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.TH XWEBSTER 1 "March 6, 1989" "X Version 11"
xwebster \- X interface to look up words in the dictionary
.B xwebster
[\fBX Toolkit option\fP]
\fIXwebster\fP is used to look up words in the online copy of Webster's
dictionary.  It puts up an application window that contains subwindows to
interact with the user and display the results. The top half has a browser
window in which alternative words will be shown, below that is a row of
windows consisting of an interaction window where the user may enter words
to be looked up, and buttons which the user may click on to select a
program function. The lower window is used to display the definitions that
are found.
Just type the word you want defined in the interaction window and hit
Return to see the definition (or click on the \fB[Define]\fP button).  If
the word is found, \fIxwebster\fP will then provide the complete dictionary
entry for the word including definitions, pronunciation, and derivation.
If the specified word was not found, \fIxwebster\fP will try to find close
matches, as if you spelled the word wrong.  The possibilities are displayed
in buttons.  To select one of them, you can just click on it.
Additionally, \fIxwebster\fP can match words using wildcards.
The character
`%' in a word means match exactly one character,
so ``w%n'' matches
The character `*' matches zero or more characters,
so ``a*d''matches
and so on.
Any number of wildcards can be used,
and in any arrangement.
Typing \fB'?'\fP or mousing \fB[Endings]\fP following part of a word will
cause \fIxwebster\fP to list all words beginning with the partial word in
the word browser panel. The program will beep and give an error message if
nothing matches.
Typing \fB<tab>\fP or mousing \fB[Complete]\fP causes the program to
attempt to complete the word.  If the word can be completed, the new word
is placed in the TextEdit widget; otherwise, the program beeps and displays
a message indicating that the word is ambiguous.
\fB(NeXT Mode only):\fP 
Mousing \fB[Thesaurus]\fP sets the wester server to "thesaurus mode",
before doing a lookup. Subsequent lookups via <Return> in the word
input window will be from the thesaurus data base. Mousing
\fB[Define]\fP will set it back to "dictionary mode".
All the resources for \fIxwebster\fP are specified in the application
default file Xwebster.ad, which MUST be installed in
APPDEFAULTSDIR/Xwebster.  Fully qualified resource names are used in this
app-defaults file so as to document the widget hierarchy in the
application. Documentation on customizing \fIxwebster\fP also appears in
this defaults file.  (APPDEFAULTSDIR is set in the imake defaults, it is
usually /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/)
Parameters for connecting to a webster server are contained in the
resources \fB``hostAddrList''\fP, \fB``hostPort''\fP, and
\fB``hostServiceName''\fP. See the aforementioned Xwebster.ad file for
details and documentation.
This program was inspired by the webster(1) tty-based client to a webster
server written by Dave Curry <davy@riacs.edu>, although most of the code
was written from scratch because I didn't find the webster(1) source code
until after the application was prototyped. The original webster
client/server was written in MIDAS and ran under Tops-20, it was probably
done by someone at SRI-NIC.
\fIXwebster\fP was originally written and released by Niels Mayer
<mayer@hplabs.hp.com> on the X11r3 contrib tape. Mark Moraes
<moraes@csri.toronto.edu> took that version, updated it to work with the r3
HP Xwidgets and r3 Toolkit Intrinsics, and fixed a bunch of stupid bugs
that were making \fIxwebster\fP dump core an a SUN. Russell Cattelan
<cattelan@everest.ee.umn.edu> updated it again to use the Motif Widget
set, and the R5 Toolkit.
If you have contributions to make to \fIxwebster\fP, please send them to
cattelan@everest.ee.umn.edu or mayer@hplabs.hp.com. 
look(1), spell(1), webster(1), websterd(8)
Niels Mayer (mayer@hplabs.hp.com or hplabs!mayer)
Mark Moraes (moraes@csri.toronto.edu)
Russell Cattelan (cattelan@everest.ee.umn.edu)
The first word takes a longer time to define, because there is a
non-trivial setup time involved on initially starting the server.
Likewise, if the server times out (you'll note error messages to this
effect), the next word will take a longer time to define since
\fIxwebster\fP must reconnect to a server. 
It is possible to grab one of the "handles" on paned window and eliminate
from view any of the sections, most notably the middle input
section. I have tried setting the min height but without much luck,
I'm sure it is something simple I am overlooking.
The translation between all the neat special characters in the dictionary
such as upside-down e's, cedillas, accent marks, etc. and a simple ASCII
terminal is marginal at best.  Most of the characters are fairly well
faked, but a few of them are impossible.  In particular, the schwa
(upside-down e) is represented by an asterisk.
There are fixed internal limits on the number of words that can be
displayed in the browser (16384), and the number of characters of text in
the lower window (16384). The defaults should be adequate given the number
of words and the description sizes of the standard webster dictionary
database. If you end up trying to get the dictionary to return all the
words available by abusing the wildcarding feature, then expect \fIxwebster\fP
to crash.

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