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/*** analog 1.93beta ***/ /* Please read Readme.html, or */ /*** init2.c; some initialisation functions not using many global variables */ /* See also init.c */ #include "analhea2.h" /*** The function that parses the domains file ***/ void domainscan(void) { extern char *domainsfile; extern struct domain **ohead; extern struct alias *subdomshead; extern char *commandname; extern flag oq, warnq, anywarns; FILE *df; struct domain *p, *lastp; struct alias *subdomp; char tempstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], tempstr2[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; char inputline[MAXLINELENGTH]; int rc; /* return code */ int domcode; /* the code of a particular domain; see the long comment just below */ flag ispipe; df = fopenlog(domainsfile, "domains file", &ispipe); if (df == NULL) { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr," will not construct domain report.\n"); anywarns = ON; } oq = OFF; return; } /* We put the domains in the following order. aa = 0, ab = 2, ..., ba = 52, ... Domains with more than two letters go in the spaces; co = 134, com = 135, cp = 136. We assume that there are no two long domain names with the same two initial letters. Finally zz = 1350, zzspam = 1351, Unknown = 1352, Numerical = 1353. Each domain contains a 'nexti' element to show which is the next domain that occurs in the domains file. */ else { /* there is a domains file */ p = ohead[DOMHASHSIZE - 2]; p -> id = xmalloc(5); /* enough for "*UNK\0" */ strcpy(p -> id, "*UNK"); p -> name = xmalloc(8); strcpy(p -> name, "unknown"); p -> reqs = 0; p -> pages = 0; p -> bytes = 0; p -> next = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); p -> next -> name = NULL; p = ohead[DOMHASHSIZE - 1]; p -> id = xmalloc(5); strcpy(p -> id, "*NUM"); p -> name = xmalloc(31); strcpy(p -> name, "unresolved numerical addresses"); p -> reqs = 0; p -> pages = 0; p -> bytes = 0.0; p -> next = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); p -> next -> name = NULL; lastp = p; p = p -> next; while (fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, df) != NULL) { rc = sscanf_domains(inputline, tempstr, tempstr2); if (rc == 2) { if ((!isdigit(tempstr[0])) && strchr(tempstr, '.') == NULL) { /* new domain */ domcode = (tempstr[0] - 'a') * 52 + (tempstr[1] - 'a') * 2 + (tempstr[2] != '\0'); if ((domcode < 0 || domcode > DOMHASHSIZE - 3) && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Ignoring corrupt line in domains file looking like\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr," %s", inputline); anywarns = ON; } p = ohead[domcode]; p -> id = xmalloc((size_t)((int)strlen(tempstr) + 1)); strcpy(p -> id, tempstr); p -> name = xmalloc((size_t)((int)strlen(tempstr2) + 1)); strcpy(p -> name, tempstr2); p -> reqs = 0; p -> pages = 0; p -> bytes = 0.0; p -> next = (struct domain *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct domain)); p -> next -> name = NULL; lastp -> nexti = domcode; /* domlastp is the last domain we looked at */ lastp = p; p = p -> next; } else if (warnq) { /* old specification subdomain */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Ignoring corrupt line in domains file looking like\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr," %s", inputline); anywarns = ON; } } else if (rc == 1 && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Ignoring corrupt line in domains file looking like\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " %s", inputline); anywarns = ON; } } lastp -> nexti = -1; /* marker; last domain has no subsequent one */ fcloselog(df, domainsfile, "domains file", ispipe); /* Now do the subdomains which we read in at configuration time */ for (subdomp = subdomshead; subdomp -> from[0] != '\0'; subdomp = subdomp -> next) if (subdomp -> from[0] != '?') subdomadd(subdomp -> from, subdomp -> to); } /* end else can read domains file */ } /*** Now the function that parses