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.\" $Header: /fsys5/home/gamiddleton/src/gated/test/man/man5/RCS/gated-config.5,v 1.10 91/02/26 15:14:21 gamiddle Exp $
.TH GATED-CONFIG 5 "24 September 1991"
gated-config \- Gated configuration file syntax
The gated config file consists of a sequence of statements
terminated by a semi-colon (;).  Statements are composed of
tokens separated by white space, which can be any combination
of blanks, tabs and newlines.
Comments may be specified in either of
two forms.  One form starts with a
pound-sign (#) and runs to the end of the 
line.  The other form is "C" style, which
starts with a "/*" and continues until it reaches "*/".
There are six classes of statements.  The first two classes
may be specified in the configuration file in any order:
.IP directives
These statements are immediately acted upon by
the parser.  They are used to specify included
files and the directory in which they reside.
Unlike other statements which terminate a semi-colon (;),
directive statements terminate with a newline.
.IP traceoptions
These statements control tracing options.
The four remaining classes must be specified in order.
.IP definition
These statements specify options, the
autonomous system, martian networks and
interface options.
.IP protocol
These statements enable or disable protocols
and set protocol options.
.IP route
Static routes are defined by route statements.
.IP control
Control statements define routes that are
accepted from routing peers and routes that
are propagated to these peers.
Detailed definitions of these classes of statements follow.
Primitives that are used in the following definitions are:
.IP host 2c
Any host.  A host may be specified by its IP
address or by a domain name.  If a domain name
is specified that has multiple IP address it
is considered an error.  The host bits in the
IP address must be non-zero.
.IP network
Any network.  A network may be specified by
its IP address or a network name.  The host
bits in a network specification must be zero.
"Default" may also be used to specify the
default network (
.IP destination
Any host or network.
.IP dest_mask
.PD 0
Any host or network with an optional mask:
.IP "" 8
<network> mask <mask>
.IP ""
A mask is a dotted quad specifying which bits of
the destination are significant.  "All" may be
used to specify any IP address may be matched.
.IP gateway
A gateway must be a host on an attached network.
.IP interface
An interface may be specified by IP address,
domain name, or interface name.  Be careful
with the use of interface names as future Unix
operating systems may allow more than one
address per interface.
.IP gateway_list
A gateway list is a list of one or more gateways. 
.IP interface_list
An interface list is a list of one or more
interface names or addresses, or the token
"all", which refers to all interfaces.
.IP preference
A preference is used to determine the order of
routes to the same destination in routing
table.  Gated allows one route to a
destination per protocol/per autonomous system.  In the case
of multiple routes the route to use is chosen
by preference, which is a number between 0 and
255, with 0 being the most preferred and 255
being the least preferred.
.IP ""
In case of a preference tie, if the two routes are from the same
protocol and from the same autonomous system, gated will chose the route
with the lowest metric.  Otherwise gated will choose the route with the
lowest numeric next-hop gateway address.
.IP metric
Is a valid metric for the specified protocol.
%directory "<path_name>"
Sets the current directory to <path_name>.  This is
the directory where gated looks for included files
that do not begin with "/".
.IP ""
Note that this statement does not actually change the current
directory, it just specifies the prefix applied to included file
%include "filename"
Causes the specified file to be parsed completely
before resuming with this file.  Nesting up to 10
levels is supported.  The maximum nesting level may be
increased by changing the definition of FI_MAX in
tracefile "filename" [replace] ;
Specifies the file to contain tracing output.  Trace
information is appended to this file unless "replace"
is specified.
traceoptions <traceoption> [<traceoption> [ ... ]] ;
Changes the tracing options to those specified.  If "none"
is the only option specified, tracing is turned off.  Trace
flags are:
.IP all 1i
Turn on all of the tracing options below, except nostamp.
.IP general
Turn on internal, external and route.
.IP internal
Internal errors and informational
.IP external
External errors.
.IP nostamp
Do not timestamp all messages in the trace file.
.IP mark
Output a message to the trace log
every 10 minutes to insure gated is
still running.
.IP task
Task scheduling, signal handling and
packet reception.
.IP timer
Timer scheduling.
.IP lex
Objects the lexical analyzer locates
in the config file.
.IP parse
