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                   Introduction to the Tin newsreader
                              Paul H Kramer
                       University Nebraska Lincoln

    A gentle introduction to the basic command set of the tin newsreader.

1.0 Contents
    1.1  Introduction
    1.2  To start Tin
    1.3  To quit Tin
    1.4  To work in Tin
    1.5  'Group selection level': screen layout
         1.5.1 'Group selection level' screen: title
         1.5.2 'Group selection level' screen: selection bar
         1.5.3 'Group selection level' screen: newsgroup lines
         1.5.4 'Group selection level' screen: command menu
    1.6  'Group selection level': moving the selection bar
    1.7  'Group selection level': searching for a newsgroup
    1.8  'Group selection level': display all known newsgroups
    1.9  'Group selection level': add (subscribe) newsgroups
    1.10 'Group selection level': drop (unsubscribe) newsgroups
    1.11 'Group selection level': reorder the newsgroups
    1.12 'Group selection level': selecting a newsgroup
    1.13 'Group level': screen layout
         1.13.1  'Group level' screen: title
         1.13.2  'Group level' screen: selection bar
         1.13.3  'Group level' screen: article lines
         1.13.4  'Group level' screen: command menu
    1.14 'Group level': moving the selection bar
    1.15 'Group level': selecting an article
    1.16 'Article level': screen layout
         1.16.1  'Article level' screen: header
         1.16.2  'Article level' screen: body of article
         1.16.3  'Group level' screen: command menu
    1.17 'Article level': reading the selected article
    1.18 'Article level': mail the article to someone
    1.19 'Article level': print the article
    1.20 'Article level': reply to the author of the article directly
    1.21 'Article level': save the article as a file on your account
    1.22 'Article level': write and post a reply to the article
    1.23 'Article level': write and post your own article
1.1 Introduction
    Electronic News provides you the means to read articles found
    in the USENET newsgroups, a specific kind of bulletin board
    service available on the Internet.  Each newsgroup contains
    articles written about a particular topic. The number of groups
    now number over 4000 when a site takes all available groups.
    In using tin, it is important to note how the newsgroups are 
    organized and named.  The newsgroups are organized in a 
    hierarchical fashion by topic; some are designed for very 
    specific readership and others for much broader appeal.
    This hierarchy is then reflected in the naming scheme for the
    newsgroups.  For example, newsgroups beginning with the word
    'rec.' are about recreational topics.  Other top-level words
    that you will find in newsgroups names are (this list is not
        bit.listserv.    conferences originating as BITNET mailing
                         lists (e.g. bit.listserv.pacs-l).
        clari.           newsgroups from UPI (e.g.
        comp.            Computer-related technical groups (e.g.
        sci.             Scientific discussions (e.g.
        soc.             Discussions about societies, cultures,
                         related issues (e.g. soc.culture.indian).
1.2 To start Tin

              +-------+  +-------+  +-------+              +----------+
              |       |  |       |  |       |              |          |
        Press |       |  |       |  |       | and then the |          | key
              | t     |  | i     |  | n     |              |  Return  |
              +-------+  +-------+  +-------+              +----------+

    Press this key sequence to start the newsreader from the command line.
    Note: The <Return> key may be called <Enter> on some keyboards.
1.3 To quit Tin

        |       |
        |       |  Press the <q> key.
        | q     |
    This keystroke exits you from the program when the current
    operation level is 'Group selection level'.
        |       |
        |       |  Press the <Q> key.
        | Q     |
    This keystroke exits you from the program at any operation level.
1.4 To work in Tin
    When you work in E)lectronic News, you are using a computer
    program called 'tin'.  This program responds to commands
    initiated with keystrokes.  For example, the <h> key is assigned
    to the help function in 'tin'.  By pressing this key, the
    program writes a list of commands on the screen.
    The key to working in this program efficiently is recognizing
    the three separate hierarchical levels of operation:
        Group selection level
        +------- Group level
                 +------- Article level
    At the 'Group selection level', the program shows a list of
    newsgroups.  From this list, you select a newsgroup that has
    articles that you would like to read.  Other actions that you
    might take at this level are:
        *    add (subscribe) newsgroups to the list,
        *    display (yank) all known newsgroups into the list,

