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Company:				monoChrome Inc.

Company Address:		173 Westgate Drive
						Edison, NJ  08820-1163

Email:					kheit@hangout.rutgers.edu

Product Name:			monoLib (monolithic Library)

Product Description:		2 CD ROMs full of shareware/freeware/demoware, info, source code (shareware, freeware, demoware, examples, GNU, modules, scripts, classes etc), graphics (tiff, gif, eps, ps, etc), literature (recipes, bible, works of over 50 different authors, lyrics), references (FAQ's, NeXTanswers etc), and other files typically found on FTP (next and non next) archive sites.

Pricing:					$90.00
						Volume, User Group, & Higher Education discount rates are available.

Our Propaganda:			We (John Kheit & Arv Soni) are members of the NeXT New Jersey Users Group and were putting together a public domain shareware/demoware/etc.ware collection for our NeXT user group.  John was in charge of maintaining the software library for the group and found it was killing him.  The users suggested that we put the over 1 gigabyte worth of software on a CD.  So we did!  This task was much more difficult than we had expected, but was extremely pleasureful because of all the great (and we really do mean this) people we got to know by making this product.  We always thought that the next community and its developers were wonderful people but doing this project has proven this to be fact.

	Later, John & Arv
	           %-)         B-)

Other Info:				-Over 1 gig of Information on 2 CD ROMs.
						-Information is uncompressed and usable right off the
						CD ROM
						-Information, references, literature are all indexed
						with Digital Librarian
						-A great wealth of programming examples and source code

-Lots of apps from different categories:

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.