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/*** analog 2.0 ***/ /* Please read Readme.html, or */ /*** init.c; initialisation routines and declaration of global variables ***/ /* See also init2.c */ #include "analhea2.h" /*** First declare all global variables. We choose to declare them in this file rather than analog.c because more are needed here. ***/ /* lang: need new dayname and monthname here, possibly in HTML and non-HTML versions. */ char endayname[7][11] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; char frdayname[7][11] = {"Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"}; char dedayname[7][11] = {"Son", "Mon", "Die", "Mit", "Don", "Fre", "Sam"}; char itdayname[7][11] = {"Dom", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Gio", "Ven", "Sab"}; char esdayname[7][11] = {"Dom", "Lun", "Mar", "Mie", "Jue", "Vie", "Sab"}; char dkhtmldayname[7][11] = {"søn", "man", "tir", "ons", "tor", "fre", "lør"}; char dkdayname[7][11] = {"son", "man", "tir", "ons", "tor", "fre", "lor"}; char enmonthname[12][12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; char frmonthname[12][12] = {"Janv", "Fevr", "Mars", "Avri", " Mai", "Juin", "Juil", "Aout", "Sept", "Octo", "Nove", "Dece"}; char frhtmlmonthname[12][12] = {"Janv", "Févr", "Mars", "Avri", " Mai", "Juin", "Juil", "Août", "Sept", "Octo", "Nove", "Déce"}; char demonthname[12][12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"}; char dehtmlmonthname[12][12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"}; char itmonthname[12][12] = {"Gen", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mag", "Giu", "Lug", "Ago", "Set", "Ott", "Nov", "Dic"}; char esmonthname[12][12] = {"Ene", "Feb", "Mar", "Abr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dic"}; char dkmonthname[12][12] = {"jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "maj", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec"}; char monthname[12][12]; /* set to whichever is appropriate */ char dayname[7][11]; /* Note: month numbers run from 0 (Jan) to 11 (Dec) internally to this program (though not where month numbers are needed in user input and output) */ int dateoffset[12] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334}; int monthlength[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; char errs[NO_ERRS][MAXERRLENGTH] = /* all error messages */ { /* 01 */ "Send timed out", /* 02 */ "File does not exist", /* 03 */ "No file matching URL", /* 04 */ "User does not exist", /* 05 */ "Send aborted", /* 06 */ "Timed out waiting", /* 07 */ "File permissions deny server access", /* 08 */ "Read timed out", /* 09 */ "Lost connection to client", /* 10 */ "Cannot read directory", /* 11 */ "Client denied by server configuration", /* 12 */ "Malformed header from script", /* 13 */ "Killing CGI process", /* 14 */ "Could not get local address", /* 15 */ "Will not follow link", /* 16 */ "Could not get port number", /* 17 */ "Script does not exist", /* 18 */ "Script not found", /* 19 */ "Unable to include", /* 20 */ "Could not fork new process", /* 21 */ "Unable to fork new process", /* 22 */ "Invalid CGI ref", /* 23 */ "Caught SIGTERM, shutting down", /* 24 */ "Caught SIGSEGV, dumping core", /* 25 */ "Caught SIGHUP, restarting", /* 26 */ "SIGHUP received. Attempting to restart", /* 27 */ "Successful restart", /* 28 */ "Resuming normal operations", /* 29 */ "Starting", /* 30 */ "Child error: pass failed", /* 31 */ "Socket error: accept failed", /* 32 */ "Child connection closed", /* 33 */ "File open error", /* 34 */ "Failed before entering app", /* 35 */ "Unable to change uid", /* 36 */ "Malformed response header from app", /* 37 */ "Duplicate CGI response header", /* 38 */ "Directive for requested file", /* 39 */ "Could not connect to application", /* 40 */ "AppClass", /* 41 */ "ExternalAppClass", /* 42 */ "FastCgiIpcDir", /* 43 */ "" /* last must be "" */ }; int errors[NO_ERRS]; /* how many occurrences of each */ int statusnos[NO_STATUS] = /* all status codes */ { /* 01 */ 200, /* 02 */ 201, /* 03 */ 202, /* 04 */ 203, /* 05 */ 204, /* 06 */ 299, /* 07 */ 301, /* 08 */ 302, /* 09 */ 303, /* 10 */ 304, /* 11 */ 399, /* 12 */ 400, /* 13 */ 401, /* 14 */ 402, /* 15 */ 403, /* 16 */ 404, /* 17 */ 499, /* 18 */ 500, /* 19 */ 501, /* 20 */ 502, /* 21 */ 503, /* 22 */ 599 }; char statusstrs[NO_STATUS][MAXSTATUSLENGTH] = /* all status messages */ { /* 01 */ "OK", /* 02 */ "Created", /* 03 */ "Accepted for future processing", /* 04 */ "Partial information", /* 05 */ "OK, but nothing to send", /* 06 */ "[Miscellaneous successes]", /* 07 */ "Document moved", /* 08 */ "Document found elsewhere", /* 09 */ "Moved; use another request method", /* 10 */ "Not modified since last retrieval", /* 11 */ "[Miscellaneous redirections]", /* 12 */ "Bad request", /* 13 */ "Authorisation required", /* 14 */ "Payment required", /* 15 */ "Forbidden", /* 16 */ "Document not found", /* 17 */ "[Miscellaneous client/user errors]", /* 18 */ "Internal server error", /* 19 */ "Request type not supported", /* 20 */ "Server overloaded", /* 21 */ "Gateway timed out", /* 22 */ "[Miscellaneous server errors]" }; int status[NO_STATUS]; /* how many of each have been seen */ int status7[NO_STATUS]; /* ditto in last 7 days */ char *outfile; struct timestruct firsttime, lasttime, starttimec, oldtime, fromtime, totime; /* first and last log entries, now, a week before now, and lower and upper bounds on time interval we want to consider */ struct monthly *firstm, *lastm; /* pointers to the first and last years of monthly data */ struct daily *firstD, *lastD; /* ... months of daily data */ struct hourly *firstH, *lastH; /* ... days of hourly data */ struct weekly *firstW, *lastW; /* ... and to the first and last week */ int no_urls; /* the number of distinct files found so far */ int no_urls7; /* the number used in the last 7 days */ struct genstruct **rhead; /* hash table of all files found */ struct genstruct **ihead; /* and one for all directories */ struct genstruct **thead; /* one for file types */ struct domain **Ohead; /* one for subdomains */ struct domain *wildOhead; /* and one for wild subdomains */ struct domain *nwildOhead; /* and one for wild numerical subdomains */ int no_hosts; /* the number of hosts so far */ int no_hosts7; /* the number of all hosts in the last 7 days */ int no_new_hosts7; /* the number of new hosts in the last 7 days */ struct genstruct **Shead; /* and a record of all hosts */ char *approxhostspace; /* start of the space for approx host counting */ char *approxhostspace7; /* and a bit more for last 7 days accounting */ size_t approxhostsize; /* the size of those spaces, in bytes */ struct domain **ohead; struct genstruct **fhead; struct genstruct **bhead; struct genstruct **Bhead; struct genstruct **Shead2; /* for filing pre-aliased filenames */ struct genstruct **rhead2; struct genstruct **fhead2; size_t rhashsize, ihashsize, thashsize, Shashsize, fhashsize, bhashsize; size_t Bhashsize, Ohashsize; /* sizes of the hash tables */ struct alias *filealiashead, *hostaliashead, *refaliashead, *browaliashead; struct alias *routaliashead, *ioutaliashead, *Soutaliashead, *foutaliashead; struct alias *boutaliashead, *toutaliashead, *subdomshead; /* subdomshead is not really an alias, but it's the right shape */ struct include *wantfilehead, *wanthosthead, *wantrefhead, *wantreqhead; struct include *linkhead, *reflinkhead, *ispagehead, *noexpandhead; struct include *refexpandhead; int dreq[7], dpag[7]; /* requests and page requests for each day */ int hreq[24], hpag[24]; /* ... and hour */ double dbytes[7]; /* ... and bytes ditto */ double hbytes[24]; /*** NB It often happens that families of variables have a one letter prefix representing the different reports (usual letters, plus O = subdoms). ***/ int rmaxreqs; /* the max reqs for any file */ int imaxreqs; /* for any directory */ int tmaxreqs; /* for any file type */ int Smaxreqs; /* for any host */ int omaxreqs; /* for any domain */ int fmaxreqs; /* for any referrer */ int bmaxreqs; /* for any browser */ int Bmaxreqs; /* for any browser (full name) */ /* Now the same for max pages and max bytes*/ int rmaxpages, imaxpages, tmaxpages, Smaxpages, omaxpages, fmaxpages; int bmaxpages, Bmaxpages; double rmaxbytes, imaxbytes, tmaxbytes, Smaxbytes, omaxbytes, fmaxbytes; double bmaxbytes, Bmaxbytes; int Smaxlength; /* and the same for length of name */ char *dirsuffix; /* e.g. index.html */ int dirsufflength; /* the length of dirsuffix */ int onumber, Onumber; /* the number of (sub)domains in the domain report */ time_t starttime, stoptime; /* the start and stop time of the program */ struct tm *starttimetm; int total_succ_reqs, total_fail_reqs, total_other_reqs, total_page_reqs; int total_succ_reqs7, total_fail_reqs7, total_other_reqs7, total_page_reqs7; int total_good_brows, total_masked_brows, total_bad_brows; int total_good_refs, total_masked_refs, total_bad_refs; int total_ref_pages, total_brow_pages; double total_bytes, total_bytes7, total_ref_bytes, total_brow_bytes; int corrupt_lines; /* the number of corrupt lines in the logfile */ /* (Overlong lines, URLs with quotes in...) */ int other_lines; /* Lines masked out */ int cachereqs, cachereqs7; /* The number of requests from cache */ int cachepages, cachepages7; /* Page requests from cache */ flag byq, refbyq, browbyq; /* whether we want to count bytes; always on until we find a line with no bytes information. */ flag rawbytes; /* whether bytes are quoted raw or in k notation */ flag graphical; /* whether to draw pretty graphs or just use ASCII art */ flag filemaskq, hostmaskq, refmaskq; /* whether there is any masking of hosts, files or refs */ int weekbeginson; /* which is the first day of the week? */ char sepchar, repsepchar, decpoint; /* chars as separators in numbers */ char *presep; /* string separating fields in PREFORMATTED */ char *commandname; /* the name of the program, as called */ char *baseurl; /* base for all URLs found */ char rcols[7], icols[7], tcols[7], Scols[7], ocols[7], fcols[7], bcols[7]; char Bcols[7], mcols[7], dcols[7], Dcols[7], Wcols[7], hcols[7], Hcols[7]; char ccols[7], ecols[7]; /* Columns appearing in each report */ struct loglist *logfilehead, *uncompresshead; /* uncompress is not really a loglist, but it's the right shape */ struct stringlist *cachefilehead, *refloghead, *browloghead, *errloghead; char *domainsfile, *headerfile, *footerfile, *logourl, *imagedir; char reportorder[20]; /* the order in which reports occur (room for more) */ /* NB if the size of this changes, so must it in case (REPORTORDER_): below */ flag xq, mq, oq, iq, tq, rq, q7, dq, hq, Hq, Sq, Dq, Wq, fq, bq, Bq, cq, eq; int sq, aq; /* a: output type x->s: whether we want each type of report */ #ifndef NODNS flag dnsq; /* DNS lookup? */ struct dnscache **dnshead; char *dnsfile; size_t dnshashsize; time_t dnsstaletime; /* older than when the DNS information becomes stale */ int dnsfreshhours; /* how many hours it stays fresh for */ #endif int lang, dialect; /* language for output */ flag warnq, anywarns; /* do we want warnings? any warnings issued? */ flag html2; /* if aq == HTML, whether output is guaranteed HTML2 */ flag case_insensitive, stdin_used; char *ominreqstr, *Ominreqstr, *Sminreqstr, *iminreqstr, *rminreqstr; char *fminreqstr, *bminreqstr, *Bminreqstr, *tminreqstr; char *ominpagestr, *Ominpagestr, *Sminpagestr, *iminpagestr, *rminpagestr; char *fminpagestr, *bminpagestr, *Bminpagestr, *tminpagestr; char *ominbytestr, *Ominbytestr, *Sminbytestr, *iminbytestr, *rminbytestr; char *fminbytestr, *bminbytestr, *Bminbytestr, *tminbytestr; int eminreqs; int munit, Wunit, dunit, Dunit, hunit, Hunit; /* the value of the mark */ char mgraph, dgraph, Dgraph, hgraph, Hgraph, Wgraph; /* R or B */ flag mback, Dback, Wback, Hback; /* backwards graphs? */ int mrows, Drows, Wrows, Hrows, Wrowsdone; /* max rows in each report */ int osortby, isortby, tsortby, Ssortby, rsortby, fsortby, bsortby, Bsortby; int dirlevel, pagewidth; char markchar; char *hostname, *hosturl; int debug, progressfreq, no_configs = 0; flag vblesonly; /* commandline only. If ON, just print variables and exit */ flag formq; /* commandline only. If ON, just make a form interface */ /* We also declare the following pointers