
[View alias.c] 
[View analform.c] 
[View analhea2.h] 
[View analhead.h] 
[View analog.c] 
[View formgen.c] 
[View hash.c] 
[View init.c] 
[View init2.c] 
[View macstuff.c] 
[View output.c] 
[View output2.c] 
[View output3.c] 
[View putenv.c] 
[View sscanf.c] 
[View utils.c] 


analog.1.93.beta compiled quad fat for NeXTSTEP by Panagiotis Velissariou.

In the NeXT version I have fixed two bugs I found and made few changes
to make it compile without warnings on NeXT.
(I had e-mail exchanges with the author about the bugs and will be
fixed in the new release of analog)
The other changes involve the html code within analog and are not

submitted to : ftp://next-ftp.peak.org/pub/next/submissions/Analog.1.93.tar.gz
and probably will move to :

Panagiotis Velissariou
e-mail : takis@superior.eng.ohio-state.edu

This is the HTTP Log Analysis program "analog" for NCSA/Apache (and others?) servers.
It is the very latest version of the program as of January 20 1997
(version 1.93.beta) compiled quad fat for NeXTSTEP
Please read the Readme.html and LICENSE files included with the distribution.

A) Steps required to install the binaries

a) Run make as :
   make install
   ( The binaries, conf files, etc. will be installed as :
     /usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/bin    : analog
     /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin       : analform.cgi
     /usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/conf   : configuration files
     /usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/images : the *.gif used by the program

b) Go to /usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/conf directory and modify
   the sample.conf, mandatory.conf files to fit your needs

c) Go to /usr/local/etc/httpd/conf directory and modify the
   srm.conf of your httpd server by adding the alias
   Alias /AnalogImages/ /usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/images/

d) make form
   ( To create the analform.html )

B) Steps required in order to compile and install this program for NeXT

a) First edit the files you want in the NeXT directory (optional)
   Please read the file README.NeXT in the NeXT directory.
   ( You may even want to replace my modified files in the NeXT directory
     with the ones from the original directory )

b) Then run the "makedist" script as :
   makedist next
   ( this script copies all the files from the NeXT directory to the main
     Analog.1.93 directory. )
   ( running : makedist original
     reverses the above process by copying all the files from the original
     directory and restoring the original distribution of the program )

b) make
   ( to make the binaries )

c) make install
   ( to install binaries, conf files, etc. to the destination directories )

By default the files are installed in /usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog as :

/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/bin    : analog
/usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin       : analform.cgi
/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/conf   : configuration files
/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/images : the *.gif used by the program

( Please edit the Makefile to make any changes to the above settings )

Further configuration of "analog" is done through the "default" and
"mandatory" configuration files.

Edit the srm.conf file to tell htpd where to find the analog images.

d) make form
   ( To create the analform.html )


1) Modified the original Makefile for NeXT (in NeXT/Makefile)

2) Wrote the makedist sh script that just copies the files for the distribution
   chosen (original, next, ...)

3) Modified the file alias.c as follows (to avoid warnings) :
	i) Line 53
	   from :   const char *addrp;
	   to   :   #if defined(NeXT)
			char *addrp;
			const char *addrp;
		    #endif /* NeXT */ /* P. Velissariou */
	ii) Line 58
	   from :   addrp = (const char *) &addr;
	   to   :   #if defined(NeXT)
			addrp = (char *) &addr;
			addrp = (const char *) &addr;
		    #endif /* NeXT */ /* P. Velissariou */
(to avoid warning from the compiler for gethostbyaddr)

4) Modified the file analhead.h as follows :
	1) Line 33
	   from :   #define DEFAULTCONFIGFILE "/usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/analog.cfg"
	   to   :   #define DEFAULTCONFIGFILE "/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/conf/sample.conf"
	2) Line 37
	   from :   #define MANDATORYCONFIGFILE "none"
	   to   :   #define MANDATORYCONFIGFILE "/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/conf/mandatory.conf"

The above two parameters can not be defined from within the configuration file but,
using the command analog +g/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/conf/sample.conf you tell
analog from the command line what DEFAULTCONFIGFILE to use.
Here I just compile into "analog" the above configuration parameters.

