
This is changes.txt in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Changes since
0.  Tiny problem with server timeout fixed.
1.  GroupLens support added.  See README.GroupLens

2.  Sort by score implemented.  See src/features.h to disable it.  To
    sort by score, add:
        set sorting_method 5
	set display_score 1
    to your .slrnrc file.  Set display_score to 0 to disable
    displaying the score value.  If the score value is displayed, the
    number of lines in the article will not be displayed.
    Thanks go to Olly Betts <olly@mantis.co.uk> for this feature.

3.  Score file lines such as:

       [~rec.crafts.*, rec.hobbies.*]
    are now supported.  The `~' character means that the set of scores
    implied by this line applies to any group EXCEPT rec.crafts.* and
    rec.hobbies.*.  That is, the `~' character may be used as a NOT
    operator in this context.
4.  New slrnrc configuration option:

      set custom_headers "X-Whatever: bla\nX-Misc: bla bla"

5.  New group mode function: move_group.  This will allow you to use the
    up/down arrow keys to move a group to a different location.  It
    has a default binding of `m'.

6.  Added Felix von Leitner's cross posting and tilde patches.  The
    cross posting patch is enabled via the SLRN_HAS_MSGID_CACHE feature.
    Similarly, the tilde patch is available via SLRN_HAS_TILDE_FEATURE.
    Thanks Felix.

7.  S-Lang interpreter available.  Set SLRN_HAS_SLANG in features.h to
    enable it.  See also README.slang and slrn.sl for more
    information.  The 0.9 series of slrn releases will feature more
    and more interpreter capabilities.

Changes since
0.  Bug fix release and patches to get it to compile under VMS again.

Changes since
0.  Misc bug fixes
1.  Support for INEWS and LOCAL NEWS SPOOL.  The INEWS patches were
    originally provided by Erik Manders <erik@il.ft.hse.nl>.
    Olly Betts <olly@mantis.co.uk> is responsible for the local spool support.
    Edit src/features.h to enable these options.
    The following slrn.rc variables are are related to the spool support:
	 set spool_inn_root "/export/opt/inn"
	 set spool_root "/export/news"
	 set spool_nov_root "/export/news"
	 % -- The following filenames are relative to spool_root
	 set spool_nov_file ".overview"
	 set spool_active_file "data/active"
	 set spool_activetimes_file "data/active.times"
	 set spool_newsgroups_file "data/newsgroups"

    Of course default values for these files may be hard-coded.  See
    In addition, new command line arguments have been added:
          --inews ==> use inews for posting
	  --nntp  ==> use nntp
	  --spool ==> use local news spool
2.  Score files now allow more than one newsgroup pattern to be specified,
        [sci.*, comp.*]

Changes since
1.  base 64 decoding support
2.  On VMS, the personal slrn configuration file has been renamed to slrn.rc.
    See features.h for changing this.  Also, many thanks to Andy Harper
    (A.HARPER@kcl.ac.uk) for work on DCL make files.
3.  Small bug fixes

Changes since

0.  Bug fixes (hangup, connection aborts, article/header percentage counts,

1.  Oops.  Forgot to provide a way to turn off video attributes.  Now you can
    use `none', e.g.,
        mono headers none
2.  New variable for group descriptions: group_dsc_start_column

        set group_dsc_start_column 40
    causes descriptions to start in column 40.
3.  Now possible to color descriptions via:

        color description blue white
	mono description bold 

4.  ^G abort of header retrieval.
5.  New variable:

        set lines_per_update 50
    sets the granularity of slrn's percentage meters.

6.  Spoiler support provided by Olly Betts (olly@mantis.co.uk).  The .slrnrc
    variable `spoiler_char' may be used to specify the character used to
    hide the text.  The default is '*':
        set spoiler_char '*'

7.  .slrnrc `ignore_quotes' specifier can take up to 5 regular expression
    patterns, e.g.,
        ignore_quotes  "^ *[:=|+>]"    "^ *[A-Za-z]>"
    specifies two patterns.

