
This is table.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* borrowed from mw2troff */
    This file is Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by Michael Caplinger
    and Van Jacobson.  They may be freely redistributed & modified provided
      a) this copyright notice is retained, unmodified, in all copies & all
      b) they are not redistributed for profit.

char *MacTrans[] = {
	"\\(sq",	/* 0 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 1 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 2 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 3 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 4 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 5 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 6 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 7 */
	"\b",		/* 8 */
	"\t",		/* 9 */
	"\n",		/* 10 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 11 */
	"\f",		/* 12 */
	"\n",		/* 13 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 14 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 15 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 16 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 17 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 18 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 19 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 20 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 21 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 22 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 23 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 24 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 25 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 26 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 27 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 28 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 29 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 30 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 31 */
	" ",	/* 32 */
	"!",	/* 33 */
	"\"",	/* 34 */
	"#",	/* 35 */
	"$",	/* 36 */
	"%",	/* 37 */
	"&",	/* 38 */
	"'",	/* 39 */
	"(",	/* 40 */
	")",	/* 41 */
	"*",	/* 42 */
	"+",	/* 43 */
	",",	/* 44 */
	"\\-",	/* 45 */
	".",	/* 46 */
	"/",	/* 47 */
	"0",	/* 48 */
	"1",	/* 49 */
	"2",	/* 50 */
	"3",	/* 51 */
	"4",	/* 52 */
	"5",	/* 53 */
	"6",	/* 54 */
	"7",	/* 55 */
	"8",	/* 56 */
	"9",	/* 57 */
	":",	/* 58 */
	";",	/* 59 */
	"<",	/* 60 */
	"=",	/* 61 */
	">",	/* 62 */
	"?",	/* 63 */
	"@",	/* 64 */
	"A",	/* 65 */
	"B",	/* 66 */
	"C",	/* 67 */
	"D",	/* 68 */
	"E",	/* 69 */
	"F",	/* 70 */
	"G",	/* 71 */
	"H",	/* 72 */
	"I",	/* 73 */
	"J",	/* 74 */
	"K",	/* 75 */
	"L",	/* 76 */
	"M",	/* 77 */
	"N",	/* 78 */
	"O",	/* 79 */
	"P",	/* 80 */
	"Q",	/* 81 */
	"R",	/* 82 */
	"S",	/* 83 */
	"T",	/* 84 */
	"U",	/* 85 */
	"V",	/* 86 */
	"W",	/* 87 */
	"X",	/* 88 */
	"Y",	/* 89 */
	"Z",	/* 90 */
	"[",	/* 91 */
	"\\\\",	/* 92 */
	"]",	/* 93 */
	"^",	/* 94 -  hat accent */
	"_",	/* 95 */
	"\\(aa",	/* 96 -  acute accent */
	"a",	/* 97 */
	"b",	/* 98 */
	"c",	/* 99 */
	"d",	/* 100 */
	"e",	/* 101 */
	"f",	/* 102 */
	"g",	/* 103 */
	"h",	/* 104 */
	"i",	/* 105 */
	"j",	/* 106 */
	"k",	/* 107 */
	"l",	/* 108 */
	"m",	/* 109 */
	"n",	/* 110 */
	"o",	/* 111 */
	"p",	/* 112 */
	"q",	/* 113 */
	"r",	/* 114 */
	"s",	/* 115 */
	"t",	/* 116 */
	"u",	/* 117 */
	"v",	/* 118 */
	"w",	/* 119 */
	"x",	/* 120 */
	"y",	/* 121 */
	"z",	/* 122 */
	"{",	/* 123 */
	"|",	/* 124 */
	"}",	/* 125 */
	"~",		/* 126 -  circumflex accent */
	"\\(sq",	/* 127 */
	"\\zA\\v'-1m'.\\h'-0.1m'.\\v'+1m'",	/* 128 -  upper A with omlat */
	"\\zA\\u\\(de\\d",	/* 129 -  upper circle A (A) */
	"C",		/* 130 -  upper C with cedilla */
	"\\o.E'.",	/* 131 -  upper E accent grave */
	"\\zN\\u~\\d",	/* 132 -  upper N with circumflex */
	"\\zO\\v'-1m'.\\h'-0.1m'.\\v'+1m'",	/* 133 -  upper O with omlat */
	"\\zU\\v'-1m'.\\h'-0.1m'.\\v'+1m'",	/* 134 -  upper U with omlat */
	"\\o.a'.",	/* 135 -  lower a accent grave */
	"\\o.a`.",	/* 136 -  lower a accent acute */
	"\\o.a^.",	/* 137 -  lower a with hat */
	"\\za\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 138 -  lower a with omlat */
	"\\o.a~.",	/* 139 -  lower a with circumflex */
	"\\o'a\\(de'",	/* 140 -  lower a with circle */
	"c",		/* 141 -  c with cedilla */
	"\\o.e'.",	/* 142 -  lower e accent grave */
	"\\o.e`.",	/* 143 -  lower e accent acute */
	"\\o.e^.",	/* 144 -  lower e with hat */
	"\\ze\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 145 -  lower e with omlat */
	"\\o.i'.",	/* 146 -  lower i accent grave */
	"\\o.i`.",	/* 147 -  lower i accent acute */
	"\\o.i^.",	/* 148 -  lower i with hat */
	"\\zi\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 149 - lower i with omlat */
	"\\o.n~.",	/* 150 -  lower n with circumflex */
	"\\o.o'.",	/* 151 -  lower o accent grave */
	"\\o.o`.",	/* 152 -  lower o accent acute */
	"\\o.o^.",	/* 153 -  lower o with hat */
