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/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ < GuestLogin V1.1 > \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ (c) 1991,1992 by Carsten Lutz Internet: ** What is 'guestlogin' GuestLogin is a little shell, that I use for guests in my system. I tested it only on a NeXT-computer, but it should run on all BSD-like systems. The reason for writing this program was that I didn't want to give csh/sh-access to guests in my system. The guestlogin-shell is easy to use and provides all functionality that an average guest needs: - Information about the system he/she is connected to - Information about who is currently logged in - Possibility to send a mail to the postmaster or any local user ( this is configurable ) - Possibility to have a talk to the postmaster - Possibility to transfer a file. GuestShell offers the System-administrator the possibility to use passwords and configure the access-rights to files individually for each guest. ** How to install ? Edit global.h. It contains a configurable-section, which is commented. You should carefully read this file and make all necessary changes. After doing this, it should suffer to type 'make'. If the program compiled well, you should do the following steps: - create a user "guest" ( or whatever you like ) - copy guestlogin to guests home-directory and use it as guest's loginshell - `touch` the logfile you specified in global.h and `chown` it to the guest-user - Create all necessary textfiles in the text-directory you specified in global.h. The files are: - "info" is shown, when menu-entry one "show system information" is selected - "login" is displayed immediately after login, if it exists. remark: See global.h for shorter text-fragments you can define. - create the filetransfer-passwd file ( specified in global.h ), if you defined RESTRICTEDACCESS in global.h ** Some words about the filetranfer-facility There are different ways to use the filetransfer feature in guestlogin: If you don't define RESTRICTEDACCESS in global.h, then any guest is allowed to read all files in the PUBDIR ( also defined in global.h ). Sending any file ( but NOT overwriting an existing file ! ) and requesting a directory of PUBDIR is also allowed to anybody. If you define RESTRICTEDACCESS, then you need to define the file FILEPWD in global.h. This is a file, which contains a table of passwords and access-rights. Each line is one entry. Comments start with '#' and may be at the end or the beginning of a line. Comments and blank lines are ignored. Each line must at least have 4 fields, but may have as much fiels as you want. The fields are separated by space or tab. The first field specifies a password. The following fields specifiy the access-rights for a guest which enters the password. These are: The second, third and fourth fields represent the rights for download, upload and directory, respectively. A 0 denies the right and a 1 allows the access. If download is permitted, then there may be a list of blank-separated filenames after the fourth field. If it is missing, reading-access to all files is given. If a list exists, the guest with the password specified in the first field can only download the files which are in the list. examples: # allow download of only one file blubb 1 0 0 # allow download of all files blobb 1 0 0 # allow anything special 1 1 1 Have fun, the program is not very genial, but may be someone needs it... bug-reports to - Carsten Lutz
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