
This is mod_negotiation.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* ====================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 The Apache Group.  All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
 *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
 *    distribution.
 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
 *    software must display the following acknowledgment:
 *    "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
 *    for use in the Apache HTTP server project (http://www.apache.org/)."
 * 4. The names "Apache Server" and "Apache Group" must not be used to
 *    endorse or promote products derived from this software without
 *    prior written permission.
 * 5. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
 *    acknowledgment:
 *    "This product includes software developed by the Apache Group
 *    for use in the Apache HTTP server project (http://www.apache.org/)."
 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals on behalf of the Apache Group and was originally based
 * on public domain software written at the National Center for
 * Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
 * For more information on the Apache Group and the Apache HTTP server
 * project, please see <http://www.apache.org/>.

 * mod_negotiation.c: keeps track of MIME types the client is willing to
 * accept, and contains code to handle type arbitration.
 * rst

#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "http_core.h"
#include "http_log.h"
#include "util_script.h"

/* define TCN_02 to allow for Holtman I-D transparent negotiation.
 * This file currently implements the draft-02, except for
 * anything to do with features and cache-control (max-age etc)
 * Since the draft is just that, and we don't yet implement
 * everything, regard the transparent negotiation stuff as experimental.
/*#define TCN_02*/

/* Commands --- configuring document caching on a per (virtual?)
 * server basis...

typedef struct {
    array_header *language_priority;
} neg_dir_config;

module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT negotiation_module;

char *merge_string_array (pool *p, array_header *arr, char *sep)
    int i;
    char *t = "";

    for (i = 0; i < arr->nelts; i++) {
	t = pstrcat(p, t, i ? sep : "", ((char**)arr->elts)[i], NULL);
    return t;

void *create_neg_dir_config (pool *p, char *dummy)
    neg_dir_config *new =
      (neg_dir_config *) palloc (p, sizeof (neg_dir_config));

    new->language_priority = make_array (p, 4, sizeof (char *));
    return new;

void *merge_neg_dir_configs (pool *p, void *basev, void *addv)
    neg_dir_config *base = (neg_dir_config *)basev;
    neg_dir_config *add = (neg_dir_config *)addv;
    neg_dir_config *new =
      (neg_dir_config *) palloc (p, sizeof (neg_dir_config));

    /* give priority to the config in the subdirectory */
    new->language_priority = append_arrays (p, add->language_priority,
    return new;

const char *set_language_priority (cmd_parms *cmd, void *n, char *lang)
    array_header *arr = ((neg_dir_config *) n)->language_priority;
    char **langp = (char **) push_array (arr);

    *langp = pstrdup (arr->pool, lang);
    return NULL;

const char *cache_negotiated_docs (cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *dummy2)
    void *server_conf = cmd->server->module_config;
    set_module_config (server_conf, &negotiation_module, "Cache");
    return NULL;

int do_cache_negotiated_docs (server_rec *s)
    return (get_module_config (s->module_config, &negotiation_module) != NULL);

command_rec negotiation_cmds[] = {
{ "CacheNegotiatedDocs", cache_negotiated_docs, NULL, RSRC_CONF, NO_ARGS,
    "no arguments (either present or absent)" },
{ "LanguagePriority", set_language_priority, NULL, OR_FILEINFO, ITERATE,
    "space-delimited list of MIME language abbreviations" },
{ NULL }

/* Record of available info on a media type specified by the client
 * (we also use 'em for encodings and languages)

typedef struct accept_rec {
    char *type_name;
    float quality;
    float max_bytes;
    float level;
    char *charset;              /* for content-type only */
} accept_rec;

/* Record of available info on a particular variant
 * Note that a few of these fields are updated by the actual negotiation
 * code.  These are:
 * level_matched --- initialized to zero.  Set to the value of level
 *             if the client actually accepts this media type at that
 *             level (and *not* if it got in on a wildcard).  See level_cmp
 *             below.

typedef struct var_rec {
    request_rec *sub_req;       /* May be NULL (is, for map files) */
    char *type_name;
    char *file_name;
    char *content_encoding;
    array_header *content_languages; /* list of languages for this variant */
    char *content_charset;
    char *description;

    /* The next five items give the quality values for the dimensions
     * of negotiation for this variant. They are obtained from the
     * appropriate header lines, except for accept_type_quality, which
     * is obtained from the variant itself (the 'qs' parameter value
     * from the variant's mime-type). Apart from type_quality,
     * these values are set when we find the quality for each variant
     * (see best_match()). type_quality is set from the 'qs' parameter
     * of the variant description or mime type: see set_mime_fields().
    float lang_quality;         /* quality of this variant's language */
    int   encoding_quality;     /* ditto encoding (1 or 0 only) */
    float charset_quality;      /* ditto charset */
    float accept_type_quality;  /* ditto media type */
    float type_quality;         /* quality of source for this type */

    /* Now some special values */
    float level;                /* Auxiliary to content-type... */
    float bytes;		/* content length, if known */
    int lang_index;             /* pre HTTP/1.1 language priority stuff */
    int is_pseudo_html;         /* text/html, *or* the INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPEs */

    /* Above are all written-once properties of the variant.  The
     * three fields below are changed during negotiation:
    float level_matched;
    int mime_stars;
    int definite;
} var_rec;

/* Something to carry around the state of negotiation (and to keep
 * all of this thread-safe)...

typedef struct {
    pool *pool;
    request_rec *r;
    char *dir_name;
    int accept_q;		/* 1 if an Accept item has a q= param */
    float default_lang_quality;	/* fiddle lang q for variants with no lang */

    array_header *accepts;      /* accept_recs */
    int have_accept_header;	/* 1 if Accept-Header present */
    array_header *accept_encodings; /* accept_recs */
    array_header *accept_charsets; /* accept_recs */
    array_header *accept_langs; /* accept_recs */
    array_header *avail_vars;   /* available variants */

    int ua_can_negotiate;       /* 1 if ua can do transparent negotiate */
    int use_transparent_neg;    /* 1 if we are using transparent neg */
    int short_accept_headers;   /* 1 if ua does trans neg & sent short accpt */
} negotiation_state;

/* A few functions to manipulate var_recs.
 * Cleaning out the fields...

void clean_var_rec (var_rec *mime_info)
    mime_info->sub_req = NULL;
    mime_info->type_name = "";
    mime_info->file_name = "";
    mime_info->content_encoding = "";
    mime_info->content_languages = NULL;
    mime_info->content_charset = "";
    mime_info->description = "";

    mime_info->is_pseudo_html = 0;
    mime_info->level = 0.0f;
    mime_info->level_matched = 0.0f;
    mime_info->bytes = 0.0f;
    mime_info->lang_index = -1;
    mime_info->mime_stars = 0;
    mime_info->definite = 1;

    mime_info->charset_quality = 1.0f;
    mime_info->type_quality = 0.0f;
    mime_info->encoding_quality = 1;
    mime_info->lang_quality = 1.0f;
    mime_info->accept_type_quality = 1.0f;

/* Initializing the relevant fields of a variant record from the
 * accept_info read out of its content-type, one way or another.

void set_mime_fields (var_rec *var, accept_rec *mime_info)
    var->type_name = mime_info->type_name;
    var->type_quality = mime_info->quality;
    var->level = mime_info->level;
    var->content_charset = mime_info->charset;

    var->is_pseudo_html = 
	(!strcmp (var->type_name, "text/html")
	 || !strcmp (var->type_name, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE)
	 || !strcmp (var->type_name, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE3));

 * Parsing (lists of) media types and their parameters, as seen in
 * HTTPD header lines and elsewhere.

