This is master.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * (c) Copyright 1990, Kim Fabricius Storm. All rights reserved. * * nn database daemon (nnmaster) * * maintains the article header database. */ #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include "config.h" #include "db.h" #include "proto.h" import char *bin_directory; /* * nnmaster options: * * -e [N] expire a group if more than N articles are gone * -r N repeat every N minutes * -h N don't update if active file is less than N *seconds* old * * -f foreground execution (use with -r) * -y N retry N times on error * * -E [N] expire mode (see expire.c) [N==1 if omitted] * -F Run ONLY expire ONCE and exit. * -R N auto-recollect mode (see expire.c) * * -C check consistency of database on start-up * -b include 'bad' articles (disables -B) * -B remove 'bad' articles (just unlink the files) * -O N Consider articles older than N days as bad articles. * * -I [N] initialize [ limit to N articles in each group ] * -G reread groups file. * -X clean ignored groups. * * -l"MSG" lock database with message MSG * -l unlock database * -i ignore lock (run collection on locked database) * -k kill the running master and take over. * * -Q quiet: don't write fatal errors to /dev/console (if no syslog). * -t trace collection of each group * -v print version and exit * -u update even if active is not modified * -w send wakeup to real master * -Ltypes exclude 'types' entries from the log * -D [N] debug, N = +(1 => verbose, 2 => nntp trace) * * [master group]... Collect these groups only. */ #include "options.h" import int dont_write_console, expire_method, expire_level, mail_errors_mode, recollect_method, reread_groups_file, ignore_bad_articles, #ifdef NNTP nntp_local_server, nntp_debug, #endif remove_bad_articles, retry_on_error; import time_t max_article_age; import char *log_entry_filter; export int trace = 0, debug_mode = 0, #ifdef NNTP silent = 1, no_update = 0, #endif Debug = 0; static int check_on_startup = 0, clean_ignored = 0, expire_once = 0, foreground = 0, ignore_lock = 0, initialize = -1, kill_running = 0, max_age_days = 0, prt_vers = 0, unconditional = 0, wakeup_master = 0; static unsigned hold_updates = 0, repeat_delay = 0; static char *lock_message = NULL; Option_Description(master_options) { 'b', Bool_Option( ignore_bad_articles ), 'B', Bool_Option( remove_bad_articles ), 'C', Bool_Option( check_on_startup ), 'D', Int_Option_Optional( debug_mode, 1 ), 'e', Int_Option_Optional( expire_level, 1 ), 'E', Int_Option_Optional( expire_method, 1 ), 'f', Bool_Option( foreground ), 'F', Bool_Option( expire_once ), 'G', Bool_Option( reread_groups_file ), 'h', Int_Option_Optional( hold_updates, 60 ), #ifdef NNTP 'H', Bool_Option( nntp_local_server ), #endif 'i', Bool_Option( ignore_lock ), 'I', Int_Option_Optional( initialize, 0 ), 'k', Bool_Option( kill_running ), 'l', String_Option_Optional( lock_message, "" ), 'L', String_Option( log_entry_filter ), 'M', Int_Option( mail_errors_mode ), 'O', Int_Option( max_age_days ), 'Q', Bool_Option( dont_write_console ), 'r', Int_Option_Optional( repeat_delay, 10 ), 'R', Int_Option( recollect_method ), 't', Bool_Option( trace ), 'u', Bool_Option( unconditional ), 'v', Bool_Option( prt_vers ), 'w', Bool_Option( wakeup_master ), 'X', Bool_Option( clean_ignored ), 'y', Int_Option( retry_on_error ), '\0', }; import char *master_directory, *db_directory, *news_active; static int unlock_on_exit = 0; /* * nn_exit() --- called whenever a program exits. */ nn_exit(n) { #ifdef NNTP if (use_nntp) nntp_cleanup(); #endif /* NNTP */ close_master(); if (unlock_on_exit) proto_lock(I_AM_MASTER, PL_CLEAR); if (n) log_entry('E', "Abnormal termination, exit=%d", n); else if (unlock_on_exit) log_entry('M', "Master terminated%s", s_hangup ? " (hangup)" : ""); exit(n); } static clean_group_internal(gh) /* no write */ register