Notes on SP Unicode support under Windows NT
When compiled with the appropriate preprocessor definition
), SP now uses Unicode interfaces to NT. This
means that the SP_BCTF environment variable applies only
to file input and output, and so unicode
is allowed as
the value of SP_BCTF.
In order for non-ASCII characters to be correctly displayed on your
console you must select a TrueType font, such as Lucida Console, as your
console font.
If you define your own public character sets, you should use Unicode
(or a superset of Unicode) as your universal character set.
The following additional BCTFs are supported:
Specify this BCTF when a storage object is encoded using your
system's default Windows character set, and your document character
set is declared as Unicode. This uses the so-called ANSI code page.
This uses the unicode BCTF if the storage object starts
with a byte order mark and otherwise the windows BCTF.
If you are working with Unicode, this is probably the best value
for SP_BCTF.
Specify this BCTF when a storage object (file) uses the OEM code page,
and your document character set is declared as Unicode.
The OEM code-page for a particular
machine is the code-page used by FAT file-systems on that machine and
is the default code-page for MS-DOS consoles.
James Clark