 * Get a single mime type entry --- one media type and parameters;
 * enter the values we recognize into the argument accept_rec

char *get_entry (pool *p, accept_rec *result, char *accept_line)
    result->quality = 1.0f;
    result->max_bytes = 0.0f;
    result->level = 0.0f;
    result->charset = "";
    /* Note that this handles what I gather is the "old format",
     *    Accept: text/html text/plain moo/zot
     * without any compatibility kludges --- if the token after the
     * MIME type begins with a semicolon, we know we're looking at parms,
     * otherwise, we know we aren't.  (So why all the pissing and moaning
     * in the CERN server code?  I must be missing something).
    result->type_name = get_token (p, &accept_line, 0);
    str_tolower (result->type_name); /* You want case-insensitive,
				      * you'll *get* case-insensitive.

    /* KLUDGE!!! Default HTML to level 2.0 unless the browser
     * *explicitly* says something else.
    if (!strcmp (result->type_name, "text/html")
	&& result->level == 0.0)
	result->level = 2.0f;
    else if (!strcmp (result->type_name, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE))
	result->level = 2.0f;
    else if (!strcmp (result->type_name, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE3))
	result->level = 3.0f;

    while (*accept_line == ';') {
	/* Parameters ... */

	char *parm;
	char *cp;
	char *end;
	parm = get_token (p, &accept_line, 1);

	/* Look for 'var = value' --- and make sure the var is in lcase. */
	for (cp = parm; *cp && !isspace(*cp) && *cp != '='; ++cp)
	    *cp = tolower(*cp);

	if (!*cp) continue;	/* No '='; just ignore it. */
	*cp++ = '\0';		/* Delimit var */
	while (*cp && (isspace(*cp) || *cp == '='))

	if (*cp == '"') {
	    for (end = cp; *end && 
		     *end != '\n' && *end != '\r' && *end != '\"';
	else {
	    for (end = cp; *end && !isspace(*end); end++)
	if (*end)
	    *end = '\0';	/* strip ending quote or return */
	if (parm[0] == 'q'
	    && (parm[1] == '\0' || (parm[1] == 's' && parm[2] == '\0')))
	    result->quality = atof(cp);
	else if (parm[0] == 'm' && parm[1] == 'x' &&
		 parm[2] == 'b' && parm[3] == '\0')
	    result->max_bytes = atof(cp);
	else if (parm[0] == 'l' && !strcmp (&parm[1], "evel"))
	    result->level = atof(cp);
	else if (!strcmp(parm, "charset"))
	    result->charset = cp;

    if (*accept_line == ',') ++accept_line;

    return accept_line;
 * Dealing with header lines ...
 * Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language and Accept-Encoding
 * are handled by do_header_line() - they all have the same
 * basic structure of a list of items of the format
 *    name; q=N; charset=TEXT
 * where q is only valid in Accept, Accept-Charset and Accept-Languages,
 * and charset is only valid in Accept.

array_header *do_header_line (pool *p, char *accept_line)
    array_header *accept_recs = make_array (p, 40, sizeof (accept_rec));
    if (!accept_line) return accept_recs;
    while (*accept_line) {
        accept_rec *new = (accept_rec *)push_array (accept_recs);
	accept_line = get_entry (p, new, accept_line);

    return accept_recs;

/* Given the text of the Content-Languages: line from the var map file,
 * return an array containing the languages of this variant

array_header *do_languages_line (pool *p, char **lang_line)
    array_header *lang_recs = make_array (p, 2, sizeof (char *));
    if (!lang_line) return lang_recs;
    while (**lang_line) {
        char **new = (char **)push_array (lang_recs);
	*new = get_token (p, lang_line, 0);
	str_tolower (*new);
	if (**lang_line == ',' || **lang_line == ';')

    return lang_recs;

 * Handling header lines from clients...

negotiation_state *parse_accept_headers (request_rec *r)
    negotiation_state *new =
        (negotiation_state *)pcalloc (r->pool, sizeof (negotiation_state));
    accept_rec *elts;
    table *hdrs = r->headers_in;
    int i;   
    char *hdr;

    new->pool = r->pool;
    new->r = r;
    new->dir_name = make_dirstr_parent (r->pool, r->filename);
    new->accepts = do_header_line (r->pool, table_get (hdrs, "Accept"));

    hdr = table_get (hdrs, "Accept-encoding");
    if (hdr)
      new->have_accept_header = 1;
    new->accept_encodings = do_header_line (r->pool, hdr);

    new->accept_langs =
      do_header_line (r->pool, table_get (hdrs, "Accept-language"));
    new->accept_charsets =
      do_header_line (r->pool, table_get (hdrs, "Accept-charset"));
    new->avail_vars = make_array (r->pool, 40, sizeof (var_rec));

#ifdef TCN_02
    if (table_get(r->headers_in, "Negotiate")) {
        /* Negotiate: header tells us UA does transparent negotiation
         * We have to decide whether we want to ... for now, yes,
         * we do */

        new->ua_can_negotiate = 1;
        if (r->method_number == M_GET)
            new->use_transparent_neg = 1; /* should be configurable */

        /* Check for 'Short Accept', ie either no Accept: header,
         * or just "Accept: * / *" */
        if (new->accepts->nelts == 0 || 
            (new->accepts->nelts == 1 &&
            (!strcmp(((accept_rec *)new->accepts->elts)[0].type_name, 
                                               "*/*")))) {
            /* Using short accept header */
            new->short_accept_headers = 1;

    if (!new->use_transparent_neg) {
        /* Now we check for q-values. If they're all 1.0, we assume the
         * client is "broken", and we are allowed to fiddle with the
         * values later. Otherwise, we leave them alone.
        elts = (accept_rec *)new->accepts->elts;
        for (i = 0; i < new->accepts->nelts; ++i)
            if (elts[i].quality < 1.0) new->accept_q = 1;
    else new->accept_q = 1;
    return new;

/* Sometimes clients will give us no Accept info at all; this routine sets
 * up the standard default for that case, and also arranges for us to be
 * willing to run a CGI script if we find one.  (In fact, we set up to
 * dramatically prefer CGI scripts in cases where that's appropriate,
 * e.g., POST).

void maybe_add_default_encodings(negotiation_state *neg, int prefer_scripts)
    accept_rec *new_accept = (accept_rec *)push_array (neg->accepts); 
    new_accept->type_name = CGI_MAGIC_TYPE;
    new_accept->quality = prefer_scripts ? 1e-20f : 1e20f;
    new_accept->level = 0.0f;
    new_accept->max_bytes = 0.0f;

    if (neg->accepts->nelts > 1) return;
    new_accept = (accept_rec *)push_array (neg->accepts); 
    new_accept->type_name = "*/*";
    new_accept->quality = 1.0f;
    new_accept->level = 0.0f;
    new_accept->max_bytes = 0.0f;

 * Parsing type-map files, in Roy's meta/http format augmented with
 * #-comments.