the DNS cache ***/ /* Test dnsq before calling this */ #ifndef NODNS void dnscachescan(void) { extern char *dnsfile; extern time_t dnsstaletime; extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; FILE *cf; time_t timec; char number[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], alias[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; char inputline[MAXLINELENGTH]; flag ispipe; cf = fopenlog(dnsfile, "DNS cache file", &ispipe); if (cf != NULL) { while (fgets(inputline, MAXLINELENGTH, cf) != NULL) { if (sscanf(inputline, "%ld %s%s", &timec, number, alias) != 3) { if (warnq) { /* NB: Poss. problem if strings too long */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Ignoring corrupt line in DNS cache file looking like\n", commandname); anywarns = ON; } } else if (timec > dnsstaletime) dnshashadd(number, (alias[0] == '*')?NULL:alias, timec); } fcloselog(cf, dnsfile, "DNS cache file", ispipe); } } #endif /*** Functions used in parsing the configuration file ***/ /* First some warning messages */ void configwarning(char *comname, char *inputline) { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Not enough arguments to %s command: ignoring line\n", commandname, comname); fprintf(stderr, " %s", inputline); if (inputline[MAX(strlen(inputline) - 1, 0)] != '\n') fprintf(stderr, "\n"); anywarns = ON; } } void configwarning2(char *inputline) { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Discarding illegal configuration command\n", commandname); fprintf(stderr, " %s", inputline); if (inputline[MAX(strlen(inputline) - 1, 0)] != '\n') fprintf(stderr, "\n"); anywarns = ON; } } void configwarning3(char *comname, char *inputline) { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: Too many arguments to %s command: ignoring end of line\n", commandname, comname); fprintf(stderr, " %s", inputline); if (inputline[MAX(strlen(inputline) - 1, 0)] != '\n') fprintf(stderr, "\n"); anywarns = ON; } } /* Next some sub-functions to initialise configuration things */ void addonelogfile(struct loglist **p, char name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], char prefix[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]) { strncpy((*p) -> name, name, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); (*p) -> name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; strncpy((*p) -> prefix, prefix, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); (*p) -> prefix[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; (*p) -> next = (struct loglist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct loglist)); *p = (*p) -> next; (*p) -> name[0] = '\0'; } #ifndef NODIRENT #ifndef VMSDIRENT void addwildlogs(struct loglist **p, char name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], char prefix[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]) { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *filep; struct stat *buf; char dirname[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; int dirnamelen; char filename[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; char *tempc, *temp1, *temp2; flag matched = FALSE; strcpy(dirname, name); for (tempc = dirname + strlen(dirname); *tempc != DIRSEP && tempc != dirname; tempc--) ; /* run back to last DIRSEP if any */ if (tempc == dirname) { strcpy(filename, dirname); sprintf(dirname, ".%c", DIRSEP); } else { strcpy(filename, tempc + 1); *(tempc + 1) = '\0'; } if ((dirp = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) { (*p) -> name[0] = '\0'; if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: can't open directory %s:\n ignoring logfiles %s\n", commandname, dirname, name); if (strchr(dirname, '*') != NULL || strchr(dirname, '?') != