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#import <appkit/Listener.h> // NXPortNameLookup #import "Filter.h" @interface Look: Object { int any; } @end @implementation Look - (void) filter: (Filter *) f flag: (char) ch { NXPrintf(f->err, "usage: %s [portname...]\n", f->progname), NXFlush(f->err); exit(1); } - (int) filter: (Filter *) f arg: (const char *) port { if (port) NXPrintf(f->out, "port \"%s\" %sfound\n", port, (any |= NXPortNameLookup(port, NULL)) == PORT_NULL ? "not " : ""); return 0; } - (int) filter: (Filter *) f exit: (int) code { return any == 0; // success if any is found } @end int main (int argc, char * argv []) { return [[[Filter alloc] initFor: [Look new]] run: argv]; }
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