
This is zend.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* $Id: zend.h,v 1.12 1993/02/21 13:06:13 gerben Exp $ */

    Zend --- a mail transport program for large files and directories
    Copyright (C) 1992  Gerben C. Th. Wierda

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

    Gerben Wierda
    Goudriaanstraat 1
    1222 SG  Hilversum
    The Netherlands


 * zend.h -- data structures for zend.c and zendutil.c
 * All variables are kept as strings. They are identified with a "prompt" and a
 * "type".

#define _POSIX2_SOURCE		/* order draft Posix.2 functions. */

#include "p-stdio.h"
#include "p-stat.h"
#include "p-fcntl.h"
#include "p-stdarg.h"
#include "p-time.h"
#include "p-unistd.h"
#include "p-wait.h"
#include "p-stdlib.h"
#include "p-string.h"
#include "p-errno.h"
#include "p-pwd.h"
#include <assert.h>

/* The following are traditional UNIX functions. */
extern char *	mktemp __(( char *_(template) ));

#ifdef HAVE_RANDOM  /* Better random generator. */
extern int	srandom __(( int _(seed) ));
extern long	random __(( void ));
extern void	srand __(( unsigned int _(seed) ));
extern int	rand __(( void ));
#   define srandom(s)	srand(s)
#   define random()	((long) rand())

/* This should be defined in <string.h> */
#ifndef HAVE_STRERROR	/* ...so roll our own. */
#	define HAVE_STRERROR	1
#   endif

#   define strerror Zstrerror
extern char *	strerror __(( int _(errnum) ));

/* further assumptions: dup2(), rename(), v[fs]printf() are available. */

#include "policy.h"

    You are out of luck.
    You are out of luck.

#   define MAILPROG "/bin/mail"
#   define MAILPROG "/usr/ucb/mail"

#ifdef FALSE
#   undef FALSE
#ifdef TRUE
#   undef TRUE
#ifdef NIL
#   undef NIL
#ifdef NUL
#   undef NUL

#define NUL '\000'
#if __STDC__
#   define NIL (void *)0
#   define NIL NULL

#if __STDC__
    typedef enum { FALSE=0, TRUE} Boolean;
    typedef int Boolean;
#   define FALSE 0
#   define TRUE 1

#define ROOT	0	/* root uid. */

 * Parsing a stream will give either a varno or a status < 0:

#define PARSEEOF	-1


typedef unsigned long Ulong;
typedef unsigned short Ushort;
typedef char *StringPointer;

typedef enum { NONE=0, STRING, ULONG, USHORT, BOOLEAN } ValueType;

typedef struct {
    ValueType	    type;
    StringPointer   prompt;
#if _ANSI_UNION_	/* ANSI C allows static initialisation of unions. */
#else			/* ...but traditional C doesn't. */
	Ulong		ulong;
	Ushort		ushort;
	Boolean		bool;
	StringPointer	string;
    }		    value;
} Variable;

 * Logicals for the global variable prompts, that are used in read/write
 * operations and logicals for their possible (default) values:


#define ZENDIDPROMPT			"Z-ZendId:"
#define SYSTEMNAMEPROMPT		"Z-SystemName:"
#define SENDINGUSERPROMPT		"Z-Sender:"
#define RECEIVINGUSERPROMPT		"Z-Receiver:"
#define LINESPROMPT			"Z-Lines:"
#define ZENDSIZEPROMPT			"Z-ZendSize:"
#define ZENDTRUESIZEPROMPT		"Z-ZendTrueSize:"
#define RECEIVESIZEPROMPT		"Z-ReceiveSize:"
#define RECEIVETRUESIZEPROMPT		"Z-ReceiveTrueSize:"
#define ACTIONPROMPT			"Z-Action:"
#define SENDINGJOBIDPROMPT		"Z-SenderJobId:"
#define RECEIVINGJOBIDPROMPT		"Z-ReceiverJobId:"
#define FILEPROMPT			"Z-File:"
#define DIRPROMPT			"Z-Directory:"
#define COMPRESSEDPROMPT		"Z-Compressed:"
#define TYPEPROMPT			"Z-Type:"
#define CHUNKNRPROMPT			"Z-ChunkNr:"
#define NROFCHUNKSPROMPT		"Z-NrOfChunks:"
#define REASONPROMPT			"Z-Reason:"
#define ROLEPROMPT			"Z-Role:"
#define DUMMYULONGPROMPT		"Z-Dummy:"
#define SPOOLDIRPROMPT			"Z-SpoolDir:"

#define PACKETTIMEOUTPROMPT		"Z-PacketTimeout:"  /* in days. */
#define JOBTIMEOUTPROMPT		"Z-JobTimeout:"	    /*    ,,    */
#define TIMESTAMPPROMPT			"Z-TimeStamp:"
#define SENDINGSYSTEMPROMPT		"Z-SendingSystem:"

#define ALLOWUSERSPROMPT		"Z-AllowUsers:"
#define EXCLUDEUSERSPROMPT		"Z-ExcludeUsers:"
#define ALLOWSYSTEMSPROMPT		"Z-AllowSystems:"
#define EXCLUDESYSTEMSPROMPT		"Z-ExcludeSystems:"

 * Standard mail headers:

#define MAILFROMPROMPT			"From:"
#define MAILTOPROMPT			"To:"
#define MAILSUBJECTPROMPT		"Subject:"
#define MAILDATEPROMPT			"Date:"
#define MAILREPLYTOPROMPT		"Reply-To:"