8.  Certain compiler symbols such as NO_DECODE have been renamed and moved to
    the new file: features.h
Changes since 0.8.7
0.  Misc bug fixes

1.  Use of the XGTITLE command is turned off by default.  Use the variable
    `use_xgtitle' to turn it on.

2.  New configuration settings for your .slrnrc file

       set Xbrowser "netscape %s &"
       set non_Xbrowser "lynx %s"

    Press the `U' key (browse_url) for slrn to search for a URL and call the
    appropriate browser.  Thanks go to Justus Pendleton
    <justus@ryoohki.res.cmu.edu> for the patches.
3.  When creating a score from within article mode, you will be prompted for
    whether or not the score is local or global.  This patch was the idea of 
    Colin Perkins <csp@ohm.york.ac.uk>.

4.  Use `set query_reconnect 0' in your .slrnrc file to turn off
    reconnection confirmation.

5.  `ESC 1 *' now removes all `*' marks.
6.  If `cc_followup' is -1, slrn will prompt whether or not to cc the
    followup message.
7.  If linked against slang version 0.99-30 or later, it is possible to
    customize the video attributes on mono-chrome terminals, e.g.,
         mono cursor reverse blink
	 mono headers bold
	 mono author bold blink

    The above lines will cause the author part of the header to blink in
    bold, the cursor will blink in reverse video, etc...

8.  New variable to set: write_newsrc_flags
         % If 0, save all groups when writing newsrc file
	 % if 1, do not save any unsubscribed groups
	 % if 2, do not save any unread-unsubscribed groups
	 set write_newsrc_flags 0

9.  Better checking of articles before posting.  Now, a new screen will
    appear with error messages if the article appears badly formatted.

10. Modified scrolling behavior when the article window is open.  Now the
    next and previous headers are always visible.

Changes since 0.8.6
0.  Under Unix there is a new `configure' script for building slrn.
1.  ``Header Numbers'' add for more efficient article selection.  This is
    enabled by default and may be disabled by adding
        set use_header_numbers 0
    in your .slrnrc file.  In addition, the color of these numbers may be
    controlled via something like
        color header_number "green" "white"
    The numbers appear at the left margin of the header window.  To goto a
    particular numbered header, e.g., 12, simply press `1' then `2' followed
    by RETURN, SPACE, etc...
2.  The function ``xpunge'' has been added for article mode.  The default
    binding of this function is to the `x' key.  It removes already read
    articles from the list.
3.  If slrn does not read the active file, then it will now attempt to use
    the `xgtitle' command to query the server for newsgroups matching a
    pattern.  (This affects the `L' key in group-mode).
Changes since 0.8.5
-1. New distribution structure
0.  Thanks to Jay Maynard (jmaynard@nwpros.com), slrn now runs under OS/2.  
    Since this is the first OS/2 version, it should be regarded as ALPHA.
1.  New .slrnrc configuration variable: prompt_next_group.  If 0, slrn will
    not provide the opportunity to use up/down arrow keys to select the next
    group.  Instead, pressing a key that performs a goto next group action,
    e.g., the Next-Group mouse button, will simply put you in the headers of
    the next group in the group list.
2.  When the mouse is clicked on a button at the top of the display, the
    button will ``flash''.  The color that is used to simulate the flash may
    be specified by using, e.g., 
         set color menu_press blue yellow
    in your .slrnrc file.
3.  New groups are displayed with an `N' in the flags column.
4.  `ESC 1 L' will hide unsubscribed groups  (`L' with a prefix argument).
5.  The `?' key may be used in help mode to re-start help.
6.  OS/2 port thanks to Jay Maynard <jmaynard@admin5.hsc.uth.tmc.edu>.
    Note: this port is still considered to be in its alpha stage.
7.  slrn will nolonger run unless the user has a username and a FQDN.
8.  New article mode functions (Thanks to Alain.Knaff@imag.fr (Alain Knaff)):
      fast_quit                       % quit news reader from article mode
      skip_to_prev_group              %
    None of these function have default bindings.
9.  When replying, slrn will warn the user if the email address appears
10. New configuration variable:

       set use_metamail 0
    If non-zero, metamail will be called to process MIME articles that 
    slrn does not support.

