------------------------------- - "I am saddened -- not by Microsoft's success, I have no - - problem with their success, they've earned their success - - ...for the most part -- I have a problem with the fact - - that they just make really third-rate products." - - - - Steven Paul Jobs - --------------------------------------------------------------
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org (Thomas Engel) Subject: Re: BeBox-Artikel in c't 11/96 Message-ID: <E0208I.AH@shinto.nbg.sub.org> Sender: news@shinto.nbg.sub.org Organization: STEPeople's home (A NUGI member) References: <54g7ot$2p@sun0.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> <54icf6$8do@rzsun02.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961023104147.14480C-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <326E2C8A.74C7@germany.micrognosis.com> <Pine.HPP.3.95.961025164600.12910D-100000@hphalle0.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> <552oiv$mvg@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE> Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 20:14:41 GMT dirk@kalium.physik.TU-Berlin.DE (Dirk Schwarzhans) wrote: > Das stimmt meines Wissens nicht ganz! Es ist zwar ein > NEXTTIME-Framework mit Doku enthalten, alles was der erlaubt ist aber > das Abspielen von Filmchen in eigenen Programmen. Von einer > Einbaumoeglichkeit neuer Konverter konnte ich nichts entdecken. > > Ich habe nichts dagegen, wenn mich jemand vom Gegenteil ueberzeugt. > :-) > Ist zu 50% correct. NeXTIME ist nicht sehr ausgiebig documentiert (und unterscheidet sich deutlich von der 1.0er version soweit man es erkennen kann) Jedoch ist der Source zum NullCodec enthalten. Dh. wenn auch nicht richtig dokumentiert so ist es zumindest recht wahrscheinlich, dass man eigene Codec schreiben kann. Mein erster versuch wird ein Codec sein der von der NeXTdimension Bilder einzieht...mal sehe wie gut bzw.ob das geht. Ein etwas trauriger Punkt ist, dass es scheinbar nicht sehr offensichtlich ist ob "film recording _mit_ sound" bereits komplett unterstuetzt wird. Bevor wir jedoch anfangen rumzuschimpfen sollten wir bedenken, dass NeXTIME sicherlich kaum eine sonderlich hohe Prioritaet bei NeXTs Managment hat und die aktuelle Framework Release wohl hauptsaechlich auf das Engagement von Mike Paquette zurueckzufuehren ist. In diesem Fall bin ich _sehr_ froh, dass wir haben was wir haben (anders als bei dieser HelpPanel Geschichte grrrr...) Aloha Tomi
From: JanUlrich.Hasecke@Leverkusen.Netsurf.de Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next Subject: Hilfe: Drucken mit QMS-Printer Date: 30 Oct 1996 08:15:54 GMT Organization: PIRONET GmbH Distribution: default Message-ID: <5572rq$f25@sail.leverkusen.netsurf.de> Summary: Wie kann man mit einem QMS-Drucker von NEXTstations aus drucken? Keywords: Drucken, lpr, ftp Hallo, wir haben den QMS 860 Drucker via TCP/IP in unser Netz eingebunden. Ich kann mich einloggen, ein ping ausföhren. Die Einbindung scheint o.k zu sein. Dann haben wir den Drucker mit dem PrintManager installiert - aber er druckt nicht. In der Printer Queue erscheinen die PrintJobs auch im spool-Directory, aber der Drucker macht nichts. Wir haben gehört, daû der QMS das lpr-Programm nicht unterstötzen soll, sondern öber ftp an die Druckjobs kommt. Mit ftp kann man tatsÙchlich auch Postscript-Jobs an den Drucker schicken. Kennt jemand ein Skript, das automatisch Printjobs an den Drucker schickt? Oder eine andere Möglichkeit, den Drucker ans Laufen zu bekommen? Ich kenne das Programm QMSPrint.app, suche allerdings momentan noch nach einer billigeren Lösung. Vielen Dank för Eure Hilfe Ciao
