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/* header.h */

/*			   NOTICE
 * Copyright (c) 1990,1992,1993 Britt Yenne.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is provided AS-IS.  The author gives no warranty,
 * real or assumed, and takes no responsibility whatsoever for any 
 * use or misuse of this software, or any damage created by its use
 * or misuse.
 * This software may be freely copied and distributed provided that
 * no part of this NOTICE is deleted or edited in any manner.

/* Mail comments or questions to ytalk@austin.eds.com */

#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef LINUX
# include <linux/param.h>
# include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef USE_X11
# include <X11/X.h>

#define VMAJOR	3	/* major version number */
#define VMINOR	0	/* minor version number */
#define VPATCH	2	/* patch level */

/* ---- YTalk protocols ---- */

/* These protocol numbers are a MAJOR HACK designed to get around the
 * fact that old versions of ytalk didn't send any version information
 * during handshaking.  Nor did they bzero() the unused portions of the
 * handshaking structures.  Argh!  These two protocol numbers were very
 * carefully picked... do not add any others and expect them to work.
 * Instead, use the "vmajor" and "vminor" fields of the y_parm structure.
#define YTP_OLD	20	/* YTalk versions before 3.0 */
#define YTP_NEW	27	/* YTalk versions 3.0 and up */

/* ---- types ---- */

typedef void *	yaddr;		/* any 32-bit address */
typedef yaddr	yterm;		/* terminal cookie */
typedef u_char	ychar;		/* we use unsigned chars */

#ifdef Y64BIT
typedef u_int	ylong;		/* unsigned 32-bit */
typedef u_long	ylong;		/* unsigned 32-bit */

typedef struct {
    u_char w_rows, w_cols;	/* window size FOR PROTOCOL YTP_OLD */
    char protocol;		/* ytalk protocol -- see above */
    char pad1;			/* zeroed out */
    short vmajor, vminor;	/* version numbers */
    u_short rows, cols;		/* his window size over there */
    u_short my_rows, my_cols;	/* my window size over there */
    ylong pid;			/* my process id */
    char pad[44];		/* zeroed out */
} y_parm;

#define MAXARG	4		/* max ESC sequence arg count */

typedef struct _yuser {
    struct _yuser *next;	/* next user in group lists */
    struct _yuser *unext;	/* next user in full user list */
    int fd;			/* file descriptor */
    int output_fd;		/* non-zero if output is going to a file */
    ylong flags;		/* active FL_* flags below */
    ychar edit[4];		/* edit characters */
    u_short t_rows, t_cols;	/* his rows and cols on window over here */
    u_short rows, cols;		/* his active region rows and cols over here */
    y_parm remote;		/* remote parms */
    ychar **scr;		/* screen data */
    char bump;			/* set if at far right */
    ychar old_rub;		/* my actual rub character */
    char got_esc;		/* received an ESC */
    ychar key;			/* this user's ident letter for menus */
    int y, x;			/* current cursor position */
    int sy, sx;			/* saved cursor position */
    int sc_top, sc_bot;		/* scrolling region */
    int region_set;		/* set if using a screen region */
    char *full_name;		/* full name (up to 50 chars) */
    char *user_name;		/* user name */
    char *host_name;		/* host name */
    char *tty_name;		/* tty name */
    ylong host_addr;		/* host inet address */
    int daemon;			/* daemon type to use */
    ylong l_id, r_id;		/* local and remote talkd invite list index */
    ylong d_id;			/* talk daemon process id -- see socket.c */
    ylong last_invite;		/* timestamp of last invitation sent */
    struct sockaddr_in sock;	/* communication socket */
    struct sockaddr_in orig_sock; /* original socket -- another sick hack */
    u_int av[MAXARG];		/* ESC sequence arguments */
    u_int ac;			/* ESC sequence arg count */

    /* out-of-band data */

    int dbuf_size;		/* current buffer size */
    ychar *dbuf, *dptr;		/* buffer base and current pointer */
    int drain;			/* remaining bytes to drain */
    void (*dfunc)();		/* function to call with drained data */
    int got_oob;		/* got OOB flag */

    /* anything below this is available for the terminal interface */

    yterm term;			/* terminal cookie */
    int ty, tx;			/* terminal's idea of Y,X (optional) */
#ifdef USE_X11
    Window win;			/* user's window */
} yuser;

