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/* ============================================================================ NAME : read.c PURPOSE : translation of lp-problem and storage in sparse matrix SHORT : Subroutines for yacc program to store the input in an intermediate data-structure. The yacc and lex programs translate the input. First the problemsize is determined and the date is read into an intermediate structure, then readinput fills the sparse matrix. USAGE : call yyparse(); to start reading the input. call readinput(); to fill the sparse matrix. ============================================================================ Rows : contains the amount of rows + 1. Rows-1 is the amount of constraints (no bounds) Rows also contains the rownr 0 which is the objective function Columns : contains the amount of columns (different variable names found in the constraints) Nonnuls : contains the amount of nonnuls = sum of different entries of all columns in the constraints and in the objectfunction Hash_tab : contains all columnnames on the first level of the structure the row information is kept under each column structure in a linked list (also the objective funtion is in this structure) Bound information is also stored under under the column name First_rside : points to a linked list containing all relational operators and the righthandside values of the constraints the linked list is in reversed order with respect to the rownumbers ============================================================================ */ #include "lpkit.h" #include "lpglob.h" #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> short *relat; int Verbose; constraint_name *First_constraint_name; hashelem *Hash_tab[HASHSIZE]; rside *First_rside; tmp_store_struct tmp_store; short Ignore_decl; /* * errorhandeling routine for yyparse() */ void yyerror(char *string) { fprintf(stderr, "PARSING ERROR: %s on line %d, quiting\n", string, yylineno); exit(1); } void check_decl(char *str) { if(strcmp(str, "int")) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown declaration specifier %s on line %d, ignored\n", str, yylineno); Ignore_decl = TRUE; } } /* make a good hash function for any int size */ /* inspired by Aho, Sethi and Ullman, Compilers ..., p436 */ #define HASH_1 sizeof(unsigned int) #define HASH_2 (sizeof(unsigned int) * 6) #define HASH_3 (0xF0 << ((sizeof(unsigned int) - 1) * CHAR_BIT)) static int hashval(const char *string) { unsigned int result = 0, tmp; for(; *string; string++) { result = (result << HASH_1) + *string; if(tmp = result & HASH_3) { /* if any of the most significant bits is on */ result ^= tmp >> HASH_2; /* xor them in in a less significant part */ result ^= tmp; /* and reset the most significant bits to 0 */ } } return(result % HASHSIZE); } /* hashval */ /* * Returns a pointer to hashelement with name = variable * If this hashelement does not exists, gethash() returns a NULL pointer */ static hashelem *gethash(char *variable) { hashelem *h_tab_p; for(h_tab_p = Hash_tab[hashval(variable)]; h_tab_p != NULL; h_tab_p = h_tab_p->next) if(strcmp(variable, h_tab_p->colname) == 0) return(h_tab_p); return(h_tab_p); } /* gethash */ void add_int_var(char *name) { hashelem *hp; if(Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "int: %s\n", name); if(!(hp = gethash(name))) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown variable %s declared integer on line %d, ignored\n", name, yylineno); else if(hp->must_be_int) fprintf(stderr, "Variable %s declared integer more than once on line %d\n", name, yylineno); else hp->must_be_int = TRUE; } /* * initialisation of hashtable and globals. */ void init_read(void) { int i; Rows = 0; Non_zeros = 0; Columns = 0; for(i = 0; i<HASHSIZE; Hash_tab[i++] = NULL); CALLOC(First_rside, 1, rside); First_rside->value = 0; /* first row (nr 0) is always the objective function */ First_rside->relat = OF; } /* init */ /* * searchs in column-list (p is pointer to first element of column-list) * for column->row = row. * getrow() returns a pointer to this column structure. * If not found