Changes since 0.8.4
1.  Small bug fixes (nothing major).
2.  Cosmetic change where one can more easily see the progress of the
    download of tagged articles.  In addition the server name is printed on
    the top status line.
3.  The `*' (toggle_header_tag) function has been changed.  If used on a
    collapsed thread, it will tag the entire thread.  In addition, after
    pressing `*', the pointer moves down one header.
4.  -m command line option forces XTerm mouse reporting to be turned on.
5.  When the mouse is enabled, ``buttons'' also appear on the top status
    line.  Simply click on them with the mouse.  Perhaps in the future,
    these buttons will become menus.

Changes since 0.8.3
0.  The slrn makefile has changed.  Now it asks for a location to put slrn
    object files and it asks for the location of the slang library file.
    The nice thing about this is that it is easy to compile slrn under
    multiple architectures.  The down side is that some makes will not work
    with the Makefile.  If your make fails, use Makefile.old.  Since I do
    not plan to continue support for Makefile.old, please look into
    installing GNUmake.
1.  .newsrc file is now created in mode where only user has read permission
    to it.
2.  If a prefix argument is given to the subscribe/unsubscribe commands, the
    user will be prompted for a group pattern which will be used, e.g., 
    pressing `ESC 1 s' and entering `*linux*' at the prompt will result in
    a subscription to all newsgroups of form `*linux*'.
3.  If a prefix argument is given to the `K' (create_score) function, the
    editor will be called to edit the score file-- no questions asked.
4.  New .slrnrc variable: query_read_group_cutoff
    Whenever slrn enters a group with `query_read_group_cutoff' or more
    unread articles in it, it will prompt for how many to read.  The default
    is 100.  If set to 0 or less than 0, slrn will not prompt at all, i.e.,
        set query_read_group_cutoff 0

5.  It is now possible to have articles automatically wrapped by adding 4 to
    the wrap flags value.  See the slrn.rc file.
6.  VMS changes: some patches added, ``makefiles'' fixed

Changes since 0.8.2
1.  If slrn cannot find a fully qualified domain name, it will not run.
    This name can be specified in the .slrnrc file so there is no excuse for
    not having one.  There are too many articles already floating around
    usenet with bad hostnames and I do not want slrn to contribute to this.
2.  Bug in authorization fixed
3.  Oops.  If one were editing a file from within slrn and the window was
    resized, slrn would re-draw the window!  That is fixed.
4.  article wrapping added-- press `w' in article mode to wrap/unwrap.  The
    variable `wrap_flags' may be used to control whether or not headers or
    quoted material is wrapped, e.g.,
        set wrap_flags 1    % Wrap headers
	set wrap_flags 2    % Wrap quoted material
	set wrap_flags 3    % Wrap headers and quoted material
    The default is to wrap everything (3).

5.  slrn may be started as in `slrn -h server.name:XXX' where XXX in an
    integer that represents a port number. 

6.  `set sendmail_command' may be used in the .slrnrc file to specify an
    alternative mail program.  The default is: 
          "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -oem -odb"
    See config.h for selecting a different default.
7.  ESC u in group mode may be used to Un-Catchup on a group.

Changes since 0.8.1
1.  Misc bug fixes:
      MIME re-worked
      some VMS problems ironed out
      VMS: callable mail support

Changes since 0.8.0
1.  The `toggle_sort' function bound to `ESC s' in article mode has been
    modifed.  Now, it prompts for the sorting method.
2.  New variables for the .slrnrc file:

      % If 0, do not sort.  If 1, perform threading.  If 2, sort by subject
      % If 3, thread then sort result by subject
      set sorting_method 3

      % If non-zero, threads will be uncollapsed when a group is entered
      set uncollapse_threads 0
    Note: methods 2 and 3 were not available in previous versions of slrn.
    This is why the `toggle_sort' function needed to be modified.
3.  It is now possible to have all posted articles saved in a file.  The
    file is specified in the .slrnrc with a line like:

        set save_posts "News/My_Posts"

4.  slrn now generates its own message id provided that it can find the
    machines fully qualified domain name (FQDN).  The reason for this is
    that one can easily more efficiently score follow-ups to the user's
    posted articles.  For example, if the FQDN is `machine.my.domain' and
    the user's name is `user' then simply put:
       Score: 100      (or whatever)
       References: user@machine.my.domain>
    in the score file.  (The first part of the generated message-id is
    composed of a base 32 representation of the current time and process-id).
5.  Default values available at all yes/no prompts.