/* Reading RFC822-style header lines, ignoring #-comments and
 * handling continuations.

enum header_state { header_eof, header_seen, header_sep };

enum header_state get_header_line (char *buffer, int len, FILE *map)
    char *buf_end = buffer + len;
    char *cp;
    int c;
    /* Get a noncommented line */
    do {
	if (fgets(buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, map) == NULL)
	    return header_eof;
    } while (buffer[0] == '#');
    /* If blank, just return it --- this ends information on this variant */
    for (cp = buffer; *cp && isspace (*cp); ++cp)

    if (*cp == '\0') return header_sep;

    /* If non-blank, go looking for header lines, but note that we still
     * have to treat comments specially...

    cp += strlen(cp);
    while ((c = getc(map)) != EOF)
	if (c == '#') {
	    /* Comment line */
	    while ((c = getc(map)) != EOF && c != '\n')
	} else if (isspace(c)) {
	    /* Leading whitespace.  POSSIBLE continuation line
	     * Also, possibly blank --- if so, we ungetc() the final newline
	     * so that we will pick up the blank line the next time 'round.
	    while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && isspace(c))
		c = getc(map);

	    ungetc (c, map);
	    if (c == '\n') return header_seen; /* Blank line */

	    /* Continuation */

	    while (cp < buf_end - 2 && (c = getc(map)) != EOF && c != '\n')
		*cp++ = c;

	    *cp++ = '\n';
	    *cp = '\0';
	} else {

	    /* Line beginning with something other than whitespace */
	    ungetc (c, map);
	    return header_seen;

    return header_seen;

/* Stripping out RFC822 comments */

void strip_paren_comments (char *hdr)
    /* Hmmm... is this correct?  In Roy's latest draft, (comments) can nest! */
    while (*hdr) {
	if (*hdr == '"') {
	    while (*++hdr && *hdr != '"')
	else if (*hdr == '(') {
	    while (*hdr && *hdr != ')') *hdr++ = ' ';
	    if (*hdr) *hdr++ = ' ';
	else ++hdr;

/* Getting to a header body from the header */

char *lcase_header_name_return_body (char *header, request_rec *r)
    char *cp = header;
    while (*cp && *cp != ':')
        *cp++ = tolower(*cp);
    if (!*cp) {
	log_reason ("Syntax error in type map --- no ':'", r->filename, r);
	return NULL;

    do ++cp; while (*cp && isspace (*cp));

    if (!*cp) {
	log_reason ("Syntax error in type map --- no header body",
		    r->filename, r);
	return NULL;

    return cp;

static int read_type_map (negotiation_state *neg, request_rec *rr)
    request_rec *r = neg->r;
    FILE *map;
    char buffer[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    enum header_state hstate;
    struct var_rec mime_info;
    if (rr->status != HTTP_OK) {
	return rr->status;
    map = pfopen (neg->pool, rr->filename, "r");
    if (map == NULL) {
        log_reason("cannot access type map file", rr->filename, r);
	return FORBIDDEN;

    clean_var_rec (&mime_info);
    do {
	hstate = get_header_line (buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, map);
	if (hstate == header_seen) {
	    char *body = lcase_header_name_return_body (buffer, neg->r);
	    if (body == NULL) return SERVER_ERROR;
	    strip_paren_comments (body);
	    if (!strncmp (buffer, "uri:", 4)) {
		mime_info.file_name = get_token (neg->pool, &body, 0);
	    else if (!strncmp (buffer, "content-type:", 13)) {
		struct accept_rec accept_info;
		get_entry (neg->pool, &accept_info, body);
		set_mime_fields (&mime_info, &accept_info);
	    else if (!strncmp (buffer, "content-length:", 15)) {
		mime_info.bytes = atof(body);
	    else if (!strncmp (buffer, "content-language:", 17)) {
		mime_info.content_languages = 
		    do_languages_line(neg->pool, &body);
	    else if (!strncmp (buffer, "content-encoding:", 17)) {
		mime_info.content_encoding = get_token (neg->pool, &body, 0);
		str_tolower (mime_info.content_encoding);
	    else if (!strncmp (buffer, "description:", 12)) {
		mime_info.description = get_token (neg->pool, &body, 0);
	} else {
	    if (mime_info.type_quality > 0 && *mime_info.file_name)
		    void *new_var = push_array (neg->avail_vars);
		    memcpy (new_var, (void *)&mime_info, sizeof (var_rec));

    } while (hstate != header_eof);
    pfclose (neg->pool, map);
    return OK;

 * Same, except we use a filtered directory listing as the map...

int read_types_multi (negotiation_state *neg)
    request_rec *r = neg->r;
    char *filp;
    int prefix_len;
    DIR *dirp;
    struct DIR_TYPE *dir_entry;
    struct var_rec mime_info;
    struct accept_rec accept_info;
    void *new_var;

    clean_var_rec (&mime_info);

    if (!(filp = strrchr (r->filename, '/'))) return DECLINED; /* Weird... */

    if (strncmp(r->filename, "proxy:", 6) == 0)
        return DECLINED;

    prefix_len = strlen (filp);

    dirp = popendir (neg->pool, neg->dir_name);

    if (dirp == NULL) {
        log_reason("cannot read directory for multi", neg->dir_name, r);
	return FORBIDDEN;

    while ((dir_entry = readdir (dirp))) {
        request_rec *sub_req;
	/* Do we have a match? */
	if (strncmp (dir_entry->d_name, filp, prefix_len)) continue;
	if (dir_entry->d_name[prefix_len] != '.') continue;
	/* Yep.	 See if it's something which we have access to, and 
	 * which has a known type and encoding (as opposed to something
	 * which we'll be slapping default_type on later).
	sub_req = sub_req_lookup_file (dir_entry->d_name, r);

	/* If it has a handler, we'll pretend it's a CGI script,
	 * since that's a good indication of the sort of thing it
	 * might be doing.
	if (sub_req->handler && !sub_req->content_type)
	  sub_req->content_type = CGI_MAGIC_TYPE;

	if (sub_req->status != HTTP_OK || !sub_req->content_type) {
	/* If it's a map file, we use that instead of the map
	 * we're building...

	if (((sub_req->content_type) &&
	     !strcmp (sub_req->content_type, MAP_FILE_MAGIC_TYPE)) || 
	    ((sub_req->handler) && 
	    !strcmp (sub_req->handler, "type-map"))) {
	    pclosedir(neg->pool, dirp);
	    neg->avail_vars->nelts = 0;
	    return read_type_map (neg, sub_req);
	/* Have reasonable variant --- gather notes.
	mime_info.sub_req = sub_req;
	mime_info.file_name = pstrdup(neg->pool, dir_entry->d_name);
	if (sub_req->content_encoding) {
	    mime_info.content_encoding = sub_req->content_encoding;
	if (sub_req->content_languages) {
	    int i;
	    mime_info.content_languages = sub_req->content_languages;
	    if (mime_info.content_languages)
		for (i = 0; i < mime_info.content_languages->nelts; ++i)

	get_entry (neg->pool, &accept_info, sub_req->content_type);
	set_mime_fields (&mime_info, &accept_info);
	new_var = push_array (neg->avail_vars);
	memcpy (new_var, (void *)&mime_info, sizeof (var_rec));

    pclosedir(neg->pool, dirp);
    return OK;

 * And now for the code you've been waiting for... actually
 * finding a match to the client's requirements.