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " (wildcards not allowed in directory name)\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else { dirnamelen = strlen(dirname); buf = (struct stat *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stat)); while ((filep = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { strncpy(dirname + dirnamelen, filep -> d_name, (size_t)(MAXSTRINGLENGTH - dirnamelen - 1)); stat(dirname, buf); /* dirname now contains the complete filename */ if (S_ISREG(buf -> st_mode) && /* is ordinary file */ wildmatch(filep -> d_name, filename, &temp1, &temp2)) { addonelogfile(p, dirname, prefix); matched = TRUE; } } closedir(dirp); if (!matched) addonelogfile(p, name, prefix); /* so as to get proper error message */ } } #else /* VMSDIRENT */ /* The next function is due to Dave Jones */ void addwildlogs(struct loglist **p, char name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], char prefix[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]) { static char fspec[VMS_FSPEC_MAX], related[VMS_FSPEC_MAX]; static char result[VMS_FSPEC_MAX]; static $DESCRIPTOR(fspec_dx,fspec); static $DESCRIPTOR(related_dx,""); static $DESCRIPTOR(default_dx,".log"); static $DESCRIPTOR(result_dx,result); char *space, *ques; long int context; int status, stsval, length, LIB$FIND_FILE(), LIB$FIND_FILE_END(); flag matched; length = strlen ( name ); if ( length >= VMS_FSPEC_MAX ) length = VMS_FSPEC_MAX - 1; strncpy ( fspec, name, length ); fspec[length] = '\0'; while ( ques = strchr(fspec,'?') ) *ques = '%'; fspec_dx.dsc$w_length = length; for ( matched = FALSE, context = 0; 1&(status=LIB$FIND_FILE ( &fspec_dx, &result_dx, &context, &default_dx, &related_dx, &stsval, (long *) 0 )); matched = TRUE) { space = strchr ( result, ' ' ); if ( !space ) space = &result[VMS_FSPEC_MAX-1]; *space = '\0'; addonelogfile ( p, result, prefix ); /* Save last result to use as defaul for next lookup */ strcpy ( related, result ); related_dx.dsc$w_length = strlen(result); related_dx.dsc$a_pointer = related; } if ( context ) LIB$FIND_FILE_END ( &context ); if (!matched) addonelogfile(p, name, prefix); /* so as to get proper error message */ } #endif #endif /* NODIRENT */ void addlogfile(struct loglist **p, char name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], char prefix[MAXSTRINGLENGTH], flag wildexpand) { /* wildexpand only used if NODIRENT off */ char *tempstr; struct stringlist *tempstrlist, *tempslp; /* NB Do all strtok's before calling subsiduary functions that use it too */ tempstrlist = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); tempstrlist -> name[0] = '\0'; tempslp = tempstrlist; tempstr = strtok(name, ","); /* break at commas */ addonestrlist(&tempslp, tempstr); while ((tempstr = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")) != NULL) addonestrlist(&tempslp, tempstr); /* now check for wildcards and add to logfile list */ for ( ; tempstrlist -> name[0] != '\0'; tempstrlist = tempstrlist -> next) { #ifndef NODIRENT #ifndef VMSDIRENT if (wildexpand && (strchr(tempstrlist -> name, '*') != NULL || strchr(tempstrlist -> name, '?') != NULL)) #else /* VMSDIRENT; wildcards only supported for VMS file syntax, not Unix */ if (wildexpand && (strchr(tempstrlist -> name, '/' ) == NULL)) #endif addwildlogs(p, tempstrlist -> name, prefix); else #endif addonelogfile(p, tempstrlist -> name, prefix); } } void includeone(char *name, struct include **p, struct include *head, int in, char *comname, char *inputline) { /* put something in an include list */ extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; struct include *tempp, *oldp; int tempflag; char tempstr[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; if (in == UNSET) { /* *ALLOW */ tempflag = OFF; for (tempp = head; tempp -> in != UNSET; tempp = tempp -> next) { if (STREQ(tempp -> name, name) && tempp -> in == FALSE) { if (tempp == head) tempp -> name[0] = '\0'; else oldp -> next = tempp -> next; tempflag = ON; } oldp = tempp; } if (!tempflag && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: %s command before corresponding EXCLUDE at\n", commandname, comname); fprintf(stderr, " %s", inputline); if (inputline[MAX(strlen(inputline) - 1, 