Tokens the parser recognizes in the
config file. 
.IP config
Redisplays statements read from the
config file after they are parsed.
This allows verification that the
statements were parsed correctly.
.IP route
Changes to the gated routing table.
.IP kernel
Changes to the kernel's routing table.
.IP bgp
BGP packets sent and received. May be
modified by "update" and "protocol".
.IP egp
EGP packets sent and received. May be
modified by "update" and "protocol".
.IP rip
RIP packets sent and received. May be
modified by "update". 
.IP hello
HELLO packets sent and received.  May
be modified by "update". 
.IP icmp
ICMP redirect packets sent and
received.  May be modified by
.IP ""
Note that redirects processed are
traced under the "route" option.
.IP snmp
SNMP packets sent and received.  May
be modified by "update".
.IP protocol
Provide messages about protocol state
machine transitions when used with
"egp" or "bgp".
.IP update
Trace the contents of protocol packets. 
.IP "options <option_list> ;" 10
Sets gated options:
.IP noinstall 10
Do not change kernel's routing table.  Useful for verifying
configuration files.
.IP gendefault BGP and EGP neighbors should
cause the internal generation of a default route when up.  This
route will not be installed in the kernel's routing table, but may be
announced by other protocols.  Announcement is controlled by
referencing the special protocol "default".
.IP "autonomoussystem <autonomous system> ;" 10
Sets the autonomous system of this router to be <autonomous system>.
This option is required if BGP or EGP are in use.
.IP "interface <interface_list> <interface_options> ;" 10
Sets interface options on the specified interfaces.
An interface list is "all" or a list of interface
names (see warning about interface names), domain
names, or numeric addresses.
Interface options are:
.IP "metric <metric>" 10
Set the interface metric for
this interface.  This metric
is used by RIP and HELLO.
Specifying the metric here
overrides for internal use, but does not
change, the metric set with
.IP "preference <pref>"
Sets the preference for routes
to this interface.
.IP passive	
Prevents gated from deleting
the route to this interface if
it is believed to be down due
to lack of received routing
martians {
} ;
.IP "" 10
Defines a list of martian addresses about which all
routing information is ignored.  The <martian_list> is
a semi-colon separated list of symbolic or numeric
hosts with optional masks.  See dest_mask.
Enables or disables use of a protocol and controls protocol
options.  These may be specified in any order.
For all protocols, "preference" controls the choice of routes learned
via this protocol or from this autonomous system in relation to routes
learned from other protocols/autonomous systems.  The default metric
used when propagating routes learned from other protocols is specified
with "defaultmetric" which itself defaults to the highest valid metric
for this protocol, for many protocols this signifies a lack of
For distance vector IGPs (RIP and HELLO) and redirects (ICMP),
the "trustedgateways" clause supplies a list of gateways providing
valid routing information, routing packets from others are ignored.
This defaults to all gateways on the attached networks.  In addition
to routing packets to the remote end of pointopoint links and the
broadcast address of broadcast capable interfaces, routing updates may
be sent to specific gateways if they are listed in a "sourcegateways"
clause and "pointopoint" or "supplier" is specified.  Disabling the
transmission and reception of routing packets for the protocols may be
specified with the "interface" clause.
For exterior protocols (BGP, EGP), the autonomous system advertised to
the peer is specified by the global "autonomoussystem" clause unless
overridden by the "asout" parameter.  The incoming autonomous system
number is not verified unless "asin" is specified.  Specifying
"metricout" fixes the outgoing metric for all routes propagated to
this peer.  If the peer does not share a network, "interface" can be
used to specify which interface address to use when communicating with
this peer and "gateway" can be used to specify the next hop to use for
all routes learned from this peer.  An internal default is generated
when routing information is learned from a peer unless the
"nogendefault" parameter is specified.
rip yes|no|on|off|quiet|pointopoint|supplier [ {
	preference <preference> ;
	defaultmetric <metric> ;
	interface <interface_list> [noripin] [noripout] ;
	trustedgateways <gateway_list> ;
	sourcegateways <gateway_list> ;
} ] ;
If "yes" or "on" is specified, RIP will assume "quiet"
if there is only one interface and "supplier" if there
are more than one.  "Quiet" specifies that no RIP
packets will be generated.  "Supplier" specifies that
RIP packets will be generated.  "Pointopoint"
specifies that RIP packets will only be sent to
