
This is uudecode.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*  Copyright (c) 1995 John E. Davis (davis@space.mit.edu)
 *  All rights reserved.
#include "config.h"
#include "features.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

# include <unistd.h>

# include <stdlib.h>

#include "uudecode.h"

# define SLRN_ERROR(x) fprintf(stderr, (x))
# define SLRN_MESSAGE(x) fprintf(stdout, (x))
# define SLRN_ERROR_1(x,y) fprintf(stderr, (x), (y))
# define SLRN_MESSAGE_1(x,y) fprintf(stdout, (x), (y))
# define SLRN_MESSAGE_2(x,y,z) fprintf(stdout, (x), (y), (z))
# define SLRN_POPEN popen
# define SLRN_PCLOSE pclose
# define slrn_fclose slrn_fclose_standalone
# define UPPER_CASE(x) ((x) >= 'a') && ((x) <= 'z') ? (x) - 32 : (x)
# define LOWER_CASE(x) ((x) >= 'A') && ((x) <= 'Z') ? (x) + 32 : (x)
static int slrn_fclose_standalone (FILE *fp)
   if (0 == fclose (fp)) return 0;
   SLRN_ERROR ("Error closing file.  File system full?");
   return -1;
# include <slang.h>
# include "jdmacros.h"
# include "slrn.h"
# include "misc.h"
# include "uudecode.h"
# define SLRN_ERROR slrn_error
# define SLRN_ERROR_1 slrn_error
# define SLRN_MESSAGE(x) slrn_message(x); slrn_refresh ()
# define SLRN_MESSAGE_1(x,y) slrn_message((x), (y)); slrn_smg_refresh ()
# define SLRN_MESSAGE_2(x,y,z) slrn_message((x), (y), (z)); slrn_smg_refresh ()
# define SLRN_POPEN slrn_popen
# define SLRN_PCLOSE slrn_pclose
char *Slrn_Decode_Directory;

/* Note!!!  These routines assume a flat address space !! */

int slrn_case_strncmp (unsigned char *a, register unsigned char *b, register unsigned int n)
   register unsigned char cha, chb, *bmax;
   register int diff = a - b;
   bmax = b + n;
   while (b < bmax)
	cha = UPPER_CASE(b[diff]);
	chb = UPPER_CASE(*b);
	if (cha != chb)
	     return (int) cha - (int) chb;
	else if (chb == 0) return 0;
   return 0;

int slrn_case_strcmp (unsigned char *a, register unsigned char *b)
   register unsigned char cha, chb;
   register int diff = a - b;
   while (1)
	cha = UPPER_CASE(b[diff]);
	chb = UPPER_CASE(*b);
	if (cha != chb)
	     return (int) cha - (int) chb;
	else if (chb == 0) break;
   return 0;

static int unpack_as_shell_archive (FILE *fp, char *buf, int size)
   FILE *pp;
   pp = SLRN_POPEN ("/bin/sh", "w");
   if (pp == NULL)
	SLRN_ERROR ("Unable to open /bin/sh\n");
	return -1;
   while (fgets (buf, size, fp) != NULL)
	fputs (buf, pp);
	if (!strcmp (buf, "exit 0\n"))
   if (-1 == SLRN_PCLOSE (pp))
	SLRN_ERROR ("Error encountered while processing shell archive.\n");
	return -1;
   return 0;
   slrn_error ("Piping not implemented on this system.");
   return -1;
#endif				       /* HAS_PIPING */

static FILE *open_output_file (char *name, char *type)
   FILE *fp;
   fp = fopen (name, "wb");
   if (fp == NULL)
	SLRN_ERROR_1("Unable to create %s\n", name);
	return NULL;
   SLRN_MESSAGE_2("creating %s (%s)\n", name, type);
   return fp;

static unsigned char Base64_Table [256];
static void initialize_base64 (void)
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) Base64_Table[i] = 0xFF;
   for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) Base64_Table[i] = (unsigned char) (i - 'A');
   for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) Base64_Table[i] = 26 + (unsigned char) (i - 'a');
   for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) Base64_Table[i] = 52 + (unsigned char) (i - '0');
   Base64_Table['+'] = 62;
   Base64_Table['/'] = 63;