0)] != '\n') fprintf(stderr, "\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else { strcpy(tempstr, name); if (STREQ(strtolower(tempstr), "pages")) strcpy((*p) -> name, "pages"); else { strncpy((*p) -> name, name, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); (*p) -> name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; } (*p) -> in = in; (*p) -> next = (struct include *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct include)); *p = (*p) -> next; (*p) -> in = UNSET; } } void include(char *name, struct include **p, struct include *head, int in, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc, flag *maskq) { /* put something(s) in/out of an include list */ char *tempstr; if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); *maskq = ON; tempstr = strtok(name, ","); includeone(tempstr, p, head, in, comname, inputline); while ((tempstr = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")) != NULL) includeone(tempstr, p, head, in, comname, inputline); } } void configalias(char *from, char *to, struct alias **p, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { if (rc < 3) configwarning(comname, inputline); else if (from[0] == '\0' || to[0] == '\0') configwarning2(inputline); else { if (rc > 3) configwarning3(comname, inputline); strcpy((*p) -> from, from); strcpy((*p) -> to, to); (*p) -> next = (struct alias *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct alias)); *p = (*p) -> next; (*p) -> from[0] = '\0'; } } void fromtodate(char *tstr, struct timestruct *t, flag from, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { /* NB should we put more syntax checking in this function? */ extern struct timestruct starttimec; extern int monthlength[]; if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else if (STREQ(strtoupper(tstr), "OFF")) { if (from) t -> code = -INFINITY; else t -> code = INFINITY; } else if ((int)strlen(tstr) < 6) configwarning2(inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); if (*tstr == '-') { t -> year = starttimec.year; t -> year -= 10 * (*(++tstr) - '0'); t -> year -= (*(++tstr) - '0'); } else { t -> year = 10 * (*tstr - '0'); t -> year += (*(++tstr) - '0'); if (t -> year > 70) /* (say) */ t -> year += 1900; else t -> year += 2000; } tstr++; if (*tstr == '-') { t -> monthno = starttimec.monthno; t -> monthno -= 10 * (*(++tstr) - '0'); t -> monthno -= (*(++tstr) - '0'); while (t -> monthno < 0) { t -> monthno += 12; t -> year--; } } else if (*tstr == '+') { t -> monthno = starttimec.monthno; t -> monthno += 10 * (*(++tstr) - '0'); t -> monthno += (*(++tstr) - '0'); while (t -> monthno > 11) { t -> monthno -= 12; t -> year++; } } else { t -> monthno = 10 * (*tstr - '0'); t -> monthno += (*(++tstr) - '0'); t -> monthno--; /* prog. months are 1 out from standard */ } tstr++; if (*tstr == '-') { t -> date =; t -> date -= atoi(++tstr); while (t -> date <= 0) { t -> monthno--; if (t -> monthno < 0) { t -> monthno += 12; t -> year--; } t -> date += monthlength[t -> monthno] + ISLEAPFEB(t -> monthno, t -> year); } } else if (*tstr == '+') { t -> date =; t -> date += atoi(++tstr); while (t -> date > monthlength[t -> monthno] + ISLEAPFEB(t -> monthno, t -> year)) { t -> date -= monthlength[t -> monthno] + ISLEAPFEB(t -> monthno, t -> year); t -> monthno++; if (t -> monthno > 11) { t -> monthno -= 12; t -> year++; } } } else { t -> date = 10 * (*tstr - '0'); t -> date += (*(++tstr) - '0'); } if (from) { t -> hr = 0; t -> min = 0; } else { t -> hr = 23; t -> min = 59; } t -> code = timecode(t -> date, t -> monthno, t -> year, t -> hr, t -> min); } } void configstr(char *name, char *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) /* NB: name must have size at least MSL */ { if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); strncpy(target, name, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); } } /* a couple of functions for configstrlist() below */ void addonestrlist(struct stringlist **p, char *name) { strncpy((*p) -> name, name, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); (*p) -> name[MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1] = '\0'; (*p) -> next = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); *p = (*p) -> next; (*p) -> name[0] = '\0'; } #ifndef NODIRENT #ifndef VMSDIRENT void addwildstrlist(struct stringlist **p, char *name) { /* exactly the same as addwildlogs() above */ extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *filep; struct stat *buf; char dirname[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; int dirnamelen; char filename[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]; char *tempc, *temp1, *temp2; flag matched = FALSE; strcpy(dirname, name); for (tempc = dirname + strlen(dirname); *tempc != DIRSEP && tempc != dirname; tempc--) ; if (tempc == dirname) { strcpy(filename, dirname); sprintf(dirname, ".%c", DIRSEP); } else { strcpy(filename, tempc + 1); *(tempc + 1) = '\0'; } if ((dirp = opendir(dirname)) == NULL) { (*p) -> name[0] = '\0'; if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: can't open directory %s:\n ignoring files %s\n", commandname, dirname, name); if (strchr(dirname, '*') != NULL || strchr(dirname, '?') != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " (wildcards not allowed in directory name)\n"); anywarns = ON; } } else { dirnamelen = strlen(dirname); buf = (struct stat *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stat)); while ((filep = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { strncpy(dirname + dirnamelen, filep -> d_name, (size_t)(MAXSTRINGLENGTH - dirnamelen - 1)); stat(dirname, buf); if (S_ISREG(buf -> st_mode) && /* is ordinary file */ wildmatch(filep -> d_name, filename, &temp1, &temp2)) { addonestrlist(p, dirname); matched = TRUE; } } closedir(dirp); if (!matched) addonestrlist(p, name); } } #else /* VMSDIRENT */ /* The next function is due to Dave Jones */ void addwildstrlist(struct stringlist **p, char *name) { static char fspec[VMS_FSPEC_MAX], related[VMS_FSPEC_MAX]; static char result[VMS_FSPEC_MAX]; static $DESCRIPTOR(fspec_dx,fspec); static $DESCRIPTOR(related_dx,""); static $DESCRIPTOR(default_dx,".log"); static $DESCRIPTOR(result_dx,result); char *space, *ques; long int context; int status, stsval, length, LIB$FIND_FILE(), LIB$FIND_FILE_END(); flag matched; length = strlen ( name ); if ( length >= VMS_FSPEC_MAX ) length = VMS_FSPEC_MAX - 1; strncpy ( fspec, name, length ); fspec[length] = '\0'; while ( ques = strchr(fspec,'?') ) *ques = '%'; fspec_dx.dsc$w_length = length; for ( matched = FALSE, context = 0; 1&(status=LIB$FIND_FILE ( &fspec_dx, &result_dx, &context, &default_dx, &related_dx, &stsval, (long *) 0 )); matched = TRUE) { space = strchr ( result, ' ' ); if ( !space ) space = &result[VMS_FSPEC_MAX-1]; *space = '\0'; addonestrlist ( p, result ); /* Save last result to use as default for next lookup */ strcpy ( related, result ); related_dx.dsc$w_length = strlen(result); related_dx.dsc$a_pointer = related; } if ( context ) LIB$FIND_FILE_END ( &context ); if (!matched) addonestrlist(p, name ); /* so as to get proper error message */ } #endif #endif /* #define NODIRENT */ void configstrlist(char *name, struct stringlist **p, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc, flag wildexpand) { /* one or more of a list of strings (with filename matching as in */ /* addlogfile()). NB in configstr() applies */ char *tempstr; struct stringlist *tempstrlist, *tempslp; if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); tempstrlist = (struct stringlist *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stringlist)); tempstrlist -> name[0] = '\0'; tempslp = tempstrlist; tempstr = strtok(name, ","); addonestrlist(&tempslp, tempstr); while ((tempstr = strtok((char *)NULL, ",")) != NULL) addonestrlist(&tempslp, tempstr); for ( ; tempstrlist -> name[0] != '\0'; tempstrlist = tempstrlist -> next) { #ifndef NODIRENT #ifndef VMSDIRENT if (wildexpand && (strchr(tempstrlist -> name, '*') != NULL || strchr(tempstrlist -> name, '?') != NULL)) #else /* VMSDIRENT */ if (wildexpand && (strchr(tempstrlist -> name, '/' ) == NULL)) #endif addwildstrlist(p, tempstrlist -> name); else #endif addonestrlist(p, tempstrlist -> name); } } } void configcols(char *cols, char *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { /* as configstr, but extra length check */ if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || (int)strlen(cols) > 6) configwarning3(comname, inputline); strncpy(target, cols, 6); } } void configchar(char *str, char *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { /* read in a single character */ if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2 || str[1] != '\0') configwarning3(comname, inputline); *target = str[0]; } } void configint(char *number, int *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); *target = atoi(number); } } void configsizet(char *number, size_t *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) /* same as configint() except the target is size_t */ { if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); *target = MAX(atoi(number), 1); /* we only use this for hash sizes, so we want them to be at least 1 */ } } void configsortby(char *method, int *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); strtoupper(method); if (STREQ(method, "REQUESTS")) *target = BYREQUESTS; else if (STREQ(method, "BYTES")) *target = BYBYTES; else if (STREQ(method, "PAGES")) *target = BYPAGES; else if (STREQ(method, "ALPHABETICAL")) *target = ALPHABETICAL; else if (STREQ(method, "RANDOM")) *target = RANDOMLY; else configwarning2(inputline); } } void onoff(char *method, flag *target, char *comname, char *inputline, int rc) { if (rc < 2) configwarning(comname, inputline); else { if (rc > 2) configwarning3(comname, inputline); strtoupper(method); if (STREQ(method, "ON")) *target = ON; else if (STREQ(method, "OFF")) *target = OFF; else configwarning2(inputline); } } /*** Now some subfunctions for commandline() ***/ void clflag(flag *f, char *arg) /* simple on/off switches */ { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (arg[0] == '-') *f = OFF; else *f = ON; if (arg[2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after %c%c option\n", commandname, arg[0], arg[1]); anywarns = ON; } } void cldaterep(flag *f, char *graph, char *arg) { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (arg[0] == '-') { *f = OFF; if (arg[2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after -%c option\n", commandname, arg[1]); anywarns = ON; } } else { *f = ON; if (arg[2] != '\0') { if (arg[2] != 'b' && arg[2] != 'r' && arg[2] != 'B' && arg[2] != 'R' && arg[2] != 'p' && arg[2] != 'P') { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: unknown graph method %c at %s\n", commandname, arg[2], arg); anywarns = ON; } } else { *graph = arg[2]; if (arg[3] != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after +%c%c option\n", commandname, arg[1], arg[2]); anywarns = ON; } } } } } void clgenrep(flag *f, int *sortby, char *minreqstr, char *minpagestr, char *minbytestr, char *arg) /* generic reports */ { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (arg[0] == '-') { *f = OFF; if (arg[2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after -%c option\n", commandname, arg[1]); anywarns = ON; } } else { *f = ON; switch (arg[2]) { case '\0': break; case 'a': case 'A': *sortby = ALPHABETICAL; if (arg[3] != '\0') strcpy(minreqstr, arg + 3); break; case 'b': case 'B': *sortby = BYBYTES; if (arg[3] != '\0') strcpy(minbytestr, arg + 3); break; case 'p': case 'P': *sortby = BYPAGES; if (arg[3] != '\0') strcpy(minpagestr, arg + 3); break; case 'r': case 'R': *sortby = BYREQUESTS; if (arg[3] != '\0') strcpy(minreqstr, arg + 3); break; case 'x': case 'X': *sortby = RANDOMLY; if (arg[3] != '\0') strcpy(minreqstr, arg + 3); break; default: if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: unknown sort method %c at %s\n", commandname, arg[2], arg); anywarns = ON; } } } } flag clfile(char *filename, char *arg) /* read in a filename */ { extern char *commandname; extern flag warnq, anywarns; if (arg[0] == '-') { strcpy(filename, "none"); if (arg[2] != '\0' && warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: ignoring extra text after -%c option\n", commandname, arg[1]); anywarns = ON; } } else if (arg[2] == '\0') { if (warnq) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning: no filename supplied after +%c option\n", commandname, arg[1]); fprintf(stderr, " (or space left before filename)\n"); anywarns = ON; } return(ERR); } else strncpy(filename, arg + 2, MAXSTRINGLENGTH - 1); return(OK); } /*** Functions for conversion to lower case of alias list and include list ***/ void alias_to_lower(struct alias *head) { struct alias *p; for (p = head; p -> from[0] != '\0'; p = p -> next) { strtolower(p -> from); strtolower(p -> to); } } void include_to_lower(struct include *head) { struct include *p; for (p = head; p -> in != UNSET; p = p -> next) strtolower(p -> name); } /*** And finally some functions in connection with printvbles() ***/ void pvfilelist(struct stringlist *head, char filetype[MAXSTRINGLENGTH]) { extern flag stdin_used; FILE *filep; struct stringlist *p; printf("%s to analyse:\n", filetype); if (head -> name[0] == '\0') printf(" none\n"); for (p = head; p -> name[0] != '\0'; p = p -> next) { /* for each file */ printf(" %s", p -> name); if ((filep = fopen(p -> name, "r")) == NULL && !STREQ(p -> name, "stdin") && !STREQ(p -> name, "-")) printf(": Warning: cannot open that file"); else fclose(filep); /* NB So condl 3 lines back must be in that order */ if (STREQ(p -> name, "stdin") || STREQ(p -> name, "-")) { if (stdin_used) printf("\n Warning: attempt to use stdin twice will fail"); stdin_used = TRUE; } printf("\n"); } } void pvcols(char *cols) { char *c; printf(" Columns:"); if (*cols == '\0') printf(" none"); else for (c = cols; *c != '\0'; c++) { switch(*c) { case 'b': printf(" %%bytes"); break; case 'B': printf(" #bytes"); break; case 'p': printf(" %%pages"); break; case 'P': printf(" #pages"); break; case 'r': printf(" %%requests"); break; case 'R': printf(" #requests"); break; } } printf("\n"); } void pvtime(char name[15], flag q, char graph, int unit, char cols[], int rows) { extern char sepchar; int i; printf("%s", name); for (i = 19 - (int)strlen(name); i > 0; i--) printf(" "); printf("%s\n", q?"ON":"OFF"); if (q) { printf(" Drawing bar chart by "); if (graph == 'b' || graph == 'B') printf("bytes\n"); else if (graph == 'p' || graph == 'P') printf("pages\n"); else printf("requests\n"); if (unit != 0) { printf(" Each character in the graph will represent"); int3printf(stdout, unit, sepchar, 0); if (graph == 'b' || graph == 'B') printf("bytes\n"); else if (graph == 'p' || graph == 'P') printf("pages\n"); else printf("requests\n"); } if (rows > 0) printf(" Maximum number of rows in report will be %d\n", rows); pvcols(cols); } } void pvgen(char name[17], flag q, int sortby, char *minreqstr, char *minpagestr, char *minbytestr, char cols[], char singular[20], char plural[21]) { int i; printf("%s", name); for (i = 19 - (int)strlen(name); i > 0; i--) printf(" "); printf("%s\n", q?"ON":"OFF"); if (q) { printf(" "); whatincluded(stdout, sortby, minreqstr, minpagestr, minbytestr, singular, plural, OFF, 'm'); pvcols(cols); } } void pvinout(char name[14], struct include *head) { struct include *p; if (head -> in != UNSET) { printf("Including (+) and excluding (-) the following %s:\n", name); printf(" All %s, then\n", (head -> in == TRUE)?"excluded":"included"); for (p = head; p -> in != UNSET; p = p -> next) printf(" %c %s\n", (p -> in)?'+':'-', p -> name); } } void pvalias(char name[8], struct alias *head) { struct alias *p; if (head -> from[0] != '\0') { printf("%s aliases:\n", name); for (p = head; p -> from[0] != '\0'; p = p -> next) printf(" %s -> %s\n", p -> from, p -> to); } }
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