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STROBE 1.03(1) STROBE 1.03(1) NNAAMMEE strobe - Super optimized TCP port surveyor SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssttrroobbee [ -vVmdbepPAtnSilfsaM ] [host1 ... [hostn]] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _s_t_r_o_b_e is a network/security tool that locates and describes all listening tcp ports on a (remote) host or on many hosts in a bandwidth utilisation maximising, and pro- cess resource minimizing manner. _s_t_r_o_b_e approximates a parallel finite state machine inter- nally. In non-linear multi-host mode it attempts to appor- tion bandwidth and sockets amoung the hosts very effi- ciently. This can reap appreciable gains in speed for multiple distinct hosts/routes. On a machine with a reasonable number of sockets, _s_t_r_o_b_e is fast enough to port scan entire Internet sub domains. It is even possible to survey an entire small country in a reasonable time from a fast machine on the network back- bone, provided the machine in question uses dynamic socket allocation or has had its static socket allocation increased very appreciably (check your kernel options). In this very limited application _s_t_r_o_b_e is said to be faster than IISSSS22..11 (a high quality commercial security scanner by and friends) or PPiinnggWWaarree (also comercial). OOPPTTIIOONNSS --vv Verbose output. --VV Verbose statistical output. --mm Minimise output. Only print hostname, port tuples. Implies --dd. Useful for automated output parsing. --dd Delete duplicate entries for port descriptions. i.e use only the first definition. --gg Disable usage of ggeettppeeeerrnnaammee(2). On ssoollaarriiss 2.3 machines this causes a core dump, for reasons unknown. This behavior is fixed with ssoollaarriiss 2.4. Under Linux, HP and perhaps other unix implimenta- tions, false tcp connection positives may occurr when this option is activated. --ss Statistical information describing the average of all hosts surveyed is sent to stderr on completion. --qq Quiet mode. Don't print non-fatal errors or the (c) message. --dd Display only the first description in the port 1 STROBE 1.03(1) STROBE 1.03(1) services entry file (Cf. --BB). --oo ffiillee Direct output (but not any messages which can be affected by --qq) to file. --bb nnuummbbeerr Beginning (starting) port number. --ee nnuummbbeerr Ending port number. --pp nnuummbbeerr Port number if you intend to scan a single port. --PP nnuummbbeerr Local port to bind outgoing connection requests to. (you will normally need super-user privileges to bind ports smaller than 1024) --AA aaddddrreessss Interface address to send outgoing connection requests from for multi-homed machines. --tt nnuummbbeerr Time after which a connection attempt to a com- pletely unresponsive host/port is aborted. --nn nnuummbbeerr Use this number of sockets in parallel (defaults to 64). _s_t_r_o_b_e attempts to figure out if nnuummbbeerr is greater than the quantity of available sockets at any point in time -- and if so, only use the amount found. On some UNIX implimentations such as Solaris, this appears not to work correctly and you may find yourself with unusual errors such as NNOO RROOUUTTEE TTOO HHOOSSTT when you hit the socket ceiling. Remember that _s_t_r_o_b_e probably isn't the only pro- cess on the system desiring a socket or two. Having _s_t_r_o_b_e pilfer all the spare sockets away from iinneettdd(8) and other daemons and clients isn't such a crash hot idea, unless you want to stop all new incoming and outgoing connections. --SS ffiillee Change the default port services description file to ffiillee. Note that if --SS is not specified port services are loaded from one of ssttrroobbee..sseerrvviicceess, //uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb//ssttrroobbee..sseerrvviicceess, or //eettcc//sseerrvviicceess. --ii ffiillee Obtain hostnames to strobe from ffiillee rather than from the command line. Note that only the first white-space seperated word in each line of ffiillee is 2 STROBE 1.03(1) STROBE 1.03(1) used, so one can feed in files such as //eettcc//hhoossttss. If filename is ''--'' , stdin will be used. --ll Probe hosts linearly (sequentually) rather than in parallel. The actual ports on each host are still checked in a parallel manner (with a parallelism of --nn (defaults to 64)). --ff Fast mode, probe only the tcp ports detailed in the port services file (see --SS). --aa nnuummbbeerr Abort and skip to the next host after ports upto to nnuummbbeerr have been probed and still no connections have occurred. Due to the parallel nature of the probing, reply packets for n+m may return before those relating to n. What this means is that ports > nnuummbbeerr may be probed. If _s_t_r_o_b_e see's a connec- tion on any one of these higher ports before its negated all possibility of a service listening on ports <= nnuummbbeerr then despite the fact that all ports up to and including nnuummbbeerr may turn out to be connectionless, _s_t_r_o_b_e will `abort the abort'. This is considered optimal, if unusual behavior. --MM Mail a bug report, or tcp/udp port description to the current source maintainer. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS strobe -n 120 -a 80 -i /etc/hosts -s -f -V -S services -o out _s_t_r_o_b_e all entries in //eettcc//hhoossttss (identical ip addresses are skipped automagically) using 120 sockets in parallel, but only check the individual tcp ports mentioned in sseerr-- vviicceess. If we have probed up to port 80 on a host and have still not yet evidenced a connection, then skip that host. Display speed/time statistics for each host and for the totality of hosts to stderr. Place the regular output in oouutt. ypcat hosts | strobe -p 80 -t 2 -A -P 53 _s_t_r_o_b_e all hosts in your hosts YP/NIS-table for WWW- servers. Use a timeout of two seconds. Set the source address to the interface. Make all connection requests appear to come from port 53 (DNS). BBUUGGSS _S_t_r_o_b_e performs no other security functions (yet) and does not verify route blocking against UDP or TCP handshake sequence guessing one-way IP spoofing attacks. 3 STROBE 1.03(1) STROBE 1.03(1) AAUUTTHHOORR _J_u_l_i_a_n _A_s_s_a_n_g_e EMAIL: OOFFFFIICCAALL DDIISSTTRRIIBBUUTTIIOONN CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright (c) Julian Assange 1995, All rights reserved. This software maybe distributed only freely, in full and without modification. It may not be bundled with any sort of hardware or software if a fee is charged for that hard- ware or software directly or indirectly, in whole or in part. If you would like to include this software in such a distribution then please contact the author to negotiate reasonable (possibly free) terms. The author shall not under any circumstances accept any liability for this software, for its use, misuse, or any failings it may have. Your on your own. The author reserves the right to alter the aformentioned conditions from time to time as he sees appropriate. The author's most recent copyright notice and conditions for this software always supersede any issued previously. Use and or distribution of this software implies accep- tance of the above. SSoo tthheerree. SSEEEE AALLSSOO nnssllooookkuupp(1), hhoosstt(1), ddiigg(1), ssoocckkeett(2), bbiinndd(2), ccoonn-- nneecctt(2), iissss(1). 4
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