#define FL_RAW		0x00000001L	/* raw input enabled */
#define FL_SCROLL	0x00000002L	/* scrolling enabled */
#define FL_WRAP		0x00000004L	/* word-wrap enabled */
#define FL_IMPORT	0x00000008L	/* auto-import enabled */
#define FL_INVITE	0x00000010L	/* auto-invite enabled */
#define FL_RING		0x00000020L	/* auto-rering enabled */
#define FL_XWIN		0x00000040L	/* X Windows enabled (startup opt) */
#define FL_ASIDE	0x00000080L	/* multiple window input/asides */
#define FL_LOCKED	0x40000000L	/* flags locked by other end */

/* ---- defines and short-cuts ---- */

#ifdef NOFILE
# define MAX_FILES	NOFILE	/* max open file descriptors */
# define MAX_FILES	256	/* better to be too high than too low */
#define CLEAN_INTERVAL	16	/* seconds between calls to house_clean() */
#define MAXBUF		4096	/* buffer size for I/O operations */
#define MAXERR		132	/* error text buffer size */
#define MAXTEXT		50	/* text entry buffer */

#define RUB	edit[0]
#define KILL	edit[1]
#define WORD	edit[2]
#define CLR	edit[3]
#define RUBDEF	0xfe

/* ---- Ytalk version 3.* out-of-band data ---- */

/* see comm.c for a description of Ytalk 3.* OOB protocol */

#define V3_OOB		0xfd	/* out-of-band marker -- see comm.c */
#define V3_MAXPACK	0xfc	/* max OOB packet size -- see comm.c */
#define V3_NAMELEN	16	/* max username length */
#define V3_HOSTLEN	64	/* max hostname length */

typedef struct {
    ychar code;			/* V3_EXPORT, V3_IMPORT, or V3_ACCEPT */
    char filler[3];
    ylong host_addr;		/* host address */
    ylong pid;			/* process id */
    char name[V3_NAMELEN];	/* user name */
    char host[V3_HOSTLEN];	/* host name */
} v3_pack;

#define V3_PACKLEN	sizeof(v3_pack)
#define V3_EXPORT	101	/* export a user */
#define V3_IMPORT	102	/* import a user */
#define V3_ACCEPT	103	/* accept a connection from a user */

typedef struct {
    ychar code;			/* V3_LOCKF or V3_UNLOCKF */
    char filler[3];
    ylong flags;		/* flags */
} v3_flags;

#define V3_FLAGSLEN	sizeof(v3_flags)
#define V3_LOCKF	111	/* lock my flags */
#define V3_UNLOCKF	112	/* unlock my flags */

typedef struct {
    ychar code;			/* V3_YOURWIN, V3_MYWIN, or V3_REGION */
    char filler[3];
    u_short rows, cols;		/* window size */
} v3_winch;

#define V3_WINCHLEN	sizeof(v3_winch)
#define V3_YOURWIN	121	/* your window size changed over here */
#define V3_MYWIN	122	/* my window size changed over here */
#define V3_REGION	123	/* my window region changed over here */

/* ---- Ytalk version 2.* out-of-band data ---- */

#define V2_NAMELEN	12
#define V2_HOSTLEN	64

typedef struct {
    ychar code;			/* one of the V2_?? codes below */
    char filler;
    char name[V2_NAMELEN];	/* user name */
    char host[V2_HOSTLEN];	/* user host */
} v2_pack;

#define V2_PACKLEN	sizeof(v2_pack)
#define V2_EXPORT	130	/* export a user */
#define V2_IMPORT	131	/* import a user */
#define V2_ACCEPT	132	/* accept a connection from a user */
#define V2_AUTO		133	/* accept auto invitation */

/* ---- exit codes ---- */

#define YTE_SUCCESS	0	/* successful completion */
#define YTE_INIT	1	/* initialization error */
#define YTE_NO_MEM	2	/* out of memory */
#define YTE_SIGNAL	3	/* fatal signal received */
#define YTE_ERROR	4	/* unrecoverable error */

/* ---- global variables ---- */

extern char *sys_errlist[];	/* system errors */

extern yuser *me;		/* just lil' ol' me */
extern yuser *user_list;	/* full list of invited/connected users */
extern yuser *connect_list;	/* list of connected users */
extern yuser *wait_list;	/* list of invited users */
extern yuser *fd_to_user[MAX_FILES];	/* convert file descriptors to users */
extern yuser *key_to_user[128];	/* convert menu ident chars to users */
extern char errstr[MAXERR];	/* temporary string for errors */
extern ylong def_flags;		/* default FL_* flags */
extern int user_winch;		/* user window/status changed flag */

extern ychar *io_ptr;		/* user input pointer */
extern int    io_len;		/* user input count */

extern int running_process;	/* flag: is process running? */

/* ---- some machine compatibility definitions ---- */

#if defined(SYSV)
# define Y_USE_SIGHOLD 1

extern int errno;

