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/* * language.c - Foreign language translation for PGP * Finds foreign language "subtitles" for English phrases * in external foriegn language text file. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "usuals.h" #ifndef LANGTOOL #include "fileio.h" #include "language.h" #include "pgp.h" #else #define MAX_PATH 255 boolean verbose; long fsize(); #endif char langfile[80] = "language.txt"; #define LANG_INDEXFILE "language.idx" #define STRBUFSIZE 2048 char language[16] = "en"; /* The language code, defaults to English */ static char *strbuf; static char lang[16]; /* readstr sets this to the language id of the msg it last read */ static int subtitles_available = 0; static int line = 0; static int errcount = 0; /* subtitles_available is used to determine if we know whether the special subtitles_file exists. subtitles_available has the following values: 0 = first time thru, we don't yet know if subtitles_file exists. 1 = we have already determined that subtitles_file exists. -1 = we have already determined that subtitles_file does not exist. */ static void error(char *); #define NEWLINE 0 #define COMMENT 1 #define INSTRING 2 #define ESCAPE 3 #define IDENT 4 #define DONE 5 #define ERROR 6 #define ERR1 7 /* Look for and return a quoted string from the file. * If nlabort is true, return failure if we find a blank line * before we find the opening quote. */ static char * readstr (FILE *f, char *buf, int nlabort) { int c, d; char *p = buf; int state = NEWLINE; int i = 0; while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF) { if (c == '\r') continue; /* line numbers are only incremented when creating index file */ if (line && c == '\n') ++line; switch (state) { case NEWLINE: switch(c) { case '#': state = COMMENT; break; case '"': state = INSTRING; break; case '\n': if (nlabort) { *buf = '\0'; return(buf); } default: if (i == 0 && isalnum(c)) { state = IDENT; lang[i++] = c; break; } if (!isspace(c)) { error("syntax error\n"); state = ERROR; } } break; case COMMENT: if (c == '\n') state = NEWLINE; break; case INSTRING: switch(c) { case '\\': state = ESCAPE; break; case '"': state = DONE; break; default: *p++ = c; } break; case ESCAPE: switch (c) { case 'n': *p++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *p++ = '\r'; break; case 't': *p++ = '\t'; break; case 'e': *p++ = '\033'; break; case 'a': *p++ = '\007'; break; case '#': case '"': case '\\': *p++ = c; break; case '\n': break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': /* ANSI C rules: up to 3 octal digits */ d = c - '0'; if ((c = getc(f)) >= '0' && c <= '7') { d = (d<<3) + (c-'0'); if ((c = getc(f)) >= '0' && c <= '7') d = (d<<3) + (c-'0'); else ungetc(c, f); } else { ungetc(c, f); } *p++ = d; break; default: error("illegal escape sequence: "); fprintf(stderr, "'\\%c'\n", c); break; } state = INSTRING; break; case IDENT: /* language identifier */ if (c == ':') { state = NEWLINE; break; } if (c == '\n' && strncmp(lang, "No translation", 14) == 0) { i = 0; state = NEWLINE; break; } lang[i++] = c; if (i == 15 || !isalnum(c) && !isspace(c)) { lang[i] = '\0'; error("bad language identifier\n"); state = ERROR; i = 0; } break; case DONE: if (c == '\n') { lang[i] = '\0'; *p = '\0'; return(buf); } if (!isspace(c)) { error("extra characters after '\"'\n"); state = ERROR; } break; case ERROR: if (c == '\n') state = ERR1; break; case ERR1: state = (c == '\n' ? NEWLINE : ERROR); break; } } if (state != NEWLINE) error("unexpected EOF\n"); return(NULL); } static struct indx_ent { word32 crc; long offset; } *indx_tbl = NULL; static int max_msgs = 0; static int nmsg = 0; static FILE *langf; static struct { long lang_fsize; /* size of language.txt */ char lang[16]; /* language identifier */ int nmsg; /* number of messages */ } indx_hdr; static int make_indexfile(char *); word32 crcupdate(byte, word32); void init_crc(); /* * uses 24-bit CRC function from armor.c */ static word32 message_crc(char *s) { word32 crc = 0; while (*s) crc = crcupdate(*s++, crc); return(crc); } /* * lookup file offset in indx_tbl */ static long lookup_offset(word32 crc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nmsg; ++i) if (indx_tbl[i].crc == crc) return(indx_tbl[i].offset); return(-1); } #ifndef LANGTOOL static void init_lang(); /* * return foreign translation of s */ char * PSTR (char *s) { long filepos; if (subtitles_available == 0) init_lang(); if (subtitles_available < 0) return(s); filepos = lookup_offset(message_crc(s)); if (filepos == -1) { return(s); } else { fseek(langf, filepos, SEEK_SET); readstr(langf, strbuf, 1); } if (strbuf[0] == '\0') return(s); for (s = strbuf; *s; ++s) *s = EXT_C(*s); return(strbuf); } /* * initialize the index table: read it from language.idx or create * a new one and write it to the index file. A new index file is * created if the language set in config.pgp doesn't match the one * in language.idx or if the size of language.txt has changed. */ static void init_lang() { char indexfile[MAX_PATH]; char subtitles_file[MAX_PATH]; FILE *indexf; if (strcmp(language, "en") == 0) { subtitles_available = -1; return; /* use default messages */ } buildfilename (subtitles_file, langfile); if ((langf = fopen(subtitles_file, "rb")) == NULL) { subtitles_available = -1; return; } init_crc(); if ((strbuf = (char *) malloc(STRBUFSIZE)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for foreign subtitles\n"); fclose(langf); subtitles_available = -1; return; } buildfilename(indexfile, LANG_INDEXFILE); if ((indexf = fopen(indexfile, "rb")) != NULL) { if (fread(&indx_hdr, sizeof(indx_hdr), 1, indexf) == 1 && indx_hdr.lang_fsize == fsize(langf) && strcmp(indx_hdr.lang, language) == 0) { nmsg = indx_hdr.nmsg; indx_tbl = (struct indx_ent *) malloc(nmsg * sizeof(struct indx_ent)); if (indx_tbl == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for foreign subtitles\n"); fclose(indexf); fclose(langf); subtitles_available = -1; return; } if (fread(indx_tbl, sizeof(struct indx_ent), nmsg, indexf) != nmsg) { free(indx_tbl); /* create a new one */ indx_tbl = NULL; } } fclose(indexf); } if (indx_tbl == NULL && make_indexfile(indexfile) < 0) { fclose(langf); subtitles_available = -1; } else { subtitles_available = 1; } } #endif /* !LANGTOOL */ /* * build the index table in memory, and if indexfile is not NULL, * write it to this file */ static int make_indexfile(char *indexfile) { FILE *indexf; long filepos; int total_msgs = 0; char *res; rewind(langf); indx_hdr.lang_fsize = fsize(langf); strncpy(indx_hdr.lang, language, 15); init_crc(); line = 1; nmsg = 0; while (readstr(langf, strbuf, 0)) { if (nmsg == max_msgs) { if (max_msgs) { max_msgs *= 2; indx_tbl = (struct indx_ent *) realloc(indx_tbl, max_msgs * sizeof(struct indx_ent)); } else { max_msgs = 400; indx_tbl = (struct indx_ent *) malloc(max_msgs * sizeof(struct indx_ent)); } if (indx_tbl == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for foreign subtitles\n"); return(-1); } } ++total_msgs; indx_tbl[nmsg].crc = message_crc(strbuf); if (lookup_offset(indx_tbl[nmsg].crc) != -1) error("message CRC not unique.\n"); do { filepos = ftell(langf); res = readstr (langf, strbuf, 1); /* Abort if find newline first */ if (*language == '\0') /* use first language found */ strcpy(language, lang); } while (res && strbuf[0] != '\0' && strcmp(language, lang) != 0); if (res == NULL) break; if (strbuf[0] == '\0') /* No translation */ continue; indx_tbl[nmsg].offset = filepos; ++nmsg; do res = readstr (langf, strbuf, 1); /* Abort if find newline first */ while (res && strbuf[0] != '\0'); } line = 0; indx_hdr.nmsg = nmsg; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d messages, %d translations for language \"%s\"\n", langfile, total_msgs, nmsg, language); if (nmsg == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No translations available for language \"%s\"\n\n", language); return(-1); } if (indexfile) { if ((indexf = fopen(indexfile, "wb")) == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create %s\n", indexfile); else { fwrite(&indx_hdr, 1, sizeof(indx_hdr), indexf); fwrite(indx_tbl, sizeof(struct indx_ent), nmsg, indexf); if (ferror(indexf) || fclose(indexf)) fprintf(stderr, "error writing %s\n", indexfile); } } return(0); } static void error(char *s) { ++errcount; if (langfile[0]) fprintf(stderr, "%s:", langfile); if (line) fprintf(stderr, "%d:", line); fprintf(stderr, " %s", s); } #ifdef LANGTOOL /* * language string tool for manipulating language files * link with CRC routines from armor.c */ #define CMD_EXTRACT 1 #define CMD_CHECK 2 #define CMD_MERGE 3 extern char *optarg; extern int optind; main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt, cmd = 0, rc = 0; char *langIDs[16]; char *outfile = NULL; init_crc(); if ((strbuf = (char *) malloc(STRBUFSIZE)) == NULL) { perror(argv[0]); exit(1); } while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "cxmo:")) != EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'c': cmd = CMD_CHECK; break; case 'x': cmd = CMD_EXTRACT; break; case 'm': cmd = CMD_MERGE; break; case 'o': outfile = optarg; break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; switch (cmd) { case CMD_EXTRACT: if (argc < 2) usage(); rc = extract(argv[0], outfile, &argv[1]); break; case CMD_MERGE: if (argc < 2) usage(); rc = merge(argv[0], argv[1], outfile, argv[2]); break; case CMD_CHECK: verbose = 1; if (argc == 0) checkfile("language.txt"); else while (--argc >= 0) checkfile(*argv++); break; default: usage(); } exit(rc); } usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: langtool -[x|c|m] [-o outputfile] ...\n\n\ To extract one or more languages from a merged file:\n\ langtool -x [-o outputfile] file langID...\n\n\ To check a language file for syntax errors:\n\ langtool -c file...\n\n\ To merge language \"lang\" from lang_file with source_file:\n\ langtool -m [-o outputfile] source_file lang_file [lang]\n"); exit(1); } merge(char *base_file, char *lang_file, char *outfile, char *langID) { FILE *fp, *outf; long fpos = 0, filepos; int newmsgs = 0; if ((langf = fopen(lang_file, "r")) == NULL) { perror(lang_file); return -1; } strcpy(langfile, lang_file); if (langID) strcpy(language, langID); else language[0] = '\0'; /* use first language found */ errcount = 0; make_indexfile(NULL); if (errcount) return -1; langfile[0] = '\0'; /* don't print filename in error msgs */ if ((fp = fopen(base_file, "r")) == NULL) { perror(base_file); return -1; } if (outfile == NULL) outf = stdout; else { if ((outf = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) { perror(outfile); return(-1); } } while (readstr(fp, strbuf, 0)) { copypos(fp, outf, fpos); fpos = ftell(fp); filepos = lookup_offset(message_crc(strbuf)); if (filepos == -1) { fprintf(outf, "No translation\n"); ++newmsgs; } else { fseek(langf, filepos, SEEK_SET); readstr(langf, strbuf, 1); copypos(langf, outf, filepos); } while (readstr(fp, strbuf, 1)) if (*strbuf == '\0') break; } copypos(fp, outf, fpos); fflush(outf); if (ferror(outf)) { perror(outfile); return -1; } if (newmsgs) fprintf(stderr, "%d untranslated messages\n", newmsgs); return errcount; } extract(char *infile, char *outfile, char **langIDs) { FILE *fp, *outf; long fpos = 0; char **langID; if ((fp = fopen(infile, "r")) == NULL) { perror(infile); return -1; } if (outfile == NULL) { outf = stdout; } else { if ((outf = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) { perror(outfile); fclose(fp); return(-1); } } while (readstr(fp, strbuf, 0)) { copypos(fp, outf, fpos); fpos = ftell(fp); while (readstr(fp, strbuf, 1)) { if (*strbuf == '\0') break; for (langID = langIDs; *langID; ++langID) { if (strcmp(lang, *langID) == 0) copypos(fp, outf, fpos); } fpos = ftell(fp); } } copypos(fp, outf, fpos); fflush(outf); if (ferror(outf)) { perror(outfile); return -1; } return 0; } checkfile(char *name) { if ((langf = fopen(name, "rb")) == NULL) { perror(name); return -1; } strcpy(langfile, name); language[0] = '\0'; /* count messages for first language */ errcount = 0; make_indexfile(NULL); fclose(langf); return errcount; } copypos(FILE *f, FILE *g, long pos) { long size; size = ftell(f) - pos; fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET); copyfile(f, g, size); } copyfile(FILE *f, FILE *g, long n) { int c; while (--n >= 0 && (c = getc(f)) != EOF) putc(c, g); } long fsize(FILE *f) { long len, pos; pos = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END); len = ftell(f); fseek(f, pos, SEEK_SET); return len; } #endif /* LANGTOOL */
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