        *    drop (unsubscribe) newsgroups from the list,
        *    reorder (move) the newsgroups' positons in the list, or
        *    write and post your own article to a newsgroup.
    At the 'Group level', the program shows a list of unread
    articles in the chosen newsgroup.  From this list, you choose an
    article that you would like to read.  Other actions that you
    might take at this level are:
        *    mail an article to someone,
        *    print an article to a printer,
        *    save an article into a file on your account, or
        *    write and post your own article.
    At the 'Article level', the program displays the text of the
    article that you selected.  Other actions that you might take at
    this level are:
        *    mail the article to someone,
        *    print the article to a printer,
        *    reply to the author of the article directly,
        *    save the article into a file on your account,
        *    write and post a reply to the article, or
        *    write and post your own article.
1.5 'Group selection level': screen layout
    When you enter the `tin 'program, you should view a screen like
    the following:
                             Group Selection (2067)                      h=help

       1        ads.config
       2   175  alt.artcom                                Artistic Community, a
       3   153  alt.bbs                                   Computer BBS systems
       4    71  alt.bbs.ads                               Ads for various compu
       5  1416  alt.bbs.internet                          BBS systems accessibl
       6   359  alt.bbs.lists                             Postings of regional
       7    21  alt.bbs.lists.d                           Discussion about regi
       8    44  alt.bbs.waffle                            The Waffle UUCP BBS.
       9  2206  alt.cd-rom                                Discussions of optica
      10  1549  alt.censorship                            Discussion about rest
      11    41  alt.cobol                                 Relationship between
      12  1922  alt.config                                Alternative subnet di
      13   378  alt.cosuard                               Council of Sysops & U
      14  3993  alt.folklore.computers                    Stories & anecdotes a
      15     2  alt.fractals                              Fractals in math, gra
      16   232  alt.graphics.pixutils                     Discussion of pixmap

         <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
      g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
        s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out

1.5.1 'Group selection level' screen: title
                             Group Selection (2067)                      h=help
    This line shows the number of newsgroups available.
1.5.2 'Group selection level' screen: selection bar
       1        ads.config
       2   175  alt.artcom                                Artistic Community, a
    The highlighted line is called a selection bar and it is used to
    indicate the current newsgroup.
1.5.3 'Group selection level' screen: newsgroup lines
       2   175  alt.artcom                                Artistic Community, a
       3   153  alt.bbs                                   Computer BBS systems
       4    71  alt.bbs.ads                               Ads for various compu
    This is the main feature of the 'Group selection level'.  There
    are four fields per line:
        Selection number           (e.g. 3)
        Number of unread articles  (e.g. 153)
        Newsgroup name             (e.g. alt.bbs)
        Description                (e.g. Computer BBS systems)
    The selection number gives each newsgroup in the list a unique
    identifier.  You may input this identifer to move the selection
    bar.  The number of unread articles refers to the number of
    articles that you have not read in the particular newsgroup.  If
    you find no number in this field, the newsgroup has no articles
    for you to read.  Each newsgroup name is composed of words that
    reflect the topic covered or the provider of the articles.  For
    example, you can find articles from the Washington Post in a
    newsgroup named 'americast.wpost'.  The last field provides a
    description of what you might find discussed in the newsgroup.
1.5.4 'Group selection level' screen: command menu
       <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
    g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
      s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out
    This three-line menu shows the commands available to you at this
    level.  Each command label in the menu has two parts: the key
    that you press and a one- or two-word description of the action
    the program takes.  The label sets the key off with either a
    parenthesis or an equal sign.  Examples on how to read the
    labels follow:
    Example 1:
                                       |       |
        the s)ubscribe means press the |       | key
                                       | s     |
    Example 2:
                               +-------+      +-------+
                               |       |      |       |
        the S)ub pattern means |       | and  |       | to make an S
                               | Shift |      | s     |
                               +-------+      +-------+
    Example 3:
                                             |       |
        the /=search pattern means press the |       | key
                                             | /     |
    Example 4:
                                             |       |
        the <n>=set current to n means input |       |
        a number such as 1, 2, 3 ...         | 1     |
    Remember that if the label in the menu shows the key as
    capitalized, you must make the keystroke in upper-case.
    Note:     This menu does not show all of the commands understood
              by 'tin' at this level.  To see the the full list, use
              the h=help command.
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key.
                  | h     |
    Note:     If you know enough of the commands at this level, make
              a capital <H> to drop the menu from the display.  A
              second capital <H> restores it.
        +-------+      +-------+
        |       |      |       |
        |       | and  |       | to make an H
        | Shift |      | h     |
        +-------+      +-------+