gateways listed in the "sourcegateways" clause.  If
the RIP clause is not specified the default is "on".
.IP ""
Note that using "supplier" with only one interface is useful
only when propagating static routes or routes learned 
from another protocol.
This will cause data packets
to travel across the same network twice, which may be
tolerable in certain configurations.
The default metric is 16, the default preference is 100.
hello yes|no|on|off|quiet|pointopoint|supplier [ {
	preference <preference> ;
	defaultmetric <metric> ;
	interface <interface_list> [nohelloin] [nohelloout] ;
	trustedgateways <gateway_list> ;
	sourcegateways <gateway_list> ;
} ] ;
If "yes" or "on" is specified, HELLO will assume
"quiet" if there is only one interface and "supplier"
if there are more than one.  "Quiet" specifies that no
HELLO packets will be generated.  "Supplier" specifies
that HELLO packets will be generated.  "Pointopoint"
specifies that HELLO packets will only be sent to
gateways listed in the "sourcegateways" clause.  If
the HELLO clause is not specified the default is
.IP ""
Note that using "supplier" with only one interface is useful
only when propagating static routes or routes learned 
from another protocol.
This will cause data packets
to travel across the same network twice, which may be
tolerable in certain configurations.
The default metric is 30000, the default preference is 90.
egp yes|no|on|off [ {
	preference <preference> ;
	defaultmetric <metric> ;
	packetsize <maxpacketsize> ;
	group		[asin <autonomous system>]
			[asout <autonomous system>]
			[maxup <number>]
			[preference <preference>] {
		neighbor <host>
			[metricout <metric>]
			[gateway <gateway>]
			[interface <interface>]
			[sourcenet <network>]
			[minhello <min_hello>]
			[minpoll <min_poll>]
	} ;
} ] ;
"Packetsize" specifies the size, in bytes, of the largest EGP packet
that will be accepted or sent.  A "group" lists a group of EGP peers
in one autonomous system.  "Maxup" specifies the maximum number of
peers that will be maintained in the Up state.  "Acceptdefault" and
"propagatedefault" tell gated to accept or propagate the default
network ( in updates exchanged with an EGP neighbor.  If not
specified, the the default network is ignored when exchanging EGP
updates.  "Sourcenet" specifies the network to query in EGP Poll
packets, this is normally the shared network.  The minimum EGP hello
and poll intervals acceptable may be specified with the "minhello" and
"minpoll" arguments, respectively.  These are both specified as a time
in seconds, minutes:seconds or hours:minutes:seconds.  Any number of
"group" clauses may be specified containing any number of "neighbor"
clauses.  Any parameters from the "neighbor" clause may be specified
on the "group" clause to provide defaults for the group.
The default metric is 255, the default preference is 200.
bgp yes|no|on|off [ {
	preference <preference> ;
	defaultmetric <metric> ;
	peer <host>
		[linktype [up|down|horizontal|internal]]
		[metricout <metric>]
		[asin <autonomous system>]
		[asout <autonomous system>]
		[gateway <gateway>]
		[interface <interface>]
} ] ;
Peer specifies the address of each BGP peer.  A linktype internal is
assumed if the neighbor's autonomous system is the same as my
autonomous system.  Otherwise linktype horizontal is assumed.
The default metric is 65535 and the default preference is 150 for
external BGP and 250 for internal BGP.
redirect yes|no|on|off [ {
	preference <preference> ;
	interface <interface_list> [noicmpin] ;
	trustedgateways <gateway_list> ;
} ] ;
Controls whether gated makes routing table changes
based on ICMP redirects when not functioning as a
router.  When functioning as a router (i.e. any
interior routing protocols (RIP, HELLO) are
participating in routing on any interface, ICMP
redirects are disabled.  When ICMP redirects are
disabled, gated must actively remove the effects
of redirects from the kernel as the kernel always
processes ICMP redirects.
The default preference is 20.
snmp yes|no|on|off ;
Controls whether gated tries to contact the PSI/NYSERNET SNMP daemon
to register supported variables.  The default is "on".
Static routes are specified with "static" clauses.
static {
	<destination> gateway <gateway> [preference
		<preference>] ;
	<destination> interface <interface> [preference
		<preference>] ;
} ;
.IP ""
Any number of "static" statements may be specified,
each containing any number of static route
definitions.  The first form defines a static route
through a gateway.  The second defines a static
interface route which is used for primitive support of
multiple networks on one interface.
The preference for static routes defaults to 50.
Acceptance of routes from routing protocol peers and propagation of
routes to routing protocol peers are controlled by "accept" and
"propagate" clauses.
accept proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system> [preference <preference>] {
} ;