6.  Saving an article is slightly different but simpler.  The new bindings
	`:'  uudecode file
        `o'  save a file-- no decoding
    Use "decode" and "save_article" to re-bind these.
    See the FAQ for more detailed help on uudecoding articles.
7.  New variable: 'save_directory' may be used to specify where files are
    saved.  The default is 'News'.  Use something in your .slrnrc file:
        set save_directory "News"
8.  There is now an option for slrn to read the active file upon startup.
    Using this option may result in faster startup times.  Using the active
    file also has the advantage that the `L' key will list all groups
    available at the server.  
    There are two ways of enabling this option:
        a.  Startup slrn with the -a switch:  slrn -a
	b.  Add the line:
	         set read_active 1
	    to your .slrnrc file.

9.  The `Expires' date may be given in one of the following formats:

    Previous versions only allowed the first format.

10.  MIME support add by Michael Elkins <elkins@aero.org>.
    To enable MIME support, add:
        set use_mime 1
    to your .slrnrc file.  In addition, you may select a character set by
    adding something like:
        set mime_charset "iso-8859-1"

    to your .slrnrc file.
    The MIME code is still in the testing phase but it appears to be ok.
Changes since
1.  If Cc: header appears in a followup, the message will also be email to 
    the addresses listed on the line.  The address `poster' will be
    considered as an alias for the original poster.  This header will
    automatically be generated if the line:
         set cc_followup 1
    appears in the .slrnrc file.
    By default, the body of an email message generated this way will be
    prefixed by the string:
      [This message has also been posted.]
    To change it, use a line of the form:
      cc_followup_string "[Note: Even though I posted this, here is a copy.]"
    in your .slrnrc file.
2.  Broken threads are now collaped together.
3.  In replies, the In-Reply-To header is generated with the message-id of
    the original post.
4.  New variable for .slrnrc: `set confirm_actions 1'.  If set to 1 (default
    is 0), confirmation on quitting, followup, reply, etc... is not performed.
5.  Arbitrary header keywords are now allowed for Score files.  Keep in mind
    that a score that is based on such keywords take ALOT longer to process.
    The command line option -k0 will suppress expensive scores.  

    In addition, the K key (bound to `toggle_scoring') may be used at the
    group level to set the scoring mode.

6.  Enhanced score file syntax:

       a.  If Score::  (TWO colons) is used to denote a score, all
           expressions that it covers will be considered as OR type
	   expressions.  That is,
	       Score:: 20
	        Subject: larry
	        Subject: curly
          is (almost) equivalent to
	       Score: 20
	        Subject: larry
	       Score: 20
	        Subject: curly
	  Homework: What do I mean by ``almost''?
	  Note: Scores with only one colon are AND scores.
      b.  If a score value is prefixed with the `=' sign, e.g., Score: =30
          Then scoring on the article is regarded as finished and a value of
	  30 will be assigned to the article.

