This is swish.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* ** Copyright (C) 1995, Enterprise Integration Technologies Corp. ** All Rights Reserved. ** Kevin Hughes, ** 3/11/94 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #ifdef NEXTSTEP #include <sys/dir.h> #else #include <dirent.h> #endif #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <setjmp.h> #define VERSION "1.1.1" #define INDEXFILE "index.swish" #define INDEXHEADER "# SWISH format 1.1" #define MAXFILELEN 1000 #define MAXSTRLEN 1000 #define MAXWORDLEN 1000 #define MAXTITLELEN 200 #define MAXSUFFIXLEN 10 #define MAXENTLEN 10 #define HASHSIZE 101 #define BIGHASHSIZE 1009 #define TI_OPEN 1 #define TI_CLOSE 2 #define TI_FOUND 4 #define NOWORD "thisisnotaword" #define SECSPERMIN 60 #define NO_RULE 0 #define AND_RULE 1 #define OR_RULE 2 #define NOT_RULE 3 #define IN_FILE 1 #define IN_TITLE 2 #define IN_HEAD 4 #define IN_BODY 8 #define IN_COMMENTS 16 #define IN_HEADER 32 #define IN_EMPHASIZED 64 #define IN_ALL 127 #define MAXLONGLEN 16 #define MAXCHARS 68 #define MAXHEADCHARS MAXLONGLEN * MAXCHARS #define STOPWORDPOS MAXCHARS - 3 #define FILELISTPOS MAXCHARS - 2 #define FILEOFFSETPOS MAXCHARS - 1 #include "config.h" struct sortresult { char *fileinfo; int rank; struct sortresult *left; struct sortresult *right; }; struct result { int filenum; int rank; int structure; struct result *next; }; struct file { char *filename; char *title; int size; struct file *next; }; struct filenum { int fileshort; long filelong; struct filenum *next; }; struct location { int filenum; int frequency; int emphasized; int structure; struct location *next; }; struct entry { char *word; int tfrequency; struct location *locationlist; struct entry *left; struct entry *right; }; struct sortentry { char *filename; char *title; struct sortentry *left; struct sortentry *right; }; struct swline { char *line; struct swline *next; }; struct fwordtotal { int filenum; int totalwords; struct fwordtotal *next; }; #ifndef MAIN_FILE #define VAR extern #else #define VAR #endif VAR struct file *filelist; VAR struct entry *entrylist; VAR struct swline *pathconlist; VAR struct swline *dirconlist; VAR struct swline *fileconlist; VAR struct swline *titconlist; VAR struct swline *fileislist; 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#else extern char *indexchars; extern char *defaultstopwords[]; extern char *entities[]; #endif #ifdef MAIN_FILE int main(); void usage(); void printversion(); void printrunning(); long getthetime(); #endif
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