here. They are used to keep track of places in lists between functions in this file and init2.c */ struct alias *filealiasp, *hostaliasp, *refaliasp, *browaliasp, *routaliasp; struct alias *ioutaliasp, *Soutaliasp, *foutaliasp, *boutaliasp, *toutaliasp; struct alias *subdomp, *subdomtempp; struct include *wantfilep, *wanthostp, *wantrefp, *ispagep, *noexpandp; struct include *refexpandp, *wantreqp, *linkp, *reflinkp; struct loglist *logfilep, *uncompressp; struct stringlist *cachefilep, *reflogp, *browlogp, *errlogp; /*** Now boring functions for initialisation of variables etc. ***/ void defaults(void) { anywarns = OFF; /* html2 = ON; */ html2 = OFF; stdin_used = OFF; domainsfile = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(domainsfile, DOMAINSFILE, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); domainsfile[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; headerfile = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(headerfile, HEADERFILE, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); headerfile[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; footerfile = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(footerfile, FOOTERFILE, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); footerfile[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; outfile = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(outfile, OUTFILE, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); outfile[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; #ifndef NODNS dnsfile = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(dnsfile, DNSFILE, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); dnsfile[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; dnsq = NUMLOOKUP; dnsfreshhours = DNSFRESHHOURS; dnshashsize = DNSHASHSIZE; #endif baseurl = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(baseurl, BASEURL, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); baseurl[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; imagedir = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(imagedir, IMAGEDIR, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); imagedir[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; dirsuffix = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(dirsuffix, DIRSUFFIX, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); dirsuffix[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; strncpy(reportorder, REPORTORDER, 19); reportorder[19] = '\0'; strncpy(ocols, DOMCOLS, 6); ocols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(Scols, HOSTCOLS, 6); Scols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(icols, DIRCOLS, 6); icols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(tcols, TYPECOLS, 6); tcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(rcols, REQCOLS, 6); rcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(fcols, REFCOLS, 6); fcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(bcols, BROWCOLS, 6); bcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(Bcols, FULLBROWCOLS, 6); Bcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(mcols, MONTHCOLS, 6); mcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(dcols, DAYCOLS, 6); dcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(Dcols, FULLDAYCOLS, 6); Dcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(Wcols, WEEKCOLS, 6); Wcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(hcols, HOURCOLS, 6); hcols[6] = '\0'; strncpy(Hcols, FULLHOURCOLS, 6); Hcols[6] = '\0'; strcpy(ccols, "R"); /* for the moment */ strcpy(ecols, "R"); logourl = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(logourl, LOGOURL, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); logourl[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; mq = MONTHLY; Wq = WEEKLY; dq = DAILY; Dq = FULLDAILY; hq = HOURLY; Hq = FULLHOURLY; oq = DOMAINREP; iq = DIRECTORY; tq = FILETYPE; rq = REQUEST; sq = COUNTHOSTS; Sq = FULLHOSTS; fq = REFERRER; bq = BROWSER; Bq = FULLBROWSER; cq = STATUS; eq = ERROR; xq = GENERAL; q7 = LASTSEVEN; aq = OUTPUT; lang = LANGUAGE; dialect = NONE; warnq = WARNINGS; progressfreq = PROGRESSFREQ; graphical = GRAPHICAL; case_insensitive = (CASE == INSENSITIVE); munit = 0; Wunit = 0; hunit = 0; Hunit = 0; dunit = 0; Dunit = 0; mgraph = MONTHGRAPH; dgraph = DAYGRAPH; Dgraph = FULLDAYGRAPH; hgraph = HOURGRAPH; Hgraph = FULLHOURGRAPH; Wgraph = WEEKGRAPH; Hback = FULLHOURLYBACK; Dback = FULLDAILYBACK; Wback = WEEKLYBACK; mback = MONTHLYBACK; Wrows = WEEKROWS; Drows = FULLDAYROWS; mrows = MONTHROWS; Hrows = FULLHOURROWS; osortby = DOMSORTBY; isortby = DIRSORTBY; tsortby = TYPESORTBY; rsortby = REQSORTBY; Ssortby = HOSTSORTBY; fsortby = REFSORTBY; bsortby = BROWSORTBY; Bsortby = FULLBROWSORTBY; ominreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(ominreqstr, MIN_DOM_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); ominreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; ominpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(ominpagestr, MIN_DOM_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); ominpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; ominbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(ominbytestr, MIN_DOM_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); ominbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Ominreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Ominreqstr, MIN_SUBDOM_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Ominreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Ominpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Ominpagestr, MIN_SUBDOM_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Ominpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Ominbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Ominbytestr, MIN_SUBDOM_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Ominbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; iminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(iminreqstr, MIN_DIR_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); iminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; iminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(iminpagestr, MIN_DIR_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); iminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; iminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(iminbytestr, MIN_DIR_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); iminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; tminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(tminreqstr, MIN_TYPE_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); tminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; tminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(tminpagestr, MIN_TYPE_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); tminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; tminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(tminbytestr, MIN_TYPE_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); tminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Sminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Sminreqstr, MIN_HOST_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Sminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Sminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Sminpagestr, MIN_HOST_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Sminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Sminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Sminbytestr, MIN_HOST_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Sminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; rminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(rminreqstr, MIN_URL_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); rminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; rminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(rminpagestr, MIN_URL_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); /* sic */ rminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; rminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(rminbytestr, MIN_URL_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); rminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; fminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(fminreqstr, MIN_REF_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); fminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; fminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(fminpagestr, MIN_REF_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); fminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; fminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(fminbytestr, MIN_REF_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); fminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; bminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(bminreqstr, MIN_BROW_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); bminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; bminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(bminpagestr, MIN_BROW_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); bminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; bminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(bminbytestr, MIN_BROW_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); bminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Bminreqstr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Bminreqstr, MIN_FULLBROW_REQS, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Bminreqstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Bminpagestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Bminpagestr, MIN_FULLBROW_PAGES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Bminpagestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; Bminbytestr = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(Bminbytestr, MIN_FULLBROW_BYTES, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); Bminbytestr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; eminreqs = MIN_ERR_OCCS; dirlevel = DIRLEVEL; pagewidth = PAGEWIDTH; markchar = MARKCHAR; rawbytes = RAWBYTES; hostname = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(hostname, HOSTNAME, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); hostname[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; hosturl = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(hosturl, HOSTURL, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); hosturl[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; weekbeginson = WEEKBEGINSON; sepchar = SEPCHAR; repsepchar = REPSEPCHAR; decpoint = DECPOINT; presep = (char *)xmalloc(MAXSTRINGLENGTH); strncpy(presep, PRESEP, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); presep[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; vblesonly = OFF; formq = OFF; fromtime.code = -INFINITY; totime.code = INFINITY; approxhostsize = APPROXHOSTSIZE; debug = DEBUG; filemaskq = OFF; hostmaskq = OFF; refmaskq = OFF; rhashsize = REQHASHSIZE; ihashsize = DIRHASHSIZE; thashsize = TYPEHASHSIZE; Shashsize = HOSTHASHSIZE; fhashsize = REFHASHSIZE; bhashsize = BROWHASHSIZE; Bhashsize = FULLBROWHASHSIZE; Ohashsize = SUBDOMHASHSIZE; } void init_structs(void) { char tempstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; logfilehead = (struct loglist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct loglist)); logfilep = logfilehead; if (STREQ(LOGFILE, "none")) logfilehead -> name[0] = '\0'; else { strcpy(tempstr, LOGFILE); addlogfile(&logfilep, tempstr, "", ON); } cachefilehead = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); cachefilep = cachefilehead; if (STREQ(CACHEFILE, "none")) cachefilehead -> name[0] = '\0'; else { strcpy(tempstr, CACHEFILE); configstrlist(tempstr, &cachefilep, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 2, ON); } refloghead = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); reflogp = refloghead; if (STREQ(REFERRER_LOG, "none")) refloghead -> name[0] = '\0'; else{ strcpy(tempstr, REFERRER_LOG); configstrlist(tempstr, &reflogp, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 2, ON); } browloghead = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); browlogp = browloghead; if (STREQ(BROWSER_LOG, "none")) browloghead -> name[0] = '\0'; else { strcpy(tempstr, BROWSER_LOG); configstrlist(tempstr, &browlogp, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 2, ON); } errloghead = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); errlogp = errloghead; if (STREQ(ERROR_LOG, "none")) errloghead -> name[0] = '\0'; else { strcpy(tempstr, ERROR_LOG); configstrlist(tempstr, &errlogp, (char *)NULL, (char *)NULL, 2, ON); } uncompresshead = (struct loglist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct loglist)); uncompresshead -> name[0] = '\0'; uncompressp = uncompresshead; filealiashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); filealiashead -> from[0] = '\0'; filealiasp = filealiashead; hostaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); hostaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; hostaliasp = hostaliashead; refaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); refaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; refaliasp = refaliashead; browaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); browaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; browaliasp = browaliashead; routaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); routaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; routaliasp = routaliashead; ioutaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); ioutaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; ioutaliasp = ioutaliashead; Soutaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); Soutaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; Soutaliasp = Soutaliashead; foutaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); foutaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; foutaliasp = foutaliashead; boutaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); boutaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; boutaliasp = boutaliashead; toutaliashead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); toutaliashead -> from[0] = '\0'; toutaliasp = toutaliashead; wantfilehead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); wantfilehead -> in = UNSET; wantfilep = wantfilehead; wanthosthead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); wanthosthead -> in = UNSET; wanthostp = wanthosthead; subdomshead = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); subdomshead -> from[0] = '\0'; subdomp = subdomshead; wantrefhead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); wantrefhead -> in = UNSET; wantrefp = wantrefhead; wantreqhead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); wantreqhead -> in = UNSET; wantreqp = wantreqhead; linkhead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); linkhead -> in = UNSET; linkp = linkhead; reflinkhead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); reflinkhead -> in = UNSET; reflinkp = reflinkhead; noexpandhead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); noexpandhead -> in = UNSET; noexpandp = noexpandhead; refexpandhead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); refexpandhead -> in = UNSET; refexpandp = refexpandhead; ispagehead = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); ispagep = ispagehead; strcpy(ispagep -> name, "*/"); ispagep -> in = TRUE; ispagep -> next = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); ispagep = ispagep -> next; strcpy(ispagep -> name, "*.html"); ispagep -> in = TRUE; ispagep -> next = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); ispagep = ispagep -> next; strcpy(ispagep -> name, "*.htm"); ispagep -> in = TRUE; ispagep -> next = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); ispagep = ispagep -> next; ispagep -> in = UNSET; } void othervars(void) /* vars initialised after command args and config */ { time_t oldtimeno; /* the time 7 days ago */ struct tm *oldtimetm; int i; no_urls = 0; no_urls7 = 0; no_hosts = 0; no_hosts7 = 0; no_new_hosts7 = 0; rmaxreqs = 0; imaxreqs = 0; tmaxreqs = 0; Smaxreqs = 0; fmaxreqs = 0; bmaxreqs = 0; Bmaxreqs = 0; rmaxpages = 0; imaxpages = 0; tmaxpages = 0; Smaxpages = 0; fmaxpages = 0; bmaxpages = 0; Bmaxpages = 0; rmaxbytes = 0.0; imaxbytes = 0.0; tmaxbytes = 0.0; Smaxbytes = 0.0; fmaxbytes = 0.0; bmaxbytes = 0.0; Bmaxbytes = 0.0; /* omaxreqs, omaxpages and omaxbytes are set later */ Smaxlength = 0; for (i = 0; i < NO_STATUS; i++) { status[i] = 0; status7[i] = 0; } total_succ_reqs = 0; total_succ_reqs7 = 0; total_page_reqs = 0; total_page_reqs7 = 0; total_fail_reqs = 0; total_fail_reqs7 = 0; total_other_reqs = 0; total_other_reqs7 = 0; total_good_refs = 0; total_masked_refs = 0; total_bad_refs = 0; total_good_brows = 0; total_masked_brows = 0; total_bad_brows = 0; total_bytes = 0.0; total_bytes7 = 0.0; total_ref_bytes = 0.0; total_brow_bytes = 0.0; corrupt_lines = 0; other_lines = 0; cachereqs = 0; cachereqs7 = 0; cachepages = 0; cachepages7 = 0; byq = ON; refbyq = ON; browbyq = ON; /* initialise the date structures */ if (mq) { firstm = (struct monthly *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct monthly)); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { firstm -> reqs[i] = 0; firstm -> pages[i] = 0; firstm -> bytes[i] = 0.0; } firstm -> next = NULL; lastm = firstm; } if (Dq) { firstD = (struct daily *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct daily)); for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) { firstD -> reqs[i] = 0; firstD -> pages[i] = 0; firstD -> bytes[i] = 0.0; } firstD -> next = NULL; lastD = firstD; } if (Hq) { firstH = (struct hourly *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct hourly)); for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { firstH -> reqs[i] = 0; firstH -> pages[i] = 0; firstH -> bytes[i] = 0.0; } firstH -> next = NULL; lastH = firstH; } if (Wq) { firstW = (struct weekly *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct weekly)); firstW -> reqs = 0; firstW -> pages = 0; firstW -> bytes = 0; firstW -> next = NULL; lastW = firstW; } Wrowsdone = 1; if (dq) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { dreq[i] = 0; dpag[i] = 0; dbytes[i] = 0.0; } } if (hq) { for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { hreq[i] = 0; hpag[i] = 0; hbytes[i] = 0.0; } } #ifndef NODNS dnsstaletime = starttime - 3600 * dnsfreshhours; #endif if (q7) { /* calculate the time 7 days ago */ if (starttimec.code <= totime.code) { oldtimeno = starttime - 604800; /* seconds in a week */ oldtimetm = localtime(&oldtimeno); oldtime.year = 1900 + oldtimetm -> tm_year; = oldtimetm -> tm_mday; oldtime.monthno = oldtimetm -> tm_mon; = oldtimetm -> tm_hour; oldtime.min = oldtimetm -> tm_min; } else { /* totime is earlier than today; take 7 days before that */ = 23; oldtime.min = 59; oldtime.year = totime.year; oldtime.monthno = totime.monthno; = - 7; if ( < 1) { oldtime.monthno--; if (oldtime.monthno < 0) { oldtime.year--; oldtime.monthno += 12; } += monthlength[oldtime.monthno] + ISLEAPFEB(oldtime.monthno, oldtime.year); } } oldtime.code = timecode(, oldtime.monthno, oldtime.year,, oldtime.min); if (oldtime.code < fromtime.code) q7 = OFF; /* FROM--TO is all in last 7 days */ } if (lang == ENGLISH) { for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], enmonthname[i]); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], endayname[i]); } else if (lang == FRENCH) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], frdayname[i]); if (aq == HTML) for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], frhtmlmonthname[i]); else for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], frmonthname[i]); } else if (lang == GERMAN) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], dedayname[i]); if (aq == HTML) for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], dehtmlmonthname[i]); else for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], demonthname[i]); } else if (lang == SPANISH) { for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], esdayname[i]); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], esmonthname[i]); } else if (lang == DANISH) { if (aq == HTML) for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], dkhtmldayname[i]); else for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], dkdayname[i]); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], dkmonthname[i]); } else { /* lang == ITALIAN */ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) strcpy(dayname[i], itdayname[i]); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) strcpy(monthname[i], itmonthname[i]); } dirsufflength = (int)strlen(dirsuffix); if (rq || iq || tq) { rhead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(rhashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); } rhead2 = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(rhashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < rhashsize; i++) { if (rq || iq || tq) { rhead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); rhead[i] -> name = NULL; } rhead2[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); rhead2[i] -> name = NULL; } if (iq) { ihead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(ihashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < ihashsize; i++) { ihead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); ihead[i] -> name = NULL; } } if (tq) { thead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(thashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < thashsize; i++) { thead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); thead[i] -> name = NULL; } } if (sq == ON) { Shead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(Shashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); Shead2 = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(Shashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < Shashsize; i++) { Shead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); Shead[i] -> name = NULL; Shead2[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); Shead2[i] -> name = NULL; } } else if (sq == APPROX) { approxhostspace = (char *) xcalloc(approxhostsize, 1); if (q7) approxhostspace7 = (char *) xcalloc(approxhostsize, 1); } if (fq) { fhead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(fhashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); fhead2 = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(fhashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < fhashsize; i++) { fhead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); fhead[i] -> name = NULL; fhead2[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); fhead2[i] -> name = NULL; } } if (bq) { bhead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(bhashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < bhashsize; i++) { bhead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); bhead[i] -> name = NULL; } } if (Bq) { Bhead = (struct genstruct **)xcalloc(Bhashsize, sizeof(struct genstruct *)); for (i = 0; i < Bhashsize; i++) { Bhead[i] = (struct genstruct *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct genstruct)); Bhead[i] -> name = NULL; } } if (eq) { for (i = 0; i < NO_ERRS; i++) errors[i] = 0; } if (oq) { ohead = (struct domain **)xcalloc(DOMHASHSIZE, sizeof(struct domain *)); for (i = 0; i < DOMHASHSIZE; i++) { ohead[i] = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); ohead[i] -> name = NULL; } Ohead = (struct domain **)xcalloc(Ohashsize, sizeof(struct domain *)); for (i = 0; i < Ohashsize; i++) { Ohead[i] = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); Ohead[i] -> name = NULL; } wildOhead = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); wildOhead -> id = NULL; nwildOhead = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); nwildOhead -> id = NULL; domainscan(); /* read in all the domains */ } /* end if (oq) */ #ifndef NODNS if (dnsq) { dnshead = (struct dnscache **)xcalloc(dnshashsize, sizeof(struct dnscache *)); for (i = 0; i < dnshashsize; i++) { dnshead[i] = (struct dnscache *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct dnscache)); dnshead[i] -> number = NULL; } dnscachescan(); } #endif } /*** Now for the functions that parse the configuration commands. ***/ void configline(char inputline[MAXLINELENGTH]) /* process one configline */ { enum {BADCOMMAND_, FILEALIAS_, HOSTALIAS_, REFALIAS_, BROWALIAS_, REQOUTPUTALIAS_, DIROUTPUTALIAS_, HOSTOUTPUTALIAS_, REFOUTPUTALIAS_, BROWOUTPUTALIAS_, TYPEOUTPUTALIAS_, FILEINCLUDE_, FILEEXCLUDE_, FILEALLOW_, HOSTINCLUDE_, HOSTEXCLUDE_, HOSTALLOW_, REFINCLUDE_, REFEXCLUDE_, REFALLOW_, REQINCLUDE_, REQEXCLUDE_, REQALLOW_, LINKINCLUDE_, LINKEXCLUDE_, LINKALLOW_, REFLINKINCLUDE_, REFLINKEXCLUDE_, REFLINKALLOW_, FROM_, TO_, SUBDOMAIN_, WEEKBEGINSON_, APPROXHOSTSIZE_, ISPAGE_, ISNOTPAGE_, SEPCHAR_, REPSEPCHAR_, DECPOINT_, PRESEP_, REPORTORDER_, WITHARGS_, WITHOUTARGS_, REFWITHARGS_, REFWITHOUTARGS_, NOTSUBDOMAIN_, BASEURL_, DOMCOLS_, HOSTCOLS_, DIRCOLS_, TYPECOLS_, REQCOLS_, REFCOLS_, BROWCOLS_, FULLBROWCOLS_, MONTHCOLS_, DAYCOLS_, FULLDAYCOLS_, WEEKCOLS_, HOURCOLS_, FULLHOURCOLS_, MONTHGRAPH_, DAYGRAPH_, FULLDAYGRAPH_, HOURGRAPH_, FULLHOURGRAPH_, WEEKGRAPH_, GRAPHICAL_, LOGFILE_, CACHEFILE_, REFLOG_, BROWLOG_, ERRLOG_, DOMAINSFILE_, HOSTNAME_, HOSTURL_, HOSTMINREQS_, DOMMINREQS_, SUBDOMMINREQS_, DIRMINREQS_, TYPEMINREQS_, REQMINREQS_, REFMINREQS_, BROWMINREQS_, FULLBROWMINREQS_, HOSTMINPAGES_, DOMMINPAGES_, SUBDOMMINPAGES_, DIRMINPAGES_, TYPEMINPAGES_, REQMINPAGES_, REFMINPAGES_, BROWMINPAGES_, FULLBROWMINPAGES_, HOSTMINBYTES_, DOMMINBYTES_, SUBDOMMINBYTES_, DIRMINBYTES_, TYPEMINBYTES_, REQMINBYTES_, REFMINBYTES_, BROWMINBYTES_, FULLBROWMINBYTES_, ERRMINOCCS_, REQSORTBY_, DOMSORTBY_, DIRSORTBY_, TYPESORTBY_, HOSTSORTBY_, REFSORTBY_, BROWSORTBY_, FULLBROWSORTBY_, MARKCHAR_, PAGEWIDTH_, ALLBACK_, MONTHLYBACK_, FULLHOURLYBACK_, FULLDAILYBACK_, WEEKLYBACK_, MONTHROWS_, FULLHOURROWS_, FULLDAYROWS_, WEEKROWS_, MONTHLY_, DAILY_, FULLDAILY_, WEEKLY_, HOURLY_, FULLHOURLY_, DOMAIN_, DIRECTORY_, FILETYPE_, REQUEST_, FULLHOSTS_, REFERRER_, BROWSER_, FULLBROWSER_, STATUS_, ERROR_, DIRLEVEL_, COUNTHOSTS_, LASTSEVEN_, WARNINGS_, CASE_, IMAGEDIR_, DIRSUFFIX_, MONTHLYUNIT_, HOURLYUNIT_, FULLHOURLYUNIT_, DAILYUNIT_, LOGOURL_, HEADERFILE_, FOOTERFILE_, FULLDAILYUNIT_, WEEKLYUNIT_, ALL_, GENERAL_, OUTPUT_, LANGUAGE_, DEBUG_, PROGRESSFREQ_, RAWBYTES_, UNCOMPRESS_, REQHASHSIZE_, DIRHASHSIZE_, TYPEHASHSIZE_, HOSTHASHSIZE_, REFHASHSIZE_, BROWHASHSIZE_, FULLBROWHASHSIZE_, SUBDOMHASHSIZE_, #ifndef NODNS DNSHASHSIZE_, NUMLOOKUP_, DNSFILE_, DNSFRESHHOURS_, #endif CONFIGFILE_, OUTFILE_ } commandtype; /* final '_'s to avoid clashes with #defines */ char string1[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], string2[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], string3[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; int rc; flag tempflag; rc = sscanf_config(inputline, string1, string2, string3); if (rc > 0) { commandtype = BADCOMMAND_; /* pessimism :) */ strtoupper(string1); /* Note: some of these else if's have been changed to just if's. This is substantially less efficient but cures a bug in BSD/OS gcc; anyway this portion takes ~0 time to run in the context of the whole program. */ if (STREQ(string1, "FILEALIAS")) commandtype = FILEALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTALIAS")) commandtype = HOSTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFALIAS")) commandtype = REFALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWALIAS")) commandtype = BROWALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQOUTPUTALIAS")) commandtype = REQOUTPUTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIROUTPUTALIAS")) commandtype = DIROUTPUTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTOUTPUTALIAS")) commandtype = HOSTOUTPUTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFOUTPUTALIAS")) commandtype = REFOUTPUTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWOUTPUTALIAS")) commandtype = BROWOUTPUTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPEOUTPUTALIAS")) commandtype = TYPEOUTPUTALIAS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FILEINCLUDE")) commandtype = FILEINCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FILEEXCLUDE")) commandtype = FILEEXCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FILEALLOW")) commandtype = FILEALLOW_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTINCLUDE")) commandtype = HOSTINCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTEXCLUDE")) commandtype = HOSTEXCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTALLOW")) commandtype = HOSTALLOW_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFINCLUDE")) commandtype = REFINCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFEXCLUDE")) commandtype = REFEXCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFALLOW")) commandtype = REFALLOW_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQINCLUDE")) commandtype = REQINCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQEXCLUDE")) commandtype = REQEXCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQALLOW")) commandtype = REQALLOW_; else if (STREQ(string1, "LINKINCLUDE")) commandtype = LINKINCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "LINKEXCLUDE")) commandtype = LINKEXCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "LINKALLOW")) commandtype = LINKALLOW_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFLINKINCLUDE")) commandtype = REFLINKINCLUDE_; if (STREQ(string1, "REFLINKEXCLUDE")) commandtype = REFLINKEXCLUDE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFLINKALLOW")) commandtype = REFLINKALLOW_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FROM")) commandtype = FROM_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TO")) commandtype = TO_; else if (STREQ(string1, "SUBDOMAIN")) commandtype = SUBDOMAIN_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKBEGINSON")) commandtype = WEEKBEGINSON_; else if (STREQ(string1, "APPROXHOSTSIZE")) commandtype = APPROXHOSTSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ISPAGE")) commandtype = ISPAGE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ISNOTPAGE")) commandtype = ISNOTPAGE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "SEPCHAR")) commandtype = SEPCHAR_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REPSEPCHAR")) commandtype = REPSEPCHAR_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DECPOINT")) commandtype = DECPOINT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "PRESEP")) commandtype = PRESEP_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REPORTORDER")) commandtype = REPORTORDER_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WITHARGS")) commandtype = WITHARGS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WITHOUTARGS")) commandtype = WITHOUTARGS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFWITHARGS")) commandtype = REFWITHARGS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFWITHOUTARGS")) commandtype = REFWITHOUTARGS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "NOTSUBDOMAIN")) commandtype = NOTSUBDOMAIN_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BASEURL")) commandtype = BASEURL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DOMCOLS")) commandtype = DOMCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTCOLS")) commandtype = HOSTCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRCOLS")) commandtype = DIRCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPECOLS")) commandtype = TYPECOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQCOLS")) commandtype = REQCOLS_; if (STREQ(string1, "REFCOLS")) commandtype = REFCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWCOLS")) commandtype = BROWCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWCOLS")) commandtype = FULLBROWCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MONTHCOLS")) commandtype = MONTHCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DAYCOLS")) commandtype = DAYCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLDAYCOLS")) commandtype = FULLDAYCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKCOLS")) commandtype = WEEKCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOURCOLS")) commandtype = HOURCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOURCOLS")) commandtype = FULLHOURCOLS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MONTHGRAPH")) commandtype = MONTHGRAPH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DAYGRAPH")) commandtype = DAYGRAPH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLDAYGRAPH")) commandtype = FULLDAYGRAPH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOURGRAPH")) commandtype = HOURGRAPH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOURGRAPH")) commandtype = FULLHOURGRAPH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKGRAPH")) commandtype = WEEKGRAPH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "GRAPHICAL")) commandtype = GRAPHICAL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "LOGFILE")) commandtype = LOGFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "CACHEFILE")) commandtype = CACHEFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFLOG")) commandtype = REFLOG_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWLOG")) commandtype = BROWLOG_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ERRLOG")) commandtype = ERRLOG_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DOMAINSFILE")) commandtype = DOMAINSFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTNAME")) commandtype = HOSTNAME_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTURL")) commandtype = HOSTURL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTMINREQS")) commandtype = HOSTMINREQS_; if (STREQ(string1, "DOMMINREQS")) commandtype = DOMMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "SUBDOMMINREQS")) commandtype = SUBDOMMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRMINREQS")) commandtype = DIRMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPEMINREQS")) commandtype = TYPEMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQMINREQS")) commandtype = REQMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFMINREQS")) commandtype = REFMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWMINREQS")) commandtype = BROWMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWMINREQS")) commandtype = FULLBROWMINREQS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTMINPAGES")) commandtype = HOSTMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DOMMINPAGES")) commandtype = DOMMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "SUBDOMMINPAGES")) commandtype = SUBDOMMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRMINPAGES")) commandtype = DIRMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPEMINPAGES")) commandtype = TYPEMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQMINPAGES")) commandtype = REQMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFMINPAGES")) commandtype = REFMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWMINPAGES")) commandtype = BROWMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWMINPAGES")) commandtype = FULLBROWMINPAGES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTMINBYTES")) commandtype = HOSTMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DOMMINBYTES")) commandtype = DOMMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "SUBDOMMINBYTES")) commandtype = SUBDOMMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRMINBYTES")) commandtype = DIRMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPEMINBYTES")) commandtype = TYPEMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQMINBYTES")) commandtype = REQMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFMINBYTES")) commandtype = REFMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWMINBYTES")) commandtype = BROWMINBYTES_; if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWMINBYTES")) commandtype = FULLBROWMINBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ERRMINOCCS")) commandtype = ERRMINOCCS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQSORTBY")) commandtype = REQSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DOMSORTBY")) commandtype = DOMSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRSORTBY")) commandtype = DIRSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPESORTBY")) commandtype = TYPESORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTSORTBY")) commandtype = HOSTSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFSORTBY")) commandtype = REFSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWSORTBY")) commandtype = BROWSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWSORTBY")) commandtype = FULLBROWSORTBY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MARKCHAR")) commandtype = MARKCHAR_; else if (STREQ(string1, "PAGEWIDTH")) commandtype = PAGEWIDTH_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ALLBACK")) commandtype = ALLBACK_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MONTHLYBACK")) commandtype = MONTHLYBACK_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOURLYBACK")) commandtype = FULLHOURLYBACK_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLDAILYBACK")) commandtype = FULLDAILYBACK_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKLYBACK")) commandtype = WEEKLYBACK_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MONTHROWS")) commandtype = MONTHROWS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOURROWS")) commandtype = FULLHOURROWS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKROWS")) commandtype = WEEKROWS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLDAYROWS")) commandtype = FULLDAYROWS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MONTHLY")) commandtype = MONTHLY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DAILY")) commandtype = DAILY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLDAILY")) commandtype = FULLDAILY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKLY")) commandtype = WEEKLY_; if (STREQ(string1, "HOURLY")) commandtype = HOURLY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOURLY")) commandtype = FULLHOURLY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DOMAIN")) commandtype = DOMAIN_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRECTORY")) commandtype = DIRECTORY_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FILETYPE")) commandtype = FILETYPE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQUEST")) commandtype = REQUEST_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOSTS")) commandtype = FULLHOSTS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFERRER") || STREQ(string1, "REFERER")) commandtype = REFERRER_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWSER")) commandtype = BROWSER_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWSER")) commandtype = FULLBROWSER_; else if (STREQ(string1, "STATUS")) commandtype = STATUS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ERROR")) commandtype = ERROR_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRLEVEL")) commandtype = DIRLEVEL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "COUNTHOSTS")) commandtype = COUNTHOSTS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "LASTSEVEN")) commandtype = LASTSEVEN_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WARNINGS")) commandtype = WARNINGS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "CASE")) commandtype = CASE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "IMAGEDIR")) commandtype = IMAGEDIR_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRSUFFIX")) commandtype = DIRSUFFIX_; else if (STREQ(string1, "MONTHLYUNIT")) commandtype = MONTHLYUNIT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOURLYUNIT")) commandtype = HOURLYUNIT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLHOURLYUNIT")) commandtype = FULLHOURLYUNIT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DAILYUNIT")) commandtype = DAILYUNIT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLDAILYUNIT")) commandtype = FULLDAILYUNIT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "WEEKLYUNIT")) commandtype = WEEKLYUNIT_; if (STREQ(string1, "LOGOURL")) commandtype = LOGOURL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HEADERFILE")) commandtype = HEADERFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FOOTERFILE")) commandtype = FOOTERFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "ALL")) commandtype = ALL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "GENERAL")) commandtype = GENERAL_; else if (STREQ(string1, "OUTPUT")) commandtype = OUTPUT_; else if (STREQ(string1, "LANGUAGE")) commandtype = LANGUAGE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DEBUG")) commandtype = DEBUG_; else if (STREQ(string1, "PROGRESSFREQ")) commandtype = PROGRESSFREQ_; else if (STREQ(string1, "RAWBYTES")) commandtype = RAWBYTES_; else if (STREQ(string1, "UNCOMPRESS")) commandtype = UNCOMPRESS_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REQHASHSIZE")) commandtype = REQHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DIRHASHSIZE")) commandtype = DIRHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "TYPEHASHSIZE")) commandtype = TYPEHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "HOSTHASHSIZE")) commandtype = HOSTHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "REFHASHSIZE")) commandtype = REFHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "BROWHASHSIZE")) commandtype = BROWHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "FULLBROWHASHSIZE")) commandtype = FULLBROWHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "SUBDOMHASHSIZE")) commandtype = SUBDOMHASHSIZE_; #ifndef NODNS else if (STREQ(string1, "DNSHASHSIZE")) commandtype = DNSHASHSIZE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "NUMLOOKUP")) commandtype = NUMLOOKUP_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DNSFILE")) commandtype = DNSFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "DNSFRESHHOURS")) commandtype = DNSFRESHHOURS_; #endif else if (STREQ(string1, "CONFIGFILE")) commandtype = CONFIGFILE_; else if (STREQ(string1, "OUTFILE")) commandtype = OUTFILE_; switch(commandtype) { case (BADCOMMAND_): configwarning2(inputline); break; case (FILEALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &filealiasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTALIAS_): configalias(strtolower(string2), strtolower(string3), &hostaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &refaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &browaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQOUTPUTALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &routaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIROUTPUTALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &ioutaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTOUTPUTALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &Soutaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFOUTPUTALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &foutaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWOUTPUTALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &boutaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPEOUTPUTALIAS_): configalias(string2, string3, &toutaliasp, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FILEINCLUDE_): include(string2, &wantfilep, wantfilehead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &filemaskq); break; case (FILEEXCLUDE_): include(string2, &wantfilep, wantfilehead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &filemaskq); break; case (FILEALLOW_): include(string2, &wantfilep, wantfilehead, UNSET, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (HOSTINCLUDE_): include(strtolower(string2), &wanthostp, wanthosthead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &hostmaskq); break; case (HOSTEXCLUDE_): include(strtolower(string2), &wanthostp, wanthosthead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &hostmaskq); break; case (HOSTALLOW_): include(strtolower(string2), &wanthostp, wanthosthead, UNSET, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REFINCLUDE_): include(string2, &wantrefp, wantrefhead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &refmaskq); break; case (REFEXCLUDE_): include(string2, &wantrefp, wantrefhead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &refmaskq); break; case (REFALLOW_): include(string2, &wantrefp, wantrefhead, UNSET, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REQINCLUDE_): include(string2, &wantreqp, wantreqhead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REQEXCLUDE_): include(string2, &wantreqp, wantreqhead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REQALLOW_): include(string2, &wantreqp, wantreqhead, UNSET, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (LINKINCLUDE_): include(string2, &linkp, linkhead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (LINKEXCLUDE_): include(string2, &linkp, linkhead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (LINKALLOW_): include(string2, &linkp, linkhead, UNSET, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REFLINKINCLUDE_): include(string2, &reflinkp, reflinkhead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REFLINKEXCLUDE_): include(string2, &reflinkp, reflinkhead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REFLINKALLOW_): include(string2, &reflinkp, reflinkhead, UNSET, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (FROM_): fromtodate(string2, &fromtime, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TO_): fromtodate(string2, &totime, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (SUBDOMAIN_): if (string2[0] == '\0') configwarning2(inputline); else if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { strtolower(string2); if (rc > 3 || (rc == 3 && (string2[0] == '*' || string2[(int)strlen(string2) - 1] == '*' || string2[0] == '%'))) configwarning3(string1, inputline); strcpy(subdomp -> from, string2); if (rc == 2 || string2[0] == '*' || string2[(int)strlen(string2) - 1] == '*' || string2[0] == '%') strcpy(subdomp -> to, "?"); else strcpy(subdomp -> to, string3); subdomp -> next = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); subdomp = subdomp -> next; subdomp -> from[0] = '\0'; } break; case (WEEKBEGINSON_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(string1, inputline); strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "SUNDAY")) weekbeginson = SUNDAY; else if (STREQ(string2, "MONDAY")) weekbeginson = MONDAY; else if (STREQ(string2, "TUESDAY")) weekbeginson = TUESDAY; else if (STREQ(string2, "WEDNESDAY")) weekbeginson = WEDNESDAY; else if (STREQ(string2, "THURSDAY")) weekbeginson = THURSDAY; else if (STREQ(string2, "FRIDAY")) weekbeginson = FRIDAY; else if (STREQ(string2, "SATURDAY")) weekbeginson = SATURDAY; else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (APPROXHOSTSIZE_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(string1, inputline); approxhostsize = atoi(string2); if (approxhostsize <= 0) configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (ISPAGE_): include(string2, &ispagep, ispagehead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (ISNOTPAGE_): include(string2, &ispagep, ispagehead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (SEPCHAR_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || (string2[0] != '\0' && string2[1] != '\0')) configwarning3(string1, inputline); sepchar = string2[0]; } break; case (REPSEPCHAR_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || (string2[0] != '\0' && string2[1] != '\0')) configwarning3(string1, inputline); repsepchar = string2[0]; } break; case (DECPOINT_): if (rc < 2 || string2[0] == '\0') configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || string2[1] != '\0') configwarning3(string1, inputline); decpoint = string2[0]; } break; case (PRESEP_): configstr(string2, presep, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REPORTORDER_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || (int)strlen(string2) > 19) configwarning3(string1, inputline); strncpy(reportorder, string2, 19); } break; case (WITHARGS_): include(string2, &noexpandp, noexpandhead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (WITHOUTARGS_): include(string2, &noexpandp, noexpandhead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REFWITHARGS_): include(string2, &refexpandp, refexpandhead, TRUE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (REFWITHOUTARGS_): include(string2, &refexpandp, refexpandhead, FALSE, string1, inputline, rc, &tempflag); break; case (NOTSUBDOMAIN_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { strtolower(string2); if (rc > 2) configwarning3(string1, inputline); tempflag = OFF; for (subdomtempp = subdomshead; subdomtempp -> from[0] != '\0'; subdomtempp = subdomtempp -> next) { if (STREQ(subdomtempp -> from, string2)) { subdomtempp -> from[0] = '?'; /* mark that we don't want it */ tempflag = ON; } } if (!tempflag && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: NOTSUBDOMAIN command before corresponding SUBDOMAIN at\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " %s", inputline); if (inputline[MAX(strlen(inputline) - 1, 0)] != '\n') fprintf(stderr, "\n"); anywarns = ON; } } break; case (BASEURL_): configstr(string2, baseurl, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DOMCOLS_): configcols(string2, ocols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTCOLS_): configcols(string2, Scols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRCOLS_): configcols(string2, icols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPECOLS_): configcols(string2, tcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQCOLS_): configcols(string2, rcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFCOLS_): configcols(string2, fcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWCOLS_): configcols(string2, bcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWCOLS_): configcols(string2, Bcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (MONTHCOLS_): configcols(string2, mcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DAYCOLS_): configcols(string2, dcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLDAYCOLS_): configcols(string2, Dcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WEEKCOLS_): configcols(string2, Wcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOURCOLS_): configcols(string2, hcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOURCOLS_): configcols(string2, Hcols, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (MONTHGRAPH_): configchar(string2, &mgraph, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DAYGRAPH_): configchar(string2, &dgraph, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLDAYGRAPH_): configchar(string2, &Dgraph, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOURGRAPH_): configchar(string2, &hgraph, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOURGRAPH_): configchar(string2, &Hgraph, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WEEKGRAPH_): configchar(string2, &Wgraph, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (GRAPHICAL_): onoff(string2, &graphical, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (LOGFILE_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else if (STREQ(string2, "none")) { logfilep = logfilehead; logfilehead -> name[0] = '\0'; } else if (rc == 2) addlogfile(&logfilep, string2, "", ON); else { addlogfile(&logfilep, string2, string3, ON); if (rc > 3) configwarning3(string1, inputline); } break; case (CACHEFILE_): if (STREQ(string2, "none")) { cachefilep = cachefilehead; cachefilehead -> name[0] = '\0'; } else configstrlist(string2, &cachefilep, string1, inputline, rc, ON); break; case (REFLOG_): if (STREQ(string2, "none")) { reflogp = refloghead; refloghead -> name[0] = '\0'; } else configstrlist(string2, &reflogp, string1, inputline, rc, ON); break; case (BROWLOG_): if (STREQ(string2, "none")) { browlogp = browloghead; browloghead -> name[0] = '\0'; } else configstrlist(string2, &browlogp, string1, inputline, rc, ON); break; case (ERRLOG_): if (STREQ(string2, "none")) { errlogp = errloghead; errloghead -> name[0] = '\0'; } else configstrlist(string2, &errlogp, string1, inputline, rc, ON); break; case (DOMAINSFILE_): configstr(string2, domainsfile, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTNAME_): configstr(string2, hostname, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTURL_): configstr(string2, hosturl, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTMINREQS_): configstr(string2, Sminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DOMMINREQS_): configstr(string2, ominreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (SUBDOMMINREQS_): configstr(string2, Ominreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRMINREQS_): configstr(string2, iminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPEMINREQS_): configstr(string2, tminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQMINREQS_): configstr(string2, rminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFMINREQS_): configstr(string2, fminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWMINREQS_): configstr(string2, bminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWMINREQS_): configstr(string2, Bminreqstr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, Sminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DOMMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, ominpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (SUBDOMMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, Ominpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, iminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPEMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, tminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, rminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, fminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, bminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWMINPAGES_): configstr(string2, Bminpagestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, Sminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DOMMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, ominbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (SUBDOMMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, Ominbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, iminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPEMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, tminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, rminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, fminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, bminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWMINBYTES_): configstr(string2, Bminbytestr, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (ERRMINOCCS_): configint(string2, &eminreqs, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &rsortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DOMSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &osortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &isortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPESORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &tsortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &Ssortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &fsortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &bsortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWSORTBY_): configsortby(string2, &Bsortby, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (MARKCHAR_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || string2[1] != '\0') configwarning3(string1, inputline); markchar = string2[0]; } break; case (PAGEWIDTH_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(string1, inputline); pagewidth = atoi(string2); if (pagewidth < MINPAGEWIDTH || pagewidth > MAXPAGEWIDTH) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Page width should be between %d and %d\n", commandname, MINPAGEWIDTH, MAXPAGEWIDTH); configwarning2(inputline); pagewidth = PAGEWIDTH; } } break; case (ALLBACK_): /* onoff() extended */ if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "ON")) { mback = ON; Hback = ON; Wback = ON; Dback = ON; } else if (STREQ(string2, "OFF")) { mback = OFF; Hback = OFF; Wback = OFF; Dback = OFF; } else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (MONTHLYBACK_): onoff(string2, &mback, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOURLYBACK_): onoff(string2, &Hback, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLDAILYBACK_): onoff(string2, &Dback, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WEEKLYBACK_): onoff(string2, &Wback, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (MONTHROWS_): configint(string2, &mrows, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOURROWS_): configint(string2, &Hrows, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WEEKROWS_): configint(string2, &Wrows, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLDAYROWS_): configint(string2, &Drows, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (MONTHLY_): onoff(string2, &mq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DAILY_): onoff(string2, &dq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLDAILY_): onoff(string2, &Dq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOURLY_): onoff(string2, &hq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOURLY_): onoff(string2, &Hq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WEEKLY_): onoff(string2, &Wq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DOMAIN_): onoff(string2, &oq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOSTS_): onoff(string2, &Sq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRECTORY_): onoff(string2, &iq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FILETYPE_): onoff(string2, &tq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REQUEST_): onoff(string2, &rq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFERRER_): onoff(string2, &fq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWSER_): onoff(string2, &bq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWSER_): onoff(string2, &Bq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (STATUS_): onoff(string2, &cq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (ERROR_): onoff(string2, &eq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (ALL_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "ON")) { mq = ON; Wq = ON; dq = ON; Dq = ON; hq = ON; Hq = ON; oq = ON; Sq = ON; iq = ON; tq = ON; rq = ON; fq = ON; bq = ON; Bq = ON; cq = ON; eq = ON; } else if (STREQ(string2, "OFF")) { mq = OFF; Wq = OFF; dq = OFF; Dq = OFF; hq = OFF; Hq = OFF; oq = OFF; Sq = OFF; iq = OFF; tq = OFF; rq = OFF; fq = OFF; bq = OFF; Bq = OFF; cq = OFF; eq = OFF; } else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (GENERAL_): onoff(string2, &xq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRLEVEL_): configint(string2, &dirlevel, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (COUNTHOSTS_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "ON")) sq = ON; else if (STREQ(string2, "OFF")) sq = OFF; else if (STREQ(string2, "APPROX")) sq = APPROX; else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (LASTSEVEN_): onoff(string2, &q7, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WARNINGS_): onoff(string2, &warnq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (CASE_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "SENSITIVE")) case_insensitive = OFF; else if (STREQ(string2, "INSENSITIVE")) case_insensitive = ON; else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (IMAGEDIR_): configstr(string2, imagedir, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRSUFFIX_): configstr(string2, dirsuffix, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (MONTHLYUNIT_): configint(string2, &munit, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOURLYUNIT_): configint(string2, &hunit, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLHOURLYUNIT_): configint(string2, &Hunit, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DAILYUNIT_): configint(string2, &dunit, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLDAILYUNIT_): configint(string2, &Dunit, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (WEEKLYUNIT_): configint(string2, &Wunit, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (LOGOURL_): configstr(string2, logourl, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HEADERFILE_): configstr(string2, headerfile, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FOOTERFILE_): configstr(string2, footerfile, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (OUTPUT_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(string1, inputline); strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "ASCII")) aq = ASCII; else if (STREQ(string2, "HTML")) aq = HTML; else if (STREQ(string2, "CACHE")) aq = CACHE; else if (STREQ(string2, "PREFORMATTED")) aq = PREFORMATTED; else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (LANGUAGE_): if (rc < 2) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(string1, inputline); strtoupper(string2); if (STREQ(string2, "ENGLISH")) lang = ENGLISH; else if (STREQ(string2, "US-ENGLISH")) lang = US_ENGLISH; else if (STREQ(string2, "FRENCH")) lang = FRENCH; else if (STREQ(string2, "GERMAN")) lang = GERMAN; else if (STREQ(string2, "ITALIAN")) lang = ITALIAN; else if (STREQ(string2, "SPANISH")) lang = SPANISH; else if (STREQ(string2, "DANISH")) lang = DANISH; else configwarning2(inputline); } break; case (DEBUG_): configint(string2, &debug, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (PROGRESSFREQ_): configint(string2, &progressfreq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (RAWBYTES_): onoff(string2, &rawbytes, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (UNCOMPRESS_): if (rc < 3) configwarning(string1, inputline); else { addlogfile(&uncompressp, string2, string3, OFF); if (rc > 3) configwarning3(string1, inputline); } break; case (REQHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &rhashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DIRHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &ihashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (TYPEHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &thashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (HOSTHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &Shashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (REFHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &fhashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (BROWHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &bhashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (FULLBROWHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &Bhashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (SUBDOMHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &Ohashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; #ifndef NODNS case (DNSHASHSIZE_): configsizet(string2, &dnshashsize, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (NUMLOOKUP_): onoff(string2, &dnsq, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DNSFILE_): configstr(string2, dnsfile, string1, inputline, rc); break; case (DNSFRESHHOURS_): configint(string2, &dnsfreshhours, string1, inputline, rc); break; #endif case (CONFIGFILE_): config(string2); break; case (OUTFILE_): configstr(string2, outfile, string1, inputline, rc); break; } } } flag config(char *filename) { FILE *cf; flag ispipe; char inputline[MAXLINELENGTH]; if (STREQ(filename, "none")) return(0); else { no_configs++; if (no_configs > MAX_CONFIGS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: More than %d configuration files:\n", commandname, MAX_CONFIGS); fprintf(stderr, " probably being called in circles: exiting\n"); exit(ERR); } cf = fopenlog(filename, "configuration file", &ispipe); if (cf == NULL) return(1); else { /* we can read the config. file */ while (fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, cf) != NULL) configline(inputline); fcloselog(cf, filename, "configuration file", ispipe); return(0); } } } /*** Now the main commandline command ***/ void commandline(int argc, char **argv) { int i; flag Gfound = FALSE; char tempstr1[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], tempstr2[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; /* First see whether to include the default config. file, by scanning backwards through the arguments looking for the (last) occurrence of +G or -G. We then run the config. file, then look at the other args. */ for (i = argc - 1; i >= 1 && !Gfound; i--) { if (argv[i][1] == 'G') { if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && (argv[i][0] == '+' || argv[i][0] == '-')) { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after %cG option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); anywarns = ON; } } if (argv[i][0] == '+') { Gfound = TRUE; config(DEFAULTCONFIGFILE); } else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { Gfound = TRUE; } } } if (!Gfound) { logfilep = logfilehead; cachefilep = cachefilehead; reflogp = refloghead; browlogp = browloghead; errlogp = errloghead; config(DEFAULTCONFIGFILE); } logfilep = logfilehead; /* reset logfile pointers for over-write */ cachefilep = cachefilehead; reflogp = refloghead; browlogp = browloghead; errlogp = errloghead; /* Now read the other arguments */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] != '+' && argv[i][0] != '-') { if (STREQ(argv[i], "none")) { logfilep = logfilehead; logfilehead -> name[0] = '\0'; } else addlogfile(&logfilep, argv[i], "", ON); } else switch (argv[i][1]) { case '\0': /* read stdin */ addlogfile(&logfilep, "stdin", "", ON); break; #ifndef NODNS case '1': clflag(&dnsq, argv[i]); break; #endif case '7': /* stats for last 7 days */ clflag(&q7, argv[i]); break; case 'a': /* ASCII output */ clflag(&aq, argv[i]); /* This works because ON = ASCII, OFF = HTML */ break; case 'A': /* all reports */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') configline("ALL OFF"); else configline("ALL ON"); if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after %cA option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); anywarns = ON; } break; case 'b': /* browser summary */ clgenrep(&bq, &bsortby, bminreqstr, bminpagestr, bminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 'B': /* browser report */ clgenrep(&Bq, &Bsortby, Bminreqstr, Bminpagestr, Bminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 'c': /* status code report */ clflag(&cq, argv[i]); break; case 'C': /* configuration command */ if (argv[i][2] == '\0') { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no command supplied after +C option\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before command)\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else configline(argv[i] + 2); break; case 'd': /* daily summary */ cldaterep(&dq, &dgraph, argv[i]); break; case 'D': /* full daily report */ cldaterep(&Dq, &Dgraph, argv[i]); break; case 'e': /* error report */ clflag(&eq, argv[i]); break; case 'f': /* form */ if (STREQ(argv[i] + 2, "orm")) formq = ON; else /* referrer report */ clgenrep(&fq, &fsortby, fminreqstr, fminpagestr, fminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 'F': /* FROM */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') { configline("FROM OFF"); if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after -F option\n", commandname); anywarns = ON; } } else if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no date supplied after +F option\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before date)\n"); anywarns = ON; } else { strcpy(tempstr2, "FROM "); strcat(tempstr2, argv[i] + 2); configline(tempstr2); } break; case 'g': /* configuration file */ if (argv[i][0] == '+') { if (argv[i][2] == '\0') { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no filename supplied after +g option\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before filename)\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else config(argv[i] + 2); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Ignoring unknown option -g:\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " see Readme.html for correct usage\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or go to\n"); } break; case 'G': /* default configuration file: done already */ break; case 'h': /* help */ if (STREQ(argv[i] + 2, "elp")) { fprintf(stderr, "For help see Readme.html, or "); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(OK); } else /* hourly summary */ cldaterep(&hq, &hgraph, argv[i]); break; case 'H': /* hourly report */ cldaterep(&Hq, &Hgraph, argv[i]); break; case 'i': /* directory report */ clgenrep(&iq, &isortby, iminreqstr, iminpagestr, iminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 'l': /* 'level' of dir report */ dirlevel = atoi(argv[i] + 2); break; case 'm': /* monthly report */ cldaterep(&mq, &mgraph, argv[i]); break; case 'n': /* our host or organisation name */ if (argv[i][2] == '\0') { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no text supplied after %cn option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before text)\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else strncpy(hostname, argv[i] + 2, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); break; case 'o': /* domain report */ clgenrep(&oq, &osortby, ominreqstr, ominpagestr, ominbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 'O': /* outfile */ clfile(outfile, argv[i]); break; case 'p': /* logo? */ clfile(logourl, argv[i]); break; case 'q': /* warnings? */ clflag(&warnq, argv[i]); break; case 'r': /* request report */ clgenrep(&rq, &rsortby, rminreqstr, rminpagestr, rminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 's': /* count hosts? */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') sq = OFF; else if (argv[i][2] == 's') sq = APPROX; else sq = ON; if (argv[i][2] == 's') { if (argv[i][3] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after %css option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); anywarns = ON; } } else { /* argv[i][2] != 's' */ if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after %cs option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); anywarns = ON; } } break; case 'S': /* full hostname report */ clgenrep(&Sq, &Ssortby, Sminreqstr, Sminpagestr, Sminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 't': /* file type report */ clgenrep(&tq, &tsortby, tminreqstr, tminpagestr, tminbytestr, argv[i]); break; case 'T': /* TO */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') { configline("TO OFF"); if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after -T option\n", commandname); anywarns = ON; } } else if (argv[i][2] == '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no date supplied after +T option\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before date)\n"); anywarns = ON; } else { strcpy(tempstr2, "TO "); strcat(tempstr2, argv[i] + 2); configline(tempstr2); } break; case 'u': /* host URL */ if (argv[i][2] == '\0') { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no URL supplied after %cu option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before URL)\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else strncpy(hosturl, argv[i] + 2, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); break; case 'U': /* cache file */ if(clfile(tempstr1, argv[i]) == OK) { strcpy(tempstr2, "CACHEFILE "); strncat(tempstr2, tempstr1, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 11); configline(tempstr2); } break; case 'v': /* print variables and exit */ if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after %cv option\n", commandname, argv[i][0]); anywarns = ON; } vblesonly = ON; break; case 'V': /* debugging info */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') { debug = OFF; if (argv[i][2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after -V option\n", commandname); anywarns = ON; } } else { if (argv[i][2] == '\0') debug = 1; else debug = atoi(argv[i] + 2); } break; case 'w': /* pagewidth */ pagewidth = atoi(argv[i] + 2); if (pagewidth < MINPAGEWIDTH || pagewidth > MAXPAGEWIDTH) { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: Warning: at option %s, page width should be between %d and %d\n", commandname, argv[i], MINPAGEWIDTH, MAXPAGEWIDTH); fprintf(stderr, " Resetting to default value of %d\n", PAGEWIDTH); anywarns = ON; } pagewidth = PAGEWIDTH; } break; case 'W': /* weekly report */ cldaterep(&Wq, &Wgraph, argv[i]); break; case 'x': /* general summary and gotos */ clflag(&xq, argv[i]); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Ignoring unknown option %s:\n", commandname, argv[i]); fprintf(stderr, " see Readme.html for correct usage\n"); fprintf(stderr, " or go to\n"); } } /* Finally, the mandatory config file */ logfilep = logfilehead; /* reset logfile pointers for over-write */ cachefilep = cachefilehead; reflogp = refloghead; browlogp = browloghead; errlogp = errloghead; if (config(MANDATORYCONFIGFILE)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Cannot ignore mandatory configuration file: exiting\n", commandname); exit(ERR); } } /*** The actual initialise() function ***/ void initialise(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *outf; time(&starttime); starttimetm = localtime(&starttime); starttimec.year = 1900 + starttimetm -> tm_year; = starttimetm -> tm_mday; starttimec.monthno = starttimetm -> tm_mon; = starttimetm -> tm_hour; starttimec.min = starttimetm -> tm_min; starttimec.code = timecode(, starttimec.monthno, starttimec.year,, starttimec.min); defaults(); /* enter the defaults for all the variables (before possibly changing them). */ #ifdef MAC_EVENTS commandname = (char *)xmalloc(7); strcpy(commandname, "analog"); #else commandname = (char *)xmalloc(strlen(argv[0]) + 1); strcpy(commandname, argv[0]); #endif init_structs(); /* initialise all the structures (and pointers to them) */ commandline(argc, argv); /* parse commandline. This also parses all the configuration files. */ /* correct any variables for which wrong value given */ if (fromtime.code > totime.code) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: FROM and TO exclude all dates.