group_header *gh; { gh->first_db_article = 0; gh->last_db_article = 0; gh->data_write_offset = (off_t)0; gh->index_write_offset = (off_t)0; if (init_group(gh)) { (void)open_data_file(gh, 'd', -1); (void)open_data_file(gh, 'x', -1); } gh->master_flag &= ~(M_EXPIRE | M_BLOCKED); if ((gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP) == 0) gh->master_flag |= M_BLOCKED; } clean_group(gh) /* does write */ group_header *gh; { if (trace) log_entry('T', "CLEAN %s", gh->group_name); if (debug_mode) printf("CLEAN %s\n", gh->group_name); clean_group_internal(gh); db_write_group(gh); } extern long collect_group(); extern long expire_group(); static char **restrictions = NULL; static int *restr_len, *restr_excl; static group_restriction(gh) register group_header *gh; { register char **rp; register int *lp, *xp; if (restrictions == NULL) return; for (rp = restrictions, lp = restr_len, xp = restr_excl; *lp > 0; rp++, lp++, xp++) if (strncmp(gh->group_name, *rp, *lp) == 0) { if (*xp) break; return; } if (*lp == 0) return; gh->master_flag |= M_IGNORE_G; } static set_group_restrictions(restr, n) char **restr; int n; { register group_header *gh; register int i; restrictions = restr; restr_len = newobj(int, n + 1); restr_excl = newobj(int, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (restrictions[i][0] == '!') { restr_excl[i] = 1; restrictions[i]++; } else restr_excl[i] = 0; restr_len[i] = strlen(restrictions[i]); } restr_len[n] = -1; Loop_Groups_Header(gh) { if (gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP) continue; group_restriction(gh); if (clean_ignored && (gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_G)) { log_entry('X', "Group %s ignored", gh->group_name); clean_group(gh); } } } /* * add new group to master file */ group_header *add_new_group(name) char *name; { register group_header *gh; if (master.free_groups <= 0) db_expand_master(); master.free_groups--; #ifdef MALLOC_64K_LIMITATION gh = newobj(group_header, 1); active_groups[master.number_of_groups] = gh; #else gh = &active_groups[master.number_of_groups]; #endif gh->group_name_length = strlen(name); gh->group_name = copy_str(name); gh->group_num = master.number_of_groups++; gh->creation_time = cur_time(); db_rewrite_groups(1, (group_header *)NULL); group_restriction(gh); /* done after append to avoid setting ! */ clean_group(gh); db_write_master(); sort_groups(); log_entry('C', "new group: %s (%d)", gh->group_name, gh->group_num); return gh; } static visit_active_file() { FILE *act; FILE *nntp_act = NULL; #ifdef NNTP if (!use_nntp) /* copy 'active' to DB/ACTIVE */ nntp_act = open_file(relative(db_directory, "ACTIVE"), OPEN_CREATE | MUST_EXIST); #endif act = open_file(news_active, OPEN_READ|MUST_EXIST); read_active_file(act, nntp_act); master.last_size = ftell(act); fclose(act); #ifdef NNTP if (nntp_act != NULL) fclose(nntp_act); #endif } /* * Build initial master file. */ static build_master() { char command[512]; char groupname[512]; group_header *groups, *next_g, *gh; group_header *dupg; FILE *src; int lcount, use_group_file, found_nn_group = 0; printf("Confirm initialization by typing 'OK': "); fl; gets(command); if (strcmp(command, "OK")) { printf("No initialization\n"); nn_exit(0); } if (chdir(master_directory) < 0) /* so we can use open_file (?) */ sys_error("master"); #ifdef NNTP if (use_nntp && nntp_get_active() < 0) sys_error("Can't get active file"); #endif /* check active file for duplicates */ sprintf(command, "awk 'NF>0{print $1}' %s | sort | uniq -d", news_active); src = popen(command, "r"); if (src == NULL) sys_error("popen(%s) failed", command); for (lcount = 0; fgets(groupname, 512, src); lcount++) { if (lcount == 0) printf("\n%s contains duplicate entries for the following groups:", news_active); fputs(groupname, stdout); } pclose(src); if (lcount > 0) { printf("Do you want to repair this file before continuing ? (y)"); gets(command); if (s_hangup || command[0] == NUL || command[0] == 'y' || command[0] == 'Y') { printf("Initialization stopped.