


Installing Common Music

1)  Restore Common Music sources to a directory at your site. Common Music 
is available free of charge by anonymous ftp on ccmra-ftp:/pub/cm.tar.Z
Installation scripts and documentation (including this file) are located in
the subdirectory cm/build/.

2a) If you are using PCL (a public domain version of the Common Lisp Object
System, read the section "Installing PCL" below.
 b) If you want to use Common Lisp Music (CLM) -- a music synthesis package developed by Bill Schottstaedt at CCRMA -- together with Common Music, see
the section "Installing CLM" below for further directions.

3)  Edit the file build/build.lisp. Read the introductory explanation and then
set the configuration parameters to values appropriate to your site.

4)  Start up a Lisp that does not already contain Common Music and then load build/build.lisp:
	(load "build.lisp")
This will compile all the sources. Ignore any warnings. When the compile/load process is finished, build.lisp will print something like this to your screen:

	A recompile occured while building Common Music so no image
        file will be saved this pass.  To save the final lisp image
        first quit and restart lisp, then reload build.lisp again.

So do what it says: quit lisp, restart lisp and reload build.lisp to save
the final Common Music lisp image. The building process did not compile
sources and save an image file in a single pass because it wants to save
the final Common Music lisp imaage in as clean a state as possible, without including any garbage created from the lengthly compilation process.

Installing PCL

1) Common Music is known to work in versions "March 92 PCL (2c)" and 
"September 16 92 PCL (f)".  It probably won't work with earlier
versions, and if you use a PCL version other than the two listed, you
may have to edit the files common-music.lisp and stella/pkg.lisp and figure
out the pcl import statements yourself. You can get PCL from:

	pub/lisp/clisp/packages/pcl.sept92f.clisp.tar.z   (CLISP)

2) Restore the PCL sources to an appropriate directory at your site.
If you are using AKCL or KCL on a NEXT with the PCL:

   2a) Edit the file "defsys.lisp", find the defvar for *pathname-extensions*
       and change the kcl conditional line:
		#+KCL                               ("lsp"   . "o")
		#+KCL                               ("lisp"   . "o")
       This is because the PCL sources from CCRMA all end with "lisp", 
       and not "lsp".
   2b) Boot lisp and then compile and load thefile "defsys.lisp" in the
       PCL directory:
       > (compile-file "defsys.lisp")
       > (load "defsys.o")

If you are using Franz Common Lisp on a NeXT with PCL:

   2a) edit the file "defsys.lisp", find the defvar for *pathname-extensions*
       and replace the excl conditional line:
		#+(and excl m68k)                   ("cl"    . "m68k")
       with these two lines:
		#+(and excl m68k (not NeXT))        ("cl"    . "m68k")
		#+(and excl NeXT)                   ("lisp"  . "fasl")	 
   2b) Boot lisp and then compile and load the pcl file defsys.lisp
       in the pcl directory:
       <cl> :cl /pcl/defsys.lisp 

If you are using CLISP:

   2a) Boot lisp and load the pcl file "defsys.lsp" in the PCL directory:
       > (load "defsys.lisp")

3) After the file pcl/defsys.lisp been compiled and loaded, call the function
   (pcl::compile-pcl) to compile the entire PCL system.  This takes about 20 
   minutes. Ignore any warning messages.

4)  Exit Lisp, you are finished installing PCL.

Installing CLM

1)  Restore the CLM sources to an appropriate directory at your site.  CLM
is available free of charge by anonymous ftp from 

2)  Execute the script file clm-make located in the clm source directory.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.