
[View ash.c] 
[View atistest.c] 
[View atlook.c] 
[View getzones.c] 
[View instappl.c] 
[View isrv.c] 
[View lwpr.c] 
[View tlw.c] 


Note: look, looks and pinger have been renamed to atlook, atlooks, and
atpinger to resolve naming conflicts with standard bsd utilities.

  atlook.c	- Find AppleTalk entities and print information
		- note: look.c contains the code for looks and pinger
  atlooklws	- Find AppleTalk LaserWriters and print status
  atpinger	- Utilizes the echo protocol to "ping" hosts
  lwpr.c	- Send file to AppleTalk LaserWriter
		- note: lwpr also contains the code for iwpr
  iwpr		- send file to appletalk imagewriter
  tlw.c		- Talks to LaserWriter "Interactive Executive"
  isrv.c	- Sample Server for ImageWriter (experimental)
  lsrv.c	- NO LONGER DISTRIBUTED (as of distribution 5)
  efsd.c	- NO LONGER DISTRIBUTED (as of distribution 5)
  ash.c		- sample afp client - allows a few things to be done 
		  with appleshare servers
  instappl.c 	- allows an application to be installed into a unix
	          aufs volume 
  getzones.c	- return list of zones from KIP (1/88 or later)

You can get a basic idea of what some of these programs do by reading the
"man" pages in ../man:
	atlook.1x: atlook, atlooklws, atpinger
	atprint.1x: lwpr, lsrv, isrv, tlw
	cap.8: overview
	atis.8: atistest

atistest is for verification in the installation procedure.

We no longer distribute lsrv or efsd.  lwsrv and papif have been
upgraded to "application" level.

General notes:

tlw, lwpr, iwpr now have a settable "Send Flow Quantum multiplier"
called SFLOWQ that tells them how many pkts they can send in a single
write.  You should set this to 1 if you have problems with the
FastPath or LaserWriter dropping packets.  By default, it is set to 8
(the maximum).  Setting fastether in m4.setup sets it to 1.

lwpr makes use of /etc/cap.printers.  This really isn't necessary, but
it's nice.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.