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/* $Id: defs.h,v 5.11 1992/12/11 01:58:50 syd Exp $ */

 *  The Elm Mail System  -  $Revision: 5.11 $   $State: Exp $
 * 			Copyright (c) 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust
 * 			Copyright (c) 1986,1987 Dave Taylor
 * Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to:
 *	Syd Weinstein, Elm Coordinator
 *	elm@DSI.COM			dsinc!elm
 * $Log: defs.h,v $
 * Revision 5.11  1992/12/11  01:58:50  syd
 * Allow for use from restricted shell by putting SHELL=/bin/sh in the
 * environment of spawned mail transport program.
 * From: chip@tct.com (Chip Salzenberg)
 * Revision 5.10  1992/12/11  01:29:27  syd
 * add include of sys/types.h for time_t usage
 * Revision 5.9  1992/12/07  02:47:45  syd
 * fix time variables that are not declared time_t
 * From: Syd via prompting from Jim Brown
 * Revision 5.8  1992/11/26  01:46:26  syd
 * add Decode option to copy_message, convert copy_message to
 * use bit or for options.
 * From: Syd and bjoerns@stud.cs.uit.no (Bjoern Stabell)
 * Revision 5.7  1992/11/22  01:22:29  syd
 * This mod fixes overlapping prototypes for strchr and index on
 * Convex.
 * From: Jukka Ukkonen <ukkonen@csc.fi>
 * Revision 5.6  1992/11/07  20:40:27  syd
 * flag for no tite for curses calls
 * Revision 5.5  1992/11/07  20:05:52  syd
 * change to use header_cmp to allow for linear white space around the colon
 * From: Syd
 * Revision 5.4  1992/10/27  01:40:08  syd
 * fix compilation error on posix_signals for non STDC
 * From: tom@osf.org
 * Revision 5.3  1992/10/25  02:01:58  syd
 * Here are the patches to support POSIX sigaction().
 * From: tom@osf.org
 * Revision 5.2  1992/10/25  01:47:45  syd
 * fixed a bug were elm didn't call metamail on messages with a characterset,
 * which could be displayed by elm itself, but message is encoded with QP
 * or BASE64
 * From: Klaus Steinberger <Klaus.Steinberger@Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE>
 * Revision 5.1  1992/10/03  22:34:39  syd
 * Initial checkin as of 2.4 Release at PL0

/**  define file for ELM mail system.  **/

#include <sys/types.h>	/* for fundamental types */
#include "../config.h"
#include "sysdefs.h"	/* system/configurable defines */

# define VERSION	"2.4"				/* Version number... */
# define VERS_DATE	"October 1, 1992"		/* for elm -v option */
# define WHAT_STRING	\
	"@(#) Version 2.4, USENET supported version, released October 1, 1992"

#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(_AIX)
# define ANSI_C 1

#define KLICK		25

#define SLEN		256	    /* long for ensuring no overwrites... */
#define SHORT		10	    /* super short strings!		  */
#define NLEN		48	    /* name length for aliases            */
#define WLEN		20
#define STRING		128	/* reasonable string length for most..      */
#define LONG_STRING	512	/* even longer string for group expansion   */
#define VERY_LONG_STRING 2560	/* huge string for group alias expansion    */
#define MAX_LINE_LEN	5120	/* even bigger string for "filter" prog..   */

#define BREAK		'\0'  		/* default interrupt    */
#define BACKSPACE	'\b'     	/* backspace character  */
#define TAB		'\t'            /* tab character        */
#define RETURN		'\r'     	/* carriage return char */
#define LINE_FEED	'\n'     	/* line feed character  */
#define FORMFEED	'\f'     	/* form feed (^L) char  */
#define COMMA		','		/* comma character      */
#define SPACE		' '		/* space character      */
#define DOT		'.'		/* period/dot character */
#define BANG		'!'		/* exclaimation mark!   */
#define AT_SIGN		'@'		/* at-sign character    */
#define PERCENT		'%'		/* percent sign char.   */
#define COLON		':'		/* the colon ..		*/
#define BACKQUOTE	'`'		/* backquote character  */
#define TILDE_ESCAPE	'~'		/* escape character~    */
#define ESCAPE		'\033'		/* the escape		*/

#define NO_OP_COMMAND	'\0'		/* no-op for timeouts   */

#define STANDARD_INPUT  0		/* file number of stdin */

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE		1
#define FALSE		0

#define NO		0
#define YES		1
#define	NO_TITE		2		/* ti/te or in flag 	   */
#define MAYBE		2		/* a definite define, eh?  */
#define FORM		3		/*      <nevermind>        */
#define PREFORMATTED	4		/* forwarded form...       */

