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static char rcsid[] = "$Author: cck $ $Date: 88/04/16 22:58:56 $"; static char rcsident[] = "$Header: atis.c,v 1.39 88/04/16 22:58:56 cck Rel $"; static char revision[] = "$Revision: 1.39 $"; /* * atis.c - a simple appletalk information server * * This provides a simple name information and echo server. The NBP it assumes * is a slightly extended form (cf. nbp.ext). * * Needs some cleaning. A quit signal causes it to dump it's database. * a HUP signal tells it to reload it. * * AppleTalk package for UNIX (4.2 BSD). * * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988 by The Trustees of Columbia University * in the City of New York. * * * Edit History: * * July 10, 1986 CCKim Created * August 2, 1986 CCKim Add dump and load functionality * December 17, 1986 CCKim Revise to rev1086 of UDP code * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/param.h> #ifndef _TYPES # include <sys/types.h> #endif #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netat/appletalk.h> #include <netat/abnbp.h> #include <netat/compat.h> #ifdef USETIMES # include <time.h> #endif #ifdef USEVPRINTF # include <varargs.h> #endif /* signals in use */ #define DUMPSIG sigmask(SIGQUIT) #define EXITSIG sigmask(SIGTERM) #define DBUGSIG sigmask(SIGIOT) #define NDBGSIG sigmask(SIGEMT) #define LOADSIG sigmask(SIGHUP) #define ALLSIGS (sigmask(SIGIOT)|sigmask(SIGHUP)|sigmask(SIGTERM)|\ sigmask(SIGEMT)|sigmask(SIGQUIT)) /* logging flags */ #define L_UERR 0x20 /* want unix error message */ #define L_EXIT 0x10 /* exit after logging */ #define L_LVL 0xf /* debug levels */ #define L_LVLMAX 15 /* maximum level */ /* good place to stick the copyright so it shows up in object files */ private char Columbia_Copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 1986,1987,1988 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York"; private int dlevel = 0; /* debugging level: up to 16 */ private int tempdebugfile = 0; private int nbpskt = nbpNIS; private int echoskt = echoSkt; char *pidfile; #ifndef ETCDIR # define ETCDIR "/etc" #endif #ifndef NISDUMPFILE # define NISDUMPFILE "/usr/tmp/nis.db" #endif #ifndef ATISRUNFILE # define ATISRUNFILE "/usr/tmp/" #endif private char *nisdumpfile = NISDUMPFILE; private char *atisrunfile = ATISRUNFILE; private char *progname; import DBUG dbug; /* each tuple is entity name + addrblock + enumerator */ #define NBPTUPSIZE (sizeof(EntityName)+sizeof(AddrBlock)+1) /* for nbp, must offset for control word and nbp id */ #define NUMREPLYMAX ((ddpMaxData-2)/NBPTUPSIZE) NBPTEntry reply[NUMREPLYMAX]; void nbp_extensions(); void nbp_reload(); void nbp_dump(); void nbp_listener(); void echo_listener(); void atis_end(); void atis_debuginc(); void atis_undebug(); private int nbpcpy(), c2pkt_ename(), pkt2c_ename(); void nbp_reload() { FILE *fd; int cnt; int mask; mask = sigblock(ALLSIGS); /* block so we don't get interrupted */ (void)log(1, "reloading from %s",nisdumpfile); nbptab_init(); /* reset tables */ cnt = 0; if ((fd = fopen(nisdumpfile,"r")) != NULL) { cnt = nbptab_load(fd); (void)fclose(fd); } else log(L_UERR|1, "dump file open failed"); log(1, "loaded %d