a NULL-pointer is returned */ static column *getrow(column *p, int row) { for(; p != NULL; p = p->next) if(p->row == row) return(p); return(p) ; } /* getrow */ /* * Creates a bound record. * Set lowbo = 0 and upbo = Infinite * */ static bound *create_bound_rec(void) { bound *bp; CALLOC(bp, 1, bound); bp->upbo = DEF_INFINITE; bp->lowbo = 0; return(bp); } /* create_bound_rec */ /* * clears the tmp_store variable after all information has been copied */ void null_tmp_store(void) { tmp_store.value = 0; tmp_store.rhs_value = 0; } /* * variable : pointer to text array with name of variable * row : the rownumber of the constraint * value : value of matrixelement * A(row, variable). * Sign : (global) determines the sign of value. * store() : stores value in matrix * A(row, variable). If A(row, variable) already contains data, * value is added to the existing value. */ static void store(char *variable, int row, REAL value) { hashelem *h_tab_p; column *col_p; int hv; if(value == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "(store) Warning, variable %s has een effective coefficient of 0 on line %d. Ignored.\n", variable, yylineno); return; } if((h_tab_p = gethash(variable)) == NULL) { CALLOC(h_tab_p, 1, hashelem); Columns++; /* counter for calloc of final array */ hv = hashval(variable); h_tab_p->next = Hash_tab[hv]; Hash_tab[hv] = h_tab_p; strcpy(h_tab_p->colname, variable); CALLOC(h_tab_p->col, 1, column); Non_zeros++; /* for calloc of final arrays */ h_tab_p->col->row = row; h_tab_p->col->value = value; } else if((col_p = getrow(h_tab_p->col, row)) == NULL) { CALLOC(col_p, 1, column); Non_zeros++; /* for calloc of final arrays */ col_p->value = value; col_p->row = row; col_p->next = h_tab_p->col; h_tab_p->col = col_p; } else col_p->value += value; } /* store */ /* * store relational operator given in yylex[0] in the rightside list. * Also checks if it constaint was a bound and if so stores it in the * boundslist */ void store_re_op(void) { short tmp_relat; switch(yytext[0]) { case '=': tmp_relat = EQ; break; case '>': tmp_relat=GE; break; case '<': tmp_relat=LE; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown relational operator %s on line %d\n", yytext, yylineno); exit(1); break; } if(Lin_term_count > 1) /* it is not a bound */ First_rside->relat = tmp_relat; else /* could be a bound */ tmp_store.relat = tmp_relat; } /* save_re_op */ /* * store RHS value in the rightside structure * if type = true then */ void rhs_store(REAL value) { if(Lin_term_count > 1) /* not a bound */ First_rside->value += value; else /* a bound */ tmp_store.rhs_value += value; } /* RHS_store */ /* * store all data in the right place * count the amount of lineair terms in a constraint * only store in data-structure if the constraint is not a bound */ void var_store(char *var, int row, REAL value) { if(strlen(var) > MAXSTRL) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable name too long, at most %d characters allowed\n", MAXSTRL); exit(1); } /* also in a bound the same var name can occur more than once. Check for this. Don't increment Lin_term_count */ if(Lin_term_count != 1 || strcmp(, var) != 0) Lin_term_count++; /* always store objective function with rownr == 0. */ if(row == 0) { store(var, row, value); return; } if(Lin_term_count == 1) /* don't store yet. could be a bound */ { strcpy(, var); tmp_store.row = row; tmp_store.value += value; return; } if(Lin_term_count == 2) /* now you can also store the first variable */ { rside *rp; /* make space for the rhs information */ CALLOC(rp, 1, rside); rp->next = First_rside; First_rside = rp; First_rside->value = tmp_store.rhs_value; First_rside->relat = tmp_store.relat; if(tmp_store.value != 0) store(, tmp_store.row, tmp_store.value); else fprintf(stderr, "Warning, variable %s has een effective coefficient of 0 on line %d. Ignored.