/* returns 0 if entire line was decoded, or 1if line appears to be padded, or
 * -1 if line looks bad.
/* Calling routine guarantees at least 4 characters in line and multiple of 4 */
static int base64_decode_line (char *line, FILE *fp)
   unsigned char ch;
   unsigned char ch1;
   unsigned char bytes[3];
   unsigned char *p;
   p = (unsigned char *) line;
   /* Perform simple syntax check.  The loop following this one
    * assumes this.
   while ((ch = *p++) != 0)
	if (Base64_Table[ch] == 0xFF)
	  return -1;
	ch = *p++;
	if (Base64_Table[ch] == 0xFF)
	  return -1;
	ch = *p++;
	if ((Base64_Table[ch] == 0xFF) && (ch != '='))
	     return -1;

	ch = *p++;
	if ((Base64_Table[ch] == 0xFF) && (ch != '='))
	     return -1;

   while ((ch = (unsigned char) *line++) != 0)
	ch1 = Base64_Table[ch];
	bytes[0] = ch1 << 2;
	ch = *line++;
	ch1 = Base64_Table[ch];
	bytes[0] |= ch1 >> 4;
	bytes[1] = ch1 << 4;
	ch = *line++;
	ch1 = Base64_Table[ch];
	if (ch1 == 0xFF)
	     fwrite (bytes, 1, 1, fp);
	     return 1;
	bytes[1] |= ch1 >> 2;
	bytes[2] = ch1 << 6;
	ch = *line++;
	ch1 = Base64_Table[ch];
	if (ch1 == 0xFF)
	     fwrite (bytes, 1, 2, fp);
	     return 1;
	bytes[2] |= ch1;
	fwrite (bytes, 1, 3, fp);
   return 0;

static char Base64_Filename[256];
static int Base64_Unknown_Number;

/* Returns 1 if padded line which indicates end of encoded file, 0 if
 * decoded something or -1 if nothing.
static int decode_base64 (FILE *fp, FILE *fpout, char *line, unsigned int buflen)
   int decoding = 0;
   unsigned int len;
   int ret;
   while (NULL != fgets (line, buflen, fp))
	if (Base64_Table[(unsigned char) *line] == 0xFF)
	     if (decoding) return 0;
	     else return -1;
	len = strlen (line);
	if (len)
	     if (line [len - 1] == '\n')
		  line[len - 1] = 0;
	if ((len % 4) != 0)
	     if (decoding) return 0;
	     else return -1;
	ret = base64_decode_line (line, fpout);
	if (ret)
	     if ((ret == -1) && decoding) ret = 0;
	     return ret;
	decoding = 1;
   return 0;

static char *skip_whitespace (char *p)
   while ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t') || (*p == '\n')) p++;
   return p;

static char *skip_header_string (char *p, char *name)
   unsigned int len;
   p = skip_whitespace (p);
   len = strlen (name);
   if (0 != slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)p, (unsigned char *)name, len))
     return NULL;
   return p + len;

static char *skip_beyond_name_eqs (char *p, char *name)
   int ch;
   unsigned int len;
   len = strlen (name);
   while (1)
	p = skip_whitespace (p);
	if (*p == 0) return NULL;
	if (0 != slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *) p, (unsigned char *) name, len))
	     while (((ch = *p) != 0) && (ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t') && (ch != '\n'))
	p = skip_whitespace (p + len);
	if (*p != '=') continue;

	p = skip_whitespace (p + 1);
	if (*p == 0)
	  return NULL;

	return p;

static int parse_name_eqs_int (char *p, char *name, int *val)
   int ch;
   int ival;
   p = skip_beyond_name_eqs (p, name);
   if (p == NULL) return -1;
   ival = 0;
   while (((ch = *p) != 0) && isdigit(ch))
	ival = ival * 10 + (ch - '0');
   *val = ival;
   return 0;

static int parse_name_eqs_string (char *p, char *name, char *str, unsigned int len)
   char ch;
   char *pmax;
   int quote = 0;
   p = skip_beyond_name_eqs (p, name);
   if (p == NULL) return -1;
   if (*p == '"') 
	quote = 1;
   pmax = (p + len) - 1;
   while ((p < pmax)
	  && ((ch = *p) != '"')
	  && (ch != '\n')
	  && (ch != 0))
	if ((quote == 0) && ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t')))
	*str++ = ch;
   *str = 0;
   return 0;

static void parse_content_disposition (char *p)
   (void) parse_name_eqs_string (p, "filename", Base64_Filename, sizeof (Base64_Filename));

static int is_encoding_base64 (char *p)
   p = skip_whitespace (p);
   if (slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)p, (unsigned char *)"base64", 6))
     return 0;
   return 1;