/* ---- global functions ---- */

extern void	bail		( /* int */ );			/* main.c */
extern yaddr	get_mem		( /* int */ );			/* main.c */
extern char    *str_copy	( /* string */ );		/* main.c */
extern yaddr	realloc_mem	( /* pointer, int */ );		/* main.c */
extern void	show_error	( /* str */ );			/* main.c */

extern void	init_term	();				/* term.c */
extern void	set_terminal_size  ( /* fd, rows, cols */ );	/* term.c */
extern void	set_terminal_flags ( /* fd */ );		/* term.c */
extern int	what_term	();				/* term.c */
extern void	end_term	();				/* term.c */
extern int	open_term	( /* yuser, title */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	close_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	addch_term	( /* yuser, ch */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	move_term	( /* yuser, y, x */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	clreol_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	clreos_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	scroll_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	rev_scroll_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	flush_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	rub_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern int	word_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	kill_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	tab_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	newline_term	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	add_line_term	( /* yuser, num */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	del_line_term	( /* yuser, num */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	add_char_term	( /* yuser, num */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	del_char_term	( /* yuser, num */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	redraw_term	( /* yuser, start_row */ );	/* term.c */
extern void	resize_win	( /* yuser, h, w */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	set_win_region	( /* yuser, h, w */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	end_win_region	( /* yuser */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	set_scroll_region( /* yuser, top, bottom */ );	/* term.c */
extern void	msg_term	( /* yuser, str */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	spew_term	( /* yuser, fd, rows, cols */ ); /* term.c */
extern int	center		( /* width, n */ );		/* term.c */
extern void	redraw_all_terms();				/* term.c */
extern void	set_raw_term	();				/* term.c */
extern void	set_cooked_term	();				/* term.c */
extern int	term_does_asides();				/* term.c */

extern void	init_user	();				/* user.c */
extern yuser   *new_user	( /* name, host, tty */ );	/* user.c */
extern void	free_user	( /* yuser */ );		/* user.c */
extern yuser   *find_user	( /* name, host_addr, pid */ );	/* user.c */

extern void	init_fd		();				/* fd.c */
extern void	add_fd		( /* fd, func */ );		/* fd.c */
extern void	remove_fd	( /* fd */ );			/* fd.c */
extern int	full_read	( /* fd, buf, len */ );		/* fd.c */
extern void	main_loop	();				/* fd.c */
extern void	input_loop	();				/* fd.c */

extern void	invite		( /* username, announce */ );	/* comm.c */
extern void	house_clean	();				/* comm.c */
extern void	send_winch	( /* yuser */ );		/* comm.c */
extern void	send_region	();				/* comm.c */
extern void	send_end_region	();				/* comm.c */
extern void	send_users	( /* buf, len */ );		/* comm.c */
extern void	show_input	( /* user, buf, len */ );	/* comm.c */
extern void	my_input	( /* buf, len */ );		/* comm.c */
extern void	lock_flags	( /* flags */ );		/* comm.c */
extern void	unlock_flags	();				/* comm.c */

extern void	init_socket	();				/* socket.c */
extern void	close_all	();				/* socket.c */
extern int	send_dgram	( /* user, type */ );		/* socket.c */
extern int	send_auto	( /* type */ );			/* socket.c */
extern void	kill_auto	();				/* socket.c */
extern int	newsock		( /* yuser */ );		/* socket.c */
extern int	connect_to	( /* yuser */ );		/* socket.c */
extern ylong	get_host_addr	( /* hostname */ );		/* socket.c */
extern char    *host_name	( /* addr */ );			/* socket.c */
extern void	readdress_host	( /* from, to, on */ );		/* socket.c */

extern void	read_ytalkrc	();				/* rc.c */

extern void	execute		( /* command */ );		/* exec.c */
extern void	update_exec	();				/* exec.c */
extern void	kill_exec	();				/* exec.c */
extern void	winch_exec	();				/* exec.c */

/* EOF */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.