
This is printgl.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include "incl.h"

extern FILE   *fpo, *fpi;
extern char    buffer[];
extern int     inlinecount, outlinecount;
extern double  llx, lly, urx, ury, scx, scy;

printgl ()
double  res_fac, linewidth;
int     i, j, n, x, y, lx, by, rx, uy;
char    str1[MAXWORD+1], buf[MAXWORD+1];
char   *p[MAXTOKENS], *cp;

** Do some initialization.
   lx = 10000;
   by = 10000;
   rx = 0;
   uy = 0;
** Get the x- and y picture limits in points.
   for (fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi); (!(feof (fpi)));
                                     fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi)) {

      i = 0;
      p[i++] = strtok (buffer, SEP_CHARS);
      while ((p[i++] = strtok (NULL, SEP_CHARS)) != NULL);
      n = i - 1;
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
         if (strcmp (p[j], MOVE_TO) == 0 || strcmp (p[j], LINE_TO) == 0) {
            x = atoi (p[j - 2]);
            y = atoi (p[j - 1]);
            if (x < lx) lx = x;
            else if (x > rx) rx = x;
            if (y < by) by = y;
            else if (y > uy) uy = y;

   rewind (fpi);
** Set BoundingBox values.
** Values must be scaled down from PrintGL to PostScript resolution.
** PostScript resolution:   72 pt/inch.
** PrintGL resolution   : 1016 pt/inch.
   res_fac = (double) POSTSCRIPT_RES / PRINTGL_RES;
   llx = lx * res_fac;
   lly = by * res_fac;
   urx = rx * res_fac;
   ury = uy * res_fac;

   scx = 1.0;
   scy = 1.0;
** Adjust BoundingBox and scale values depending on width (-w)
** height (-h) and space (-s) options.
   if (adj_bbox (urx - llx) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (EXIT_FAILURE);
** Replace first line
   fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi);
   fprintf (fpo, "%s", FIRSTLINE);
** Replace BoundingBox statement.
   for (fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi); (!(feof (fpi)));
                                     fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi)) {
      sscanf (buffer, "%s", str1);
      if (strcmp (str1, PPBOUNDINGBOXC) == 0) {
         fprintf (fpo, "%s %d %d %d %d\n", PPBOUNDINGBOXC,
                          (int)llx, (int)lly, (int)urx, (int)ury);
         fprintf (fpo, "%s: 0 1\n", PPPAGES);
         fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", PPENDCOMMENTS);
**    Insert next statement for use with program ``dvialw''
         fprintf (fpo, "%s", DVIALW_BEGIN);
         outlinecount += 4;
      else {
         fprintf (fpo, "%s", buffer);
** Scan rest of input file.
   for (fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi); (!(feof (fpi)));
                                     fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi)) {
      sscanf (buffer, "%s", str1);
**    The effective linewidth is the product of the initial linewidth
**    and the scaling factor.
**    When we want a constant linewidth the initial linewidth has to 
**    be changed depending on the scaling factor.
      if (strcmp (str1, "/SP1") == 0 || strcmp (str1, "/SP2") == 0) {
         fprintf (fpo, "%s%s", PPP, buffer);
         fprintf (fpo, "%s { ", str1);
         sscanf (buffer, "%*s%*s%lf", &linewidth);
         linewidth /= scx;
         fprintf (fpo, "%.2lf ", linewidth);
         fprintf (fpo, "%s", (buffer + 9));
**    After 'scale' in the statement beginning with 'gsave' there is
**    a translation.
**    The translation is user supplied by means of the /lf option
**    of the PrintGL program.
**    This translation isn't of any sense for inserting the picture
**    into a LaTeX file so it's deleted.
      else if (strcmp (str1, GSAVE) == 0) {
         fprintf (fpo, "%s%s", PPP, buffer);
         strcpy (buf, strtok (buffer, SEP_CHARS));
         strcat (buf, " ");
         while (strcmp ((cp = strtok (NULL, SEP_CHARS)), SCALE) != 0) {
            strcat (buf, cp);
            strcat (buf, " ");
         strcat (buf, cp);
         fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", buf);
**       Insert scale statement.
**       Scale factors may have been changed by -w and/or -h option.
         fprintf (fpo, "%.3lf %.3lf %s\n", scx, scy, SCALE);
         outlinecount += 2;
      else if ((strcmp (str1, SHOWPAGE)) == 0) {
**       Insert next statement for use with program ``dvialw''
         fprintf (fpo, "%s", DVIALW_END);
         fprintf (fpo, "%s", buffer);
         outlinecount += 2;
      else {
         fprintf (fpo, "%s", buffer);
   return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

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