
This is midifile.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <streams/streams.h>

 * The event record that is used to communicate with this midifile module.
 * If the metaevent flag is set, then see MIDI_METAEVENT_* below
typedef struct {
	int quanta;					// time (in ticks)
	unsigned int metaevent:1;	// set if the event is a midifile metaevent
	unsigned int ndata:7;		// number of bytes of data
	unsigned char data[3];		// array of data
} midievent_t;

 * Only the two following metaevents are supported; data[0] contains one
 * of the following codes if the metaevent flag is set. The metaevents are
 * provided for reading. Separate functions exist to write metaevents.

 * Tempo change metaevent: data[1] and data[2] contain high and low order
 * bytes, respectively, containing an integer number of beats per minute.

 * Track change metaevent: data[1] and data[2] contain high and low order
 * bytes, respectively, containing the track number. bdw: These events should
 * only be encountered when reading a level-1 file, but there may be level-0
 * files created by the old version of recordmidifile with multiple tracks
 * (these files are not portable to other software supporting Standard MIDI
 * Files, but are supported here for backwards compatibility in the NeXT
 * community).

int MIDISetQuantaSize(int usec);
int MIDIGetQuantaSize();
 * Set/get the quanta size, specified in microseconds. The default value
 * is 1000 (one millisecond quanta). All routines for reading and writing
 * specify time in terms of this size quanta.

 * Reading - a typical sequence is:
 *	if (MIDIFileReadPreamble(myStream,&myLevel,&myTrackcount)) {
 *		(while (MIDIFileReadEvent(myStream,&myEvent)) {
 *			processEvent(&myEvent); 
 *		}
 *	}
int MIDIFileReadPreamble(NXStream *s, int *level, int *track_count);
 * Read the header of the specified file, and return the midifile level 
 * (format) of the file, and the total number of tracks, in the respective 
 * parameters. The return value will be non-zero if all is well; any error
 * causes zero to be returned.

int MIDIFileReadEvent(NXStream *s, midievent_t *event);
 * Read the next event in the current track. Return nonzero if successful;
 * zero if an error or end-of-stream occurred.

 * Writing - a typical sequence for a level one file is:
 *	if (MIDIFileBeginWriting(myStream,1,myTitle)) {
 *		MIDIFileWriteTempo(myStream,myTempo)
 *		for (i=0; i<myTrackCount; i++) {
 *			MIDIFileBeginWritingTrack(myStream,myTrackName[i]);
 *			while (getMyNextEvent(&theEvent))
 *				MIDIFileWriteEvent(myStream,&theEvent);
 *			MIDIFileEndWritingTrack(myStream);
 *		}
 *		MIDIFileEndWriting(myStream);
 *	}
 * Or, for a level zero file:
 *	if (MIDIFileBeginWriting(myStream,0,myTitle)) {
 *		MIDIFileWriteTempo(myStream,myTempo)
 *		while (getMyNextEvent(&theEvent))
 *			MIDIFileWriteEvent(myStream,&theEvent);
 *		MIDIFileEndWriting(myStream);
 *	}

int MIDIFileBeginWriting(NXStream *s, int level, char *sequenceName);
 * Writes the preamble and opens track zero for writing. In level 1 files,
 * track zero is used by convention for timing information (tempo,time
 * signature, click track). To begin the first track in this case, first
 * call MIDIFileBeginWritingTrack.
 * MIDIFileBeginWriting must be balanced by a call to MIDIFileEndWriting.

int MIDIFileEndWriting(NXStream *s);
 * Terminates writing to the stream. After this call, the stream may
 * be closed.

int MIDIFileBeginWritingTrack(NXStream *s, char *trackName);
int MIDIFileEndWritingTrack(NXStream *s);
 * These two functions must be called in a level 1 file to bracket each
 * chunk of track data (except track 0, which is special).

int MIDIFileWriteTempo(NXStream *s, int beats_per_minute);
 * Writes the 'set tempo' metaevent to the stream. This may be just after
 * a call to MIDIFileBeginWriting, in which it goes into the special track
 * zero, or it may be called within any track. By convention, however, tempo
 * changes should go in track zero.

int MIDIFileWriteEvent(NXStream *s, midievent_t *event);
 * Writes the arbitrary event to stream. Returns zero if it fails.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.