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: tomi@shinto.nbg.sub.org (Thomas Engel) Subject: STEPeople Treff am 2.11. (OPENSTEP, GNUstep und Liegeraeder) Message-ID: <E01zsn.7K@shinto.nbg.sub.org> Sender: news@shinto.nbg.sub.org Organization: STEPeople's home (A NUGI member) Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 20:05:10 GMT Moin In Raum Nuernberg, Fuerth, Erlangen und dem Rest von Nordbayern ist was los. Unser ...wenn auch sehr unregelmaessiges... Treffen steigt am Samstag 2.11. um 16.00 Uhr bei mir hier daheim. Mit dabei folgende Themen: - Sag ja zu OPENSTEP 4.0 - Auf dem weg zu GNUstep - OPENSTEP publishing...is there OneVision ? - Liegeraeder...Test, see and buy the famous HPV-CD. - Charlottes beruehmter Apfelkuchen - ...und weitere spontane Themen. Voranmeldung eventueller Besucher ist erwuescht damit keiner verhungern muss...ist jedoch nicht zwingen. Aloha Tomi Adresse: Neptunstr. 9, 90522 Oberasbach, Tel. 0911-6999506
Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.next From: hhoff@schwaben.de (Holger Hoffstaette) Subject: TREFFEN: NeKST User Klub Stuttgart am Mo., 4.11. Message-ID: <E03v5F.tH@flop.schwaben.de> Sender: news@flop.schwaben.de Cc: mow@navigator.de, developer@cube.de, frank@this.net, oli@media-group.de, alex@ifr.luftfahrt.uni-stuttgart.de, Juergen Becker <100145.2020@compuserve.com>, koplien@VNET.IBM.COM, Michael.Paus@ifr.luftfahrt.uni-stuttgart.de, pekeler@biw-ag.de, braun@biw-ag.de Organization: home Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 20:20:03 GMT Die NeXT User Group Stuttgart lädt ein zum monatlichen Treffen! Wir treffen uns diesmal in den Räumen der Firma Modern Video media group Dornhaldenstraße 10/1 70199 Stuttgart (Mitte) ab 20:00. Wer vorher kommt darf trotzdem rein. :) Wie kommt mensch nun zur media group? Mit dem Auto aus Richtung Stadtmitte: Š Richtung Stuttgart-Vaihingen Š vor dem Tunnel rechts Richtung Heslach abbiegen Š bis auf die Höhe Marienhospital Š direkt hinter dem Marienhospital links (Eierstraße) Š 1. Straße rechts (Dornhaldenstraße) Š der Eingang ist durch einen blauen Torbogen gekennzeichnet Mit der U-Bahn aus Stadtmitte oder Vaihingen: Š U1 bzw. U14 (Route Vaihingen/Fellbach) Š aussteigen an der Haltestelle Schreiberstraße Š an der Kreuzung in Richtung Kirche gehen Š links zur Schreiberstraße geht eine kleine Sackgasse parallel entlang; dort hinein gehen Š über die Kreuzung geradeaus den Berg weiter hoch Š an der nächsten Kreuzung links Š noch 100m geradeaus, zur linken Hand in den Hof Wer sich verirrt: Tel. 0711/6496001 Schwerpunkte des Abends: Š Frank Siegert <frank@this.net> hat sich bereit erklärt, seine nagelneue BeBox (mit Rennstreifen & Photonenantrieb ;) vorzustellen Š OpenStep auf SPARC Solaris, inklusive der ersten kommerziellen Applikation Create 4.0 Š News von der ObjectWorld in Frankfurt Für's leibliche Wohl wird on demand entscheiden - es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten. Ich hoffe auf zahlreiches Erscheinen! Holger -- ObjectWeb Weaver | @work: hhoff@media-group.de Modern Video media group | @home: hhoff@schwaben.de (NeXTmail & PGP ok) Stuttgart, Germany | Be cool.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Marcel Waldvogel and Netfuture.ch.