/* Looking for message/partial; id="bla-bla"; number=10; total=20
 *  The following is from RFC 1522.  It also illustrates what is wrong with 
 *  MIME:
 *  Three parameters must be specified in the Content-Type field of type
 *  message/partial: The first, "id", is a unique identifier, as close to
 *  a world-unique identifier as possible, to be used to match the parts
 *  together.  (In general, the identifier is essentially a message-id;
 *  if placed in double quotes, it can be any message-id, in accordance
 *  with the BNF for "parameter" given earlier in this specification.)
 *  The second, "number", an integer, is the part number, which indicates
 *  where this part fits into the sequence of fragments.  The third,
 *  "total", another integer, is the total number of parts. This third
 *  subfield is required on the final part, and is optional (though
 *  encouraged) on the earlier parts.  Note also that these parameters
 *  may be given in any order.
 *  Thus, part 2 of a 3-part message may have either of the following
 *  header fields:
 *		 Content-Type: Message/Partial;
 *		      number=2; total=3;
 *		      id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s@thumper.bellcore.com"
 *		 Content-Type: Message/Partial;
 *		      id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s@thumper.bellcore.com";
 *		      number=2
 *  But part 3 MUST specify the total number of parts:
 *		 Content-Type: Message/Partial;
 *		      number=3; total=3;
 *		      id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s@thumper.bellcore.com"
 *  Note that part numbering begins with 1, not 0.

typedef struct 
   int number;		       /* >= 1 */
   int total;		       /* not required!! */
   char id[256];		       /* required */

static int parse_content_type (char *p, Mime_Message_Partial_Type *mpt)
#if 1
   (void) parse_name_eqs_string (p, "name", 
				 Base64_Filename, sizeof (Base64_Filename));
   if ((NULL == (p = skip_header_string (p, "message")))
       || (NULL == (p = skip_header_string (p, "/")))
       || (NULL == (p = skip_header_string (p, "partial")))
       || (NULL == (p = skip_header_string (p, ";"))))
     return -1;
   if (-1 == parse_name_eqs_int (p, "number", &mpt->number))
     return -1;
   if (-1 == parse_name_eqs_int (p, "total", &mpt->total))
     mpt->total = 0;		       /* not reqired on all parts */
   if (-1 == parse_name_eqs_string (p, "id", mpt->id, sizeof (mpt->id)))
	*mpt->id = 0;
	return -1;
   return 0;

static void read_in_whole_header_line (char *line, FILE *fp)
   unsigned int len;
   unsigned int space;
   int c;

   /* We have already read in one line.  Prepare to read in continuation lines */
   len = strlen (line);
   space = MAX_ARTICLE_LINE_LEN - len;
   while (space)
	c = getc (fp);
	if (c == EOF) return;
	if ((c != ' ') && (c != '\t')) 
	     ungetc (c, fp);
	line += len;
	if (NULL == fgets (line, space, fp)) return;
	len = strlen (line);
	space -= len;