#define SAME_PAGE	1		/* redraw current only     */
#define NEW_PAGE	2		/* redraw message list     */
#define ILLEGAL_PAGE	0		/* error in page list, punt */

#define PAD		0		/* for printing name of    */
#define FULL		1		/*   the sort we're using  */

#define OUTGOING	0		/* defines for lock file   */
#define INCOMING	1		/* creation..see lock()    */

/* options to the system_call() procedure */
#define SY_USER_SHELL	(1<<0)		/* use user shell instead of /bin/sh */
#define SY_ENV_SHELL	(1<<1)		/* put SHELL=[shell] into environ    */
#define SY_ENAB_SIGHUP	(1<<2)		/* pgm to exec can handle signals    */
#define SY_ENAB_SIGINT	(1<<3)		/*  ...and it can handle SIGINT too  */
#define SY_DUMPSTATE	(1<<4)		/* create folder state dump file     */

/* options to the copy_message() procedure */
#define CM_REMOVE_HEADER	(1<<0)	/* skip header of message */
#define CM_REMOTE		(1<<1)	/* append remote from hostname to first line */
#define CM_UPDATE_STATUS	(1<<2)	/* Update Status: Header  */
#define CM_MMDF_HEAD		(1<<3)	/* strip mmdf message seperator */
#define CM_REMAIL		(1<<4)	/* Add Sender: and Orig-To: headers */
#define CM_DECODE		(1<<5)	/* prompt for key if message is encrypted */

#define EXECUTE_ACCESS	01		/* These five are 	   */
#define WRITE_ACCESS	02		/*    for the calls	   */
#define READ_ACCESS	04		/*       to access()       */
#define ACCESS_EXISTS	00		/*           <etc>         */
#define EDIT_ACCESS	06		/*  (this is r+w access)   */

#define BIG_NUM		999999		/* big number!             */
#define BIGGER_NUM	9999999 	/* bigger number!          */

#define START_ENCODE	"[encode]"
#define END_ENCODE	"[clear]"

#define DONT_SAVE	"[no save]"
#define DONT_SAVE2	"[nosave]"

#define alias_file	".aliases"
#define group_file	".groups"
#define system_file	".systems"

#define default_folders		"Mail"
#define default_recvdmail	"=received"
#define default_sentmail	"=sent"

/* environment variable with name of folder state dump file */

/** some defines for the 'userlevel' variable... **/

#define RANK_AMATEUR	0
#define AMATEUR		1
#define OKAY_AT_IT	2
#define GOOD_AT_IT	3
#define EXPERT		4
#define SUPER_AT_IT	5

/** some defines for the "status" field of the header and alias record **/

#define ACTION		1		/* bit masks, of course */
#define DELETED		4
#define EXPIRED		8
#define FORM_LETTER	16
#define NEW		32
#define PRIVATE		64
#define TAGGED		128
#define URGENT		256
#define VISIBLE		512
#define UNREAD		1024
#define STATUS_CHANGED	2048
#define MIME_MESSAGE	4096	/* indicates existence of MIME Header */
#define MIME_NEEDDECOD	8192	/* indicates that we need to call mmdecode */
#define	MIME_NOTPLAIN	16384	/* indicates that we have a content-type,
				   for which we need metamail anyway. */

/** some defines for the "type" field of the alias record **/

#define SYSTEM		1		/* bit masks, of course */
#define USER		2
#define PERSON		4
#define GROUP		8
#define DUPLICATE	16		/* system aliases only */

/** some defines to aid in the limiting of alias displays **/

#define BY_NAME		64
#define BY_ALIAS	128

#define UNDELETE	0		/* purely for ^U function... */

/** values for headers exit_disposition field */
#define UNSET	0
#define KEEP	1
#define	STORE	2
#define DELETE	3

/** some months... **/

#define JANUARY		0			/* months of the year */
#define FEBRUARY	1
#define MARCH		2
#define APRIL		3
#define MAY		4
#define JUNE		5
#define JULY		6
#define AUGUST		7
#define SEPTEMBER	8
#define OCTOBER		9
#define NOVEMBER	10
#define DECEMBER	11

#define equal(s,w)	(strcmp(s,w) == 0)
#define min(a,b)	a < b? a : b
#define ctrl(c)	        c - 'A' + 1	/* control character mapping */
#define plural(n)	n == 1 ? "" : "s"
#define lastch(s)	s[strlen(s)-1]
#define ifmain(a,b)	(inalias ? b : a)