1.6 'Group selection level': moving the selection bar
       1        ads.config
       2   175  alt.artcom                                Artistic Community, a
    Moving the selection bar lets you scan the list of newsgroups
    found on the 'Group selection level' screen.  With the following
    keystrokes you can move the selection bar to the:
        Beginning of list:
                      |       |
            Press the |       | key
                      | 1     |
        End of list:
                  +-------+      +-------+
                  |       |      |       |
            Press |       | and  |       | together to make an $
                  | Shift |      | 4     |
                  +-------+      +-------+
        Page Up:
                      |       |
            Press the |       | key or
                      | b     |
                  +---------+      +-------+
                  |         |      |       |
            Press |         | and  |       | together
                  | Control |      | u     |
                  +---------+      +-------+
        Page Down:
                      |                                |
            Press the |                                | bar or
                      |             space              |
                  +---------+      +-------+
                  |         |      |       |
            Press |         | and  |       | together
                  | Control |      | d     |
                  +---------+      +-------+
        Line Up:
                      |   ^   |
            Press the |   |   | key (up arrow)
                      |   |   |
        Line Down:
                      |   |   |
            Press the |   |   | key (down arrow)
                      |   V   |
1.7 'Group selection level': searching for a newsgroup
    A second way to scan the newsgroup list is to initiate a search
    based on a word or string of characters in the newsgroup name.
    Forward search:
        1.   Press the slash key:

            |       |
            |       |
            | /     |

        2.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
            Search forwards [previous-string]>

        3.   Enter a word or a string of characters that you think will
             be found in the name of the newsgroup:
            Search forwards [previous-string]> clari.ne

        Once you press the <RETURN> key, the search preceeds in a
        forward direction toward the end of the list.
        Note:     To repeat the search with the same input, make
                  two keystrokes: the slash key and then the
                  <RETURN> key-no input is required.
    Backward search:
        1.   Press the question-mark key:
            +-------+      +-------+
            |       |      | ?     |
            |       | and  |       |
            | Shift |      | /     |
            +-------+      +-------+
        2.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
            Search backwords [previous-string]>

        3.   Enter a word or a string of characters that you think will
             be found in the name of the newsgroup.
            Search backwords [previous-string]> wpost

        Once you press the <RETURN> key, the search preceeds in a
        backward direction toward the top of the list.
        Note:     To repeat the search with the same input, make
                  two keystrokes: the question-mark key and then
                  the <RETURN> key-no input is required.
1.8 'Group selection level': display all known newsgroups
    It is possible that you may not have all of the newsgroups in
    your list.  The first time you select E)electronic News, the
    program yanks in all of the newsgroups found in the CRC
    subscriptions file ( a subset of all of the newsgroups).  If you
    want all of the newsgroups from the CRC 'active' file, follow
    these steps:
    1.   Note the number of newsgroups listed in the title:

                             Group Selection (????)                     h=help
    2.   Press the <y> key.

        |       |
        |       |
        | y     |
    Note:     Subsequent <y> keystrokes toggle the source file
              for this list: the '.tinrc' file on your account
              or the CRC 'active' file.
1.9 'Group selection level': add (subscribe) newsgroups
    Initially, the program subscribes you to a subset of all known
    newsgroups.  To add more newsgroups to your list, follow these
    1.   Note the number of newsgroups listed in the title:
                             Group Selection (????)                      h=help

    2.   Press the <y> key.

        |       |
        |       |
        | y     |
    3.   Read the expanded list of newsgroups.
    4.   Move the selection bar onto a newsgroup that you want added
         to your list (it should be marked as unsubscribed):
     345        comp.binaries.os2                         Binaries for use unde
  u  346     -  bionet.agroforestry                       Discussion of Agrofor
  u  347     -  bionet.general                            General BIOSCI discus
    5.   Press the <s> key:

        |       |
        |       |
        | s     |
    Note:     The keystroke removes 'u' from in front of the
              selection number.  Thus, a space in that field
              indicates a subscribed newsgroup.  A record of
              what newsgroups you are subscribed to is kept in
              a file called '.tinrc'.
1.10 'Group selection level': drop (unsubscribe) newsgroups
    Each time you select E)lectronic News, the program displays the
    newsgroups that you are subscribed to.  To drop newsgroups from
    this list, you must set the 'unsubscribe' attribute for each
    newsgroup you do not want.  The steps are as follows:
    1.   Move the selection bar onto the newsgroup that you want
         dropped from your list (it should be marked as subscribed):
     345        comp.binaries.os2                         Binaries for use unde
     346     -  bionet.agroforestry                       Discussion of Agrofor
     347     -  bionet.general                            General BIOSCI discus
    2.   Make sure it is maked as subscribed:
     347     -  bionet.general                            General BIOSCI discus
    3.   Press the <u> key.

