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/* * $Id: math.c,v 2.11 1996/10/15 20:16:35 hzoli Exp $ * * math.c - mathematical expression evaluation * * This file is part of zsh, the Z shell. * * Copyright (c) 1992-1996 Paul Falstad * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any * purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable * to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential * damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation, * even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of * the possibility of such damage. * * Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any * warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of * merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software * provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the * Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance, * support, updates, enhancements, or modifications. * */ #include "zsh.h" static char *ptr; static long yyval; static LV yylval; static int mlevel = 0; /* != 0 means recognize unary plus, minus, etc. */ static int unary = 1; /* LR = left-to-right associativity * * RL = right-to-left associativity * * BOO = short-circuiting boolean */ #define LR 0 #define RL 1 #define BOOL 2 #define M_INPAR 0 #define M_OUTPAR 1 #define NOT 2 #define COMP 3 #define POSTPLUS 4 #define POSTMINUS 5 #define UPLUS 6 #define UMINUS 7 #define AND 8 #define XOR 9 #define OR 10 #define MUL 11 #define DIV 12 #define MOD 13 #define PLUS 14 #define MINUS 15 #define SHLEFT 16 #define SHRIGHT 17 #define LES 18 #define LEQ 19 #define GRE 20 #define GEQ 21 #define DEQ 22 #define NEQ 23 #define DAND 24 #define DOR 25 #define DXOR 26 #define QUEST 27 #define COLON 28 #define EQ 29 #define PLUSEQ 30 #define MINUSEQ 31 #define MULEQ 32 #define DIVEQ 33 #define MODEQ 34 #define ANDEQ 35 #define XOREQ 36 #define OREQ 37 #define SHLEFTEQ 38 #define SHRIGHTEQ 39 #define DANDEQ 40 #define DOREQ 41 #define DXOREQ 42 #define COMMA 43 #define EOI 44 #define PREPLUS 45 #define PREMINUS 46 #define NUM 47 #define ID 48 #define POWER 49 #define CID 50 #define POWEREQ 51 #define TOKCOUNT 52 /* precedences */ static int prec[TOKCOUNT] = { 1, 137, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 3, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 200, 2, 2, 0, 0, 7, 0, 15 }; #define TOPPREC 16 #define ARGPREC (TOPPREC-1) static int type[TOKCOUNT] = { LR, LR, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, LR, BOOL, BOOL, LR, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, BOOL, BOOL, RL, RL, RL, RL, RL, LR, LR, RL, LR, RL }; #define LVCOUNT 32 /* list of lvalues (variables) */ static int lvc; static char **lvals; /**/ int zzlex(void) { int cct = 0; for (;; cct = 0) switch (*ptr++) { case '+': if (*ptr == '+' && (unary || !ialnum(*ptr))) { ptr++; return (unary) ? PREPLUS : POSTPLUS; } if (*ptr == '=') { unary = 1; ptr++; return PLUSEQ; } return (unary) ? UPLUS : PLUS; case '-': if (*ptr == '-' && (unary || !ialnum(*ptr))) { ptr++; return (unary) ? PREMINUS : POSTMINUS; } if (*ptr == '=') { unary = 1; ptr++; return MINUSEQ; } return (unary) ? UMINUS : MINUS; case '(': unary = 1; return M_INPAR; case ')': return M_OUTPAR; case '!': if (*ptr == '=') { unary = 1; ptr++; return NEQ; } return NOT; case '~': return COMP; case '&': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '&') { if (*++ptr == '=') { ptr++; return DANDEQ; } return DAND; } else if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return ANDEQ; } return AND; case '|': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '|') { if (*++ptr == '=') { ptr++; return DOREQ; } return DOR; } else if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return OREQ; } return OR; case '^': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '^') { if (*++ptr == '=') { ptr++; return DXOREQ; } return DXOR; } else if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return XOREQ; } return XOR; case '*': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '*') { if (*++ptr == '=') { ptr++; return POWEREQ; } return POWER; } if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return MULEQ; } return MUL; case '/': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return DIVEQ; } return DIV; case '%': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return MODEQ; } return MOD; case '<': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '<') { if (*++ptr == '=') { ptr++; return SHLEFTEQ; } return SHLEFT; } else if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return LEQ; } return LES; case '>': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '>') { if (*++ptr == '=') { ptr++; return SHRIGHTEQ; } return SHRIGHT; } else if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return GEQ; } return GRE; case '=': unary = 1; if (*ptr == '=') { ptr++; return DEQ; } return EQ; case '$': unary = 0; yyval = mypid; return NUM; case '?': if (unary) { yyval = lastval; unary = 0; return NUM; } unary = 1; return QUEST; case ':': unary = 1; return COLON; case ',': unary = 1; return COMMA; case '\0': unary = 1; ptr--; return EOI; case '[': unary = 0; { int base = zstrtol(ptr, &ptr, 10); if (*ptr == ']') ptr++; yyval = zstrtol(ptr, &ptr, lastbase = base); return NUM; } case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': break; case '0': if (*ptr == 'x' || *ptr == 'X') { unary = 0; /* Should we set lastbase here? */ yyval = zstrtol(++ptr, &ptr, lastbase = 16); return NUM; } /* Fall through! */ default: if (idigit(*--ptr)) { unary = 0; yyval = zstrtol(ptr, &ptr, 10); if (*ptr == '#') { ptr++; yyval = zstrtol(ptr, &ptr, lastbase = yyval); } return NUM; } if (*ptr == '#') { if (*++ptr == '\\') { ptr++; yyval = *ptr == Meta ? *++ptr ^ 32 : *ptr; ptr++; unary = 0; return NUM; } cct = 1; } if (iident(*ptr)) { char *p, q; p = ptr; if (lvc == LVCOUNT) { zerr("too many identifiers (complain to author)", NULL, 0); return EOI; } unary = 0; while (iident(*++ptr)); if (*ptr == '[') { int l; for (ptr++, l = 1; *ptr && l; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '[') l++; if (*ptr == ']') l--; if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1]) ptr++; } } q = *ptr; *ptr = '\0'; lvals[yylval = lvc++] = ztrdup(p); *ptr = q; return cct ? CID : ID; } else if (cct) { yyval = poundgetfn(NULL); unary = 0; return NUM; } return EOI; } } /* the value stack */ #define STACKSZ 100 int mtok; /* last token */ int sp = -1; /* stack pointer */ struct mathvalue { LV lval; long val; }; static struct mathvalue *stack; static void push _((long val, LV lval)); static void push(long val, LV lval) { if (sp == STACKSZ - 1) zerr("stack overflow", NULL, 0); else sp++; stack[sp].val = val; stack[sp].lval = lval; } /**/ long getcvar(LV s) { char *t; if (!(t = getsparam(lvals[s]))) return 0; return STOUC(*t == Meta ? t[1] ^ 32 : *t); } /**/ long setvar(LV s, long v) { if (s == -1 || s >= lvc) { zerr("lvalue required", NULL, 0); return 0; } if (noeval) return v; setiparam(lvals[s], v); return v; } /**/ int notzero(long a) { if (a == 0) { zerr("division by zero", NULL, 0); return 0; } return 1; } /* macro to pop two values off the value stack */ #define pop2() { \ if (sp < 1) { \ zerr("bad math expression: unbalanced stack", NULL, 0); \ return; \ } \ b = stack[sp--].val; \ a = stack[sp--].val; \ } /* macro to pop three values off the value stack */ #define pop3() { \ if (sp < 2) { \ zerr("bad math expression: unbalanced stack", NULL, 0); \ return; \ } \ c = stack[sp--].val; \ b = stack[sp--].val; \ a = stack[sp--].val; \ } #define nolval() {stack[sp].lval= -1;} #define pushv(X) { push(X,-1); } #define pop2lv() { pop2() lv = stack[sp+1].lval; } #define set(X) { push(setvar(lv,X),lv); } /**/ void op(int what) { long a, b, c; LV lv; if (sp < 0) { zerr("bad math expression: stack empty", NULL, 0); return; } switch (what) { case NOT: stack[sp].val = !stack[sp].val; nolval(); break; case COMP: stack[sp].val = ~stack[sp].val; nolval(); break; case POSTPLUS: (void)setvar(stack[sp].lval, stack[sp].val + 1); break; case POSTMINUS: (void)setvar(stack[sp].lval, stack[sp].val - 1); break; case UPLUS: nolval(); break; case UMINUS: stack[sp].val = -stack[sp].val; nolval(); break; case AND: pop2(); pushv(a & b); break; case XOR: pop2(); pushv(a ^ b); break; case OR: pop2(); pushv(a | b); break; case MUL: pop2(); pushv(a * b); break; case DIV: pop2(); if (notzero(b)) pushv(a / b); break; case MOD: pop2(); if (notzero(b)) pushv(a % b); break; case PLUS: pop2(); pushv(a + b); break; case MINUS: pop2(); pushv(a - b); break; case