#ifdef MEMCPY

#  ifdef I_MEMORY
#   include <memory.h>
#  else /* I_MEMORY */
#   ifndef __STDC__   /* ANSI puts these in string.h */
extern char *memcpy(), *memset();
extern int memcmp();
#   endif /* __STDC__ */
#  endif /* I_MEMORY */

#define bcopy(s1,s2,l) memcpy(s2,s1,l)
#define bcmp(s1,s2,l) memcmp(s1,s2,l)
#define bzero(s,l) memset(s,0,l)
#endif /* MEMCPY */

#ifdef I_STDLIB
# include <stdlib.h>
typedef	char *	malloc_t;
extern	malloc_t	calloc();
extern	int		free();
extern	malloc_t	malloc();
extern	malloc_t	realloc();
extern	void		exit();
extern char		*getenv();

/* find tab stops preceding or following a given column position 'a', where
 * the column position starts counting from 1, NOT 0!
 * The external integer "tabspacing" must be declared to use this. */
#define prev_tab(a)	(((((a-1)/tabspacing))*tabspacing)+1)
#define next_tab(a)	(((((a-1)/tabspacing)+1)*tabspacing)+1)

#define movement_command(c)	(c == 'j' || c == 'k' || c == ' ' || 	      \
				 c == BACKSPACE || c == ESCAPE || c == '*' || \
				 c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '=' ||          \
				 c == '#' || c == '@' || c == 'x' || 	      \
				 c == 'a' || c == 'q')

#define no_ret(s)	{ register int xyz; /* varname is for lint */	      \
		          for (xyz=strlen(s)-1; xyz >= 0 && 		      \
				(s[xyz] == '\r' || s[xyz] == '\n'); )	      \
			     s[xyz--] = '\0';                                 \
#define first_word(s,w) (strncmp(s,w, strlen(w)) == 0)
#define first_word_nc(s,w) (strincmp(s,w, strlen(w)) == 0)
#define ClearLine(n)	MoveCursor(n,0); CleartoEOLN()
#define whitespace(c)	(c == ' ' || c == '\t')
#define ok_rc_char(c)	(isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_')
#define ok_alias_char(c) (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.')
#define onoff(n)	(n == 0 ? "OFF" : "ON")

/** The next function is so certain commands can be processed from the showmsg
    routine without rewriting the main menu in between... **/

#define special(c)	(c == 'j' || c == 'k')

/** and a couple for dealing with status flags... **/

#define ison(n,mask)	(n & mask)
#define isoff(n,mask)	(!ison(n, mask))

#define setit(n,mask)		n |= mask
#define clearit(n, mask)	n &= ~mask

/** a few for the usage of function keys... **/

#define f_key1	1
#define f_key2	2
#define f_key3	3
#define f_key4	4
#define f_key5	5
#define f_key6	6
#define f_key7	7
#define f_key8	8

#define MAIN	0
#define ALIAS   1
#define YESNO	2
#define CHANGE  3
#define READ	4

#define MAIN_HELP    0
#define OPTIONS_HELP 1
#define ALIAS_HELP   2
#define PAGER_HELP   3

/** types of folders **/
#define NO_NAME		0		/* variable contains no file name */
#define NON_SPOOL	1		/* mailfile not in mailhome */
#define SPOOL		2		/* mailfile in mailhome */

/* the following is true if the current mailfile is the user's spool file*/
#define USERS_SPOOL	(strcmp(cur_folder, defaultfile) == 0)

/** some possible sort styles... **/

#define REVERSE		-		/* for reverse sorting           */
#define SENT_DATE	1		/* the date message was sent     */
#define RECEIVED_DATE	2		/* the date message was received */
#define SENDER		3		/* the name/address of sender    */
#define SIZE		4		/* the # of lines of the message */
#define SUBJECT		5		/* the subject of the message    */
#define STATUS		6		/* the status (deleted, etc)     */
#define MAILBOX_ORDER	7		/* the order it is in the file   */

/** some possible sort styles...for aliases **/

#define ALIAS_SORT	1		/* the name of the alias         */
#define NAME_SORT	2		/* the actual name for the alias */
#define TEXT_SORT	3		/* the order of aliases.text     */

/* some stuff for our own malloc call - pmalloc */

#define PMALLOC_THRESHOLD	256	/* if greater, then just use malloc */
#define PMALLOC_BUFFER_SIZE    2048	/* internal [memory] buffer size... */