        |       |
        |       |
        | u     |
    Note:     The keystroke adds a 'u' to in front of the
              selection number.  This change is actually made
              when you quit the program and is recoded in your
              '.tinrc' file.  The <y> keystroke yanks the
              unsubscribed newsgroups back into your list.

1.11 'Group selection level': reorder the newsgroups
    The program for E)lectronic News alows you to define the order
    of newsgroups appear in your list.  The steps are as follows:
    1.   Move the selection bar onto the newsgroup that you want
     346     -  bionet.agroforestry                       Discussion of Agrofor
     347     -  bionet.general                            General BIOSCI discus
    2.   Press the <m> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | m     |
    3.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
        Position bionet.general in group list (1,2,..,$) [347]>
    4.   Input the newsgroup's new position in the list:
        Position bionet.general in group list (1,2,..,$) [347]>
    Note:     After input, the program moves the newsgroup to
              its new position and drops all unsubscribed
              newsgroups from the list.  The <y> keystroke
              yanks the unsubscribed newsgroups back into your
1.12 'Group selection level': selecting a newsgroup
    Selecting a newsgroup is the main task that you carry out at
    this level.  The steps to do this are straightforward:
    1.   Move the selection bar to newsgroup you want to read
         (ie, clari.feature.mike_royko):
    1153     -  comp.databases.theory
    1154     -  rec.music.marketplace
    1155     -  rec.music.info
    1156     -  comp.sys.next.advocacy
    1157     -  comp.sys.next.hardware
    1158     -  comp.sys.next.software
    1159     -  comp.sys.next.marketplace
    1160     -  comp.society.privacy
    1161     -  rec.sport.paintball
    1162     -  clari.feature.dave_barry
    1163     -  clari.feature.mike_royko
                    like this:
    1153     -  comp.databases.theory
    1154     -  rec.music.marketplace
    1155     -  rec.music.info
    1156     -  comp.sys.next.advocacy
    1157     -  comp.sys.next.hardware
    1158     -  comp.sys.next.software
    1159     -  comp.sys.next.marketplace
    1160     -  comp.society.privacy
    1161     -  rec.sport.paintball
    1162     -  clari.feature.dave_barry
    1163     -  clari.feature.mike_royko
    2.   Press the <RETURN> key.
        |           |
        |           |
        |  Return   |
    Note:     This action places you in the next operational
              level: 'Group level'.
    Another way to select a newsgroup and display its articles is to
    input the newsgroup's numeric identifer:
    1.   Type the identifer of the newsgroup (e.g. 67):
        Select group> 67

    2.   Press the <RETURN> key.

        |           |
        |           |
        |  Return   |
    Note:     This action places you in the next operational
              level: 'Group level'.
1.13 'Group level': screen layout
    After you select a newsgroup, you should view a screen like the
                   clari.feature.mike_royko (10T 10A 0K 0H R)            h=help

     1  +    This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     2  +    Americans deserve lawyer in every pot    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     3  +    Holiday music ban is a classic lesson    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     4  +    Aspin defenseless against whisperers     Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     5  +    Columnist, friend, card-carrying celeb   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     6  +    What do we have a right to know?         Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     7  +    Humiliated Jackson can join the crowd    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     8  +    Mary and Joe, Chicago style              Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     9  +    How to ease that hangover                Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    10  +    A stiff lesson                           Mike Royko (clarinews@cla

    <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
  a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,
    |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post

                            *** End of Articles ***
1.13.1 'Group level' screen: title
                   clari.feature.mike_royko (10T 10A 0K 0H R)            h=help

