See also README.vms Since I have no access to VMS, I cannot be sure that this will compile cleanly on VMS. However, I know that people do successfully compile and use slrn on VMS. Use VMSMAKE.COM. It is reported that DESCRIP.MMS does not work at all. If you are experienced with writing files for mms, feel free send me whatever changes are required to get this one to work. I suspect that the problems stem from MMS/MMK incompatabilities. (The above comment regarding DESCRIP.MMS may nolonger apply) You may have to edit VMSMAKE.COM if you are not using MULTINET or using VAX C. Note from regarding [slrn.src]ucx.opt : The library listed in there isn't necessary on OpenVMS for quite a while now and actually causes the link to fail, since it is no longer existing. If you are using DEC C, compile [slang.src]slang.lib using Basically this sets the compiler flag /prefix=all. VMS-SLRN.HLP is a VMS style help file for slrn. Good luck. --John