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MusicKit Synthpatches 20-October, 1992 NeXT SynthPatches: Wave1i Wavetable synthesis with 1 oscillator. Wave1vi Wavetable synthesis with 1 osc. and random and sinusoidal vibrato. DBWave1vi Same as Wave1vi, but with access to the Timbre Database. DBWave2vi Two database WaveTables with vibrato and interpolation and cross-fade. Fm1i Simple fm synthesis. Fm1vi Simple fm synthesis with vibrato. DBFm1vi Simple fm that has access to the Music Kit WaveTable database for use in the carrier. Fm2pvi Fm synthesis with 2 modulators in parallel, vibrato. Fm2pnvi Like Fm2vi, but with an additional noise modulator. Fm2cvi Fm synthesis with 2 modulators in cascade, vibrato. Fm2cnvi Like Fm2cvi, but with an additional noise modulator. Pluck Plucked string physical model. CCRMA SynthPatches (not in current release): HoseIns Garden hose with mouthpiece physical model (bugle-like). ClariNot Clarinet physical model. SlideFlute Flute physical model. WhirlWind General instrument including the 3 above. RocknRole Plucked string with feedback physical model. Dumbow Bowed string physical model. Synthpatches Parameters Standard Parameters - Recognized by all SynthPatches. freq keyNum pitchBend pitchBendSensitivity bearing amp velocity velocitySensitivity controlChange controlVal Standard Oscillator Parameters - Recognized by all but physical model SynthPatches. ampEnv amp0 amp1 ampAtt ampRel freqEnv freq0 freq1 freqAtt freqRel portamento waveform waveLen phase DBWave2vi Parameters - Recognized for waveform cross-fade. waveform0 waveform1 waveformAtt waveformRel waveformEnv Vibrato Parameters - Recognized by SynthPatches with vibrato. sVibFreq sVibAmp sVibFreq0 sVibFreq1 sVibAmp0 sVibAmp1 rVibAmp FM Parameters - Recognized by all FM SynthPatches. cRatio m1Ratio m1Ind m1IndEnv m1Ind0 m1Ind1 m1IndAtt m1IndRel m1Waveform m1Phase bright afterTouch afterTouchSensitivity Double FM Parameters - Recognized by bi-modulator FM SynthPatches. m2Ratio m2Ind m2IndEnv m2Ind0 m2Ind1 m2IndAtt m2IndRel m2Waveform m2Phase Noise Modulation Parameters - Recognized by FM noise SynthPatches. noiseAmp noiseAmpEnv noiseAmp0 noiseAmp1 noiseAmpAtt noiseAmpRel breathSensitivity MIDI Panning Parameters -Recognized by SynthPatches that support MIDI panning. panSensitivity Pluck Parameters -Recognized by Pluck. lowestFreq sustain pickNoise decay bright velocity amp ampRel (being determined) HoseIns Parameters -Recognized by HoseIns. ClariNot Parameters -Recognized by ClariNot. SlideFlute Parameters -Recognized by SlideFlute. RocknRole Parameters -Recognized by RocknRole. Dumbow Parameters -Recognized by Dumbow.
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