/* Matching MIME types ... the star/star and foo/star commenting conventions
 * are implemented here.  (You know what I mean by star/star, but just
 * try mentioning those three characters in a C comment).  Using strcmp()
 * is legit, because everything has already been smashed to lowercase.
 * Note also that if we get an exact match on the media type, we update
 * level_matched for use in level_cmp below...
 * We also give a value for mime_stars, which is used later. It should
 * be 1 for star/star, 2 for type/star and 3 for type/subtype.

int mime_match (accept_rec *accept_r, var_rec *avail)
    char *accept_type = accept_r->type_name;
    char *avail_type = avail->type_name;
    int len = strlen(accept_type);
    if (accept_type[0] == '*')  { /* Anything matches star/star */
        if (avail->mime_stars < 1)
          avail->mime_stars = 1;
        return 1; 
    else if ((accept_type[len - 1] == '*') &&
             !strncmp (accept_type, avail_type, len - 2)) {
        if (avail->mime_stars < 2)
          avail->mime_stars = 2;
        return 1;
    else if (!strcmp (accept_type, avail_type)
	     || (!strcmp (accept_type, "text/html")
		 && (!strcmp(avail_type, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE)
		     || !strcmp(avail_type, INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE3)))) {
	if (accept_r->level >= avail->level) {
	    avail->level_matched = avail->level;
	    avail->mime_stars = 3;
	    return 1;

    return OK;

/* This code implements a piece of the tie-breaking algorithm between
 * variants of equal quality.  This piece is the treatment of variants
 * of the same base media type, but different levels.  What we want to
 * return is the variant at the highest level that the client explicitly
 * claimed to accept.
 * If all the variants available are at a higher level than that, or if
 * the client didn't say anything specific about this media type at all
 * and these variants just got in on a wildcard, we prefer the lowest
 * level, on grounds that that's the one that the client is least likely
 * to choke on.
 * (This is all motivated by treatment of levels in HTML --- we only
 * want to give level 3 to browsers that explicitly ask for it; browsers
 * that don't, including HTTP/0.9 browsers that only get the implicit
 * "Accept: * / *" [space added to avoid confusing cpp --- no, that
 * syntax doesn't really work] should get HTML2 if available).
 * (Note that this code only comes into play when we are choosing among
 * variants of equal quality, where the draft standard gives us a fair
 * bit of leeway about what to do.  It ain't specified by the standard;
 * rather, it is a choice made by this server about what to do in cases
 * where the standard does not specify a unique course of action).

int level_cmp (var_rec *var1, var_rec *var2)
    /* Levels are only comparable between matching media types */

    if (var1->is_pseudo_html && !var2->is_pseudo_html)
        return 0;
    if (!var1->is_pseudo_html && strcmp (var1->type_name, var2->type_name))
        return 0;
    /* Take highest level that matched, if either did match. */
    if (var1->level_matched > var2->level_matched) return 1;
    if (var1->level_matched < var2->level_matched) return -1;

    /* Neither matched.  Take lowest level, if there's a difference. */

    if (var1->level < var2->level) return 1;
    if (var1->level > var2->level) return -1;

    /* Tied */

    return 0;

/* Finding languages.  The main entry point is set_language_quality()
 * which is called for each variant. It sets two elements in the
 * variant record:
 *    language_quality  - the 'q' value of the 'best' matching language
 *                        from Accept-Language: header (HTTP/1.1)
 *    lang_index    -     Pre HTTP/1.1 language priority, using
 *                        position of language on the Accept-Language:
 *                        header, if present, else LanguagePriority
 *                        directive order.
 * When we do the variant checking for best variant, we use language
 * quality first, and if a tie, language_index next (this only
 * applies when _not_ using the network algorithm). If using
 * network algorithm, lang_index is never used.
 * set_language_quality() calls find_lang_index() and find_default_index()
 * to set lang_index.

int find_lang_index (array_header *accept_langs, char *lang)
    accept_rec *accs;
    int i;

    if (!lang)
        return -1;

    accs = (accept_rec *)accept_langs->elts;

    for (i = 0; i < accept_langs->nelts; ++i)
        if (!strncmp (lang, accs[i].type_name, strlen(accs[i].type_name)))
            return i;
    return -1;          

/* This function returns the priority of a given language
 * according to LanguagePriority.  It is used in case of a tie
 * between several languages.

int find_default_index (neg_dir_config *conf, char *lang)
    array_header *arr;
    int nelts;
    char **elts;
    int i;

    if (!lang)
        return -1;

    arr = conf->language_priority;
    nelts = arr->nelts;
    elts = (char **) arr->elts;

    for (i = 0; i < nelts; ++i)
        if (!strcasecmp (elts[i], lang))
            return i;

    return -1;

/* set_default_lang_quality() sets the quality we apply to variants
 * which have no language assigned to them. If none of the variants
 * have a language, we are not negotiating on language, so all are
 * acceptable, and we set the default q value to 1.0. However if
 * some of the variants have languages, we set this default to 0.001.
 * The value of this default will be applied to all variants with
 * no explicit language -- which will have the effect of making them
 * acceptable, but only if no variants with an explicit language
 * are acceptable. The default q value set here is assigned to variants
 * with no language type in set_language_quality().
 * Note that if using the transparent negotiation network algorythm,
 * we don't use this fiddle.

void set_default_lang_quality(negotiation_state *neg)
    var_rec *avail_recs = (var_rec *)neg->avail_vars->elts;
    int j;

    if (!neg->use_transparent_neg)
	for (j = 0; j < neg->avail_vars->nelts; ++j) {
	    var_rec *variant = &avail_recs[j];
	    if (variant->content_languages && 
		variant->content_languages->nelts) {
		neg->default_lang_quality = 0.001f;
    neg->default_lang_quality = 1.0f;

/* Set the language_quality value in the variant record. Also
 * assigns lang_index for back-compat. 
 * To find the language_quality value, we look for the 'q' value
 * of the 'best' matching language on the Accept-Language:
 * header. The'best' match is the language on Accept-Language:
 * header which matches the language of this variant either fully,
 * or as far as the prefix marker (-). If two or more languages
 * match, use the longest string from the Accept-Language: header
 * (see HTTP/1.1 [14.4])
 * When a variant has multiple languages, we find the 'best'
 * match for each variant language tag as above, then select the
 * one with the highest q value. Because both the accept-header
 * and variant can have multiple languages, we now have a hairy
 * loop-within-a-loop here.
 * If the variant has no language and we have no Accept-Language
 * items, leave the quality at 1.0 and return.
 * If the variant has no language, we use the default as set by
 * set_default_lang_quality() (1.0 if we are not negotiating on
 * language, 0.001 if we are).
 * Following the setting of the language quality, we drop through to
 * set the old 'lang_index'. This is set based on either the order
 * of the languages on the Accept-Language header, or the
 * order on the LanguagePriority directive. This is only used
 * in the negotiation if the language qualities tie.