    See score.txt and KILL_FAQ for more information.
7.  Article mode keybindings of `<' and `>' have been changed to goto the
    beginning and end of the article, resp.
8.  The `#' key may be used to NUMERICALLY tag articles.  The save operation
    now saves tagged articles in their numerically tagged order.  The key
    sequence `ESC #' will remove all numerical tags.
9.  The save function is now more sophisticated.  It can now save tagged
    articles, the current thread, or a single article.  After it saves, it
    prompts for decoding.  The present version of slrn can only decode
    uuencoded files or share archives.  If decoding is selected, slrn will
    prompt for whether or not he save file should be deleted.
    The variable `decode_directory' may be used to control where decoded
    files are placed.
10. If a line of the form:

       set use_tmpdir 1
    appears in the .slrnrc file, a tmp directory will be used for posting
    and replying.  The directory /tmp will be used unless the environment
    variable TMPDIR exists.
11. It is now possible to set the editor command in the .slrnrc file, e.g.,

        editor_command "jed %s -g %d -tmp"

Changes since
1.  Score files added-- See score.txt for score file syntax.  To use score
    files you must add a line such as:
         scorefile "News/Score"

    to you .slrnrc file.  slrn assumes no default value for this file.  With
    this defined, you may either edit the file by hand or press the `K' key
    in article mode to automatically add ``scores'' to this file.  If you
    edit it by hand and you use the jed editor, see `score.sl' for a syntax
    highlighting and indentation mode for score files.
    A new commad line option `-k' may be used to turn OFF score file

2.  In article mode, `=' key will now follow articles of a specified
    subject.  In addition, the `!' key will go to articles with high scores.

Changes since
1.  Threads are now collapsed.  An individual thread may be un-collapsed by
    pressing `ESC t'.  Pressing `ESC t' will re-collapse it.  In addition,
    simply reading the first article in a thread will un-collapse it.
    Deleting a collapsed thread will delete all articles in th thread.
    Hopefully, this interface will seem intuitive.
    Note: `ESC 1 ESC t' will toggle collapsing of ALL threads.  
    To bind this to a different key, use the function 
    Of course the thread number has to have a color.  The default is:
    `color thread_number "blue" "white"'
2. New configuration variables for your .slrnrc file (defaults shown)

      set query_next_article 1
      set query_next_group 1
   For example, setting query_next_article to 0 will result in the next
   article being read when the end of the current one is reached.

3. Parse error messages while parsing .slrnrc file are now more meaningful.

Changes since
1.  Additional support for XTerm mouse (Thanks Mark).  These include:

    Article mode:

        Left Button: Help bar:        return help
                     Header status:   header page down
		     Article status:  Next unread
		     Article window:  Article page down
      Middle Button: Help bar:        toggle show author
                     Header status:   hide article
		     Article status:  toggle quotes
		     Article window:  nothing
      Right Button:  Help bar:        help
                     Header status:   header page up
		     Article status:  Prev unread
		     Article window:  Article page up
    Similar functionality for group mode.
2.  VMS makefile fixed
3.  New group mode function: transpose_groups.  The default binding is ^X^T.
    This will transpose the position of two groups.  This may be used to
    rearrange groups.
4.  man page updated
5.  `set color signature' now supported.  (Thanks to
    combee@ptsg-austin.sps.mot.com (Ben Combee))
6.  Misc bug fixes.
7.  `hide article' will now toggle.

Changes since 0.7.7
0.  Misc bug fixes
1.  slrn calling syntax changed: The -D parameter has changed to lowercase -d.
    Now, a new -Ddefine-something is available.
2.  If using slang0.99-20 or newer, it is possible to use slang preprocessing
    in your .slrnrc file.  Use the -D flag to define a token.
3.  Oops!  Previous version broke art_lineup, art_linedn functions.
4.  Problem with "unknown" as username fixed.
5.  Suspension now allowed during lengthy transfers.  This requires slang
    version 0.99-20 or greater.
6.  New article mode function: "toggle_header_tag".  A header that is
    ``tagged'' is marked with a `*' in the left column.  The default binding
    is to the `*' key (Shift-8).  A tagged article will not change its read
    status by the `catchup' series of functions.  There may be more uses
7.  If a `prefix' argument is given to the `get_parent_header' function, the
    entire tree will be reconstructed.  This means that the whole tree can
    be reconstructed by pressing: ESC 1 ESC p
8.  Another oops.  -create flag was not working in 0.7.7.
9.  `set unsubscribe_new_groups' added to slrn.rc file.  If this is non-zero,
    newgroups will not automatically be subscribed to, e.g., if you desire
    this behavior, put the following in your .slrnrc file:
       set unsubscribe_new_groups 1
10. In an effort to make the article screen look less busy, a new
    configuration variable `show_thread_subject' has been made available.
    If zero, only the parent thread's subject will be displayed.  If you do
    not like this, add:
        set show_thread_subject 1
    to your .slrnrc file.
11. By default, articles are saved in folders with names beginning with a 
    capital letter.  If a folder with a lower case name already exists, slrn
    will use that.  That is, it is backward compatable.
12. Improved man page (Thanks to Howard Goldstein <hg@n2wx.ampr.org>)
13. XTerm mouse support added.  This option requires slang version 0.99-21.
    Use `set mouse 1' in your .slrnrc file to enable.  Note: mouse reporting
    is disabled at all slrn prompts so the mouse will be available for
    cut/paste in such contexts.