accept proto rip|hello|redirect {
} ;

accept proto rip|hello|redirect interface <interface_list>
	[preference <preference>] {
} ;

accept proto rip|hello|redirect gateway <gateway_list>
	[preference <preference>] {
} ;
listen <dest_mask> [preference <preference>] ;
nolisten <dest_mask> ;
.IP ""
If no acceptance list is specified, all routes will be accepted.  If
one or more acceptance lists are specified, the relevant acceptance
lists are scanned for a match from most specific to least specific
(gateway, interface, protocol).  If no match is found, the route is
discarded.  Rephrased, a "nolisten all" entry is assumed after all
relevant acceptance lists are processed.
propagate proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system> [metric <metric>] {
} ;

propagate proto rip|hello [metric <metric>] {
} ;

propagate proto rip|hello interface <interface_list>
	[metric <metric>] {
} ;

propagate proto rip|hello gateway <gateway_list>
	[metric <metric>] {
} ;
The propagation list specifies propagation
based on the origination of a destination:
proto bgp|egp as <autonomous system> [metric <metric>] [ {
} ] ;

proto rip|hello|direct|static|default [metric <metric>] [ {
} ] ;

proto rip|hello|direct|static|default interface <interface_list>
	[metric<metric>] [ {
} ] ;

proto rip|hello gateway <gateway_list>
	[metric<metric>] [ {
} ] ;
announce <dest_mask> [metric <metric>] ;
noannounce <dest_mask> ;
If no announce_list is specified, all destinations are announced.  If
a announce list relevant to this protocol, interface, gateway or
autonomous system is specified, a "noannounce all" is assumed if no
match is found after all relevant lists are examined.  Therefore, an
empty announce list is the equivalent of "noannounce all".  Announce
list are scanned from the most specific to the least specific in the
order specified in the config file.  All lists specifying gateways are
first, followed by interface lists and finally lists that just specify
the protocol.
Note that to announce routes which specify a next
hop of the loopback interface (i.e. static and
internally generated default routes) via RIP or
HELLO it is necessary to specify the metric at
some level in the propagate clause.  Just setting
a default metric for RIP or HELLO is not
Mark Fedor <fedor@psi.com>
Jeffrey C Honig <jch@gated.cornell.edu>
.PD 0
.IP RFC\ 891 16
DCN Local-Network Protocols (HELLO)
.IP RFC\ 904
Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification
.IP RFC\ 911
EGP Gateway under Berkeley UNIX 4.2
.IP RFC\ 1058
Routing Information Protocol
.IP RFC\ 1163
A Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
.IP RFC\ 1164
Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in the Internet

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.