void set_language_quality(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant)
    int i;
    int naccept = neg->accept_langs->nelts;
    int idx;
    neg_dir_config *conf = NULL;
    char *firstlang;

    if (naccept == 0)
        conf = (neg_dir_config *) get_module_config (neg->r->per_dir_config,

    if (naccept == 0 && (!variant->content_languages || 
	return;                 /* no accept-language and no variant lang */

    if (!variant->content_languages || !variant->content_languages->nelts) {
        /* This variant has no content-language, so use the default
	 * quality factor for variants with no content-language
	 * (previously set by set_default_lang_quality()). */
        variant->lang_quality = neg->default_lang_quality;

	if (naccept == 0)
	    return;		/* no accept-language items */

    else if (naccept) {
	/* Variant has one (or more) languages, and we have one (or more)
	 * language ranges on the Accept-Language header. Look for
	 * the best match. We do this by going through each language
	 * on the variant description looking for a match on the
	 * Accept-Language header. The best match is the longest matching
	 * language on the header. The final result is the best q value
	 * from all the languages on the variant description.
	int j;
	float fiddle_q = 0.0f;
	accept_rec *accs = (accept_rec *)neg->accept_langs->elts;
	accept_rec *best = NULL, *star = NULL;
	char *p;
	for (j = 0; j < variant->content_languages->nelts; ++j) {
	    char *lang;		/* language from variant description */
	    accept_rec *bestthistag = NULL;
	    int prefixlen = 0;
	    int longest_lang_range_len = 0;
	    int len;
	    /* lang is the variant's language-tag, which is the one
	     * we are allowed to use the prefix of in HTTP/1.1
	    lang = ((char **)(variant->content_languages->elts))[j];
	    p = strchr(lang, '-');      /* find prefix part (if any) */
	    if (p)
		prefixlen = p - lang; 
	    /* now find the best (i.e. longest) matching Accept-Language
	     * header language. We put the best match for this tag in 
	     * bestthistag. We cannot update the overall best (based on
	     * q value) because the best match for this tag is the longest
	     * language item on the accept header, not necessarily the
	     * highest q.
	    for (i = 0; i < neg->accept_langs->nelts; ++i) {
		if (!strcmp(accs[i].type_name, "*")) {
		    if (!star)
			star = &accs[i];
		/* Find language. We match if either the variant language
		 * tag exactly matches, or the prefix of the tag up to the
		 * '-' character matches the whole of the language in the
		 * Accept-Language header. We only use this accept-language
		 * item as the best match for the current tag if it
		 * is longer than the previous best match */
		if ((!strcmp (lang, accs[i].type_name) ||
		     (prefixlen &&
		      !strncmp(lang, accs[i].type_name, prefixlen) &&
		      (accs[i].type_name[prefixlen] == '\0'))) &&
		    ((len = strlen(accs[i].type_name)) > 
 		                      longest_lang_range_len)) {
		    longest_lang_range_len = len;
		    bestthistag = &accs[i];
		if (! bestthistag) {
		    /* The next bit is a fiddle. Some browsers might be
		     * configured to send more specific language ranges
		     * than desirable. For example, an Accept-Language of
		     * en-US should never match variants with languages en
		     * or en-GB. But US English speakers might pick en-US
		     * as their language choice.  So this fiddle checks if
		     * the language range has a prefix, and if so, it
		     * matches variants which match that prefix with a
		     * priority of 0.001. So a request for en-US would
		     * match variants of types en and en-GB, but at much
		     * lower priority than matches of en-US directly, or
		     * of any other language listed on the Accept-Language
		     * header
		    if ((p = strchr(accs[i].type_name, '-'))) {
			int plen = p - accs[i].type_name;
			if (!strncmp(lang, accs[i].type_name, plen))
			    fiddle_q = 0.001f;
	    /* Finished looking at Accept-Language headers, the best
	     * (longest) match is in bestthistag, or NULL if no match
	    if (!best ||
		(bestthistag && bestthistag->quality > best->quality))
		best = bestthistag;
          variant->lang_quality = best ? best->quality : 
	                     (star ? star->quality : fiddle_q);

    /* Now set the old lang_index field. Since this is old 
     * stuff anyway, don't both with handling multiple languages
     * per variant, just use the first one assigned to it
    idx = 0;
    if (variant->content_languages && variant->content_languages->nelts)
	firstlang = ((char**)variant->content_languages->elts)[0];
	firstlang = "";
    if (naccept == 0)           /* Client doesn't care */
        idx = find_default_index (conf, firstlang);
    else                        /* Client has Accept-Language */
        idx = find_lang_index (neg->accept_langs, firstlang);
    variant->lang_index = idx;


/* Determining the content length --- if the map didn't tell us,
 * we have to do a stat() and remember for next time.
 * Grump.  For Apache, even the first stat here may well be
 * redundant (for multiviews) with a stat() done by the sub_req
 * machinery.  At some point, that ought to be fixed.

float find_content_length(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant)
    struct stat statb;

    if (variant->bytes == 0) {
        char *fullname = make_full_path (neg->pool, neg->dir_name,
        if (stat (fullname, &statb) >= 0)
	    variant->bytes = (float)statb.st_size;    /* Note, precision may be lost */

    return variant->bytes;

/* For a given variant, find the best matching Accept: header
 * and assign the Accept: header's quality value to the
 * accept_type_quality field of the variant, for later use in
 * determining the best matching variant.

void set_accept_quality(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant)
    int i;
    accept_rec *accept_recs = (accept_rec *)neg->accepts->elts;
    float q = 0.0f;
    int q_definite = 1;

    /* if no Accept: header, leave quality alone (will
     * remain at the default value of 1) */
    if (!neg->accepts || neg->accepts->nelts == 0) 

     * Go through each of the ranges on the Accept: header,
     * looking for the 'best' match with this variant's
     * content-type. We use the best match's quality
     * value (from the Accept: header) for this variant's
     * accept_type_quality field.
     * The best match is determined like this:
     *    type/type is better than type/ * is better than * / *
     *    if match is type/type, use the level mime param if available
    for (i = 0; i < neg->accepts->nelts; ++i) {

        accept_rec *type = &accept_recs[i];
        int prev_mime_stars;
        prev_mime_stars = variant->mime_stars;

        if (!mime_match(type, variant)) 
            continue;           /* didn't match the content type at all */
            /* did match - see if there were less or more stars than
             * in previous match
            if (prev_mime_stars == variant->mime_stars)
                continue;       /* more stars => not as good a match */

        /* Check maxbytes -- not in HTTP/1.1 or Holtman */
        if (type->max_bytes > 0
            && (find_content_length(neg, variant)
                > type->max_bytes))
        /* If we are allowed to mess with the q-values,
         * make wildcards very low, so we have a low chance
         * of ending up with them if there's something better.

        if (!neg->accept_q && variant->mime_stars == 1) q = 0.01f;
        else if (!neg->accept_q && variant->mime_stars == 2) q = 0.02f;
        else q = type->quality;

        q_definite = (variant->mime_stars == 3);
    variant->accept_type_quality = q;
    variant->definite=variant->definite && q_definite;

    /* if the _best_ quality we got for this variant was 0.0,
     * eliminate it now */

/* For a given variant, find the 'q' value of the charset given
 * on the Accept-Charset line. If not charsets are listed,
 * assume value of '1'.

void set_charset_quality(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant)
    int i;
    accept_rec *accept_recs = (accept_rec *)neg->accept_charsets->elts;
    char *charset = variant->content_charset;
    accept_rec *star = NULL;

    /* if no Accept-Charset: header, leave quality alone (will
     * remain at the default value of 1) */
    if (!neg->accept_charsets || neg->accept_charsets->nelts == 0) 

    if (charset == NULL || !*charset) charset = "iso-8859-1";

     * Go through each of the items on the Accept-Charset: header,
     * looking for a match with this variant's charset. If none
     * match, charset is unacceptable, so set quality to 0.
    for (i = 0; i < neg->accept_charsets->nelts; ++i) {

        accept_rec *type = &accept_recs[i];
        if (!strcmp(type->type_name, charset)) {
            variant->charset_quality = type->quality;
        } else
        if (strcmp(type->type_name, "*") == 0) {
            star = type;    
    /* No explicit match */
    if (star) {
        variant->charset_quality = star->quality;
    /* If this variant is in charset iso-8859-1, the default is 1.0 */
    if (strcmp(charset, "iso-8859-1") == 0) {
        variant->charset_quality = 1.0f;
    } else {
        variant->charset_quality = 0.0f;

/* For a given variant, find the best matching Accept: header
 * and assign the Accept: header's quality value to the
 * accept_type_quality field of the variant, for later use in
 * determining the best matching variant.