    The line for the title shows the following:
        Newsgroup name    (e.g. clari.feature.mike_royko)
        Number of articles per thread (e.g. 10T)
        Number of articles overall (e.g. 10A)
        Number of killed articles  (e.g. 0K)
        Number of auto selected articles (e.g. 0H)
        Show only unread article   (e.g. R)
    Note:     A 'thread' refers to a particular conversation.  The
              number of threads refer to the number of different
              conversations taking place in the newsgroup.  Usually,
              there is one article per thread.  If the number of
              articles is greater than the number of threads, it
              means there is one or more people writing about a
              particular line of conversation.  In other words, a
              person wrote about something and others are replying
              to it.
1.13.2 'Group level' screen: selection bar
     1  +    This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     2  +    Americans deserve lawyer in every pot    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    The highlighted line is called a selection bar and it is used to
    indicate the current article.
1.13.3 'Group level' screen: article lines
     8  +    Mary and Joe, Chicago style              Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     9  +    How to ease that hangover                Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    10  +    A stiff lesson                           Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    The article lines are the main component of the 'Group level'
    screen.  In each line you should at most, find four fields:
        Selection number           (e.g. 8)
        Unread/Read attribute      (e.g. '+' or space)
        Article's subject          (e.g. Mary and Joe, Chi ...)
        Author's e-mail address    (e.g. Mike Royko (clarinews@cla))
    The selection number gives each article in the list a unique
    identifier.  You may input this identifer to move the selection
    bar.  The unread/read attribute indicates whether you have yet
    read the article.  Once you have selected an article to read,
    the '+' is replaced with a space in that field upon return.  The
    third field displays the subject of the article.  This subject
    is supplied by the person who wrote the article.  The last field
    is the e-mail address of the person who posted the article.
    Note:     If the article-line reports a number between the
              second and third fields, it means there is a number of
              articles on that thread of conversation-not just one.

1.13.4 'Group level' screen: command menu
    <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
  a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,
    |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post

    This three-line menu shows the commands available to you at this
    level.  Each command label in the menu has two parts: the key
    that you press and a one- or two-word description of the action
    the program takes.  The label sets the key off with either a
    parenthesis or an equal sign.  Remember that if the label in the
    menu shows the key as capitalized, you must make the keystroke
    in upper-case.
    Note:     This menu does not show all of the commands understood
              by 'tin' at this level.  To see the the full list, use
              the h=help command.
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key.
                  | h     |
    Note:     If you know enough of the commands at this level, make
              a capital <H> to drop the menu from the display.  A
              second capital <H> restores it.
        +-------+      +-------+
        |       |      |       |
        |       | and  |       | to make an H
        | Shift |      | h     |
        +-------+      +-------+
1.14 'Group level': moving the selection bar
     1  +    This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     2  +    Americans deserve lawyer in every pot    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    Moving the selection bar lets you scan the list of articles
    found for the selected newsgroup.  With the following keystrokes
    you can move the selection bar to the:
    Beginning of list:
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key
                  | 1     |
    End of list:
              +-------+      +-------+
              |       |      |       |
        Press |       | and  |       | together to make an $
              | Shift |      | 4     |
              +-------+      +-------+
    Page Up:
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key or
                  | b     |
              +---------+      +-------+
              |         |      |       |
        Press |         | and  |       | together
              | Control |      | u     |
              +---------+      +-------+
    Page Down:
                  |                                |
        Press the |                                | bar or
                  |             space              |
              +---------+      +-------+
              |         |      |       |
        Press |         | and  |       | together
              | Control |      | d     |
              +---------+      +-------+
    Line Up:
                  |   ^   |
        Press the |   |   | key (up arrow)
                  |   |   |
    Line Down:
                  |   |   |
        Press the |   |   | key (down arrow)
                  |   V   |
1.15 'Group level': selecting an article
    Selecting an article is the main action taken at this level.
    The steps to do this are straightforward:
    1.   Move the selection bar to the article you want to read
         (eg. Mary and Joe, Chicago style):
     1  +    This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     2  +    Americans deserve lawyer in every pot    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     3  +    Holiday music ban is a classic lesson    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     4  +    Aspin defenseless against whisperers     Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     5  +    Columnist, friend, card-carrying celeb   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     6  +    What do we have a right to know?         Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     7  +    Humiliated Jackson can join the crowd    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     8  +    Mary and Joe, Chicago style              Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     9  +    How to ease that hangover                Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    10  +    A stiff lesson                           Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
        like this:
     1  +    This fast-food diet may cost $7 millio   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     2  +    Americans deserve lawyer in every pot    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     3  +    Holiday music ban is a classic lesson    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     4  +    Aspin defenseless against whisperers     Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     5  +    Columnist, friend, card-carrying celeb   Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     6  +    What do we have a right to know?         Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     7  +    Humiliated Jackson can join the crowd    Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     8  +    Mary and Joe, Chicago style              Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
     9  +    How to ease that hangover                Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    10  +    A stiff lesson                           Mike Royko (clarinews@cla
    2.   Press the <RETURN> key.