5) Modified the file analhead2.h (according to file LICENSE)

	1) Line 12
	   from :   #define VNUMBER "1.93beta"
	   to   :   #define VNUMBER "1.93beta (Modified by Panagiotis Velissariou)"

6) Modified the file analform.c as :

	1) Line 14
	   from :   #define COMMAND "/usr/local/etc/httpd/analog/analog"
	   to   :   #define COMMAND "/usr/local/etc/httpd/Analog/bin/analog"

	2) Line 91
	   from :   extern void exit();
	   to   :   #if defined(NeXT)
                    extern volatile void exit(int);
                    extern void exit();
                    #endif /* NeXT */ /* P. Velissariou */

7) Modified the file analog.c as :

	1) Line 769
	   from :   	fprintf(stderr, "F: Opening stdout as DNS cache output file\n",

	   to   :   	fprintf(stderr, "F: Opening stdout as DNS cache output file\n");
(e-mail exchange with the author about this)

	2) Line 792
(e-mail exchange with the author about this)
	   from :   fprintf(lf, "%d %s %s\n", dnsp -> altimecode, dnsp -> number,
	            (dnsp -> alias == NULL)?"*":(dnsp -> alias));
	   to   :   fprintf(lf, "%ld %s %s\n", dnsp -> altimecode, dnsp -> number,
	                                (dnsp -> alias == NULL)?"*":(dnsp -> alias));
(time_t is defined as long, this one to avoid warning messages)

8) Added the file putenv.c in the NeXT directory

	1) The function putenv is needed from analogform.cgi
           The file was taken from the GNU libc distribution (glibc-1.09.1)

9) Modified the file formgen.c as :

	1) Line 72
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "<h1><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\"> Analog form interface for %s</h1>\n",
	   logourl, hostname);
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "\n<center>\n<h1><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\"><br>\nAnalog form interface for<br>\n%s</h1>\n",
	   logourl, hostname);

	2) Line 75
	   fprintf(outf, "<h1><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\"> Analog form interface for<br>\n<a HREF=\"%s\">%s</a></h1>\n",
	   logourl, hosturl, hostname);
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "\n<center>\n<h1><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"\"><br>\nAnalog form interface for <a HREF=\"%s\">%s</a></h1>\n",
	   logourl, hosturl, hostname);

	3) Added line 78
	   fprintf(outf, "</center>\n\n");

	4) Line 227 : Commented out the following

  fprintf(outf, "<P> <A HREF=\"http://www.webtechs.com/html-val-svc/\">\n");
  fprintf(outf, "<IMG SRC=\"http://www.webtechs.com/html-val-svc/images/valid_html.gif\" ALT=\"HTML 2.0 Compliant!\"></A>\n");

	5) Replaced all occurences of <hr>
	   from :   <hr>
	   to   :   <hr width=\"100%%\" SIZE=\"2\" noshade>

9) Modified the file output2.c as :

	1) Replaced all occurences of <hr>
	   from :   <hr>
	   to   :   <hr width=\"100%%\" SIZE=\"2\" noshade>

	2) Line 1092
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "<hr>");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "<hr width=\"100%%\" SIZE=\"3\" noshade>\n");

10) Modified the file hash.c (the buggy function adderr) :
(e-mail exchange with the author about this)

	1) Line 550

	   from :
/*** And one to add an error to the list of errors ***/

void adderr(char *errstr)
  extern char errs[NO_ERRS][MAXERRLENGTH];
  extern int errors[NO_ERRS];
  extern int debug;

  int i;
  flag done = OFF;

  for (i = 0; !done; i++) {
    strcpy(e1, errstr);
    strcpy(e2, errs[i]);
    if (strstr(strtoupper(e1), strtoupper(e2)) != NULL) {
      done = ON;
      if (debug >= 2 && i == NO_ERRS - 1)  /* unknown error type */
	fprintf(stderr, "E: %s\n", errstr);

	   to   :

/*** And one to add an error to the list of errors ***/

void adderr(char *errstr)
  extern char errs[NO_ERRS][MAXERRLENGTH];
  extern int errors[NO_ERRS];
  extern int debug;

  int i;

  strcpy(e1, errstr); /* This one need to be evaluated just once */

  for (i = 0; i < NO_ERRS; i++) {
    strcpy(e2, errs[i]);
    if (strstr(strtoupper(e1), strtoupper(e2)) != NULL) {
    if(i == NO_ERRS - 1) {
      errors[NO_ERRS - 1]++;   /* unknown error type */
      if(debug >= 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "E: %s\n", errstr);