/* is_identity_encoding is included for back-compat, but does anyone
 * use 7bit, 8bin or binary in their var files??

int is_identity_encoding (char *enc)
    return (!enc || !enc[0] || !strcmp (enc, "7bit") || !strcmp (enc, "8bit")
            || !strcmp (enc, "binary"));

void set_encoding_quality(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant)
    int i;
    accept_rec *accept_recs = (accept_rec *)neg->accept_encodings->elts;
    char *enc = variant->content_encoding;

    if (!enc || is_identity_encoding(enc))

    /* if no Accept: header, leave quality alone (will
     * remain at the default value of 1) */
    if (neg->accept_encodings->nelts == 0) {
        /* If we had an empty Accept-Encoding header, assume that
	 * no encodings are acceptable, else all encodings are ok */
        variant->encoding_quality = neg->have_accept_header ? 0 : 1;

    /* Go through each of the encodings on the Accept-Encoding: header,
     * looking for a match with our encoding
    for (i = 0; i < neg->accept_encodings->nelts; ++i) {
        char *name = accept_recs[i].type_name;

        if (!strcmp(name, enc)) {
            variant->encoding_quality = 1;

    /* Encoding not found on Accept-Encoding: header, so it is
     * _not_ acceptable */
    variant->encoding_quality = 0;

/* Possible results of the network algorithm */
enum algorithm_results {
    na_not_applied = -1,        /* net algorithm not used */
    na_choice = 1,              /* choose variant */
    na_list                     /* list variants */

 * This is a heavily-rewritten 'best_match' function. For a start, it
 * now returns an int, which has one of the three values: na_not_applied,
 * na_choice or na_list, which give the result of the network algorithm
 * (if it was not applied, the return value is na_not_applied).
 * The best variable is returned in *pbest. It also has two possible
 * algorithms for determining the best match: the network algorithm,
 * and the standard Apache algorithm. These are split out into
 * separate functions (is_variant_better_na() and is_variant_better()).
 * Previously, best_match iterated first through the content_types
 * in the Accept: header, then checked each variant, and eliminated
 * those that didn't match the variant's type. We cannot do this because
 * we need full information, including language, charset, etc
 * quality for _every_ variant, for the Alternates: header,
 * and (possibly) the human-readable choice responses or 406 errors.
 * After the 'best' (if any) is determined, the overall result of
 * the negotiation is obtained. If the network algorithm was not
 * in use, the result is na_not_applied. Else the result is
 * na_list if 'short accept header' is in use, else na_list
 * if _no_ best match was found, or na_choice if a best match
 * was found.

/* Firstly, the negotiation 'network algorithm' from Holtman.

int is_variant_better_na(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant, var_rec *best, float *p_bestq)
    float bestq = *p_bestq, q;

    /* Note: Encoding is not negotiated in the Holtman
     * transparent neg draft, so we ignored it here. But
     * it does mean we could return encodings the UA
     * or proxy cannot handle. Eek. */
    q = variant->accept_type_quality *
        variant->type_quality *
        variant->charset_quality *
#ifdef NEG_DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "Variant: file=%s type=%s lang=%s acceptq=%1.3f langq=%1.3f typeq=%1.3f q=%1.3f definite=%d\n",
            variant->file_name ? variant->file_name : "",
            variant->type_name ? variant->type_name : "",
            variant->content_languages ? merge_string_array(neg->pool, variant->content_languages, ",") : "",
    if (q > bestq) {
        *p_bestq = q;
        return 1;
    if (q == bestq) {	
        /* If the best variant's charset is ISO-8859-1 and this variant has
           the same charset quality, then we prefer this variant */
        if (variant->charset_quality == best->charset_quality &&
            (variant->content_charset != NULL &&
             *variant->content_charset != '\0' &&
             strcmp(variant->content_charset, "iso-8859-1") != 0) &&
            (best->content_charset == NULL ||
             *best->content_charset == '\0' ||
             strcmp(best->content_charset, "iso-8859-1") == 0)) {
            *p_bestq = q;
            return 1;
    return 0;

/* Negotiation algorithm as used by previous versions of Apache
 * (just about). 

int is_variant_better(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant, var_rec *best, float *p_bestq)
    float bestq = *p_bestq, q;
    int levcmp;

     * For non-transparent negotiation, server can choose how
     * to handle the negotiation. We'll use the following in
     * order: content-type, language, content-type level, charset,
     * content length.
     * For each check, we have three possible outcomes:
     *   This variant is worse than current best: return 0
     *   This variant is better than the current best:
     *          assign this variant's q to *p_bestq, and return 1
     *   This variant is just as desirable as the current best:
     *          drop through to the next test.
     * This code is written in this long-winded way to allow future
     * customisation, either by the addition of additional
     * checks, or to allow the order of the checks to be determined
     * by configuration options (e.g. we might prefer to check
     * language quality _before_ content type).

    /* First though, eliminate this variant if it is not
     * acceptable by type, charset, encoding or language.

    if (variant->encoding_quality == 0 ||
        variant->lang_quality == 0 ||
        variant->type_quality == 0 ||
        variant->charset_quality == 0 ||
        variant->accept_type_quality == 0)
        return 0;               /* don't consider unacceptables */
    q = variant->accept_type_quality * variant->type_quality;
    if (q == 0.0 || q < bestq) return 0;
    if (q > bestq || !best) {
        *p_bestq = q;
        return 1;
    /* language */
    if (variant->lang_quality < best->lang_quality)
        return 0;
    if (variant->lang_quality > best->lang_quality) {
        *p_bestq = q;
        return 1;
    /* if language qualities were equal, try the LanguagePriority
     * stuff */
    if (best->lang_index != -1 && variant->lang_index > best->lang_index)
        return 0;
    if (variant->lang_index != -1 &&
        (variant->lang_index < best->lang_index || best->lang_index == -1)) {
        *p_bestq = q;
        return 1;
    /* content-type level (text/html only?) */
    levcmp = level_cmp (variant, best);
    if (levcmp == -1) return 0;
    if (levcmp == 1) {
        *p_bestq = q;
        return 1;
    /* encoding -- can only be 1 or 0, and if 0 we eliminated this
     * variant at the start of this function. However we 
     * prefer variants with no encoding over those with encoding */
    if (!*best->content_encoding && *variant->content_encoding)
	return 0;
    if (*best->content_encoding && !*variant->content_encoding) {
	*p_bestq = q;
	return 1;

    /* charset */
    if (variant->charset_quality < best->charset_quality)
        return 0;
    /* If the best variant's charset is ISO-8859-1 and this variant has
       the same charset quality, then we prefer this variant */
    if (variant->charset_quality > best->charset_quality ||
	((variant->content_charset != NULL &&
          *variant->content_charset != '\0' &&
	  strcmp(variant->content_charset, "iso-8859-1") != 0) &&
	 (best->content_charset == NULL ||
	  *best->content_charset == '\0' ||
	  strcmp(best->content_charset, "iso-8859-1") == 0))) {
        *p_bestq = q;
        return 1;
    /* content length if all else equal */
    if (find_content_length(neg, variant)
         find_content_length(neg, best))
        return 0;
    /* ok, to get here means every thing turned out equal, except
     * we have a shorter content length, so use this variant */
    *p_bestq = q;
    return 1;

int best_match(negotiation_state *neg, var_rec **pbest)
    int j;
    var_rec *best = NULL;
    float bestq = 0.0f;
    enum algorithm_results algorithm_result = na_not_applied;
    var_rec *avail_recs = (var_rec *)neg->avail_vars->elts;