/** the following macro is as suggested by Larry McVoy.  Thanks! **/

# ifdef DEBUG
#  define   dprint(n,x)		{ 				\
				   if (debug >= n)  {		\
				     fprintf x ; 		\
				     fflush(debugfile);         \
				   }				\
# else
#  define   dprint(n,x)
# endif

/* some random structs... */

struct header_rec {
	int  lines;		/** # of lines in the message	**/
	int  status;		/** Urgent, Deleted, Expired?	**/
	int  index_number;	/** relative loc in file...	**/
	int  encrypted;		/** whether msg has encryption	**/
	int  exit_disposition;	/** whether to keep, store, delete **/
	int  status_chgd;	/** whether became read or old, etc. **/
	long content_length;	/** content_length in bytes from message header	**/
	long offset;		/** offset in bytes of message	**/
	time_t received_time;	/** when elm received here	**/
	char from[STRING];	/** who sent the message?	**/
	char to[STRING];	/** who it was sent to		**/
	char messageid[STRING];	/** the Message-ID: value	**/
	char time_zone[12];	/**                incl. tz	**/
	time_t time_sent;	/** gmt when sent for sorting	**/
	char time_menu[SHORT];	/** just the month..day for menu **/
	time_t tz_offset;	/** offset to gmt of time sent	**/
	char subject[STRING];   /** The subject of the mail	**/
	char mailx_status[WLEN];/** mailx status flags (RO...)	**/

struct alias_rec {
	int   status;			/* DELETED, TAGGED, VISIBLE, ...     */
	char  *alias;			/* alias name                        */
	char  *last_name;		/* actual personal (last) name       */
	char  *name;			/* actual personal name (first last) */
	char  *comment;			/* comment, doesn't show in headers  */
	char  *address;			/* non expanded address              */
	int   type;			/* mask-- sys/user, person/group     */
	long  length;			/* length of alias data on file      */

struct addr_rec {
	 char   address[NLEN];	/* machine!user you get mail as      */
	 struct addr_rec *next;	/* linked list pointer to next       */

 * Filled in by "load_folder_state_file()".  This allows an external program
 * (e.g. "readmsg") to receive information on the current Elm state.
struct folder_state {
	char *folder_name;	/* full pathname to current folder	*/
	int num_mssgs;		/* number of messages in the folder	*/
	long *idx_list;		/* index of seek offsets for messages	*/
	int num_sel;		/* number of messages selected		*/
	int *sel_list;		/* list of selected message numbers	*/

#ifdef SHORTNAMES	/* map long names to shorter ones */
# include <shortname.h>

/** Let's make sure that we're not going to have any annoying problems with 
    int pointer sizes versus char pointer sizes by guaranteeing that every-
    thing vital is predefined... (Thanks go to Detlev Droege for this one)

#ifdef STRINGS
#  include <strings.h>
#  if defined(_CONVEX_SOURCE) && defined(index)
#    undef _CONVEX_SOURCE
#    include <string.h>     /* Now there is no proto for index. */
#    define _CONVEX_SOURCE
#  else
#    include <string.h>
#  endif

#ifndef STRSTR
char *strstr();

#ifdef I_LOCALE
#include <locale.h>

#ifdef I_NL_TYPES
#include <nl_types.h>
#include "../hdrs/nl_types.h"

#ifndef	USENLS
#define MCprintf printf
#define MCfprintf fprintf
#define MCsprintf sprintf

#define signal posix_signal
#ifdef __STDC__
extern SIGHAND_TYPE (*posix_signal(int, SIGHAND_TYPE (*)(int)))(int);
#else	/* __STDC__ */
extern SIGHAND_TYPE (*posix_signal())();
#endif	/* __STDC__ */
#else	/* POSIX_SIGNALS */
#ifdef SIGSET
#define signal sigset
#ifdef _AIX
extern SIGHAND_TYPE (*sigset(int sig, SIGHAND_TYPE (*func)(int)))(int);
#endif /* SIGSET */
#endif /* POSIX_SIGNALS */

char *argv_zero();
char *bounce_off_remote();
char *ctime();
char *error_description();
char *expand_system();
char *format_long();
char *get_alias_address();
char *get_arpa_date();
char *get_ctime_date();
char *get_date();
char *get_token();
char *getlogin();
char *level_name();
char *shift_lower();
char *strip_commas();
char *strip_parens();
char *strpbrk();
char *qstrpbrk();
char *strtok();
char *tail_of_string();
char *tgetstr();
char *pmalloc();
char *header_cmp();

long lseek();
long times();
long ulimit();

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.