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Subject: computer, National News in Brief

"Gov. Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. The panelists asking questions
The New York Times · Domestic · October 8, 1992

Bush has Slight Edge, Poll Finds  

      WASHINGTON (NYT) Ð Underscoring the Republicans' vulnerability even in the heart of their historic base, President Bush is locked in a tight race with Gov. Bill Clinton in the critical state of Texas, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll. 

      The new poll shows Bush with a narrow edge in Texas, with the backing of 41 percent of the voters to 37 percent for Clinton, a lead that is within the poll's margin of sampling error. It also shows that Perot, who was widely expected to be more popular in his home state of Texas than almost anywhere else, has the backing of a modest 11 percent. 

      Bush's standing in Texas is far more comfortable than his standing in the national polls, which this week showed him trailing Clinton by anywhere from 8 to 17 points. But Texas, with its 32 electoral votes, is by almost any reckoning a must-win state for the Republicans if they hope to reach the 270 electoral votes necessary to win.   

file:   /usr/spool/nyt/n210086.276
source: NYT (Copyright 1992 The New York Times)

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