        |           |
        |           |
        |  Return   |
    Note:     This action places you in the next operational 
              level: 'Article level'.
    Another way to select an article is to type the article's
    numeric identifer:
    1.   Type the identifer of the article (eg. 6):

        Select group> 6

    Note:     You do not have to press a key to show this
              prompt the digits that you type produce it.
    2.   Press the <RETURN> key.

        |           |
        |           |
        |  Return   |
    Note:     This action places you in the next operational
              level: 'Article level'.
1.16 'Article level': screen layout
    After you select an article, you should view a screen like the
Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:16:34   clari.feature.mike_royko        Thread    8 of   10
Lines 105               Mary and Joe, Chicago style         No responses
clarinews@clarinet.com                            Mike Royko at A Happy Company

    (This Christmas column originally appeared in 1967 and has
    been reprinted many times since.)
    Mary and Joe were flat broke when they got off the bus in
    Chicago. They didn't know anybody and she was expecting a baby.
    They went to a cheap hotel. But the clerk jerked his thumb
    at the door when they couldn't show a day's rent in advance.
    They walked the streets until they saw a police station.
    The desk sergeant said they couldn't sleep in a cell, but he told
    them how to get to a welfare office.
    A man there said they couldn't get regular assistance
    because they hadn't been Illinois residents long enough. But he
    gave them the address of the emergency welfare office on the West
    It was a two-mile walk up Madison Street. Someone gave

    <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
        a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,
        |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=post

                                                      --More--(20%) [1190/5859]
1.16.1 'Article level' screen: header
Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:16:34   clari.feature.mike_royko        Thread    8 of   10
Lines 105               Mary and Joe, Chicago style         No responses
clarinews@clarinet.com                                               Mike Royko
    On the first three lines of the article is the header which
    reports the following attributes about the article:
        Date posted                (e.g. Thu, 30 Dec 1993 15:16:34)
        Newsgroup name             (e.g. clari.feature.mike_royko)
        Article number             (e.g. 8 of 10)
        Number of lines            (e.g. 105)
        Subject                    (e.g. Mary and Joe, Chicago style)
        Number of respones in thread    (e.g. No responses)
        Author                     (e.g. clarinews@clarinet.com)
        Organization               (e.g. A Happy Company)
    If the article's length is two or more pages, the header at the
    top of each screen shows:
Thread 8 of 10 (page 2):  Mary and Joe, Chicago style

        Article number    (e.g. 8 of 10)
        Page number  (e.g. 2)
        Subject (e.g. Mary and Joe, Chicago style)
1.16.2 'Article level' screen: body of article
    (This Christmas column originally appeared in 1967 and has
    been reprinted many times since.)
    Mary and Joe were flat broke when they got off the bus in
    Chicago. They didn't know anybody and she was expecting a baby.
    They went to a cheap hotel. But the clerk jerked his thumb
    at the door when they couldn't show a day's rent in advance.
    They walked the streets until they saw a police station.
    The desk sergeant said they couldn't sleep in a cell, but he told
    them how to get to a welfare office.
    A man there said they couldn't get regular assistance
    because they hadn't been Illinois residents long enough. But he
    gave them the address of the emergency welfare office on the West
    It was a two-mile walk up Madison Street. Someone gave
        This is simply the text of the article.
1.16.3 'Group level' screen: command menu
    <n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
        a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,
        |=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=post

    This three-line menu shows the commands available to you at this
    level.  Each command label in the menu has two parts: the key
    that you press and a one- or two-word description of the action
    the program takes.  The label sets the key off with either a
    parenthesis or an equal sign.  Examples on how to read the
    labels follow:
    Example 1:
                                    |       |
        the o=print means press the |       | key
                                    | o     |
    Example 2:
                               +-------+      +-------+
                               |       |      |       |
        the B)ody search means |       | and  |   b   | to make an B
                               | Shift |      |       |
                               +-------+      +-------+
    Remember that if the label in the menu shows the key as
    capitalized, you must make the keystroke in upper-case.
    Note:     This menu does not show all of the commands understood
              by 'tin' at this level.  To see the the full list, use
              the h=help command.
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key.
                  | h     |
    Note:     If you know enough of the commands at this level, make
              a capital <H> to drop the menu from the display.  A
              second capital <H> restores it.
        +-------+      +-------+
        |       |      |       |
        |       | and  |       | to make an H
        | Shift |      | h     |
        +-------+      +-------+
1.17 'Article level': reading the selected article
    To read a selected article, use the following keystrokes:
    Next Page:
                  |                                |
        Press the |                                | bar
                  |             space              |
    Previous Page:
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key
                  | b     |
    First Page:
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key
                  | g     |

