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static char rcsid[] = "$Author: cck $ $Date: 88/03/20 16:49:26 $"; static char rcsident[] = "$Header: lwsrv.c,v 1.16 88/03/20 16:49:26 cck Rel $"; static char revision[] = "$Revision: 1.16 $"; /* * lwsrv - UNIX AppleTalk spooling program: act as a laserwriter * driver: handles setup and farms out incoming jobs * * AppleTalk package for UNIX (4.2 BSD). * * Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the * City of New York. * * Edit History: * * Feb 15, 1987 Schilit Created, based on lsrv * Mar 17, 1987 Schilit Fixed nonprintables, added -r * May 15, 1987 CCKim Add support for LaserPrep 4.0 * Make multifork by default (turn * off by defining SINGLEFORK) * */ char copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 1986, 1987, 1988 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York"; #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/param.h> #ifndef _TYPES # include <sys/types.h> /* assume included by param.h */ #endif #include <sys/file.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/dir.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <netat/appletalk.h> /* include appletalk definitions */ #include <netat/compat.h> #ifdef USESTRINGDOTH # include <string.h> #else # include <strings.h> #endif #ifndef NOWAIT3 # include <sys/wait.h> #endif #ifdef NEEDFCNTLDOTH # include <fcntl.h> #endif #include "papstream.h" private char *tracefile = NULL; private char *fontfile = NULL; private char *logfile = NULL; private char *prtname = NULL; private char *unixpname = NULL; private char *prttype = "LaserWriter"; private char *dictdir = "."; /* assume local dir */ private int rflag = FALSE; /* retain print file */ private int hflag = TRUE; /* default to print banner */ private int singlefork = FALSE; export PAPStatusRec statbuff; /* status buffer */ private char username[80],jobname[80]; #ifndef TEMPFILE # define TEMPFILE "/tmp/lwsrvXXXXXX" /* temporary file holds job */ #endif #define RFLOWQ atpMaxNum #define BUFMAX (PAPSegSize*RFLOWQ)+10 private void usage(s,err) char *s,*err; { if (err != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",s,err); fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s -n <PrinterName> -p <unix printer name>\n",s); fprintf(stderr,"usage:\t\t-a <DictionaryDirectory> -f <FontFile>\n"); fprintf(stderr,"usage:\t\t[-l <LogFile>] [-t <TraceFile>] [-r] [-h]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"usage:\t\t[-T crtolf] [-T quote8bit]\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-p*<unix printer name> is the unix printer to print to\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-n*<PrinterName> specifies the name lwsrv registers.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-a*<DictionaryDirectory> is the ProcSet directory.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-f*<FontFile> contains an font coordination list.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-t <Tracefile> stores session and appledict in\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t <Tracefile> without printing.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-l <LogFile> specifies a file to log the lwsrv session\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-e Allow an eexec to occur in a procset\n"); fprintf(stderr," warning: this may cause problems, use carefully\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-r Will retain temp print file for inspection\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-h means to print without a banner page\n"); if (is_simple_dsc()) fprintf(stderr,"\t-A [on*|off] means to turn on or off Adobe document\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"\t-A [on|off*] means to turn on or off Adobe document\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\tstructuring revision 2 compatibility\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t(this can cause problems, *'ed item is default)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-S single lwsrv fork (default is multiforking)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-T Transcript compatibilty options\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-T crtolf: translate cr to lf for Transcript filters\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-T quote8bit: quote 8 bit chars for Transcript\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t-T makenondscconformant: make non DSC conformant: use\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t if psrv only works with DSC 1.0 conventions\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\nexample: %s -n Laser -p ps -a/usr/lib/ADicts\n",s); fprintf(stderr,"\t\t-f /usr/lib/LW+Fonts\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t(note the starred items above are required)\n"); exit(0); } private void doargs(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int c; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; while ((c = getopt(argc,argv,"a:f:l:p:P:t:d:n:rehT:A:S")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'a': if (index(optarg, '/') == NULL) { dictdir = (char *)malloc(strlen(optarg)+4); strcpy(dictdir, "./"); strcat(dictdir, optarg); } else dictdir = optarg; /* remember dictionary directory */ break; case 'd': dbugarg(optarg); break; case 'f': fontfile = optarg; /* -f fontfile */ break; case 'l': /* -l logfile */ logfile = optarg; break; case 'n': /* lwsrv printer name */ prtname = optarg; break; case 'p': /* -p unix printer name */ case 'P': unixpname = optarg; break; case 'h': hflag = FALSE; /* do not print banner */ break; case 'r': /* do not remove file */ rflag = TRUE; break; case 't': /* -t tracefile */ tracefile = optarg; break; case 'e': setflag_encrypted_instream(TRUE); /* maybe "eexec" in code */ break; case 'T': if (simple_TranscriptOption(optarg) < 0) usage(argv[0], NULL); break; case 'A': if (simple_dsc_option(optarg) < 0) usage(argv[0], NULL); break; case 'S': singlefork = TRUE; fprintf(stderr, "lwsrv: single fork\n"); break; case '?': /* illegal character */ usage(argv[0],NULL); /* usage and exit */ break; } } if (unixpname == NULL) usage(argv[0],"No Unix Printer Name"); if (prtname == NULL) usage(argv[0],"No AppleTalk Printer Name"); if (fontfile == NULL) usage(argv[0],"No FontFile specified"); } private childdone() { #ifndef NOWAIT3 union wait status; while (wait3(&status, WNOHANG, 0) > 0) ; signal(SIGCHLD, childdone); #else int status; (void)wait(&status); signal(SIGCHLD, childdone); #endif /* NOWAIT3 */ } main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { char buf[100]; int err,i,cno; int rcomp; int srefnum; int childdone(); doargs(argc,argv); /* handle args */ if (!dbug.db_flgs) { /* disassociate */ if (fork()) exit(0); /* kill off parent */ for (i=0; i < 20; i++) close(i); /* close all files */ (void) open("/dev/null",0); #ifndef NODUP2 (void) dup2(0,1); #else (void)dup(0); /* for slot 1 */ #endif if (logfile == NULL) { #ifndef NODUP2 (void) dup2(0,2); #else (void) dup(0); /* for slot 2 */ #endif } else { if ((i = open(logfile,O_WRONLY|O_APPEND)) < 0) i = creat(logfile,0666); if (i != 2) { #ifndef NODUP2 (void) dup2(i,2); #else close(2); /* try again */ (void) dup(0); /* for slot 2 */ #endif (void) close(i); } } #ifdef TIOCNOTTY if ((i = open("/dev/tty",2)) > 0) { ioctl(i, TIOCNOTTY,(char *) 0); close(i); } #endif } /* dbug.db_pap = TRUE; */ abInit(FALSE); /* initialize appletalk driver */ nbpInit(); PAPInit(); /* init PAP printer routines */ fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: Spooler starting for %s.%s.*\n",prtname,prttype); if (!spool_setup(tracefile, fontfile, prtname, dictdir)) { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } sprintf(buf,"%s:%s@*",prtname,prttype); cpyc2pstr(statbuff.StatusStr,"status: idle"); err = SLInit(&srefnum, buf, 8, &statbuff); if (err != noErr) { fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: SLInit failed: %d\n",err); exit(1); } if (!singlefork) signal(SIGCHLD, childdone); while (TRUE) { NewStatus("idle"); err = GetNextJob(srefnum, &cno, &rcomp); if (err != noErr) { fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: GetNextJob failed: %d\n",err); exit(1); } while (rcomp > 0) abSleep(20,TRUE); fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: Starting print job for %s\n",prtname); if (!singlefork) { if (fork() != 0) { PAPShutdown(cno); /* kill off connection */ continue; } SLClose(srefnum); /* close server for child */ nbpShutdown(); /* shutdown nbp for child */ } else NewStatus("busy, processing job"); /* need for multi-forking, nice for single forking */ /* handle the connection in cno */ childjob(p_opn(cno, BUFMAX)); if (!singlefork) exit(0); } } export childjob(pf) PFILE *pf; { long t; char tname[100],status[80]; char buf[256]; FILE *outfile; jobname[0] = username[0] = '\0'; if (tracefile != NULL) /* is this a trace? */ strcpy(tname,tracefile); /* yes... then output is tracefile */ else { /* otherwise use a temp file */ strcpy(tname,TEMPFILE); mktemp(tname); } if ((outfile = fopen(tname, "w+")) == NULL) { perror(tname); } if (singlefork) NewStatus("initializing"); sprintf(status,"receiving job for %s",prtname); scandicts(dictdir); while (getjob(pf,outfile)) { /* while still open... */ if (singlefork) NewStatus(status); /* don't send out real eof - causes real problems */ /* given that we are prepending procsets */ fprintf(outfile,"%% *EOF*\n"); } fclose(outfile); (void) time(&t); if (tracefile != NULL) fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: Tracing to file: %s; job %s; user %s; on %s\n", tracefile,jobname,username,ctime(&t)); else { if (rflag) fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: Preserving file in %s\n",tname); fprintf(stderr,"lwsrv: Printing job: %s; user %s; on %s\n", jobname,username,ctime(&t)); sprintf(buf,"/usr/ucb/lpr -P%s %s %s -J 'MacUser: %s' %s\n", unixpname,rflag ? "" : "-r",hflag ? "" : "-h", username,tname); system(buf); } p_cls(pf); /* close out the pap connection */ } export void setjobname(ts) char *ts; { strcpy(username, ts); } setusername(ts) char *ts; { strcpy(username, ts); } export NewStatus(status) char *status; { char tmp[255]; if (*username != '\0') sprintf(tmp,"job: %s for %s; status: %s", jobname,username,status); else sprintf(tmp,"status: %s",status); cpyc2pstr(statbuff.StatusStr, tmp); abSleep(0,TRUE); /* make sure protocol runs */ }
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