
This is parse.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include "incl.h"

extern FILE   *fpo, *fpi;
extern char   *word1, *word2;
extern char    buffer[], newbuf[];
extern int     inlinecount, outlinecount;
extern int     boundingboxOK, boundingboxOPTION;
extern int     pagesOK, atend, EndComments;
extern long    CurrentPos, BboxPos, ScalePos;
extern double  llx, lly, urx, ury, scx, scy;

parse ()

** Get and test first line.
   fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi);
   if (buffer[0] == '%' && buffer[1] == '!') {
      fprintf (fpo, "%s", FIRSTLINE);
      BboxPos = ftell (fpo);
      fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", BB_BUF);
   else {
      fprintf (stderr, "\n*** First line not beginning with %%!\n\n");
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);

   scx = 1.0;
   scy = 1.0;

   for (fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi); (!(feof (fpi)));
                         fgets (buffer, MAXBUF, fpi)) {
      if (buffer[0] == '%' && buffer[1] == '%') {
         strcpy (newbuf, buffer);
         word1 = strtok (newbuf, " :\n");
         word2 = strtok ('\0', " \n\t");
         if ((word1 == NULL) || (strcmp (word1, PPPAGESIZE) == 0) ||
                         (strcmp (word1, PPPAGEBOUNDINGBOX) == 0) ||
                                 (strcmp (word1, PPFEATURE) == 0)) {
            sprintf (buffer, "");
         else if (strcmp (word1, PPPAGE) == 0) {
**          This statement means there are more than 1 page.
**          Impossible. Statement deleted.
            sprintf (buffer, "");
         else if (strcmp (word1, PPBOUNDINGBOX) == 0) {
            if (strcmp (word2, ATEND) == 0) {
               atend = TRUE;
               sprintf (buffer, "");
            else {
               boundingboxOK = TRUE;
               if (!boundingboxOPTION) 
                  sscanf (buffer, "%*s%lf%lf%lf%lf", 
                          &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
               if (bndbox () == EXIT_FAILURE) return (EXIT_FAILURE);
         else if (strcmp (word1, PPPAGES) == 0) {
            pagesOK = TRUE;
            sprintf (buffer, "%s: 0 1\n", PPPAGES);
         else if (strcmp (word1, PPENDCOMMENTS) == 0) {
            fprintf (fpo, "%s\n", PPENDCOMMENTS);
**          Insert next statement for use with program ``dvialw''
            fprintf (fpo, "%s", DVIALW_BEGIN);
**          Insert scale statement to reflect to supplied or default 
**          boundingbox. Boundingbox depends on -w and -h options.
**          Insert dummy spaces at the end for this statement may be 
**          overwritten.
            ScalePos = ftell (fpo);
            fprintf (fpo, "%.3lf %.3lf %s                \n", 
                     scx, scy, SCALE);

            outlinecount += 3;
            sprintf (buffer, "");
            EndComments = TRUE;
         if (EndComments && !(pagesOK)) {
            fprintf (fpo, "%s: 0 1\n", PPPAGES);
      else if ((!(EndComments)) && (buffer[0] != '%')) {
         comments ();
      fprintf (fpo, "%s", buffer);

   if (!boundingboxOK && !boundingboxOPTION) {
      fprintf (stderr, "\n*** There is no BoundingBox !\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "Use -b option.\n\n");
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
   if (!boundingboxOK && boundingboxOPTION) {
**    adjust boundingbox and scale values depending on width (-w)
**    height (-h) and space (-s) options.
**    Write BoundinBox statement in reserved 2nd output statement.
      if (bndbox () == EXIT_FAILURE) return (EXIT_FAILURE);
**    Overwrite 'scale' statement.
      CurrentPos = ftell (fpo);
      fseek (fpo, ScalePos, SEEK_SET);
      fprintf (fpo, "%.3lf %.3lf %s", scx, scy, SCALE);
      fseek (fpo, CurrentPos, SEEK_SET);
** Insert next statement for use with program ``dvialw''
   fprintf (fpo, "%s", DVIALW_END);

   fprintf (stderr, "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n",
           "     ********* WARNING **********     ",
           "When using program `dvialw' the `%end(plot)'",
           "statement must be >>before<< a possible",
           "`showpage' statement.");
   return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

bndbox ()

   if ((urx - llx) == 0 || (ury - lly) == 0) {
      fprintf (stderr, "\n*** Illegal BoundingBox values: %d %d %d %d\n\n",
              (int)llx, (int)lly, (int)urx, (int)ury);
      return (EXIT_FAILURE);
** Adjust BoundingBox and scale values depending on width (-w)
** height (-h) and space (-s) options.
   if (adj_bbox (urx - llx) == EXIT_FAILURE) return (EXIT_FAILURE);

   CurrentPos = ftell (fpo);
   fseek (fpo, BboxPos, SEEK_SET);
   fprintf (fpo, "%s %d %d %d %d",
           PPBOUNDINGBOXC, (int)llx, (int)lly, (int)urx, (int)ury);
   fseek (fpo, CurrentPos, SEEK_SET);
   sprintf (buffer, "");

   return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.