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#!@@PERL@@ -s # # This script is part of rtfdtohtml. # Copyright (c) 1996 Elmar Ludwig - Universitaet Osnabrueck # # Experimental table support (this is now the default), # simple indentation is emulated using nested lists. # # Special rule: Code enclosed in "\t{sometext}" and "\t{}" # will become pre-formatted text. print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n"; %TAGS = ('/TT', '</TT>', '/I', '</I>', '/B', '</B>', '/U', '</U>', '/STRIKE', '</STRIKE>', '/BIG', '</BIG>', '/SMALL', '</SMALL>', '/SUB', '</SUB>', '/SUP', '</SUP>', '/EM', '</EM>', '/STRONG', '</STRONG>', '/DFN', '</DFN>', '/CODE', '</CODE>', '/SAMP', '</SAMP>', '/KBD', '</KBD>', '/VAR', '</VAR>', '/CITE', '</CITE>', '/H1', '</H1>', '/H2', '</H2>', '/H3', '</H3>', '/H4', '</H4>', '/H5', '</H5>', '/H6', '</H6>'); sub printstr { $str = $_[0]; unless ($html2 || $head) { $str =~ s/<[Hh]([1-4])>/'<FONT size="+'.(5-$1).'">'/ge; $str =~ s/<[Hh]([56])>/'<FONT size="'.(4-$1).'">'/ge; $str =~ s/<\/[Hh][1-6]>/<\/FONT>/g; } print $str; } sub finalize { if ($html2 || !$usetable) { &printstr($text); while ($nest) { print '</DL>'; --$nest; } } else { &printstr($table . "</TABLE>\n"); $nest = 0; } $usetable = $text = $table = ''; } sub blue { $_ = $_[0]; return $_[1] unless s/<(([^&]|&([^g]|g([^t]|t[^;])))*)>//; $url = $1; $url =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; if ($url !~ m%^[A-Za-z]+://% && $url !~ m%^//% && $url !~ /^mailto:/ && $url !~ /^news:/ && ! -e $url) { print STDERR "Warning: invalid hypertext link to `$url'\n"; } return "<A href=\"$url\">$_</A>"; } $dir = $ENV{'FILENAME'}; if ($dir !~ /\.rtfd$/) { $dir = $dir =~ /^(.*)\// ? $1 : '.'; } chdir $dir || die "chdir failed for $dir: $!"; $nest = 0; while (<>) { s/<body>/<body $ENV{'RTFDBODYATTR'}>/i; # default is "bgcolor=White" if (/<\/body>/i) { $_ = $`; $last = $& . $'; } # remove some weird HTML-tags... while (s/<(\w+)>([ \t]*)<\/\1>/$2/g) {} if ($html2 || $head) { /<[Hh][1-6]>.*<[Hh][1-6]>.*<br>$/ && s/<\/?[Hh][1-6]>//g; } s%<FONT color=\"#0000FF\">(([^<]|<([^/]|/([^F]|F([^O]|O([^N]|N([^T]|T[^>]))))))*)</FONT>%&blue($1,$&)%eg if defined $blue; $pre = $_; $pre =~ s/<\/?FONT[^>]*>//g; $pre =~ s/<\/?[Hh][1-6]>//g; if ($pre =~ /^((<HR>|<A [^>]*>|<\/A>)*) *\t{[^;{}]+}<br>$/) { s/<br>$//i; if ($code) { s/{[^;{}]+}//; print "\n"; } else { &finalize if $table; s/{[^;{}]+}/<PRE>/; $code = 'YES'; } &printstr($_); } elsif ($pre =~ /^((<HR>|<A [^>]*>|<\/A>)*) *\t{}(<br>)?$/ && $code) { s/<br>$//i; s/{}/<\/PRE>/; $code = ''; &printstr($_); } elsif ($code) { s/<br>$//i; &printstr($_); } elsif (index($_, "\t") > -1) { $table = "<TABLE>\n" unless $table; if ($tables) { $bold = ''; # /^(<[^>]+>)*\t*[^\t]+(\t*)(<[^>]+>)*/; # $left = $&; # $bold = /^(<[^>]+>|\t)*<[Bb]>/ && $left =~ /<\/[Bb]>(<[^>]+>|\t)*$/; } else { $bold = /^(<[^>]+>|\t)*<[Bb]>/; # any line starting bold } s/(<img [^>]+>(<[^>]+>)*)\t/$1 \t/gi; /^(<[^>]+>)*\t*[^\t]+(\t*)[^\t]*(\t*)/; $usetable = 'YES' if !$usetable && ($2 && !$bold || $3); # Use <DT> for this line? (Yes, if first word is bold.) $bold ? /^((<[^>]+>)*)(\t*)([^\t]+)(\t*)/ : /^((<[^>]+>)*)(\t*)([^\000]+)(@*)/; $level = length($3) + ($5 ? 1 : 0); $delta = $level - $nest; while ($delta) { if ($delta > 0) { $text .= '<DL>'; --$delta; $text .= '<DD>' if $delta || !$5; } else { $text .= '</DL>'; ++$delta; } } if ($5) { $text .= "<DT>$1$4"; $' =~ /^(<\/[^>]+>)*/; $text .= "$&<DD>\n"; $line = $'; } else { $text .= "\n" if $level != $nest; $line = $1 . $4; } $text .= $line; $nest = $level; $table .= '<TR valign=top><TD>'; s/\t/ <TD>/g; s/<br>$//i; $line = $tags = ''; $pos = 0; while (/<([\/A-Za-z0-9]+)>/g) { $left = $`; $tag = "\U$1\E"; $atag = '/' . $tag; if (defined $TAGS{$atag}) { $tags = $TAGS{$atag} . $tags; next; } if (defined $TAGS{$tag}) { $tags = substr($tags, length $TAGS{$tag}); next; } if ($tag eq 'TD' && $tags) { $tags1 = join('', reverse split(/(<\/[A-Z0-9]+>)/, $tags)); $tags1 =~ s%/%%g; $line .= substr($left, $pos) . $tags . '<TD>' . $tags1; $pos = length($left) + 4; } } $line .= substr($_, $pos); if ($pos) { while ($line =~ s%<(\w+)></\1>%%gi) {} } $table .= $line; } else { &finalize if $table; &printstr($_); } if ($last) { print "</PRE>\n" if $code; &finalize if $table; print $last; last; } }
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