static int check_and_decode_base64 (FILE *fp)
   char *p;
   int found_base64_signature = 0;
   FILE *fpout = NULL;
   char line[MAX_ARTICLE_LINE_LEN];
   Mime_Message_Partial_Type *current_pmt, pmt_buf;
   int part = 1;
   initialize_base64 ();
   current_pmt = NULL;
   while (NULL != fgets (line, sizeof (line), fp))
	if (*line == '\n')
	     if (found_base64_signature)
		  int ret;
		  if (*Base64_Filename == 0)
		       sprintf (Base64_Filename, "unknown-64.%d", Base64_Unknown_Number);
		  if (fpout == NULL)
		    fpout = open_output_file (Base64_Filename, "base64");
		  if (fpout == NULL) return -1;
		  ret = decode_base64 (fp, fpout, line, sizeof (line));
		  /* decode_base64 performs fgets.  So if nothing was decoded
		   * skip fgets at top of loop
		  if (ret == -1) goto try_again;
		  if ((current_pmt == NULL)
		      || (current_pmt->number == current_pmt->total)
		      || (part != current_pmt->number)
		      || (ret == 1))
		       fclose (fpout);
		       fpout = NULL;
		       found_base64_signature = 0;
		       current_pmt = NULL;
		       part = 0;
		       *Base64_Filename = 0;
	/* Look for 'Content-' */
	if (slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *) "Content-", (unsigned char *) line, 8))
	read_in_whole_header_line (line, fp);
	p = line + 8;
	if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *) p, (unsigned char *) "Transfer-Encoding: ", 19))
	     if (is_encoding_base64 (p + 19))
		  if (found_base64_signature)
		       if (fpout != NULL) 
			    fclose (fpout);
			    fpout = NULL;
			    current_pmt = NULL;
			    *Base64_Filename = 0;
			    part = 1;
		  found_base64_signature = 1;
	if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)p, (unsigned char *)"Disposition: ", 13))
	     parse_content_disposition (p + 13);
	if (0 == slrn_case_strncmp ((unsigned char *)p, (unsigned char *)"Type: ", 6))
	     Mime_Message_Partial_Type pmt;

	     if (-1 == parse_content_type (p + 6, &pmt))
		  /* current_pmt = NULL; */
	     if ((current_pmt == NULL)
		 || (pmt.number == 1)
		 || (part != pmt.number)
		 || strcmp (current_pmt->id, pmt.id))
		  if (fpout != NULL)
		       fclose (fpout);
		       fpout = NULL;
		       *Base64_Filename = 0;
		       found_base64_signature = 0;
		       part = 1;
	     current_pmt = &pmt_buf;
	     memcpy ((char *) current_pmt, (char *) &pmt, sizeof (Mime_Message_Partial_Type));
   if (fpout != NULL) fclose (fpout);
   return 0;

static int parse_uuencode_begin_line (unsigned char *b, char **file, int *mode)
   int m = 0;
   unsigned char *bmax;
   while (*b == ' ') b++;
   if (0 == isdigit (*b)) return -1;
   while (isdigit (*b))
	m = m * 8 + (*b - '0');
   if (*b != ' ') return -1;
   while (*b == ' ') b++;
   if (*b < ' ') return -1;
   bmax = b + strlen ((char *) b);
   while (*bmax <= ' ') *bmax-- = 0;
   *mode = m;
   *file = (char *) b;
   return 0;

static int check_and_uudecode (FILE *fp)
   FILE *outfp = NULL;
   char buf[MAX_ARTICLE_LINE_LEN];
   while (NULL != fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fp))
	char *file;
	int mode = 0;
	/* We are looking for 'begin ddd filename' */
	if (strncmp (buf, "begin ", 6))
	     if ((buf[0] == '#') && (buf[1] == '!'))
		  char *binsh = buf + 2;
		  if (*binsh == ' ') binsh++;
		  if (!strcmp (binsh, "/bin/sh\n"))
		       unpack_as_shell_archive (fp, buf, sizeof (buf));

	if (-1 == parse_uuencode_begin_line ((unsigned char *)buf + 6, &file, &mode))

