Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3

Apache name-based Virtual Host Support

See Also: IP-based Virtual Host Support

Name-based vs. IP-based virtual hosts

While the approach with IP-based virtual hosts works very well, it is not the most elegant solution, because a dedicated IP address is needed for every virtual host and it is hard to implement on some machines. The HTTP/1.1 protocol contains a method for the server to identify what name it is being addressed as. Apache 1.1 and later support this approach as well as the traditional IP-address-per-hostname method.

The benefits of using the new name-based virtual host support is a practically unlimited number of servers, ease of configuration and use, and requires no additional hardware or software. The main disadvantage is that the client must support this part of the protocol. The latest versions of most browsers do, but there are still old browsers in use who do not. This can cause problems, although a possible solution is addressed below.

Using non-IP Virtual Hosts

Using the new virtual hosts is quite easy, and superficially looks like the old method. You simply add to one of the Apache configuration files (most likely httpd.conf or srm.conf) code similar to the following:


    ServerName www.domain.tld
    DocumentRoot /web/domain

The notable difference between IP-based and name-based virtual host configuration is the NameVirtualHost directive which specifies an IP address that should be used as a target for name-based virtual hosts.

Of course, any additional directives can (and should) be placed into the <VirtualHost> section. To make this work, all that is needed is to make sure that the name www.domain.tld is an alias (CNAME) pointing to the IP address

Additionally, many servers may wish to be accessible by more than one name. For example, the example server might want to be accessible as domain.tld, or www2.domain.tld, assuming the IP addresses pointed to the same server. In fact, one might want it so that all addresses at domain.tld were picked up by the server. This is possible with the ServerAlias directive, placed inside the <VirtualHost> section. For example:

    ServerAlias domain.tld *.domain.tld

Note that you can use * and ? as wild-card characters.

You also might need ServerAlias if you are serving local users who do not always include the domain name. For example, if local users are familiar with typing "www" or "www.foobar" then you will need to add ServerAlias www www.foobar. It isn't possible for the server to know what domain the client uses for their name resolution because the client doesn't provide that information in the request.

Compatibility with Older Browsers

As mentioned earlier, there are still some clients in use who do not send the required data for the name-based virtual hosts to work properly. These clients will always be sent the pages from the primary name-based virtual host (the first virtual host appearing in the configuration file for a specific IP address).

There is a possible workaround with the ServerPath directive, albeit a slightly cumbersome one:

Example configuration:


    ServerName www.domain.tld
    ServerPath /domain
    DocumentRoot /web/domain

What does this mean? It means that a request for any URI beginning with "/domain" will be served from the virtual host www.domain.tld This means that the pages can be accessed as http://www.domain.tld/domain/ for all clients, although clients sending a Host: header can also access it as http://www.domain.tld/.

In order to make this work, put a link on your primary virtual host's page to http://www.domain.tld/domain/ Then, in the virtual host's pages, be sure to use either purely relative links (e.g. "file.html" or "../icons/image.gif" or links containing the prefacing /domain/ (e.g. "http://www.domain.tld/domain/misc/file.html" or "/domain/misc/file.html").

This requires a bit of discipline, but adherence to these guidelines will, for the most part, ensure that your pages will work with all browsers, new and old.

See also: ServerPath configuration example

Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3

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