\n",, yylineno); null_tmp_store(); } store(var, row, value); } /* var_store */ /* * store the information in tmp_store because it is a bound */ void store_bounds(void) { if(tmp_store.value != 0) { hashelem *h_tab_p; int hv; REAL boundvalue; if((h_tab_p = gethash( == NULL) { /* a new columnname is found, create an entry in the hashlist */ CALLOC(h_tab_p, 1, hashelem); Columns++; /* counter for calloc of final array */ hv = hashval(; h_tab_p->next = Hash_tab[hv]; Hash_tab[hv] = h_tab_p; strcpy(h_tab_p->colname,; /* create a place to store bounds information */ h_tab_p->bnd = create_bound_rec(); } else if(h_tab_p->bnd == NULL) /* create a place to store bounds information */ h_tab_p->bnd = create_bound_rec(); /* else bound_rec already exists */ if(tmp_store.value < 0) /* divide by negative number, */ /* relational operator may change */ { if(tmp_store.relat == GE) tmp_store.relat = LE; else if(tmp_store.relat == LE) tmp_store.relat = GE; } /* Check sanity of bound; all variables should be positive */ boundvalue = tmp_store.rhs_value / tmp_store.value; if( ((tmp_store.relat == EQ) && (boundvalue < 0)) || ((tmp_store.relat == LE) && (boundvalue < 0))) /* Error */ { fprintf(stderr, "Error on line %d: variables must always be non-negative\n", yylineno); exit(1); } if((tmp_store.relat == GE) && (boundvalue <= 0)) /* Warning */ fprintf(stderr, "Warning on line %d: useless bound; variables are always >= 0\n", yylineno); /* bound seems to be sane, add it */ if((tmp_store.relat == GE) || (tmp_store.relat == EQ)) { if(h_tab_p->bnd->lowbo < boundvalue) h_tab_p->bnd->lowbo = boundvalue; else fprintf(stderr, "Ineffective lower bound on line %d, ignored\n", yylineno); } if((tmp_store.relat == LE) || (tmp_store.relat == EQ)) { if(h_tab_p->bnd->upbo > boundvalue) h_tab_p->bnd->upbo = boundvalue; else fprintf(stderr, "Ineffective upper bound on line %d, ignored\n", yylineno); } /* check for empty range */ if(h_tab_p->bnd->upbo < h_tab_p->bnd->lowbo) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: bound on line %d contradicts earlier bounds, exiting\n", yylineno); exit(1); } } else /* tmp_store.value = 0 ! */ { fprintf(stderr, "Error, variable %s has een effective coefficient of 0 in bound on line %d. Exiting.\n",, yylineno); exit(1); } null_tmp_store(); } /* store_bounds */ void add_constraint_name(char *name, int row) { constraint_name *cnp; if(!First_constraint_name) /* first time only */ { CALLOC(First_constraint_name, 1, constraint_name); } else { cnp = First_constraint_name; CALLOC(First_constraint_name, 1, constraint_name); First_constraint_name->next = cnp; } strcpy(First_constraint_name->name, name); First_constraint_name->row = row; } /* * transport the data from the intermediate structure to the sparse matrix * and free the intermediate structure */ void readinput(lprec *lp) { int i, j, index, nn_ind; column *cp,*tcp; /* tcp (temporary cp) points to memory-space to free */ hashelem *hp,*thp; bound *bp; rside *rp; constraint_name *cnp; /* fill names with the rownames */ for(cnp = First_constraint_name; cnp; cnp = cnp->next) strcpy(lp->row_name[cnp->row], cnp->name); for(i = Rows;i >= 0;i--) { rp = First_rside; relat[i] = rp->relat; lp->orig_rh[i] = rp->value; First_rside = rp->next; free(rp); /* free memory when data has been read */ } /* change upperbound to zero if the relational operator is the equal sign */ for(i = 1; i <= Rows; i++) if(relat[i] == EQ) lp->orig_upbo[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i <= Rows; i++) if(strcmp(lp->row_name[i], "")==0) sprintf(lp->row_name[i],"r_%06d",i); /* start reading the Hash_list structure */ index = 0; nn_ind = 0; for(i = 0;i < HASHSIZE;i++) { hp = Hash_tab[i]; while(hp != NULL) { /* put an index in the cend array when a new name is found */ lp->col_end[index++] = nn_ind; /* check if it must be an integer variable */ if(hp->must_be_int) { lp->must_be_int[Rows + index]=TRUE; } /* check for bound */ if(hp->bnd != NULL) { bp = hp->bnd; lp->orig_lowbo[Rows+index] = bp->lowbo; lp->orig_upbo[Rows+index] = bp->upbo; free(bp); /* free memory when data has been read*/ } /* copy name of column variable */ strcpy(lp->col_name[index], hp->colname); /* put matrix values in sparse matrix */ cp = hp->col; while(cp!