Changes since 0.7.6
1.  Improvements for VMS.  Now supports NETLIB (Thanks Andrew).
2.  Improved detection of supercite
3.  The article mode functions `catchup' and `uncatchup' have changed
    slightly in a way that may be more useful.  Now, they function on all
    headers from the top of the header list to the current header.
    Previously they functioned on all headers from the current one to the
    end of the list.  Of course the functions `catchup_all' and
    `uncatchup_all' are still available.
4.  New `config.h' file that allows HOSTNAME, ORGANIZATION, etc... to be
    compiled into the executable.
5.  Slightly improved FAQ.

Changes since 0.7.5
0.  VMS port thanks to Andrew Greer (Andrew.Greer@vuw.ac.nz)
1.  Small bug in help.c corrected that caused problems on some systems if a
    custom help file was used.
2.  New function: repeat_last_key.  The default binding is `.'.  The
    function that `.' used to be bound to has been moved to `;'.
3.  slrn.rc may be placed in SLRN_LIB_DIR to provide defaults for all users,
    e.g., organization, hostname, ...  See INSTALL.
4.  Catchup bindings changed in article mode.  (By popular demand).
5.  Misc improvements.

Changes since 0.7.4
1.  Oops!  It was possible to cancel any article in the old version.  I
    forgot to add a `return' statement after checking to make sure that the
    person cancelling actually posted the article.
2.  Missing comma between two strings in help.c added.
3.  `delete_thread' function added to article mode keybindings
4.  `followup' added to slrn.rc.  This allows the user to set the followup 
     string.  For example, I use:  followup "On %d, %r <%f> wrote:"
     See slrn.rc for more information.
5.  It is now possible to concatenate newsrc files.  slrn will now ignore
    repetitions.  For example, suppose that you have an old newsrc file that
    you wish to bring uptodate.  Let's call it `old'.  Suppose that another
    one, `new' is much more extensive.  Then do:
        % mv old old~
	% cat old~ new > old
	% slrn -f old
    If you have no idea how this may be useful, then you do not need it.
6.  Group mode searches will automatically wrap.    
7.  Some support for automatic detection of ``super-cited'' articles so that
    quoted lines are handled properly.  This works most of the time.
8.  If `set no_backups 1' appears in the .slrnrc file, backups of the .newsrc
    file is turned off.
9.  `g' in article mode will skip to the next digest.
10. User is now prompted for chance to re-edit a message after editing.
11. `set beep 0' may now be used to turn off the bell.  See slrn.rc.

Changes since 0.7.3
1.  -i init-file command option added.  This allows a different slrn.rc file
    to be specified (default: .slrnrc).
2.  Silly problem fixed when -create option used but .newsrc does not exist.
3.  A line read in from the server that begins with two periods is stripped 
    of one of them as RFC977 requires.
4.  Using a prefix argument to the followup command will insert the original
    headers into the followup.
5.  If server drops the connection, an attempt is made to reconnect.