entries",cnt); sigsetmask(mask); (void)signal(SIGHUP, (int (*)())nbp_reload); } void nbp_dump() { FILE *fd; int cnt; int mask; mask = sigblock(ALLSIGS); /* block so we don't get interrupted */ log(1, "Dumping to %s",nisdumpfile); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); cnt = 0; if ((fd = fopen(nisdumpfile,"w+")) != NULL) { (void)chmod(nisdumpfile, 0774); cnt = nbptab_dump(fd); (void)fclose(fd); } else log(L_UERR|1, "dump file (write) open failed"); log(1, "Dumped %d entries",cnt); sigsetmask(mask); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, (int (*)())nbp_dump); } void atis_end() { log(0, "exiting"); (void)unlink(pidfile); exit(1); } void atis_undebug() { int mask = sigblock(DBUGSIG|NDBGSIG); dlevel = 0; log(0, "DEBUGGING OFF"); if (tempdebugfile) nologfile(); signal(SIGEMT, (int (*)())atis_debuginc); sigsetmask(mask); } void atis_debuginc() { int mask = sigblock(DBUGSIG|NDBGSIG); if (!islogfile()) { tempdebugfile++; logfileis(atisrunfile, "w+"); } if (dlevel < L_LVLMAX) dlevel++; log(0, "DEBUG LEVEL %d", dlevel); signal(SIGIOT, (int (*)())atis_debuginc); sigsetmask(mask); } usage() { fprintf(stderr,"usage: atis -l logfile -Dlevel -d<args> -E -N [reload]\n"); fprintf(stderr," [dump] [exit] [debug] [nodebug]\n"); exit(1); } setuppidfilename() { int el; char *p; el = strlen(ETCDIR); pidfile = (char *)malloc(el+sizeof("")+5); if (pidfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate memory for pid file"); exit(999); } strcpy(pidfile, ETCDIR); if (el > 0) { p = pidfile+el - 1; /* point to last char */ while (el-- && *p == '/') /* strip trailing slashes */ *p-- = '\0'; p++; /* make sure at end of string */ } strcpy(p, "/"); #ifdef DEBUG printf("pid file name = %s\n", pidfile); #endif } setatispid() { FILE *fd; if ((fd = fopen(pidfile, "w")) != NULL) { fprintf(fd, "%d\n",getpid()); (void)fclose(fd); } } getatispid() { FILE *fp; int pid; if ((fp = fopen(pidfile, "r")) == NULL) { log(L_UERR|0, "No pid file - maybe the daemon wasn't running?"); return(-1); } if (fscanf(fp, "%d\n", &pid) != 1) { log(0, "pid file was bad"); return(-1); } return(pid); } #define NSIGACT 5 struct sigtab { char *s_name; int s_signal; char *s_action; } sigtab[NSIGACT] = { "reload", SIGHUP, "reload nis database", "dump", SIGQUIT, "dump nis database", "debug", SIGIOT, "increment debug level", "nodebug", SIGEMT, "no debug level", "exit", SIGTERM, "stop running atis" }; handlesigact(s, pid) char *s; { int i; struct sigtab *st; pid = getatispid(); for (st = sigtab, i = 0; i < NSIGACT; i++, st++) { if (strcmp(s, st->s_name) != 0) continue; if (kill(pid, st->s_signal) < 0) log(0, "Couldn't send %s signal to daemon[%d] - is it running?", st->s_action, pid); else log(0, "Sent %s signal to daemon[%d]",st->s_action,pid); return(0); } return(-1); } doargs(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int pid; int c; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "END:d:l:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'N': nbpskt = 0; log(0, "no nis server will be established"); break; case 'E': echoskt = 0; log(0, "no echo listener will be established"); break; case 'D': dlevel = atoi(optarg); if (dlevel > L_LVLMAX) dlevel = L_LVLMAX; break; case 