=NULL) { lp->mat[nn_ind].row_nr = cp->row; lp->mat[nn_ind].value = cp->value; nn_ind++; tcp = cp; cp = cp->next; free(tcp); /* free memory when data has been read */ } thp = hp; hp = hp->next; free(thp); /* free memory when data has been read */ } } lp->col_end[index] = nn_ind; /* the following should be replaced by a call to the MPS print routine MB */ if(Verbose) { printf("\n"); printf("**********Data read**********\n"); printf("Rows : %d\n", Rows); printf("Columns : %d\n", Columns); printf("Nonnuls : %d\n", Non_zeros); printf("NAME LPPROB\n"); printf("ROWS\n"); for(i = 0; i <= Rows; i++) { if(relat[i] == LE) printf(" L "); else if(relat[i] == EQ) printf(" E "); else if(relat[i] == GE) printf(" G "); else if(relat[i] == OF) printf(" N "); printf("%s\n", lp->row_name[i]); } printf("COLUMNS\n"); j = 0; for(i = 0; i < Non_zeros; i++) { if(i == lp->col_end[j]) j++; printf(" %-8s %-8s %g\n", lp->col_name[j], lp->row_name[lp->mat[i].row_nr], (double)lp->mat[i].value); } printf("RHS\n"); for(i = 0; i <= Rows; i++) { printf(" RHS %-8s %g\n", lp->row_name[i], (double)lp->orig_rh[i]); } printf("BOUNDS\n"); for(i = Rows + 1; i <= Sum; i++) { if(lp->orig_upbo[i] < lp->infinite) printf(" UP BND %-8s %g\n", lp->col_name[i - Rows], (double)lp->orig_upbo[i]); if(lp->orig_lowbo[i] > 0) printf(" LO BND %-8s %g\n", lp->col_name[i - Rows], (double)lp->orig_lowbo[i]); } printf("ENDATA\n"); } } /* readinput */ lprec *read_lp_file(FILE *input, short verbose, nstring lp_name) { lprec *lp; int i; Verbose = verbose; if(Lp != NULL) { Lp->active = FALSE; Lp = NULL; } yyin = input; Maximise=TRUE; yyparse(); fclose(yyin); CALLOC(lp, 1, lprec); Rows--; Sum = Rows + Columns; strcpy(lp->lp_name, lp_name); lp->active = FALSE; lp->verbose = FALSE; lp->print_duals = FALSE; lp->print_sol = FALSE; lp->debug = FALSE; lp->print_at_invert = FALSE; lp->trace = FALSE; lp->rows = Rows; lp->columns = Columns; lp->sum = Rows + Columns; lp->rows_alloc = Rows; lp->columns_alloc = Columns; lp->sum_alloc = lp->sum; CALLOC(lp->row_name, lp->rows + 1, nstring); CALLOC(lp->col_name, lp->columns + 1, nstring); lp->names_used = TRUE; lp->obj_bound = DEF_INFINITE; lp->bb_rule = FIRST_NI; lp->break_at_int = FALSE; lp->infinite = DEF_INFINITE; lp->epsilon = DEF_EPSILON; lp->epsb = DEF_EPSB; lp->epsd = DEF_EPSD; lp->epsel = DEF_EPSEL; lp->non_zeros = Non_zeros; lp->mat_alloc = Non_zeros; lp->row_end_valid = FALSE; MALLOC(lp->mat, Non_zeros, matrec); CALLOC(lp->col_no, Non_zeros, int); CALLOC(lp->col_end, Columns + 1, int); CALLOC(lp->row_end, Rows + 1, int); CALLOC(lp->orig_rh, Rows + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->rh, Rows + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->rhs, Rows + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->must_be_int, Sum + 1, short); MALLOC(lp->orig_upbo, Sum + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->upbo, Sum + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->orig_lowbo, Sum + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->lowbo, Sum + 1, REAL); for(i = 0; i <= Sum; i++) { lp->orig_upbo[i] = lp->infinite; lp->orig_lowbo[i] = 0; } lp->basis_valid = TRUE; CALLOC(lp->bas, Rows+1, int); CALLOC(lp->basis, Sum + 1, short); CALLOC(lp->lower, Sum + 1, short); for(i = 0; i <= Rows; i++) { lp->bas[i] = i; lp->basis[i] = TRUE; } for(i = Rows + 1; i <= Sum; i++) lp->basis[i] = FALSE; for(i = 0 ; i <= Sum; i++) lp->lower[i] = TRUE; lp->eta_valid = TRUE; lp->eta_size = 0; lp->eta_alloc = 10000; lp->max_num_inv=DEFNUMINV; CALLOC(lp->eta_value, 10000, REAL); CALLOC(lp->eta_row_nr, 10000, int); CALLOC(lp->eta_col_end, Rows + lp->max_num_inv + 1, int); lp->iter = 0; lp->total_iter = 0; CALLOC(lp->solution, Sum + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->best_solution, Sum + 1, REAL); CALLOC(lp->duals, Rows + 1, REAL); lp->maximise = FALSE; lp->floor_first = TRUE; lp->scaling_used = FALSE; CALLOC(lp->ch_sign, Rows + 1, short); for(i = 0; i <= Rows; i++) lp->ch_sign[i] = FALSE; lp->valid = FALSE; CALLOC(relat, Rows+1, short); readinput(lp); if(Maximise) set_maxim(lp); for(i = 1; i <= Rows; i++) set_constr_type(lp, i, relat[i]); free(relat); return(lp); }
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