    Last Page:
              +-------+      +-------+
              |       |      |       |
        Press |       | and  |       | together to make an G
              | Shift |      | g     |
              +-------+      +-------+
    Text searching:
        1.   Press the slash key:

            |       |
            |       |
            | /     |
        2.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:

            Search forwards [previous-string]>

        3.   Type the word or the string of characters that you are
             searching for:
            Search forwards [previous-string]> kramer

        Press the <RETURN> key.  If there is a match, the article
        is turned to that page.  Otherwise, a message indicating no
        match is reported.
                  |       |
        Press the |       | key
                  | q     |
    This keystroke returns you to the previous operation level.
1.18 'Article level': mail the article to someone
    If you would like someone to receive the article that you are
    currently reading via e-mail, you need to follow these steps:
    1.   Press the <m> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | m     |
    2.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        Mail a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: t

    3.   Press the <a> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | a     |
    This indicates that an article is to be mailed.
    4.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        Mail article(s) to [previous-address>

    5.   Enter the e-mail address of the person to receive the
        Mail article(s) to [previous-address> pkramer@unl.edu

        Note:     You may mail the article to one person at a time.
    6.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the

        q)uit, e)dit, s)end [subject]: s

    7.   Press the <s> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | s     |
    This confirms your intention to mail the current article.
    The other keystrokes allow you to change your mind about
    mailing it or allow you to make changes to the article.
1.19 'Article level': print the article
    If you would like to print the article that you are currently
    reading, you need to follow these steps:
    1.   Press the <o> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | o     |
    2.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        Print a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: a
    3.   Press the <a> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | a     |
1.20 'Article level': reply to the author of the article directly
    If you would like to write to the author of the article that you
    are reading,  you need to follow these steps:
    1.   Press the <r> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | r     |
    2.   Using the text editor invoked for you, write your reply.
         When finished, make the keystroke or enter the command that
         closes the editor.
    3.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
        q)uit, e)dit, s)end: s
    4.   Press the <s> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | s     |
    This confirms your intention to mail your reply.  The other
    keystrokes allow you to change your mind about mailing it
    or allow you to make further changes to the reply.

1.21 'Article level': save the article as a file on your account
    If you would like to save the article that you are currently
    reading, you need to follow these steps:
    1.   Press the <s> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | s     |
    2.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        Save a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: a
    3.   Press the <a> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | a     |
    4.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        Save filename []>
    5.   Enter the name that you want used as the filename:
        Save filename []> file.pkramer
    6.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        Process n)one, s)har, u)ud, l)ist zoo, e)xt zoo, L)ist zip, E)xt zip, q)uit: n
    7.   Press the <n> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | n     |
    This keystroke selects a null extraction process for the
    saving of the file.  The other choices, if selected, apply
    the following extraction processes:
        s  s)har     unsharing
        u  u)ud      uudecoding
        l  l)ist zoo list files within 'zoo' archive
        e  e)xt zoo  extract files within 'zoo' archive
        L  l)ist zip list files within 'zip' archive
        E  E)xt zip  extract files within 'zip' archive
1.22 'Article level': write and post a reply to the article
    If you would like to write and post a reply to the article that
    you are currently reading, you need to follow these steps:
    1.   Press the <f> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | f     |
    2.   Using the text editor invoked for you, write your reply.
         When finished, make the keystroke or enter the command that
         closes the editor.

         Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the screen:
        q)uit, e)dit, p)ost: p
    3.   Press the <p> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | p     |
    This confirms your intention to post your followup.
1.23 'Article level': write and post your own article
    If you would like to write and post your own article to the
    current newsgroup,  you need to follow these steps:
    1.   Press the <w> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | w     |
    2.   Using the text editor invoked for you, write your article.
         When finished, make the keystroke or enter the command that
         closes the editor.
    3.   Look for the prompt it produces at the bottom of the
        q)uit, e)dit, p)ost: p
    4.   Press the <p> key.
        |       |
        |       |
        | p     |
    This confirms your intention to your post.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.