\n"); printf("Redo ./inst INIT after repairing active file\n"); nn_exit(0); } } /* if a "GROUPS" file exist offer to use that, else */ /* read group names from active file */ use_group_file = 0; if (open_groups(OPEN_READ)) { printf("\nA GROUPS file already exist -- reuse it? (y)"); fl; gets(command); if (command[0] == NUL || command[0] == 'y' || command[0] == 'Y') { use_group_file = 1; } else close_groups(); if (s_hangup) return; } printf("\nBuilding %s/MASTER file\n", db_directory); fl; if (!use_group_file) { sprintf(command, "awk 'NF>0{print $1}' %s | sort -u", news_active); src = popen(command, "r"); if (src == NULL) sys_error("popen(%s) failed", command); } open_master(OPEN_CREATE); master.db_magic = NNDB_MAGIC; master.last_scan = 0; master.number_of_groups = 0; strcpy(master.db_lock, "Initializing database"); db_write_master(); groups = next_g = newobj(group_header, 1); next_g->next_group = NULL; for (;;) { if (s_hangup) goto intr; gh = newobj(group_header, 1); gh->master_flag = 0; if (use_group_file) { gh->group_name_length = 0; if (db_parse_group(gh, 0) <= 0) break; } else { if (fgets(groupname, 512, src) == NULL) break; gh->group_name_length = strlen(groupname) - 1; /* strip NL */ groupname[gh->group_name_length] = NUL; gh->creation_time = 0; gh->group_name = copy_str(groupname); gh->archive_file = NULL; } for (dupg = groups->next_group; dupg != NULL; dupg = dupg->next_group) if (strcmp(dupg->group_name, gh->group_name) == 0) break; if (dupg != NULL) { printf("Ignored duplicate of group %s\n", dupg->group_name); continue; } gh->group_num = master.number_of_groups++; if (trace || debug_mode) printf("%4d '%s' (%d)\n", gh->group_num, gh->group_name, gh->group_name_length); next_g->next_group = gh; next_g = gh; gh->next_group = NULL; /* moderation flag will be set by first visit_active_file call */ if (strcmp(gh->group_name, "control") == 0) gh->master_flag |= M_CONTROL; if (strcmp(gh->group_name, "") == 0) found_nn_group++; gh->master_flag &= ~M_MUST_CLEAN; clean_group_internal(gh); gh->master_flag |= M_VALID; /* better than the reverse */ db_write_group(gh); } if (use_group_file) close_groups(); else pclose(src); printf("%s %s/GROUPS file\n", use_group_file ? "Updating" : "Building", db_directory); db_rewrite_groups(use_group_file, groups); if (initialize > 0) { printf("Setting articles per group limit to %d...\n", initialize); db_write_master(); open_master(OPEN_READ); open_master(OPEN_UPDATE); visit_active_file(); Loop_Groups_Header(gh) { gh->first_db_article = gh->last_a_article - initialize + 1; if (gh->first_db_article <= gh->first_a_article) continue; gh->last_db_article = gh->first_db_article - 1; if (gh->last_db_article < 0) gh->last_db_article = 0; db_write_group(gh); } } master.db_lock[0] = NUL; master.db_created = cur_time(); db_write_master(); close_master(); printf("Done\n"); fl; log_entry('M', "Master data base initialized"); if (!found_nn_group) printf("\nNotice: nn's own news group `' was not found\n"); return; intr: printf("\nINTERRUPT\n\nDatabase NOT completed\n"); log_entry('M', "Master data base initialization not completed (INTERRUPTED)"); } static set_lock_message() { if (lock_message[0] || master.db_lock[0]) { open_master(OPEN_UPDATE); strncpy(master.db_lock, lock_message, DB_LOCK_MESSAGE); master.db_lock[DB_LOCK_MESSAGE-1] = NUL; db_write_master(); printf("DATABASE %sLOCKED\n", lock_message[0] ? "" : "UN"); } } static do_reread_groups() { register group_header *gh; open_master(OPEN_UPDATE); Loop_Groups_Header(gh) if (gh->master_flag & M_MUST_CLEAN) { gh->master_flag &= ~M_MUST_CLEAN; clean_group(gh); } else db_write_group(gh); master.last_scan--; /* force update */ db_write_master(); close_master(); log_entry('M', "Reread GROUPS file"); } #ifdef