Changes since 0.7.2
1.  Slight modification to extract real name routine so that if the name is
    not available, the address is used.
2.  Now possible to specifiy a color for quoted text via `color quotes'.
    The default is: color quotes red white
    This really does improve readability of an article with quoted material!
3.  NNRP authentification support added.  In .slrnrc, use a line like:
Changes since 0.7.1
0.  The XPAT server command is exploited if it is available.  Not all servers
      support it even though it is pretty standard.
1.  ESC Ctrl-P will find all children of current header by querying the
2.  Confirm Follow-up when poster sets the followup line to poster.
3.  ESC-d will now mark the current thread as read-- that is, current header
    plus all children.
4.  SPACE in article mode can be used to read next article or go to next
    group if pressed twice at the end of the current article.
Changes since 0.7.0
1.  Typo in the `unsetkey' function corrected.  The typo was a serious one.
2.  Small change in the Top/Bottom/Percentage calculation for the status line.
3.  Misc bug fixes
4.  See help.txt for creating your own custom help screen.

Changes since 0.6.3
1.  Added `realname' to slrn.rc file.
2.  TRUE referenced based threading added.  Subject sorting has been 
      abandoned.  A tree in drawn showing how articles are threaded.  The
      color of the tree may be specified by `color tree' in your .slrnrc
      file.  ESC-p will got to the parent of the current header.
      Note:  If the terminal cannot support line drawing characters, the
      tree will not appear.

Changes since 0.6.2
1.  Xref mark as read now takes advantage of group name hashing.
2.  Fixed problem with getlogin on some systems.

Changes since 0.6.1
1.  `N' in article mode will now skip on to next group.  Lowercase `n' still
    retains its previous meaning.
2.  Bug fixed in catchup-all in article mode.  Previously, it did not mark
    all as read.
3.  A description of each newsgroup can be displayed next to the group name. 
    Use ESC-a to toggle it on/off.
4.  New environment variable SLRN_LIB_DIR determines where to load files
    that may be shared by all users, e.g., the group description file.  By
    default, it is /usr/local/lib/slrn.  See INSTALL for more details.
Changes since 0.6.0
1.  The `G' key at group mode may be used to retrieve new news from the
    server.  In addition, `X' will force the newsrc file to be saved.
2.  Small bug corrected that manifests itself when no groups are subscribed
    to (a very rare situation).
3.  The one-line help at the bottom of the screen is always visible now.  Of
    course, the full on-line help is still available.
4.  The Makefile has been modified so that slrn may be easily termified
    under Linux.
5.  Fixed a silly bug that made the -C color flag do nothing.

Changes since 0.5.3
1.  Selecting a group with an ESC prefix digit argument will now select
    unread articles too.
2.  My uudecode program can also unpack shell archives.  No need to edit
    those headers either.
3.  When replying, the user defined quote string is used to quote the
4.  ESC-r from article mode will toggle rot13 decryption.
5.  `|' in article mode will pipe article to an external command (e.g., lpr)
6.  Some cosmetic improvements by ljz@ingress.com (Lloyd Zusman).
7.  ESC-U, ESC-u, ESC-C, ESC-c added by ljz@ingress.com (Lloyd Zusman).
    These functions may be used to catchup and un-catchup on articles in
    article mode.
8.  IF the line: `set show_article 1' appears in your .slrnrc file, the
    article is displayed when article mode is entered.

Changes since 0.5.2
1.  Path header added when posting
2.  When the newsrc file is written, a backup is made of the previous version.

Changes since 0.5.1
1.  ESC-a toggles showing author's name on/off in the header window.  This
    provides a wider display for the subject.

Changes since 0.5.0
1.  Improved help screen for beginners.
2.  ESC-s now toggles header sorting on/off.
Changes since 0.4.0
1.    LOGNAME environment variable now checked to get the user's login name.
      Previously, only USER was checked.
2.    newsrc file locking added.
3.    TAB key now moves past quoted text
4.    `autobaud' keyword in .slrnrc file may be used to incicate that the
      output rate to the terminal should be synchronized to the terminal
      baud rate.  This behavior was always the default in previous versions.
      Now, it is off by default.
5.  The `L' key in the group menu may now be used to toggle the display of
    unsubscribed groups on and off.  

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.