\n", commandname); exit(ERR); } if (dirlevel == 0) dirlevel = 1; if (Sq) sq = ON; /* +S implies +s */ if (STREQ(baseurl, "none")) baseurl[0] = '\0'; else if (baseurl[MAX(strlen(baseurl) - 1, 0)] == '/') baseurl[strlen(baseurl) - 1] = '\0'; if (aq == CACHE) { configline("ALL OFF"); xq = OFF; Hq = ON; Hback = OFF; Hrows = 0; } else if (aq == PREFORMATTED) { rawbytes = ON; lang = ENGLISH; /* only affects days of the week */ sepchar = '\0'; repsepchar = '\0'; decpoint = '.'; /* don't need this last one at the moment, but... */ } if (rsortby == BYPAGES) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Cannot sort request report by page requests:\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " Sorting by requests instead.\n"); rsortby = BYREQUESTS; } if (case_insensitive) { alias_to_lower(filealiashead); include_to_lower(wantfilehead); include_to_lower(wantreqhead); include_to_lower(linkhead); include_to_lower(ispagehead); include_to_lower(noexpandhead); strtolower(dirsuffix); } if (vblesonly) printvbles(); /* which also exits */ if (lang == US_ENGLISH) { lang = ENGLISH; dialect = US_ENGLISH; } if (!STREQ(outfile, "stdout")) { if ((outf = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: failed to open output file %s for writing.\n", commandname, outfile); exit(ERR); /* test now so we don't do the processing THEN find out */ } else fclose(outf); /* no need to hold it open */ } /* if we just want a form, generate that and exit */ if (formq) { formgen(); exit(OK); } othervars(); } /* end initialise() */ /*** Finally, a boring function just to print variables and exit ***/ void printvbles(void) { FILE *filep; char *c; stdin_used = FALSE; printf("This is analog version %s\n", VERSION); printf("For more information on analog see Readme.html or\n"); printf("\n\n"); if (formq) { printf("These options would construct form in %s; see that file for options set\n", outfile); } else { printf("Logfiles to analyse:\n"); /* as pvfilelist(), but for logfiles */ if (logfilehead -> name[0] == '\0') printf(" none\n"); for (logfilep = logfilehead; logfilep -> name[0] != '\0'; logfilep = logfilep -> next) { printf(" %s", logfilep -> name); if ((filep = fopen(logfilep -> name, "r")) == NULL && !STREQ(logfilep -> name, "stdin") && !STREQ(logfilep -> name, "-")) printf(": Warning: cannot open that file"); else fclose(filep); /* NB So condl 3 lines back must be in that order */ if (STREQ(logfilep -> name, "stdin") || STREQ(logfilep -> name, "-")) { if (stdin_used) printf("\n Warning: attempt to use stdin twice will fail"); stdin_used = TRUE; } printf("\n"); } pvfilelist(cachefilehead, "Cache files"); if (aq != CACHE) { pvfilelist(refloghead, "Referrer logs"); pvfilelist(browloghead, "Browser logs"); pvfilelist(errloghead, "Error logs"); } if (uncompresshead -> name[0] != '\0') { printf("Files uncompressed by the following methods:\n"); for (uncompressp = uncompresshead; uncompressp -> name[0] != '\0'; uncompressp = uncompressp -> next) printf(" %s by %s\n", uncompressp -> name, uncompressp -> prefix); } printf("Filenames are case %s\n", (case_insensitive)?"insensitive":"sensitive"); if (aq == CACHE) printf("\nOutputting cache file only.\n"); else { printf("\nThe output will be in "); if (aq == HTML) printf("HTML\n"); else if (aq == ASCII) printf("plain text\n"); else /* aq == PREFORMATTED */ printf("preformatted format\n"); if (aq != PREFORMATTED) { printf("The output language will be "); if (lang == ENGLISH) printf("English\n"); else if (lang == US_ENGLISH) printf("US English\n"); else if (lang == FRENCH) printf("French\n"); else if (lang == GERMAN) printf("German\n"); else if (lang == SPANISH) printf("Spanish\n"); else if (lang == DANISH) printf("Danish\n"); else /* lang == ITALIAN */ printf("Italian\n"); } lang = ENGLISH; /* So that whatincluded() goes in English */ printf("The domains file is %s\n", domainsfile); if (((filep = fopen(domainsfile, "r")) == NULL) && !STREQ(domainsfile, "stdin") && !STREQ(domainsfile, "-")) printf(" Warning: cannot open that file: cannot construct domain report\n"); else fclose(filep); if (STREQ(domainsfile, "stdin") || STREQ(domainsfile, "-")) { if (stdin_used) printf("\n Warning: attempt to use stdin twice will fail"); stdin_used = TRUE; } #ifndef NODNS if (dnsq) { printf("DNS lookups performed with DNS cache file %s\n", dnsfile); if (((filep = fopen(dnsfile, "r")) == NULL) && !STREQ(dnsfile, "stdin") && !STREQ(dnsfile, "-")) printf(" Warning: cannot open that file:\n"); else fclose(filep); if (STREQ(dnsfile, "stdin") || STREQ(dnsfile, "-")) { if (stdin_used) printf("\n Warning: attempt to use stdin twice will fail"); stdin_used = TRUE; } printf("Old DNS lookups will be rechecked if they are more than %d hours old\n", dnsfreshhours); } #endif printf("The output file is %s\n", outfile); /* Don't check for being able to write as it will destroy the file */ printf("\nReport order:\n"); printf("General summary %s\n", xq?"ON":"OFF"); for (c = reportorder; *c != '\0'; c++) { switch(*c) { case 'b': pvgen("Browser summary", bq, bsortby, bminreqstr, bminpagestr, bminbytestr, bcols, "browser", "browsers"); if (bq) pvalias("Browser summary", boutaliashead); break; case 'B': pvgen("Browser report", Bq, Bsortby, Bminreqstr, Bminpagestr, Bminbytestr, Bcols, "browser", "browsers"); break; case 'c': printf("Status code report %s\n", cq?"ON":"OFF"); break; case 'd': pvtime("Daily summary", dq, dgraph, dunit, dcols, 0); break; case 'D': pvtime("Daily report", Dq, Dgraph, Dunit, Dcols, Drows); break; case 'e': printf("Error report %s\n", eq?"ON":"OFF"); if (eminreqs == 0) printf(" Printing all possible errors, "); else printf(" Printing all errors with at least %d occurence%s,\n", eminreqs, (eminreqs == 1)?"":"s"); printf(" sorted by number of occurrences."); break; case 'f': pvgen("Referrer report", fq, fsortby, fminreqstr, fminpagestr, fminbytestr, fcols, "referrer", "referrers"); if (fq) { pvalias("Referrer report", foutaliashead); pvinout("as linked items", reflinkhead); } break; case 'h': pvtime("Hourly summary", hq, hgraph, hunit, hcols, 0); break; case 'H': pvtime("Hourly report", Hq, Hgraph, Hunit, Hcols, Hrows); break; case 'i': pvgen("Directory report", iq, isortby, iminreqstr, iminpagestr, iminbytestr, icols, "directory", "directories"); if (iq) { printf(" Printing directories to depth %d.\n", dirlevel); pvalias("Directory report", ioutaliashead); } break; case 'm': pvtime("Monthly report", mq, mgraph, munit, mcols, mrows); break; case 'o': pvgen("Domain report", oq, osortby, ominreqstr, ominpagestr, ominbytestr, ocols, "domain", "domains"); if (oq) { printf(" "); whatincluded(stdout, osortby, Ominreqstr, Ominpagestr, Ominbytestr, "requested subdomain", "requested subdomains", ON, 'm'); } break; case 'r': pvgen("Request report", rq, rsortby, rminreqstr, rminpagestr, rminbytestr, rcols, "requested file", "requested files"); if (rq) { pvinout("in the report", wantreqhead); pvalias("Request report", routaliashead); pvinout("as linked items", linkhead); if (baseurl[0] != '\0') printf(" (links prepended by %s)\n", baseurl); } break; case 'S': pvgen("Host report", Sq, Ssortby, Sminreqstr, Sminpagestr, Sminbytestr, Scols, "host", "hosts"); if (Sq) pvalias("Host report", Soutaliashead); break; case 't': pvgen("File type report", tq, tsortby, tminreqstr, tminpagestr, tminbytestr, tcols, "extension", "extensions"); if (tq) pvalias("File type report", toutaliashead); break; case 'W': pvtime("Weekly report", Wq, Wgraph, Wunit, Wcols, Wrows); break; } /* end switch c */ } /* end for c */ if (sq == APPROX) { printf("\nApproximate hostname count ON\n"); printf(" Space used for hostname count: "); int3printf(stdout, approxhostsize, sepchar, 0); printf(" bytes\n"); } else printf("\nHostname count %s\n", (sq == ON)?"ON":"OFF"); printf("Statistics for last 7 days %s\n", q7?"ON":"OFF"); printf("Hash sizes are:\n"); printf(" Requests %6ld\n", rhashsize); printf(" Directories %6ld\n", ihashsize); printf(" File types %6ld\n", thashsize); printf(" Hosts %6ld\n", Shashsize); printf(" Referrers %6ld\n", fhashsize); printf(" Browser summary %6ld\n", bhashsize); printf(" Browser report %6ld\n", Bhashsize); printf(" Subdomains %6ld\n", Ohashsize); #ifndef NODNS if (dnsq) printf(" DNS cache %6ld\n", dnshashsize); #endif if (oq) { printf("\nRequested subdomains:\n"); if (subdomshead -> from[0] == '\0') printf(" None\n"); else for (subdomp = subdomshead; subdomp -> from[0] != '\0'; subdomp = subdomp -> next) { if (subdomp -> from[0] == '?') /* don't want it */ ; else if (subdomp -> from[0] == '%') printf(" Numerical subdomains\n"); else { printf(" %s", subdomp -> from); if (subdomp -> to[0] != '?') printf(" (%s)", subdomp -> to); printf("\n"); } } } if (mq || dq || hq || Hq || Dq || Wq) { printf("\nThe character used in the graphs will be '%c'\n", markchar); printf("The page width is %d\n", pagewidth); } if (sepchar != '\0') printf("The character used as a separator in big numbers will be '%c'\n", sepchar); if (repsepchar != '\0') printf("The character used as a separator in big numbers within reports will be '%c'\n", repsepchar); printf("The character used as a decimal point will be '%c'\n", decpoint); if (Wq || Dq || dq) { printf("Weeks are taken to begin on "); switch(weekbeginson) { case (SUNDAY): printf("Sunday.\n"); break; case (MONDAY): printf("Monday.\n"); break; case (TUESDAY): printf("Tuesday.\n"); break; case (WEDNESDAY): printf("Wednesday.\n"); break; case (THURSDAY): printf("Thursday.\n"); break; case (FRIDAY): printf("Friday.\n"); break; case (SATURDAY): printf("Saturday.\n"); break; } } printf("The following will be included in the output:\n"); if (!aq) printf("Logo %s\n", STREQ(logourl, "none")?logourl:"OFF"); printf("Header file %s\n", STREQ(headerfile, "none")?"OFF":headerfile); if (!STREQ(headerfile, "none")) { if (((filep = fopen(headerfile, "r")) == NULL) && !STREQ(headerfile, "stdin") && !STREQ(headerfile, "-")) printf(" Warning: cannot open that file: will ignore it\n"); else fclose(filep); } printf("Footer file %s\n", STREQ(footerfile, "none")?"OFF":footerfile); if (!STREQ(footerfile, "none")) { if ((filep = fopen(footerfile, "r")) == NULL && !STREQ(footerfile, "stdin") && !STREQ(footerfile, "-")) printf(" Warning: cannot open that file: will ignore it\n"); else fclose(filep); } printf("Organisation name \"%s\"\n", hostname); if (!aq) printf("Name linked to URL %s\n\n", (hosturl[0]=='-')?"OFF":hosturl); pvinout("as pages", ispagehead); pvalias("File", filealiashead); pvalias("Host", hostaliashead); pvalias("Referrer", refaliashead); pvalias("Brower", browaliashead); } /* end if aq != CACHE */ if (filemaskq) pvinout("files", wantfilehead); if (hostmaskq) pvinout("hosts", wanthosthead); if (refmaskq && aq != CACHE) pvinout("referrers", wantrefhead); if (fromtime.code > -INFINITY || totime.code < INFINITY) { printf("\nExamining only times"); if (fromtime.code > -INFINITY) printf(" from %02d/%s/%d",, enmonthname[fromtime.monthno], fromtime.year); if (totime.code < INFINITY) printf(" to %02d/%s/%d",, enmonthname[totime.monthno], totime.year); printf("\n"); } printf("\nDebug level is %d\n", debug); printf("Warnings are %s\n", warnq?"ON":"OFF"); if (progressfreq > 0) printf("Progress report every %d logfile lines\n", progressfreq); printf("\n"); } /* end not form */ exit(OK); }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by