	outfp = open_output_file (file, "uuencoded");
	if (outfp == NULL)
	     return -1;
	chmod (file, mode);
	/* Now read parts of the file in. */
	while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp) != NULL)
	     unsigned int len;
	     unsigned int buflen;
	     unsigned char out[60], *outp, *outmax, *b, *bmax;
	     if (((*buf & 0x3F) == ' ') && (*(buf + 1) == '\n'))
		  /* we may be on the last line before the end.  Lets check */
		  if (NULL == fgets (buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp))
		       SLRN_ERROR ("Unexpected end of file.\n");
		       return -1;
		  if (!strcmp (buf, "end\n"))
		       slrn_fclose (outfp);
		       outfp = NULL;
	     /* Now perform some sanity checking */
	     len = *buf;
	     if ((len <= ' ') 
		 || ((buflen = strlen (buf)) > 62) || (buflen < 2)
		 || ((buflen - 2) % 4) != 0)
		  if (strncmp (buf, "begin ", 6)
		      || (-1 == parse_uuencode_begin_line ((unsigned char *)buf + 6, 
							   &file, &mode)))
		  if (outfp == NULL) slrn_fclose (outfp);
		  outfp = open_output_file (file, "uuencoded");
		  if (outfp == NULL)
		       return -1;
	     buflen -= 2;
	     len -= ' ';
	     /* In general, I cannot make the test:
	      * @ if ((3 * buflen) != (len * 4)) continue;
	      * The problem is that the last line may be padded.  Instead, do
	      * it just for normal length lines and handle padding for others.
	     if (*buf == 'M')
		  if ((3 * buflen) != (len * 4)) continue;
		  if (buflen != ((len + 2) / 3) * 4) continue;
	     b = (unsigned char *) buf + 1;
	     bmax = b + buflen;
	     while (b < bmax)
		  *b = (*b - 32) & 0x3F;
		  *(b + 1) = (*(b + 1) - 32) & 0x3F;
		  *(b + 2) = (*(b + 2) - 32) & 0x3F;
		  *(b + 3) = (*(b + 3) - 32) & 0x3F;
		  b += 4;
	     b = (unsigned char *) buf + 1;
	     outp = out;
	     outmax = outp + len;
	     while (outp < outmax)
		  register unsigned char b1, b2;
		  b1 = *(b + 1);
		  b2 = *(b + 2);
		  *outp++ = (*b << 2) | (b1 >> 4);
		  if (outp < outmax)
		       *outp++ = (b1 << 4) | (b2 >> 2);
		       if (outp < outmax)
			 *outp++ = (b2 << 6) | *(b + 3);
		  b += 4;
	     if (len != fwrite ((char *) out, 1, len, outfp))
		  SLRN_ERROR ("write to file failed.\n");
		  slrn_fclose (outfp);
		  return -1;
	/* end of part reading */
	/* back to looking for something else */
   if (outfp != NULL) 
	slrn_fclose (outfp);
	outfp = NULL;
   return 0;

int slrn_uudecode_file (char *file, char *newdir, int base64_only)
   FILE *fp;
#ifdef __os2__
   char olddir_buf[256];
   int ret;
   if (newdir == NULL)
	char newdir_buf[256];
#ifdef __os2__
	if (getwd(olddir_buf) == 0) 
	     SLRN_ERROR_1 ("Unable to save old directory name: %s\n", olddir_buf);
	     return -1;
	if (Slrn_Decode_Directory == NULL)
	  Slrn_Decode_Directory = "News";
	newdir = Slrn_Decode_Directory;
	slrn_make_home_dirname (newdir, newdir_buf);
	newdir = newdir_buf;
   if ((newdir != NULL)
       && (-1 == chdir(newdir)))
	SLRN_ERROR_1 ("Unable to chdir to %s.\n", newdir);
	return -1;
   if (file == NULL) fp = stdin;
   else fp = fopen (file, "r");
   if (fp == NULL)
	SLRN_ERROR_1("Unable to open %s.\n", file);
	return -1;

   if (base64_only == 0) 
	ret = check_and_uudecode (fp);
	if ((ret == 0) && (fp != stdin))
	     rewind (fp);
	     ret = check_and_decode_base64 (fp);
   else ret = check_and_decode_base64 (fp);
   if (fp != stdin)
     slrn_fclose (fp);

#ifdef __os2__
   if (-1 == chdir(olddir_buf))
	SLRN_ERROR_1 ("Unable to chdir back to %s.\n", olddir_buf);
	return -1;

   SLRN_MESSAGE ("No more files found.\n");
   return ret;

static void usage (void)
   fprintf (stderr, "Usage: uudecode [-64] [filename ...]\n");

int main (int argc, char **argv)
   int i;
   int base64_only = 0;

   if (argc > 1)
	if (!strcmp ("--help", argv[1]))
	     usage ();
	     return 1;
	if (!strcmp ("-64", argv[1]))
	     base64_only = 1;
   if (argc <= 1)
	if (!isatty (fileno(stdin)))
	     return slrn_uudecode_file (NULL, NULL, base64_only);
	usage ();
	return 1;
   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
	slrn_uudecode_file (argv[i], NULL, base64_only);
   return 0;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.