     * Find the 'best' variant

    for (j = 0; j < neg->avail_vars->nelts; ++j) {
        var_rec *variant = &avail_recs[j];

        /* Find all the relevant 'quality' values from the
         * Accept... headers, and store in the variant
        set_accept_quality(neg, variant);
        set_language_quality(neg, variant);
        set_encoding_quality(neg, variant);
        set_charset_quality(neg, variant);

        /* Now find out if this variant is better than the current
         * best, either using the network algorithm, or Apache's
         * internal server-driven algorithm. Presumably other
         * server-driven algorithms are possible, and could be
         * implemented here.

        if (neg->use_transparent_neg) {
            if (is_variant_better_na(neg, variant, best, &bestq))
                best = variant;
        else {
            if (is_variant_better(neg, variant, best, &bestq))
                best = variant;

    /* We now either have a best variant, or no best variant 
    if (neg->use_transparent_neg) {
        if (neg->short_accept_headers)
            algorithm_result = na_list;
        else {
            /* From Holtman, result is:
             *   If variant & URI are not neigbors, list_ua or list_os
             *   Else
             *     If UA can do trans neg
             *        IF best is definite && best q > 0, choice_ua 
             *        ELSE                               list_ua
             *     ELSE
             *        IF best q > 0, choose_os
             *        ELSE           list_os (or forward_os on proxy)

            /* assume variant and URI are neigbors (since URI in
             * var map must be in same directory) */
               algorithm_result = (best && best->definite) && (bestq>0)
                                       ? na_choice : na_list;
               algorithm_result = bestq>0 ? na_choice : na_list;

    *pbest = best;
    return algorithm_result;

 * Sets the Alternates and Vary headers, used if we are going to
 * return 406 Not Acceptable status, a 300 Multiple Choice status,
 * or a Choice response.
 * 'type' is the result of the network algorithm, if applied.
 * We do different things if the network algorithm was not applied
 * (type == na_not_applied): no Alternates header, and Vary:
 * does not include 'negotiate'.
 * We should also add a max-age lifetime for the Alternates header,
 * but how long we we give it? Presumably this should be
 * configurable in the map file.

void set_neg_headers(request_rec *r, negotiation_state *neg, int na_result)
    int j;
    var_rec *avail_recs = (var_rec *)neg->avail_vars->elts;
    char *sample_type = NULL;
    char *sample_language = NULL;
    char *sample_encoding = NULL;
    char *sample_charset = NULL;
    int vary_by_type = 0;
    int vary_by_language = 0;
    int vary_by_charset = 0;
    int vary_by_encoding = 0;
    array_header *hdrs;

    /* Put headers into err_headers_out, new send_http_header()
     * outputs both headers_out and err_headers_out */
    hdrs = r->err_headers_out;

    for (j = 0; j < neg->avail_vars->nelts; ++j) {
        var_rec *variant = &avail_recs[j];
        char *rec;
        char qstr[6];
        long len;
        char lenstr[22];                /* enough for 2^64 */

        ap_snprintf(qstr, sizeof(qstr), "%1.3f", variant->type_quality);

        /* Strip trailing zeros (saves those valuable network bytes) */
        if (qstr[4] == '0') {
            qstr[4] = '\0';
            if (qstr[3] == '0') {
                qstr[3] = '\0';
                if (qstr[2] == '0') {
                    qstr[1] = '\0';
        rec = pstrcat(r->pool, "{\"", variant->file_name, "\" ", qstr, NULL);
        if (variant->type_name) {
	    if (*variant->type_name)
	        rec = pstrcat(r->pool, rec, " {type ", 
			      variant->type_name, "}", NULL);
	    if (!sample_type) sample_type = variant->type_name;
	    else if (strcmp(sample_type, variant->type_name))
	      vary_by_type = 1;
        if (variant->content_languages && variant->content_languages->nelts) {
	    char *langs = 
		merge_string_array (r->pool, variant->content_languages, ",");
	    rec = pstrcat(r->pool, rec, " {language ", langs, "}", NULL);
            if (!sample_language) sample_language = langs;
            else if (strcmp(sample_language, langs))
                vary_by_language = 1;
        if (variant->content_encoding) {
            if (!sample_encoding) sample_encoding = variant->content_encoding;
            else if (strcmp(sample_encoding, variant->content_encoding))
                vary_by_encoding = 1;
        if (variant->content_charset) {
            if (*variant->content_charset)
                rec = pstrcat(r->pool, rec, " {charset ", 
                              variant->content_charset, "}", NULL);
            if (!sample_charset) sample_charset = variant->content_charset;
            else if (strcmp(sample_charset, variant->content_charset))
                vary_by_charset = 1;
        if ((len = (long)find_content_length(neg, variant)) != 0) {
            ap_snprintf(lenstr, sizeof(lenstr), "%ld", len);
            rec = pstrcat(r->pool, rec, " {length ", lenstr, "}", NULL);
        rec = pstrcat(r->pool, rec, "}", NULL);
        if (na_result != na_not_applied)
            table_merge(hdrs, "Alternates", rec);

    if (na_result != na_not_applied)
        table_merge(hdrs, "Vary", "negotiate");
    if (vary_by_type) 
        table_merge(hdrs, "Vary", "accept");
    if (vary_by_language) 
        table_merge(hdrs, "Vary", "accept-language");
    if (vary_by_charset) 
        table_merge(hdrs, "Vary", "accept-charset");
    if (vary_by_encoding && na_result == na_not_applied) 
        table_merge(hdrs, "Vary", "accept-encoding");

 * Return an HTML list of variants. This is output as part of the
 * 300 or 406 status body.

char *make_variant_list (request_rec *r, negotiation_state *neg)
    int i;
    char *t;

    t = pstrdup(r->pool, "Available variants:\n<ul>\n");
    for (i = 0; i < neg->avail_vars->nelts; ++i) {
        var_rec *variant = &((var_rec *)neg->avail_vars->elts)[i];
        char *filename = variant->file_name ? variant->file_name : "";
        array_header *languages = variant->content_languages;
        char *description = variant->description ? variant->description : "";

	/* The format isn't very neat, and it would be nice to make
	 * the tags human readable (eg replace 'language en' with
	 * 'English'). */
        t = pstrcat(r->pool, t, "<li><a href=\"", filename, "\">", 
                    filename, "</a> ", description, NULL);
	if (variant->type_name && *variant->type_name)
	    t = pstrcat(r->pool, t, ", type ", variant->type_name, NULL);
	if (languages && languages->nelts)
	    t = pstrcat(r->pool, t, ", language ",
			merge_string_array(r->pool, languages, ", "),
	if (variant->content_charset && *variant->content_charset)
	    t = pstrcat(r->pool, t, ", charset ", variant->content_charset, NULL);
	t = pstrcat(r->pool, t, "\n", NULL);
    t = pstrcat(r->pool, t, "</ul>\n", NULL);

    return t;

void store_variant_list (request_rec *r, negotiation_state *neg)
  if (r->main == NULL) {
     table_set (r->notes, "variant-list", make_variant_list (r, neg));
  } else {
     table_set (r->main->notes, "variant-list", make_variant_list (r->main, neg));

