Analog form interface for NeXT WWW Site (

You can set any options you like below. But they should all be set to sensible default values, so you can ignore any of them too.

1. Report choices

See the analog home page for the meanings of the various reports.

Which reports do you want to see?

[On] [Off] General statistics
[On] [Off] Monthly report
[On] [Off] Weekly report
[On] [Off] Daily summary
[On] [Off] Daily report
[On] [Off] Hourly summary
[On] [Off] Hourly report
[On] [Off] Domain report
[On] [Off] Host report
[On] [Off] Directory report
[On] [Off] File type report
[On] [Off] Request report
[On] [Off] Referrer report
[On] [Off] Browser summary
[On] [Off] Browser report
[On] [Off] Status code report
[On] [Off] Error report

You can now run the program:
Or you can fill in the options below for individual reports. You can fill in the
(+) or (*) in each section according to which sort method you select. You can use bytes to mean 10 Megabytes etc.

2. Detailed report options

Domain report options

Sort the Domain report
(*) Include all domains with at least requests/page requests or the top domains.
(+) Include all domains with at least bytes transferred or the top domains.

Host report options

Sort the Host report
(*) Include all hosts with at least requests/page requests or the top hosts.
(+) Include all hosts with at least bytes transferred or the top hosts.

Directory report options

Sort the Directory report
(*) Include all directories with at least requests/page requests or the top directories.
(+) Include all directories with at least bytes transferred or the top directories.
Print directories to depth

File type report options

Sort the File type report
(*) Include all extensions with at least requests/page requests or the top extensions.
(+) Include all extensions with at least bytes transferred or the top extensions.

Request report options

Sort the Request report
(*) Include all requests with at least requests/page requests or the top requests.
(+) Include all requests with at least bytes transferred or the top requests.
Show ; include links to

Referrer report options

Sort the Referrer report
(*) Include all referring URLs with at least requests or the top referring URLs.
(+) Include all referring URLs with at least bytes transferred or the top referring URLs.

Browser summary options

Sort the Browser summary
(*) Include all browsers with at least requests or the top browsers.
(+) Include all browsers with at least bytes transferred or the top browsers.

Browser report options

Sort the Browser report
(*) Include all browsers with at least requests or the top browsers.
(+) Include all browsers with at least bytes transferred or the top browsers.

3. Analysing only part of the logfile

Only certain dates
You can analyse only the requests from certain dates. Enter the range of dates below in the from yymmdd; e.g., 950701 for 1st July 1995 (or fill in just one box to limit the range of dates on just one side).
From to

Only certain requested files
Only look at the following requested files (list, separated by commas; can contain wild character *)

Ignore the following files

4. Layout

Your organisation's name (for the title of the page)

Your organisation's home page (leave blank for none)