'd': dbugarg(optarg); dlevel = 1; break; case 'l': logfileis(optarg, "w"); break; } } if (optind == argc) return; if ((pid = getatispid()) < 0) { log(L_EXIT|0, "Couldn't get pid of daemon - is it running?"); } for (; optind < argc; optind++) if (handlesigact(argv[optind], pid) < 0) usage(); exit(0); } disassociate() { int i; /* disassociate */ if (fork()) _exit(0); /* kill parent */ for (i=0; i < 3; i++) close(i); /* kill */ (void)open("/",0); #ifdef NODUP2 (void)dup(0); /* slot 1 */ (void)dup(0); /* slot 2 */ #else (void)dup2(0,1); (void)dup2(0,2); #endif #ifdef TIOCNOTTY if ((i = open("/dev/tty",2)) > 0) { (void)ioctl(i, TIOCNOTTY, (caddr_t)0); (void)close(i); } #endif } main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int nbperr = noErr; int echoerr = noErr; setuppidfilename(); progname = argv[0]; doargs(argc, argv); abInit(TRUE); /* init driver */ nbpInit(); /* init NBP */ nbptab_init(); (void)signal(SIGHUP, (int (*)())nbp_reload); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, (int (*)())nbp_dump); (void)signal(SIGTERM, (int (*)())atis_end); (void)signal(SIGIOT, (int (*)())atis_debuginc); (void)signal(SIGEMT, (int (*)())atis_undebug); log(0, "Reply num max for lkup reply is %d (based on %d)", NUMREPLYMAX, NBPTUPSIZE); if (nbpskt) { if ((nbperr = DDPOpenSocket(&nbpskt, nbp_listener)) != noErr) log(L_UERR|0, "NIS: NIS socket not available: error %d", nbperr); } if (echoskt) { if ((echoerr = DDPOpenSocket(&echoskt, echo_listener)) != noErr) log(L_UERR|0, "ECHO: ECHO socket not available: error %d", echoerr); } if (echoerr != noErr && nbperr != noErr) log(0|L_EXIT,"Couldn't establish nis or echo socket, nothing to do"); if (!dbug.db_flgs && (dlevel == 0)) disassociate(); /* store pid where people can see it */ setatispid(); log(0,"pid = %d",getpid()); do { abSleep(sectotick(60*60*24), TRUE); /* sleep for a day (but wake */ /* up on events) */ } while (1); } /* * This is the NBP NIS listener * */ void nbp_listener(skt, type, nbp, len, addr) u_char skt; u_char type; NBP *nbp; int len; AddrBlock *addr; { int cnt; NBPTEntry looks; if (len < nbpMinSize || type != ddpNBP) { log(3, "Packet too small or bad packet type"); return; } /* technically, we should check to see if it is ourselves and not */ /* respond if so, but it is convient to do so and is part of the */ /* nbp extensions */ switch (nbp->control) { default: case nbpLkUpReply: log(3, "Dropping nbp of type %d",nbp->control); return; /* drop the packet */ case nbpTickle: case nbpRegister: case nbpDelete: case nbpBrRq: case nbpLkUp: break; } /* at this point we know we have a lookup */ log(2, "Got nbp %d lkup from net %d.%d, node %d, skt %d", nbp->tcnt, htons(addr->net)>>8, htons(addr->net)&0xff, addr->node, addr->skt); /* should only get one entity in incoming packet */ switch (nbp->control) { case nbpBrRq: /* treat as lkup */ case nbpLkUp: cnt = nbpcpy(&looks, 0, 1, nbp, (int)nbp->tcnt, FALSE); answer(&looks, &looks.addr, nbp->id); break; case nbpTickle: /* tickle may be implemented in the future */ /* tickle may take list of entities in future */ break; case nbpRegister: case nbpDelete: cnt = nbpcpy(&looks, 0, 1, nbp, 1, FALSE); nbp_extensions(&looks, addr, nbp, len); break; } } /* * reply