	"\\zo\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 154 -  lower o with omlat */
	"\\o.o~.",	/* 155 -  lower o with circumflex */
	"\\o.u'.",	/* 156 -  lower u accent grave */
	"\\o.u`.",	/* 157 -  lower u accent acute */
	"\\o.u^.",	/* 158 -  lower u with hat */
	"\\zu\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 159 -  lower u with omlat */
	"\\(dg",	/* 160 -  dagger */
	"\\(de",	/* 161 -  degrees (shift option 8) */
	"\\o'c/'",	/* 162 -  cents */
	"\\f2\\o'L-'\\fP",	/* 163 -  pounds (currency) */
	"\\(sc",	/* 164 -  section mark */
	"\\(bu",	/* 165 -  bullet */
	"\\(rh",	/* 166 -  paragraph */
	"\\(*b",	/* 167 -  beta (german "ss") */
	"\\(rg",	/* 168 -  registered */
	"\\(co",	/* 169 -  copyright */
	"\\u\\s-4TM\\s0\\d",	/* 170 -  trademark */
	"\\(ag",	/* 171 -  grave accent */
	"\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 172 -  oomlat accent */
	"\\(!=",	/* 173 -  not equal */
	"\\f2A\\fP\\h'-0.2m'E",		/* 174 -  upper AE ligature */
	"\\zO/",	/* 175 -  slash upper O (O) */
	"\\(if",	/* 176 -  infinity */
	"\\(+-",	/* 177 -  plus minus (shift option =) */
	"\\(<=",	/* 178 -  <= */
	"\\(>=",	/* 179 -  >= */
	"\\o'Y\\s-2=\\s0'",	/* 180 -  yen */
	"\\(*m",	/* 181 -  lower mu */
	"\\(pd",	/* 182 -  "partial" */
	"\\(*S",	/* 183 -  upper sigma */
	"\\(*P",	/* 184 -  upper PI (P) */
	"\\(*p",	/* 185 -  lower pi */
	"\\(is",	/* 186 -  integral sign */
	"\\u\\za\\(ul\\d'",	/* 187 -  underbar lowercase a */
	"\\u\\zo\\(ul\\d'",	/* 188 -  underbar lowercase o */
	"\\(*W",	/* 189 -  upper omega */
	"a\\h'-0.2m'e",		/* 190 -  lower ae ligature */
	"\\o'o/'",	/* 191 -  slashed lower o */
	"?",		/* 192 -  upside down ? (?) */
	"\\(*i",	/* 193 -  lower case i */
	"\\(no",	/* 194 -  negation */
	"\\(sr",	/* 195 -  square root or check mark */
	"\\z\\(is\\s-2\\(ci\\s0",	/* 196 -  contour integral */
	"\\(~=",	/* 197 -  approx */
	"\\(*D",	/* 198 -  triangle (upper delta) */
	"\\s-2<\\h'-0.3m'<\\s0",	/* 199 -  open double angle brackets */
	"\\s-2>\\h'-0.3m'>\\s0",	/* 200 -  close double angles */
	"...",		/* 201 -  elipses (3 dots) */
	"\\ ",		/* 202 -  unpaddable space */
	"\\o'`A'",	/* 203 -  `A */
	"\\o'~A'",	/* 203 -  A with circumflex */
	"\\o'~O'",	/* 203 -  O with circumflex */
	"O\\h'-0.1m'E",		/* 206 -  upper OE ligature */
	"o\\h'-0.1m'e",		/* 207 -  lower oe ligature */
	"\\(hy",	/* 208 -  hyphen */
	"\\(em",	/* 209 -  m dash (shift option -) */
	"``",		/* 210 -  back double quote */
	"''",		/* 211 -  close double quote */
	"`",		/* 212 -  back single quote */
	"'",		/* 213 -  close single quote */
	"\\(di",	/* 214 -  divide */
	"\\(gr",	/* 215 -  diamond (V) */
	"\\zy\\u.\\h'-0.1m'.\\d",	/* 216 -  y with omlat */
	"\\(sq",	/* 217 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 218 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 219 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 220 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 221 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 222 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 223 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 224 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 225 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 226 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 227 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 228 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 229 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 230 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 231 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 232 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 233 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 234 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 235 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 236 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 237 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 238 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 239 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 240 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 241 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 242 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 243 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 244 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 245 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 246 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 247 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 248 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 249 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 250 -  box (option h) */
	"\\(sq",	/* 251 -  box (option k) */
	"\\(sq",	/* 252 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 253 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 254 */
	"\\(sq",	/* 255 */
	0 };

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.