11) Modified the file init.c as :
(e-mail exchange with the author about this)

	1) Line 2885 - 2895
	   from :
                  printf("  Requests        %6d\n", rhashsize);
                  printf("  Directories     %6d\n", ihashsize);
                  printf("  File types      %6d\n", thashsize);
                  printf("  Hosts           %6d\n", Shashsize);
                  printf("  Referrers       %6d\n", fhashsize);
                  printf("  Browser summary %6d\n", bhashsize);
                  printf("  Browser report  %6d\n", Bhashsize);
                  printf("  Subdomains      %6d\n", Ohashsize);
                  #ifndef NODNS
                  if (dnsq)
                     printf("  DNS cache       %6d\n", dnshashsize);
	   to   :
                  printf("  Requests        %6ld\n", rhashsize);
                  printf("  Directories     %6ld\n", ihashsize);
                  printf("  File types      %6ld\n", thashsize);
                  printf("  Hosts           %6ld\n", Shashsize);
                  printf("  Referrers       %6ld\n", fhashsize);
                  printf("  Browser summary %6ld\n", bhashsize);
                  printf("  Browser report  %6ld\n", Bhashsize);
                  printf("  Subdomains      %6ld\n", Ohashsize);
                  #ifndef NODNS
                  if (dnsq)
                     printf("  DNS cache       %6ld\n", dnshashsize);
(size_t is defined as long)

12) Modified the file output.c as :
   In case you want to use the original output.c file just copy it from
   the original directory to the NeXT directory.

	1) Line 133
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "<body>\n<h1><a NAME=\"Top\">");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "<body>\n<center>\n<h1><a NAME=\"Top\">");
	2) Line 137
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "\" alt=\"\"> ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "\" alt=\"\"></a><br>\n");
	3) Line 140
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistics</a> for ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistics for<BR>\n");
	4) Line 143
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiques du Serveur Web</a> pour ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiques du Serveur Web pour<BR>\n");
	5) Line 145
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "WWW-Server Statistiken</a> f&uuml;r ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "WWW-Server Statistiken f&uuml;r<BR>\n");
	6) Line 147
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Estad&iacute;sticas del Servidor Web</a> de ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Estad&iacute;sticas del Servidor Web de<BR>\n");
	7) Line 149
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistik</a> for ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistik for<BR>\n");
	8) Line 151
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiche del Web Server</a> per ");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiche del Web Server per<BR>\n");
	9) Line 153
	   added :   fprintf(outf, "</center><br>\n");
	10) Line 156
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistics</a> for <a HREF=\"");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistics for<BR>\n<a HREF=\"");
	11) Line 158
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiques du Serveur Web</a> pour <a HREF=\"");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiques du Serveur Web pour<BR>\n<a HREF=\"");
	12) Line 160
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "WWW-Server Statistiken</a> f&uuml;r <a HREF=\"");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "WWW-Server Statistiken f&uuml;r<BR>\n<a HREF=\"");
	13) Line 163
	   from :   fprintf(outf,
		  "Estad&iacute;sticas del Servidor Web</a> de <a HREF=\"");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf,
		  "Estad&iacute;sticas del Servidor Web de<BR>\n<a HREF=\"");
	14) Line 165
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistik</a> for <a HREF=\"");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Web Server Statistik for<BR>\n<a HREF=\"");
	15) Line 167
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiche del Web Server</a> per <a HREF=\"");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "Statistiche del Web Server per<BR>\n<a HREF=\"");
	16) Line 173
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "</h1>\n\n");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "</h1>");
	17) Line 174
	   added :   fprintf(outf, "\n</center><br>\n\n");
	18) Line 211
	   from :   fprintf(outf, "<hr>\n");
	   to   :   fprintf(outf, "<hr width=\"100%%\" SIZE=\"3\" noshade>\n");
	19) Line 1584
	   from :   comment out -> if (html2)
	   to   :
	20) Replaced all occurences of <hr>
	   from :   <hr>
	   to   :   <hr width=\"100%%\" SIZE=\"3\" noshade>

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.