SHLEFT: pop2(); pushv(a << b); break; case SHRIGHT: pop2(); pushv(a >> b); break; case LES: pop2(); pushv((long)(a < b)); break; case LEQ: pop2(); pushv((long)(a <= b)); break; case GRE: pop2(); pushv((long)(a > b)); break; case GEQ: pop2(); pushv((long)(a >= b)); break; case DEQ: pop2(); pushv((long)(a == b)); break; case NEQ: pop2(); pushv((long)(a != b)); break; case DAND: pop2(); pushv((long)(a && b)); break; case DOR: pop2(); pushv((long)(a || b)); break; case DXOR: pop2(); pushv((long)((a && !b) || (!a && b))); break; case QUEST: pop3(); pushv((a) ? b : c); break; case COLON: break; case EQ: pop2(); lv = stack[sp + 1].lval; set(b); break; case PLUSEQ: pop2lv(); set(a + b); break; case MINUSEQ: pop2lv(); set(a - b); break; case MULEQ: pop2lv(); set(a * b); break; case DIVEQ: pop2lv(); if (notzero(b)) set(a / b); break; case MODEQ: pop2lv(); if (notzero(b)) set(a % b); break; case ANDEQ: pop2lv(); set(a & b); break; case XOREQ: pop2lv(); set(a ^ b); break; case OREQ: pop2lv(); set(a | b); break; case SHLEFTEQ: pop2lv(); set(a << b); break; case SHRIGHTEQ: pop2lv(); set(a >> b); break; case DANDEQ: pop2lv(); set((long)(a && b)); break; case DOREQ: pop2lv(); set((long)(a || b)); break; case DXOREQ: pop2lv(); set((long)((a && !b) || (!a && b))); break; case COMMA: pop2(); pushv(b); break; case PREPLUS: stack[sp].val = setvar(stack[sp].lval, stack[sp].val + 1); break; case PREMINUS: stack[sp].val = setvar(stack[sp].lval, stack[sp].val - 1); break; case POWER: pop2(); if (b < 0) { zerr("can't handle negative exponents", NULL, 0); return; } for (c = 1; b--; c *= a); pushv(c); break; case POWEREQ: pop2lv(); if (b < 0) { zerr("can't handle negative exponents", NULL, 0); return; } for (c = 1; b--; c *= a); set(c); break; default: zerr("out of integers", NULL, 0); return; } } /**/ void bop(int tk) { switch (tk) { case DAND: case DANDEQ: if (!stack[sp].val) noeval++; break; case DOR: case DOREQ: if (stack[sp].val) noeval++; break; }; } /**/ long mathevall(char *s, int prek, char **ep) { int t0; int xlastbase, xnoeval, xunary, xlvc; char *xptr; long xyyval; LV xyylval; char **xlvals = 0; int xsp; struct mathvalue *xstack = 0; long ret; xlastbase = xnoeval = xunary = xlvc = xyyval = xyylval = xsp = 0; xptr = NULL; if (mlevel++) { xlastbase = lastbase; xnoeval = noeval; xunary = unary; xlvc = lvc; xptr = ptr; xyyval = yyval; xyylval = yylval; xlvals = lvals; xsp = sp; xstack = stack; } stack = (struct mathvalue *)zalloc(STACKSZ*sizeof(struct mathvalue)); lastbase = -1; lvals = (char **)zcalloc(LVCOUNT*sizeof(char *)); lvc = 0; ptr = s; sp = -1; unary = 1; mathparse(prek); *ep = ptr; if (sp) zerr("bad math expression: unbalanced stack", NULL, 0); for (t0 = 0; t0 != lvc; t0++) zsfree(lvals[t0]); ret = stack[0].val; zfree(lvals, LVCOUNT*sizeof(char *)); zfree(stack, STACKSZ*sizeof(struct mathvalue)); if (--mlevel) { lastbase = xlastbase; noeval = xnoeval; unary = xunary; lvc = xlvc; ptr = xptr; yyval = xyyval; yylval = xyylval; lvals = xlvals; sp = xsp; stack = xstack; } return ret; } /**/ long matheval(char *s) { char *junk; long x; int xmtok = mtok; if (!*s) return 0; x = mathevall(s, TOPPREC, &junk); mtok = xmtok; if (*junk) zerr("bad math expression: illegal character: %c", NULL, *junk); return x; } /**/ long mathevalarg(char *s, char **ss) { long x; int xmtok = mtok; x = mathevall(s, ARGPREC, ss); if (mtok == COMMA) (*ss)--; mtok = xmtok; return x; } /* operator-precedence parse the string and execute */ /**/ void mathparse(int pc) { int q, otok, onoeval; if (errflag) return; mtok = zzlex(); while (prec[mtok] <= pc) { if (errflag) return; switch (mtok) { case NUM: push(yyval, -1); break; case ID: push(getiparam(lvals[yylval]), yylval); break; case CID: push(getcvar(yylval), yylval); break; case M_INPAR: mathparse(TOPPREC); if (mtok != M_OUTPAR) { if (!errflag) zerr("')' expected", NULL, 0); return; } break; case QUEST: q = stack[sp].val; if (!q) noeval++; mathparse(prec[QUEST] - 1); if (!q) noeval--; else noeval++; mathparse(prec[QUEST]); if (q) noeval--; op(QUEST); continue; default: otok = mtok; onoeval = noeval; if (type[otok] == BOOL) bop(otok); mathparse(prec[otok] - (type[otok] != RL)); noeval = onoeval; op(otok); continue; } mtok = zzlex(); } }
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