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Concept Index


  • $0, setting
  • a

  • alias
  • aliases, completion of
  • aliases, global
  • aliases, removing
  • aliasing
  • alternate forms for complex commands
  • ambiguous completions
  • annoying keyboard, sun
  • arithmetic evaluation
  • arithmetic expansion
  • arithmetic operators
  • array elements
  • array expansion, rc style
  • array parameter, declaring
  • arrays, ksh style
  • author
  • autoloading functions
  • b

  • background jobs, IO
  • background jobs, notification
  • background jobs, priority of
  • beep, ambiguous completion
  • beep, enable
  • beep, history
  • bindings, key
  • brace expansion
  • brace expansion, disabling
  • brace expansion, extending
  • builtin commands
  • c

  • case selection
  • cd, automatic
  • cd, behaving like pushd
  • cd, to parameter
  • clobbering, of files
  • command execution
  • command execution, enabling
  • command hashing
  • command substitution
  • commands, alternate forms for complex
  • commands, complex
  • commands, disabling
  • commands, simple
  • comments
  • comments, in interactive shells
  • compatibility
  • compatibility, csh
  • compatibility, ksh
  • compatibility, sh
  • completion, beep on ambiguous
  • completion, controlling
  • completion, exact matches
  • completion, listing choices
  • completion, menu
  • completion, menu, on TAB
  • completion, programmable
  • completions, ambiguous
  • complex commands
  • conditional expressions
  • continuing loops
  • coprocesses
  • correction, spelling
  • csh, compatibility
  • csh, history style
  • csh, loop style
  • csh, null command style
  • csh, null globbing style
  • csh, quoting style
  • csh, tilde expansion
  • d

  • descriptors, file
  • directories, changing
  • directories, hashing
  • directories, marking
  • directories, named, directories, named
  • directory stack, ignoring dups
  • directory stack, printing
  • directory stack, silencing
  • disabling brace expansion
  • disabling commands
  • disabling the editor
  • disowning jobs
  • e

  • echo, BSD compatible
  • editing parameters
  • editing the history
  • editor, disabling
  • editor, line
  • editor, modes
  • editor, overstrike mode
  • editor, single line mode
  • enable history substitution
  • enable the beep
  • enabling globbing
  • EOF, ignoring
  • evaluating arguments as commands
  • evaluation, arithmetic
  • event designators, history
  • exclusion, globbing
  • execution, of commands
  • execution, timed
  • exit status, printing
  • exit status, trapping
  • exiting loops
  • expanding parameters
  • expansion
  • expansion style, sh
  • expansion, arithmetic
  • expansion, brace
  • expansion, brace, disabling
  • expansion, brace, extended
  • expansion, filename
  • expansion, history
  • expansion, parameter
  • export, automatic
  • expressions, conditional
  • f

  • features, undocumented
  • file clobbering, allowing
  • file descriptors
  • file, history
  • filename expansion
  • filename generation
  • filename generation, bad pattern
  • filename substitution, =
  • files used
  • files, marking type of
  • files, shutdown
  • files, startup, files, startup
  • files, temporary
  • flags, shell
  • flow control
  • for loops
  • functions
  • functions, autoloading
  • functions, removing
  • functions, returning from
  • g

  • globbing
  • globbing, enabling
  • globbing, excluding patterns
  • globbing, extended
  • globbing, malformed pattern
  • globbing, no matches, globbing, no matches
  • globbing, null, csh style
  • globbing, of . files
  • globbing, qualifiers
  • globbing, sh style
  • grammar, shell
  • h

  • hashing, of commands
  • hashing, of directories
  • history
  • history beeping
  • history event designators
  • history expansion
  • history modifiers
  • history word designators
  • history, appending to file
  • history, editing
  • history, enable substitution
  • history, file
  • history, ignoring duplicates
  • history, ignoring spaces
  • history, timestamping
  • history, verifying substitution
  • i

  • if construct
  • integer parameters
  • invocation
  • j

  • job control, allowing
  • jobs
  • jobs, background priority
  • jobs, background, IO
  • jobs, disowning
  • jobs, hup
  • jobs, killing
  • jobs, list format
  • jobs, referring to
  • jobs, resuming automatically
  • jobs, suspending
  • jobs, waiting for
  • k

  • key bindings
  • keys, rebinding
  • killing jobs
  • ksh, compatibility, ksh, compatibility
  • ksh, editor mode
  • ksh, null command style
  • ksh, option printing style
  • ksh, single letter options style
  • ksh, style arrays
  • l

  • limits, resource, limits, resource, limits, resource
  • line editor
  • line, reading
  • links, symbolic
  • list
  • list format, of jobs
  • loop style, csh
  • loops, continuing
  • loops, exiting
  • loops, for
  • loops, repeat
  • loops, until
  • loops, while
  • m

  • mail, warning of arrival
  • mailing lists
  • marking directories
  • marking file types
  • mode, privileged
  • modifiers, history
  • modifiers, precommand
  • n

  • named directories
  • notification of background jobs
  • null command, setting
  • null globbing, csh style
  • o

  • operators, arithmetic
  • option printing, ksh style
  • options
  • options, description
  • options, processing
  • options, setting
  • options, single letter
  • options, specifying
  • options, unsetting
  • overstrike mode, of editor
  • p

  • parameter expansion
  • parameters
  • parameters, array
  • parameters, editing
  • parameters, expanding
  • parameters, integer
  • parameters, marking readonly
  • parameters, positional, parameters, positional
  • parameters, setting
  • parameters, substituting unset
  • parameters, unsetting
  • path search, extended
  • pipeline
  • popd, controlling syntax
  • precommand modifiers
  • privileged mode
  • process substitution
  • prompt, with CR
  • pushd, making cd behave like
  • pushd, to home
  • q

  • qualifiers, globbing
  • querying before rm *
  • quoting
  • quoting style, csh
  • quoting style, rc
  • r

  • rc, array expansion style
  • rc, quoting style
  • reading a line
  • rebinding the keys
  • redirection
  • referring to jobs
  • repeat loops
  • reserved words
  • resource limits, resource limits, resource limits
  • resuming jobs automatically
  • rm *, querying before
  • s

  • selection, case
  • selection, user
  • sh, compatibility, sh, compatibility
  • sh, expansion style
  • sh, globbing style
  • sh, word splitting style, sh, word splitting style
  • shell flags
  • shell grammar
  • shell, suspending
  • shell, timing
  • signals
  • signals, trapping, signals, trapping
  • simple commands
  • single command
  • single letter options, ksh style
  • slash, removing trailing
  • sorting, numerically
  • spelling correction
  • startup files
  • startup files, sourcing
  • sublist
  • subshells
  • substitution, command
  • substitution, process
  • substrings
  • sun keyboard, annoying
  • suspending jobs
  • symbolic links
  • t

  • temporary files
  • termcap string, printing
  • testing conditional expression
  • tilde expansion, csh
  • timed execution
  • timing
  • timing the shell
  • tracing, of commands
  • tracing, of input lines
  • trapping signals, trapping signals
  • tty, freezing
  • u

  • umask
  • unset parameters, substituting
  • until loops
  • user selection
  • users, watching
  • w

  • waiting for jobs
  • watching users
  • while loops
  • word designators, history
  • word splitting, sh style, word splitting, sh style

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