#   define ACTION_AYT		"Are You There?"
#   define ACTION_UAR		"I Am Up And Running!"
#   define ACTION_CNK		"Chunk"
#   define ACTION_ACK		"Acknowledge"
#   define ACTION_RSN		"Resend"
#   define ACTION_ERR		"ERROR"

#   define  ROLE_SENDER		"Sender"
#   define  ROLE_RECEIVER	"Receiver"

#   define  TYPE_FILE		"File"
#   define  TYPE_DIR		"Directory"

#define RESERVEDID		0L

 * one at a time types. these are used to prevent read-write overlaps and
 * having only one chunk delivering.
#define FILE_DELIVER	'A'
#define RDWR_JOBFILE	'B'

 * Some more-or-less arbitrary limits.
#define RETRY_LIMIT	100	/* max. nr. of retries in creating job dir. */
#define JOB_TIMEOUT	14	/* default Job timeout in number of days */

 * The variable and function declarations:

extern Variable		global[], remoteglobal[];
extern int		nrOfGlobalVariables;
extern StringPointer	mailUser;
extern Boolean		verboseMode;
extern uid_t		sendinguser_uid;
extern unsigned int	process_id;
extern time_t		timestamp;
extern Boolean		logErrors;
    extern Boolean	dump;
#   define DUMP		dump = TRUE
#   define NODUMP	dump = FALSE
#   define DUMP
#   define NODUMP

/* Function prototypes. */
extern void 	init __(( void ));
extern int 	read_config __(( void ));
extern int 	parsebuftoglob __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(buf) ));
extern int 	writeglobtobuf __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt), char *_(buf) ));
extern int 	parsestreamtoglob __(( Variable *_(globs), FILE *_(stream) ));
extern int 	writeglobtostream __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt), FILE *_(stream) ));
extern Boolean	starttransfer __(( const char *_(remoteUser), const char *_(localFile) ));
extern void 	receive __(( void ));
extern int 	set_global __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt), ... ));
extern StringPointer 	get_global_string __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt) ));
extern Ulong 	get_global_ulong __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt) ));
extern Ushort 	get_global_ushort __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt) ));
extern Boolean 	get_global_boolean __(( Variable *_(globs), const char *_(prompt) ));
extern void 	handle_ayt __(( void ));
extern void 	handle_uar __(( void ));
extern void 	handle_cnk __(( void ));
extern void 	handle_ack __(( void ));
extern void 	handle_rsn __(( void ));
extern void 	handle_err __(( void ));
extern void 	mail_message __(( void ));
extern void 	mail_chunk __(( void ));
extern void 	mail_resend __(( void ));
extern Boolean 	write_globs_to_jobfile __(( Variable *_(globs), Ulong _(jobId) ));
extern int 	read_jobfile_to_globs __(( Variable *_(globs), Ulong _(jobId) ));
extern int 	one_at_a_time __(( Ulong _(jobId), char _(type) ));
extern int 	end_one_at_a_time __(( Ulong _(jobId), char _(type) ));
extern void 	zlog __(( const char *_(format), ... ));
extern void 	zerr __(( const char *_(s), ... ));
extern void 	mail_err __(( const char *_(format), ... ));
extern void 	check_timeout __(( void ));
extern Ulong 	new_job __(( void ));
extern void 	kill_job __(( Ulong _(jobId) ));
extern Boolean 	str_listed __(( const char *_(str), const char *_(list) ));
extern void	cleanup_stale_locks __(( void ));
extern void	add_file_to_cleanup __(( const char *_(name), Boolean _(isDirectory) ));
extern void	remove_file_to_cleanup __(( const char *_(name) ));
extern void	file_cleanup __(( void ));
extern int	system_as __(( const char *_(command), uid_t _(uid), gid_t _(gid) ));
extern FILE *	popen_as __(( const char *_(command), const char *_(mode), uid_t _(uid), gid_t _(gid) ));
extern int	pclose_as __(( FILE *_(stream) ));
extern char *	basename __(( const char *_(filename) ));
extern char *	quote_for_sh __(( const char *_(str) ));
extern void_*	safecalloc __(( size_t _(n), size_t _(size) ));

/* some macros to make ownership of subprocesses explicit. */
#define system_as_user(cmd)	system_as((cmd), getuid(), getgid())
#define system_as_zend(cmd)	system_as((cmd), geteuid(), getegid())
#define system			system_as_zend	/* use our own. */

#define popen_as_user(cmd,mode)	popen_as((cmd), (mode), getuid(), getgid())
#define popen_as_zend(cmd,mode)	popen_as((cmd), (mode), geteuid(), getegid())
#define popen			popen_as_zend	/* use our own. */
#define pclose			pclose_as	/* use our own. */

 * $Log: zend.h,v $
 * Revision 1.12  1993/02/21  13:06:13  gerben
 * mail_err() is global function since we mail an error if the job timout is there.
 * Revision 1.11  1993/02/02  21:00:00  gerben
 * *** empty log message ***
 * Revision 1.10  1993/01/28  15:57:53  tom
 * allow zend to be installed setuid non-root.  Plug some more security holes
 * (environment; umask; subprogram execution as real user; be more careful with
 *  file access modes; create spoolfile through a pipe so user process does not
 *  have to access the spool directory.)
 * Revision 1.9  1993/01/10  19:44:18  tom
 * shell-quote user-supplied names; Posixate access modes.
 * Revision 1.8  1992/12/22  15:11:58  tom
 * revision of HAVE_STRERROR.
 * Revision 1.7  1992/12/10  05:27:34  tom
 * adapt function prototypes.

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