/* Called if we got a "Choice" response from the network algorithm.
 * It checks the result of the chosen variant to see if it
 * is itself negotiated (if so, return error VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES).
 * Otherwise, add the appropriate headers to the current response.

int setup_choice_response(request_rec *r, negotiation_state *neg, var_rec *variant)
    request_rec *sub_req;
    char *sub_vary;

    if (!variant->sub_req) {
        int status;

        sub_req = sub_req_lookup_file(variant->file_name, r);
        status = sub_req->status;
        if (status != HTTP_OK && status != HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES) {
            return status;
        variant->sub_req = sub_req;
        sub_req = variant->sub_req;

    /* The network algorithm told us to return a "Choice"
     * response. This is the normal variant response, with
     * some extra headers. First, ensure that the chosen
     * variant did not itself return a "List" or "Choice" response.
     * If not, set the appropriate headers, and fall through to
     * the normal variant handling 

    if ((sub_req->status == HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES) ||
        (table_get(sub_req->err_headers_out, "Alternates")) ||
        (table_get(sub_req->err_headers_out, "Content-Location")))
        return VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES;
    if ((sub_vary = table_get(sub_req->err_headers_out, "Vary")) != NULL)
        table_set(r->err_headers_out, "Variant-Vary", sub_vary);
    table_set(r->err_headers_out, "Content-Location", variant->file_name);
    set_neg_headers(r, neg, na_choice); /* add Alternates and Vary */
    /* to do: add Expires */

    return 0;

 * Executive...

int handle_map_file (request_rec *r)
    negotiation_state *neg = parse_accept_headers (r);
    var_rec *best;
    int res;
    int na_result;
    char *udir;
    if ((res = read_type_map (neg, r))) return res;
    maybe_add_default_encodings(neg, 0);
    na_result = best_match(neg, &best);

    /* na_result is one of
     *   na_not_applied: we didn't use the network algorithm
     *   na_choice: return a "Choice" response
     *   na_list: return a "List" response (no variant chosen)

    if (na_result == na_list) {
        set_neg_headers(r, neg, na_list);
        store_variant_list (r, neg);
        return MULTIPLE_CHOICES;

    if (!best) {
      log_reason ("no acceptable variant", r->filename, r);

      set_neg_headers(r, neg, na_result);
      store_variant_list (r, neg);
      return NOT_ACCEPTABLE;

    if (na_result == na_choice)
        if ((res = setup_choice_response(r, neg, best)) != 0)
            return res;

    /* Make sure caching works - Vary should handle HTTP/1.1, but for
     * HTTP/1.0, we can't allow caching at all. NB that we merge the
     * header in case some other module negotiates on something else.
    if (!do_cache_negotiated_docs(r->server) && (r->proto_num < 1001))
        r->no_cache = 1;

    if (na_result == na_not_applied)
        set_neg_headers(r, neg, na_not_applied);

    if (r->path_info && *r->path_info) {
        r->uri[find_path_info(r->uri, r->path_info)] = '\0';
    udir = make_dirstr_parent (r->pool, r->uri);
    udir = escape_uri(r->pool, udir);
    internal_redirect(pstrcat(r->pool, udir, best->file_name, r->path_info,
                              NULL), r);
    return OK;

int handle_multi (request_rec *r)
    negotiation_state *neg;
    var_rec *best, *avail_recs;
    request_rec *sub_req;
    int res;
    int j;
    int na_result;              /* result of network algorithm */
    if (r->finfo.st_mode != 0 || !(allow_options (r) & OPT_MULTI))
        return DECLINED;
    neg = parse_accept_headers (r);
    if ((res = read_types_multi (neg))) {
	/* free all allocated memory from subrequests */
        avail_recs = (var_rec *)neg->avail_vars->elts;
        for (j = 0; j < neg->avail_vars->nelts; ++j) {
            var_rec *variant = &avail_recs[j];
            if (variant->sub_req) {
        return res;
    if (neg->avail_vars->nelts == 0) return DECLINED;

                                r->method_number != M_GET
                                  || r->args || r->path_info);
    na_result = best_match(neg, &best);
    if (na_result == na_list) {
         * Network algorithm tols us to output a "List" response.
	 * This is output at a 300 status code, which we will
	 * return. The list of variants will be stored in r->notes
	 * under the name "variants-list".
        set_neg_headers(r, neg, na_list); /* set Alternates: and Vary: */

        store_variant_list (r, neg);
        res = MULTIPLE_CHOICES;
        goto return_from_multi;

    if (!best) {
      log_reason ("no acceptable variant", r->filename, r);

      set_neg_headers (r, neg, na_result);
      store_variant_list (r, neg);
      res = NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
      goto return_from_multi;

    if (na_result == na_choice)
        if ((res = setup_choice_response(r, neg, best)) != 0) {
            goto return_from_multi;

    if (! (sub_req = best->sub_req)) {
        /* We got this out of a map file, so we don't actually have
         * a sub_req structure yet.  Get one now.
        sub_req = sub_req_lookup_file (best->file_name, r);
        if (sub_req->status != HTTP_OK) {
           res = sub_req->status;
           goto return_from_multi;
    /* BLETCH --- don't multi-resolve non-ordinary files */

    if (!S_ISREG(sub_req->finfo.st_mode)) {
	res = NOT_FOUND;
	goto return_from_multi;
    /* Otherwise, use it. */
    if (!do_cache_negotiated_docs(r->server) && (r->proto_num < 1001))
        r->no_cache = 1;

    if (na_result == na_not_applied)
        set_neg_headers(r, neg, na_not_applied);

    r->filename = sub_req->filename;
    r->handler = sub_req->handler;
    r->content_type = sub_req->content_type;
    r->content_encoding = sub_req->content_encoding;
    r->content_languages = sub_req->content_languages;
    r->content_language = sub_req->content_language;
    r->finfo = sub_req->finfo;
    r->per_dir_config = sub_req->per_dir_config;
    /* copy output headers from subrequest, but leave negotiation headers */
    r->notes = overlay_tables(r->pool, sub_req->notes, r->notes);
    r->headers_out = overlay_tables(r->pool, sub_req->headers_out,
    r->err_headers_out = overlay_tables(r->pool, sub_req->err_headers_out,
    r->subprocess_env = overlay_tables(r->pool, sub_req->subprocess_env,
    avail_recs = (var_rec *)neg->avail_vars->elts;
    for (j = 0; j < neg->avail_vars->nelts; ++j) {
        var_rec *variant = &avail_recs[j];
        if (variant != best && variant->sub_req) {
    return OK;

handler_rec negotiation_handlers[] = {
{ MAP_FILE_MAGIC_TYPE, handle_map_file },
{ "type-map", handle_map_file },
{ NULL }

module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT negotiation_module = {
   NULL,			/* initializer */
   create_neg_dir_config,	/* dir config creater */
   merge_neg_dir_configs,	/* dir merger --- default is to override */
   NULL,			/* server config */
   NULL,			/* merge server config */
   negotiation_cmds,		/* command table */
   negotiation_handlers,	/* handlers */
   NULL,			/* filename translation */
   NULL,			/* check_user_id */
   NULL,			/* check auth */
   NULL,			/* check access */
   handle_multi,		/* type_checker */
   NULL,			/* fixups */
   NULL,			/* logger */
   NULL,			/* header parser */
   NULL				/* child_init */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.