to a NBP LkUp request * */ answer(en, addr, id) NBPTEntry *en; AddrBlock *addr; u_char id; { NBP nbp; ABusRecord ddp; ddpProto *ddpr; int cnt, nsize, tsize; NBPTuple *tp; int i, start = 0; int mask; log(2, "Looking for entities to answer a lookup with %s:%s@%s", en->ent.objStr.s, en->ent.typeStr.s, en->ent.zoneStr.s); mask = sigblock(DUMPSIG|LOADSIG); /* prevent inconsistency */ while ((cnt = nbpt_find(&en->ent, &start, reply, NUMREPLYMAX)) > 0) { if (cnt > 255) { log(3, "Dropping count to 255 from %d",cnt); cnt = 255; } log(2, "Answering lookup with %d entities",cnt); nbp.tcnt = cnt; nbp.control = nbpLkUpReply; = id; for (i = 0, tsize = 0, tp = nbp.tuple; i < cnt; i++) { tp->enume = (byte)reply[i].enume; bcopy((caddr_t)&reply[i].addr, (caddr_t)&tp->addr, sizeof(AddrBlock)); nsize = c2pkt_ename(&reply[i].ent, tp->name); nsize += sizeof(AddrBlock) + sizeof(tp->enume); tsize += nsize; tp = (NBPTuple *)(((char *)tp) + nsize); } ddpr = &ddp.proto.ddp; /* handle on DDP protocol args */ ddpr->ddpAddress = *addr; ddpr->ddpSocket = nbpskt; ddpr->ddpType = ddpNBP; ddpr->ddpDataPtr = (u_char *) &nbp; ddpr->ddpReqCount = 2+tsize; /* control + id + rest */ DDPWrite(&ddp,FALSE); /* write it out... */ } sigsetmask(mask); } /* * Handle the extended NBP functions * */ void nbp_extensions(nbptent, addr, nbp, len) NBPTEntry *nbptent; AddrBlock *addr; NBP *nbp; int len; { ABusRecord abr; int mask; int rc; char objStr[33], typeStr[33], zoneStr[33]; switch (nbp->control) { case nbpRegister: log(2, "Register from net %3d.%02d node %d skt %d ", ntohs(addr->net)>>8, ntohs(addr->net)&0xff,addr->node, addr->skt); if (dlevel > 1) { objStr[32] = typeStr[32] = zoneStr[32] = '\0'; /* tie off? */ strcpy(objStr, (char *)nbptent->ent.objStr.s); strcpy(typeStr, (char *)nbptent->ent.typeStr.s); strcpy(zoneStr, (char *)nbptent->ent.zoneStr.s); log(2, "\tfor %s:%s@%s, net %3d.%02d node %d skt %d ", objStr, typeStr, zoneStr, ntohs(nbptent->>>8, ntohs(nbptent->, nbptent->addr.node, nbptent->addr.skt); } mask = sigblock(DUMPSIG|LOADSIG); /* prevent inconsistency */ rc = nbptab_insert(addr, &nbptent->addr, &nbptent->ent); sigsetmask(mask); log(2, "Register return code %d",rc); /* return address */ bcopy((caddr_t)&nbptent->addr, (caddr_t)&abr.proto.ddp.ddpAddress, sizeof(AddrBlock)); break; case nbpDelete: if (dlevel > 1) { objStr[32] = typeStr[32] = zoneStr[32] = '\0'; /* tie off? */ strcpy(objStr, (char *)nbptent->ent.objStr.s); strcpy(typeStr, (char *)nbptent->ent.typeStr.s); strcpy(zoneStr, (char *)nbptent->ent.zoneStr.s); log(2, "Delete %32s:%32s@%32s, net %3d.%02d node %d skt %d", objStr, typeStr, zoneStr, ntohs(addr->net)>>8, ntohs(addr->net)&0xff,addr->node, addr->skt); } mask = sigblock(DUMPSIG|LOADSIG); /* prevent inconsistency */ rc = nbptab_delete(addr, &nbptent->ent) ; sigsetmask(mask); log(2, "Delete returns code %d",rc); abr.proto.ddp.ddpAddress = *addr; /* return address */ break; case nbpTickle: log(2, "Got a tickle"); return; default: log(2, "Unknown NBP type %d",nbp->control); return; } nbp->control = nbpStatusReply; nbp->tcnt = rc; abr.proto.ddp.ddpSocket = nbpskt; abr.proto.ddp.ddpType = ddpNBP; abr.proto.ddp.ddpDataPtr = (u_char *)nbp; abr.proto.ddp.ddpReqCount = len; DDPWrite(&abr, FALSE); } /* * This is the Echo Protocol listener * */ void echo_listener(skt, type, pkt, len, addr) u_char skt; u_char type; char *pkt; int len; AddrBlock *addr; { u_char ec; /* echo command */ ABusRecord abr; if (type != ddpECHO) { log(1, "Got non-echo pkt in echolistener"); return; /* drop packet */ } ec = (u_char)*pkt; if (ec != echoRequest) { printf("got %u when expecting echorequest\n",ec); return; /* drop packet */ } *pkt = echoReply; abr.proto.ddp.ddpAddress = *addr; abr.proto.ddp.ddpSocket = echoskt; abr.proto.ddp.ddpType = ddpECHO; abr.proto.ddp.ddpDataPtr = (u_char *)pkt; abr.proto.ddp.ddpReqCount = len; DDPWrite(&abr, FALSE); } /* * The following should be integrated into ABNBP.C someday * (Looks like that someday will never come :-). */ /* * private int nbpcpy(en, enc, start, nbp, nbptcnt, unique) * * nbpcpy copies the entities in nbp to the NBP Table entry array * pointed to by en. Maximum number of entities is enc. Start specifies * where in the array to start. Unique is used as a flag: if true * then make sure the incoming items are unique (e.g. don't duplicate * items in the table pointed to by en). * * at end number of entries inserted is returned * */ private int nbpcpy(entab, enstart, entabmax, nbp, nbptcnt, unique) NBPTEntry *entab; int enstart; int entabmax; NBP *nbp; int nbptcnt; int unique; { NBPTuple *ep; int i, tcount, len; NBPTEntry curr; /* Add NBP tuples to user's data structure */ /* make sure curr's ent is empty */ bzero((caddr_t)&curr.ent, sizeof(curr.ent)); for (i=enstart, tcount=nbptcnt, ep = nbp->tuple; tcount != 0 && i < entabmax; tcount--) { bcopy((caddr_t)&ep->addr,(caddr_t)&curr.addr, sizeof(AddrBlock)); bcopy((caddr_t)&ep->enume,(caddr_t)&curr.enume, sizeof(curr.enume)); len = pkt2c_ename(ep->name,&curr.ent); ep = (NBPTuple *) ((char *) ep+(len+sizeof(AddrBlock)+1)); i += nbpinsertentry(entab, i, &curr, unique); } return(i-enstart); } /* insert entry into specified NBP Table. Check previous entries for */ /* conflict - if conflict - then update entry if update flag is on */ /* ow. insert at specified point */ /* returns 1 if inserted item, zero o.w. - no errors possible */ nbpinsertentry(entab, point, nbptentry, update) NBPTEntry entab[]; int point; NBPTEntry *nbptentry; boolean update; { NBPTEntry *cetp = entab; int i; if (update) { /* update==false ==> always insert */ for (i=0; i < (point-1); i++) { if (bcmp((caddr_t)&cetp->addr, (caddr_t)&nbptentry->addr, sizeof(cetp->addr)) == 0) if (cetp->enume == nbptentry->enume) { bcopy((caddr_t)&nbptentry->ent,(caddr_t)&cetp->ent, sizeof(cetp->ent)); return(0); /* done */ } } } bcopy((caddr_t)nbptentry, (caddr_t)cetp, sizeof(NBPTEntry)); return(1); } /* * Private int c2pkt_ename(EntityName *cn, u_char *pn) * * Copy entity name from c form into contiguous Apple Pascal * form (packet form). * * return: length of pascal form entity name * */ private int c2pkt_ename(cn,pn) u_char *pn; EntityName *cn; { int i, cnt; byte *s; byte *pc; cnt = 0; for (s = cn->objStr.s, pc = pn++, i = 0; i < ENTITYSIZE; i++, pn++, s++) { *pn = *s; if (*s == '\0') break; } if (i > ENTITYSIZE) /* increment to cnt and check aginst cutoff */ i = ENTITYSIZE; /* too large: turncated to 32 chars */ *pc = i; cnt += (i+1); for (s = cn->typeStr.s, pc = pn++, i = 0; i < ENTITYSIZE; i++, pn++, s++) { *pn = *s; if (*s == '\0') break; } if (i > ENTITYSIZE) /* increment to cnt and check aginst cutoff */ i = ENTITYSIZE; /* too large: turncated to 32 chars */ *pc = i; cnt += (i+1); for (s = cn->zoneStr.s, pc = pn++, i = 0; i < ENTITYSIZE; i++, pn++, s++) { *pn = *s; if (*s == '\0') break; } if (i > ENTITYSIZE) /* increment to cnt and check aginst cutoff */ i = ENTITYSIZE; /* too large: turncated to 32 chars */ *pc = i; cnt += (i+1); return(cnt); /* return number of bytes used */ } /* * Private int pkt2c_enames(u_char *pn, EntityName *cn); * * Copy entity names from packet form (abutting Apple Pascal * strings) to c form into structure of type EntityName. * * return: the length of the packed string. * */ private int pkt2c_ename(pn,cn) u_char *pn; EntityName *cn; { int ol,tl,zl; ol = *pn; /* length of object */ tl = *(pn+ol+1); /* length of type */ zl = *(pn+ol+tl+2); /* length of zone */ if (ol > ENTITYSIZE || tl > ENTITYSIZE || zl > ENTITYSIZE) { log(3,"pkt2c_entity_names: invalid length!"); return(0); } cpyp2cstr(cn->objStr.s,pn); /* copy them... */ cpyp2cstr(cn->typeStr.s,pn+ol+1); cpyp2cstr(cn->zoneStr.s,pn+ol+tl+2); return(ol+tl+zl+3); /* return length */ } /* * print message - use vprintf whenever possible (solves the problem * of using the varargs macros -- you must interpret the format). * This is something all machine should, but don't have :-) */ private FILE *lfp = stderr; #ifndef USEVPRINTF /* Bletch - gotta do it because pyramids don't work the other way */ /* (using _doprnt and &args) and don't have vprintf */ /* of course, there will be something that is just one arg larger :-) */ /*VARARGS1*/ log(level, fmt, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af) int level; char *fmt; #else log(va_alist) va_dcl #endif { long time(), tloc; char *timestr; #ifdef USEVPRINTF register char *fmt; va_list args; int level; #endif int saveerr; extern int errno; extern int sys_nerr; extern char *sys_errlist[]; if (lfp == NULL) /* no logging? */ return; saveerr = errno; #ifdef USEVPRINTF va_start(args); level = va_arg(args, int); fmt = va_arg(args, char *); #endif if (dlevel < (level & L_LVL)) return; (void)time(&tloc); timestr = (char *)ctime(&tloc); timestr[24] = '\0'; /* hokey */ fprintf(lfp,"atis: %s ",timestr); #ifdef USEVPRINTF vfprintf(lfp, fmt, args); va_end(args); #else fprintf(lfp, fmt, a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af); #endif if (level & L_UERR) { if (saveerr < sys_nerr) fprintf(lfp, ": %s", sys_errlist[saveerr]); else fprintf(lfp, ": error %d\n", saveerr); } putc('\n', lfp); fflush(lfp); if (level & L_EXIT) exit(1); } islogfile() { if (lfp == stderr) return(FALSE); return(lfp != NULL); } logfileis(filename, mode) char *filename; char *mode; { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(filename, mode)) != NULL) { log(0, "log file name %s", filename); } else { log(0|L_UERR, "couldn't open logfile %s", filename); } lfp = fp; /* reset */ } nologfile() { if (lfp && lfp != stderr) fclose(lfp); }
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