HAVE_HARD_SLEEP /* * Hard sleeper... The normal sleep is not terminated by SIGALRM or * other signals which nnadmin may send to wake it up. */ static int got_alarm; static sig_type catch_alarm() { signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); got_alarm = 1; } static take_a_nap(t) int t; { got_alarm = 0; signal(SIGALRM, catch_alarm); alarm(repeat_delay); /* the timeout is at least 1 minute, so we ignore racing condition here */ pause(); if (!got_alarm) { signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); alarm(0); } } #else #define take_a_nap(t) sleep(t) #endif main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register group_header *gh; time_t age_active; int group_selection; int temp; int skip_pass; long pass_no; umask(002); /* avoid paranoia */ who_am_i = I_AM_MASTER; init_global(); group_selection = parse_options(argc, argv, (char *)NULL, master_options, (char *)NULL); if (debug_mode) { #ifdef NNTP nntp_debug = debug_mode & 2; #endif debug_mode = debug_mode & 1; } if (debug_mode) { extern sig_type catch_hangup(); signal(SIGINT, catch_hangup); } if (wakeup_master) { if (proto_lock(I_AM_MASTER, PL_WAKEUP) < 0) printf("master is not running\n"); exit(0); } if (prt_vers) { printf("nnmaster release %s\n", version_id); exit(0); } if (kill_running) { if (proto_lock(I_AM_MASTER, PL_TERMINATE) < 0) temp = 0; else { int mpid; extern char proto_host[]; if (proto_host[0]) { printf("Can't kill master on another host (%s)\n", proto_host); log_entry('R', "Attempt to kill master on host %s", proto_host); exit(1); } for (temp = 10; --temp >= 0; sleep(3)) { sleep(3); mpid = proto_lock(I_AM_MASTER, PL_CHECK); if (mpid < 0) break; sleep(1); kill(mpid, SIGTERM); /* SIGHUP lost??? */ } } if (temp < 0) { printf("The running master will not die....!\n"); log_entry('E', "Could not kill running master"); exit(1); } if (repeat_delay == 0 && !foreground && !reread_groups_file && lock_message == NULL && group_selection == 0 && initialize < 0) exit(0); } if (!file_exist(db_directory, "drwx")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s invoked with wrong user privileges\n", argv[0]); exit(9); } if (proto_lock(I_AM_MASTER, PL_SET) != 0) { extern char proto_host[]; if (proto_host[0]) printf("The master is running on another host (%s)\n", proto_host); else printf("The master is already running\n"); exit(0); } unlock_on_exit = 1; #ifdef NNTP nntp_check(); #endif if (initialize >= 0) { build_master(); nn_exit(0); } open_master(OPEN_READ); if (lock_message != NULL) { set_lock_message(); if (repeat_delay == 0 && !foreground && !reread_groups_file && group_selection == 0) nn_exit(0); } if (!ignore_lock && master.db_lock[0]) { printf("Database locked (unlock with -l or ignore with -i)\n"); nn_exit(88); } if (reread_groups_file) { do_reread_groups(); nn_exit(0); } if (!debug_mode) { close(0); close(1); close(2); if (open("/dev/null", 2) == 0) dup(0), dup(0); } if (repeat_delay && !debug_mode && !foreground) { while ((temp = fork()) < 0) sleep(1); if (temp) exit(0); /* not nn_exit() !!! */ process_id = getpid(); /* init_global saved parent's pid */ proto_lock(I_AM_MASTER, PL_TRANSFER); #ifdef DETATCH_TERMINAL DETATCH_TERMINAL #endif } log_entry('M', "Master started -r%d -e%d %s-E%d", repeat_delay, expire_level, expire_once ? "-F " : "", expire_method); if (check_on_startup) { char cmd[FILENAME]; sprintf(cmd, "%s/nnadmin Z", bin_directory); system(cmd); log_entry('M', "Database validation completed"); } repeat_delay *= 60; init_digest_parsing(); open_master(OPEN_UPDATE); if (group_selection) set_group_restrictions(argv + 1, group_selection); if (max_age_days && !use_nntp) /* we have to stat spool files */ max_article_age = cur_time() - (time_t)max_age_days * 24 * 60 * 60; else max_article_age = 0; if (expire_once) { if (group_selection) /* mark selected groups for expire */ Loop_Groups_Header(gh) { if (gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP) continue; gh->master_flag |= M_EXPIRE; } unconditional = 1; } for (pass_no = 0; !s_hangup; pass_no++) { if (pass_no > 0) { take_a_nap(repeat_delay); if (s_hangup) break; } #ifdef NNTP if (use_nntp && nntp_get_active() < 0) { nntp_close_server(); current_group = NULL; /* for init_group */ log_entry('N', "Can't access active file --- %s", repeat_delay ? "sleeping" : "terminating"); if (repeat_delay == 0) nn_exit(1); continue; } #endif temp=2; while ((age_active = file_exist(news_active, "fr")) == (time_t)0) { if (use_nntp) break; if (--temp < 0) sys_error("Cannot access active file"); sleep(5); /* maybe a temporary glitch ? */ } skip_pass = 0; if (unconditional) { unconditional = 0; } else if (age_active <= master.last_scan || (hold_updates && (cur_time() - age_active) < hold_updates)) skip_pass = 1; if (receive_admin()) skip_pass = 0; if (skip_pass) { if (repeat_delay == 0) break; if (s_hangup) break; #ifdef NNTP if (use_nntp) nntp_cleanup(); #endif if (debug_mode) { printf("NONE (*** SLEEP ***)\n"); } if (trace) log_entry('T', "none"); continue; } visit_active_file(); if (do_expire()) if (!expire_once && do_collect()) master.last_scan = age_active; db_write_master(); if (expire_once || s_hangup) break; if (repeat_delay == 0) break; #ifdef NNTP if (use_nntp) nntp_cleanup(); #endif } nn_exit(0); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* * receive commands from administrator */ receive_admin() { FILE *gate; char buffer[128], *bp; char command, opt, *user_date; int32 arg; int must_collect; register group_header *gh; FILE *open_gate_file(); gate = open_gate_file(OPEN_READ); if (gate == NULL) return 0; sleep(2); /* give administrator time to flush buffers */ must_collect = 0; while (fgets(buffer, 128, gate)) { bp = buffer; command = *bp++; if (*bp++ != ';') continue; arg = atol(bp); if (arg >= master.number_of_groups) continue; gh = (arg >= 0) ? ACTIVE_GROUP(arg) : NULL; if ((bp = strchr(bp, ';')) == NULL) continue; bp++; opt = *bp++; if (*bp++ != ';') continue; arg = atol(bp); if ((bp = strchr(bp, ';')) == NULL) continue; user_date = ++bp; if ((bp = strchr(bp, ';')) == NULL) continue; *bp++ = NUL; if (*bp != NL) continue; log_entry('A', "RECV %c %s %c %ld (%s)", command, gh == NULL ? "(all)" : gh->group_name, opt, arg, user_date); switch (command) { case SM_SET_OPTION: switch (opt){ case 'r': repeat_delay = arg; continue; case 'e': expire_level = arg; continue; case 't': trace = (arg < 0) ? !trace : arg; continue; } case SM_EXPIRE: if (gh) { gh->master_flag |= M_EXPIRE | M_BLOCKED; db_write_group(gh); break; } Loop_Groups_Header(gh) { if (gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP) continue; if (gh->index_write_offset == 0) continue; if (gh->master_flag & M_EXPIRE) continue; gh->master_flag |= M_EXPIRE; db_write_group(gh); } break; case SM_SET_FLAG: if (opt == 's') gh->master_flag |= (flag_type)arg; else gh->master_flag &= ~(flag_type)arg; db_write_group(gh); continue; case SM_RECOLLECT: /* recollect */ if (gh) { if ((gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP) == 0) clean_group(gh); } else Loop_Groups_Header(gh) if ((gh->master_flag & M_IGNORE_GROUP) == 0) clean_group(gh); break; case SM_SCAN_ONCE: /* unconditional pass */ unconditional++; break; default: continue; } must_collect = 1; } fclose(gate); return must_collect; } write_error() { /* * should wait for problems to clear out rather than die... */ sys_error("DISK WRITE ERROR"); } /* * dummy routines - should never be called by master */ /*VARARGS*/ user_error() { dummy_error("user_error"); } dummy_error(name) char *name; { sys_error("Dummy routine called by master: %s", name); } #ifdef HAVE_JOBCONTROL suspend_nn() {} #endif #ifdef NNTP /* XXX */ /*VARARGS*/ msg() {} user_delay(n) {} #endif /* NNTP Bogus */
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by